The Convict (2021) s03e06 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 6

Everyone will know
who Sylwester Hepner really is!
I liked you, I really did.
Piotr Serafin's neighbour testified
that a woman left his place
on the night of the lawyer's murder.
- That wasn't me.
- And at the hotel with Rabczuk?
She is likely to face two murder charges.
- She didn't kill anyone.
- Well, then offer them up the real killer.
That's the only way out.
Multiple psychopathic traits
can be observed in the inmate Wójcik.
They are accompanied
by manifestations of exceptional cruelty.
We may not survive in this cell.
What gives? Letting Mazur out on furlough
as a farewell?
- You wrote it up.
- But for some reason I didn't sign it.
Since Serafin marked it,
it must be important.
This is my brother.
Unfortunately he was a junkie.
He went missing three years ago.
You get the goods
and I'll take care of the rest.
Forget it.
Everyone has a weak point. She does too.
- What is it?
- The kid.
My dog has gone missing.
- Will you help me find him?
- Yes.
Jasiek! Jasiek! Jasiu!
Natalia Dolecka.
What do you fancy?
I have to go.
Oh, come on.
Are you kidding? Coffee, breakfast.
No. Any moment now your army buddy
will call in the anti-terrorists.
Hepner is not my buddy.
Michał, there's a picture over there.
- Of you, your brother and
- Yeah, and his girlfriend.
It's a terrible story.
I thought she was going to
get him out of his addiction
You know,
later someone poured acid on her.
Sometimes I think
it might have even been Marek.
That's why he disappeared.
Anyway, she also broke off contact.
I used to see her in prison.
- Is she inside?
- No, no.
- She was visiting someone.
- Who?
She was involved in drug trafficking.
Pola Nawrot, Bednarek, Witkowski,
kidnapping girls for trafficking.
Does that tell you anything?
The names don't ring a bell,
but I have heard about it in the media.
- And you don't know Richter either?
- No, I don't.
You don't believe me, do you?
- I have to go.
- Please, Alicja.
Listen. Just because you shagged me,
it doesn't mean I should believe you.
I warned you.
I have limited trust in guys.
Then at least let me
give you a lift.
All right.
Basia, fuck.
Did you find Noodle?
Listen, they didn't find Noodle.
They called me,
but let me call your mum. Okay?
I'm thirsty. I want apple juice.
-Barbara Dworak. I can't answer right now.
- Juice. You want juice?
- Come.
- Where?
There are juices out there.
Quiet, quiet.
Cash only.
There is a terminal in the restaurant.
There? Jasiek, come on. Let's go.
Come on.
Do you want the fucking juice or not?
I'm sorry. I'm just a bit agitated.
He was supposed to eat dinner.
Come on,
we'll pay at the restaurant. I'm sorry.
We had to sedate her for her own safety.
She gets aggressive without medication.
A psychiatric hospital
would be the best option for her.
I understand.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
- Bartek, I can't right now. What
- Basia, I have the kid.
- What what is going on?
- What's going on? I have the kid.
-But you have to help me. I don't know
- Calm down.
-Fuck! Don't calm me down!
- Calm down.
-What do I do?
- Wait for me, I'm heading over to you.
I have to take time off.
The baby has a fever.
- Everything is all right?
- I hope so, but I would like to check it.
Fine. You can go.
- Thank you.
- No, I thank you.
- Alicja, I really want you to know
- Good morning, Chief.
- Hi, Sylwek.
- Hi.
You should probably be
in your cell by now, right?
Oh, yeah.
- You know where to find me.
- Yeah.
Look after yourself.
Michał, wait.
I don't know how well you know her.
But Mazur can
manipulate people quite well.
She found you on purpose.
- I had a book reading. She just walked up.
- Really?
Man, it's not a coincidence.
Tell me
what did she tell you?
To be honest, we didn't talk much.
And about me?
What did she tell you about me?
Sylwek, relax, okay?
In any case, I warned you.
Watch out for her.
I'm serious.
Hi, Jasiu.
Hi, darling. I'm Basia.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Come on, go and play.
I'll come to you right away, okay?
Just be careful.
- Has he eaten anything besides ice cream?
- Yeah, he ate shit.
He keeps crying for his mum.
I've just calmed him down.
You calm down.
Children can sense nerves.
Why did we do this? This is sick.
We are doing this
for Miki.
Haven't you had enough?
Go to work.
I'll take him home. I'll give him
something mild, so he falls asleep.
The sooner we get this sorted out,
the better for him.
Jasiu? Jasiu, where are you hiding?
- Hello?
- Where is he?
He's waiting for you. And he misses you.
You son of a bitch,
if something happens to him
I don't know what I'm going to do.
If you call the police
they will find out how you lived.
And then they will take your child.
- Well, unless you want to lose your son?
- Yes?
If they find you, you'll lose a lot more.
So you prefer not to get along?
- Wait
- Look, we only want the goods.
- I'll have them today. Usual place.
- So fucking where?
Do you know what you face
for such an offence?
The prosecutor did not bring any charges
against my client.
Just tell us how it went down
and we'll leave you alone.
You don't have to explain a thing.
- Then tell him I didn't kill anyone!
- Calm down.
Holy fuck, calm down!
Will you stop with your lawyer bullshit!
Do something!
- Who ordered you to do this? Hepner?
- A question that suggests an answer.
You're breaking the law.
Hey, girl.
Think, do you really want to
spend your whole life in the slammer
because of some limp dick?
My client cannot testify any further
in such a state.
- End of this interrogation.
- That's my decision.
In that case, I will file a complaint
about the interrogation methods.
Please be aware of the consequences.
I am, I am.
Who ordered you
to carry out these killings?
Hey. Did your friends get lost?
You'd better look out for your own, eh?
Well, I would
if I was assigned to the infirmary.
How is Shiv? Is she coming back?
Why the fuck are you asking me
about such things?
She's as much my friend as you are.
What do you want from me?
I'll tell Shiv that.
Here, take it. A welcome gift for her.
And you don't want to
finish her off any more?
I want to fuck her.
Amfisa is gone, heart wrenching.
Shiv has the hots for me.
- That's news to me.
- Listen, Cichy.
You haven't been here pretty long.
I'll be in charge here soon.
- And you can either gain or lose from it.
- Hey!
What is it, inmates? Keep your distance!
- Chief, it's cold
- So we're cuddling.
Fuck, I don't get paid enough
for you, guys.
It's fucking cold, can I go inside?
Come on.
Chief, perhaps you would like to earn
a little extra?
Have you fucking lost it?
She could have fucking guessed.
Did you borrow the kid?
He's at my house,
but if the police find him, I'm screwed.
She won't call any police. She's afraid.
She's got too much dirt in her past.
And she will obediently bring us
what we need.
And until then? Should I unscrew his head
and remove the batteries?
He's just a kid.
- What, you can't handle a kid?
- Be careful what you say.
You sure are tense.
And it shows, you know?
You can feel it.
So what
The poeticism of the pen is the same
down there as up here?
- Go ahead.
- He's a reporter.
- So he focuses on facts, good. What?
- Okay, stop.
You smell of sex from a mile away.
Go sniff yourself, eh?
Hey, floozies.
I can see you're glad I'm back.
Shiv, we've missed you a bit.
Because of you I'm not in heaven.
Keep an eye on her. One more time
and she'll end up in a psychiatric ward.
I hear you're quite the killer?
News sure spread fast in here.
Do you believe this nonsense?
- I defended myself, she attacked me.
- Rightly so.
Here, I have fresh news for a mate.
Straight from the yard.
Straight from the boob.
Campina seems to love you a lot.
You're a barrel of laughs.
I hear they're doing some business
with Mr Penis on the side.
Maybe they'll take you on as a partner.
The girl is cracking under pressure.
She knows too much.
Listen, she didn't do anything,
do you understand?
She was barely holding up today.
We don't have much time.
Tell Wiki to keep it together.
Yeah? Will you find the killer
by tomorrow?
Tell her I'll get her out. Tell Wiki
to keep it together.
Good morning, Superintendent,
this is Sylwester Hepner.
This time I need to ask for your help.
I think I have something
that might interest you.
This isn't something
we can discuss over the phone.
I want you to come to me.
Please, go on.
- Natalia Dolecka to Krystyna Nowak.
- ID card, please.
This time without the kid?
Can I go to the toilet?
But the visitors' toilet
is in the other building.
I'm pregnant. Second month.
Should I barf here?
Okay, go ahead.
Krzysiek, change me.
Hello, is everything fine?
Are you all right?
- Do you need some help?
- No.
Are you sure?
May I?
Please, have a seat.
I'm glad that you came so quickly.
The minister called me.
Most likely my appointment
will be expedited.
It will be held here at the penitentiary
during a special conference, so
- I don't want any trouble.
- What trouble would that be?
Well, yes. Since you started
investigating the case
of women trafficking,
I've been trying to
pay special attention
to who gets furloughs and when.
Who and when?
Your hostile attitude is, truly,
out of place.
Superintendent, I am trying to act
in our common interest.
- Our common interest?
- Yes.
Perhaps, then,
you could speak to Officer Palamarczuk
regarding furloughs for Wójcik.
It was Palamarczuk in particular
who insisted that she receive them.
- Twice?
- Yes.
I don't know
if you paid attention to the dates.
They coincide with the dates of death
of Piotr Serafin and General Rabczuk.
What do you insinuate?
I called the hospital.
Wójcik did not visit her mother then.
- Hello?
- What the fuck is this?
I gave what I had. Give me back Jaś.
It was supposed to be wholesale,
not retail!
But I don't have anything else for now.
I don't!
- Then goodbye!
- Wait.
I'll bring the goods,
but I need a few days! I need more time!
- Okay, when?
- I'll call you.
Let's meet. Please.
Are these your signatures?
I signed Wójcik's emergency furlough
because they called from the hospital
that her mother was dying.
She did not visit the hospital.
Do you know where
she might have been staying at the time?
We don't follow inmates on furloughs.
She had a sick mother.
How could I not sign it?
Anyway, you, Chief Warden, also signed it.
At your request.
I signed Wójcik's furlough
on the authority of the Chief Warden.
You assured me
that she was entitled to it.
Okay, that's enough.
Please bring the inmate
into the interrogation room.
Should I bring in Wójcik?
I'd better ask another guard.
Thank you, you are free to go.
Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen.
Twenty. Twenty-one. Twenty
- Wójcik, come for interrogation.
- Oh, how nice.
- Me?
- Yes, you.
- An interrogation?
- Come on, let's go.
And Shiv, aren't you getting ready
for a date? It's almost five o'clock.
Why did they take him away from me?
The fuck?
- Shiv, calm down.
- But how can I be calm?
What fucking calm?
You're on duty
in the infirmary today, yes?
The medical records
of all the children are there.
Miki's medical records are there too.
For sure. That bitch
You suspect Baśka?
She's a doctor.
She would never harm a child.
- Anyways, she was always okay.
- And how do you know?
How do you know she was always okay?
Yes, everyone here is okay.
Everyone here is a saint. You're a saint.
A judge incarcerated in prison.
Fine. What's in it for me
if I take the risk, eh?
Your God will reward you for this.
I'm sold.
My mother is seriously ill
with heart disease.
After two heart attacks.
You can check.
I did.
You didn't visit your mother even once.
Not once.
I'm a bad daughter.
Do you suspect me of something?
I'm just asking. Where were you
when you were on furlough?
What am I supposed to answer you?
That my mother hates me?
That she doesn't give a shit about me?
I'm asking you where you went
when you were on furlough.
I stood outside her block
and looked into the windows.
But I couldn't get in.
My mother disowned me after the verdict.
She threw away all my stuff.
She didn't want to see me again.
And where did you go afterwards?
- Like I said. I stood outside the door
- No. One second.
You said a moment ago
that you stood outside a block of flats.
Outside the block.
I stood there for a while
and then went for a drink.
Where did you go to get a drink?
a club in Katowice.
The bartender can confirm this.
The bartender's first name? Last name?
The club's address?
Ziętarek, you haven't filled in
the receipts again.
- From yesterday or from today?
- From yesterday.
Congenital. Congenital bleeding.
Congenital bleeding. Congenital
- Congenital bleeding.
- What are you muttering there?
Me? Nothing.
That's all.
- Thank you.
- Pen.
Congenital bleeding.
- It gets you high.
- Hi.
Welcome home, mother of the year.
Give me a kiss.
Move it.
What's up, Shiv?
Are you cooking up something
with Mr Penis?
Are you jealous? Of me or of him?
It's just that I never managed
to persuade him.
How did you do it?
He himself came to me, you know?
And you agreed?
We have Natalia's kid.
Mummy's going to agree as well.
- So it's true.
- What?
You ditched me.
Give it a rest, Shiv.
The fucker took my son away from me.
And you let him earn money, yeah?
I let myself earn some cash.
First and foremost myself.
You're just like him.
I want to go back to my cell.
Conge Congenital bleeding.
- And there was dis something.
- Disorder.
Some kind of blood disease?
I don't know.
Why the hell did you send me
if the only thing I know in English
is "I love you"?
Was there anything else?
There was something about Boston Clinic.
He's ill.
But what? Do you think
that these bruises come from the disease
and not from Shiv?
I don't know. Don't tell her.
- Why?
- Just don't.
Well, how was the date?
The dumb cunt let it rip.
Mr Penis snatched Natalia's kid.
- What?
- To get her into selling him drugs.
What about the medical records?
Regular medical records
Height, weight. And that
that he poops four times a day.
Nothing about the bruises?
Bloody hell.
- Shiv, give me Natalia's number.
- Why?
Because I'm asking you.
What is this all about?
- Hello?
- Alicja Mazur. Listen.
Don't hang up.
I know they kidnapped your child.
Tell me the truth
about what happened to Marek Kraszecki.
How did he go missing?
Tell me and you'll get him back. I swear.
- Come to see me.
- Fine.
- When?
- Tomorrow. But come, don't bail on me.
I will.
There will be more packets tomorrow.
See? You've managed to set things up.
I'll call you.
I'm sorry.
My back is also against the wall.
Screw you.
So some cop woke up this morning
and came to check my furloughs?
Swieta Palamarczuk has not been kind to me
since that inspection
from the Helsinki Foundation.
Swieta Palamarczuk
brought the cops down here?
I had no way out!
Piotrowski called and demanded
to see the register of your furloughs.
You're not looking me in the eye.
- You want to screw me over.
- Stop it.
I'm completely at a loss
as to how and when this came up, but
What are you laughing at?
I'm laughing at myself.
I let you in too close.
You are a genius, you know that?
- A fucking genius.
- I won't turn you in.
A genius. Say no more.
Evil in its pure form.
I won't leave you.
- I'll find a witness.
- You'd better stop talking.
I admire you, you know?
I was able to go wild thanks to you.
It's a shame it didn't work out with Pola.
She had such sweet fear in her eyes.
But thank you for Serafin.
It was pure bliss.
Do you know he had a hard-on
when he was dying?
A beautiful, powerful mast.
does Wiki have anything on you?
Or do you care so much?
Look, Wiki didn't do it.
Fuck. What are you laughing at?
Is this funny?
- Is it so fucking funny?
- What the fuck are you doing?
Does it make you laugh?
Fuck, you drink, you expose yourself
I didn't know that side of you.
After all, she's just a slut.
You can have all the whores you want.
In Afghanistan
when I felt a mine click
I was left with nothing.
I became a cripple.
And she
She's the only one who is important to me.
And just because of that
I hate her so much.
How do I know he will give me Jasiek back?
Trust me.
I also have a child.
And I'm doing it for my daughter.
I don't want to get back into that shit.
It killed Marek.
I've had to run away so many times
You'll never have to run away again.
Just trust me.
That evening
we were supposed to leave together.
I knew he was doing more and more drugs,
that he was cheating on me.
And I was waiting for him. I was furious
because he wouldn't answer the phone.
And finally he texted back
that he was at Rabczuk's holiday house.
And that I should come there.
Was Hepner there too?
I saw him and Rabczuk
pull Marek out of the house.
He was already dead.
I went to Garażowa Street.
I was in shock, I just wanted to get away
as quickly as possible.
Was it Hepner who poured acid on you?
- Is the doctor on leave?
- Sick. A couple of days.
It's a long way to Boston,
but maybe Miki will be cured there.
You set up Shiv.
- What do you mean, Mazur?
- Give the baby back to Natalia, fucker.
- Fucking hell.
- You lied to the court? Now kidnapping?
You can end up in jail for that.
Don't interfere with stuff
you don't understand.
She wanted to kill herself because of you.
What don't I understand?
- Interrogating Wójcik? What for?
- We checked her alibi.
The pub in Katowice
where she said she drank does not exist.
Then get her out of here.
I've already said everything I know.
I will not be the Chief's scapegoat.
- I know it's not your fault.
- Yep.
If Wójcik did kill anyone,
it was certainly not on your orders.
I need every shred of information.
If you need information,
find it for yourselves.
That's what you're for.
Do you have anything on Hepner?
I don't know anything.
Rabczuk died of a heart attack.
Hepner had no right to know
that he had been murdered.
Have a look at Wójcik's
criminological and social profile,
but from the previous penitentiary.
I beg you, I didn't tell you anything.
Noodle has been found.
You don't have to
worry about him any more, right?
Where is Noodle now?
He's already at my house.
Hi, darling.
What's happening?
- Basia, this has gone too far.
- Where is Jasiek?
This was a mistake.
I don't give a shit.
It's all about Miki's life!
I know, it's about my son's life.
Ah! Yours?
So he's not mine?
That's what you meant to say, right?
I'm sorry to have let you down.
Don't do it again.
Cell status, report!
Jesus, why so official?
Cell status: four and four present.
Good. Everyone out, please.
- Wójcik, say farewell to your colleagues.
- Farewell.
- What's happening?
- Calm it.
- Corridor.
- Outside.
- Oi, but what is it?
- Corridor, Mazur!
Come on, Aluta.
Wójcik, wall!
You wait for the Superintendent!
He asked me to send you his regards.
A brave guy. He fought beautifully.
And he died beautifully.
Aluta, don't let her provoke you.
What are you talking about?
He talked a lot.
Before his death.
You know, something about your daughter.
- But I can't remember what.
- I'll kill you!
- You're dead!
- Stop it!
- You're dead!
- Calm down!
We'll gut you, you whore!
Don't be afraid.
Since when am I afraid of you?
What is it?
Miki is ill.
He has congenital haemorrhagic diathesis.
Hence the bruises.
It can be treated.
In Boston.
But it costs a heap.
Haemorrhagic diathesis
I wanted to make money, but
I wanted you to know.
Because you're his mum.
I will undo everything in court.
I'll help.
We'll come up with something.
We're talking
and I'm like, "Wait a minute."
I go to the toilet
to freshen up my armpits.
I come back.
And he's completely fucking transformed.
And he dances to me like this.
I thought I was going to shit myself.
Aluta, I'm all out of funny stories
in my repertoire.
Do you want coffee?
Move over.
What are you doing?
Mazur, you have an interrogation.
Go on, at least you'll be entertained.
The corpse from the forest
is the missing Marek Kraszecki.
Michał's brother.
They served in Afghanistan
together with Rabczuk and Hepner.
I know who he was.
A fractured skull base bone
indicates impact.
Do you know it was Hepner?
And how do you know this?
Because I have a witness.
Someone who saw Rabczuk and Hepner
at the crime scene.
Dolecka. She told me all about it.
Natalia Dolecka will not testify, no way.
I went over this with Serafin.
Then start doing your job and find a link
between the death
of the younger Kraszecki and Hepner!
And when the fuck
am I supposed to do that? When?
They have expedited his appointment.
Soon he'll be untouchable.
Maybe that's
when he'll lose his vigilance.
If he loses it.
No need.
There'll be a press conference!
She has her five minutes of fame.
- Just as she wanted.
- Good. We'll deal with her later.
And where is Wiki?
The prosecutor withdrew the charges.
They let her go.
- Is she out already?
- Yeah.
Maybe she's waiting at home?
She isn't waiting.
I knew I would find you here.
I came for help.
To me? Not to Hepner?
I want to get away from him.
Can you help me?
And you want me to believe that?
Then kill me.
If you don't help me, he will anyway!
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