The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s03e06 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 6

Amaia! Amaia! Amaia!
Amaia! Amaia! Amaia!
I'm here.
I'm here.
- Paul
- I'm with you now.
I'm with you now.
It's okay.
Baby, it's me.
You're with me, you're with me
Look at me, listen
I'm going to get you out of here.
Babe, babe Look at me!
Why did they lock you up?
They set a trap for me.
But but but I ended up here.
- I was alone, and I was so scared.
- It's okay.
I was terrified.
But Friar Salvador
He made me wear this.
He brought me food,
but he didn't speak to me.
He would never say a word to me.
They want to do something horrible to me.
It's the blood moon sacrifice.
They won't get away with it.
Baby, I promise you.
I'll get you out of here.
Listen to me.
If it's the last thing I do,
I'm going to get you out of here.
Ismael, we have to ask for help.
Yes. Yes, we're friends.
But why don't you want us to get help?
Adèle Uribe! There you are.
You're wanted in the headmistress' office.
I am? Why?
Students are reminded that
study period is necessary
for consolidating what you've learnt.
I'm very concerned about your grades.
Sit down.
You look a little pale. Are you all right?
Yes, it's late, that's all.
Have a little water. You'll feel better.
Drink, Adèle.
There's no rush.
Adèle, I know you're there.
Come out.
I just want to talk to you.
It won't open.
Listen to me.
I need something to open the lock.
You won't even know I'm gone.
- No, no, no
- Amaia
- No, don't leave me alone.
- Listen to me.
- Don't leave me alone.
- It's okay, darling.
I'll be back before you know it.
I'll come back for you.
Paul, no
Don't leave me.
The end draws near.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
It's from Paul.
"While looking for Amaia,
I found these pages.
Are they from the book you're after?
I hope so, I really do."
They're from the third Draco Musca.
Look at the font
The style of the illustrations.
Are you sure?
For all these centuries,
the third Draco Musca
has been inside the monastery?
So it would seem.
We can still be saved, León.
We'll be looking
for a needle in a haystack.
If it's been in this building
for all these years,
then it has to be in the oldest part.
No, no, no!
Elvira Elvira!
Elvira, I need you to listen
Elvira is dead.
- What?
- This is all your fault, you bastard!
Inspector, we have it.
I've got good news for you.
With the evidence on the girl's phone,
we can arrest the person
responsible for all this.
Good work.
Students are reminded
that they have 15 minutes
to use the bathroom before bed.
- Manu! Zoe!
- Paul!
I found Amaia!
- Yes!
- What?
But where? Where was she?
Paul, is she okay?
- Where is she?
- How is she, Paul?
- I found Amaia.
- Where? Is she okay?
No, she's not okay.
They've got her locked in a cage.
I need your help.
- A cage? What the fuck do you mean?
- Like a dog! Like a fucking dog!
- But
- I tried, but I couldn't open it alone.
Hey Hey, look at me.
Look at me. We're with you now, okay?
This time, we'll do things your way.
Let's go.
Martina, they want to kill me.
They want to kill me!
Good evening, Mara.
I know it's late,
but we need to see Inés Mendoza.
Can you call her?
May I know why?
We wouldn't ask if it wasn't urgent,
so if you please
One moment.
Yes, yes, it's me.
No, no, no!
He's dead.
He's dead
Darío is dead.
They found him
They found him hanging
in his house in Argentina.
We have to leave.
We should have left already!
I'm not going anywhere
without Alicia Bernal.
Alicia Bernal gives me the creeps!
Don't you get it?
If the police came to arrest Darío,
then we'll be next.
The rats are always the first
to abandon the ship.
There's too much money here for me alone.
Good evening.
We want to talk with Prior Arturo.
I'm sorry,
it's his time for study and prayer.
Tell him it's Alicia Bernal.
I'm sure he'll be pleased to see me.
Wait here.
We don't have time to wait.
Come on.
Don Arturo?
The priory's library
is one of the oldest in existence.
See? I'm sure Don Arturo is a wise man
who'll be willing to help us.
It's rude to snoop through
other people's things.
It's even more rude
to keep people waiting.
They've taken her.
Now how are we going to find her?
Hey, Paul Come on.
Let's go
Hey, hey! Stop, Paul! Stop!
Hey! Get up.
Look at me Look at me!
We're so close, you hear me?
We're so close, okay?
We're going to find her. I promise.
We're going to find Amaia, okay?
We're going to find Amaia.
Zoe, get out.
Hide! Get out! Get out!
No! Please, no!
Here it is. The third volume.
You were right.
Zoe Zoe, hey!
Hello, Zoe? Zoe, hey!
Zoe, what's wrong?
I bless you in the name of our Holy God.
I bless you in the name of our Holy God!
I bless you in the name of our Holy God!
He persecuted the Crow's Nest,
yet he's been using their knowledge
to keep himself alive
for centuries.
Malaquías is still alive.
He neither died nor lost his memory.
I know where she is.
We have to hurry.
I know where to find Amaia.
Hey, you! Stop!
Why are you in such a rush?
Seriously? Finally! You have to
No Hey! No, no!
We need your help!
Search every corner.
I don't want any room left unchecked.
Come on, you know what to do.
Come with me.
What do we do now?
I'll look for help.
Use the table!
He's going to kill us.
I don't want to die.
Just when I love you and you love me,
and Mother isn't here to ruin my life
Okay, calm down. He's not getting in.
Excuse me, Brother.
This is a police operation.
Please vacate the building.
What's going on?
I'm the deputy head of this school.
If I can help you at all,
then I'm at your service.
Thank you.
Good evening.
We're from the Special Crimes Unit.
We have a warrant
to search the building.
Identify yourselves and touch nothing.
We're looking for criminal evidence.
Analyse all this.
Each piece of evidence is important.
Who are you? What are you doing here?
Francisco Pastor?
You're under arrest
for crimes against public health.
You have the right to remain silent
and the right to a lawyer.
Anything you say can be used against you.
Mr. Uribe, step out of the car.
We have a plane to catch.
Can we talk another time, please?
You'll be missing that flight.
You're under arrest.
You have the right to remain silent.
You have the right to a lawyer.
Anything you do say
may be used against you.
Respect for oneself starts
with respect for others
Classes will resume in five minutes
All lights will be turned off
in five minutes
Good evening.
Nobody panic. We have a search warrant.
Just stay where you are
without making a fuss, got it?
Remain calm.
For now, until further notice,
you will all remain in your rooms.
What are these messages?
Is it brainwashing?
Can you just listen to us?
Are you even listening?
- Our friend's in danger!
- She's in a hard-to-reach place.
- She's in the basement!
- I hear you.
We're searching everywhere,
so just keep quiet
Get those cars out of here!
Sir! Sir!
- We need your help!
- Where do you think you're going?
A girl is in danger.
She's in the monastery.
- In danger? A student?
- Yes.
She was locked up, then they took her.
López, do you copy?
- Sir
- Easy!
We don't have time. She's in danger.
- Please
- Inspector.
We've found a body.
A female, around 50 years of age.
It's recent, sir.
Okay, don't touch anything.
Leave it to forensics.
Sir, we've found the body
of a teacher in her bedroom.
What the hell is going on here?
Search all of the buildings thoroughly.
I don't want any room left unchecked.
A student's life may be in danger.
Stay alert.
- Okay.
- Paul
Sir, you have to act now! Please!
- You have to go now!
- Listen to me, kid.
I've got over 30 officers searching.
They'll find your friend.
It isn't that simple, damn it!
- It's a maze down there. We can help
- You're not going in there!
We're evacuating.
I want no civilians inside.
Without us, you won't find her.
- Please
- Enough.
You have to listen to us!
- Can you let go?
- Get your fucking hands off me!
Enough of this, okay?
Does anyone know
where the hell the headmistress is?
Lights out in five minutes
Study period is necessary
for consolidating
He's a psychopath, Adèle.
He wants to drive us mad
with the loudspeaker.
We have to get out of here.
Morning exercise is the best way
Students are reminded that
study period is necessary for
The roof? Are you mad?
This is the laundry room.
There are two students here.
It's okay, girls.
Friar Salvador, open up.
We know you're in there.
On the ground! On your knees!
Go on!
Past, present, and future
All the wisdom of the Crow's Nest,
reunited again after centuries.
This is your legacy, Alicia.
It belongs to you.
So much blood has been spilled
the great persecutor of the Crow's Nest
He couldn't resist
the temptation of eternal life.
I'm sure he used torture to discover
the secret of how to freeze time.
And he hasn't lost his memory,
thanks to the third Draco Musca.
"Those who maintain
the vitality of their bodies,
yet begin to forget themselves,
must look to the infinite dance
of the sun and the moon
when the moon turns red in the sky."
I think this refers
to the blood moon eclipse.
That's tonight.
"When the moon turns red in the sky,
the warm blood of a young, beating heart
will maintain the memory
of whoever drinks it."
We've searched the whole area.
- Keep your eyes open.
- Yes, sir.
Let's go. Go, go, go
Lower your weapons.
You have to listen to us!
No, you listen, kid.
Put those guns down.
Our friend is in danger.
We have to find her.
Lower your weapons, now.
I owe this to you.
I do this for you, Lord.
I bless you in the name of our Holy God.
Stop, don't shoot! He's just a kid.
Jesu Cristo indomino nostro. Amen.
Get away from her!
Turn around!
Turn around!
Step back.
Move back!
I told you I'd come back.
There, there
It's okay, Amaia.
You killed my mother.
Want me to shoot this psycho?
I've spent my whole life alone
because of you?
Zoe, Zoe
"Punctuality is a sign of respect
for oneself and for others."
Shall we go?
I don't think so.
Mara Pellicer.
You're under arrest.
You have the right to remain silent.
You have the right to a lawyer.
Anything you say may be used against you.
We meet at last.
Zoe, are you okay?
- Glad to see you for once, weirdo.
- Go.
You've persecuted
the Crow's Nest for centuries.
How many deaths
do you have on your conscience?
You killed my whole family.
You used their wisdom
for your own benefit.
Those women were an insult to God.
Only He possesses the gift of eternity.
You'll never leave this place.
You also want to live
without forgetting
I know this.
I can help you.
Goodbye, Malaquías.
Tomorrow, you won't remember
who you are or where you are.
Or when you were born, or anything.
On and on, day after day.
Before you eventually die.
You'll know what a living death is like.
- Get a medic here, quickly!
- Move it!
Careful, careful.
- That's not how we do things, kid.
- Well, now you can arrest me.
Your name's Uribe?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, are you? Are you sure?
You're Adèle, right?
You're going to need a new phone.
Yours contains all the proof we need
to get this school shut down.
Is it really all over?
What was the name of that beach
you wanted to go to?
What will happen to Inés?
"Dear Amaia. Thank you for your letter.
And for having the courage to find out
the truth about the Crow's Nest.
Just like you, they were brave women
who faced the misunderstanding
and ignorance of their peers:
men who wanted to suppress them
with their violence and fanaticism
Mum, this is Martina.
My girlfriend.
Nice to meet you.
They didn't succeed,
because the echo of their message
reaches us now louder than ever before.
However much they threaten us,
persecute us, kill us
we will always stand tall.
This is the legacy
I inherited from my family.
And I have decided to return it
to where it belongs
To nature.
I'm sorry that the ambition of those
who did not understand
the message of the Crow's Nest
has caused you all so much pain.
You're been the victims
of terrible experimentation.
I hope you can all forgive me.
One day, other women will carry on
the work of my ancestors,
and perhaps they will succeed
in building a better world."
"perhaps they will succeed
in building a better world."
You're always causing a scene.
I thought I'd never see you again.
You won't get rid of me that easily.
Now we can eat that fried fish.
"León and I have lived intensely.
We were happy, but our time is over.
I hope to continue to live
in your memory for a long time.
With love, Alicia."
Las Cumbres Boarding School.
Adaptation: Chris Smith
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