The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e06 Episode Script

African Connection

We made a deal.
It's Azzar's throat-cutting
mercenaries got me worried.
We have to stop them.
Even if we have to kill them.
MAN: Look out!
We can move on the capital
and take over right now. No!
RASAN: Your safety
is most important.
Go to the village of Adabba.
Run, Leona!
Now, that kind of coup cost me
the presidential chair once before.
MAN: Stop them!
Okay, come on.
Get the stuff out of there.
Good morning, madam.
I hate the silence here now.
Most of all, I miss
the sound of children.
Leona, they'll return
when it's safe.
Run, Leona!
We will hold them off
as long as we can.
Go to the village of Adabba.
We'll meet you there.
Now! Run!
All right. We take the
woman alive, if possible.
Now let's go.
MAN: Victor,
don't let him escape.
AZZAR: So you
let her get away?
We're not even sure
she was ever there.
Well, where else would she be?
All of the presidential
candidates agreed to return
to the neutrality of their own
village until the election was over.
Leona would not have
gone back on her word.
Colonel, why even bother
with the election?
We can move on the capital
and take over right now. No!
Now, that kind of coup cost me
the presidential chair once before.
I do not intend to make the
same mistake twice. Is that clear?
Now, I will tell you what
kind of harm she can do.
As Mombassa's widow,
she can be a strong
rallying point for my enemies.
What enemies?
What enemies have you got that
the paratroop regiment can't handle?
That's another error of
judgement I've made once before.
To be effective, a government
must seem to be legitimate.
It must appear to be truly
representative of the people's will.
Now, like the other candidates,
I have agreed to abide by
the rules of the election.
And since the UN
shall supervise it,
no one can contest
the rule of the winner.
Colonel, if you're expecting to
actually win the votes of the people
That is to say, sir,
your reputation isn't exactly
endearing, if you know what I mean.
And by an overwhelming majority.
Let me explain.
Avoting machine will be
placed in each principal town,
wired to a computer
directly to the capital.
Now, this computer will instantly
tabulate the voting progress.
and apparently foolproof.
I suggest you think
twice about that,
if you want to sit in the
president's chair again.
I said "apparently."
Day after tomorrow, a Monsieur
Robaire will come from Zurich
with a pre-programmed
computer element.
This element, inserted
in the display apparatus,
will flash the kind of
election result I want to see.
Then what's it matter if the
Mombassa woman gets away or not?
Because I want to consolidate
my position with no loose ends.
Nobody from the Mombassa
family will be left alive to cry fraud
or to start
a resistant movement.
our ZiJrich agent reports
that Azzar is trying to fix
the voting tabulation.
You'll have to exchange an 08! computer
element for the one Azzar is getting.
It will count
the votes honestly.
When your old college churn,
Leona Kantu, went back home,
she married Zenda Mombassa,
leader of Azzar's opposition
before he was murdered,
We've made arrangements with a man
named Jeff Peters to take you upriver,
Uh, Jeff Peters?
Afraid not, but I wish I were.
They told me at the hotel
I might find him here.
Oh. Well, uh, you see
that man over there?
He might know.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Hello. Do you know, uh, where
I could find Mr. Jeff Peters?
Is that a yes or a no?
What do you want him for?
Well, I had made arrangements to
meet him at the hotel this morning.
Arrangements have a way of getting screwed
up in this part of the world, Cookie.
What does that mean?
It means Jeff Peters' boat hit
a mine in the river yesterday.
I don't think all the pieces
are down yet. Get my drift?
Oh, Lord.
Of course, it
could've been worse.
(SIGHS) Might've been me, too.
Jeff asked me to go
along for the ride.
I figure a hangover
saved my life.
Uh, listen, Mr
But you can call me Harry.
I like attractive women
to call me Harry.
do you know of anyone else with
a boat who can take me upriver?
You're out of luck. I've got
the only other one around here.
Well, then it looks like
I make a deal with you.
Forget it. I told you
what happened to Jeff.
Well, yes, but I
Nothing you can say or do
is gonna get me off my butt,
through that door, and onto my boat.
You got a deal.
But not upriver.
We go overland.
How far up-country
do you wanna go?
JANE: Ana's compound.
Uh, wait, wait.
Where are you going?
I'm sorry, Cookie, I guess
I wasn't seeing too straight.
I never figured on
Azzar's compound.
We made a deal.
Going upriver's impossible 'cause
Azzar's mined it with explosives.
And it ain't the journey
overland's got me sweating.
I mean, it's got your basic
man-eating wild animals
and your basic
terrors of the jungle.
I go through that every day.
It's It's Azzar's throat-cutting
mercenaries got me worried.
So, you see, our chances of
making it ain't good. And getting back?
(LAUGHS) No way!
Harry, this partnership doesn't exactly
have me on my toes with joy either.
Now, if there was another way,
believe me, I would jump at it.
But seeing as how
you're my only chance,
how does, uh,
another 2,500 sound?
How about another 5,000?
5,000 now,
5,000 when we get back.
I was afraid you
were gonna say that.
Let's go.
A white woman here is
trying to go up-country.
She's made a deal
with Harry Walker.
They're going overland.
MAN: You know what to do.
Yes. I'll take
care of it now.
It's done.
Well, how do you like it, huh?
Isn't it lovely?
This is my residence.
And, uh, over here.
This is my baby.
What is it?
Know what I call her?
The Princess.
How'd you know that?
Well, it looks more
like a frog to me.
Now come on, Cookie, be fair.
You can say anything you like
about me, my friends, my family,
but when it comes to The
Princess, she's special.
She went all the way
through the Second World War.
And probably a few
years of the First.
I'm sorry. I
Looks can be deceiving.
Come on, dame. What are
you waiting for? I'm coming.
Yeah, she's real cute.
Are you sure this thing works?
A half-track doesn't
work, it runs.
This one runs, usually, but right
now, this minute, it ain't working.
Oh, Harry! Come on!
Come on.
Very good!
Well, that was a short trip.
Look, I want to be fair.
You can forget about
the second 5,000.
Now wait a minute.
You trying to tell me
you can't fix that?
Sure, but not now,
not here, not alone.
To take that rod out, you
have to take off the track.
And to do that, I have to have
a hoist and the proper tools.
Well, I would think for $10,000
you would at least try to fix it.
Oh, come on, Harry.
Why Why are you
doing that now?
Well, maybe I'm trying
to escape from something.
You're talking nonsense.
Where are you going?
To get a crowbar.
I'm humoring you.
You see?
I told you it wouldn't work.
What the
How about that?
First, a hangover saves my life,
and now a shot of booze gives
me the strength of a bull elephant.
My luck must be changing.
Come on, Cookie,
let's go up-country.
Harry, how long do you think
before we get into dangerous territory?
Two, three hours ago.
Well, don't you think we ought to
work out some kind of a defense plan
or escape or something?
Hardly a chance of escape
if the natives want us.
That is, if the elephants
don't get us first.
Listen, if you're so sure we
aren't gonna get out of this,
why are you risking your
life for a few thousand dollars?
I've got my reasons.
How did Walker fix it?
We have to stop them.
Even if we have to kill them.
Oh, boy.
What's wrong?
Well, The Princess needs
a drink. She's boiling over.
You thirsty?
Yeah, thirsty.
I was wrong about my
luck. It's run out again.
Harry, why do you do that?
My liver.
For your liver. You know,
I have never met anybody
who makes so many excuses
for taking so many drinks,
for such lousy reasons.
have a little mercy.
Have a little water.
All right. Give me.
That's worth another 5,000.
You'll get used to it.
That's what they said
about Castor Oil.
Harry, somebody's coming.
You're hearing things.
Yeah? What's that?
Trouble! Come on!
Let's go!
Harry, can't we outrun them?
Don't think so. The Princess
has never been a fast lady,
and now she's just an old lady.
Sit down!
You got a cute head. Let's try to keep
it on your shoulders as long as possible.
Come on, baby, you can make it.
All right, Harry,
just keep driving, okay?
MAN: Look out!
What happened?
Where'd it come from?
Hey, Harry. You can slow
down now. They're gone.
Well, look for yourself.
Didn't think The
Princess had it in her.
What do you think of her now?
Oh, old war trucks never die.
Don't like to admit
you're wrong, do you?
No. It's been a problem
since childhood.
"Chased by
"An additional $5,000."
Harry, what're you doing?
We have a deal.
True, but I'm re-negotiating.
Thought you said
you had your reasons.
Just realized they
weren't all that good.
Where do you think you're going?
I'm going to Azzar's compound.
And not with you.
You with your honor
stuck up your wallet.
You're right.
I was a little greedy.
2,500 will be enough.
Where is it?
Am I going the right way?
What do you think
you're (EXCLAIMS)
HARRY: Just one of your
everyday terrors of the jungle, Cookie.
And no more negotiations.
I'll take that under advisement.
Mr. Swali will be in charge of the
computer program for the election.
When Mr. Robaire arrives
with the computer element,
I will take it to the capital.
You will deliver it to Mr. Swali
so he may do what is necessary.
Ah, Major. You will have the
Second Battalion stand ready
to maintain order as soon as
the election results are flashed.
Yes, sir. Their positions
are already secure.
Very good.
The First and Third Battalion
will simultaneously crush
all pockets of
political resistance.
Right, Colonel, no sweat.
You will see to it that
all frontiers are sealed.
No exiles will be getting away
to plot against me this time.
Yes, sir. What about the
regular army units, sir?
Will they oppose us?
Not if they think
my rule is legal.
Gentlemen, carry out
your assignments.
Welcome, gentlemen.
You have come
to pay your respects.
Colonel, we did
not want to come.
We do not pay homage to you.
My aide, Mr. Serrano, does not
place much value on your lives.
And you?
For my friends,
I offer food and shelter.
My enemies are not
deserving of my kindness.
Now which are you?
What do you want?
Now, where did Mrs. Mombassa
go after she left you?
Gentlemen, gentlemen.
We're going to find her anyway.
If you tell, it might
save your life.
It is so foolish.
The lady truly is not
worth the sacrifice.
Pity. Take them away.
To be shot without trial,
in your usual fashion?
Of course not.
After the election
there'll be a trial.
How much longer, Harry?
Five, maybe six hours.
Take heart, Cookie. I
figure the worst is behind us.
What the
Harry? Hey, Harry.
Harry. Harry, wake up.
Where are we?
Can't you tell?
The Holiday Inn.
We found this in your bag.
And you were taking it to Azzar.
I wasn't exactly
taking it to Azzar.
Hmm. We have heard that
Azzar had hired a computer expert.
I wasn't expecting a
woman until you showed up.
Oh, no. You've
got this all wrong.
Hmm. I think not.
Having this destroys
Azzar's plan.
My name is Jaime Sommers
and I work for the American OSI.
(LAUGHS) Oh, come on, Jaime.
Even I don't buy that one.
I was taking that to Azzar's
compound so I can exchange it
with the one that he's
getting from Zurich.
I am very much on your side.
Look, you're only making it worse.
Tell them what they want to know
Harry, will you please shut up!
Leona Mombassa can identify me.
That's a safe thing to say,
considering she's
probably already dead.
JAIME: Oh, no.
That's something Azzar's
hirelings, uh, like you two,
would know and must pay for.
Cookie, I'm sorry
I have to do this.
Now you just listen to me.
She fooled me. I didn't know
who she was working for.
Mr. Walker,
you are a mercenary.
You will be no great
loss to this world.
Will you please talk about
this with me Miss Sommers,
save your breath.
Use it to better advantage.
Perhaps in prayer.
Organize a firing squad.
You've sure got
some gall, Cookie.
Lecturing me about money when
you've been in Azzar's pocket all the time.
All right, so it's the case
of the pot and the kettle.
Man, if I ever get out of
this, I'll sure turn to drink.
Harry, listen, there
There is an outside chance
that I can get out of here alone.
Well, take it. I would.
It's time.
Present, hut!
They're really gonna shoot us.
This has This'll cost
you another 10,000. Harry.
LEONA: Duma!
Port arms.
What are you doing?
I don't understand, Jaime. How
did you go from being a tennis pro
to being a secret agent?
Well, that's a good one.
It started out with a parachute
jump and an accident.
I'm sorry. I'm not
supposed to talk about it.
Oh, all right. Uh,
any love interests?
Oh, uh, no. Not really.
Nothing permanent anyway.
What's been happening
to you, Leona?
Ah. Well, as you know, I
came back here after graduation
and started teaching school.
I've been teaching
school, too, finally.
Seventh grade in California.
Ah, well, I was an
elementary circuit rider.
Five villages every day
over a 40 mile circle.
My word.
And I met and married
Kampa Mombassa.
He was 20 years older than I,
but I loved him and
respected his work.
And together we fought Azzar
and we began to beat him
with words and ideas.
He fought back with bullets.
And Kampa was murdered,
and most of our tribe
was exterminated.
I know. I heard about
that. I'm very sorry.
When I saw what nearly happened
to you today, I am convinced
Azzar has already won.
Oh, no. Not yet.
Not if I can replace
his computer element
with this one.
No, no, no. I was I was
thinking of something else.
the man who almost had you shot,
was an anthropologist who
wouldn't hurt a fly a few years ago.
Azzar is winning because he
is dragging us down to his level
and teaching us
to fight his way.
Oh, Jaime, there are
dozens of villages
like this, filled with teachers,
students, civil servants, technicians,
all trying to get
out of the country.
But knowing they
won't if Azzar wins.
I won't even try to
make the frontier myself.
It would be too lonely in exile.
Jaime, I want to thank you
for all you have done, but
We will take it from here.
Well, I really think
I can do it better myself.
Why? Because you are white?
No Blacks are tired
of depending on whites
to solve our problems.
We have been betrayed
too many times.
We don't need
outside help anymore.
Leona, I'm not saying it
because I'm white.
I'm saying it because I
have special qualifications.
Come here. Come here. I
want to show you something.
Now I want you to promise me that
when you see this, you will just forget it
as soon as you've seen it
and ask no questions.
I promise.
Now, if this chain was 10 times
the size, I could still break it.
But, Jamie, how did
You promised.
Leona, trust me.
Yes, I promised.
I didn't see a thing.
Then if it's all right with you,
I will change my clothes
and go back to work.
Yes, of course.
It's too bad. I was almost starting
to feel feminine again. Come on.
Come on. Get in.
I'm taking your jeep.
You'll give me a guide, huh?
Oh, yes, of course.
Come on, Cookie.
Walker, forget it. I'm
tired of your money games,
your self-involvement,
and all of your cheap tricks.
That's what I'm trying to
tell you. This one's on me.
I have my reasons.
Don't trust him, Jaime.
His kind have always hurt us.
They kill our animals,
exploit our land and people.
They are the takers
who give back nothing.
Maybe that's my reason.
I owe something
instead of being owed.
Jaime, I would like
you to have this
for luck.
Thank you.
Well, The Princess may be
loyal, but she's not very subtle.
She's noisy. We better
walk from now on.
Where's the compound?
Just over that hill.
What now, Cookie?
JAIME: Well, I've gotta switch
computer elements with Azzar.
GUARD: Halt!
Down the hill.
Move along.
Harry, I want you to fall down.
We gonna have a debate
or you gonna fall?
Get up!
Good work.
Thank you.
He must've slipped or
something when you hit him.
Yeah, I guess so.
Shall we go?
JAIME: That must be
the Swiss computer expert.
Listen, do you think that you could distract
him long enough for me to get inside there?
Cookie, I I don't
much like that idea.
Listen, I have something here.
It's a sort of
A souvenir.
Harry, oh, remind me to give
you a kiss when we get out of here.
We've got to get
close enough to him.
Uh, let me do it.
All right?
Listen, I used to be
a pro tennis player, so
Well, Cookie, what's that
got to do with anything?
I've got a I've got
a very strong arm.
(SIGHS) Make it good.
It's the only dart we've got.
Here's a door.
Cookie, this is hopeless.
We're on the outside looking in.
Well, it's awfully rusty.
Perhaps we could
It's rusty, but it's steel.
Well, I Okay. Together.
We'll try it together.
One, two, three.
We did it.
Okay, thank you.
ROBAIRE: Programmed for the
landslide results you requested, Colonel.
AZZAR: Mr. Serrano
and Mr. Hopper
have made arrangements
for your safe passage home,
My own technicians will replace
the United Nations element with mine.
The arrangements
have already been made.
We will leave for
the capital in an hour,
But first, let us share some food,
some wine to celebrate my victory.
I think so.
What now?
Well, I'm pretty
good with safes.
But are you fast?
Oh, my!
You're full of
surprises, aren't you?
Here it is.
Okay, let's get out of here.
Stop them!
Come with me.
Thank God!
Apparently, they
didn't get it open.
Good. Very good!
This is it!
The honeymoon's over.
A-ha! All is
not lost, Harry.
Good work!
Why don't you slow down?
Hey, you know,
you owe me something.
Oh, Harry, please don't start
on this money thing again.
I'm not talking about money.
I'm talking about something else.
That kiss you promised me.
Oh, well, you're gonna get it.
Leona, I don't know if I can get
used to calling you Madam President,
but it has a
fantastic ring to it.
Oh, yes, I know, and it's still
ringing in Mr. Azzar's ears.
He was all ready to make
his acceptance speech
when the real election
results were flashed.
And his mouth was hanging open
when the regular army
arrested him.
Well, it couldn't
happen to a nicer man.
Oh, Jaime
Well, all I can say is,
thank you, sister.
My pleasure.
May God rule with you.
And with you, my friend.
Harry Walker?
Close your mouth, Cookie,
or you'll swallow all the flies.
You look fantastic.
I want you to know
something, Cookie.
You see standing before you
a highly reformed character.
Waxed, cleaned, and polished.
Shaved, not yet, but soon.
And The Princess taken care of.
Lubricated and shining.
But what's more, I want you to
know, I've decided to make the
Ultimate sacrifice.
I'm giving up the booze.
Harry, that's fantastic.
Listen, there's something I
want you to know, too, before I go,
and that's I'll never forget
what you did for me.
I'll never forget you.
Good-bye, Cookie.
I'm gonna be thinking about you.
I'll be thinking of me, too.
The usual, Harry?
Water, on the rocks.
This one's on you, Cookie.
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