Power Book II: Ghost (2020) s03e06 Episode Script

Land of Lies


[MONET] Previously on Ghost
I need to tell you something.
I made a horrible mistake.
I thought I was shooting
him, but it was Zeke.
You shot my son.
I can't even fucking look at you.
[LORENZO] What about our family?
Out of respect for them, I'm not
gonna give you the bullet you deserve.
You haven't returned my
calls about my brother.
My colleague is running a drug trial.
Your brother can't participate
while he's in custody.
You fuck up, she dies.
Noma still owns us forever.
May have a way out. This is her kid.
We find the girl, we can use
her to leverage our freedom.
You have guards standing watch?
Who the fuck is in there?
[SCOFFS] Lauren.
You know, she can't
legally keep you here.
Tariq didn't try to kill you.
- Lauren, what the fuck?
- Why did you want me dead?
What the fuck are you talking about?
[LAUREN] Effie, she
took me from Brayden,
knocked me out, and dumped
me in a fucking river.
- Where the fuck have you been?
- I've been with the feds.
We're not the only people
you gotta worry about.
[GORDO] If I had the chance,
I'd slit the throat of the
motherfucker who killed my father.

[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
I just come from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal, baby ♪
I gotta make it ♪
[50 CENT] I never took
a straight path nowhere ♪
Life's full of twists
and turns, bumps and bruises ♪
I live, I learn ♪
I'm from that city full of
yellow cabs and skyscrapers ♪
It's hard to get a start in
these parts without paper ♪
Homey, I grew up in hell ♪
A block away from heaven ♪
That corner every 15 minutes ♪
They moving seven ♪
Pure snow, bag it ♪
Then watch it go ♪
Occupational options ♪
Get some blow or some hos ♪
Shoot the ball or the strap ♪
Learn to rap or to jack ♪
Fuck it, man ♪
In the meantime ♪
Go head and pump a pack ♪
This my regal, royal flow ♪
My James Bond bounce ♪
That 007 ♪
That's 62 on my count ♪
I'm an undercover liar ♪
I lie under the covers ♪
Look a bitch in the eyes ♪
And tell her ♪
Baby, I love ya ♪
You're my inspiration ♪
You're my motivation ♪
You're the reason that I'm
moving with no hesitation ♪
[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
Yeah, I just come
from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it,
this is where it goes down ♪
Oh, yeah, yeah ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal, baby ♪
I gotta make it ♪


Yeah, that's him.
[SINGER] Now bidness, not pleasure ♪
Had to wait for it ♪
I'm on the day, on the way ♪
Make 'em wait for it ♪
[SINGER] Gotta wait for it ♪
Wait, wait, wait for it ♪
All these niggas Talking like they ♪
- 'Bout to do something ♪
- To who ♪
Broke niggas always ♪
Trying to prove something ♪
- They do ♪
- Bring the cars round here ♪
They're like "Do something" ♪
She seen them cooper shit ♪
It gave her ass goose bumps ♪
R.L. Stine now let
me fill my gas tank ♪
Your only problem you
be everybody cash in ♪
You chase that ho truth be told ♪
- [LAUGHS] Give me my money.
[SINGER] Had to come out ♪
Niggas came up, now we cool ♪
Had to sweat and pay my dues ♪
I didn't come up out the blue ♪
Had to wait, had to wait ♪
[SINGER] I lost so many friends ♪
What's up, Ma?
[SINGER] Now niggas ♪
Wait for me to fall ♪
- Tell 'em wait for it ♪
- What?
- That was amazing.
- Mmm.
[SINGER] Had to wait for it ♪
Now I pay for it ♪
Ma, what's up?
[SINGER] Had to wait for it ♪

[EFFIE CHUCKLES] Good morning.
What's up?
You good? You've been hella quiet.
Yeah, I'm fine.

Did you see this?
Lorenzo Tejada was killed last night.
What? You dead ass?
Yeah, it says his body was
found outside of the Tejada bar.
No further details at this time.
You didn't know anything
about this, did you?
Nah, why would I?
I don't know.
You look like you've
seen a ghost or something.
I just remembered I had
to take care of something
before class, that's all.

Cooper! Saxe!
Holy shit.
Did you see that Lorenzo
Tejada was murdered last night?
Yeah, it's up on the Post right now.
I assume you haven't
heard from the family.
Nice-looking picture, though.
I'll reach out.
Listen, have you heard
anything about an investigation
into Lauren Baldwin's death, foul play?
Uh hmm.
I uh, what have you heard?
Tariq said that there's an investigation
into Lauren Baldwin's death.
Look, we need to know if
Tariq's name is coming up.
[SAXE] Uhh
Yeah, no, I psh, I don't know.
I'll look into it and circle back.
Uh, how's your brother doing?
Not well.
There's no time to file that writ.
We need to get him out ASAP.
Who do you know in the governor's office
that could help push
through a commutation?


Mom? Dad?
I would never do anything to hurt you.
[LAUREN] Mom? Dad?
- I thought you might be here.
Great, it's you.
Lucky for you, it is me.
We need you back at the safe house now.
Jenny, you can't force me.
Saxe said that.
And he also doesn't think that Tariq
was a part of the plan to kill me.
Just speculation. Saxe has no proof.
But do you?
Look, I told you, Effie is the one
who actually tried to kill me.
What if she did that
without Tariq knowing?
Where else did you go after
you left the safe house, Lauren?
I-I was here the entire night.
I wanted my parents to
know that I was alive,
but they never came home.
Your parents still think you're dead
and were temporarily
moved for their safety.
We kept their home
intact for their cover.
It's why I have these.
Look, Jenny, I can't
keep lying to everybody.
I want my life back.
Then the only way out is through.
Unfortunately, we can't
let you see your parents
until you're finished
cooperating with the case.
And if you choose to drop out,
well, I can't imagine that'll
end well for any of us.

If I'm gonna go back, I
wanna talk to Saxe first,
You okay?
actually, I wanted to take
you somewhere tomorrow.
You gonna be free?
Yeah, sure.
America, the land of lies.
From governmental cover-ups
to conspiracy theories,
there is nothing more American
than deception.
So in this era of fake news,
what is truth?
Who determines it?
And does it even matter?
Of course it matters.
Truth is the fixed
point that allows us all
to operate from the same
place of understanding.
In what world?
The definition of truth
is that which is in accordance
with fact or reality.
- Yes.
- Yeah, those two don't always line up.
But how do you mean, though? Like when?
Like how it's a fact that the
Declaration of Independence
says that all men are "created equal,"
but in reality, the same
man that wrote that shit
owned over, like, 600 slaves.
- [STUDENT] Yeah, that's right.
- [SALIM] "Enslaved Africans."
Slavery was their circumstance,
not their identity.
What? That's not even
the point. Like, ugh.
Look, truth is even more of
a moving target than morality,
especially since Trump.
Trump wasn't wrong about everything.
You're just revealing what
news sources you consume.
There's no such thing
- as universal truth.
- [THOMAS] Grow up.
But if there's a general consensus
of the headlines being reported,
it might as well be true.
Right, that's what I'm saying.
Like what all the media outlets
are saying about Diana's dad.
- Exactly.
- [BENNETT] Okay, please,
let's not use your classmate's
tragedy as an example.
Wait, why not? I mean, she's not here.
And the consistency of the stories
about Lorenzo Tejada's criminal past
collectively determine what will
be accepted as truth about the man.
Wait, so let me guess.
You think everything reported about me
and my family is true, then, huh?
- Ooh!
- Listen, y'all are buggin'.
Okay? Media's full of
individuals that'll tell you
whatever the fuck they want
to service their little stupid agendas.
Y'all gonna sit up here and act
like y'all never lost someone.
Diana lost her father.
Have some fucking respect.
I'm gonna need y'all
help with the funeral.
Of course, Ma, whatever you need.
Did the cops say
anything, like who did it?
Since when do they care about us, D?
They don't know shit, and
they probably never will.
Word on the block, it
was the fucking Russians.
They took out Papi for what
we did to Castillo's connect.
The block?
Dru, you know that's
just gossip and rumors.
Yeah, and that was your idea.
But we didn't pull the trigger on that.
So unless you know for sure,
you're just about to, what,
roll up on the Russians
on some bullshit?
And let me guess. You cool with this?
Look, I don't want anyone making moves
unless we have proof to back it up,
especially on them fucking Russians.
I don't need that heat.
- Dru.
Ma, it's okay, I got him.
This is how you help.
It's Lorenzo's life insurance policy.
Okay, ain't this like a Diana thing?
Look, with your father
gone, it's time you man up
and learn how to handle our clean money.
And shit stays that way, you hear me?
I hear you.
But, you know, Ma, the
other day after we talked,
seemed like you might've had
some questions for Lorenzo.
Why, 'cause he lied
about IG killing Zeke?
You think that would make me
kill my husband of over 20 years,
the father of my children?
I don't know.
No, as usual, your ass don't know shit.
If I would do that to him,
why your ass ain't in the ground too?
You kept your father's secrets from me.
What, you sweating I'm
aiming for you next?
It's good I ain't kill your father, huh?
- I'ma go handle this.
- [MONET] Yeah, you do that.
And stop trying to put
two and two together,
'cause we both know your dumb
ass always ends up with five.
[TARIQ] What the fuck
happened to Lauren, huh?
How the fuck did she die?
Don't fuck with me, B.
You heard the news. She drowned
in the river or some shit.
- [TARIQ] The fuck she did!
I know she was murdered because
they're investigating into me.
So tell me what the fuck
happened to her that night!
Fuck, okay, fuck, 'Riq.
I tried to hold it down for
you exactly how you said.
I tried to get her out of fucking town,
even though Cane was gonna kill me.
What the fuck does Cane
gotta do with this shit, B?
I don't know. He came to me and said
Lauren had us on a fucking wire.
- How the fuck does he know that?
- I don't fucking know. I didn't say shit.
It must have been Effie, then, huh?
It must have been her. Tell me.
Yeah, fuck, it must have been Effie.
Listen, don't say shit to
her about this, all right?
Theo Rollins is a PR boon.
Sick, wrongfully accused
African American man
gets prison sentence commuted
by the governor with an assist
from congressional
hopeful Councilman Tate.
I mean
- It's good.
- Yeah.
- It's good.
- Damn right, it is.
- Your polling numbers will skyrocket.
- Okay, okay, okay, Saxe, all right.
You, uh you sold me on it.
But you know how this works.
If you want me to grease the wheels,
I'm gonna need something in exchange.
Uh, you-you can have my watch.
- I mean, it was a gift.
- First of all, how dare you?
Second of all, that
shit is trash as fuck.
I want your guy Davis
to wage an opposition
campaign against my opponent.
- Yeah.
- [SAXE] Uh
Yeah, interviews,
op-eds, the whole nine.
He does your dirt.
My hands stay clean.
- Done.
- Look at that.
You do know how this works.
Thanks for the drink.
Get your watch game up.
[SCOFFS] It was a gift.
[JENNY] Weird. I just saw a
guy who looked like Rashad Tate
leaving the bar.
That was Tate. What's this about, Jenny?
I'm here to apologize.
Yeah, that's a text, maybe a call,
- not a meetup.
- Okay, cut the crap, Cooper.
If you wanted to screw me,
you'd have told Davis the truth
and my ass would be toast.
So what do you want?
The, uh, Jane Doe in the safe house
did you fabricate her accident?
Are you crazy?
What kind of conspiracy crap is this?
Not crazy. You hid her for months.
Riley, Elisa Marie, Joe Proctor
You hid cooperating witnesses too.
[SAXE] Yeah, inactive cases.
Tariq's case was dismissed
by the time you came to me.
So tell me, how did you get the AG
to sign off on protection, huh?
As your CI, I connected
the attempted murder
to Tariq's criminal enterprise.
You opened a new investigation
and case through me.
Why not just tell me the truth?
Jenny, I still would have helped you.
What difference does it make?
The difference now is,
I'm not sure I wanna
continue cooperating.
So seeing justice served
just goes out the window?
I want justice
the right way this time.
Plus, it's a two-way street.
Do you even
trust me?
If you refuse to cooperate, Cooper,
your confession about
bringing a gun to Truth
will be used against you.
- [JENNY] You violated your oath,
displayed a pattern of criminal intent.
It may even rope you into this RICO,
especially if you know
more than you've let on.
So you're gonna treat me
like a fucking perp now?
Till we're back on the same side.
What the fuck do you want?

[LAUGHS] I cannot
believe you rented this.
You just bought a brand-new car.
You know, I wanted to do
something a little different.
What you thinkin'?
I think you've been on
some Bond shit since Italy.
That's what Italy does to you.
Effie, you know I really
care about you, right?
I really care about you too.
And there's some things that
you may not know about me.
I know.
- It's okay.
- Mm-mm.
I don't want it to be like that.
You know what happened to the
dirty cop that killed my sister, right?
He had it coming.
I mean, yeah, but
you know, I thought
that'd be the end of it.
You know, I really thought
I would've been able
to live like a normal life after that.
But that was not the case at all.
It's like, once I dealt with that cop,
it's like I started a-a cycle of shit
that I just can't get away from.
You know, I-I started doing new shit
to try to outrun what I did in the past.
Shit started getting real bad, Effie.

My dad started talking
about me turning myself in.
And on top of that, at the time,
you know, shit started
going real sideways
between him and my moms.
He put his hands on her,
left her with bruises, all type of shit.
There was nothing that
any of us could do.
Then my mom came up with
this plan to get rid of him, but
you know, I couldn't let
her do that shit herself.
So you took care of it.
You did what you had to do.
I get that. I've been there.

And there's stuff I
haven't told you too.
Like what?

A lot of fucked-up shit
happened in my house growing up.
My mom always had a
different guy around.
And one of them liked to touch me.
[TARIQ] What?

This was, like super fucked-up shit.

One day, I was
I was watching this Oprah episode,
and I finally worked up the nerve
to tell her what was going on.
Do you wanna know what she did?
She fucking married that asshole.

And they're still
together, as far as I know.
Yeah, it's fucked up.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
But there's nothing
else you wanna tell me?
Where are we going, Tariq?
Get out of the car.
Get out the fucking car!

What happened over here?
Hmm? Tell me.
Tell me what the fuck
happened over here!
I don't know.
Are you sure about that?
'Cause Brayden told me
he told Lauren to run.
But somehow she accidentally crashed
her car into this lake that night.
You buying that?
'Cause I'm not.
- That's what they're saying on the news
- Do not fucking play with me, Effie.
I'm not fucking stupid, all right?
How did Cane know about the plan
to get Lauren out of the city?
What do you want, Tariq?
I want the fucking truth.
Listen, I know you killed Lauren.
I want you to fucking say it.

What you reaching for, a gun?
What, you gonna shoot me?
Think I'm gonna hurt you?
Even if I felt like
it right now, I can't,
'cause there's a fucking
case now, all right?
The cops know that Lauren was murdered,
and they think I was
the fucking one to do it.
No, that's not possible. I did every
You ruined everything, Effie,
and you fucking lied about it.
- Why?
- She wore a fucking wire!
You know the rules.
Why would they be any different for her?
Listen, Lauren is a fucking civilian.
All right? She's not in the game.
Brayden was gonna disappear her.
We had a fucking plan.
What, you thought she was
just gonna stay disappeared?
She had a fucking family.
People were gonna look for her.
You fucked this shit up.
Yeah, and you fucking forced me to.
What was I supposed to do?
You thought this is what I wanted?
You should have done it yourself.
But I did it for you to protect you.
Say something!
I actually believed
everything you told me
because I loved you.
No, Tariq, listen to me.
- I-I would
- Effie, fuck you.
Fuck you.
- Find your way back.
- Tariq, wait.
Tariq, wait.

If Tariq didn't try to kill me,
doesn't that make him innocent?
[SCOFFS] Tariq is far from innocent.
But you got his case
about Jabari dismissed.
Wh how do you know?
You've been on lockdown
since your accident,
and-and the marshals
cut the internet here.
I know my neighbor's Wi-Fi password.
Plus, I had tons of downtime
waiting for my parents to come home.
[SIGHS] Okay, don't tell Jenny.
Don't. You shouldn't even be telling me.
Yeah, but you're the only one
willing to tell me the truth.
And Jenny wants me to testify.
But what if Tariq is
innocent and goes to prison
for something he didn't do?
He doesn't deserve that.
Tariq may not have tried to kill you.
But he's still a monster.
Before I was Tariq's attorney,
I was in the U.S. Attorney's
Office hunting his father.
He tell you about that?
No, but I knew you were after his mom.
Mm, yeah, Tasha,
James St. Patrick, Tommy Egan
Tariq's whole family groomed
him to be just like them:
murderers, drug dealers.
[SCOFFS] Tariq started
selling before high school.
That's what got his sister killed.
- What?
- Yeah.
After that, he went off the deep end.
Everything that
happened at Stansfield
The drugs, the dead kid in the pool,
Jabari Tariq was behind all of it.
Lauren, what if
your testimony
finally stops him?
What if it's the only thing
that will make him pay for his crimes?
What if it's the only way to
keep him from killing again?
he will.

Can't come in, 'Riq's orders.
- What about our product?
- This is a Weston building.
Hey, that's above my pay grade.
But if y'all try to get
in, Tariq wants you stopped
by any means necessary.
This means what I think it means?
Tariq kicked us out of the business.
You know this is your fucking fault?
You just open your stupid fucking
mouth whenever you feel like it.
What the fuck did you
say to him about Lauren?
Okay, 'Riq came in already
knowing, beating my ass.
I didn't say shit, unlike you,
who opened your loud-ass
fucking mouth to Cane
in the first place.
Yeah, stupid me, thought
you were looking out.
But 'Riq figured out real quick
that was your fucking shady ass.
Watch it.
I saved your ass twice, Bieber.
Okay, you didn't save shit.
You saved your fucking self.
We're on the hook for this,
and all you care about is
you and your fucking bag.
You are all too weak for this shit.
- I'm done, fucking done.
- You're done. You're done.
Oh, like we have a fucking choice.
Where's Effie and Ben Affleck at?
Cut them out the business.
Fuck you mean? They
can't be out the business.
We need to move this product.
Oh, shit, figured out what
happened to your other bitch.
What the fuck you know about that?
I know we did what we had to
because your bitch ass wasn't gonna.
So, what, you gonna come at me next?
Please try, 'cause that'll
make my motherfucking day.
[TARIQ] Look, Cane, nobody's
worried about you, all right?
You did exactly what
I expected you to do,
and that's why I had to get
Lauren the fuck out of here
in the first place but guess what.
Now there's a whole
investigation on all of us
because of the stupid shit you did.
- What I did?
- [TARIQ] Yeah.
Nigga, as far as I know,
ain't none of that Lauren
shit's coming back on me.
- [TARIQ] Huh?
- So y'all need to figure
that shit out on your
own time, but right now,
we gotta move this
product, or we all dead.
Listen, I got it.
You got it? 'Cause
it don't seem like it.
[TARIQ] Listen, I'm gonna keep
moving shit through the fund.
I'm gonna get Diana,
she's gonna move shit through the Ivies.
Look, we do all the real work.
We don't need them.

[CANE] You didn't show
for the re-up, my guy.
You and your boy get in a fight?
Not here for it, Cane.
What you want?
Uh, your father's life insurance?
Fuck am I supposed to do with this?
Keep the money legit.
Ain't that's what your
family do on Wall Street?
Yeah, yeah, and we're pretty
fucking good at it too.
Your family should invest
this into Weston Holdings.
I mean, it's not enough to
meet the minimum investment,
but give me the rest in
cash, and I'll handle it.
Mm, invest it's
gonna tie our money up.
I just wanted you to
keep the money clean.
My family's fund is solid.
You'll be making hand over fist
without lifting a fucking finger.
The Tejadas could become
like the Westons of Queens.
That's big talk coming
from somebody who let Tariq
- kick him out of our business.
- What the fuck was I supposed to do?
I don't know, but I'm
still in, and why is that?
Because you'd murder 'Riq, that's why.
Exactly. I showed him that's how I roll.
You showed him you'd roll
over like a little bitch.
- I lied to him, Cane.
- [CANE] Who gives a fuck?
You run shit while this nigga
sits on his ass at Stansfield.
Who took that weight for him?
- Me.
- Okay, so I'm gonna need you to nut up, boy,
'cause Noma, she made
a deal with all of us.
Find a way back in,
then we can talk about putting
my family's money in your fund.
Thank you.

[KAI] Cane, Dru,
my condolences for your pop.
Shit didn't work out with us,
but I'm pouring one out for 'Renzo,
a real one, last of the OGs.
But word is, you boys
are doing him dirty
by letting the disrespect
of his murder go unanswered.
Yeah, well, we gonna
take care of family first.
No doubt.
Monet look like she need
a shoulder to cry on.
My nigga, have you lost your mind,
coming in my family house
- [MONET] Dru.
- [KAI] Monet, listen,
you need anything, I mean anything,
I got you.
My boys got me.

- What's wrong with you?
- That nigga disrespected you.
Look, Kai's a fucking clown. Forget him.
He's saying what everyone's thinking.
We have to answer for
Papi's death, all right?
Look, the Russians got
a spot up in Midtown.
- I can get some people
- Look, I already said
we ain't doing that
shit until we got proof.
Now, was Gordo the one that
told you about the Russians?
But, Ma, I know this is the right call.
Look, you've always been
so loyal to this family.
That's why Lorenzo was trippin'
when he had to put Cane before you.
But I'm in charge now, so
shit about to look different.
You want me to take Papi's place?
Does Cane know that?
Let's just keep it between us for now.
And don't do anything
reckless. You hear me?
Yeah, I hear you.

[SALIM] There are a lotta
people down there.
Are they family?
No, but they knew my
dad and respected him.
I'm sorry.
I know this must be hard for you.
It is, especially since
it came outta nowhere.
Did it?
I mean, criminality has its own fate.
[DIANA] The fuck you say?
- Whoa, whoa, calm down.
- Don't tell me to calm down.
Look, I'm just pointing out the obvious.
Your father's choices led to his demise.
Salim, you just called
my father a criminal
in his own home at his repast.
That's the point that I'm making.
Look, you grew up around all this,
all right, so you think it's normal.
But these people
these people reflect the type of man
that your father was,
the type of life that he led,
look, what you could fall back
into if you're not careful.
- You need to leave.
- [SALIM] What?
You need to leave now.
Diana, be reasonable.
Reasonable is me being
done with your ass
for coming at my family for
the millionth time, Salim.
- Well, I'm just trying
- If you can't find the door on your own,
my brothers can help show you.
Get the fuck out.

Um, excuse me. My key
card isn't working.
- Name?
- Tariq St. Patrick.
Your access has been cut off.
Says you need to speak
to Brayden Weston.
He's on his way down.
B, what the fuck, bro?
Don't fucking "bro" me
after the shit you pulled.
You can't just kick me out of the
company that we built together.
This is as much my shit
as it is yours, okay?
We're using my family's company.
So I can do more than
block you from the building.
I can cut you off from
the warehouse entirely,
so you need to show me
a little fucking respect.
After the shit you did, show
you some fucking respect?
I'm sorry about what
happened with Lauren.
That shit was fucked up, okay?
But we're family, and family forgives.
Dude, I tried to do what you wanted,
but Effie came and took over.
What the fuck was I
supposed to do, shoot her?
Tell me the fucking truth at least, B.
That's the least you could do.
You're right. You're right. I fucked up.
I should have told you
the truth I'm sorry.
It won't fucking happen again.
What else do you want me to say, 'Riq?
You're right.
You and Effie are no
different than my family.
You're all fucking liars.
Raina, everything's
so fucked up over here.
I know you would have never
let any of this happen.
I just wish you were here.
You know, I wish everybody was here.
'Cause down here, I just
I don't know what to do.
I don't know who I can trust.
I don't even know if
I can trust anybody.
[ESTELLE] When you point one finger
there are three pointing back at you.

Big Mama, what are you doing here?

What am I doing here?
I been bringing flowers here
every week since your mama left
when I'm not court-ordered
to rehab, that is.
Big Mama, I'm sorry, all
right? You know I had to
Oh, God only knows I don't wanna hear
none of your damn excuses,
nor your sob story.
So you sad 'cause you
can't trust nobody.
Well, why do you think that is?
Because you reap
what you sow, boy.
Do you know that I am alone
in this world because of you?
Tasha and Yas are gone.
Raina is dead.
And your father,
what happened to your father, Tariq?
I don't know, Big Mama. I guess
his past finally caught up with him.
Oh, just shut up! Just more lies.
Your lies are what killed Raina.
You're just like your father.
if you don't stop doing
what you doing right now
baby, you're gonna
end up right next to him.
Big Mama, maybe you right.
Maybe now is the right
time for me to get out.

The Russians took out Lorenzo,
and I got a plan to get them back.
But I don't got the bodies to do it.
Are you sure you wanna do that?
You talk to Cane?
- Monet?
- This is what I have to do.

Are you in?

I get it.
That's what I would have
done for my own father.
Hey, Tariq.
Oh, uh

What up?
Oh, I'm sorry I didn't
make it to the repast.
How you feeling, though?
Uh, w-we should leave them alone.
[SINGER] But didn't
wanna support me before ♪
- [BECCA] Now.
- What's up, y'all?
[KING] Somebody grab that.
- You don't mind
if I take this. I'll
bring it back, girl.
I'm not bringing it back.
Oh, hey, D-Diana's busy. [CHUCKLES]
Uh, she'll wanna see me.
[LAUGHS] No, my boy.
She with someone else.
Someone else? What, like a guy?
[TARIQ] Okay, y'all was partying.
No, for real, though, how you feeling?
You good?
Yeah, I'm okay.
[HUFFS] I-I don't know.
It it gets weird.
Here, you want some?
Nah, that's not my thing.

[GAGS] What? This is so
okay, let's just
Let's talk about something else.
Like what have you been up to?
I dunno, same old shit.
Me and Cane making some changes.
And I was actually
thinking maybe you could
come in and help us move some
product on campuses, you know?
[DIANA] Mm-mm.
I'm done with all that, 'Riq.
The last thing my dad said to me was
he wanted me to be free of the life.
And I'ma do that for him.
This is my chance.
[TARIQ] Hmm.
You know, maybe you should get out too,
you know, just be
regular students for once.
You ever think about that?
Of course.
But I mean, come on, D,
you know that shit ain't that simple,
especially not for me.
I hear that.
Yeah, I still gotta find a place
to stash this product
my dad had me running
- at the candy store before
- Wait, the candy store?
- That was you at the candy shop?
- Yeah. [LAUGHS]
You slick as fuck. [LAUGHS]
Look, if you need some help, I got you.
I got some codes for the lockers,
and I'll send them to you.
You could put your shit in there.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Yo, that would be dope. Thank you.
I got you.
Look, you said you was good, but
I could tell there's some shit going
on up there. What's on your mind?
'Riq, Monet wants me to give the eulogy.
But I
I don't even know how I'm supposed
to speak at the funeral tomorrow.
Yeah, I been through that.
I mean, look, just say what
you would tell him if he was alive.

Thank you.
You got this. You tough.

[SINGER] 'Cause I got
a little paranoia ♪
Life's been amazing ♪
I been chasin' more than runnin' ♪
Why do they hate me? ♪
Fighting lately, Lord, I'm comin' ♪
Spendin' life for me ♪
Mm, um
'Riq, about Effie?
We broke up.
[SINGER] Life's been amazing ♪
I been chasing more than runnin' ♪
Why do they hate me? ♪
Fighting lately, Lord I'm comin' ♪


You're not our usual delivery guy.
Yeah, no, he-he called in sick.
Okay, I'm-I'm sorry.
Uh, you are fine as hell.
Can I take you out? Let
me give you my digits.
Um, they take our phones
before our shifts start.
Oh, shit.
Yeah, the other driver
said the same thing.
I heard the owners are real assholes.
Yup. One of them is getting
drunk at the bar right now.
I'll be cleaning puke
at opening and closing.
Don't worry, I got you.

Set it in the corner and
get the fuck out of here.

After what you did to my father,
I'm the only one
leaving this bitch alive.
Who the fuck are you?
- [DRU] I'll show you who I am, mother
What the fuck is that?
That's me, motherfucker.
A Tejada.
- [PAVEL] Uhh
- [DRU] We out. Let's go.
- Yo, we out. Let's go, let's go!
I need to talk to you.
I know what you're
doing at the candy store.
And if I know, then
I'm not the only one.
Okay, but I'm not
doing that shit anymore.
- [EFFIE] Bullshit.
- And even so, they know it's you.
You about to get blown up
unless you team up with me.
- You for real?
- [EFFIE] Absolutely.
I'm looking for a new partner,
and with your product and my system,
we can keep all our shit
moving under the radar.
[SCOFFS] Effie, naw, I don't think so.
Just leave the thinking up to me.
I already have it
all figured out. I just
I need you to promise not
to say anything to Tariq
until we're up and running.

Hi, Effie.

Fuck all y'all.
[KEKE] What are you doing?
I found an investor like
you and Uncle Lucas wanted.
Oh, okay, that's great.
But it's a large sum of
unverifiable cash, not all of it, but
a lot of it,
maybe too much of it.
Can you help me make it look legit?
You're up to some shady
shit, Brayden. I'm not stupid.
Okay, isn't this what you wanted?
It's what Lucas wanted.
You know, I didn't even tell him
about what happened in Italy,
you know, when you disappeared.
- And what's that?
- [BRAYDEN] Okay, don't worry about it.
It won't be like that, I promise.
I can make a paper trail
but only if I get a cut.
A cut?
Who the fuck are you?
I'm assuming risk by agreeing to help.
You gonna give me a cut.

Come on, Big Mama.

[CONDUCTOR] Stand clear
of the closing doors, please.
Where in the fuck
do you think you are going?

I told Noma she was crazy
for working with you kids.
But you, you have proven yourself
- It's just product.
- Of course it's just fucking product.
The fuck y'all thought
I was trying to do, run?
So Noma could kill
me and the last person
- I have alive, right?
- Don't fuck with me, Tariq.
My people tell me you're trying
to leave the country again.
- Is that true?
- With what?
I was going to make a drop
of your fucking product
that you just ruined.
So I'll be sure to mention that to Noma
when we're short at the
next meetup, all right?
You won't say shit to Noma.
And you will have the full amount.
Otherwise, you know what happens.
Granny gets a visit.
Just let me make the drop.
But we will be keeping a
tighter leash on all of you
after this little stunt
You, Cane, the white boy,
and the girl.
We can't have people
thinking you're running us,
can we?
And from now on,
we need to see all of
you at these meetups.
And alert us if you stray
from your normal course again.
[TARIQ] Yeah.

Tariq, you were supposed
to be here over an hour ago.
Yes, yes, Big Mama, I
know. I'm sorry, all right?
I'm not gonna make it.
I'll explain to you later, but
it's just not safe for you
out here anymore, all right,
especially with you by yourself.
So I set it up so that you
could be with Mom and Yasmine.
Well, what about you?
I'm working on it, Big
Mama. I'm working on it.
Look, I just had to make sure
you were safe before anything else.
Just go to Ms. Washington's office.
This was my plan. She'll get
you to Mom and Yas, all right?
No, Tariq, I am not
leaving you here alone.
[TARIQ] Big Mama, trust me.
This is exactly what I need, all right?
I'm sorry for everything.
Look, just tell Ma and
Yas that I love them.
And I'll be back with you guys as
soon as I can, all right? I promise.
Damn it.
[SINGER] Ave ♪
Mari ♪
Ia ♪

Gratia ♪
Plena ♪
Maria, gratia ♪
Plena ♪
Maria ♪
Gratia plena ♪

Ave, ave dominus ♪
While society may have
told Lorenzo Tejada
that he meant nothing to them,
to our family, he was the world.
He was our world.
[BLANCA] Not yet.
We need more leverage before we move in.
I agree.
Let's see what else those cameras catch.

I know I let you down, Pops.

That'll never happen again.
Family first.
[SINGER] Ventris tui ♪
Iesus ♪
Ave ♪
Mari ♪
Ia ♪


- [SINGER] Ave ♪
Maria ♪
- Who the fuck is shooting at us?
- The Russians.
Hey, yo, post up.
[SINGER] Mater ♪
Dei ♪

You got us in a fucking war?
Nigga, is you out your
motherfucking mind?
You might be rocking Papi's piece,
but I'm stepping up to number one.
- [CANE] What you say?
- Hit me, bitch
Hey, stop. Dru, fall back.
Stand down, Cane.
None of us got shot, all right?
Dru had a plan. He made the right call.

What do you want? I'm busy.
Busy doing what?
Burning Tariq's shit down.
You wanna fuck with me, that's cool.
But I'm out to show him who
the fuck built this coffee app
- in the first place.
- Wait, wait, wait, hold up.
Hold up, hold up. Gotta chill.
Did you really just touch my shit?
I get that you wanna fuck this nigga up.
You did what his bitch ass couldn't.
I woulda did the same thing.
I know.
But crashing this app
won't just hurt Tariq.
- It'll destroy all of us.
- Okay, and what about it?
What if I gave you a better solution?
I'll slide you some product.
You keep your hustle.
Tariq never has to know.
Why would you do that, Cane?
You shouldn't be punished
for handling business.
Besides, you looked out for
me with that wire shit, so
I wanna look out for you.

Didn't expect to hear from you.
Yeah, well, shit's out
of my control right now.
Fucking Obi screwed me up.
- Shit.
- Mm-hmm.
[SIGHS] All right, no matter
what the fucking circumstances are,
me and you both know we need
each other to stay alive.
So if we wanna move forward,
we gotta figure out a way to
get out from under Noma asap.
I assume you have a plan?
Look, Effie got this picture in Italy.
And I think that could be
our leverage to get out.
But the thing is, it
might take a minute to get.
And on top of that, we gotta
move drugs in the meantime
for Noma so we don't all die,
so I need back in the building,
and you need to show up to
these meetings, all right?
All right. Say less.
[DAVIS] The feds roped up the Russians.
Your family's safe for now.
But I would lay low just in case.
Got it. Thanks.

It's too bad.
I loved you.
Even after what you
did, I still love you.
They're gonna figure it out, Mo.
And when they do
those kids are never gonna forgive you.

[SINGER] I might not
be forgiven, fuck it ♪
I got blood on my hands,
I promised to be a man ♪
In the circumstances presented ♪
Yeah, and if they hit
me better kill 'em ♪
Just make sure them niggas feel it ♪
That's all I ask of the killers ♪
Yeah, said I got blood on my hands ♪
I promised to be a man in
the circumstances presented ♪
Yeah, and if they hit
me better kill 'em ♪
Just make sure them niggas feel it ♪
That's all I ask of the killers ♪
How can I complain
and I ain't dead yet? ♪
You keep on bringin' up these drops ♪
Why you ain't left yet? ♪
I'm too gangster to respond
to niggas' death threats ♪
The closest nigga to
you gon' get X'ed next ♪
Exit off of 12th,
you in the red zone ♪
Where they'll pick you off ♪
And piss all on your
headstone, nigga ♪
City lights lit up the streets ♪
But we ain't head home, nigga ♪
'Cause we outside lurkin'
through the Southside ♪
I made a way for all my
dogs bitch, it's 'bout time ♪
And free the members bein'
awakened by they count time ♪
If you don't hustle you
don't get to eat, chow time ♪
That conversation bein'
recorded when you dial five ♪

That conversation bein'
recorded when you dial five ♪
If you don't hustle, you
don't get to eat, chow time ♪
Free all them members bein'
awakened by the count time ♪
I might not be forgiven, fuck it ♪

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