The Circle (2020) s03e06 Episode Script

A New Member of the Wolfpack

["Criticize" by Alexander O'Neal playing]
[Buteau] Yesterday, our players threw down
in a savage rap battle,
which left a trail
of bruised egos, simmering tension,
and some mics dropped in its wake.
But it's a new day in The Circle,
and the beat goes on.
I'm fed up
'Cause all you wanna do is criticize ♪
Yesterday was kind of crazy.
They all went for blood,
except me, Ashley, and Daniel.
Criticize, yeah ♪
It is another day of drama. [sighs]
I just want what is right ♪
-Still you say criticize ♪
Definitely some cracks
that are about to show.
Calvin went for Jackson, and I'm so happy
that Jackson went for Calvin as well
and didn't play it safe.
Almost every chance Calvin gets,
he wants to put the target on Jackson,
which I don't like.
He wants the attention
to be on me and not him.
Everyone's raising their game.
I have to raise my game too.
It's only fair.
It was brutal.
I lost. That's okay.
I give Nick his kudos
for that catfish line.
But I'm not gonna let
this alpha male come for the queen spot.
That's not gonna happen.
[Nick] I accused her
of being a catfish multiple times.
So the seed has been planted.
Hopefully, it blossoms
into a beautiful blocking
of Kai at some point.
[Buteau] Topless Nick
is bringing the beef already,
but elsewhere, the focus
is on a different farmyard product.
[Daniel] Is it supposed to be sizzling
that much?
Am I the only one who's concerned? Like
Oh my God! I'm just trying
not to burn the damn kitchen down!
Circle, message,
"All right, Breakfast Club,
who's going to make the best pancakes?"
I'm the pancake queen!
Circle, message, "Do you guys even know
how to make pancakes? LOL." Send.
And we missed it. We missed it.
That's fine!
[Buteau] This little Breakfast Club
could really use our private chef.
However, Calvin's in the gym, working out
and about to start a chat with Jackson,
played by Rachel.
[Calvin] I think Jackson's coming for me
because, you know, I pose a threat to him.
I'm the leader
of the Wolf Pack for a reason.
If I see something wrong, I own up to it.
However, I can't have
people in the Wolf Pack
who are sitting on the fence.
I just wanna hear him out
and see how he's gonna play this.
If I have to put it on his toes,
I'll put it on his toes.
Oh no! [groans]
Here we go.
I've lost all of my inner effing peace.
So much for the yoga room, Calvin!
Circle, message, "Jackson,
have to give you props when props is due."
"Congratulations! Exclamation point."
Send message.
He doesn't get a "good morning" from me.
I definitely beat you in the rap battle,
so at least he's giving me props
for doing that.
"Hey, man, I really appreciate it."
"Thanks for being a good sport about it."
Want to see, first off, if he thinks
that what Nick said about Kai, is it true.
I wanna know. What do you think?
Circle, message,
"Jackson, is there any players' lyrics
you think had some truth in it?
Question mark." Send message.
[Rachel] So he's pretty much asking me
if I think there was any truth
in Kai or Nick's diss-track lyrics?
I just did legs. [groans]
Can't be doing all that. [inhales]
I think I would be dumb
to play into it and tell him how I feel
when I don't trust him
and after he called me a catfish publicly.
[exhales] Okay.
Message, "There's clearly a lot of love
to go around in The Circle,
so a lot of the lyrics
were probably true."
"Crying-laughing emoji." Send.
That doesn't answer my question.
This just proves that he's playing a game.
Just give me a straight answer.
Now is not the time to be on the fence,
so I'm just gonna ask you
straight-up questions until I get a
a good answer.
[Rachel] "Which players
do you think brought that shade?"
I'm not gonna tell him.
Message, "Yeah, man,
there was definitely shade thrown."
"I'm used to it
with my buddies back home."
"All in all, no harm, no foul." Send.
He's fucking annoying me now.
Pick a side, bro.
Pick a side.
Message, "Gotta go make some food, man.
Hope we talk again soon." Send.
Jackson knows that I'm on to him.
He just left the chat
when I was trying to talk to him.
Man up, bro.
You're a man that's 28 years old.
You should have a side by now.
I'm going in! I'm going in now.
[Rachel] I was not about to be intimidated
by another message from him.
Don't need you, Calvin. It's fine.
[Buteau] Okay, we need to break up
this awkwardness. Daniel? Daniel!
[Daniel] I just don't know
if this is correct!
[Ruksana] "Mine is going through
some emotions already."
"My pancake looks like it's on a diet.
LOL." Send. [chuckles]
We're gonna whisk ♪
We're gonna whisk
Till we can't whisk no more ♪
Message, "Currently stress-screaming
over the bacon."
"How do y'all know when it's cooked?"
"#CurrentlyDrivingTheStruggleBus." Daniel!
[Buteau] Driving? Honey, I think
he just got ran over by the struggle bus!
That's good.
Oh my God!
That does not look right at all.
Is your pancake mix supposed to be chunky?
Okay, the side's a little burned.
[blows raspberry]
Circle, message, "Honestly, guys,
I have impressed myself this morning."
"I might be coming for Calvin's job.
Cry-laughing emoji." Send.
[in whiny voice] Oh!
Oh my God! I can't even flip the pancake.
What is this?
It looks like a freaking taco
or a burrito!
[Buteau] While Daniel is flipping out
in the kitchen
[Daniel] Ugh!
[Buteau] it seems
that Kai is still stewing
about Nick's call-out
in last night's rap battle,
and she's coming for him. Good luck, dude.
Does he genuinely believe
that I'm a catfish?
So, Circle,
start a private chat with Nick.
Oh, Kai has invited me to a private chat.
I wonder what Kai wants to talk about.
I'm gonna definitely make him think
that it's all good,
but it's nothing but pure strategy for me.
Of course, when I came in,
it was CCCF all day,
and that's exactly how
it will continue to play.
[Buteau] Now, if you don't remember,
CCCF is Kai's strategy,
compliments, comedy,
commonality, and fantasy.
I mean, she dissed me. I dissed her.
So, hopefully, we can just play it off
that it was all in good fun.
I'm gonna start
with the first C of my strategy,
and that is to compliment.
So message,
"Well, if it isn't the rap battle champ.
Congratulations on your win yesterday."
"#BigNickEnergy. Microphone emoji."
And send.
[chuckling] "Big Nick Energy." Okay, okay.
Starting off, positive vibes.
Acting like she's not mad about it.
I think if I bring up the fact
that I'm sorry about it,
it might make it seem worse.
Circle, message,
"Thank you!"
"I'm so glad we both brought the heat."
"Laughing face."
"I may have won the rap battle,
but I'm starting to think
you'll take the crown in our dance-off."
"Sweating." Send.
[Kai] Okay!
It's time to implement the next C,
which is commonality.
"Well, I guess if you won the rap battle,
and I take the crown in the dance battle,
that makes us pretty even."
"It takes a real one to know a real one."
So she's calling herself a real one,
but I'm not buying it. [chuckles]
She's definitely being strategic here.
Circle, message,
"It's nice to have someone
who always speaks their mind in here."
"I hope things are going well
with you and my boy Calvin."
"A friend of my friend
is a friend of mine!"
"#KeepTheHomieHappy. Laughing face." Send.
[Kai] Ah-ha-ha-ha!
I'm kind of liking
where Nick is going with this.
So this might be his way of saying,
"Hey, let's be an alliance!"
Message, "Well, if that's the case,
then let's make sure
that we have each other's backs
moving forward."
#HadYourBackSinceDayOne." And send.
I've totally met my match with Kai.
I obviously wanna get on her good side.
That's what I'm aiming for here.
But I think she's a catfish,
and I wanna get rid of her.
Circle, message, "True that!"
"I appreciate the loyalty,
and I'm sending it right back at you."
with the okay emoji. Okay!
There were a lot of ways
that chat could have gone.
I think, at least, it's making me feel
like I'm in a better spot with Kai,
so, solid.
Do you know what they always say?
Keep your friends close,
but keep your enemies closer.
-[Buteau] Let's leave Nick and Kai there
-[bell dings]
[Buteau] 'cause I just heard
the elevator doors open,
which means somebody's in the hallway.
And judging from the size of his suitcase,
he's planning on staying a while.
-[man laughs]
-[door closes]
Oh shit! [laughs]
Oh, this is beautiful! All right!
Oh my gosh.
[laughing hysterically]
[dance music playing]
We in this bitch!
We got all the time in the world ♪
We just gettin' started ♪
What's happening, people?
I am James. I am 30 years old.
I'm from LA, home of the IG models
and the vegan crackheads.
My passion is doing comedy.
I make people laugh.
Whatever makes people laugh, I'll do it.
And then I DJ on the side to make money,
'cause sometimes funny don't make money.
We just gettin' started ♪
I have the confidence of Tom Cruise.
I'm loud, a proud Black man,
so I'm going into The Circle as myself.
My role in The Circle is going to be
the best friend and the uncle,
but what can go wrong is
me coming in being myself and being loud
might intimidate the shy people.
Once you get to know me,
you gonna love me.
I'm sure that I'm going to win this game.
I'm a natural-born manipulator.
I'll lie to the Pope to win this game.
I'm made for this,
and it's about time I claim my cookie.
[laughing] I don't know
if that's a real thing people say.
Circle, please take me
to my private albums.
Circle, ta take me to My Crazy Azz Bae.
I called that album that
'cause my girl crazy.
Circle, blow up the picture
that's to the left
with my lip looking like I'm a thug.
People always ask me how I got her.
She's obviously a diamond.
I'm a bus token.
Uh, but I'm not gonna use this picture
simply because I'm here single.
I'mma be sliding in DMs.
So take me to Trying to Be Sexy.
Let me see. Um, pick the bottom right one.
It's just a good picture.
Looks like a good guy.
My eyes look a little crooked,
but I could get that fixed in the future.
He looks like he just came
to chill with you. That's it!
So, Circle,
please make this my profile picture.
Oh, yeah.
I am a sexy asshole.
That that didn't sound right,
but I am a sexy asshole.
[Buteau] As another afternoon
passes in The Circle,
Kai's drawing on all her concentration
while Ashley's just drawing.
And he's been here for two minutes,
but newbie James has just taken
Calvin's crown for best-ever Circle chef.
You just put it on like that,
and then you
Ooh, like you broke somebody's back.
[Buteau] You just can't teach this stuff.
Like somebody got a massage
for the first time, that's how it sound.
[Buteau] And as much as I'd love to see
how long Kai can keep
multicolored candies on her face,
I think The Circle may have
something more dramatic planned.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-"Alert! Alert!"
Oh, what is this? What is this?
It's an alert, Daniel!
-Boy, I hope it's good!
I'm I'm in here sweating already.
"A new player has entered The Circle!"
-[both gasp]
-No way!
Yeah, there's a new sheriff in town.
You can call me Daddy!
Fresh meat!
I'm officially not the newbie anymore.
James? Who is James?
What up, James? How you doing, my dude?
Oh, he's cute!
"James will invite players
to join him in a chat one by one."
Oh sh
Okay, so he's got the power right now.
I got to be strategic.
I have to be strategic.
"With ratings later today,
every second counts."
Ratings are today?
Damn right!
[Buteau] Now, James can snoop
on the players' profiles
to help him decide
in which order they join the chat.
[James] Okay! She
she look like a Black Cinderella.
The part where she says,
"I'm a Southern belle,"
that makes me think she's single.
So I'm assuming I could flirt with her.
[Buteau] Not what that means,
but I see someone's eager
to use that relationship hall pass.
And while James snoops on our players,
it's only fair
that they get to check him out.
Ooh, okay. So I get to see him real good.
He seems super cool!
All I can do is just hope
that he's put me
in at least the top three people.
Circle, take me to Ruksana's page.
[in high-pitched voice] Oh!
I see she's a little person.
Very happy, big smile.
I actually like her vibe.
She's 35 years old. She don't look 35.
I I thought she was 27.
And an Aqua Aquarian?
What's that, a a an instrument?
[Ruksana] "You can talk to me
about anything and everything."
"Call me your therapist."
Circle, please take me
to the person I think is fake
just based off his profile picture.
Circle, take me to Nick, please.
Twenty-seven? [chuckles]
Yeah, ain't nobody believe you!
You got that picture off Google Images.
He's 45, confirmed.
"Living the single life."
[chuckles] I'm getting fake vibes!
It is true
that every chat matters in here,
and if I'm not in the group chat,
it's gonna suck.
Okay, Isabella.
Okay, I see you, boo! Got the nose ring.
That means she she
she a little freak every now and then.
My girl got a nose ring right there,
so I know
I know what's going on with you.
[Buteau] James gonna get
some serious exercise
with all that jumping to conclusions
he's doing.
This could go very well
if he picks up on the right signs
and goes with me.
I want James on my side.
Uh, Circle,
let's look at Daniel's young ass.
Ah [laughs]
Daniel's 14.
How're you so young, and your shirt old?
I seen a 65-year-old man wear that
at the casino.
[Buteau] If only Daniel knew
more cooking terms
so he could understand
how hard he's being roasted right now.
Oh, I'm just hoping there's something
in my bio that he picks up on and says,
"Yes, I want to talk to this little kid."
[James] Uh, Calvin is somebody
that I could kick with it, I could tell.
I dress like this when I dress up,
and he has a a fun side, and he cook.
He can make me
a a good-ass sandwich or something.
Calvin might be the first guy I invite.
I do hope that James picks me.
He might be the guy
to bring me back up in my ratings.
[sighs] This is a difficult-ass decision.
[Buteau] That may be, James,
but you better get your ass in gear
'cause we need a decision.
Um, the person I think
is gonna give me the most tea,
and I could create an early alliance with
My heart is telling me to hit up Kai.
I think I know how to get along with her.
Got a lot of family in the South.
Circle, please take me to a chat with Kai.
James has invited me to a chat!
I'm nervous!
Oh my God! I'm the first one.
He chose the queen.
[James] Circle, message,
"What's popping, Kai?"
"I'm excited to talk to you
because your profile stood out the most."
"Strange, but I already trust you
simply because of what you represent."
"But how is that Circle life treating you?
Question mark."
Circle, send my first message. Come on!
[sighs deeply, laughs]
Okay, great! That makes me feel good.
-He's excited to talk to me.
-I want her to know she can trust me.
-I'm her brother. She's my sister.
It feels good to be first.
Message, "Welcome to The Circle, James."
"I appreciate you inviting me
into the chat first."
"I knew that it was more than tequila
we had in common."
I don't know what a tequila sunrise is.
I just put cranberry.
Anything with cranberry juice,
I'm cool with.
This is the perfect time
to tell him what he needs to know
that would help with my strategy
and also with the ratings today.
Message, "Being in The Circle
is a crazy world."
"However, I'll be more than happy
to help you navigate it."
"Make sure to keep your eyes open
for those catfish."
"#RockWithCalvin. #RuksanaIsDope."
[James] "I'll be more than happy
to help you navigate."
That means I chose the right person.
So she's focused on the catfish.
That's good,
because as long as I come off genuine,
she's not gonna be after me.
I need him to know that Calvin and Ruksana
are definitely my strong alliances
and my friends in The Circle.
[Buteau] Before Kai gets too comfortable,
James has to now choose the next players
he wants in on this chat.
Oh Lord!
I'mma get me some more people in here.
I was gonna put Jackson,
but because she said, "Rock with Calvin,"
I'mma let her know I trust her judgment.
So Calvin's taking Jackson's spot.
So I'm gonna add Ruksana
because of her hashtags
and Isabella just 'cause she seems dope.
-Oh shit!
I made it!
James, I didn't think
you were ever gonna come! I'm so happy!
Circle, take me to the chat.
Oh, Kai was the first one. Shock!
Oh shit. [laughs]
[sighs] I wonder
what him and Kai talked about.
Message, "James, my guy!
Exclamation point. Welcome to The Circle."
[James] "Everyone in the chat,
I have a lot of time for."
Calvin didn't tell me much,
but the way he responded,
I think he's genuine.
Circle, message,
"Welcome to The Circle family, James."
"All I have to say is
real recognize real."
"Kai, Calvin, and Isabella are my homies."
"Looks like as of today,
you're one of the homies too."
I got the group!
We the ghetto Power Rangers!
Circle, message, "From the last newbie
to the most recent one,
I know exactly how you're feeling now,
but I know you'll do great." Send.
There we go! Oh! I'm I'm amazing at this!
I wanted to get
the new person in here too.
All right, Circle, message,
"Is there anything I need to know,
as I'm late to the party?"
"Side eyes. #TeaTime."
Oh, James! Oh, James!
Circle, message,
"What you should know about The Circle
is Daniel and Nick are both hella funny."
"I'm sure you'll get along with them.
Damn, Calvin!
I'm trying to build something
with this five.
He's bringing in two dudes.
I have not forgotten
that Nick has called me a catfish
out in front of everybody,
and I'll never trust him 100%.
Message, "Now that my friends are here,
this is the perfect time to tell you
that you missed
an epic rap battle last night."
"#ItWasBrutal. #ShotsFired.
Firecracker emoji." Send.
Oh! "It was brutal. Shots fired." Oh!
I think
this is gonna translate really well
with everybody
who's in this chat room right now.
Oh my gosh.
Kai does not like Nick. [chuckles]
Oh God!
It's not all sunshines and rainbows
over here, guys,
and I need to make sure James knows that.
[Buteau] The most ominous speech
that's ever been delivered
in front of a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's crowd this group chat up
a little more, James.
Time to pick your next players.
Calvin brought up Daniel and Nick,
but I don't trust you, Nick.
Okay, so I'm bringing Jackson, Daniel.
'Cause Daniel,
he he seems like a cool kid.
Uh, he's only 20.
I'mma get along with him.
And I'mma bring in Ashley.
She's the last girl.
Sorry, Nick, you gotta come in last.
"James has invited you to a chat."
Yes! [squeals]
My man James!
Ha-ha! Let's see if I'm last.
Please don't be last!
[Ruksana] Daniel, Ashley, Jackson.
I definitely am a little bit worried
because I didn't want Calvin and Kai
to be added before me,
and it looks like they were.
I'm not last! I am not last!
Who are we missing?
We're missing Daddy Nick.
I don't know what to say to that.
There's no Nick. No Nick.
Circle, message,
"Yo, yo, welcome to the party."
"I'm learning so much about everyone,
and I would love to hear
an interesting fact about you three."
"If it's not interesting"
"you have to take a shot
Dot, dot, dot. Party foul." Ha!
"But we got Kool-Aid for Daniel, though.
Laughing-crying emoji."
Okay, James! Okay, clocked my ass!
Message, "So happy for the invite, James."
"An interesting fact about me is
I'm probably the only 20-year-old on Earth
who has never had his first kiss"
"never drank alcohol"
"and is a virgin."
"But on God,
I know how to have a good-ass time
any day of the week."
You ain't having sex, and you ain't
Wha what you doing?
[Buteau] He's kind of locked
in an apartment solo
24-7 right now, James.
My guy is real! Damn it, Daniel!
All right, Circle, message,
"One night out with me,
and you can accomplish all"
"those three things you never done."
I love it! Yes!
We're already having some banter.
He's saying the right things.
He's relating to the right people.
Circle, message,
"As far as an interesting fact,
I once shaved half my head
because I was bored."
"May have to do it again
since my roots suck."
Calvin, "OMG emoji."
[Buteau] Okay,
this chat is popping so far.
I'm psyched to see
what man of the world Jackson's fact is.
Message, "Fun fact,
I love stand-up and improv comedy,
and your profile, James,
immediately gave me a few laughs."
I might be wrong about Jackson.
I should I should've got Nick.
Jackson is a catfish.
He can't even say anything about himself.
Even if my fun fact wasn't the funnest,
at least I'm in the chat, right?
Frickin' finally!
"James has invited you
to a chat." [chuckles]
About time.
Welcome, Nick!
[chuckles] Aw.
Wow, look at that! It's a full house.
I'm dead last.
[clicks tongue]
I finally let Nick in.
I should've took Calvin's advice,
'cause he said Daniel and Nick.
Nobody brought Jackson up!
"Dude, James! Exclamation point.
Nice to have another musician in the mix"
He's writing a message before me. Oh damn.
"Dot, dot, dot."
[alert buzzes]
"Oh, the chat is now closed." Oh shit!
Sick. Come on!
[laughing] Oh my God!
You did not do that to Nick. That is bad!
That is savage!
Ah, well, at least, hopefully,
that'll get some sympathy
from these freaking people.
Oh, Nick hate me.
Oh! [laughs]
Nick just got his neck
[clicks tongue] guillotined right off.
[Buteau] As day makes way for evening
in The Circle
Ashley is doubling down on the carbs.
Ruksana's tripling down
on the cooking oil.
Meanwhile, James is feeling lucky.
[blows] All right, come on.
A six!
[Buteau] Calvin's feeling funky,
and Kai's feeling Post-it Note-ey.
My masterpiece.
[Buteau] Elsewhere, Isabella, played
by her real-life lesbian sister, Sophia,
is about to hit up
her Circle boyfriend Nick.
Get ready
for a flirting masterclass, y'all.
I wonder how my little Nick is doing.
He didn't get to talk at all
in the chat with James,
and I'm sure
he's probably feeling a little upset.
Circle, open a private chat
with Nick, please.
Isabella has invited me to a private chat.
[sighs] I feel like it's important
for me to go out of my way
to to talk to Nick this time,
because, you know,
relationships go both ways,
and I want him to know
that I'm also putting in the effort
to talk to my little Circle boyfriend.
Ugh! Okay. I
Mmm, this might be too much too fast.
Come on, Isabella.
I need you. You're my girl.
Circle, message, "Hi, love. Smiley face."
"I had a really nice time
in the hot tub today
and couldn't stop thinking
about how the only thing
that could've made it better
is if you were there with me."
"Kissy-face." Send.
[Nick] Oh, Isabella!
I mean, it would have been nice.
You're not wrong.
Oh! I don't know how much
is too much with boys.
Like, I would never say that to a girl.
But it's all for the game.
Circle, message,
"Isabella! I've been trying
to get in that hot tub every day,
but I'm not allowed to go in anymore"
"because it's gotten too hot
since you've been in it. Winky face."
Things are going great with Nick.
Circle, message, "I wanted to check in
and see how you were feeling
after the group chat with James."
"I was really sad
to see you weren't in there
with me from the beginning." Send.
Circle, message,
"What was the vibe in there?"
"I'm feeling super nervous about it.
Two nervous faces." Send.
Basically, I just want to find out
if I was getting trashed on.
You don't need to be nervous at all, Nick.
Circle, message,
"The only thing that was said
about you was Calvin mentioning"
"how great of a guy you are."
You're so awesome, dude. Thank you!
"But James did ask for the tea"
Here we go. [chuckles]
"and Kai mentioned shots were fired
but was beating around the bush
about who said what."
Circle, message,
"That's so relieving to hear."
"You and Calvin are the two people
I feel like I can trust the most."
[Sophia] "I had a chat with Kai,
and she told me
she has my back till the end,
so that's interesting."
I feel like everybody
is just beating around the bush,
and little Kai
is just making everybody like her.
We're all just mesmerized
by her 'cause she's so good at it.
I knew the conversation
that I had with Kai earlier today
was all just fake-nice, fake peace flags.
Circle, message,
"If I'm being completely honest, Nick,
as much as I like Kai,
she is a smooth talker
who has this whole game
wrapped around her finger. Period." Send.
Yes, Isabella!
Message, "Yes! We are so dialed in.
Yes, Nick! Yes, yes, yes!
We are strong, Nicholas!
Message, "I think
if we keep the band as loyal as possible,
we could take out the queen bee
whenever the time feels right."
"I'm a strong believer
that coincidence doesn't exist,
and me and you are here together
for a reason. #MyBoy. #TillTheEndForReal."
Talking about our destiny!
Circle, message,
"The band will definitely have
to get back together
to talk more strategy. #ReunionTour."
"I'm glad
we're on the same page about Kai."
"In the meantime,
Big Nicky needs to go work on his bars
so he can keep up with you.
We better chat soon. #ImOut."
That felt good!
She's got nothing to worry about with me.
We can trust each other.
We can talk strategy anytime,
and we can flirt anytime.
I think it was great.
[Buteau] "Talk anytime, flirt anytime."
That's Nick's motto right there.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] As evening whizzes by,
everyone in The Circle
is either eating or chilling.
Some of them are really chilling.
We're at the beach in Hawaii.
I can hear the waves.
[Buteau] Before Jackson
starts whipping out the crystals,
The Circle's about to do
what it loves to do
when someone's got a hot drink
near their face.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-I'm eating dinner!
It's about to get juicy!
It's like a shot of adrenaline
right into my booty.
"Players, you must now rate each other."
I'm not ready for this!
it's Ashley's time to shine at the top!
[in singsong] "New player James can rate
but cannot be rated."
That was me last time.
It feels good, doesn't it, James?
I'm officially not immune anymore.
This sucks!
"The top two players
will become influencers."
I'm fine
as long as I'm in between fourth and up.
Cue anxiety.
[all] Circle, take me to my ratings.
[suspenseful music playing]
Circle, please lock in Ashley
in my first place spot.
If she gets the influencer spot,
I am super confident, and I know
that she would have Jackson's back.
Nick has been my number one ally
since pretty much the beginning,
and we're on the exact same page
on who we want gone, which is Kai.
So for that reason, I'm gonna have
to put Nick in first place.
In first place,
I would like to put Ruksana.
I can trust her.
I feel like she would fight for me
if someone wanted me gone.
Circle, I'm giving Calvin
my number one spot.
Because he's my number one ally,
and he's always been loyal,
and he seems to have my back
at every turn.
First on my ratings will be Kai.
She's been nothing
but warm and loving to me.
Yeah, that beautiful smile
will be number one.
Today, I feel like
I really solidified things with Isabella.
I don't think
there is any chance she blocks me.
And if she gets the chance to,
I think she will block Kai,
and that's what I really need to happen.
So, Circle, let's put Isabella
in second position. Lock it in.
All right, Circle, in my second position,
I want to put Isabella.
Isabella was welcoming.
She's a genuine person, and I like her.
I want to choose Ashley
for my third place.
I've always felt that Ashley had my back.
I'm going to give fourth place to Ruksana.
Ruksana said already she had my back,
and even if she was at the top,
I know she wouldn't go for my head.
Fifth, I would like to place Isabella.
In sixth place, I'm gonna put Calvin.
Obviously, I'm not rating him high
'cause I want him to go home.
I don't want him to be an influencer.
I am going to put Daniel in sixth place.
I think Daniel won't be a great ally,
because I remember,
when I was 12 years old like him,
I I was all over the place.
He's probably too emotional.
I want to keep the band strong,
and I know you are gonna pick the band off
one by one,
so for that reason, Kai,
you're going to be in seventh place.
I'm so sorry.
Please put Calvin in my last place spot.
You called me a catfish,
and then you came for me today
in the private chat.
I don't trust him.
-my ratings.
"Ratings complete."
And now we wait.
[Buteau] With the ratings submitted,
all that's left for our players to do
is to try and take their minds off it
in varying degrees of normality.
How many seconds is this?
I got time to figure it out.
Two, three, four, five, six
[Buteau] I think it may be time
for one of these.
-[alarm blares]
-[Sophia] Ah!
[all scream]
It's alert!
Oh God, here's the stomach again.
-What's the deal?
-Let's get it.
"The rating results are in."
Ooh, okay!
If I was a gambling man, let me see
how much money I would've made.
[Buteau] Yeah, you can afford
to gamble, honey,
'cause you're safe from the ratings.
[suspenseful music playing]
Oh God, eighth place.
It's so low.
In last place
Come on, Daniel! Pull through!
Don't be me. Don't be me. Don't be me.
No one from the band.
I don't wanna be at the bottom.
Please don't be me. Please don't be me.
Listen, it's not just me who sees it.
That sucks!
I need him! He's one of my closest allies.
You coming off
a little bit like a catfish!
Maybe a lot of bit!
No one trusts his ass! Yeah! Yeah! Oh!
I'm at the bottom.
I'm playing this game too safe.
People are on to me.
Jackson, eighth.
I knew it. I knew it, baby.
I'm definitely not eighth,
so that's amazing.
In seventh place
-No! No, please!
-Oh boy!
[Ruksana gasps]
Oh shit! Daniel?
You do not go from fourth to seventh
without people
having something against you.
Oh, I'm totally done.
Oh! [exhales deeply]
He dropped like a rock.
Am I missing something?
I don't understand.
I think I could handle sixth.
Sixth. Nick. Has to be Nick.
I need this to be Kai.
Come on, Circle!
If I see my little field hockey outfit,
I will not be a happy girl.
She dropped like a rock too!
What the fuck is going on here?
Okay! She's not an influencer!
Sixth isn't cute at all.
Am I missing something?
Is The Circle playing us?
How do you go
from seventh to first to sixth?
There must be a major alliance
that I am not seeing
taking over this game.
All right, who's fifth? Hit us with it.
Who's fifth? [scoffs]
I don't even know what to think anymore.
I'm so lost!
Let me see Calvin's name. Let me see it.
My skin is crawling. I got goosebumps.
[yells] Oh!
Calvin! Jeez Louise!
Calvin. Yes!
Holy fuck. How the hell am I fifth?
What is happening?
I don't understand it. [sighs]
Yes! That is yummier
than a freaking gallon of ice cream
after a breakup!
Something has changed
in the water for sure.
Oh my God! Oh my God! I'm in the top four!
Isabella, Ashley, me, and Kai.
Miss Dirty-shley might be
a top-running ho right now. Let's go!
At least I didn't come below fourth place.
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
We're doing it. We're doing it.
Yep, okay.
Oh God!
No! I really wanted you to be one!
Daddy Nick is fourth place!
So that leaves Who's that leave?
Okay, so left, we got Kai, Isabella,
and Ashley. Girls is killing this game!
If if Kai hasn't been placed
in anything else,
put her in third,
and let me and Ashley be one and two.
Please be Kai.
Come on! Shit! Oh my God!
So this is a make-or-break placing
right here.
If I see Kai's name up here,
I will scream my little Greek titties off.
[yells] Third place is still a good place!
She's not number one.
She's not calling the shots.
She's not calling the shots!
Yep, this is all bullshit now.
This is just this is just
It don't make no sense.
Oh, that's amazing.
Isabella and Ashley are influencers.
-Yes! Oh!
Circle gods, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you.
Oh, that's a pillow for you!
Lion's fur for you!
And that, my friends,
is how a lesbian takes over the world!
Yes! Yes, yes, yes
[Buteau] Courtesy of the real
real-lesbian-next-door vibe.
Look at that! The band is killing it.
We got three out of the top four spots.
Look at that! Who got a blue check?
You got a blue check.
I have a blue check!
[laughing] I have a blue check!
I hope they use those ticks wisely.
These girls, man. [scoffs] Unbelievable.
We have so much power.
We can do literally whatever we want!
[Buteau] Within the laws
of space-time physics in The Circle,
sure, anything you want.
I thought coming in new was hopeless
to to even be an influencer,
and she just did that.
Doesn't matter if you're eighth.
Doesn't matter if you're third.
No one is safe here.
'Cause now I feel
Like I'm living my Circle dream! ♪
[Buteau] The ratings are in.
The influencers have been chosen.
All we need now is a signal,
a beacon of some kind.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
"Alert! Alert!"
Oh my God! I'm gonna pee again. Oh!
All right!
"Influencers Ashley and Isabella
must now decide which player to block."
[in singsong] This is crazy!
I'm so happy. I wouldn't wanna be
in this spot with anybody else!
We just gotta decide
whether we wanna make a huge move tonight
or just play it safe.
No one is safe in here.
I hope Ashley meant what she said
about our sisterhood with me and Kai.
[chuckles] I know the other players
is shitting bricks right now,
every single one of them.
I literally already
might as well just start packing.
Like, I'm done. Like, my game is done.
This is where
they either are with the band,
or they're gonna stick with the sisters.
"Ashley and Isabella must"
"go to the Hangout
to make their decision!"
Let's go.
I'm just hoping that they got my back.
[Sophia, in singsong] God, I'm so excited!
I'm just happy
I ain't got nothing to do with this.
[Buteau] While the at-risk players
face a nerve-wracking wait,
our two catfish influencers
are heading to the Hangout
to decide somebody's Circle fate.
Let's go!
Oh my God! [laughs]
Peacocks are my favorite animal!
This is literally a sign.
Holy shit, I'm in the Hangout!
God, I made it. This is crazy.
[chuckling] What is going on?
Influencer Chat is now open.
Oh gosh, it's happening.
Whoo. Okay.
Circle, message,
"OMG, I am still in shock I'm in here,
but gosh, I'm so happy it's with you!
Heart emoji, praise emoji." Send.
Oh, Ashley.
Oh, you're adorable.
All right, Circle, message,
"Let's freaking do this."
"First on the list, Nick."
So, I'm gonna let Isabella
take the reins here.
I don't want to show Ashley
as a super huge dominating force.
I want her more to be
like the agreeable force,
with a little bit of opinions when needed.
Circle, message, "Definitely is
in the top three people I trust the most,
and I had a great chat with him today,
where his loyalty to us shined through."
Adorable, Isabella.
I agree. Daddy Nick shines for me.
Circle, message
"Nothing but pros for that cutie-pie."
Yes! I knew me and Ashley were gonna be
on the same page with Nick.
That is so good!
Circle, message, "So on that note,
let's move on to Jackson." Send.
Circle, message,
"We came in together,
and from day one,
he's wanted to play
a loyal and honest game." Send.
Isabella and I are on the exact same page.
Obviously, I knew we would be
with the boys in the band,
and we'll see where it goes
with the rest of the chat.
Circle, message,
"We're totally on the same page."
"Now let's talk Daniel."
"I think if we were to save him
and have a group chat together,
his gratitude would work in our favor."
Yes, I agree. I absolutely agree.
Very sweet kid. He's not playing the game.
So if I wanted to keep somebody around
just to drag around like a little goat,
it would be Daniel.
Circle, message, "I absolutely love
the way you think. Heart-eye emoji."
"I agree that he is malleable,
and we could use him to our advantage."
That felt good!
Me and Ashley are killing it!
She's hearing me out about my thoughts,
and again, we're on the same page.
Okay. Circle, message,
"Let's move on to Ruksana."
"Personally, I believe
she is Kai's tightest right-hand girl
and is willing to do whatever she says."
"She's playing a very genuine game,
and I believe she's being herself,
but as long
as that power couple is around,
I feel like we could all be in danger."
Tight spot for me
because I have Charlie's Angels
with Kai and Ruksana.
She's a threat
because she might be an influencer.
But like, I don't think
she's gonna make any hard moves,
but I could be underestimating her.
Circle, message,
"Playing devil's advocate,
let's say we get rid of Ruksana."
"I think Kai may gun for us."
"Right now,
I know we're both on Kai's good side,
and she's in favor of the both of us.
Honestly, I'm neither here nor there."
"Just food for thought.
Certainly someone to consider."
I totally respect that.
I'm on the same page.
We get rid of her,
I think Kai is gonna be really pissed off.
I get that.
Ruksana has not done
anything explicitly in the group
that would make people dislike her,
anything nasty.
She's been genuine since day one.
She's not all over the group chat,
in your face,
and she didn't gun for Jackson.
I just don't see
it being good for Isabella's game
to take Ruksana out at this time.
Okay, Circle, message,
"I definitely agree."
"They're like Bonnie and Clyde,
those two."
"Kai is calling the shots,
which makes her even more of a threat
and a way bigger move
if we were to take her out."
"However, we aren't guaranteed to sit
in this room again,
so sometimes, risks are worth it?" Send.
Oh man. So Isabella's gunning for Kai.
I can't stop thinking Kai.
I can't stop thinking like she needs to go
because she's my biggest competition.
But that is just such a big move,
because, like, if I do that, I feel
like that puts a giant target on my back.
I'm not gonna say I wasn't prepared.
I do agree.
Kai is a threat, 10,000 times over.
She's a point in my corner, though.
I want to take that
and also now build on my thought
about why Calvin is an even bigger threat.
Message, "We're totally on the same page
in terms of taking advantage
of this opportunity."
[Sophia] "We're not here
to take a safe shot."
"We're here to take a big shot.
My focus is what's best for our game
and the band's safety as a whole!"
Circle, message,
"Abso-fucking-lutely, Ashley."
"We are killing it!"
"Last and maybe least? Calvin. LOL." Send.
This Matthew, get your thoughts together,
and you gotta make sure, right now,
this is about you protecting Jackson.
You're not gonna make it about you
having an issue with Calvin directly.
Calvin is pretty tight with Kai,
but out of that little trio,
Calvin is super close to Nick.
So if I had to have, like
Say I were to pick off the other side
one by one,
I would want Calvin to be last.
Circle, message,
"Not only is he gunning for Jackson,
when it comes down to it,
Calvin poses a threat to 50% of the band."
Oh no!
You don't come for my boy Jackson, Calvin!
Circle, message,
"Also, I know him
and Nick have something going on,
but I've been here from the start
and can guarantee you
his allegiance is with Kai."
"And if we're going
to take down the queen,
we need to get rid of the king first."
This is what has to be done,
and I hope Isabella hears
what I'm saying and agrees.
Kai obviously is, like, a very big threat.
If I don't vote her out now,
and she stays,
she's so freaking good with her words,
I feel like
she's just gonna persuade anybody
to do whatever she wants,
and she'll run the game
the rest of the time.
We only have one time to make a big shot,
and I need to make sure
that this shot is taken out on Calvin.
I feel like she needs to go,
but this could also be like fucking
This could ruin me.
[sighs] This is freaking horrific.
[sighs] One of us
is going to have to give in here.
[Buteau] If you think
it's tough in the Hangout,
you should see downstairs, honey,
because the mood is tense,
and that's not about to change.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-Ooh, it's an alert! Whoo!
Oh gosh.
Here we go!
"The influencers
have made their decision."
Ooh, I wonder who they chose.
The right decision is Jackson.
Like, ladies, come on.
Y'all know nothing about him.
I'm dreading this so much.
I feel like I want to vomit and pass out
all at the same time.
I hope they had the courage
to take out Kai.
But this is my first time
on the other side.
I've never not been an influencer.
I don't like this feeling! [chuckles]
"All players must go to Circle Chat."
Circle, please take me to Circle Chat.
I'm about to drop this really heavy bomb.
It is scary. It is heavy.
But you can't play this game safe.
I'm confident right now that
[inhales] that I'll be all right.
Please, please, please,
don't let it be me!
Circle, message,
"First off, every one of you is brilliant,
and this decision did not come easy
in the slightest."
"Unfortunately, we have seen
this player's true colors,
and there has been no rapport
or relationship established."
Who are they talking about?
Are they talking about Kai?
[inhales abruptly] This is too much!
"There is no rapport
or relationship established"? It's me.
I am feeling nervous.
Oh, this sucks for y'all.
Circle, message
Ashley is typing.
[blows raspberry]
"The player [sighs]
that we have decided to block is"
[rousing music playing]
Oh God! Here we go.
My fate lies
in the hands of Ashley and Isabella.
-[message chimes]
[theme music playing]
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