The Weekenders (2000) s03e06 Episode Script

Never Say Diorama

Homemade pepperoni!
Innocent citizens, menaced by hunger.
This looks like a job for
the Pizzavenger!
.. enger..
.. enger..
And his spunky sidekick, Pie Lad!
My work here is done.
And away!
Uh, Pie Lad, could you uh
You guys up for some pool?
Um, I hate to sound
like a school marm,
but aren't you forgetting our
dioramas are due Monday?
Sorry, Tish.
My weekend hearing just kicked in.
Once you said the word "school",
it all just became "blither blither blither".
What's a "marm"?
Well, Tish and I are gonna start on our
Ancient Egypt diorama tonight.
You guys should get goin', too.
If you wait around, you're gonna
waste the whole weekend.
Yeah, you're doing the
Mesa Verde cliff dwellers, right?
Think, work?
Uh-oh, did you see that?
Obviously, Carver and Lor are suffering
from HPS, Homework Paralysis Syndrome.
Let's check out the system replay.
Sometimes doing homework on
the weekend is so overwhelming
that just thinking about it
makes their brains freeze up.
And you know what
happens then, Tish and I take
pity on them and help
them with their homework.
Yeah, mostly by doing it for them.
But that won't happen this time.
We promise we are never gonna
make them come to our rescue again.
No, we are totally gonna do our own
Worst case of Homework Paralysis
Syndrome I've ever seen.
Crust, crust, and away~!
Okay, we finish our dioramas
right away, then we can
hang out together the
rest of the weekend, right?
Great idea.
You bet!
I am so stoked about this.
Yeah, I can't wait to start on our..
home work
You know what'd get us
in a diorama frame of mind?
A quick shopping break.
There's a big sale on
fur-lined bathing suits!
It's good enough for polar bears,
it's good enough for me!
I have here plans for a
12-foot granite pyramid,
with 20,000 miniature workers,
dragging stone blocks.
And I have here cardboard,
gluesticks and paint.
Okay, how about a one-foot pyramid with two
miniature workers dragging a sugar cube?
I know you spent a lot of time
on those plans, Tish.
I'm sorry you had to
compromise your artistic vision.
And I'm sorry you had
to sit on a tube of paint.
Oh, great.
Looks like I sat on a leprechaun.
Shopping requires total immersion.
You have to use all six senses at once.
But, there's only five senses
Fashion sense!
Well, later days!
Later days.
The diorama!
Dude, we can't make
those guys bail us out.
We promised.
Yeah, we gotta start
on our home work.
No sweat.
It's okay.
It's fine.
You know what they say.
Rome was built in a day.
Oh, okay.
I don't think that's what they say.
Well, they should start sayin' it!
Uh, I didn't buy this.
It's for my sister?
A Chug-a-Freeze would totally
give me the will to live right now.
Just think how good it'll taste
when we're done.
Ooh, yeah. You're right!
You know, I hope Lor and Carver
are really working on their diorama
and not putting it off as usual.
This time, for sure.
More ice pop sticks, please.
More quarters, please.
Well. It was a lot of work,
but it was worth it.
Well, it was a lot of work,
but it was worth it!
It sure was!
You're ready for the professional
fry catchin' circuit!
10 out of 10!
Whoa, you beat us here?
So you actually finished first?
Sort of?
Oh, no.
You haven't even started
on your assignment, have you?
Our assign ment
Guys, how are we gonna hang out
if you don't get your homework done?
You're wrecking our weekend, too!
We were waiting for an idea!
That's kinda like working.
Isn't it?
If you need an idea,
just use your imagination.
I think I sprained mine.
It's easy.
Just pretend your imagination
is like a little TV inside your head.
Close your eyes.
Now turn on the TV.
Imagine you're a Mesa Verde cliff dweller~
We grow beans, squash, and maize.
We have domesticated the turkey.
That's all I remember from class.
Me, too.
Race ya down a cliff?
Last one down is a marm !
Stop !
Cliff dwellers didn't have skateboards!
Cliffs plus wheels equals bad!
Tino.. there's no need to shout.
Just because they ruined
their weekend and ours and
You guys are hopeless!
They're really mad.
Don't worry, we'll finish that diorama.
We always come through at the last minute.
No, we don't.
Tino and Tish always come through !
We can't keep making them do that.
We could check out the
Cliff Dweller Exhibit at the museum!
It's right down here.
What's that cheese-rific aroma?
Carter, we gotta get to the exhibit
before the museum closes !
Feta, a soft Greek cheese, is cured in a
solution of brine, giving it a salty flavour.
So please enjoy Feta, the cheese that tastes bettah.
Carver, come on!
But it's cheese, Lor.
Beautiful, tempting, cheese.
Join me in the cheese.
I believe I've reached maximum salt
Closing time, get out now.
We lost the whole afternoon!
I'm about to lose somethin' else.
You must see people get sick a lot.
It's my favorite thing about this job.
It's not fair!
They goofed off, and we pay for it by not
getting to hang with our friends.
Do you think it's time
to bail 'em out, yet?
Okay, guys.
A mom can only pretend not to listen for
so long.
I was wondering
what you were waiting for.
You know what you're doing.
You're enabling them.
Did you just make that word up?
Wha, wait, wait, wait.
I get it.
We're making them able
to keep blowing off their work
by always coming to their rescue!
So, we're actually stopping them from
learning to do stuff for themselves.
Which means that by helping our friends,
we're really hurting them.
That'd be a 10 on the right meter,
How did she just convince me that
we're the ones who are wrong?
Answer that, and you've
explained my whole life.
That's the third one this month!
What if Lor and Carver
never finish their diorama?
They could flunk out of school.
They'll never get into college,
they'll wind up
selling pencils on a street corner!
On the plus side, it'll be the future, so
they'll be like laser pencils or something.
And they'll be goin' pew, pew, pew!
If we help 'em, we're hurting 'em.
But we have to help 'em!
What can we do?
Hang on.
Maybe if they didn't want help ?
That sounds like your
"I have a plan"-voice!
You know how competitive
those guys are, right?
They can't turn down a challenge.
Of course, I see.
You have no idea what I'm talking about.
Explain it to me on the way.
And now, hour twelve of our
Teen Canyon marathon!
"Kyle, Gordo thinks Louisa's
dating an alien from space!"
It's not what it looks like.
We were just taking a break.
From what?
From feeling guilty about not working?
Okay, it's obvious you can't handle
a simple homework assignment.
So we're here to do it for you.
What do you mean we can't handle it?
We're just having
a little trouble gettin' started.
Listen, now why
don't you kids go play
while we do the stuff
that's too hard for ya?
Too hard?
It's not too hard.
We could do it if we really tried !
You go ahead and think that
if it makes you feel better.
We don't think that.
We know it.
Yeah, and we'll prove it!
We'll build this diorama,
and we'll get an 'A' to boot!
A 'B'-minus!
Okay, if we're gonna prove ourselves,
we need an idea.
Must fight.
Homework Paralysis Syndrome.
Got, to, think !
I know.
The cliff dwellers,
domesticated the turkey!
Buck buck buckawk!
Buck buck! Buck buck buckawk!
We did it!
Yeah, in your face!
That's great!
Way to go.
Thanks, guys.
I guess we needed a kick
in the butt to get us goin'.
Well, that was a full weekend,
Carver and Lore defeated
Homework Paralysis Syndrome.
Tish and I found out that sometimes you
have to let your friends do their own work.
And I ruined my best pair of pants!
Okay, later days!
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