NCIS s03e06 Episode Script

The Voyeur's Web

Be patient, boys.
Now listen, I need a table on the terrace for Friday at 9:00.
Not negotiable.
Tell Valentino it's Anthony DiNozzo, we're friends.
Valentino's, huh? - Must be a special occasion.
- I'm taking Monica for her birthday.
I know a place in Georgetown.
Just as romantic, half the price.
That's a good idea, probie, but Monica's not the Applebee's type.
I've never seen you like this.
You really like this girl.
Well, she's got the whole package.
Beauty, class, sophistication.
All that's left is to decide on the perfect gift.
I thought you gave all your girls Honey Dust.
How do you? Probie, something you want to tell me? - It's not my fault.
- Don't be embarrassed, Tony.
I find the taste of Honey Dust to be extremely erotic.
- What a coincidence, so do I.
- I don't.
Gear up.
We're heading for Dumfries.
A corporal's wife is missing.
Local police think she may have been abducted.
What did I tell you about my personal life? She tricked me again.
Why don't you tell her how I lost my virginity? I've been meaning to ask you about that.
How does a 15-year-old boy go about meeting a coquette? She means Rockette, boss.
Where did these people come from? Didn't you see the signs? It's yard sale day.
I see.
And do Marines sell their yards often? No, it's when people gather stuff they don't want anymore and sell it in their yards.
Why would anyone want to buy somebody else's junk? One man's junk is another man's treasure.
In Israel, we have a saying: Crap is crap.
Her name is Jamie Carr.
Police got a call from the neighbour.
No one's seen her in two weeks.
- Why are they assuming abduction? - Back door's kicked in.
- McGee, you take the perimeter.
- On it.
Ziva, check with the neighbour who called it in.
Tony, you're with me.
Is there a reason I'm always the one taking statements? Obviously you're good at getting people to talk.
Don't blame McGee.
I was merely being curious.
- About my sex life? - About American customs.
Some of the men I've been meeting seem to be a little, how you say, uptight? Define uptight.
- Today, DiNozzo.
- On your six, boss.
I feel like I just walked into page eight of the IKEA catalogue.
Used to shop there back in college.
- Really reasonable prices.
- Get to work, DiNozzo.
- I take it the husband's deployed.
- Iraq.
- Six months into his second tour.
- They bringing him home? Depends what we find here.
DiNozzo, have McGee break out the luminol.
- You got blood? - Someone decided to clean up a 12-inch spot on this carpet.
What do you think? You need to relax your eyes.
It's a hidden 3-D picture.
If you look at it just right, a palm tree appears.
I think it is broken.
Hey, I'm watching you guys.
Kids from down the street.
They've got sticky fingers.
Tell me about Mrs.
She pretty much keeps to herself.
Never clicked with the rest of the wives.
Are you in the military, Mr.
Powell? No, my wife is.
She's a staff sergeant in the Corps.
- Deployed? - Yeah, to Wal-Mart.
She should be back in an hour or so.
- What do you do? - Well, Corps takes up most of my wife's time, so I take care of the kids and the house.
You are a domesticated househusband? Well, I never heard it put quite like that, but, yeah, I suppose I am.
- Is crime a problem around here? - Are you kidding? It's a Marine neighbourhood.
We have no crime.
I wouldn't say that.
You're about to get robbed.
Have your wife give me a call.
- Come on, get out of here.
- Run.
- So much for gone but not forgotten.
- Husband's away at war, DiNozzo.
People cope in different ways.
She's found at least one way to cope.
You could poke an eye out with that.
Twist the end, Tony.
Haviar Christian Number Five.
It's a perfume.
Big in France.
Maybe that's what I'll get Monica for her birthday.
- It's $2,000 an ounce, Tony.
- Sounds steep.
She's not really a perfume kind of gal.
I meant for a corporal's wife, DiNozzo.
I knew that.
I found some blood drops out back.
Hidden underneath some bags of mulch.
Looks consistent with a dragged body, boss.
Where exactly, McGee? On the concrete patio.
I taped off the area.
Something wrong, McGee? He's fine.
He's just never been in a woman's bedroom.
I've seen this room before.
- In a video clip.
- Like a porno? No, girlfriend is always e-mailing me these Internet videos.
She sent me one of this room last week.
Why do I find that hard to believe? You never get forwarded weird videos to your e-mail? All the time.
I meant the part about you having a girlfriend.
This clip showed a woman supposedly being murdered live on the Internet.
Why didn't you report it, McGee? I assumed it was a hoax, a badly made snuff film.
You know what happens when you assume, McGee? Yeah.
Gibbs is going to kill me.
Doesn't look like a hoax to me, McGee.
- Boss, I'm sorry.
It didn't occur to me - Abby, talk to me.
I was analysing the file, Gibbs.
It's a compressed MPEG-4, both fields are rendered using a Kodak - that scales down the number of - In English, Abby.
Well, from what I can tell, it looks like the image is real.
There's no signs of layered special effects or tampering.
Sorry, McGee.
I want to know where it came from.
You've got an hour.
Boss, I don't need an hour.
I scanned through Jamie's hard drive.
I found it.
That is Jamie Carr, or Rain, on the right.
Her webcam ran a direct feed into this website.
She was running a sex site from her bedroom, Gibbs.
And her murder was recorded during a live session - and distributed throughout the net.
- By who? Anyone that could have been logged on to the site at the time.
- It could be hundreds of people.
- Or thousands, Gibbs.
There's a big market for desperate housewives performing behind closed doors.
- Some of these ladies got rich doing it.
- Or dead, Abby.
- Who's the other girl? - Net name's Skyler.
She runs the site.
I traced her webcam feed back to the same neighbourhood as Jamie Carr.
It's the residence of Sergeant Jake Roberts, also deployed in Iraq, his wife, Leanne, lives alone.
- Get the car.
- You got it, boss.
You know, it's not his fault, Gibbs.
If we investigated every weird video on the Internet, I mean, you know? Okay, you don't know, but trust me.
Cyberspace is crammed full of all kinds of bizarre things.
It's a whole new world in there, Gibbs, and a lot of it ain't pretty.
You can say the same thing about this one, Abs.
- I can't believe I didn't call it in.
- Don't beat yourself up, probie.
- Same thing happened to me once.
- Really? When? Last month, frat brother e-mailed me a video of a dachshund skateboarding.
I was positive it was a fake.
Then I turned on the TV a few nights ago, I saw the exact same dog skateboarding on Letterman.
- You're enjoying this, aren't you? - Probably not as much as you did when you told Ziva my life story.
There's nobody home.
Hasn't been for a while.
It's going to be a long night, McGee.
We have two crime scenes, one website, zero bodies.
- I want some answers.
- Jamie Carr, Leanne Roberts, started the Naughty Naughty Neighbors website nine months ago.
The site has over 2,000 members and records about 50,000 hits a day.
- Is that a lot? - Let me give you some scope here.
com, 5 million hits a day.
The official NCIS website, less than 400.
Which proves what I've long suspected.
Despite the conservative image, Americans really love their porn.
I mean, I was just saying basically that Americans Continue, DiNozzo.
When Naughty Naughty Neighbors debuted, it's just a couple of girls in lingerie.
Membership fee was 9 bucks, which is average for this kind of content.
As the clothes came off, the admission fee went up.
And up.
And up.
Today the fee stands at $23.
95, which is kind of high.
But platinum membership? We're talking private chats and shows, they want 45 bucks a month.
I mean, can anyone say rip-off? - What? - That's a lot of research, Tony.
- I've been working from home.
- I want detailed profiles of anyone who's ever been a member or is a member of that site.
That's like thousands of people, boss.
Then you better get started, huh? You really believe this is an obsessed voyeur? The women's identities were protected by masks.
- Half a mask.
- The odds of finding him - off a list that size - Are better than the odds of you winning this argument.
Good news, boss.
Naughty Naughty Neighbors has a webmaster.
- Web what? - Webmaster.
It's a person that is hired to design and update the page.
His name is Carter Finch.
Is this guy like a Super Fly cyberpimp? No.
I got off the phone with his mother.
He lives in her basement.
- Oh, that's kind of depressing.
- Tony, take Ziva with you.
McGee, pull financial records on both women.
Already done.
Both have joint accounts with their husbands.
Neither has any indication of additional income.
- Profits? - Probably routed through a third party.
Oh, the page master? - Who? - This guy? Yeah No.
Definitely not.
No, he has less than $200 in his account.
Been that way for the last year, so the money could be anywhere.
I'm going to find it.
I have no idea how.
What are you doing, Dr.
Mallard? Performing an autopsy, Mr.
- Shouldn't we have a body? - Usually.
Sometimes, however, one is forced to play the cards one is dealt.
Often our greatest accomplishments come from our most trying moments.
The '97 NBA Finals.
Jordan has food poisoning.
Still hits the Jazz up for 40.
I was thinking of something with a little more historical significance.
The landings at Normandy, for example.
- Oh, D-Day.
- Yes.
You know, the fighting went far beyond the beaches, lasted for weeks.
My uncle was there, Major Monty Mallard.
Yes, fatigued and injured, he turned to his troops and said "The French wine in this particular region is terribly overrated.
" Anyone would think you'd heard that story before.
- What do you make of the video? - We're dealing with an amateur.
Anyone with any kind of training would have used far more pressure, making sure the trachea was severed.
She survive long, Duck? Yeah, well, a cut that shallow, the victim would go in and out of consciousness for several minutes.
The poor girl died a slow and excruciating death.
This is the first I've heard about any snuff video.
- I just knew that Jamie was missing.
- Not just Jamie, Leanne too.
Do you think it has something to do with the website? That would make sense, now, wouldn't it? How did you not see the video? Don't you run the site? Well, I maintain it, but I'm far too busy to watch all the content.
Well, I'll bet you weren't too busy to see the new Star Wars six times.
Careful with that Wookiee.
It's a prototype from 1978.
Aren't you a little too old for toys? These aren't toys, they're investments.
There are only three '78 Wookiees equipped with an ammo belt, and I have one of them.
You don't even want to know how much it's worth.
You're right.
I don't.
Six hundred bucks, but I'll sell it for twice that online via UltraCollectiblesandAuctions.
I see you are also saving money on rent.
I can afford my own place.
I just live here for my mom, you know.
She feels safer having me close by.
I'm sure you provide a high degree of protection.
- Tell us about Jamie and Leanne.
- We're business associates.
I manage their website and, in exchange, get paid $100 a week.
A hundred bucks? The site has over 2,000 members.
- At 24 bucks a pop, that's - Forty-eight thousand a month.
Yeah, that's good.
Sounds like the girls are ripping you off.
It's only one of several websites I've designed.
I also do Dungeons and Demons, Buxom Bimbos, and FriendsofFurries.
- You designed Buxom Bimbos? - How did the three of you meet? Leanne always flirted with me when I delivered her paper.
And one day I was talking about my website, and she asked about Back up a step there.
You were a paperboy? I used to be a news distributor, okay? "Paperboy" is such an archaic term.
- Nine-year-olds don't mind it.
- How did Jamie get involved? I guess she wanted to make some extra money.
That's one reason I'll never get married.
I can think of a couple others.
When was the last time either of them contacted you? It's been like a month.
I mean, with a design like mine, the site pretty much runs itself.
Is your mother wondering why we're here? I kind of told her this was for a job interview.
I'll be in the car.
- What do you have, Abs? - A Ph.
in porn.
I spent the last six hours searching through webcam files trying to find some kind of lead, and I have consumed more porn than Tony has in his lifetime.
Okay, maybe not, but I have watched a lot of smut.
You learn anything? I'm not nearly as flexible as I should be.
- Anything about the case? - Right.
I was getting to that.
I filtered through all of Jamie's files, and I found the original feed of her murder.
- This helps? - That it does.
By coordinating the original stream with the hard drive, I obtained the date and time that the file was written.
I know when Jamie Carr was murdered.
Eight days ago at 9 p.
- To you that would be 2100 hours, sir.
- That's good work, Abby.
I do what I can.
And as a reward, I will treat myself to more exciting girl-on-girl action.
- Okay, that was quieter than Gibbs.
- Oh, that's my high-tech Model Fives.
Yeah, they're designed to dampen ambient sound.
- Nice shoes.
Who are you? - Charles Sterling.
- Your new assistant, ma'am.
- I did not order a new assistant.
Well, that's strange.
Human Resources told me to report tonight.
That's great.
I tell them that I do the work of ten people and I need a raise, and I get this.
I don't know about your raise, ma'am, but I am a huge fan of your work.
Journal of Forensic Sciences.
Deducting drop size and velocity from circular blood stains.
I did not know anyone actually read that.
Oh, yeah.
Anytime I undertake a mission, I recon the situation so I can best adapt myself to the surroundings.
- Okay, do me a favour, Chip? - It's Charles, ma'am.
- Charles.
- Charles.
Don't call me ma'am.
It's Abby.
And can you just hang tight here for a second? Because I need to make a short moustache A quick, a quick phone call.
I need to make a phone call.
I'll be right back.
Gibbs, I have a problem down here.
- You needed to see me? - Abby Sciuto's new assistant.
Abby's overworked.
She needed help down there.
You haven't been here long enough to know what she needs yet, Jen.
The girl practically mainlines caffeine, Gibbs.
The guys in the mailroom call her Energizer Abby.
She works best alone.
She's a lot like you.
Very hands-on.
Give it a month, Jethro.
If she's still unhappy, we'll talk about it.
- You can give me a month, can't you? - It's not me you have to worry about.
- Abby works alone for a reason.
- Which is? Something you should ask her yourself.
I will.
I'm briefing SECNAV in about an hour.
Anything on the two missing Marine wives? - Not yet.
- I need more than that, Jethro.
Well, you can tell him they were running an Internet sex site while their husbands were deployed and, as a result of that, they may have been murdered.
I guess I can hold off briefing him for a little while.
Good call, Madam Director.
- Chow's getting cold, McGee.
- No time.
Gotta find where this Naughty Naughty Neighbors website money went because if I don't, Gibbs might decide to kill me this time.
- He has an excellent point.
- This doesn't make sense.
They made almost $500,000.
- It just can't disappear.
- Money changes hands, McGee.
- Rarely does it disappear.
- Money maybe, but there are only two people who had access to this cash, - and both of them have vanished.
- Not anymore.
Dumfries Police Department found Leanne Roberts.
I'm sorry, Jethro.
There's just too many parameters.
Fully clothed, sealed in the back of a car.
It's been a pretty cool and dry week.
I couldn't even give you an educated guess as to when she died.
- The wound is deep.
- Yes.
Consistent with a combat or hunting knife.
Like the one on that Internet video.
Yeah, it could be.
Sweep the yard.
See if the dog reacts to any other human remains.
Hey, buddy.
She doesn't like people.
Maybe it's just me.
How long is Gibbs planning on keeping us here? As long as it takes to find the other missing wife.
Assuming she's even here, Tony.
It could take days to search this place.
Why don't you tell Gibbs that? He loves our input.
You sure these are corpse-smelling dogs? Of course.
That's why they're alerting to McGee.
He's been a dead man since yesterday.
Very funny stuff there, Tony.
- Still working on it.
- How did you end up here, McGee? Well, I rode in the back of the van.
You may have noticed my screaming as Tony ran that light.
Not "here" here.
- I know Tony's story, what's yours? - Do you want the long version - or the short version? - Oh, there's only one version.
McGee showed up on our doorstep like a little lost poodle.
- That is not true, Ziva.
- No, you're right.
It was more like a Saint Bernard.
We're out of here.
- Thank you, God.
- What about me, boss? You're heading the search.
Find me that other body.
Why me? I'm not the newbie anymore.
Don't you think this is maybe a job for Ziva? I need a trained investigator running this site, McGee.
Do you think Ziva fits that bill? I guess not, boss.
Hey, quit feeling sorry for yourself.
Do what you do best.
- What, you mean screwing up? - No.
Finding answers where no one else can.
That was nice of you.
Never kick a probie when he's down.
- I thought the expression was dog.
- It's the same difference.
You've been through the wars, my dear.
Murdered in your own home and then discarded like yesterday's rubbish.
What's the time of death? Based on decomposition and bloating, ten, 12 days ago.
- She was killed prior to Jamie Carr.
- X-rays, doctor.
Thank you.
What's this translucent gel leaking under the table? Silicone, Mr.
It appears our young lady's left implant ruptured.
As I suspected, cause of death Compound fracture of the skull.
My guess would have been on the Then you'd have been wrong, Mr.
Such a gash should have resulted in enough loss of blood that would have covered her entire torso.
- Should have, Duck? - Yes, when I cleaned the body, there was little to no external blood.
She died of blunt force trauma.
Once her brain function ceased, the cardiovascular system shut down.
Explaining the lack of blood loss.
Indeed, Jethro.
Leanne Roberts died and then the knife was taken to her neck.
You never cease to amaze me.
I probably would have gone pro if I hadn't blown out my knee senior year.
I was referring to the numerous ways in which you entertain yourself.
- Like what? - Computer solitaire, paper airplanes, last week's rubber-band war.
Well, in all fairness, that was McGee's fault.
- How? - He's the one who brought the rubber bands from the supply room.
Should have known better.
I think he learned his lesson.
I never knew a rubber band could leave such a welt.
It's all in the release.
It's astounding you actually find the time to do your job.
- That's the creative process.
- What's that? While you were getting your little Banana-Rama thingy, I was finding us a lead.
It's Berry Mango Madness.
- And I'm listening.
- This dude had platinum membership to the website, restraining order filed against him last year and lives in the Dumfries area.
- Name? - Robert T.
Checked him out.
He's been in South Beach, Florida, - for the past six weeks.
- South Beach is an exotic place.
Beaches, babes.
Sullivan is in a spiritual retreat.
He's a Jehovah's Witness.
That would explain the restraining order.
Well, only 4,338 to go.
This has been the longest two days of my life.
Popcorn, Chip? - Chip, are you with us? - Oh, yeah.
Sorry, ma'am.
I guess I zoned out for a minute.
It's Abby, and it was like an hour.
Look, l I'd feel more comfortable being assigned to another project.
What? You don't like watching porn with me? Sorry I'm not one of the fellas, but I'm doing the best I can.
I don't really watch explicit material with my peers, ma'am.
Abby, I don't watch it at all.
Not buying it, Chip.
- And why is that? - Two reasons.
One, you're male.
- Two, you're breathing.
- I find that to be an unfair generalisation.
Not all men engage themselves in those kinds of immoral activities.
- That's not what Tony says.
- Yeah, well.
I prefer to spend my time more constructively.
I have a detailed routine designed to strengthen my mind and my body.
I do callisthenics in the morning, and I do brain teasers at night.
- Home-schooled.
- How did you know? Wild guess.
Oh, look at that, Chip.
Oh, yes.
Video's done.
We're done.
That was just Jamie Carr's feed.
Now it's Leanne Roberts'.
Having problems, Officer David? At Mossad, we used Mac.
I'm yet not accustomed to this operating system.
It's like I've told Gibbs, that approach never works, Ziva.
My approach makes me feel better.
You found Jamie Carr's body? Negative.
The police and MPs are continuing the search tomorrow.
We haven't had much luck either.
Most of the subscribers for Naughty Naughty Neighbors are out of state.
I didn't say I had no luck.
About an hour ago, I found my ticket back to the land of the living.
Buried under scrap metal about 50 feet from where we found Leanne Roberts' body.
Where's Gibbs? I want you to understand, ma'am, Sergeant Roberts is a good man.
Understood, captain, but my people still need to talk to him about his wife.
I'd like them to do more than just talk, ma'am.
- They have to stop him.
- From doing what, captain? From ruining his life, sir.
My sergeant major told me to contact you, Special Agent Gibbs.
Sergeant Roberts requested emergency leave two days ago.
We just found his wife's body.
How's that possible? He doesn't know she's dead yet, sir.
He requested leave for another reason.
- Which was? - A personal matter, ma'am.
We know about the sex site, captain.
Well, then you should know that Sergeant Roberts blames one of his neighbours for it.
According to his squad, he's planning on killing the man.
And you sent him home to do it, captain? I was unaware of his intentions until this morning, ma'am.
Look, I just need your help.
Now, the neighbour's name is Bart Powell.
When's the sergeant scheduled to land? - Tomorrow, sir.
- Check his flight manifest.
He just needs a cool-down period, Agent Gibbs.
And like I said, he's a good man, and an even better Marine.
We're on it.
We'll pick him up at the airport.
Thank you, sir.
My sergeant major said that we could count on you.
- He get that bottle I sent him? - He did.
He told me to tell you to keep them coming.
Alcohol is contraband in Iraq.
- I thought it'd take longer, Jen.
- Longer for what? For me to see you as a director and not a field agent.
Ma'am, Sergeant Roberts changed his itinerary.
He left West Germany last night.
- When's he due in? - He arrived two hours ago at Dulles.
We're here to stop Sergeant Roberts, not kill him.
- But what if? - I said, stop him, Officer David.
Got it.
You take the right.
- I didn't do anything.
- Where is she? - Where's my wife? - I don't know.
- Where's my wife? - I don't know.
I swear.
She told me what you made her do.
I'm going to gut you like the pig you are.
Drop the knife, sergeant.
Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS.
We'll take it from here.
- Do you know what he did to my wife? - I do.
- We're here to take him into custody.
- He deserves to die.
I can't let you do that, sergeant.
My house.
There was police tape, blood inside.
Leanne's dead, isn't she? I'm sorry, Marine.
You killed her.
What now, sir? What am I supposed to do now? I did not kill Leanne Roberts.
This is This is insane.
I barely knew her.
He wants you to run the tape.
- I guess it was worth it, then.
- Worth what? Watching over 20 hours of porn with Chip.
- Who the hell is Chip? - Her new assistant.
- That I didn't ask for, Madam Director.
- Abby, it's director or ma'am, not madam.
How is Mr.
Sterling working out? All I can tell you right now, ma'am, is that he's easily excitable.
Barely knew her? All I see is some shadow climbing through her window.
What do you see now? Okay, so we had an affair.
I mean, that's not a crime.
But you know what is? Blackmail.
Sergeant Roberts got a letter in Iraq last week from his wife - explaining everything.
- About what? You found out about her website.
Threatened to tell her husband - unless she'd sleep with you.
- Oh, God.
I wouldn't have.
I was just fooling around.
You killed her and you killed her website partner, Jamie Carr.
- No, I didn't kill anyone.
- You're a liar and you're a predator.
And you think anybody is gonna believe what you have to say now? It's been a while since I've seen you in interrogation, Jethro.
You haven't lost your touch.
I should've let Sergeant Roberts kill him.
Bad news, boss.
Powell's alibi checked out.
The week Leanne Roberts was murdered, he was at Disney World.
Did you tell Sergeant Roberts yet? I thought it would be best if it came from a fellow Marine.
So if Powell didn't do it, who did? That's what we're going to find out, Agent DiNozzo.
Running a little late this morning? Stopped at the mall to pick up Monica's gift.
It was completely packed.
Scott Baio's cutting the ribbon at a new Pottery Barn.
- Who's Scott Baio? - Exactly.
Morning, probie.
- What's with him? - He's been that way all morning.
I do not believe he went home last night.
- Where's Gibbs? - He left for coffee.
What do you think? It's not your colour, DiNozzo.
- I was just showing Ziva - You're late.
Yeah, I had to run an errand.
It was important but - It won't happen again.
- Boss, I located the money.
A Cayman account set up to put into a U.
account on the 15th each month.
- Whose account? - Her name is Hazel Davenport.
- We got an address? - Royal Manor Retirement Home.
She's 86 years old, happens to be the maternal grandmother of Carter Finch.
See what happens when you show up to work on time? He emptied the account last night and walked out with close to half a mil in cash.
What are you waiting for? Bring me Finch.
- Now.
- Right.
You pulled an all-nighter? - Sergeant Roberts deserves answers.
- Should've told me.
I would've stayed.
I know you would've.
So why were you late? Stopped by the mall to pick up Monica's birthday present.
Did you see Scott Baio? Not the knife in the video, Chip.
How do you know for sure? Because it's obvious.
See the butt of the knife? Not the same.
This is a Marine KA-BAR.
See the blade? - Not the same? - Not the same, Chip.
There are no serrations.
A different knife killed Leanne Roberts than killed Jamie Carr.
- That doesn't make any sense.
- Doesn't make any sense.
- Good, Chip.
- I really hate being called Chip.
I really hate that Ozzie got fat and stupid.
Live with it.
Now here is what really doesn't make sense.
Hunting knives, kitchen knives, military knives, ceremonial knives.
Four hundred and twenty-three different kinds.
And none of them match this one.
- That's strange.
- Wrong response, Chip.
Nothing matches yet.
Now you're making sense.
Laptop's gone.
- Left in a hurry, boss.
- Did you talk to his mother? Said that she hasn't seen him since we talked to him.
Tony and Ziva spooked him.
You want to set up surveillance, make sure when he comes back? He's not coming back.
I checked his cell-phone records.
He's not made or received a phone call since Wednesday of last week.
I can't imagine he has a lot of friends.
He doesn't need them, considering he has half a million dollars in cash.
That he picked up over 18 hours ago.
I could be in Rio de Janeiro right now.
Good thing he's not you.
Okay, this guy's not smart enough to cover his tracks.
He's done pretty well so far.
He does online auctions from his laptop.
- Super Collectibles.
- UltraCollectiblesandAuctions.
- Can we trace him? - If we can pinpoint some of his items.
- Do you know what he sells? - Star Wars stuff.
That narrows it down to, like, Some kind of figurine.
- There's only three of them.
- Yoda? C-3PO? Stormtrooper? Wookiee.
There's a special edition prototype from 1978.
It's equipped with an ammo belt.
There are only three.
- You're a Star Wars junky.
- Not especially.
She has a photographic memory, probie.
Not a social disorder.
Okay, there is one '78 Wookiee posted.
Only one with an ammo belt.
- High bid was over $1,200.
- Was? He shut down the auction early this morning.
Guess he no longer needed the cash.
- Can you find him? - I'm tracing the host-computer IP address now.
Looks like he last logged on six hours ago.
Broadband connection at the Freemont Inn in Woodbridge, Virginia.
That's 20 minutes from here.
Ziva, you're with me.
McGee, call Gibbs.
If things get hairy, just follow my lead.
- Ladies? - I don't need a babysitter.
I've been in hundreds of these situations.
Never with me.
As far as I'm concerned, you're a probie.
I've never had sex with you either.
Does that mean I'm a virgin? Trust is a virtue that's earned, not given.
- Profound.
- I try.
- Nice ass, yes? - Something like that.
Federal agents.
Looks like we missed quite a party.
I think you want to take a look at this.
The knife's a KA-BAR, a Marine fighting knife.
I told Gibbs not to let Sergeant Roberts go home last night.
What do you think of that? Blood? Do you smell that? Haviar Christian Number Five.
You think you're the only one with a memory? That's not blood.
It's hair dye.
- Have you seen Gibbs? - Gibbs, it's Abby.
I need to talk to you, pronto.
Now you may speak, McGee.
- Do you know where Gibbs is? - He was with the director.
- I really need to talk to him.
- Not as much as I do.
He better have a reason for not answering How's briefing the secretary of the navy, McGee? - Does that one work for you? - Sorry.
It's just that we found Carter.
Tony and Ziva are probably there now.
- Where? - The Freemont Inn.
- Gibbs? - Get DiNozzo on the phone.
- Now.
- Right.
I can't work like this anymore.
The knife? It's fake.
Two hundred and forty-three dollars at your local magic shop.
Jamie Carr faked her own death.
Jamie Carr? I liked you better as a blond.
That is probably not a good idea.
- You're probably familiar with these.
- You wish.
- DiNozzo.
- The knife in the video - is a fake, DiNozzo.
Jamie Carr is - Alive.
We're looking at her right now.
- What about Carter? - Finch? Dead.
She offed him in the hotel room, took all the money.
She's a naughty little kitty cat.
Anything else, boss? Now you know how I feel, Gibbs.
She claims it was an accident.
They fought when your wife wanted out, tell you about the Internet site.
It's my fault.
- I was away for too damn long, sir.
- Trust me.
Marine, none of this is your fault.
Leanne wanted to start a family.
I told her we couldn't afford it.
Maybe when I made staff sergeant, you know? I never thought that she'd I know exactly how you feel.
How do you? How do you live with it, sir? You ask yourself that question every day until you find the answer.
And what did you find, sir? - How did Sergeant Roberts take it? - He's on his way back to Iraq.
You think that's wise, sending a Marine who just lost his wife back into combat? Wise? No, but it's what I'd do.
- Are you heading out? - Yeah.
I'll walk you to your car.
Tony, it's almost 9:00.
Isn't tonight your big birthday dinner? - We broke up.
- Why? Apparently, her husband didn't think it was a good idea.
She's married? Knew she was too good to be true.
Do you still have those dinner reservations? My treat.
I guess I could drown my sorrows in surf and turf.
That's a good attitude.
I'll catch up.
You will not be needing that.

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