The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s03e06 Episode Script

Joy Story

- It's go time, Dawn!
- So stop talking
and start going!
- Woo-hoo!
Hoo! Whoa!
- What?
- This egg shouldn't be here.
- Nope. You think it's lost?
- Absolutely.
- Time for lunch!
- Lunch?!
- I think we should go back
and get that egg.
- What egg?
- The completely
helpless little egg
we left all alone
to fend for itself in the wild.
- Gonna need
more than that, Dawn.
- Eep!
- I'm kidding!
But, we can't take that egg.
It belongs to an animal.
- What animal?
That egg was just sitting there,
lost or abandoned.
It had nobody. But
if we take it,
it'll have somebody. Us.
- Fine.
Are you certain
about that stick, Ugga?
- Oh good! Phil's here!
- Yes, Phil, I'm sure.
- If it were me,
I'd stick that stick
on the Stack Sticks
stack of sticks
before you get stuck.
- But, it's not you. It's me.
- You're such
a know-everything, Phil!
- Pretty sure
the term is know-it-all.
- Guy's right, it is.
And I am because I do.
- See?
Knowledge is a burden,
but it's mine to bear.
- Mom! Dad!
Look what we found!
- What is it?
- Is that an egg?
It's an egg!
Everyone! It's an egg!
- Yes, Ugga, I can see that,
but what kindof egg?
What's inside?
- Oh, I know! Another egg.
- No.
- Another me?
- No!
- Another you?
- Stop talking
because I know what's in there.
- It's a baby!
- Ugga, what is happening to you?
- Babies. I love babies!
And an egg is just a baby
you haven't met yet.
- Stars above.
Based on the shell texture,
coloring, size, and weight,
it can be only one thing.
- A pandakeet.
- A pandakeet?
That sounds like
the cutest animal ever!
- Yeah, it does! So cute!
I have to get
some air before I explode.
Don't hatch while I'm gone, egg!
- Egg? I'll take mine scrambled.
- It's not just cute.
A pandakeet is also docile,
loyal, and highly trainable.
Oh, and its song is sublime!
It sounds like this.
I mean, not exactly like that.
- Okay, fine. As long as I don't
have to cook for it,
clean up after it,
or listen to Phil sing like it.
- You won't. We promise.
- And this time,
we'll take the egg with us.
See? We're learning already.
- Now that we know what it is,
maybe we should look
for its parents.
- So they can lose it
or abandon it again?
No way. They had their chance.
Now, it's our turn,
and we're gonna love
this little pandakeet so much,
it'll beg us to stop.
- You're right.
But this world is cruel,
so we're gonna
teach our pandakeet
how to meet it head-on.
- With love.
- And a stone fist.
- Uh, sure. Both. Maybe we should
come up with a name?
- What about Rageblade?
Or Slaughter?
Or Agony? Ooh!
Or Bloodstorm?
That's what my parents
were gonna name me
if I'd been a boy.
- I like it, but I was thinking
we could name it Joy
because this little egg
is just a bundle of that.
Aren't you? Yes, you are.
- And Bloodstorm
can be its middle name.
- Naming your egg, huh?
Been there.
Isn't that right, Jeff?
Oh! No, that was Jeff!
No! What have I done?!
- Uh, yeah. We're naming the egg
because it's our new pet.
- Maybe I should get an egg.
I'd love to have a pet.
- Thunk, you have a pet.
- Douglas?
Oh no, he's not a pet.
He's my best friend.
- Hey, that's our thing!
- Not anymore
'cause we just did it.
Well, good luck!
Taking care of another
living creature
is a lot of work.
Ask Douglas. He'll tell you,
I'm a real handful.
- That was good.
- Don't worry.
We'll make sure
Joy has everything
a little pandakeet
could ever need.
- But first,
we need to hatch this egg,
and that means we need a--
- Hammer?
- I-I was going to say nest.
- Sure! Let's start with nest.
- Well, Douglas. Looks like you
and I are on the hunt
for an egg of our own.
Right after a quick nap.
I think I felt a kick!
- Sorry, that was me.
My leg fell asleep.
- This isn't working.
- Did it happen?
Okay, I'll check back later!
I'm just so excited!
- Wow, your mom
really loves babies.
- Yeah. If it was up to her,
none of us would have grown up.
- I just wanna see
Joy's cute little face!
- What about the face we drew?
- It's not the same,
and I think
we messed up the smile.
What are you talking about?
That's the happiest egg
I've ever seen.
- I just wish there was a way
to speed up the hatching!
- There is. What you need is--
- Ah! What happened to your egg?!
- You were right, Dawn.
Too much smile.
- Way too much!
Now, if you wanna
hatch that egg,
cover its face and follow me.
- The steam from
the vent will generate
all the warmth we need
to speed up the hatching.
Huh. I've never seen
a pandakeet egg this big before.
Nothing's happening!
- Why isn't anything happening?!
- Because it's steam, not magic.
So, if you just give it a--
- Finally!
- Yuck! Oh.
I mean,
not what I was expecting.
It's quite a surprise,
or shock is a better word.
- Hi, Joy. I'm Eep,
and I'm going to keep you safe.
- I'm Dawn, and I'm gonna
love you so much,
it might be unhealthy.
- Hi.
I'm Guy, and I'm gonna
need my foot back.
- Aw, Eep.
- Wait, she's hungry! Come on!
- It happened, didn't it?
I could feel it.
Now, where's that baby?
You tell me where that baby is!
- Okay, Joy.
Open wide.
Here comes the crowverine.
- Nice, Joy.
Eating is key to surviving.
- What do you think?
Is this our kind of egg?
- Okay. Uh, that's a tree.
And right next to it is a tree.
And you know what's right
next to that? A tree!
- Dawn, I think she
gets what a tree is.
- Because of repetition.
That's how they learn.
- Hey, why don't you
climb in there with Joy,
and I'll push the cart?
- Okay, but not too fast.
- Not too fast. Got it.
- Okay, Joy.
Time to learn what a leaf is.
- It's also time
to learn what a hill is!
Let's roll! Ha!
I said not too fast!
- How is she
supposed to learn?!
- I got a good feeling
about this one.
But a bad feeling
about that chickenseal.
\-I still think
this is a bad idea.
- Dawn, how will we know
if Joy can survive
if we don't
force her to survive?
- Yeah, but this is an obstacle
course, and Joy is a baby.
- Right. It's the perfect match!
So, let's do this. Guy?
- Sorry, I'm with Dawn.
An obstacle course
is no place for a baby.
- I can't believe
I have to say that.
- What?
An obstacle course is exactly
what Joy needs to prepare for
Huh? Guy, what
were you thinking?!
An obstacle course
is no place for a baby!
- Yeah, Guy!
- My mistake.
- Okay! Here's your egg back!
I guess that wasn't our egg. Ah!
But this one is!
What is that?
- And why is it
in the tree house?
- It's not an it.
She's our new pet.
Her tongue
is so sharp! And hot.
- I'm sorry. Did you say hot?
- Isn't she adorable?
- Yeah, if you close your eyes.
But even then, I can still
see her in my head.
I was expecting more fur.
- And less fear.
- Baby!
Look at this cute little baby.
Isn't she the cutest,
Grandpa Grug?
Hi, Grandpa.
Gimme kiss, Grandpa.
- Don't shy away, Grug.
Bear witness to an evolutionary
defense mechanism.
Baby pandakeets
are so grotesque,
they repel predators.
- And Grugs.
- Indeed.
But, in time,
this hideous abomination
will become
an irresistible treasure.
- Speaking of
irresistible treasures,
everyone, meet Tristan!
- Two babies?
Two babies?!
- Alright.
Anyway, no idea what it is,
but we should definitely set up
some play dates when he hatches.
- Should we tell him
that Tristan is a rock?
- No. Look how happy he is.
Besides, he'll figure it out
soon enough.
- I just want to make it
crystal clear,
I am not cleaning up
after that pandakeet.
- Don't worry, Hope.
We got this.
- Yeah. You can count on us.
Wait, where did Joy go?
- Oh no, it's on the loose!
- We need to get
to higher ground!
- Dad! Her name is Joy!
- And there she goes!
I thought pandakeets
were supposed to be docile.
- Yeah, but Joy's not like
other pandakeets. She's special.
And she's smart! Good girl!
And she's not coming back. Joy?
- Eep? Why isn't she coming back?
- Oh no! An eelgle!
Don't worry. I'll handle this.
Now, you listen to me, eelgle!
If you even touch Joy,
I will end you!
Did you just interrupt me?
I hate being interrupted,
so don't do that again!
- Get out of here
before I unleash all the fury
I've spent years
stuffing down into my body
and hiding with a smile.
- Dawn, that was amazing!
- Was it?
All I know is I'll never
let anything hurt our Joy.
- Me neither because Joy
is a part of our family now.
You're right. Tongue is hot.
- Oh! Look! She's walking!
The baby's walking!
- So? Big deal. I can walk.
- Barely.
- Yeah, you're right, Mom.
Joy is pretty incredible.
I don't even remember
what life was like without her.
- I do. And I never
want to go back there.
You guys want to see
something amazing?
Dad, you said you lost
your slippers, right?
- No. They vanished.
It's the only
logical explanation.
- Right, Phil. Yeah.
Vanishing makes
way more sense
than you losing them.
- My slippers! Impossible.
And they're warm.
- Joy's not the only pet
who can do tricks.
Check this out.
Show 'em what you got, Tristan.
- So, what's the trick?
- Flying. Oh no! Tristan!
- Should we tell him
it's a rock now?
- Too late. We're in too deep.
- Well,
Joy truly is
a bundle of herself.
She even gets along
with the other animals.
- I guess, but she's going
to get cuter, right?
- Yes, I guarantee it
because she's
a baby pandakeet.
- That's not a baby pandakeet!
That's a baby ramaconda.
- Yes. Baby ramaconda.
Precisely what I said.
- No.
You said it was a pandakeet.
When you're done yammering,
take a step back,
so I can take that thing out
before it takes us out!
- Gran, don't!
- So what if Joy is a ramaconda?
That doesn't mean
she's dangerous.
- Maybe not now
because now, she's just a cute,
adorable, cuddly,
lovable, little--
- Sorry. But eventually,
Joy will become
a deadly, monstrous predator
who won't stop until
every last one of us is dead.
That's why someone has to take
Joy back to where she belongs.
- The shock swamp?
Nothing can survive that blaze,
- except ramacondas!
- Precisely.
That's why they live there.
They make nests in the heart
of the shock swamp,
where no one will bother them.
- No! Joy has to stay here!
Dawn and I are the only family
she's ever known.
- Yeah. She'd never hurt us. Ow.
By "ow," I mean having Joy
chew on my foot feels great.
- Honey, you fought a ramaconda.
You knowhow dangerous they are.
You can't change what Joy is.
- Fine. Then,
Dawn and I will take her home.
- To the shock swamp
full of ramacondas?
No, it's too dangerous.
Why don't you and Dawn spend
one more night with Joy?
Then, your dad and I will take
her home in the morning.
- Okay. Come on, Dawn.
- Do-do we have to go
to the shock swamp?
- Unless you want me
to do it alone.
- Grug!
- Of course not!
Shock swamp it is!
I can't wait
to be damp and in pain!
I'm gonna miss Joy so much.
I just wish your mom and dad
weren't taking
her home tomorrow.
- They're not.
- Because we're gonna
put Joy in a pelt
and pretend she's your
long-lost Uncle Gravel?
- No, because
we're going to take Joy
to the heart
of the shock swamp.
We brought her here, and
we're going to bring her home.
- Okay.
That's the right thing to do.
But Uncle Gravel is plan B.
And then you bump your fists,
and that's BFF-boom!
What are you drawing, Eep?
- This is our last day with Joy,
and I want to remember it.
- So, let's make
some memories! Hey!
Look! Waterfall!
Hey! Fire ravine!
Hey! Avalanche!
- Okay, Grug. You know how
we're going to play this, right?
- Yeah. We barge in,
grab that weird little monster,
and run for it before
the girls know what happened.
- No!
This is a sensitive situation.
Eep and Dawn
will be very emotional,
so we have
to handle this delicately.
- Right. Good thinking.
- Grug, what are you doing?
I said delicately!
- Gotcha, please?
- Never mind.
They're not here.
- Or here
- That doesn't mean
that creepy little ramaconda
isn't around here somewhere,
waiting to pounce on us.
- Yes, it does!
The girls are gone. Joy's gone.
Oh no. What if they took Joy
to the shock swamp?
- Hey, where are you going?
- To the shock swamp!
- Or we could stay here
and not go to the shock swamp.
- Right. To the shock swamp!
- When your mom
said "shock swamp,"
I pictured it in my head,
and this is so much worse.
- It's shocking! Eh?
- Good one, Dawn.
- Thanks.
Joking hides my fear.
- I don't know.
All I see is a plain old swa
- that shocks you
like lightning!
- Well, Joy, looks like
you're going to live
with us after all. I'll drive.
- No, Dawn.
This is where Joy belongs.
As Guy once said,
"We didn't come this far
to only come this far."
- What if we came this far
to only meet
an adult ramaconda
that wants to eat us?
- We run.
- Run? That's your plan?
- Beats being lunch.
And we don't have a choice.
We have to do this for Joy.
- You're right. Let's go, Chunky.
- Guess we're walking.
- To a ramaconda nest
in the heart of
the shock swamp.
Not our best idea.
You know what else is
shocking about the shock swamp?
Never gets old. What's that?
- I've actually been
shocked so many times,
I barely even feel it anymore.
- Grr Mountain!
Never mind. Felt that one.
- Yeah.
If anything, it's getting worse.
Punch monkeys!
Yeah. That was definitely worse.
- But it doesn't
bother Joy at all.
- Huh. Makes me wish
I was a ramaconda.
- Speaking of ramacondas,
at least we haven't
run into any.
Why did I say that?
- Time to go.
Maybe faster is better.
- What do you mean?
- Ow! Ow Ow! Not better! Ow! Ow!
- Eep?
Eep? Ow! Ow! Ow!
I knew this was a bad idea,
and I did it anyway!
Joy's not staying here.
It's awful.
- What are you talking about?
It's beautiful.
- No. It's rocky and mossy,
and I don't see any toys
or treats anywhere.
Joy doesn't belong here.
She belongs with us.
- Look at the other
baby ramacondas, Dawn!
Joy belongs here. With them.
- I know.
I just wish she didn't.
I love you, Joy.
That's why I have to let you go.
- Go on.
Be the terrifying monster
you were born to be.
- No! I was wrong!
I'll never let you go!
- Eep.
- You're right. I'm sorry.
- Make us proud, Joy.
And when we see you again,
please don't eat us.
We did a good thing here, Dawn.
- I know.
That's probably why I feel like
I'm gonna start
crying and never stop.
- Come on.
We should go while Joy's busy.
- But maybe one last drawing
of Joy to remember this moment.
Aw. They climbed
into their nest.
Look, that must be Joy's mom.
It's a reunion.
Are you getting all this?
- Dawn, we got to go.
- Oh! Look, she sees us,
and maybe she wants to thank us.
- She doesn't want to thank us.
She wants to eat us. Run!
You'd think being
chased by a ramaconda
would make me
forget about the shocks!
- This couldn't be any worse!
Oh, no.
Spoke too soon.
- I just wish
we'd lived long enough
to see what being
an adult is like.
- I just wish
we lived long enough
to see what tomorrow is like.
- BFF-boom?
- And BFF-bye.
- Mom! Dad!
- I'm so glad you're here!
- I'm so glad we're alive!
- Let's keep it that way.
We need to go.
The ramaconda will be back.
- Or another ramaconda
will show up and trap us.
- See?!
- Now what?
- Now, we fight for our lives.
- So sharp!
- And hot!
- What's happening?
- That's Joy's mom.
- And that
must be Joy's dad.
- But why aren't they attacking?
- I think Joy's protecting us.
- How do you know that?
- Because we're still alive.
- Well, that could have
gone a lot worse.
- Yeah. No more pets that will
grow into huge lethal monsters.
- Right, because if
you do that again,
- you're on your own.
- Grug!
- Kidding! But seriously,
I'm not doing this again.
- Another Baby?!
- No!
- You know, Douglas,
I'm starting to think
Tristan isn't an egg.
I think he's actually a rock.
But he was our rock.
Our Tristan.
I will never forget him.
- Okay, let's go watch window.
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