Four More Shots Please (2019) s03e06 Episode Script

When Love is Gone

Where do lovers go when love is gone?
Even after separation, some part of them
probably remains with us.
Unshakable ghosts we carry around
with us wherever we go.
So, can two lovers
really part from each other?
Throw punches, not swat flies.
I'm trying.
You need a session with Sean.
Gladly! He's so hot!
What? It's called motivation.
-Who's next?
-"Who's next?"
-Not me!
Try me.
Hi, Meher. What brings you here?
Just followed your recommendation.
Love it.
I'm Meher.
Sorry. Anjana,
Damini, Siddhi, my business partner.
-Meher, of course, is my client.
-Your student.
Got a good drink?
-Depends. What's your poison of choice?
-What's yours?
On special days, vodka shots.
I'll just go get my drink. See you around?
-See you.
-Bye. Nice meeting you.
-She's stalking you.
-No way.
She "followed your recommendation"
or followed you?
Girl, this is called stalking.
Chill out, guys.
She's cool.
She's had a tough life. Be easy.
But don't make your life tough for her.
Why would I do that?
Because we all make
these amazingly stupid decisions at times.
Guys, she's single. I'm single.
She just got out of a bad marriage.
I got out of a terrible breakup.
As you know, we're good.
Okay, if you say so.
I'm gonna go check on her.
And grab your poison!
Can someone tell me what a "non-date" is?
Here I am, struggling
to find a normal date.
I get dates only in one format.
My mom on the other hand,
is scoring non-dates as well.
Okay, I'm gonna ask you.
Has any one of your moms
been on a non-date?
Keep moms out of this!
What's wrong, sir?
There's no reason to get offended.
Everyone is free to date.
Be it your mom or mine.
Unless, you think women over 50
should just close their hearts.
And their legs.
Who said that? Did you hear that?
The patriarchy spoke. Can I see you?
Here's another feminazi.
She hasn't cracked a decent joke yet.
If my jokes are beyond your IQ,
that's not my problem, okay?
-Record this.
-She called us idiots.
-Because you are.
What are you gonna do? Go on, record it.
Wanna put it on Twitter? #NotAllMen.
Please stop. The show's over.
-Fuck you!
Calm down.
Fuck you, motherfuckers!
Who do they think they are? Let go of me!
-Can you calm down?
-I'm calm!
If this is calm, I'm the queen of Patiala.
I'm calm, okay?
What the fuck, Umang!
When Indians repeatedly say "fuck,"
they seem wannabe.
What else should I say?
Making love? Physical relations? Coitus?
What's happening?
I'm being yelled at, heckled
and manhandled. That's what.
We mean why are you so angry?
What would you do?
As a comic, turn insults into jokes!
Use it as material.
Easier said than done! Don't talk shit.
You can't get a punchline right!
-Siddhi, listen.
-Let's just sit and talk.
-About what?
How my dad died and my mom is
acting like he never existed!
Sids, it's all gonna be fine.
How do you know?
Send me greeting cards with,
"It's gonna be fine," "Time heals all!"
I'm done for today, man. I'm just
-You okay?
Walk me back to the bakery?
-I'll give you a treat.
With our eyes closed,
our senses become sharper.
Now, open your mouth.
Yes, it is. Ready?
-White butter?
I'm sorry. I'm messing this up.
-You'll get this one.
-I'm so bad at this.
-What is that? Gross.
-Also called olive tapenade.
I like this. I had it with Siddhi once.
Wow. I guess I really need to see my food.
I'm sorry, I messed up your experiment.
Experiment is still on.
How so?
I'm sorry. Shit.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry
for my Eat Pray Love type notions.
I'm sorry. That was so silly. Sorry.
-I'm sorry.
It's not silly. It's not silly.
Varun, please come out.
I don't want to see you take a dump.
Anj, just come in!
I'm in the zone, baby!
Like, I'm in the zone.
One, I'm not your baby.
Two, this is a bathroom, not your study.
Get out.
But here, it really gets going
This inspiration.
-The bathroom?
-No, Anj, this house!
With the two of you.
You're welcome. I'll send the bill.
Now get out. Please!
I kid you not,
I wrote the first act of the script
in just two days!
It's a freaking miracle, man!
Wow. What's the story?
You wanna know the story?
You can read it when it's ready.
Come out and finish it.
I have to go to work to get paid!
-I'll shoot you.
Give it everything, man! Let's go.
-She's here to meet you.
Hi. Thanks.
Do we have a session or something?
No, I'm Tara, Meher's daughter?
Tara. Hi! Nice to meet you.
So nice to meet you.
Mom keeps talking about you all the time.
I was beginning to feel insecure.
She's my best friend.
Yeah, she said so.
I don't want her to get hurt.
She's been hurt enough.
I saw that she was so happy,
and she's really into you.
Just take care of her. Will you?
Welcome to the family.
That poor junior lawyer.
You had him considering
going back to law school.
The way you attacked his boss,
I thought you'd punch him.
I was about to.
But I realized he might hit me back.
I can't let anything happen
to this chiseled jaw.
You complimented yourself?
You never compliment me.
So I have to do it myself.
Okay, fine.
Your handwriting is beautiful.
You don't let your guard down.
I'm glad that we're in sync again.
Clients are happy, billable hours are up.
What a relief!
Bose and Menon are the best team
since Gandhi and Nehru.
I think we should seal this with a selfie.
No I'll move this back.
Gotta get you
I might have to cross
the Atlantic Ocean for this one.
But you don't have a visa.
You will be deported.
Diplomatic passport. I come in peace.
I think this is better.
One, two, three.
And we still look good together.
And it's time
for your trans-Atlantic swim back.
Tara loved you.
She's nice and she loves you.
Let's go to the Maldives.
I'm serious.
Just imagine.
All day sun, sand, scenery, sex.
I can't even afford a trip to Goa and
It's on me, Umang.
Come with me to the Maldives.
It's my dream.
I'll take care of everything.
Everything set?
She's coming.
My God!
Arav! Hi, baby!
How come he's here?
Kavya's mom left him.
Arav and I played games,
and then Dada and I made dinner.
Pasta la Vista!
Please, come sit right over here, madam.
Welcome to our restaurant.
-Thank you.
Here, we have At Pasta la Vista
we have salad because you love salad.
Pasta sauce made by Madam Arya.
And also salad dressing.
She's a master chef.
-Please sit.
-So proud of you.
-I mashed the apples for Arav.
You are my big little girl.
I love your hats! Who made those?
-Arya, of course!
Ma'am, just look at the kitchen.
It's like a bomb exploded there.
Of course. Exploding bombs is all I do.
-I agree.
-Forget about it.
You both.
Come, let's eat now.
So, I said, "Arya,
"rumble in the tummy means
it's poopy-time."
So I went to the potty and then
I pooped.
At the same time, Dada needed to poop.
-We were pooping in different bathrooms.
And calling out to each other.
-Poopy la Vista!
-Poopy la Vista!
And then what happened?
And then, Arav pooped in his diapers.
It was so stinky! So stinky!
Like one big poopy family.
I hope you changed his diaper.
Kavya ma'am is here.
-Kavya, hi.
-Come, join us.
-Yes, please.
Is Arav's diaper bag ready?
The diaper bag is
-I'll get it.
-I'll do it.
I will.
I don't want to spoil your family dinner.
-Hi, baby.
-Pooky Auntie.
Dada is gonna stay here forever.
Why don't you send Arav?
Arya, stop talking nonsense!
Come on.
Kavs, come on.
Listen, just have a conversation.
I don't understand
how you can block me out of your life.
You got what you wanted.
Your old family.
Come on, Kavs.
-What's up?
-I was thinking.
-About our future.
-Ever think about it?
-All the time.
-The elections are soon.
I feel I need to push
Dhananjay's image out there, you know?
He has a chance of winning.
Politics seems to really suit me.
Who would've thought?
Over the last two months,
it's made me feel so alive again.
Made me, me.
You know?
I meant about us.
Right. Of course. My God. Of course!
Jeh, but you're the one
who's not moving in.
-Hey, guys!
-I'll send over the usual.
Sorry about the other day.
Chill. It happens to all of us.
Be as cranky as you want.
Bra code.
Anyway, Dee,
is everything cool with you and Jeh?
We just need to have sex.
The sex band-aid?
I'll take care of it.
By the way, are the words
"take care" tattooed on my forehead?
'Cause everyone in my life
tries to take care of me.
-Did you sleep with Meher?
Hope it was a one-time thing?
And never to be repeated.
Deliberately and repeatedly, actually.
She's really nice. And hot!
Classic rebound.
And I met her daughter.
Actually, she came and met me.
It was like an ambush.
Do you want a relationship with her?
I don't know.
I just got out of an intense relationship.
You have a savior complex.
You need an injured bird to heal.
Sids, you are my favorite
little injured bird.
And if I change, who will heal you?
Fuck off, Mangs.
-It was a joke.
-My life seems like a joke to you guys.
Keep laughing. I'm leaving.
-Sids, it was a joke. Like
It was a joke, man.
What's wrong with her?
I need more wine.
Need another bottle.
There he is.
Hey, bartender.
Another glass of wine, please.
Fourth glass of wine.
Check my driver's license. I'm an adult.
Bosco, wine please! Thank you.
-Tonight's the night, girls.
-Take it easy, Dee.
Dee's not easy. Easy is not Dee.
Hi, baby.
-Come on, Damini.
-At last.
-Come on. Don't fall.
-I can walk.
Let's dance.
It's time for bed.
-No, let's dance.
-Come on, it's time for bed.
No, it's not time for bed.
-I'm too tired to dance.
-Come on.
-Damini, come on.
-Come on.
-You're slipping off the bed.
I'm taking your shoes off.
-It's time for bed. You have to sleep.
-Come on, please come.
Dee, it's time for
Dee. It's time for bed. Damini.
Damini, stop!
-Not like this.
Am I that repulsive?
No, but I am, since you need
four glasses of wine to have sex with me.
How should I feel about that?
You're judging me for how much I drink?
You're getting it all wrong.
There's something wrong here, Damini.
Something really wrong.
-What's wrong?
-I don't know, Dee. You tell me.
You don't wanna talk about feelings.
I did talk about my feelings.
But Myra interrupted us.
That one time?
Why am I held to such high standards?
You know what?
I'm out of here.
Okay. Run away.
Run away like always.
Jeh doesn't do confrontations.
He's a goody-two-shoes.
Such a good boy. May you be blessed.
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Fuck. Jeh!
Dhananjay, no, I
It's nothing, I'm looking for Jeh.
He just left.
We had a really bad fight.
Okay, bye. I can't talk right now.
Look, I'm
I'm no expert in relationships, but
I'm here if you wanna talk.
He wants to talk as well.
No matter how hard I try,
I can't bring myself to talk to Jeh.
It's almost like my brain goes blank
when I see him.
Don't you trust him?
More than I trust myself.
It's just that I fucked up
so much with him in the past.
Are you afraid he'll leave you
if he knows the real Damini?
I didn't even want a baby.
Now all of a sudden,
I could almost see her.
Smell her. Touch her.
Feel her.
It was going to be a girl.
Whenever something goes right in my life,
why does it have to go away?
Hey, you're alive.
You're healthy.
You're smart as hell.
What else do you want?
-The future is yours.
-That's so filmy.
Straight from a film poster.
Or a political campaign.
Kinda like, "Yes, we can."
The future is yours.
The future is ours.
Should it be our slogan?
-Are you always working?
-As you are.
You just made me laugh
on a night like this.
It's my only real talent.
Where were you?
I just needed some time to think.
Get my head straight.
I'm here.
I'm not going anywhere.
And I'm gonna move in
at the end of the month. Good?
Interior: NLS canteen, day.
There she was in her bright fuchsia dress,
a smile as wide
as the earth's circumference.
She pours chilly chutney
on her idly liberally.
This girl likes things hot.
She takes a bite,
tears stream down her face.
She gulps down water.
Laughs at her own stupidity.
Again, again.
Tarun only has eyes for Sanjana.
He can't help it.
Maybe this is my destiny.
Bengaluru and Sanjana.
Sanjana and Bengaluru.
-You know you can leave.
-I'll keep you company.
To handle the vandals.
By the way, what did they write?
"Cunty dyke"?
Such atrocious vocabulary.
What would you have written?
I don't know. Wiccan witch.
Please. These cuss words on you
just sound wrong, man.
They are supposed to sound wrong,
dumb fuck.
-What? What was that?
-What would you write for me?
Like Junkie addict.
Junkie, dopehead, crackhead number one.
Now my only number one is mushrooms.
But in an omelet.
For me, it's my mom's stuffed bread.
Yeah, right and family.
Family equals distance.
Bloody asshole!
I loved her, okay? I loved her.
And love is not wrong!
-Why don't you get it?
-Umang, stop!
-Let him go.
Just in time.
Want a croissant? Fresh from the oven.
Meher, can we please talk?
Sure. But try this.
It's perfect.
-Thank you.
-Just like you.
You know, I feel really fortunate
to have met you,
and whoever you date will be a lucky girl.
Wait a minute.
Not you?
Meher, I just feel
Are you breaking it off with me?
-Meher, please just
-Yes or no?
Meher Meher, please try to understand.
My wedding with Samara
did not get canceled. I broke it off.
-I just need some time. I
-Can you please leave?
-Meher, can you just
Just leave.
Creative Supervisor: Dinesh Shakul
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