SkyMed (2022) s03e06 Episode Script
(MARIANNE): So do you, maybe,
wanna see what this thing is between us?
I know that as soon as
I get in that cockpit,
- I have control.
- I love flying too, man.
I couldn't give it up,
even after the bad thing happened,
- I just
- (LEXI): Who's Dani?
That's the dancer, right?
With the leg trauma? Are you okay?
If there was anything
you needed to worry about,
- you would know.
- (MARIANNE): You forgot something!
Signed releases from the SkyMed crew.
I thought Captain Chopra didn't want us
- to use his footage.
- I have his signed release.
(HAYLEY): I didn't know
you were wearing this.
(CRYSTAL): I'm not. It's just,
Jeremy's been gone five months,
and I still can't feel him. At all.
Green light! Cover your eyes!
- Bodie, you good?
- All good, Cap.
- You have control.
- What, why?
Because I can't see.
(DR. PAUL): It's too soon to
say, the damage was extensive.
(CRYSTAL): I have to tell him something.
(WHEEZER): Hello? Is someone there?
(DR. PAUL): I think we're just
gonna have to wait and see.
(CRYSTAL): Hey, Wheez. How are you?
Cryssy, I've been better.
So what's the, what's the deal?
We did all those tests, um
When's my vision gonna come back?
We don't know yet. It
was a powerful laser,
and nerve damage heals slowly.
Vision could come back
within minutes, or days.
But Dr. Paul is admitting you for a week
to monitor how things progress.
Okay, a week?
I can handle that. Just
catch up on my sleep,
listen to podcasts, right?
Chopper's keeping an eye on
things at the hangar for you.
So all you have to do is rest and heal.
Rest and heal. Easy.
Shoot, I I gotta go, Wheez.
- Cryssy, you there?
Hello, is someone there?
Johnson, Urology 214.
- Dr. Johnson, Urology
Is that you?
Cryssy? Is someone there?
Hello? Anyone?
- (CHOPPER): Hey, Wheezer!
I uh, got you flowers
from everyone at SkyMed.
Do you wanna smell them?
So how's everything at the hangar?
Is everything going okay?
Crystal says I'm not supposed
to bug you with this stuff.
Hey, fire away bud, I got
all the time in the world.
You sure? I mean, I
could use your advice.
Someone came to me for help, and, uh
What? Who is it?
I have a bit of a
complicated situation with this person,
and it's new, and we are
trying to keep it low-key,
so I'm just gonna call her
the Dame.
I was at the hangar when the
Dame came to me with a problem.
A problem she thought
only I could solve.
Uh, Wheezer?
This is not what it looked like.
I was definitely wearing my flight suit,
and what's with, what's
with all the steam?
Hey! It's my imagination.
I am stuck in my head for a week
while I wait for my vision to come back,
it's not like I can watch TV, so
Okay, look, I can get
behind the coat and the hat,
but can we at least get
something cooler than the sucker?
(SIGHS) Fine.
The Dame came to
me with a problem.
A problem that led me down a
dark path of investigation,
seduction, and betrayal.
The Dame had always
been mysterious,
a woman haunted by secrets.
Secrets she kept
close, like a lover.
No, there has to be a
way, I just need more time!
The Dame was stunning,
12 out of 10.
So when she called, I came.
I know we have a date tonight, Chopra,
but I'm just not sure I can.
Unless you can help me.
What's the problem, sweetheart?
Expensive medical equipment's
been going missing from SkyMed.
Small things at first, but then
the culprit got greedy.
This portable ultrasound went
missing from 911 last night.
The medics need it to
do their jobs and well,
I don't know where else to turn.
Find it for me?
And I promise, I'll reward you tonight.
Now, I couldn't refuse
a damsel in distress.
So, I went to the
scene of the crime.
(WHEEZER): You find anything yet?
Portable ultrasound fall between
the bench cushions, maybe?
Nothing suspicious.
But there was a pen
from St. Mary's Hospital
in Toronto under the stretcher.
What's that doing in here?
Do you think maybe it's the culprit's?
Or maybe it was one of the medics.
Hayley went to the big hospital
in Toronto, it could be hers.
I wanted to be thorough, so
I looked in the cockpit too.
And that's when I found
It's a hamsa.
A symbol for good luck and protection
common in the Middle
East and North Africa.
Someone put it under the left seat.
TJ flew in the Middle East and Africa.
He's a great guy and a great pilot, see?
But he has more hours than I do.
Now why would someone
with all that experience
give up being captain on a
bigger plane to be an FO up here?
He did say something about
a bad thing that happened.
You know, I thought it was
just the LSD talking, but
Either way, TJ was
the last FO to fly 911,
and it's the FO's job
to put the plane to bed
and make sure everything is secure.
talking to him was
the next logical step.
Now you're gonna gimme
some answers, see?
You're not gonna hold out on me, are ya?
Wheezer, it wasn't like that. Alright?
Look, we both agreed that
TJ wouldn't steal stuff.
No, of course not.
But stories like this,
they, they always have a
dramatic interrogation scene
to get through the boring stuff faster.
Trust me. Go on, yeah, continue.
Now where is it, huh?
I swear I don't, I don't know.
Never seen anything
like that on a plane.
You know me, Chopra. I don't
mess with the medical stuff.
And I wasn't even on 911 yesterday.
Lexi and I switched shifts,
I flew with Crystal on 922.
How do you explain this?
I'll admit it. But I put that in
all the planes, for protection, see?
Look, I just wanted to
keep everyone safe, Chopra.
This job's more
dangerous than I thought.
- Tell me about it.
- What you oughta be doing
is asking Hayley about
the missing X-ray.
She was the last nurse in 911.
It was an ultrasound, not an X-ray.
Aw damn it, cap!
If it don't got wings, I
don't know what to do with it!
Scram, kid.
Get outta here!
The flyboy was a dead end.
But he was right about one thing:
only a medic would know
the medical equipment
well enough to know what to steal.
- Or who to sell it to after.
- Mm-hmm.
It was high time
to talk to Hayley.
But on my way
Camila Vanhoosen?
Priority delivery for
one Camila Vanhoosen.
There's no Camila
Vanhoosen working here.
- What's the delivery?
- Sorry, fella,
I got strict instructions
to make a priority delivery
from Toronto, direct
to Camila Vanhoosen.
- For her eyes only.
- Unless
Camila Vanhoosen was a code name.
How would the person who
stole the ultrasound move it?
Maybe this courier
was actually a fence,
coming for a rendezvous.
Who are ya? Who sent ya,
and who's this Camila Vanhoosen, see?
Don't be a brute.
Oh wait, wait a minute.
- Marianne's the Dame, isn't she?
- What?
- Well, there's not too many
people you could have a
"complicated situation" with,
and you two just did spend
two days in the woods together,
- so
- Shh, hey!
No one's supposed to know.
Consider it in the vault, Chopra.
- Okay, thank you.
I know you have your ways, Chopra,
but SkyMed doesn't need
you roughing people up.
I'll deal with it.
But have you found my ultrasound yet?
Sorry, sweetheart.
This case is a tougher nut
to crack than I thought.
If you don't find it for me,
I'm going to have to cancel our date.
Don't make me cancel, Chopra.
I was more determined than ever.
What about the patient in 3B,
has there been any improvement?
Not yet, Doctor.
Keep an eye on it, will ya?
Detective Chopra, did
you get my telegram?
- I need your help.
- (WHEEZER): Whoa, hold on.
Hayley needed you
for something too.
(CHOPPER): Um, yeah? But it
didn't have anything to do
- with the ultrasound, so
- (WHEEZER): Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What are you doing, why
are you skipping this part?
It isn't relevant to the
case, and right about here
is where Hayley dropped a bomb.
And all the trails lead
to your door, toots.
And you just picked up an
ER job for some extra cash.
Maybe you got desperate,
started picking up some
other things for cash, too.
Things like this!
we don't have portable
ultrasounds on planes.
You've seen us save
people with duct tape.
You think we carry
something as high-falootin'
as a portable ultrasound?
Wait, there was no ultrasound?
Marianne lied?
You mean to tell me this whole thing
- was a fool's errand?
- Hate to tell you, Chopra,
but sounds to me like you got played.
Hold up, toots.
(CHUCKLES) I found your scribbler.
That's not mine.
I worked at Sinai, not St. Mary's.
It must be Marianne's
Don't hold out on me now, sweetheart.
One of my best gals from nursing school
works the ER at St. Mary's.
When I asked about Marianne Ferreira,
she said no one by that
name ever worked there.
It was clear the Dame had
sent me on a wild goose chase.
But why? What did
she hope I'd find?
Or what did she want to
make sure I didn't find?
Do you think it had something
to do with that phone call?
She was arguing with someone.
She didn't want me talking
to that courier, either.
Look, I need your advice. What do I do?
And who is this Marianne?
She never told me why she left Toronto,
she only said it was
partly because of a divorce.
- Hmm.
- Now, she used to be married.
What if she used a different
name when she was working
at St. Mary's? Now,
who was that courier looking for?
Camila Vanhoosen. What if it
was Marianne's married name?
That's a different first and last name.
When you get married, you
just change your last name.
Unless you're running from something.
Then you could change your whole name.
To start a new life,
in a new place, in a new job
Camila Vanhoosen.
St. Mary's Hospital.
How far down this path
do you wanna go, Chopra?
Why are you trying to
talk me out of this?
Oh, you already know, don't you?
Marianne's big secret.
You think I'll let just
anyone make decisions
about the safety of my crews?
Of course I did some digging.
But are you sure you want to know?
Wouldn't you want to know
who you were sleeping with?
Alright. Well, that's embarrassing.
- It was the mayor.
- Yep.
And if you're the mayor in the hospital
with appendicitis during an election,
you would insist on
having a press conference
to reassure your voters.
And if you had to be
in a wheelchair because
you just had surgery,
you'd want the pretty PR lady
to be the one to wheel you out.
Apparently, it was a faulty chair.
But poor old Camila Vanhoosen.
She goes viral as being the bad nurse
who dropped the sick
mayor down the stairs.
No wonder she wanted a fresh start.
You're not gonna tell anyone, are ya?
No. No, no, no, she's a good nurse.
Still doesn't explain why
she was trying to distract me.
Or what was in the
envelope the courier had.
Oh, shit, gotta go, Wheez,
I'm on duty. Oh, hey, we can
catch up about this later?
- Yes.
- Alright.
See ya.
Yo, Cap! I grabbed a
pizza on my way over,
hope you like mushrooms.
TJ? Yeah, no, I'd
definitely go for some pizza.
(TJ): Man, how 'bout
that thunder last night?
What, I didn't hear anything.
It was wild, man. What a crazy night.
- It started when Crystal and I
picked up this kid in Windy Lake.
You're lucky, Kyle. A big fall like that
could've been a lot worse.
Next time you fly paper
planes off the roof,
make sure you don't
go jumping after them.
Gosh, you look away for one second,
and the things they get up to.
I wasn't going after the planes.
I jumped because of Patricia.
Is Patricia the friend you were with?
No, his friend is Jake.
Patricia is his imaginary friend,
- but she's not real.
- She is real!
And this was her house
before we moved in.
And she doesn't like it when
you talk about her that way.
I jumped because Patricia
wanted me to push Jake.
She kept telling me I had to do it.
I jumped so she'd stop.
Okay, wow.
Sounds like a good
thing Patricia won't be
coming with us tonight, right, buddy?
She will.
She follows me everywhere.
She's standing right behind you.
- Right
Don't look at her.
You don't want to make Patricia mad.
Because then, she'll follow you.
Uhh, nope. No, all good, Patricia,
we're all friends here.
Crystal's a good nurse,
because I couldn't have spent
the whole flight with that kid.
You don't actually
believe in ghosts, do you?
You don't?
Nehiyawak believe in
spirits, not ghosts.
At least not like that.
My Kookoo, for instance,
she passed away not too long ago,
but I can still feel
her with me all the time.
That'd be nice. To be able
to talk to people you love
- who've passed on.
They've been doing that since I got up.
I was trying to take a nap
before my night shift at TCH,
but, I'm too worried about
the patient in Room 3B.
(TJ): Actually, that
part isn't important.
(WHEEZER): Wait, what
are you skipping?
That isn't the spooky part, Cap.
The spooky part was
after Hayley left.
That's weird. You think
Hayley left that open?
That door's tricky,
someone must've come home and
it didn't latch all the way.
Yeah, but we're the
only ones home. Right?
Okay, so maybe it didn't
latch when someone was leaving.
Oh, crap, I have a bunch of
studying to get done tonight.
Gotta hit the books.
You don't have to be scared.
That's what all the equipment is for.
Jude won't get hurt
playing hockey, trust me.
Moms worry. I don't want to
sound ungrateful, though,
especially since you got
such a good deal on the gear.
I just want her to have something fun
to look forward to, you know?
She deserves it, especially
after such a tough year.
Thank you, TJ, you've
been so good to her.
- I know she's just your
What the
Ah, damn.
Crystal, that's you?
- Hey!
- Hey! Whoa! Hey.
- How ya doing?
- We keep an electric lantern
- by the fireplace.
- Oh, okay. Uh
I was trying to watch
a procedure on YouTube,
and it's like the universe
doesn't want me to study.
What did you break?
- What?
- I heard glass breaking,
I thought you dropped something.
Did you go outside while I was upstairs?
No way.
You don't think it's Patricia, do you?
No, Nehiyawak don't believe in ghosts,
but they do believe in
this creepy cannibal thing
called the Wetiko?
Wheezer's kid Caleb
is obsessed with them,
but they freak me out.
Is that blood?
Okay, this is starting to get spooky.
People and animals bleed, not ghosts.
What about that thing,
what'd you call it, the
- The Wetiko?
- Wetiko, yeah. Do they bleed?
They might.
There's more blood on the wall.
That is not good.
Back off, Patricia! Back off!
- Leenah?
- Leenah?
Does your mom know where you are?
She thinks I'm at a
sleepover at Star's house.
And what does that have to do
with you pulling a Patricia?
- There is no Patricia.
- We think.
I needed a place to stay in town.
And you said there were
always people coming and going,
so I figured one of you had
to be working a night shift.
I was gonna get ready,
go to the concert,
then crash in an empty bed.
You wouldn't even have noticed.
But I just got here when you came home.
I had to run outside to hide.
When the lights went out,
I tried to sneak back in,
but I bumped into a glass on
the counter and cut my hand.
I get you wanting to go to a concert.
And you know you can always come to me
if you need a safe place to stay.
But you cannot sneak out on your mom
and lie to her like that.
You have to be honest
about where you are.
And if she said no, I'm
sure she had a reason to.
Look, I am always here for you, okay?
But let me and your mom
know you're coming first.
I'll call your mom and
let her know you're okay.
Thanks, Crystal.
Kids these days, eh?
She's a good kid, she just
needs a little direction.
But so did I at that age, so
I bet you were a handful.
- Ah, two handfuls.
Her mom's doing it all on her own
since Leenah's dad died, so we
all kind of look out for her.
Takes a rascal to raise a rascal, right?
Excuse me. A reformed rascal.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You have a crush on Crystal.
That's what this is all about, isn't it?
Shh, no it's not like that, Cap.
Why you blowing up my spot, man?
Does it matter?
I mean, she's in a totally
different place right now.
Grief like that takes time.
And even then, it never fully goes away.
Are we gonna talk about
the bad thing that happened?
You mentioned it when you were tripping.
What happened? Why aren't
you captain on a bigger plane,
why come up here and be a first officer?
What do you want me to say, Cap?
Something bad did happen.
The woman I was FaceTiming
with, Zoe, she's my sister.
I got a second job working
at the Whiskey Hatch
to send her money because I
used to fly with her husband.
He was my best friend. But he died.
And it's my fault.
There's nothing on your record.
I wasn't flying when it happened.
But it was my fault.
And after that
Look, Cap, I'm a good pilot.
You don't need to worry.
But I don't want to be captain again.
I don't want that responsibility.
Have a marshmallow.
Feel better, huh?
It's good.
- (NOWAK): Hey, Wheezer?
Almost time for the night
shift to take over in here?
(TJ): Yeah, I should get going
anyway. Take it easy, Cap.
I thought it was already night.
(NOWAK): No, not yet.
Beautiful sunset, though.
Shouldn't you be working
at the Whiskey Hatch
- if you're not flying?
- (NOWAK): Oh, I was supposed to,
but they gave me the night off.
It's a long story.
Flight school's expensive,
and I don't have family support.
So when I first blew
into town, I was broke.
That's how I started tending bar.
But lately,
there's been a bad
element hanging around.
They call him Boone.
He only drinks black coffee.
I don't have proof, and I've
never seen money change hands,
but he always comes when
there's a big game on.
People are always
coming to see him.
Sometimes they leave happy,
but mostly, it ends in tears.
Barkeep, another.
Think maybe you're ready
to clear out, partner?
Feels like you've had more
than your fair share of coffee
'round these parts.
For your trouble, barkeep.
Suit yourself.
Now I can kick a man out
who's been overserved.
But I cannot kick a man
out that I can't prove
is taking illegal bets.
Never did like seeing people
being taken advantage of.
Well, you do have a
strong sense of justice.
When I was young, my
brother was my hero.
I trusted him completely, and he
took advantage of that
trust to save his own ass.
I lost my family, lost my pride.
Almost lost my future.
Never did sit right with me,
seeing people being taken advantage of.
Anyway, last night, things changed.
The bar was dead.
There was a concert in town, plus
some boxers were up from Winnipeg,
so everyone was either
at the community centre
for the concert, or
the gym for the fight.
Hey, boss.
Ready for a busy night?
Hey, who's that?
Barney. Came in desperate,
looking for a job
a couple of weeks ago.
Got laid off from the mill
with a family to feed.
We weren't hiring,
but I felt bad for him,
so I let him mop the
floor for some of my tips.
- Hmm.
- I had just gotten off the horn
with my sweetie Tristan
in Toronto, when
I sure would be obliged for your help.
I got some real trouble
with the patient in Room 3B.
This was just Hayley stuff,
we can skip that part.
Oh come on, you too?
The real trouble
started after she left.
I wasn't happy to
see Boone back again,
but I couldn't kick him out,
and I had a lot to keep me busy.
Barney, what's wrong?
I made a real bad call, Nowak.
But I was desperate.
When I was mopping,
I heard Boone tell someone
that tonight's fight
was a sure thing. And
my kid's been real sick.
So I took all the
money you gave me and
- Jesus, Barney!
- I'm starting to think
the fight might have been fixed, Nowak.
Everyone who bet, lost.
Boone's got a collector
who waits outside
in the parking lot, and
if someone can't payI
I can't go out there,
he'll break my legs, Nowak!
Then how will I feed my family?
I told poor Barney to
sneak out the back door.
It didn't sit right how Boone
took advantage of Barney's trust.
It didn't sit right at all.
High time you pack up
and get goin', partner.
Why? You can't kick me out, lawman.
Not while I'm just sitting
here quiet as a church mouse.
You're intoxicated.
You've been over-served.
I've been drinking coffee all night.
You stink like whisky to me, varmint.
And that's what I'd
been waiting for.
Don't you ever come crawlin'
'round here again, varmint.
Not in my town.
Well, I can tell why they
made you take the night off.
I always blame myself
for what my brother did.
For trusting somebody I shouldn't have.
For being so stupid.
But I've never been able
to confront him about it.
And I've always felt too ashamed
to tell my parents the truth.
I trusted him, he betrayed me.
I feel like I've been angry for years.
I think
I was just looking for an
excuse to fight someone,
so I could get some of that anger out.
You know, I know what it's
like to be angry at the past.
But you need to find a
way to manage that anger.
You're a good pilot, Nowak.
Don't let this steal your future, too.
- (DR. PAUL): Incoming!
It's one of the SkyMed flight crew,
significant blood loss,
BP 80 on 50, prep the OR.
- What's going on?
- (NURSE): We got it, go, go, go!
What's happening, is someone hurt?
(NOWAK): Oh my God, Lexi?!
Hello? Someone?!
Hello? Anyone?!
- Oh, finally.
I know everyone's busy,
but it's been forever,
and I need to know what's
going on with my crew.
- (LEXI): We're okay.
We're all going to be okay. Hopefully.
Lexi? I heard the stretcher
come in. What happened?
- Who got hurt?
- Crystal says
it's not good for you
to be stressed right now.
Look, I need to know.
Promise you won't get stressed?
- Yeah.
- It started a little while ago.
I'm not sure when,
because I guess there's a lot
I didn't know about, but
Stef and I have been arguing lately.
Darling, wait!
Darling, please, won't you talk to me?
Not if you insist on flying
that death trap, Alexandra.
You know how it makes me worry.
And after I tragically
lost my first beloved. Mel!
But you know flying is my passion. And
I am a woman of
(GASPS) intense passions.
Wait, wait, wait. Hold up.
Wheezer, it did not happen like that.
And these, these clothes are ridiculous.
Remember how you didn't
want to stress me out?
I don't get my stories in here, so
And when were you
going to tell Alexandra
- about this, Stefanie?
Okay, maybe it is a little bit much.
This was waiting in Dispatch.
It's addressed to, "The
SkyMed Medic Who Saved Me,"
but I think it's for you.
I'm gonna go to the ER early,
the patient in room
3B is still a problem.
(LEXI): Uh, this was just
some boring nurse stuff.
(WHEEZER): No, I know
the drill by now.
The important thing was the card.
Everything okay?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's nothing.
Lex. No, no. Lex.
this is really sweet.
A letter from the dancer
who almost lost her leg.
I know you were worried about her,
it sounds like she's doing really well.
She even invited you to a
benefit recital for her recovery.
It's perfect. You can meet her,
- see for yourself she's okay.
- No, I don't think I can.
I gotta work that day, so
Her reaction didn't make sense,
but I wanted to help.
And I'm trying to make
Captain-level decisions, so
I know work's been stressful lately,
so I wanted to do something
that might help you relax a bit
- about some stuff.
- Mm, okay,
something we can do together? Alone?
Okay. Surprise!
I know it's not easy,
dropping off patients and never
knowing what happens to them,
- so I wanted you to meet
- Dani?
- Mel? What are you doing here?
- Mel?
- Stef, what's going on?
- Who's Stef?
Wait, wait, wait.
Mel is the name of Stef's
girlfriend who died, right?
And this patient reminded Stef of Mel,
so Stef started hanging
out with her in secret,
without telling her
that she was the medic
that saved her life, and
instead had this poor girl
calling her Mel? And
you knew none of this?
I know you said this
wasn't a soap opera, but
Wheezer. This is serious, okay?
Okay, okay, okay.
This is way better than
Love Is Blind Brazil.
I had no idea Stef and
Dani had already met.
Or that Stef had lied
about who she was.
But before I could
talk to her about it,
or get an explanation
Let me guess, your
pagers went off. Classic.
God, you're so dramatic.
I didn't mean to hurt you,
it was an accident. I fell.
With a hockey stick? Onto my knee?
Right before my short program?
You tried to Tonya Harding me, you liar.
Okay, can let's just stay calm, okay?
- It's a long flight to Winnipeg.
- I got hurt too, you know.
It's not a Tonya Harding
if I bust my own arm.
It was my boyfriend's
lucky hockey stick,
I was holding it for luck
before my short program,
when you knocked me out
of the way and pushed me
- off balance!
- Your boyfriend?
He was mine two months ago.
Guess you thought you'd steal him
like you tried to steal my song.
He was never your boyfriend!
You went on one date!
And you can have Moonlight Sonata,
it's basic and overrated, just like you.
- You bitch!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop!
A little help back here!
- Stop, stop!
- I need you to sit down!
- You have control.
- I have control.
- You don't need to fight.
- Hey! Everyone just calm down!
Lexi. No!
Oh my God, no! Stef! Okay, no, no, no.
Okay, uh Uh, she
needs pressure on this.
I, I need the pads, the little
white squares in the bag.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
- I didn't mean to hurt anyone.
- Come on! Okay, okay.
When there's, when there's a bleed,
medics push fluids, they
have this pressure bag
But patients need an
IV for that. Okay, okay.
Baby, tell me what to do.
Tell me how to save you.
God! Okay, think, Martine,
come on, come on. Okay,
I gotta slow the bleeding.
Uh, ice!
Turn back to Thompson!
Tell Dispatch to have
an ambulance standing by.
Yeah, yeah.
Okay. Stay with me, baby.
Stay with me.
We got her to TCH.
Surgeon said if I hadn't put
ice on it, she could've
Man, this story's stressing me out.
I'm gonna be captain soon,
and people are gonna expect
me to have all the answers,
and I didn't know what to do today.
Stef couldn't tell
me. Chopper or someone
would've figured it
out, just like he knew
to bust minimums to save Dani's leg.
That's not the same, Lexi.
Nobody expects a pilot to know
have to save a person's life,
just how to fly the plane.
Stef is my girlfriend.
And she's going through
something right now
and I don't know how to help her.
Sometimes, the person
closest to the controls
has the narrowest view.
Hey, from where I'm sitting,
you are a good pilot, Lexi.
And a good partner.
Nobody knows the
troubles I've seen ♪
(HAYLEY): What is that?
- Homemade harmonica.
Stick around, I'm
working on a killer solo.
Don't make me revoke
your popsicle privileges.
I thought you might
want an update on Stef.
Her surgery went well.
It'll take time to recover,
but she's lucky.
I was wondering if I'd see you.
I mean, I'm wondering
if I'll see anyone again,
- but, um
- I've been busy.
I was in Winnipeg with my aunt.
She's going to stay in
Thompson for a while too, but
since I got back, there's
been this problem patient
taking up a lot of my time.
Okay, what are you thinking?
You know, 'cause we
haven't done sci-fi yet,
- oh, or an action movie. Mm!
- Hmm. Well, at first,
it was just kind of a
fun mystery, you know?
How to help this tricky patient?
(DR. PAUL): And what
about the patient in 3B.
Has there been any improvement?
Not yet, Doctor.
Keep an eye on it, will ya?
Detective Chopra, I need your help.
I got a real sick patient in Room 3B.
Poor sap's an emotional flatline.
He needs a distraction, Chopra.
Something to make him
wanna pull through.
Lemme see what I can do,
toots. I've got an inkling.
(HAYLEY): Detective
Chopra helped,
but then a whole new
condition emerged.
The patient liked his
distraction so much,
he started to
develop a dependency.
And things had the
potential to get scary.
They've been doing that since I got up.
I was trying to take a nap
before my night shift at TCH,
but I'm too worried about
the patient in Room 3B.
He won't accept his condition.
I'm beginning to worry
he doesn't want to.
If the patient got hooked
on the placebo effects
of his distraction, he'd
be trapped in a nightmare.
I tried a lawman for help.
I sure would be obliged for your help.
I got some real trouble
with the patient in Room 3B.
He doesn't want to face
reality. It's been seven days.
He's avoiding his injury.
I don't know, little lady.
Sometimes it's easier
to hold on to things,
even if they're hurting
you, than to let go of it.
We were all worried
about the patient,
but no one knew what to do.
I dunno, it's the last
thing I can think of to try.
Do you think you and
Chopper can set it up?
- We're on it.
- Great, thanks.
It's me, isn't it? I'm the
patient in 3B, aren't I?
Because I want to stay in Wheezervision.
But you can't stay there forever.
It's been a week, Wheezer.
You can't avoid what's happening
by making up stories
to distract yourself.
You know, I know what those
conversations were about.
What no one wanted to say to me, I know.
There's really no improvement
in his vision at all?
Not yet. We need to keep his spirits up,
help him get through this.
This couldn't be permanent, could it?
Like, could his vision
really just not come back?
It's nerve damage, it's hard to tell.
It could heal completely, or not at all,
but the longer it takes
He's gonna need to face this sometime.
Man, I don't know what
I'd do if it was me.
I don't think I could handle it.
Is that something that
could happen to you?
Could you really just go to work
one day, and never fly again?
I don't need people to hide it from me.
Because it's the exact same thing
that I'm worried about, too.
The exact same thing
keeps playing over and over in my brain
since the laser strike.
What I'm trying to distract myself from.
The thoughts in my head that I
I just can't listen to.
I can't see.
And I may never fly again.
I didn't come see you sooner
because I was arranging your treatment.
I can't fix this for you, Wheezer.
As much as I want to.
But I do have something that
might make you feel better.
- Will it fix my eyes?
- No.
But, it might help your heart.
Jet fuel? Are we at the airport?
I know how much you must miss this.
And I know flying is the only thing
that can make you feel
whole right now. So
Okay Chopper, Lexi. Good to go.
Hey. Hey.
How you doing, you need
me to get the nurse?
(RASPILY): That hurt.
Yeah, surgeon said that
you'd be sore for a while.
Since you did take a
skate blade to the throat
to try to protect me, and all.
I know you're not up for it now,
and I'm honestly just
glad that you're okay.
But at some point Stef, we need to talk.
About Dani and
everything. You lied to me.
You said you'd tell me
if there was a problem
- I needed to know about.
- It wasn't anything weird.
I just needed to know that she was okay.
I thought I This isn't just
about Dani, though, is it? It's Mel,
and Jeremy, and yesterday in the plane.
That was about me.
Can you please get the nurse?
My neck really hurts.
Hey, I got your text.
What is all this?
Your reward.
Uh Is this your way of apologizing
for sending me on a wild goose chase
to retrieve a portable
ultrasound that we don't have?
No, this is what the
wild goose chase was for.
To keep your pesky brain
busy, while I set up all this.
- Right.
- I had to
special order a few things.
- Whoa!
- Oh, crap, I'm so sorry.
It's okay, don't worry about it.
Courier's envelope. Is
this my documentary release?
Uh, don't, um
I thought I told you
to shred all of this,
- w-what is this?
- Yeah, uh, it's correspondence
with a lawyer that I used
to work with at St. Mary's.
I, I wanted a legal
opinion on the documentary.
Yeah, but why is there
a signed release copy
when I asked you to shred it?
You gave it to them.
You were so worried about
getting a good documentary
for SkyMed that you,
you gave it to them.
I realized that it was wrong right away,
and I asked them to
give me back the release
and not to use the footage, but
it's airing on national
television this week.
I called the lawyer to
find a way to block it.
I'm so sorry, Jay.
I was under so much pressure
to raise SkyMed's profile
to win the bid for the
Pacific base and I
But is this even about SkyMed, hmm?
Or is this about you trying
to make yourself look good
after you went viral
from that stupid mistake at St. Mary's?
You know about that?
This was about you
making sure that your name
is something other than a joke,
even if it meant the
destruction of my career.
(MARIANNE): So do you, maybe,
wanna see what this thing is between us?
I know that as soon as
I get in that cockpit,
- I have control.
- I love flying too, man.
I couldn't give it up,
even after the bad thing happened,
- I just
- (LEXI): Who's Dani?
That's the dancer, right?
With the leg trauma? Are you okay?
If there was anything
you needed to worry about,
- you would know.
- (MARIANNE): You forgot something!
Signed releases from the SkyMed crew.
I thought Captain Chopra didn't want us
- to use his footage.
- I have his signed release.
(HAYLEY): I didn't know
you were wearing this.
(CRYSTAL): I'm not. It's just,
Jeremy's been gone five months,
and I still can't feel him. At all.
Green light! Cover your eyes!
- Bodie, you good?
- All good, Cap.
- You have control.
- What, why?
Because I can't see.
(DR. PAUL): It's too soon to
say, the damage was extensive.
(CRYSTAL): I have to tell him something.
(WHEEZER): Hello? Is someone there?
(DR. PAUL): I think we're just
gonna have to wait and see.
(CRYSTAL): Hey, Wheez. How are you?
Cryssy, I've been better.
So what's the, what's the deal?
We did all those tests, um
When's my vision gonna come back?
We don't know yet. It
was a powerful laser,
and nerve damage heals slowly.
Vision could come back
within minutes, or days.
But Dr. Paul is admitting you for a week
to monitor how things progress.
Okay, a week?
I can handle that. Just
catch up on my sleep,
listen to podcasts, right?
Chopper's keeping an eye on
things at the hangar for you.
So all you have to do is rest and heal.
Rest and heal. Easy.
Shoot, I I gotta go, Wheez.
- Cryssy, you there?
Hello, is someone there?
Johnson, Urology 214.
- Dr. Johnson, Urology
Is that you?
Cryssy? Is someone there?
Hello? Anyone?
- (CHOPPER): Hey, Wheezer!
I uh, got you flowers
from everyone at SkyMed.
Do you wanna smell them?
So how's everything at the hangar?
Is everything going okay?
Crystal says I'm not supposed
to bug you with this stuff.
Hey, fire away bud, I got
all the time in the world.
You sure? I mean, I
could use your advice.
Someone came to me for help, and, uh
What? Who is it?
I have a bit of a
complicated situation with this person,
and it's new, and we are
trying to keep it low-key,
so I'm just gonna call her
the Dame.
I was at the hangar when the
Dame came to me with a problem.
A problem she thought
only I could solve.
Uh, Wheezer?
This is not what it looked like.
I was definitely wearing my flight suit,
and what's with, what's
with all the steam?
Hey! It's my imagination.
I am stuck in my head for a week
while I wait for my vision to come back,
it's not like I can watch TV, so
Okay, look, I can get
behind the coat and the hat,
but can we at least get
something cooler than the sucker?
(SIGHS) Fine.
The Dame came to
me with a problem.
A problem that led me down a
dark path of investigation,
seduction, and betrayal.
The Dame had always
been mysterious,
a woman haunted by secrets.
Secrets she kept
close, like a lover.
No, there has to be a
way, I just need more time!
The Dame was stunning,
12 out of 10.
So when she called, I came.
I know we have a date tonight, Chopra,
but I'm just not sure I can.
Unless you can help me.
What's the problem, sweetheart?
Expensive medical equipment's
been going missing from SkyMed.
Small things at first, but then
the culprit got greedy.
This portable ultrasound went
missing from 911 last night.
The medics need it to
do their jobs and well,
I don't know where else to turn.
Find it for me?
And I promise, I'll reward you tonight.
Now, I couldn't refuse
a damsel in distress.
So, I went to the
scene of the crime.
(WHEEZER): You find anything yet?
Portable ultrasound fall between
the bench cushions, maybe?
Nothing suspicious.
But there was a pen
from St. Mary's Hospital
in Toronto under the stretcher.
What's that doing in here?
Do you think maybe it's the culprit's?
Or maybe it was one of the medics.
Hayley went to the big hospital
in Toronto, it could be hers.
I wanted to be thorough, so
I looked in the cockpit too.
And that's when I found
It's a hamsa.
A symbol for good luck and protection
common in the Middle
East and North Africa.
Someone put it under the left seat.
TJ flew in the Middle East and Africa.
He's a great guy and a great pilot, see?
But he has more hours than I do.
Now why would someone
with all that experience
give up being captain on a
bigger plane to be an FO up here?
He did say something about
a bad thing that happened.
You know, I thought it was
just the LSD talking, but
Either way, TJ was
the last FO to fly 911,
and it's the FO's job
to put the plane to bed
and make sure everything is secure.
talking to him was
the next logical step.
Now you're gonna gimme
some answers, see?
You're not gonna hold out on me, are ya?
Wheezer, it wasn't like that. Alright?
Look, we both agreed that
TJ wouldn't steal stuff.
No, of course not.
But stories like this,
they, they always have a
dramatic interrogation scene
to get through the boring stuff faster.
Trust me. Go on, yeah, continue.
Now where is it, huh?
I swear I don't, I don't know.
Never seen anything
like that on a plane.
You know me, Chopra. I don't
mess with the medical stuff.
And I wasn't even on 911 yesterday.
Lexi and I switched shifts,
I flew with Crystal on 922.
How do you explain this?
I'll admit it. But I put that in
all the planes, for protection, see?
Look, I just wanted to
keep everyone safe, Chopra.
This job's more
dangerous than I thought.
- Tell me about it.
- What you oughta be doing
is asking Hayley about
the missing X-ray.
She was the last nurse in 911.
It was an ultrasound, not an X-ray.
Aw damn it, cap!
If it don't got wings, I
don't know what to do with it!
Scram, kid.
Get outta here!
The flyboy was a dead end.
But he was right about one thing:
only a medic would know
the medical equipment
well enough to know what to steal.
- Or who to sell it to after.
- Mm-hmm.
It was high time
to talk to Hayley.
But on my way
Camila Vanhoosen?
Priority delivery for
one Camila Vanhoosen.
There's no Camila
Vanhoosen working here.
- What's the delivery?
- Sorry, fella,
I got strict instructions
to make a priority delivery
from Toronto, direct
to Camila Vanhoosen.
- For her eyes only.
- Unless
Camila Vanhoosen was a code name.
How would the person who
stole the ultrasound move it?
Maybe this courier
was actually a fence,
coming for a rendezvous.
Who are ya? Who sent ya,
and who's this Camila Vanhoosen, see?
Don't be a brute.
Oh wait, wait a minute.
- Marianne's the Dame, isn't she?
- What?
- Well, there's not too many
people you could have a
"complicated situation" with,
and you two just did spend
two days in the woods together,
- so
- Shh, hey!
No one's supposed to know.
Consider it in the vault, Chopra.
- Okay, thank you.
I know you have your ways, Chopra,
but SkyMed doesn't need
you roughing people up.
I'll deal with it.
But have you found my ultrasound yet?
Sorry, sweetheart.
This case is a tougher nut
to crack than I thought.
If you don't find it for me,
I'm going to have to cancel our date.
Don't make me cancel, Chopra.
I was more determined than ever.
What about the patient in 3B,
has there been any improvement?
Not yet, Doctor.
Keep an eye on it, will ya?
Detective Chopra, did
you get my telegram?
- I need your help.
- (WHEEZER): Whoa, hold on.
Hayley needed you
for something too.
(CHOPPER): Um, yeah? But it
didn't have anything to do
- with the ultrasound, so
- (WHEEZER): Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What are you doing, why
are you skipping this part?
It isn't relevant to the
case, and right about here
is where Hayley dropped a bomb.
And all the trails lead
to your door, toots.
And you just picked up an
ER job for some extra cash.
Maybe you got desperate,
started picking up some
other things for cash, too.
Things like this!
we don't have portable
ultrasounds on planes.
You've seen us save
people with duct tape.
You think we carry
something as high-falootin'
as a portable ultrasound?
Wait, there was no ultrasound?
Marianne lied?
You mean to tell me this whole thing
- was a fool's errand?
- Hate to tell you, Chopra,
but sounds to me like you got played.
Hold up, toots.
(CHUCKLES) I found your scribbler.
That's not mine.
I worked at Sinai, not St. Mary's.
It must be Marianne's
Don't hold out on me now, sweetheart.
One of my best gals from nursing school
works the ER at St. Mary's.
When I asked about Marianne Ferreira,
she said no one by that
name ever worked there.
It was clear the Dame had
sent me on a wild goose chase.
But why? What did
she hope I'd find?
Or what did she want to
make sure I didn't find?
Do you think it had something
to do with that phone call?
She was arguing with someone.
She didn't want me talking
to that courier, either.
Look, I need your advice. What do I do?
And who is this Marianne?
She never told me why she left Toronto,
she only said it was
partly because of a divorce.
- Hmm.
- Now, she used to be married.
What if she used a different
name when she was working
at St. Mary's? Now,
who was that courier looking for?
Camila Vanhoosen. What if it
was Marianne's married name?
That's a different first and last name.
When you get married, you
just change your last name.
Unless you're running from something.
Then you could change your whole name.
To start a new life,
in a new place, in a new job
Camila Vanhoosen.
St. Mary's Hospital.
How far down this path
do you wanna go, Chopra?
Why are you trying to
talk me out of this?
Oh, you already know, don't you?
Marianne's big secret.
You think I'll let just
anyone make decisions
about the safety of my crews?
Of course I did some digging.
But are you sure you want to know?
Wouldn't you want to know
who you were sleeping with?
Alright. Well, that's embarrassing.
- It was the mayor.
- Yep.
And if you're the mayor in the hospital
with appendicitis during an election,
you would insist on
having a press conference
to reassure your voters.
And if you had to be
in a wheelchair because
you just had surgery,
you'd want the pretty PR lady
to be the one to wheel you out.
Apparently, it was a faulty chair.
But poor old Camila Vanhoosen.
She goes viral as being the bad nurse
who dropped the sick
mayor down the stairs.
No wonder she wanted a fresh start.
You're not gonna tell anyone, are ya?
No. No, no, no, she's a good nurse.
Still doesn't explain why
she was trying to distract me.
Or what was in the
envelope the courier had.
Oh, shit, gotta go, Wheez,
I'm on duty. Oh, hey, we can
catch up about this later?
- Yes.
- Alright.
See ya.
Yo, Cap! I grabbed a
pizza on my way over,
hope you like mushrooms.
TJ? Yeah, no, I'd
definitely go for some pizza.
(TJ): Man, how 'bout
that thunder last night?
What, I didn't hear anything.
It was wild, man. What a crazy night.
- It started when Crystal and I
picked up this kid in Windy Lake.
You're lucky, Kyle. A big fall like that
could've been a lot worse.
Next time you fly paper
planes off the roof,
make sure you don't
go jumping after them.
Gosh, you look away for one second,
and the things they get up to.
I wasn't going after the planes.
I jumped because of Patricia.
Is Patricia the friend you were with?
No, his friend is Jake.
Patricia is his imaginary friend,
- but she's not real.
- She is real!
And this was her house
before we moved in.
And she doesn't like it when
you talk about her that way.
I jumped because Patricia
wanted me to push Jake.
She kept telling me I had to do it.
I jumped so she'd stop.
Okay, wow.
Sounds like a good
thing Patricia won't be
coming with us tonight, right, buddy?
She will.
She follows me everywhere.
She's standing right behind you.
- Right
Don't look at her.
You don't want to make Patricia mad.
Because then, she'll follow you.
Uhh, nope. No, all good, Patricia,
we're all friends here.
Crystal's a good nurse,
because I couldn't have spent
the whole flight with that kid.
You don't actually
believe in ghosts, do you?
You don't?
Nehiyawak believe in
spirits, not ghosts.
At least not like that.
My Kookoo, for instance,
she passed away not too long ago,
but I can still feel
her with me all the time.
That'd be nice. To be able
to talk to people you love
- who've passed on.
They've been doing that since I got up.
I was trying to take a nap
before my night shift at TCH,
but, I'm too worried about
the patient in Room 3B.
(TJ): Actually, that
part isn't important.
(WHEEZER): Wait, what
are you skipping?
That isn't the spooky part, Cap.
The spooky part was
after Hayley left.
That's weird. You think
Hayley left that open?
That door's tricky,
someone must've come home and
it didn't latch all the way.
Yeah, but we're the
only ones home. Right?
Okay, so maybe it didn't
latch when someone was leaving.
Oh, crap, I have a bunch of
studying to get done tonight.
Gotta hit the books.
You don't have to be scared.
That's what all the equipment is for.
Jude won't get hurt
playing hockey, trust me.
Moms worry. I don't want to
sound ungrateful, though,
especially since you got
such a good deal on the gear.
I just want her to have something fun
to look forward to, you know?
She deserves it, especially
after such a tough year.
Thank you, TJ, you've
been so good to her.
- I know she's just your
What the
Ah, damn.
Crystal, that's you?
- Hey!
- Hey! Whoa! Hey.
- How ya doing?
- We keep an electric lantern
- by the fireplace.
- Oh, okay. Uh
I was trying to watch
a procedure on YouTube,
and it's like the universe
doesn't want me to study.
What did you break?
- What?
- I heard glass breaking,
I thought you dropped something.
Did you go outside while I was upstairs?
No way.
You don't think it's Patricia, do you?
No, Nehiyawak don't believe in ghosts,
but they do believe in
this creepy cannibal thing
called the Wetiko?
Wheezer's kid Caleb
is obsessed with them,
but they freak me out.
Is that blood?
Okay, this is starting to get spooky.
People and animals bleed, not ghosts.
What about that thing,
what'd you call it, the
- The Wetiko?
- Wetiko, yeah. Do they bleed?
They might.
There's more blood on the wall.
That is not good.
Back off, Patricia! Back off!
- Leenah?
- Leenah?
Does your mom know where you are?
She thinks I'm at a
sleepover at Star's house.
And what does that have to do
with you pulling a Patricia?
- There is no Patricia.
- We think.
I needed a place to stay in town.
And you said there were
always people coming and going,
so I figured one of you had
to be working a night shift.
I was gonna get ready,
go to the concert,
then crash in an empty bed.
You wouldn't even have noticed.
But I just got here when you came home.
I had to run outside to hide.
When the lights went out,
I tried to sneak back in,
but I bumped into a glass on
the counter and cut my hand.
I get you wanting to go to a concert.
And you know you can always come to me
if you need a safe place to stay.
But you cannot sneak out on your mom
and lie to her like that.
You have to be honest
about where you are.
And if she said no, I'm
sure she had a reason to.
Look, I am always here for you, okay?
But let me and your mom
know you're coming first.
I'll call your mom and
let her know you're okay.
Thanks, Crystal.
Kids these days, eh?
She's a good kid, she just
needs a little direction.
But so did I at that age, so
I bet you were a handful.
- Ah, two handfuls.
Her mom's doing it all on her own
since Leenah's dad died, so we
all kind of look out for her.
Takes a rascal to raise a rascal, right?
Excuse me. A reformed rascal.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You have a crush on Crystal.
That's what this is all about, isn't it?
Shh, no it's not like that, Cap.
Why you blowing up my spot, man?
Does it matter?
I mean, she's in a totally
different place right now.
Grief like that takes time.
And even then, it never fully goes away.
Are we gonna talk about
the bad thing that happened?
You mentioned it when you were tripping.
What happened? Why aren't
you captain on a bigger plane,
why come up here and be a first officer?
What do you want me to say, Cap?
Something bad did happen.
The woman I was FaceTiming
with, Zoe, she's my sister.
I got a second job working
at the Whiskey Hatch
to send her money because I
used to fly with her husband.
He was my best friend. But he died.
And it's my fault.
There's nothing on your record.
I wasn't flying when it happened.
But it was my fault.
And after that
Look, Cap, I'm a good pilot.
You don't need to worry.
But I don't want to be captain again.
I don't want that responsibility.
Have a marshmallow.
Feel better, huh?
It's good.
- (NOWAK): Hey, Wheezer?
Almost time for the night
shift to take over in here?
(TJ): Yeah, I should get going
anyway. Take it easy, Cap.
I thought it was already night.
(NOWAK): No, not yet.
Beautiful sunset, though.
Shouldn't you be working
at the Whiskey Hatch
- if you're not flying?
- (NOWAK): Oh, I was supposed to,
but they gave me the night off.
It's a long story.
Flight school's expensive,
and I don't have family support.
So when I first blew
into town, I was broke.
That's how I started tending bar.
But lately,
there's been a bad
element hanging around.
They call him Boone.
He only drinks black coffee.
I don't have proof, and I've
never seen money change hands,
but he always comes when
there's a big game on.
People are always
coming to see him.
Sometimes they leave happy,
but mostly, it ends in tears.
Barkeep, another.
Think maybe you're ready
to clear out, partner?
Feels like you've had more
than your fair share of coffee
'round these parts.
For your trouble, barkeep.
Suit yourself.
Now I can kick a man out
who's been overserved.
But I cannot kick a man
out that I can't prove
is taking illegal bets.
Never did like seeing people
being taken advantage of.
Well, you do have a
strong sense of justice.
When I was young, my
brother was my hero.
I trusted him completely, and he
took advantage of that
trust to save his own ass.
I lost my family, lost my pride.
Almost lost my future.
Never did sit right with me,
seeing people being taken advantage of.
Anyway, last night, things changed.
The bar was dead.
There was a concert in town, plus
some boxers were up from Winnipeg,
so everyone was either
at the community centre
for the concert, or
the gym for the fight.
Hey, boss.
Ready for a busy night?
Hey, who's that?
Barney. Came in desperate,
looking for a job
a couple of weeks ago.
Got laid off from the mill
with a family to feed.
We weren't hiring,
but I felt bad for him,
so I let him mop the
floor for some of my tips.
- Hmm.
- I had just gotten off the horn
with my sweetie Tristan
in Toronto, when
I sure would be obliged for your help.
I got some real trouble
with the patient in Room 3B.
This was just Hayley stuff,
we can skip that part.
Oh come on, you too?
The real trouble
started after she left.
I wasn't happy to
see Boone back again,
but I couldn't kick him out,
and I had a lot to keep me busy.
Barney, what's wrong?
I made a real bad call, Nowak.
But I was desperate.
When I was mopping,
I heard Boone tell someone
that tonight's fight
was a sure thing. And
my kid's been real sick.
So I took all the
money you gave me and
- Jesus, Barney!
- I'm starting to think
the fight might have been fixed, Nowak.
Everyone who bet, lost.
Boone's got a collector
who waits outside
in the parking lot, and
if someone can't payI
I can't go out there,
he'll break my legs, Nowak!
Then how will I feed my family?
I told poor Barney to
sneak out the back door.
It didn't sit right how Boone
took advantage of Barney's trust.
It didn't sit right at all.
High time you pack up
and get goin', partner.
Why? You can't kick me out, lawman.
Not while I'm just sitting
here quiet as a church mouse.
You're intoxicated.
You've been over-served.
I've been drinking coffee all night.
You stink like whisky to me, varmint.
And that's what I'd
been waiting for.
Don't you ever come crawlin'
'round here again, varmint.
Not in my town.
Well, I can tell why they
made you take the night off.
I always blame myself
for what my brother did.
For trusting somebody I shouldn't have.
For being so stupid.
But I've never been able
to confront him about it.
And I've always felt too ashamed
to tell my parents the truth.
I trusted him, he betrayed me.
I feel like I've been angry for years.
I think
I was just looking for an
excuse to fight someone,
so I could get some of that anger out.
You know, I know what it's
like to be angry at the past.
But you need to find a
way to manage that anger.
You're a good pilot, Nowak.
Don't let this steal your future, too.
- (DR. PAUL): Incoming!
It's one of the SkyMed flight crew,
significant blood loss,
BP 80 on 50, prep the OR.
- What's going on?
- (NURSE): We got it, go, go, go!
What's happening, is someone hurt?
(NOWAK): Oh my God, Lexi?!
Hello? Someone?!
Hello? Anyone?!
- Oh, finally.
I know everyone's busy,
but it's been forever,
and I need to know what's
going on with my crew.
- (LEXI): We're okay.
We're all going to be okay. Hopefully.
Lexi? I heard the stretcher
come in. What happened?
- Who got hurt?
- Crystal says
it's not good for you
to be stressed right now.
Look, I need to know.
Promise you won't get stressed?
- Yeah.
- It started a little while ago.
I'm not sure when,
because I guess there's a lot
I didn't know about, but
Stef and I have been arguing lately.
Darling, wait!
Darling, please, won't you talk to me?
Not if you insist on flying
that death trap, Alexandra.
You know how it makes me worry.
And after I tragically
lost my first beloved. Mel!
But you know flying is my passion. And
I am a woman of
(GASPS) intense passions.
Wait, wait, wait. Hold up.
Wheezer, it did not happen like that.
And these, these clothes are ridiculous.
Remember how you didn't
want to stress me out?
I don't get my stories in here, so
And when were you
going to tell Alexandra
- about this, Stefanie?
Okay, maybe it is a little bit much.
This was waiting in Dispatch.
It's addressed to, "The
SkyMed Medic Who Saved Me,"
but I think it's for you.
I'm gonna go to the ER early,
the patient in room
3B is still a problem.
(LEXI): Uh, this was just
some boring nurse stuff.
(WHEEZER): No, I know
the drill by now.
The important thing was the card.
Everything okay?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's nothing.
Lex. No, no. Lex.
this is really sweet.
A letter from the dancer
who almost lost her leg.
I know you were worried about her,
it sounds like she's doing really well.
She even invited you to a
benefit recital for her recovery.
It's perfect. You can meet her,
- see for yourself she's okay.
- No, I don't think I can.
I gotta work that day, so
Her reaction didn't make sense,
but I wanted to help.
And I'm trying to make
Captain-level decisions, so
I know work's been stressful lately,
so I wanted to do something
that might help you relax a bit
- about some stuff.
- Mm, okay,
something we can do together? Alone?
Okay. Surprise!
I know it's not easy,
dropping off patients and never
knowing what happens to them,
- so I wanted you to meet
- Dani?
- Mel? What are you doing here?
- Mel?
- Stef, what's going on?
- Who's Stef?
Wait, wait, wait.
Mel is the name of Stef's
girlfriend who died, right?
And this patient reminded Stef of Mel,
so Stef started hanging
out with her in secret,
without telling her
that she was the medic
that saved her life, and
instead had this poor girl
calling her Mel? And
you knew none of this?
I know you said this
wasn't a soap opera, but
Wheezer. This is serious, okay?
Okay, okay, okay.
This is way better than
Love Is Blind Brazil.
I had no idea Stef and
Dani had already met.
Or that Stef had lied
about who she was.
But before I could
talk to her about it,
or get an explanation
Let me guess, your
pagers went off. Classic.
God, you're so dramatic.
I didn't mean to hurt you,
it was an accident. I fell.
With a hockey stick? Onto my knee?
Right before my short program?
You tried to Tonya Harding me, you liar.
Okay, can let's just stay calm, okay?
- It's a long flight to Winnipeg.
- I got hurt too, you know.
It's not a Tonya Harding
if I bust my own arm.
It was my boyfriend's
lucky hockey stick,
I was holding it for luck
before my short program,
when you knocked me out
of the way and pushed me
- off balance!
- Your boyfriend?
He was mine two months ago.
Guess you thought you'd steal him
like you tried to steal my song.
He was never your boyfriend!
You went on one date!
And you can have Moonlight Sonata,
it's basic and overrated, just like you.
- You bitch!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop!
A little help back here!
- Stop, stop!
- I need you to sit down!
- You have control.
- I have control.
- You don't need to fight.
- Hey! Everyone just calm down!
Lexi. No!
Oh my God, no! Stef! Okay, no, no, no.
Okay, uh Uh, she
needs pressure on this.
I, I need the pads, the little
white squares in the bag.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
- I didn't mean to hurt anyone.
- Come on! Okay, okay.
When there's, when there's a bleed,
medics push fluids, they
have this pressure bag
But patients need an
IV for that. Okay, okay.
Baby, tell me what to do.
Tell me how to save you.
God! Okay, think, Martine,
come on, come on. Okay,
I gotta slow the bleeding.
Uh, ice!
Turn back to Thompson!
Tell Dispatch to have
an ambulance standing by.
Yeah, yeah.
Okay. Stay with me, baby.
Stay with me.
We got her to TCH.
Surgeon said if I hadn't put
ice on it, she could've
Man, this story's stressing me out.
I'm gonna be captain soon,
and people are gonna expect
me to have all the answers,
and I didn't know what to do today.
Stef couldn't tell
me. Chopper or someone
would've figured it
out, just like he knew
to bust minimums to save Dani's leg.
That's not the same, Lexi.
Nobody expects a pilot to know
have to save a person's life,
just how to fly the plane.
Stef is my girlfriend.
And she's going through
something right now
and I don't know how to help her.
Sometimes, the person
closest to the controls
has the narrowest view.
Hey, from where I'm sitting,
you are a good pilot, Lexi.
And a good partner.
Nobody knows the
troubles I've seen ♪
(HAYLEY): What is that?
- Homemade harmonica.
Stick around, I'm
working on a killer solo.
Don't make me revoke
your popsicle privileges.
I thought you might
want an update on Stef.
Her surgery went well.
It'll take time to recover,
but she's lucky.
I was wondering if I'd see you.
I mean, I'm wondering
if I'll see anyone again,
- but, um
- I've been busy.
I was in Winnipeg with my aunt.
She's going to stay in
Thompson for a while too, but
since I got back, there's
been this problem patient
taking up a lot of my time.
Okay, what are you thinking?
You know, 'cause we
haven't done sci-fi yet,
- oh, or an action movie. Mm!
- Hmm. Well, at first,
it was just kind of a
fun mystery, you know?
How to help this tricky patient?
(DR. PAUL): And what
about the patient in 3B.
Has there been any improvement?
Not yet, Doctor.
Keep an eye on it, will ya?
Detective Chopra, I need your help.
I got a real sick patient in Room 3B.
Poor sap's an emotional flatline.
He needs a distraction, Chopra.
Something to make him
wanna pull through.
Lemme see what I can do,
toots. I've got an inkling.
(HAYLEY): Detective
Chopra helped,
but then a whole new
condition emerged.
The patient liked his
distraction so much,
he started to
develop a dependency.
And things had the
potential to get scary.
They've been doing that since I got up.
I was trying to take a nap
before my night shift at TCH,
but I'm too worried about
the patient in Room 3B.
He won't accept his condition.
I'm beginning to worry
he doesn't want to.
If the patient got hooked
on the placebo effects
of his distraction, he'd
be trapped in a nightmare.
I tried a lawman for help.
I sure would be obliged for your help.
I got some real trouble
with the patient in Room 3B.
He doesn't want to face
reality. It's been seven days.
He's avoiding his injury.
I don't know, little lady.
Sometimes it's easier
to hold on to things,
even if they're hurting
you, than to let go of it.
We were all worried
about the patient,
but no one knew what to do.
I dunno, it's the last
thing I can think of to try.
Do you think you and
Chopper can set it up?
- We're on it.
- Great, thanks.
It's me, isn't it? I'm the
patient in 3B, aren't I?
Because I want to stay in Wheezervision.
But you can't stay there forever.
It's been a week, Wheezer.
You can't avoid what's happening
by making up stories
to distract yourself.
You know, I know what those
conversations were about.
What no one wanted to say to me, I know.
There's really no improvement
in his vision at all?
Not yet. We need to keep his spirits up,
help him get through this.
This couldn't be permanent, could it?
Like, could his vision
really just not come back?
It's nerve damage, it's hard to tell.
It could heal completely, or not at all,
but the longer it takes
He's gonna need to face this sometime.
Man, I don't know what
I'd do if it was me.
I don't think I could handle it.
Is that something that
could happen to you?
Could you really just go to work
one day, and never fly again?
I don't need people to hide it from me.
Because it's the exact same thing
that I'm worried about, too.
The exact same thing
keeps playing over and over in my brain
since the laser strike.
What I'm trying to distract myself from.
The thoughts in my head that I
I just can't listen to.
I can't see.
And I may never fly again.
I didn't come see you sooner
because I was arranging your treatment.
I can't fix this for you, Wheezer.
As much as I want to.
But I do have something that
might make you feel better.
- Will it fix my eyes?
- No.
But, it might help your heart.
Jet fuel? Are we at the airport?
I know how much you must miss this.
And I know flying is the only thing
that can make you feel
whole right now. So
Okay Chopper, Lexi. Good to go.
Hey. Hey.
How you doing, you need
me to get the nurse?
(RASPILY): That hurt.
Yeah, surgeon said that
you'd be sore for a while.
Since you did take a
skate blade to the throat
to try to protect me, and all.
I know you're not up for it now,
and I'm honestly just
glad that you're okay.
But at some point Stef, we need to talk.
About Dani and
everything. You lied to me.
You said you'd tell me
if there was a problem
- I needed to know about.
- It wasn't anything weird.
I just needed to know that she was okay.
I thought I This isn't just
about Dani, though, is it? It's Mel,
and Jeremy, and yesterday in the plane.
That was about me.
Can you please get the nurse?
My neck really hurts.
Hey, I got your text.
What is all this?
Your reward.
Uh Is this your way of apologizing
for sending me on a wild goose chase
to retrieve a portable
ultrasound that we don't have?
No, this is what the
wild goose chase was for.
To keep your pesky brain
busy, while I set up all this.
- Right.
- I had to
special order a few things.
- Whoa!
- Oh, crap, I'm so sorry.
It's okay, don't worry about it.
Courier's envelope. Is
this my documentary release?
Uh, don't, um
I thought I told you
to shred all of this,
- w-what is this?
- Yeah, uh, it's correspondence
with a lawyer that I used
to work with at St. Mary's.
I, I wanted a legal
opinion on the documentary.
Yeah, but why is there
a signed release copy
when I asked you to shred it?
You gave it to them.
You were so worried about
getting a good documentary
for SkyMed that you,
you gave it to them.
I realized that it was wrong right away,
and I asked them to
give me back the release
and not to use the footage, but
it's airing on national
television this week.
I called the lawyer to
find a way to block it.
I'm so sorry, Jay.
I was under so much pressure
to raise SkyMed's profile
to win the bid for the
Pacific base and I
But is this even about SkyMed, hmm?
Or is this about you trying
to make yourself look good
after you went viral
from that stupid mistake at St. Mary's?
You know about that?
This was about you
making sure that your name
is something other than a joke,
even if it meant the
destruction of my career.