The Following s03e06 Episode Script


We're at the federal courthouse, where Dr.
Arthur Strauss will face a jury on charges of kidnapping.
This is an E-mail exchange between Agent Clark and FBI Director Franklin.
This isn't Jeffrey.
It's Clark's E-mail time-stamped and logged like it's been here all along.
I miss you.
Your Honor, we're having trouble locating my next witness Carrie Cooke.
Carrie Cooke was murdered along with her security team.
It's too late.
Where's Strauss? He walked Mike! It's Mark! Max, take Strauss to the car.
No, Mike! Mike, no! Get on your knees.
Mike, stop! Don't do it! I know what I have to do.
What took you so long? You're looking very well, Ryan.
The suit, the grooming, and you're back with the Bureau full-time, yes, and you haven't fallen off the wagon.
Good for you.
Yet there's something else about you.
There's a there's a lightness to y Are you in love? Someone new? Enough.
You'll share eventually.
What are you doing here, Ryan? This was a mistake.
You can't help me.
Oh, please.
Spare me the theatrics.
What's in the folder? Arthur Strauss is missing.
Oh, dear, oh, dear.
You are in heh heh such trouble.
He's got no money, he's got no I.
He can't have traveled far.
He was last seen at vicinity of Red Hook in Brooklyn.
Where do you think he'd go? Why would I help you? What are you offering? What do you want? You know, I've made my peace with my predicament, but I'm concerned for you.
I wonder if you are quite as prepared.
For what? Do I need to remind you, Ryan? When I die, you die.
Don't worry about me, Joe.
I'm gonna be just fine once you're gone.
So you say.
What do you want? I want us back.
Us? What us? Well, you and me, bantering, laughing, shedding a few tears.
I'd like for you to come and visit me every day until D-day.
I think I deserve that much at least.
You give me something on Strauss, if it pays off, I'll come back.
Well, what did I do when all hope was lost? I reached out to the Good Doctor.
He was my mentor and my ally, so one can only assume that he might do the same thing.
Oh, he touched a great many lives.
I suspect that he would lean on a a friend in the neighborhood in his hour of need.
Tell me something, Ryan.
Your dreams am I in them? Hang on just one second.
I hope you feel better than you look.
Not really.
All right.
Fill me in.
What's going on? Well, the DOJ dropped their investigation into us.
Our cyber team was able to prove that that E-mail that Strauss' attorney claimed came from Clark was a fake.
How did it get on the FBI server? I don't know.
We're looking into that now, but Bureau needed a fall guy, so they suspended Gina.
That's not fair.
For how long? Till after her hearing.
We need to do something.
I tried to take the bullet, but they insisted it be her since she was in charge.
How's she taking it? She's not returning my calls.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How's my girl? You taking her home? Yeah.
Make sure she stays in bed, all right? I'll stop by later.
How's Max doing? I left her a couple messages.
- I haven't heard back.
- Don't hold your breath.
- So we're still doing this? - You abandoned her.
You know the last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt.
Well, that's what happened.
Well, I'm looking past the fact that I could have ended Mark if you hadn't interfered, so give me a break.
I'm not gonna argue this with you.
Strauss, Mark, Daisy, they're still out there, so let's just focus on bringing them in, all right? Before anyone asks, Mendez's replacement has not been named yet.
Now anything on Mark Gray? Divers haven't recovered his body, but the experts say he couldn't have survived that fall into the water.
Well, he's a cockroach.
He survived.
Assume he's alive until we have a body.
Anything on Strauss and Daisy Locke? No sightings.
We're running facial recognition in real time on all video surveillance.
They couldn't have gotten far.
Well, Joe Carroll suggested that Strauss could have a student nearby like Andrew or Kyle.
I want to search the area where he escaped and look for anybody with any kind of a connection.
Could be an ex-student, patient.
We find who's helping him, we find Strauss.
You're still up? Hey.
How was work? Brutal.
Looks like you've been doing some redecorating.
How was seeing Joe? Fine.
Fine? Yeah.
Please don't treat me like an idiot.
I'm sorry.
I just don't want to get into it right now.
Really? Because it looks like you're pretty into it.
You just don't want to get into it with me.
You said I could ask you anything, you'd give me real answers, so how was it seeing Joe? It was rough, but I handled it.
What they said in court, the black ops I did what I thought I needed to do to get the job done, I made some mistakes, but I'm seeing things more clearly now.
I'm I'm making better decisions.
You're holding back.
Just I don't want to say any more because I don't want to taint us with this, but if you want to know more, I'll tell you more.
No more lies, Ryan.
Because if I can't trust you, I can't be with you.
So? Tell me, what are you doing? I'm looking at these false I.
s that we recovered from the docks.
I mean, they're impeccable, they're fully supported, they're in multiple public databases.
Whoever did this was able to create foolproof, I've I've never seen anything like it.
So this is the same guy who planted the fake E-mails on the FBI server? Yeah.
Strauss has some hacker genius helping him.
Who are you? A friend of Dr.
I did what I was told.
I got his case thrown out.
Hold on, hold on.
I am protected! All right.
Hold on.
Wait, wait, please.
There's no need for violence.
There's always a need for violence.
No! Aah! Guys, what do we got? We haven't found anyone in the area with an obvious connection to the fugitives.
If one of Strauss's students is operating in the vicinity of Red Hook, there has to be evidence, right? I looked at murder cases in the tristate area.
No leads.
Not murder.
Pull up missing person cases in the last 10 years.
Strauss' students are smart.
What better way of avoiding discovery than not recovering a body at all? - Exactly.
- Got it.
Now subtract out scofflaws and runaways.
Now do any of these cases have in common any towns or cities within a one-hour traveling radius of Red Hook? Uh, nothing.
Try two hours.
Um Beacon in the Hudson River Valley.
It's the last-seen location for victims in 6 of the reports.
Could be a hunting ground for one of Strauss' students.
Strauss could have taken a boat from the docks to Beacon.
It's a long shot.
It's the only shot we have.
I'm gonna check it out.
I'm with you.
That's not necessary.
You said we should focus on getting the job done, right? Yeah.
So let's focus.
I'm with you.
_ Should have called.
Could have saved you the trip out.
I I've seen them both on TV, but we haven't had any local sightings.
Well, I'm gonna need to see your missing person reports for the last, oh, I can pull that, Sheriff.
We're not pulling anything.
You're that rogue agent from the news, aren't you? "Ryan Hardy lies" and all that? Yeah.
Well, don't believe everything you see on TV.
And yet here you are acting like you have no appreciation for protocol.
I'm kind of pressed for time, Sheriff.
I could really use your cooperation.
Well, earn it.
These 6 were reported missing in the last 10 years.
They were all last seen here in Beacon.
Well, that's a coincidence.
Or it's possible that Arthur Strauss has an associate here.
I don't think so.
It's a small town.
I'd know.
Hey, Sheriff.
May I? Do you remember that Jane Doe we found in the marsh She was, uh, missing fingers and teeth, so we couldn't get an I.
on her, but this could be her.
Do you have a suspect? We haven't gotten too far in that investigation.
Can you show me where you found the body? I can do that easy peasy.
Keep me in the loop.
I owe you an apology.
I've been distracted lately.
Well, it seemed to coincide with Mike coming back.
That's not it.
It's you know, it's the recent murders and the the everything.
It's just it's brought up a lot of stuff for me.
You sure? It feels like whenever I'm around the two of you there's unfinished business.
Not at all.
Oh, hey.
I've come to check in on the patient.
Good timing.
I got to get to work.
I'll see you later.
How are you doing? Better.
Tom's been amazing.
You know, he's too good to be true.
Those are the ones you have to watch out for.
They're always hiding something.
If anyone's hiding anything, it's me, not Tom.
I shouldn't have said anything.
It's OK.
So you're sure this is where you found the body? Absolutely.
Hey, what does that thing do? Uh, it gives us an idea whether anything else might be buried down here.
I'm not finding anything.
We thoroughly searched this place for hours.
I remember going home soaked.
- Soaked? - Yeah.
It was raining buckets that day.
Is this area susceptible to flooding? Yeah.
It's possible that the heavy rains dislodged the body from where it was originally buried.
Can you show us a path that body could have taken to get here? Someone's been here.
Looks like some kind of talisman.
Have you seen these before? No.
What the hell is that? Hey.
Hey! Stop! Stop! Stop right there! FBI! Where'd he go? I don't know.
It's like he deliberately revealed himself to us, and then when he was ready, he just disappeared.
Well, what do you think he was doing? Hey.
I think I got something here.
I think I got something here, too.
It's a burial ground.
You've got various ages and ethnicities.
All killed during the past 10-15 years.
The I.
will take some time.
The killer removed the teeth and fingers.
I recognize that belt buckle from one of the missing persons reports you guys showed us.
Look at that.
She's right.
One of ours.
So this killer has been operating here for 15 years without arousing any suspicion.
Feels like one of Strauss'.
Get us access to all the local surveillance video in the last 72 hours.
If Strauss is here, he's not getting away.
_ I should be running that office.
I hate them.
I'm gonna get some sleep.
Hi, Pat.
Don't be scared.
We've been chatting online for months.
carl1988? How did you find me? We were on an encrypted site.
That's supposed to be anonymous.
Don't you know there's no such thing as anonymity online? Aah! You know, what you've been planning for weeks I'm gonna make real in the morning.
Of course, I'll be bouncing off the walls all night, but I'm ready.
Don't worry.
I'm not gonna steal your thunder.
I'll make sure you get all the glory, and no one will even know I was here.
Cool, right? _ _ So your uncle owns this place? Yeah.
My parents were killed in a car crash when I was a kid.
It's all right.
My uncle Duncan's been making me dinner here ever since.
Today must have been tough for you.
All right.
Forget tough.
The odds are you know the killer.
I still can't believe it's one of us.
Not thinking like a cop.
Just give her a minute.
Well, it's obvious who the killer is.
This is official police business, Margo.
It's town business when they start pulling bodies out of the woods.
Well, who should we be looking at? Sheriff Windsor's no good son Justin.
Margo! Everyone knows there's something off about that boy, and the Sheriff does everything he can to protect him.
You know it's true, Hillary.
I don't pay you to gossip.
I'm helping with an official police investigation.
You really expect Hillary to investigate her boss' son? So where does Justin live? Doesn't seem like your uncle wants you to cross the Sheriff.
Well, he worries about me.
He knows this job is difficult enough.
I think this is Justin's.
Well, the fire's still smoking.
He couldn't have got far.
What's that? Show your hands.
Right now! Justin, this is FBI.
It's serious.
Show me your hands! I'll blow us up! I want you to put the lighter down and slowly take a step towards me.
Aah! Stupid, Justin.
Real stupid.
Unh! Unh! Arthur Strauss where is he? I don't know.
I didn't kill anybody.
We saw you in the woods today wearing this mask.
I wear it to chase off hikers, OK, keep them away from my setup.
Who's here, Justin? I texted the Sheriff.
I had to.
He's my boss.
I I'm the boy's father.
Dad! Look what they did to me! Is it true what Hillary said? You you been making meth out here? I'm sorry.
You you know anything about this man they're looking for Arthur Strauss? I swear I don't.
You have anything to do with those bodies they found? No.
My son is troubled and plenty stupid, but I know when he's lying, and he's telling the truth.
Do you have any other questions for him? No.
Can I take him? I need to process him.
Now hold on a second.
It's all right.
Go ahead.
Take him.
Read him his rights in the car.
Why'd you let him go? He's not smart enough to be one of Strauss'.
He's been gone for hours.
What if he's turned us in? Sweetheart, I promise you he's loyal to me just like you.
We should get out of here.
We're like sitting ducks.
You want to see if there's some pills around here to take you down a few notches? As if on cue.
We got problems.
Ryan Hardy and the FBI are in town.
Ooh, it's all right And it's coming on We got to get right back To where we started from Love is good, love can be strong We got to get right back to where we started from Oh, oh Do you remember that day Ooh, and it's all right, and it's coming on We got to get right back to where we started from At least 4 of the victims were on your missing persons list.
I'm still working on the rest.
? Your killer's a tin man, searching for a heart.
He inserts some type of tube into the chest cavity and extracts the heart muscle.
I've never seen anything like it.
We found a tenth victim.
She's an outlier.
Female, mid-20s, killed approximately two decades ago.
Tell me more about her.
The heart removal process wasn't nearly as surgical as the others.
He hadn't mastered it yet.
Teeth and fingers were removed but years after she was killed.
Well, maybe he went back to the body after he learned the technique from Strauss.
Could be his genesis victim, someone he had a personal relationship with.
Let's prioritize identifying her.
She could be our best shot at finding the killer.
Mmm! You are a fine chef, Duncan.
This bacon is a revelation.
Few folks know the joy of smoked human flesh.
This isn't Oh, damn, girl.
It's a joke.
Your sense of humor sucks.
I wonder what your heart would look like in the palm of my hand.
Try me, sweetie.
Children, behave.
It's so rare that I have my extended family together.
Can't we get along? Dr.
Strauss, due respect, now that you've slept and eaten, shouldn't you be heading out? Pardon? I don't want you to get caught.
I I brought you cash from the diner.
Should last you a few weeks.
Well, thank you, son, but I feel safe here in your fortress of solitude.
But the FBI found my bodies.
If you've learned anything from me over these many years, those bodies should in no way lead them to you.
What is it, Duncan? I killed before I met you, before you taught me how to protect myself.
Time is still on our side.
We can't leave until our new I.
s and credit cards arrive.
You reached out to him.
You have no right to bring him here.
This is my home.
Who's him? My best student.
The FBI continues the search for Dr.
Arthur Strauss and Daisy Locke.
Both are wanted for multiple murders and should be considered extremely dangerous.
been a shooting in East Providence.
A man wearing a clown mask entered an office building and opened fire, killing at least a dozen people.
Police a reporting the gunman is still at large, and they believe he was stabbed during the attack.
You don't need that.
I saw you come in here.
You looked like you were in pain.
I can help you.
I'm a doctor.
You can trust me.
You killed those people in that office park.
You're losing a lot of blood.
Looks like you nicked an artery.
Let me help you.
Why? Why? Because I think fate may have brought you to me.
The need you have to take life, the addiction to that high, the power it gives you, I have that, too.
I've never met anyone like me before.
I can hide you.
I need to finish Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I need to finish.
What is that you need to do? Hey, Ryan.
The M.
identified the genesis victim.
Her name is Fran Banks.
Name sounds familiar.
She was married to Duncan Banks, the guy that owns the diner.
Hillary's uncle.
He never reported her missing.
You want some coffee? I was just bringing some sandwiches down to the Sheriff's office.
You guys are welcome to grab a booth if you like.
We might do that.
I hope you understand why I had to call the Sheriff last night.
I hope you guys under Put your guns down, or I'm gonna slit my pretty niece's throat.
What's going on? He killed his wife.
We found her body.
Aunt Fran? She's in California.
Duncan, we can work something out together.
Yeah, we sure can.
You get out of the way, I'm gonna walk out of here, and I'm gonna get in my truck.
We don't want you.
We want Strauss.
Just give him to us, and you walk.
She is gonna bleed all over this floor unless you put your guns down and let me walk out of here.
Aah! Strauss is the reason we caught you.
He brought us here.
You know that, right? Then why let him go free when you're gonna spend the rest of your life in prison? Come on, Duncan.
Just tell us where he is.
Why would I tell you anything? So everything they're saying is true? How could you do that? How could you kill all those people? Everything about you, about us is a lie? What about my parents? Did you kill them, too? Your mama was a squealer.
Hey, hey, hey.
This is the worst thing that's ever gonna happen to you, but you're strong, and I know you can get through this, OK? I know.
I just got to get out of here.
- Agent Hardy.
- It's not a good time.
I think I can help.
My dad used to hunt with Duncan's dad, and there's this old cabin deep in the woods they used to use.
Th there's no road.
You got you got to hike in.
If it's still standing, it would be a good place to hide someone.
- Can you get us there? - Yeah, I I think so.
All right.
Let's go.
This is genius.
You figured out a way to kill people, and no one even knows you exist.
Have you done this before? Yes, but this was my first mass murder.
You must never blame yourself for your need to kill.
You were born that way, like a shark, and just like a shark, you must stay beneath the water.
Like I've done here already? Yes, exactly, but you could have left him in another location so you wouldn't have to rush back here before the police.
We need to match your injuries in case there were any witnesses.
And a second clown mask.
Very good.
Hair fibers, DNA.
Is there a way you like to kill, your own signature? I like the immediacy of a gun, but the sound that a blade makes when it cuts into the flesh is so delicious.
The the intimacy of strangulation is such a rush.
Why limit myself? I don't suppose you have to.
I want to master them all.
What's your plan for Patrick's suicide? Gunshot wound to the head.
Show me.
Just like that.
Look at his eyes.
There is something so special in this moment when they know.
Nicely done.
You're ambitious.
You'll be tempted to have your moment in the sun.
Others will even try to draw you above the water.
You mustn't let that happen.
You can't survive that way.
There are so many things I can teach you.
I'll never forget this, and I'll find a way to pay you back, I promise.
Thank you for coming.
I've missed our talks since you've been away.
Yes, me, too.
Don't hover back there.
This is Daisy.
You almost looked surprised when you saw me.
Did you doubt I'd come? - Of course not.
- Mm-hmm.
And thank you for everything you've done already, the I.
s, planting that E-mail on the FBI server.
I owe you my freedom.
Well, that's the least I could do.
You you've been like a father to me.
Heh heh heh.
Yaah! Which is why what you did hurt me so much.
You owe me.
Owe you? What you forced me to do you exposed me! I don't owe you that.
A father is supposed to sacrifice for his children.
Instead, you were willing to sacrifice us all to save yourself.
A shark is supposed to stay beneath the water.
Isn't that what you said to me? He made me do that.
You see that, right? Please, OK? He blackmailed me, too? He got my husband killed.
I won't tell anyone, I won't.
Hello, Duncan.
We found Strauss.
Show him.
His head was nearly severed from his body.
Who did that? That's not real.
Trust me.
It's real.
You killed him.
You killed him! Take it easy.
We didn't have the pleasure.
Someone beat us to it.
- Was it that bitch Daisy? - Nope.
She doesn't have the upper body strength to do that kind of damage.
Just want to be a man You'll never find him.
He's a ghost.
What's his name? I don't know.
All I know is that Strauss called him his best student.
I want to kill me a giant man I want to slay my demons But I got lots of them I got lots of them Dad's home.
You let them stay up.
They missed you.
You've been traveling so much.
I missed you guys, too.
I missed you, too.
Please tell me you don't have to go back on the road for a while.
I hope not, believe me, but when work calls, I got to go.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
So did Mommy save me some dinner? Yeah? - I did.
- Yeah.
Of course I did.
Did you? All right.
I'm gonna tickle you.
Lest you find my strangling fingers Wrapped around tight I want to hunt like David I want to kill me a giant man I want to slay my demons But I got lots of them, I got lots of them Hi, Mike.
What are you doing here? I'm sorry.
Are you? What are you more sorry about, that I was beat to hell or that Mark got away? If I could do things differently, I would.
I mean You'd shoot Mark in cold blood and plant the gun just like you did Lily.
That was your plan, right? Wouldn't you rather see him dead than out there alive? I'd rather never be forced to cover up another one of your executions, Mike.
I want to hunt like David I want to kill me a giant man Good night.
I want to slay my demons But I got lots of them, I got lots of them I want to hunt like David I want to kill me a giant man I want to slay my demons But I got lots of them I'd rather never be forced to cover up another one of your executions, Mike.
I want to kill me a giant man I want to slay my demons But I got lots of them, I've got lots of them Ryan.
You kept your promise.
Who's Strauss' best student?
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