Invincible (2021) s03e06 Episode Script

All I Can Say Is I'm Sorry

[dramatic music playing]
[Rudy] I noticed the Immortal
wasn't tracking your transformations.
[Monster Girl] It's not his job
to track my transformations.
It's not yours either.
- You remember Paul?
- Hi.
If we had a place of our own,
we could just be together.
Now we just have to figure out
how to afford it.
A superhero. On retainer.
[Mister Liu] Your power
may come from the stars.
Mine comes from beyond this reality.
[Rex] Pull up a chair.
I'm cooking you dinner.
- [Debbie] Oliver's gone.
- [Mark] He made normal friends.
[Machine Head] The way
you played me and Liu
pure genius. Mwah.
[she sighs]
You really didn't need to come
all the way out here for this.
Aw, are you kidding?
Ten's a big year.
Becky would have come as well,
but it's too soon for Jack to travel.
Gretch can't wait to meet her cousin.
[Scott sighs]
She looks so carefree.
[sighs] It's the childhood we never got.
[Gretchen giggles]
Uncle Scott, hold up your hands again.
I want to do the thing.
- [gasps] Gretchen!
- [laughs] It's okay, Jess.
So cool.
- Make a bigger one.
- [chuckles] Sorry, kiddo.
That's as big as I can make 'em.
[Gretchen] Aw
[blowing whistle]
[indistinct chatter]
[pulsing music playing]
I'm gonna grab a coffee before I come up.
- Want anything?
- Nah. I'm good.
[people screaming]
[high-pitched ringing]
[Scott panting]
No. No!
No. Jessica
[ominous music playing]
[subway honking, crashing]
[somber music playing]
[elevator bell dings]
[Scott] District Attorney Barnett.
Sorry to ambush you like this,
but you weren't returning
- my calls or my emails.
- And you are?
Scott Duvall. I've been calling
your office about the Invincible case.
Look, I I sent you the petition
my-my wife and I did.
We've gathered over 3,000 signatures,
if you could just look
Mr. Duvall, I'm very busy.
- I-I just simply don't have the
- Wait, please.
My sister, Jessica.
She, uh, she raised me
after our parents died.
She brought an amazing daughter,
Gretchen, into this world.
They both died
in Chicago, and it feels like
Well, it feels like
their deaths don't matter.
- Of course they matter.
- Then where's the investigation?
And the charges? The trial?
It's not just Jessica, okay?
Thousands of people died in Chicago.
Why is that murderer
still flying around free?
Invincible was defending the
planet from an alien threat.
How do we know that?
[engine starts]
The threat was his own father.
If he's so innocent,
then open an investigation.
- Let a jury decide. Give us justice.
- [sighs] Mr. Duvall,
I'm very sorry for your loss,
but there's nothing I can do.
Our laws don't apply
in situations like this.
[dramatic music playing]
[mouse clicks]
[mouse clicks]
[intriguing music playing]
[female researcher] Test 36.
Charging bio-therm power capacitor now.
Okay, it's at 50% charge
and holding.
Complete discharge in three,
two, one.
[gasping softly]
[indistinct conversation]
[female researcher] Of course
there's gonna be inventory miscounts.
At the pace they're working us?
I guess we can thank V.S. Three
for that.
She did kick the crap out of Invincible.
Nah, you saw the tapes.
He stopped fighting.
Uh, yeah, I coauthored the report on her.
She still would have won.
It's bullshit.
[male researcher sighs]
And what's bullshit now, Scott?
That they accuse us of making
mistakes or losing equipment
while heroes like him
leave thousands dead in their wake.
- Someone here isn't an Invincible fan.
- Scott's not wrong.
I mean, anyone else smashes
their way into the Pentagon,
they're either dead
or locked away for life.
- He got to walk out no harm, no foul.
- Exactly.
Maybe you've all forgotten, but
Invincible is the only real weapon
we've got right now
if more Viltrumites show up.
Till 2A grows up, at least.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Elephant roars]
[people screaming]
None of you would eat a dog,
so why is a cow any different?
If I can survive
on an all-plant diet, so can y
Where'd you even find this guy?
Hey, careful! You got to
look out for other people.
I did. He didn't hit anyone.
He hates listening to me so much.
Who wants to listen
to their older brother?
Oliver, keep the fight
away from the restaurant.
If the place gets trashed, we can't
have burgers after you're done.
Got it. Thanks, Eve.
Wait. Are you just using me as a
- Hey! I'm not your training dummy!
- Sure you are.
[Oliver grunting]
[Elephant groans]
[Oliver] Next time,
I want to fight someone tougher.
[Mark] When you're ready.
I'm ready now.
I already fought real villains.
Why do I have to fight
lame-os like the Elephant?
Dad made me fight the Elephant
a bunch of times, too.
It's good practice.
That was before Dad did all that stuff.
Ye-Yeah. Before all that.
Will people here ever forgive him?
Oliver, it's Uh
I know he did a bad thing
trying to take over the world,
but he saved a lot of people
before that, right?
Doesn't that count?
Yeah, Dad probably
saved more lives than he took.
But those lives don't just
cancel out the others.
So, he never gets to say he's sorry?
He's a bad guy forever?
That's not what Mark's saying.
- It's It, uh
- But people think that, don't they?
Hey. Can you blame them?
They don't know about Thraxa
or the Viltrum empire
or anything that happened since Dad left.
All they know is he tried to take over
and killed a lot of people.
Why don't you tell them, then?
- You could make them understand.
- Oliver. What is this really about?
[mournful music playing]
I think, because of my Thraxan side,
I have, like, a really good memory.
I can remember everything
from when I was little.
Like my mom hugging me.
And Dad humming songs
and flying me around the palace.
My mom loved Dad, like, a lot.
I know that.
And she was awesome, wasn't she?
Your mom was really smart and brave.
Then how bad can he be if my mom
loved him and had me with him?
Even after Dad did all that bad stuff,
she must have known he was good inside.
I still love Dad.
But he was two different people.
One was the dad you and I knew
when we were kids.
But the other was a Viltrumite
who had a mission to do,
even if that meant
hurting a lot of people.
So, which one is the real Dad?
Where is your remorse?
Have you no shame for what you've done?
The lives you've taken?
You think you're above consequences,
but you are wrong.
You will pay for your crimes
against humanity.
- I, Powerplex, will make you pay!
- That was much better this time.
[tense music playing]
Then I'm ready.
They'll put me on his level.
Let me store enough power to hurt
him, but there's no going back.
[shaky breath]
I know this is difficult,
but we've tried everything else.
Jessica meant everything to me, too.
Keep going.
[grunting, panting]
That's all of them.
The hammer. [exhales]
Again. Harder.
I miss them so much.
Me too.
[baby crying on monitor]
We woke up Jack.
I'll go get him.
You get changed.
[Oliver] I wouldn't really call it a fight
since I could have
knocked him out in, like, one second,
but Mark and Eve
say I need to learn the basics,
except I already
learned the basics ages ago.
Sure. [laughs] But you didn't
see that coming, did you?
Mark was bragging
about you the other day.
He said you aced your
last test at school.
Well, I only got an 84,
so I didn't exactly ace it.
Oh, come on, it sounds like
you're doing well in your courses.
I haven't had much time to enjoy it.
Midterms are coming up,
so my stress levels are Oof.
I'm sure you'll do fine.
Since Mark dropped out,
I need college updates from someone.
Dinner's delicious, Paul.
Thanks for cooking.
Oh, it was nothing.
Family spaghetti recipe,
easy to whip up.
So, your mom tells me
you and Eve started a business.
- How does that work?
- It was Eve's idea.
Um, w-we're on retainer
at Payton Penitentiary,
so if they have a breakout
or an attack or something,
they call us for help,
but it's been pretty quiet recently.
I think the last job we did there
convinced everyone to back off.
Ah, so your reputation
does the work for you.
You know, when I started in real estate,
there was a bit of a turf war going on
in this high-end neighborhood,
but after I went door to door
and introduced myself to the entire place,
I was the only agent
anyone would work with.
It's all about reputation, right?
Yeah, you get it.
You know what I mean.
[laughs] Oh, God.
I hated myself as soon as I said it.
Like real estate and superhero-ing
are even in the same universe. [scoffs]
Paul, it's fine.
Just because we aren't saving the world
doesn't mean our jobs aren't important.
- But they're not the same thing.
- Maybe,
but our lives are still meaningful.
And Mark knows that.
it's good for all three of them to realize
there's a world out there
that's not just aliens and supervillains.
Debbie, are you sure I'm cut out for this?
- [Debbie] Are you saying
- No, God, no. I want to be with you.
I'm just I'm not sure how I fit in.
Mark and Oliver are great kids,
but how can I relate to them?
They save the world.
I can't measure up to that.
No one is asking you
to be their dad, Paul.
It's not about measuring up,
it's about showing up.
And as long as you're here,
that's what matters.
- You're incredible, you know that?
- Come here.
[Oliver] Ooh!
[both gasp]
[chuckles] Let me help you with that.
- [Oliver] Hey, let go!
- What have I said about flying in the house?
[Helena Deland: "Take It All"]
[Scott breathing heavily]
Stay calm.
I couldn't ♪
You can do this.
I made it ♪
Oh, fuck.
Do it for Jess and Gretchen.
The life I ♪
Danced in ♪
And could get enough ♪
[rock music playing on speakers]
I know it's not Thanksgiving,
- but this guy just brought the turkey.
- Ouch.
But nice!
Wow. You weren't kidding.
He really is that good.
Yeah. Remind me why I'm letting
William humiliate me like this again?
It's his birthday. He gets to pick.
And you're all giving me
the perfect birthday gift,
which is the look on your faces
as I beat you over and over again.
- [laughs] Ka-pow!
- [Amber] William.
- Oh.
- Oh, relax. She's a good friend,
we go to yoga twice a week,
and you're both adults.
Well, Amber is, at least.
- Mark.
- Amber. How's it going?
[both chuckle]
- Hey, man.
- Mark, this is Kyle. Kyle, Mark.
- Uh, nice to meet you.
- Same.
Wait You read Séance Dog?
- Yeah. Do you?
- Since I was 12.
But you really didn't get it
until you were older.
Exactly, because it's got
so many levels to it.
Uh, i-it's an underrated book,
in my opinion.
[Mark] Why are more people
not saying that?
- [chuckles] I guess I have a type.
- Mm, I guess you do.
Less talking, more bowling.
This shark's got the taste of blood
in his mouth and he's hungry for more.
Let's go. Shoes on, people.
[sad 8-bit music plays]
- Thanks.
- Need a hand?
[pop music playing on speakers]
Uh sure.
- So, Kyle.
- So, Eve.
I mean, we're both smiling, so
things must be okay.
I'm happy for you.
Thanks. I'm happy for you, too.
Take it easy on Kyle bowling, okay?
No superpowers. [laughs]
I'm really not the threat here.
- W-What's up?
- I don't know.
Some crazy supervillain's
freaking out downtown.
Get back!
I don't want to hurt anyone.
All I want is In
Come on, are we here to celebrate
William's birthday or not?
What? I can take a night off.
You know there's other heroes
out there, right?
[panting] Oh.
You're not listening!
This isn't about me!
[woman gasps]
[indistinct chatter]
This is about the thousands of people
and the countless other lives
Why is
above the law?
Why does
never pay for his crimes?
Where is
when people are trying
to put their world back together?!
Okay, buddy, we hear you.
So, what do you want?
What do I want?
[sobbing] I want
I want the truth.
I want justice!
I want
[Shapesmith] I want things, too.
And sometimes I don't get them.
So I understand why you're upset.
You want things, but you don't have them.
It's an emotion that connects
all living beings throughout the universe.
- What? Who are you?
- Oh, you know who I am.
[indistinct chatter]
Oh, you don't?
What, you don't recognize
this part of my head?
Or the costume that I fabricate
from my own body tissues
that appears to be clothing,
but is very much not clothing?
I'm Shapesmith,
beloved member
of the Guardians of the Globe.
Defeater of evil
and friend to small animals
but not cats everywhere.
I don't want to fight you.
- I want Invincible.
- [chuckles] Oh.
That's why you said his name
so many times earlier.
Well, it's a little hurtful, but
Is this better?
No! Get me the real Invincible!
Since you're getting a little upset,
and there's lightning
[grunts] how about
we take you to prison
and maybe Invincible
can visit you there?
[grunts] Look, I
I don't want to fight you.
I only want Invincible.
This is your last warning. [grunts]
And this is your second punch.
[both grunting]
[Shapesmith screams]
[people screaming]
[police siren whoops]
Yeah, we need backup.
The Powerplex guy just killed
one of the Guardians of the Globe.
[sharp exhale]
I I I warned him.
I said I didn't want to fight.
He attacked me!
You saw what happened.
[Shapesmith groans]
[weakly] Shapesmith.
My name is Shapesmith.
Nothing. We're okay.
[Scott groans]
I messed it all up.
No, you didn't.
They didn't follow you home.
- We can try again.
- They know, Becky.
The GDA knows one of us
in the lab stole the discs
and they'll figure out it was me.
We've got a few days at most
before they're here.
Why didn't Invincible show up?
I was on the news.
He would have seen me.
Facing you in front of all those cameras
would have proved your point.
[Jack fusses]
Then we're finished.
He'll never face justice
for Jessica and Gretchen
- and all the others.
- Don't give up yet.
Did you forget what's happening
in a few days?
I was so focused on tonight's plan,
the memorial slipped my mind.
How could I forget?
What kind of brother am I?
Oh, Jack. Jack, Jack
Oh, Daddy's sorry.
He didn't mean to scare you.
Hey, Jack. Jack
How many speeches
do you think they'll make
in Invincible's honor tomorrow?
He'll be there.
[Eve] Mm-mmm. Don't sit.
We're supposed to leave any minute.
[sighs] Fine.
- Should I even be going today?
- Why would you say that?
I don't know.
This is for the victims of what happened.
Feels like I'm imposing.
You're not going as Invincible today,
you're going as Mark Grayson.
And whether you admit it or not,
you were a victim, too.
[Mark] Mm.
[Paul] Debbie!
We're gonna be late.
Oh, hi, Eve.
Uh, hey, you know,
I know you guys said not to worry,
but we're supposed to be
in Chicago in 30 minutes.
If we're teleporting or something,
I-I have to say
that might be a bit much for me.
[Debbie] Don't worry, Paul,
we're taking the car.
Oh, thank God.
Uh [weak chuckle]
Get in the car before your makeup
comes off or you lose your tie.
- I won't lose it.
- Oliver.
Oh, my God! [whimpers]
Uh, Oliver, Oliv
Please, do it for me.
[Paul sighs]
[Beck: "Ghettochip Malfunction"]
Yes ♪
Looking for my place on assembly lines ♪
Fake prizes rising
out of the bomb holes ♪
Skeleton boys hyped up in purple ♪
Smoke rings blow from across the disco ♪
Make notes burn like broken equipment ♪
Looking for shelter via juxtaposition ♪
Thought control,
those written confessions ♪
Two dimensions, dumb your head down ♪
Duck, don't look now, company missiles ♪
Power is raunchy,
rent-a-cops are watching ♪
Make your dreams out of papier-mâché ♪
Clichéd, wasted, hate taste-tested ♪
Hell yes, now I'm moving this way ♪
I'm doing this thing ♪
Hell yes ♪
[socket wrench clicking]
[Rudy] A little to your left.
But you're not gonna tell me
what this is about yet?
[Rudy] It's a surprise.
Most surprises aren't so
[scoffs] this.
- We're ready.
- Great. For what?
For you to transform.
Uh, you're always the one telling me
and everyone else
that I need to limit my transformations
to life-or-death situations.
This is a life-or-death situation.
Please. Trust me.
And stay within the sensors.
[intriguing music playing]

Good. Now change back.
[Robot] Cells are approximately
24 hours younger than reference.
Yeah, tell me something I didn't kn
- What's that?
- Lost time, I hope.
All these weeks,
you've been working on a belt?
It's an advanced genomic engine, actually.
Miniaturized, hardened
and built around a fusion battery core.
It has to be close to you to work,
so it either had to be
either a hat, a sash or a belt.
I thought a belt was the least strange.
- Well, what does it do?
- Put it on.
[Rudy] The magic curse
that is the source of your power
has a bug in it.
Either intentional or not,
when you transform
back to your human state,
it rebuilds you
with an incorrect temporal offset,
resulting in you getting younger
each time you use your powers.
This belt corrects that
by making a digital copy
of certain cells before you transform.
Then fools the curse
into using that reference
for your transformation back to human.
Monster, please.
Now back.
That felt strange.
Not bad strange, but strange.
[Rudy] Now the moment of truth.
[Robot] No de-aging detected.
- Wait. Does that mean
- It worked.
I-I thought maybe
I'd need to fine-tune the
But I-I'm not trying to fix you, Amanda.
You're perfect the way you are, and
and if you don't wish
to use this device,
I'll-I'll never bring it up again.
- Rudy.
- Yes?
[gasps] Thank you.
[gentle music playing]
- [Rae] Rex?
- Hmm?
You, uh, got a minute?
I was literally about to come find you.
- So
- So.
Dinner the other night.
I'm not crazy, right?
There was a thing between us?
I don't want to say it was magical,
because magic scares the shit out
of me, but, like, half-magical?
- Yeah.
- Ah, I knew it.
- You felt it, too.
- But, uh, that's not why I'm here.
Uh Uh oh.
Well, then I'm confused.
Why are you here?
- Because I'm quitting, Rex.
- [gasps] You're what?!
[mournful music playing]
[woman sniffles]
Thank you all for coming.
We never knew that our streets,
our city, our lives,
our world
would change so fundamentally
on this spot, not so long ago.
[mayor continuing]
Does everyone here hate Dad?
Oliver, it's not
[loud rumbling]
[indistinct crowd chatter]
[grunts] Give me the microphone.
- Aah!
- [Scott] Steven Park.
Amal Shahir.
Elizabeth Volpe.
[people screaming]
Dominique Bassett.
Joshua Saltzman.
Michael Kuzmic.
Jessica and Gretchen Duvall.
These are just some
of the 2,341 people
who were murdered here
by Omni-man and his son.
Your father may have fled,
but I know you're here!
Come and face justice
for the lives you've taken!
Come and face Powerplex!
You go. Get to safety.
- I'm gonna just
- Let me handle this.
- Wait a second.
- Eve's right.
That man is disturbed.
- You'll only make things worse.
- [Scott] You coward!
I'm right here!
This isn't about you today,
so let's calm down
before anyone gets hurt.
If you protect Invincible,
you're as guilty as he is.
Okay. You're coming with me.
[both grunting]
No. I am not going anywhere
until I get justice. [grunts]
Give her more credit than that.
[pants, grunts]
[Scott gasps]
You need help, not a fight.
And I figured out
you get stronger when I hit you.
You guys can take it from here.
Oh! Hey!
You're that very angry man
from the other night.
- Did you ever find Invincible?
- [grunting]
Where are you taking me?
[tech trooper] Somewhere you can't
hurt anyone else, sparky.
I didn't hurt anyone.
[tech trooper] Yeah, 'cause
you got your ass beat first.
[inhales, grunts]
[tech trooper] Hey! Stop it.
[tech trooper] I said stop
it or we'll make you stop. [grunting]
Okay, you asked for it, pal.
[horn honking]
[tech trooper grunting]
[Scott groaning]
[indistinct chatter]
[somber music playing]
- In case you want to leave something.
- Thanks.
For everything.
I can't imagine doing this without you.
That's why we have each other.
I never really
thought about all these people.
I mean, I thought about them, but
seeing the names,
everyone here for the event, all this.
[sighs] It's, like, so
much more than I thought.
- Yeah.
- Cecil kept me sheltered from all this.
I guess that was the one advantage
to working with him.
But shouldn't I be seeing stuff like this?
Shouldn't we really understand
the consequences of what we do?
- That guy today
- Mark, he was unwell.
But maybe that's because of what
my dad and I did to someone he loved.
So, if he had hurt people here today,
wouldn't that still be my fault?
[Rex] Of all the times to quit,
why did it have to be
when we were just about to start dating?
[scoffs] You've joked
a hundred times about quitting.
About opening a bar or-or
buying a farm or getting a job
somewhere where people aren't
trying to kill you every day.
Those those are jokes.
Like you just said.
- Were they?
- Oh, sure.
Let's quit being superheroes
and just be nobodies.
Sounds awesome.
We wouldn't be nobodies to us.
I don't know.
Oh, I don't want to spend
my last night here
cooped up in your room fighting.
[gentle music playing]
[Rex sighs]
I'll miss this view.
You're asking me to throw
my whole life away. You get that, right?
I'm asking you to think about
what you want your life to be,
and maybe that it doesn't have to be
just this until we both get killed.
You got shot in the head.
I spent months in the hospital
after a lizard man tried to eat me.
I don't want to go back out there
and just wait for it to happen again.
Because it's going to happen again!
Except next time, we might not make it.
I've done my part.
Now I want to take a risk
on something different. On me.
And and maybe you.
Uh, and what this-this all
just came to you now?
I had a lot of time to think while my
bones knitted themselves back together.
- Are you happy, Rex?
- Uh, am I happy?
What does that even mean?
Are you happy almost dying
over and over again
so other people
can live the lives we never get?
Uh uh, I don't get to be happy.
That's just the way it is.
You deserve better.
Do you know what my last name is?
- My real last name?
- No.
It's Sloan.
The government changed it when
they bought me from my parents.
Then they erased everything else
about me when they made me into this.
Rex Splode isn't some secret identity.
It is my identity. It's all I've got.
All I've ever had.
If I give that up,
I won't have anything left.
- I don't think that's true.
- Yeah, well
Then I guess you don't know me
as well as you think you do.
I'm still leaving.
[Rex] Yeah.
[sighs] I know.
[Scott] It's over.
I failed.
We'll come up with something.
There's still time.
We're out of time!
The GDA will be here any minute.
I'm not gonna fight them,
but you and Jack should go.
This isn't over yet.
[suspenseful music playing]
Cecil would have my head
if he knew about this.
[Mark] I appreciate it, Donald.
This is everything we have on Powerplex.
His real name is Scott Duvall.
Until today, he was a researcher
in one of our labs,
which is how he got his hands on
an experimental power storage technology.
It enhances what seems to be
a low-level energy absorption superpower,
making him quite dangerous.
He lost his sister and niece
in the Chicago incident.
We raided his house an hour ago.
Apparently, he's been
tracking you for months.
[sighs] Well, at least I know
who was sending those orbs after me.
I'm afraid those weren't his.
Cecil was telling you the truth
when he said they weren't GDA technology.
Ah. Great.
I know you've already done a lot,
but I'd like to meet Scott.
I don't want him hurting anyone else
because of me.
This is awkward, but, um,
he escaped as we were transporting
him to Payton Penitentiary.
- What?
- Don't worry.
We'll have him back
in custody before he can
Oh, no.
I tried to keep this between us.
Between you
the killer and me
the man who will finally
bring you to justice.
But I didn't think your cowardice
would run so deep.
So I took a page from your book.
[muffled screaming]
I hope the life of an innocent woman
is enough to motivate you
to do the right thing.
And if it's not
[muffled cries]
[Scott] I'm sorry, Jack.
- Jack, I'm so sorry.
- [crying]
Careful. Go slow.
[ominous music playing]
Remember, they have to believe
I kidnapped you.
It's it's the only way.
All right.
Once the heat's died down,
I'll find you, 'kay?
Just stay safe.
[Mark] You want me?
[footsteps fall]
Here I am.
Just let them go.
[Scott] Jessica Duvall.
Do you know that name?
How about Gretchen Duvall?
[Mark] I know they were
your sister and niece, Scott.
I know this is where they lived.
And I know they were killed in Chicago,
along with so many other people,
when my dad and I fought here.
I can't imagine what you went through
or the pain you're feeling.
And for that, I'm so sorry.
But hurting other people won't
bring your sister and niece back.
[Scott grunts]
You don't get to lecture me
about hurting people.
[grunting, screams]
[intense music playing]
I know how your powers work.
I'm not gonna fight you.
Why do you get to live
when so many others died?
- What makes you so special?
- Stop. Please.
Not until you stop breathing.
This is just a fraction of the pain
I felt when you murdered my sister!
You're gonna get them killed!
You're the one who kills innocent people.
I'm just making sure
you can't ever do it again.
- I'm warning you.
- Or what you'll kill me
like you killed everyone else?
[Jack crying]
I'm sorry.
I'm getting these people out of here.
[Mark] Stay there.
I'll help you in a second.
Are you okay? Did he hurt you?
- What the hell?
- You're a monster!
- For the pain you've caused.
- [grunting]
For the lives you've taken.
For everything you've done.
- Die!
- [screaming]
[screaming continues]
[somber music playing]
Oh, God.
[intense music playing]
No. Scott, wait.
Stop! Please!
[both grunting]
This is all your fault!
[Mark panting]
[Scott sobbing]
[Donald] We can't remove the
discs without killing him,
so rehabilitation will be
But trust me when I say we'll make sure
something like this never happens again.
It wasn't your fault.
Could I get a moment alone with him?
I remember them.
Jessica and Gretchen.
I didn't know their names before,
but I remember them.
[contemplative music playing]
Things changed for me after Chicago.
At first,
all I could think of
were the people I couldn't save.
that made me bad at being able
to save the ones I could.
So I buried those feelings away.
I think that was a mistake now.
I hope that's a comfort to you.
[Scott] Comfort?
My sister and niece are dead.
My wife and child are dead.
Thousands more are dead
all because of you.
And you think the fact that
you remember them
that now you're sad about it
gives me comfort?
No. No, that's
not what I
[Scott] Sooner or later,
I'll find my way free.
[ominous music playing]
And then I will find you.
Been looking all over for you.
[tender music playing]
I thought you might want to talk.
[grunts softly]
[sinister music playing]
[eerie music playing]
[Angstrom Levy] Ah.
This will do.
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