Saving Grace s03e06 Episode Script

Am I Going to Lose Her?

I tried not to wake you up.
Why is my angel stealing my beer? Well, you know the liquor laws in Oklahoma.
Frlend of mlne needed a cold one after a tough day and I took a wild chance you might have some.
You going back to Bonfim? Rhetta and I are talking about going to carnival in Rio, then hitting Salvador.
Unless you tell me it's a waste of time.
You and Rhetta on a road trip? Now, how can that be a waste of time? - Coma girl? - What about her? She walked out of the hospital and disappeared.
I'm not gonna ask you where she is.
I'll find her.
I just want to know she's okay.
Well, she ain't dead.
Her name's not Yemaja.
Yemaja's a candomblé deity.
Interpol's got her picture, fingerprints.
I got her on every watch list across the globe.
If I have to go to Brazil, I will.
Ain't lookin' in the right place.
Stick with North America.
Gives us a place to start.
She's not dead.
She's in North America.
Come on, let's go to bed.
Come on, Gussy.
Yeah, Ham? I was driving around.
I ended up in front of your house.
Everything okay? I can't take this, Grace.
I'm coming in and I'm gonna screw your brains out.
- I need you.
- No! - I mean, shit.
- Maybe this is not a good idea.
I don't know.
- Shit, Grace.
It's just I miss you.
- It's a great idea.
- I've missed you too.
- Yeah? - What happens tomorrow? - Nothing.
It's the same as today.
We're cool.
# So pretty and, oh, so bold # # Got a heart full of gold on a Ionely road # - # She sald, "I don't even thlnk that God can save me"# - # Save me # # Am I galnlng ground Am I loslng face # # Have I lost and found my savlng grace # # Thankful for the glft my angels gave me ## Tebow Is gonna get drafted, but not as a quarterback.
He doesn't have the arm.
Can't throw the long ball.
He'll end up a tight end or a fullback.
McCoy's gonna go as quarterback.
Yeah, to a team that needs a backup.
Bradford's the only one ever gonna play quarterback in the N.
- What about Zach Robinson? - He's got a better arm than Tebow.
- I got a better arm than Tebow.
- Robinson's faster than Bradford.
- So's McCoy.
- Don't matter.
Didn't get either of them.
- Oh, yeah! My man Sam! - Yes, two years in a row! You can bank it! Winning quarterback in Dallas this year's gonna be McCoy.
Bank that.
Doesn't mean shlt.
End of the year, we are stlll gonna be number one.
Hey, you.
Did you ever call that number I gave you? I didn't hear from anybody.
Cowboys are gonna sneak up, kick your ass.
Year of the Cowboysl - We've We've got a nude woman - Just a sec.
wandered into the intersection of May Avenue and Britton Road.
Dlstraught, hurt, restralnts on her wrlsts.
- I gotta go.
- Is she able to talk? - No.
Couple of good Samarltans kept her untll patrol arrlved.
- You know more than I do.
I'll call you later.
- This thing's already on the news.
- Restraints? - What hospital? - Blessed Heart.
Get down there, start a canvass.
I'm Detective Hanadarko.
Can you answer a few questions? What's your name? Who hurt you? You're safe.
I promise.
What time is it? Wednesday? Friday.
I came home from work on Tuesday.
Where's home? That's my old What's my add It'll come.
Just give it a minute.
Why can't I remember? What's my address? You like pizza? Chinese food? Yes.
Ever have it delivered, you give 'em your address.
What's your name? Kylie Regan.
What happened when you came home from work, Kylle? He had a knlfe.
I never saw hlm.
He put tape over my eyes my mouth.
And then he started raping me.
He was raplng me wlth a candle.
He told me what It was.
Sald he was gonna Ilght It.
Clear! - It's clear! - Okay, Rhetta.
Y'all get out.
Careful, careful.
Let me clear a path.
Butch, careful! Is that blood? Shit! Moses was screechlng, telllng hlm to stop.
These look like teeth marks.
What happened in this place? I finally passed out.
And when I woke up, he was gone.
But I was tied up.
I couldn't see anything.
I couldn't move.
Was there anything familiar about him? The way he talked? A smell? Garlic.
One tlme when he came back, he smelled Ilke Mr.
Who's Mr.
Johnson? My landlord.
He's always cooking with garlic.
I can smell it.
You said, "One time when he came back.
" How many times did he leave? I heard him leave three times.
But I heard him come back five times.
- Did he use a key? - Yes.
I heard it in the lock.
How long was he gone? Long time, it seemed like.
I didn't know if it was day or night.
What did you hear when he was gone? You know, garbage trucks? School bell? I don't know.
I just know that when he was there, he raped me.
And when he wasn't raping me he would inspect me untll he got tlred, I guess.
Then he would leave.
He had glasses.
I felt them on my thlghs.
After he left, dld you hear a car start up? Dld he make a phone call? I just heard him take a shower.
He'd finish with me take a shower then leave.
He shaved my legs three tlmes.
My underarms too.
Dld he feed you? Breakfast.
Sometlmes he fed me chocolates.
How dld you get away? He got sloppy.
He was stlll drunk, I thlnk, when he taped my mouth.
When he left I worked It off, chewed the extenslon cord.
Somebody's been watching Kylie.
- Check out the drain.
- What am I looking at? Nothing.
I just don't want you to look up at the vent.
There's a camera in there.
- Shit.
- He could be watching us right now.
- Hey.
- I'm on my way.
You get a description of this guy? Kylie never got a good look, but he's a big guy.
Over 200 pounds.
Guessing white.
Wears glasses.
He practically ruined her.
You check out Kylie's landlord? Leroy Johnson.
No record.
He lives next door, but he's not home.
He owns a bunch of rental property.
Whoever did this is a real sick piece of shit.
He taped her eyes shut for, like, 60 hours.
Yeah, you should see the sick shit we found here.
A decapitated bird and shit.
Hold on.
Shit, I gotta go.
It's an old friend having some trouble.
See you in 20.
Did you get ahold of that guy? This is gonna be a big help.
Kylie needed my help past couple of days, not now.
She lives across the street from me.
How could this happen? You thought she had a new boyfriend, been laid up with your foot.
Call me if you think of anything else.
Appreciate this.
Central intelligence on this block is right there Mr.
Good Neighbors block watch captain, keeper of safety documentarian of all unknown vehicles, people and animals on this street.
Love those kind of citizens.
- He know where Leroy Johnson is? - In Muskogee with his mother.
He did see a man, definitely not Leroy Johnson leaving Kylie's house before dawn the past two days.
- Big guy, white, wore glasses.
- That's him, man.
He get in a car? No.
Walked towards May Avenue.
It was still dark, so Mr.
Nesbit didn't get a good look at him.
- Mr.
Nesbit see him come back? - Wednesday and Thursday, 10:00 p.
Bus stop is two blocks over on May.
He might've caught the bus.
Kylie's car got repossessed last year.
She takes the bus to work.
Laughing Moose Coffee Shop on Western.
Yeah, Captain? No, Grace is meeting us here.
Why? Key's in the ignition.
No sign of Grace.
What do you mean? We got witnesses? Anyone see anything? She said she saw this car cut across traffic, come into this lot.
Small blonde woman jumped out and chased a man around the corner.
- Description of the man.
- Big guy, white, wearing glasses.
Where the hell is K-9? Get the dogs out here! That call went in 18 minutes ago! The liquor store owner said that the witness ran inside and told him a woman almost had a wreck.
Grace glves chase on the suspect wlthout calllng for backup? - Witness say if her gun was drawn? - Didn't say.
Kld wlth the truck says he's posltlve he dldn't see a gun.
Grace would've drawn down on this guy! No way she doesn't! Come here.
Go, go, go, go! Grace's notes from her interview with Kylie are in that notebook.
Ham, what's happening? No one's called.
Have you found Grace? - We found her car.
No sign of Grace.
- What does that mean? Rhetta, I'm following the dog! I gotta go! The dog? Hey, leave me a message.
Grace I love you.
Captain! I'm not finding shit in here! I'm not finding shit! Yeah, hold on.
Here's the captaln.
Rhetta, we have a new crime scene.
We need you over here.
The chlef called In all off-duty offlcers.
In 10 minutes it's gonna be a full-court press.
Right now, I want us to calmly run through this.
Witnesses saw Grace run into the alley.
Suspect must've been hiding behind this Dumpster.
Grace would know that.
Where else are you gonna hide in an alley? - Blood is fresh and so are these drag marks.
- So now this guy jumps Grace? - That's bullshit! - Could've happened to any of us.
She was chasing evil, she knew that! She doesn't come around that corner without her gun drawn! - Eight witnesses, no one saw a gun.
- Or Grace identify herself.
Now, this doesn't make sense.
Butch, the press Is gettlng too close.
We're on lockdown.
Understood? The dog followed her scent beyond the blood.
Lost her trail here.
He had a vehicle parked, waiting.
He got her inside.
- He could've had a partner.
- Chloroform! I found it under the Dumpster.
Now this guy gets close enough to chloroform her? That's bullshit! Okay, the only way anyone gets close She knows him.
Sh-She knows him.
That's why she didn't have her gun drawn! - Grace knows the rapist.
- He was on his way to Kylie's house, saw the police activity.
- Saw Grace.
- He runs.
She's confused.
She knows hlm, but he's runnlng, so she pulls over and runs after hlm.
It's the only way this makes sense.
Butch and Bobby, go back to Kylie Regan's house.
Ham, you and Rhetta know Grace better than anyone.
I want you two to work together on this.
Grace? You seen your mom? Grace? Grace? You're not gonna tell me what's going on? Where she is? If she's okay? I trust you! You're the one gave me wings strong enough to carry this girl! So that's what I'm gonna do! I'm gonna keep looking till I find her or you tell me to quit! No, Gus.
You need to stay here.
You ever heard of an army of angels? I'm missing something.
What am I missing? She knew the guy.
I know I know she knew the guy.
If Grace thought she was chaslng a raplst, even If she knew hlm, wouldn't she have her gun drawn? - Are you saying she wasn't chasing the rapist? - I don't know.
- Then what are you saying? - Grace didn't feel threatened.
That's what I'm saying.
Description matches though.
Big white guy, glasses.
Who do you know matches that description? Who does Grace know? - Look, I don't care if she's sleeping with the guy.
- I can't think of anyone.
- Who's the old friend calling her? - What? At 10:53 when I was talking to Grace, she got another call from an old friend saying that they had some trouble and she had to take it.
- I don't know.
- Come on, man.
You guys talk about everything.
No, we don't.
I don't know everything Grace does! - Can't you get her phone records? - Of course we're gonna Okay, she got another call.
Something about last night.
All rlght, from 2:15 to 6:30 thls mornlng Grace was at home wlth me.
She was supposed to have supper with Clay and Doug.
She told me she was meeting Leo.
- Clay's right here.
- Ham, wait! Clay.
Clay, come here.
- You eat supper with Grace last night? - No, ma'am.
I mean, we were supposed to, my dad and Uncle Leo.
- But she said an old friend stopped by.
- She say who it was? No, sir.
Is something wrong? Give me a few minutes.
Her name Is Grace.
I need your help to find her.
Streamline setup.
Static I.
camera with a wireless transmitter.
- Is that a Ilve feed? - Yeah, but we're not disturbing the stream.
If someone's watching they'll see an empty shower.
It's gonna take some time to get an I.
That sophistication does not fit this chaos.
- This monster made it up as he went along.
- What about the chocolates? Could belong to Kylle.
Check Grace's notes.
See If she asked.
Bobby said the same thing.
We're looking for a monster and a perv.
He may be an old friend.
Did you hear Grace's phone call this morning? I heard her say, "Did you call that number I gave you?" - You tell Ham? - Yeah.
Bobby and I think Kylie's case belongs to Sex Crimes.
We want to work on finding Grace.
I know.
But I'm not eliminating the connection yet.
Kylie works for the Laughing Moose.
Grace and I used to eat breakfast there when we worked Vice.
I want to find out if Grace still eats there.
Maybe we find this monster, we find Grace.
Kylie said he took a shower.
Means the perv could've seen him.
You run the vehicle plates from the block watch captain? Owners are all getting visits.
Ran the names of Kylie's neighbors as well.
No records.
- What about the landlord? - Leroy Johnson? He's clean.
But he owns five rental properties with five single young women as tenants.
- He could be the perv! Is he still not home? - He should be back by 5:00.
I'm gonna go talk to hls other tenants, try to sweet-talk my way Into thelr showers.
- Any word on Grace? - Just got her phone records.
- She's gonna be pissed when she gets back.
- Yeah.
That's why I put the warrant in your name, Benny.
She's got both her guns.
Oh, Gussy! You hungry, Gus-man? - We gotta look through her stuff.
- I know.
Come on.
I'm gonna look in her bedroom.
I'll go in her bedroom! But let's start in here first.
Appreciate you coming in, Mr.
We've been wanting to talk to you all day.
I still don't know what happened.
- Is Kylie okay? - No.
You rent homes to five young women, but you only live next door to Kylie.
- Have you seen her this week? - Not in the last couple of days.
You sure about that? - What is this? - How much you charge for rent? You should be paying them.
Flve showers, flve cameras.
Here's one of your tenants now, Maryann Blackburn.
She's so pissed off, she agreed to help us.
I don't understand.
Can people see thls on the Internet? - Isn't that what you wanted? - You think I put a camera in my tenant's shower? Sit down.
You know what, kid? I got two daughters.
That's why I rent to girls.
They remind me of my daughters.
I didn't do this sick garbage.
Any idea who did? Ow! Ow! Ow! My foot! My foot! - Shut up, asshole! - What evidence do you have? You have no evidence! - No I.
- Not yet.
You're good, but our folks are better.
You have a key to every one of Mr.
Johnson's rental properties.
You used to help him out with maintenance till you broke your foot.
Doing what? Adjusting a camera angle? Maybe that's why he's embarrassed.
Big step down from your old job.
Retrieval specialist with Intersystems International.
Most people don't keep a bottle of lotion next to their 32-inch computer screen.
- That's not a crime.
- We also got your fingerprints on the cameras.
No, you didn't.
I wore gloves.
Hey H-Hey! Oh, come on.
Okay, okay, l I watched the girls take a shower.
When you're supposed to be watching out for their safety! Makes me want to spit in your face.
This stuff's all over the Internet.
l-It's harmless.
I'm the only one who ever watches.
- Last three days, you see a man take a shower at Kylie's house? - No.
- Stop lying! - I don't watch 24 hours a day! I have a life.
He's worried about testifying.
Worried about his own ass.
This man kept Kylie prisoner for three days.
He did unspeakable things.
If you care about her at all, you'll work with a sketch artist and help us find him.
Ham! Taffy.
Charlie? Charlie who? Charlie Hudson.
He's a friend of ours since first grade.
They play chess Used to play chess.
We haven't talked about Charlie in years, but he's been sleeping on her floor! - What, is he homeless? - No.
Last I heard he was in Baja.
- Does he got a thing for Grace? - No.
She just always made him feel safe.
Charlie is complicated.
When we were 12, he took Grace up to the roof of my farm, told her she was gonna fly.
He swung her around then let go.
Grace broke her left arm, cracked two ribs.
I was crying, they were laughing.
Grace said she felt free.
- They were always crazy like that! - Is he a big guy? Yes.
And he wore glasses before I did.
- Charlie is not a rapist.
- But he's dangerous.
That's what you're telling me.
Only when he's off his meds.
Shit, Charlie.
What, are you mad at me? Yeah.
I'm half naked.
We've been skinny-dipping, Grace.
I've seen you all the way naked before.
What are you doing? I'm sorry about the bottle to the head thing.
I just wasn't sure that you'd come home with me.
Take me down.
No, that wasn't me, Sister Finnian! That was my guardian angel! Boy, you are mad at me.
This might be cold.
Why are you doing this? I have to, Grace.
I have to.
As a penance for both of us.
Grace, as my best friend in the real world, I could use your advice.
And possibly your gun to help out with a little situation.
Myself and Slster Flnnlan wlll thank you, thank you, thank you.
You can call me.
I'll take you for a ride in my new car.
- That the only message off of Grace's home machine? - Four others between me and Ham.
Tell me more about Charlie.
He had a psychotic break when we were in high school, sophomore year.
Again up on the roof, this time naked at the Beverly Pancake House on Classen.
- What was the diagnosis? - Bipolar 1 disorder with periods of psychosis.
Grace was the only one who wasn't scared off.
I wouldn't get in a car with Charlie.
She'd go on adventures with him.
- There's no car registered to a Charlie Hudson.
- He might not have a car.
And the only known address we have is no good because he moved over a year ago.
His parents are dead.
I've been calling everyone we know.
No one's seen him.
I even called Paige.
Then I realized I was insane.
- When are you gonna tell Grace's family? - Already did.
Why haven't they called me? I told every one of them if they called there would be a complete blackout of information.
Kylie's case? Grace would want us to keep working it, find the monster.
- I heard you got a clean set of fingerprints.
- But no match in the system.
Kylie was raped with everything on this table.
- The monster in the shower.
- That's not Charlie Hudson.
I know that.
I want to do both get this guy and find Grace.
- Paco and Gary set for tonight? - Yeah.
They're staying all night.
The place is all cleared out.
You'd never know we were there.
- He's not coming back.
Case has been all over the news.
- This is your idea.
I got another one.
The food Kylie ate was always warm.
Let's hit the restaurants along May and Britton Road.
What about bus video? Well, tech guys are still going through it.
I found a book of matches from J.
's in Bricktown at Grace's house.
Man, she hates that place.
Soggy chicken wings and warm beer.
Well, let's go to Bricktown and check it out.
This morning, after Grace hung up she said something about Kylie's case was already on the news.
"This thing is already on the news.
" That's how Charlie knew where to find her, how the monster's gonna know not to come back.
- So what do you want to do, Bobby? - Will you shut up? One of Kylie's neighbors I.
'd Charlie.
Said he was on the phone saying "If I walk naked onto May Avenue, will you come get me?" Charlle flagged down Grace.
That's why Grace stopped, why she dldn't have her gun out.
Why she didn't I.
herself! Are we clear on that? - Charlie was at Kylie's house.
- Before we got there.
- Couldn't find Grace, so he walked up to May Avenue.
- The perv.
- Nesbit? - License tags.
- Shit! Shltl Charlle's new carl One of the F.
cardsl Where is it? Guy said he sold his car about a month ago.
Here it is.
Salvador Santo? Detective Stillwater, Oklahoma City Police.
Who did you sell your car to a month ago? Charlie Hudson.
Sir, I need you to come downtown.
I'm going with what I have unless I get the exclusive.
I don't speak for the victim, suspect or the lead detective.
I can't promise you anything.
- You gotta be kidding.
You're trying to work this story.
- She's just doing her job, Ham.
Her job? Her job does anything to jeopardize Grace What? What are you gonna do? Say that again.
- Bobby, will you tell them something for me? - Sure.
I'm here about Kylie, not Grace.
Got It.
Haml Butchl Guys, they got the guyl They got the monster.
Prints Rhetta found at the crime scene are a match.
His D.
's gonna be a match.
Randy Newtson Is frled.
He works at a convenlence store near the Laughlng Moose and Kylle's bus stop.
He was out at management training today.
- You ready? - Yeah.
We're gonna head up to Bricktown, hook up with Ham.
He's walking up and down every street looking for Charlie's car.
Did Randy Newtson ever say why? Yeah.
- Is it gonna make me puke? - Made me puke.
- He's never had a glrlfrlend.
- The chocolates are hls.
This is what Grace wrote.
Psycho thinks they're lovers.
Am I gonna lose her? I know she's your creation, as am I.
May I state my case? I need more time.
I can't move fast with her.
I move fast, we're gonna lose her anyway.
Got more faith in this one than I had in Joan and she took the flames to honor you.
Whatever you say, boss.
Ah! Shit, Charlie! You can't move.
Don't move.
It hurts.
Look, suffering is a part of life.
We offer it up.
We offer it up like Jesus.
Now don't move.
Are you crying? Why are you crying? Because you're hurting me.
I'm sorry, Grace.
l-I'm sorry.
l I don't want to hurt you, but I have to do this so I can save you.
I know.
I know.
I just need to sit down.
Eat something.
Please, Charlie? Just let me sit down, please? Y-You promise me on the Holy Ghost that you won't run away? I promise on the Holy Ghost I won't run away.
Well, that was worse than us sitting with our hands behind our back all day.
Sorry, Sister Finnian! Rhetta, she she never had to sit with her hands tied behind her back.
Oh, I pray for Rhetta in my prayers.
And you too.
Not Murphy.
Not Murphy.
You still pray to your guardian angel? Every night.
"Angel of God, my guardian dear through whom God's love has sent you here.
" "Ever this day be at my side - through light and dark to rule and guide.
" - To rule light guide.
I have to tell you something.
I know you'll believe me.
Lots of people don't.
I have a real-life angel.
His name is Earl.
He's not my guardian angel.
He's more like my "get your shit together" angel.
Can I meet him? Yeah.
Come on.
I'm almost finished, but I gotta tie you back up.
Why tonight? Can we finish tomorrow? We can cook those steaks we didn't eat.
I got you asparagus.
- Finish our chess game.
- W No, we gotta meet the naked girl up on the roof.
- What naked girl? - So that we can fly away together! But I can't fly away.
I haven't I haven't eaten anything.
I don't care! l-I have to finish! Stand up! I can't.
- That's not safe, Grace.
- Charlie.
I'm not going up on the roof with you.
And we're not gonna fly away.
- Now sit down.
- No! Damn it, Charlie.
Sit down.
No, you're not gonna hurt me.
'Cause you klll me, I can't save you and then we can't save the naked girl.
I won't let you hurt me.
I need you to Ilsten to me.
I need you to take your meds.
No, I don't need to take my meds! You need to shut up! I need you to l I nee I need you to I will, Charlie.
I'll protect you like I always have.
You and me.
Naked girl.
I'll make sure we're all safe.
Charlie, no! She's finally asleep.
Long day.
Look, Charlle had a gun on her.
We had to take hlm down.
I know.
I mean, if he'd gotten Grace up on that roof, she'd be dead.
Charlie told us one time how taking his medication was like going through life with the laughter turned off.
And Charlie and Grace, they were always laughing and laughing.
It's stuff like this, you know.
What? I mean, Charlie was your friend.
You loved him.
Right? He was crazy, but you loved him, and he ends up with seven bullets in him.
Why? I mean, shit, another half hour, maybe 10 minutes Do you know how close we came to losing Grace today? How did you find her? I almost turned left.
If I'd turned left, I wouldn't have seen Charlie's car.
But I turned right.
I was praying, just praying, asking God to show me where to look.
And I turned right.
Oh! I was praying too.
All day.
Must've said, like, 20 rosaries.
Have you ever prayed to an angel? - An angel? - Yeah.
When I was little.
Baptists don't pray to angels or saints, you know.
We just pray to Jesus.
God, you know? Gus! Quiet, man! No! - Shh! - He wants to be with Grace.
He's gonna wake her up.
He always has to pee at, like, 3:00 in the morning.
Gus, come here.
- Gus, come here right now.
- Gus! Come on.
Go away.
You and Ronnie went to the same school of parenting.
You should go on home, get some sleep.
I'll stay with her.
- I'll stay.
- No.
l I've already made plans.
- Hey, you're the one with kids, Rhetta.
I'll stay.
- Ronnie can handle it.
- I don't mind.
- Neither do I.
She's gotta get some sleep, Ham.
I'll make sure she does, Rhetta.
I'm not leaving her.
I'm glad you're okay.
I'm not okay.
My friend is dead.
I'm sorry about Charlie.
I know how much you loved him.
Why didn't you help me? I wanted to.
I looked all over for you.
I didn't know where you were.
- Why didn't you ask? - Well, I did.
I mean, I didn't have nothing to do with your back either.
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