Will Trent (2023) s03e06 Episode Script
No Faith in Second Chances
[MICHAEL] Previously on Will Trent
Do your friends know what
happened? Why you're staying with me.
Look, lady, it's, like,
6:00 in the morning.
Can you chill?
I didn't kill Alice Finney.
Okay. What if I said I believe you?
I can't go back to prison, Angie.
Rape and murder of a 17-year-old girl.
We're not friends.
He's applying for a new job
since the Waldorf fired him.
Um, can he put you down
as a reference?
Sorry, no.
Will, you have never been anything but
very kind to me,
and I appreciate that.
I appreciate you too.
cities as far as Atlanta to prepare
for severe storm conditions
as Hurricane Rachel
- heads for the Florida coast.
Forecasters predict
Rachel will reach category four
by the time it makes landfall,
bringing sustained winds
of at least 110 miles per hour.
As it moves north toward our
Hey, Esther, call 911.
[ESTHER] Calling Emergency Services.
911. What's your emergency?
I think someone's trying
to break into my house.
Okay. I have your address
listed as 8833
- Hang on.
They're moving to the back.
I see 'em.
Nah, they're headed for the woods.
- Okay, sir
we recommend you stay inside
and lock your doors.
- We'll send a patrol car to take a look.
[FARMER] Hey! Get out of here! Get
All of those people Everywhere ♪
Ever so needing ♪
Where's it all leading?
Tell me where ♪
Nothing insincere ♪
[OFFICER] We were thinking
robbery until we found her.
What do you think?
[ANGIE] My guess, abduction and rape.
She escaped his vehicle, came to the
house looking for
help, and didn't get it.
Kept running.
Yeah, he busted in, killed the
witness, and then caught up to her.
What is that?
Her tongue.
Get a team out here
looking for the murder weapon.
She okay?
There's a guy, John Shelley,
he got 20 years for
doing this to his prom date.
He just got out.
Polaski knows him.
Will it never Stop bleeding? ♪
Now what I can tell you is male,
maybe 40s to 60s.
- Athletic.
- [FAITH] How can you tell that?
- Oh, Agent Trent?
- All right. Give me a second.
Burn rate of the torso
suggests low BMI.
X-rays were unremarkable
except for this.
It was in his skull. Probably
from a small-caliber bullet.
So all we've got is that it's a he.
He was shot in the head,
and somebody stashed his
body under the floorboards.
Almost the perfect crime, if
the building hadn't burned down,
and AFD hadn't found him.
Any idea how long he'd been there?
Well, his clothes and the conditions
likely compromised rate of decay.
I'm running
some very complex tests for
What an unexpected pleasure.
The Fire Marshall called me.
I have a missing witness,
and since the body was found in
the Grove Park Boys territory,
I thought I'd see
if I recognized the face.
- No face
- Nope.
They didn't tell me it was so
- Crispy?
- Right.
Well, I'm sure
we'll find an identity soon,
even without a face, or
fingerprints, or identifying marks.
Well, I think
the feet could be promising.
Notice how they burned
at a much slower rate.
Don't say anything.
Merino wool socks!
- A-plus.
Oh. Are you, uh
You feeling all right?
I'm fine. I'm just a
little light-headed.
I think it's because of the smell.
- Oh. Um, well, uh, try this.
Thank you. [SNIFFS]
- You carry a handkerchief.
- I do.
Pete, let's go track down those labs.
Sorry about the feet.
It's what my abuela used to say.
It's what my uncle says.
I'm still learning.
Where are your people from?
Puerto Rico.
Me too.
I'm guessing you didn't grow up
with too much Spanish, though.
Because, uh, foster kid and all.
You remembered.
- Thank you.
- Yes.
Uh, no offense to you,
but I would very much so like
to not be in this room anymore.
Oh, no. Oh, of course.
Um, we'll get you the identity
as soon as we find out.
Thanks, Mr. Trent.
Huh. She's Puerto Rican.
Let's never come back here again.
Yeah. Would've been nice for
John to have left some DNA behind
at the scene and saved us
the trip to Diddler Towers.
Atlanta Police Department!
John Shelley, as a parolee,
we have the legal right
to enter your premises
without a warrant.
[SNIFFS] God, this place reeks
of serial killer.
How did you not smell it on him?
The mustache alone is a big red flag.
Nope. What do you think
he keeps in the cooler?
How much you wanna bet these
match the boot print on that door?
Where is this asshole?
Whoever's in there needs to come out.
[JOHN] Just a second.
John Shelley, open this door.
I can explain.
I've done nothing wrong.
If anything, this shows
a pattern of harassment.
Relax, okay? We're just waiting
for the test results to come back.
I told you, it's cow's blood.
From work.
You kill them and chop them up?
[SCOFFS] I lost my other job.
After I was handcuffed and
thrown into the back of a cop car.
- For doing nothing.
- For concealing information.
For trying to help someone.
Do you drive, John? You have a car?
The conditions of my parole
don't allow me to have a license.
That's not really an answer.
Speaking of your parole, I read the
statement you made at your hearing.
You admitted that you broke into
Alice Finney's bedroom after prom,
forced yourself on her.
And when you came
down from the drugs you
were on, you realized
what you had done,
so you killed her to make it
look like a psychopath did it.
But there was no psychopath.
Only you.
Why are you showing me that?
[SCOFFS] I don't know who that is.
That's Peggy Higgins.
Our ME compared her autopsy
to Alice's, and he said
- What was it?
- An abundance of confidence.
He said he has an abundance of
confidence that the
same person did this.
The same person beat them,
raped them, cut out their tongues.
I didn't kill Alice!
Okay? I didn't kill anyone!
That's not what you
told the parole board.
I had to!
My mother was dying.
The only way they would let me
out is if I expressed remorse.
Where did you get that? That's mine.
So she died two days
before you got out.
That must have made you angry.
All that anger building, building.
What sets you off?
When the girls laugh at you
when they tell you "no"?
I didn't kill anyone.
Why won't you listen?
- There you are.
- [PANTING] I want a lawyer.
Mmm. I think there's more
you wanna say to me.
Interview's over. ADA Markovic
here is throwing a flag.
He was breaking. We had him.
The subject requested a lawyer.
And, in my opinion, you pulled him
without any real
articulable suspicion.
He was covered in blood.
Why is the DA's office
making it their business?
I called him in.
I'm not here to be the bad guy.
We all want a clean case, yeah?
- If Mr. Shelley's responsible
- If?
Let's get him the right way.
With the basics.
A witness, the murder weapon,
a link to the victim.
Give me real evidence,
and I'll personally make
sure he goes away for good.
Oh, I feel very reassured.
Excuse me.
Look, hexagon test came back.
The blood on the clothes is not human.
Hand him off to his parole officer.
Hey, Cap.
Is this how it's gonna be?
You guys looking
over my shoulder all the time?
Listen, just stick to the basics, kid.
I don't know anything about
a body in the floor. [STAMMERS]
I just bought the place a year
ago, and now it's it's all gone.
Are you familiar with a street
gang named the Grove Park Boys?
I don't know how the fire started.
Well, that's interesting, Elias,
because that's not what I asked you.
Can you tell us who else had
access to your shop after hours?
- I'm the only one with a key.
- What's got you so scared?
[ELIAS] Nothing.
I'm not scared. I'm stressed.
And, if you were listening, you'd know
that my entire life just burned down.
This is all I have, all right? It's
my father's.
[WILL] You heard what I heard in
that room. Did you skip breakfast?
[FAITH] Don't you dare!
It's dozens of names.
[WILL] I don't see the problem.
- You're not sticking me with grunt work.
- Elias is hiding something.
- We gotta go where the trail takes us.
- Excuse me!
They can hear you
all the way in Tallahassee.
Well, Agent Mitchell and I were
just discussing next
steps on our case.
Oh, the burnt jerky man?
We still don't have an ID,
but Pete determined he's
been under the floor for longer
than a year, which means
that the current owner,
Elias Baidwan, is no longer a suspect.
It also means that
it can't be the ADA's
missing witness, yet
Will wants to pivot.
Elias Baidwan clearly
knows something about the fire.
The body is our case, not the fire.
Faith is right.
Send your concerns to the fire
marshal and focus on getting an ID.
[SIGHS] It's Sunny. Checking on
my ETA for the second time today.
I don't know why I have to account
for my every minute with this girl.
We have a schedule.
She's up to no good and doesn't
want you home to see it.
Oh, she knows better than to try me.
I'm sure it's the first time a
teenager never tested their limits.
Wait, what did you mean "no good"?
Canoodling. Looking for
the keys to the liquor cabinet.
Trying on your clothes.
[STAMMERS] Caroline, get my coat!
Okay. I apologize
for raising my voice.
I get it. You're personally invested.
What does that mean?
[SCOFFS] Whatever.
Hey, what was that thing you and
Pete were saying about the feet?
Oh, um, Smartwool socks. Merino wool
is fire resistant, but it will burn
Hikers wear it, right?
You think that's our guy?
Cedric Breaffy owned
the building before Elias.
He went missing two years ago,
but his body was never found.
Well, maybe we just found it.
- [SUNNY] Oh, bruh. Okay.
- [RAFAEL] I got a better one.
[RAFAEL] "Spaghetti" me that spatula.
[SUNNY] That doesn't even make sense.
- [RAFAEL] "Impastable"! "Impastable"!
- Okay. Okay, ready?
- [RAFAEL] Yes, yes, yes.
- What do you call pasta that
- Pasta that gives what
You said 6:45.
He can't make it Thursday,
he has to be downtown.
So I invited him over.
I need to have a word
with your father.
Mind the garlic for me, okay?
You said this was my house too.
I don't recall saying that.
You are in my home.
I meant no disrespect.
Sunny said she asked you.
You are the adult who
signed a legal agreement.
It's a force of habit.
Penelope was always fine with me
dropping by to check on my daughter.
I am not her!
I'm the Deputy Director of the
GBI. You could have been followed.
I know my business.
I should be a part
of this conversation!
You lost that right
when you broke the rules!
It's my life!
Uh-uh! Stay back there,
stay back there!
Stay back. Stay back.
It's time for your father to go.
Go do your homework. [GRUNTS]
I'll talk to DFCS and have them move
Thursday's location
closer to downtown.
- To my office.
- I got business.
If you can't stick to the rules we
agreed upon, this arrangement ends.
You wouldn't do that to her.
[SCOFFS] Oh, let's be clear,
I wouldn't be the one doing it.
I spent half the day running
around Atlanta looking for him
because someone forgot
to tell me he got pulled in.
One call, and I could've told
you he had nothing to do with it.
- John, were you at work last night?
- Yes, Ms. Lam.
Have you ever been
late or missed a shift?
No, Ms. Lam.
What happens if you step
even one inch out of line?
I go back to prison.
Time sheets, drug tests, my reports.
It insults me when you
suggest one of my guys
is up to something
that I don't know about.
With all due respect,
this isn't about your ego.
We're trying to solve a murder.
People can get into all kinds of
trouble when we're not looking.
I'm just surprised that someone like
you has no faith in second chances.
The news said mutilated.
What does that mean?
I can't tell you that.
But what I can say is that we need
to find the guy who did this to her.
Peggy talked a lot about the guy
with the PO box next to hers.
I-I know, who keeps a PO box?
She said it was so an ex-boyfriend
wouldn't know where she lived.
I mean, yeah, she was pretty,
but she wasn't like, "Oh, my God."
I'm terrible for saying that.
I'm so sorry.
What can you tell me
about the PO box guy?
He was always bothering her,
asking her out.
We were on our way
back from lunch one time,
and she asked me to go in there
with her because he was there.
- You saw him?
- Mm-hmm.
Can you describe him?
[STAMMERS] I mean, like,
tall, short, bald. Mustache?
I'm really bad with that stuff.
Maybe facial hair?
Would you be willing to come
into the station tomorrow
to look at a photo lineup?
Yeah. Yes, of course.
I have to get back to it.
Yeah, no. Thank you very much.
- Polaski.
Hi! It's Michael Ormewood,
your partner, at the hospital?
Just got done interviewing
Peggy's coworkers. Alone.
Just wondering where you are,
why you're ignoring my texts.
So, it'd be great if you
could give me a call back.
[FAITH] Pete was able to
confirm that our Mr. Crispy
was in fact missing hiker,
Cedric Breaffy.
The former building owner.
This is his wife, Meadow,
and his best friend, Dax Mason.
Cedric owned a wine shop.
He traveled overseas a lot.
Two years ago, he goes missing
supposedly on a solo hiking trip.
These two grieve for exactly six
months before getting together.
Well, that was fast.
Yeah, well, hold on to your Fendi
because it was even faster than that.
I tracked Dax's movements before
the disappearance, found a pattern
for when he was using a gas
station near Meadow's house.
Hmm. I bet all the dates were
when the husband was out of town.
Hmm. Wife and
best friend fall in love,
kill the husband,
then stage his disappearance.
[SCOFFS] Bring 'em in for questioning.
Officer Lam, it's Detective Polaski
with a question about John Shelley.
- Maybe this is why we don't call.
- Where the hell have you been?
I was tailing John.
Heller said to lay off of him.
Why didn't you tell me?
I just [SIGHS]
I can't make the same mistake twice.
It's not the same thing, Angie.
Anyway, I think it was worth it
because he spent half the day
watching this mailbox place.
I-I thought he was waiting for
someone. But I was wrong because
Wait, mailbox place,
like, with PO boxes?
Yeah. Let me finish.
He goes in, right?
Finally, says he lost his key,
shows his ID, and empties the box.
Here's what I can't figure.
The box was opened years ago
when John was still in prison, right?
And he didn't list it
with the parole office.
So this It feels like something.
- Right?
- No, yeah.
It's definitely something.
Peggy Higgins has a PO box
at the same address. PO box 849.
Right next to John's 850.
That connects him to the victim.
Son of a bitch lied to us.
A part of me still hoped
that he'd find his way home.
How could this have happened?
I'm hoping you can help me
work that out.
Walk me through the last time
you saw him.
Sure. Uh, the shop was closed.
They were fumigating.
Termites, I think.
Cedric used that as
an excuse to get on the trail.
That's how he was.
If he wasn't at a vineyard,
he was on a mountain somewhere.
I didn't mind.
It made him happy.
I dropped him off at the trailhead,
and then I was gonna pick
him up a few days later.
He sent me a photo of the sunset
that first night.
Then nothing.
Well, that's strange.
He's usually in his photos.
They think he may have
gotten hurt, then disoriented.
They called off
the search after two weeks.
I spent a fortune
on a team to keep looking.
It was tearing her apart.
I tried to help her
accept that he was gone.
We sort of just happened.
[CHUCKLES] I wasn't
expecting to fall in love.
Whose idea was it to sell the shop?
Dax was against it.
It was the one thing
he wanted me to hold on to.
I figured it was a good investment.
I spent so much on trying to find
Cedric that I needed the money.
I got really lucky.
The buyer even paid in cash.
Elias Baidwan, the buyer,
he paid in cash?
[FAITH] This slug was found
in Cedric's brain stem.
When we searched the scene,
we found its casing.
[WILL] It's a .22 caliber
long rifle round.
We don't usually find these
in murders.
They're mostly used for
competitive target shooting.
Target shooting?
[FAITH] According to your social
media, you hold several titles in that.
[WILL] Cedric never made it
to that trail.
Meadow had nothing to do with it.
I couldn't stand
watching him just ignore her
when I knew I could make her happy.
And we have been.
We've been so happy.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
They might've gone on another
30 years in perfect bliss
if it hadn't been for that fire.
Mmm. That reminds me. Uh
AFD delivered this
to my office by mistake.
Still looking to do extra credit
for a certain ADA?
I am being thorough.
Will, it is okay.
- What?
- It's okay to be interested in her.
It's also okay to have
thoughts and not say them.
- Fine.
- Thank you.
[FAITH] Mmm.
It says that two other
businesses burned down
in the Grove Park Boys territory
in the past month.
Oh, I thought our case
was the body, not the fire.
I remember saying
the body and then the fire.
Cedric's widow said Elias
bought the building in cash.
He never had a balance over four
digits. No assets, no loans.
So where'd he get the money?
Where indeed.
What the hell? Excuse you.
You're the one
crowding the stairs, asshole.
Yeah, don't you have
a playground to go stalk?
What did you say to me?
You say I look at children?
[GRUNTS] Come on now.
I'm gonna sue your ass.
You people come in here, think you
can do whatever you want! [GRUNTS]
John Shelley. Stay where you are.
It's not mine!
- [MICHAEL] Go, go!
Oh, God. That's evidence.
[RESIDENT] Come on.
- John. Stop right there or I'll shoot.
Someone else is doing this.
If you move,
I will put one in your chest.
- Just
- I won't go back to prison.
It's not up to you.
[NEIGHBOR] Hey, man. You all right?
Where did you find time to do this?
Well, it's just a working
theory. Faith helped too.
From what I see, it looks like
a loan sharking scheme.
Do you think that Lincoln Spelling
loaned out cash to
these small businesses
and then someone
took it over after he died?
Well, seems like it.
And whenever they didn't pay the
new guy, their places were torched.
And whoever did this is
probably positioning themselves
to take over the Grove Park Boys.
There's only one name
that comes to my mind.
You think your old friend Rafael?
But I've got nothing to confirm it.
I'd like to lean on Elias Baidwan.
Let me. I've been told that I
have a gift for wearing a man down.
Can I ask you a question?
That scar on your neck.
I'm sorry.
- I didn't mean to
- No.
You surprised me is all.
I apologize.
It's none of my business.
Sometimes, I just
forget that we just met.
Have dinner with me?
I'll cook.
Maybe a salmon.
"Maybe a salmon" is my favorite.
Well, um,
I suppose this concludes our business.
Thank you, ADA Alba.
Thank you, Special Agent Trent.
I don't know where John is.
I haven't seen him
since he came to my office.
He did? Why didn't you tell me?
- When was this?
- A few weeks ago.
Uh, he was asking
about getting a car
He wondered about
credit reports or something.
Did you help him?
I spent the last two decades trying
to forget I'm John Shelley's sister.
I told him to leave.
- Are we in any danger?
- Why would you ask that?
Because he's a monster,
and I testified against him.
You knew Alice Finney?
Not really.
We were all in school together.
But I saw how John changed.
He became erratic. Violent.
Drugs can destroy a person.
I need you to take these.
My mom took notes on everything
from the moment John was arrested.
I didn't know you still had those.
Honey, the police don't want them.
You don't want them. It's
nonsense. Conspiracy theories.
[JOYCE] Look, she kept hoping
she could find a way to get him back.
And it slowly killed her.
Please take them.
I couldn't throw them away,
but I can't keep them.
Okay. They could be
helpful in finding John.
- Did you try Carver?
- John's cellmate?
Yeah. When I told him to leave,
he said he'd go ask Carver.
Don't let my youthful visage fool
ya. I am advanced in my years.
My memory is unreliable.
All right. You can skip the runaround.
We're willing to
trade for information.
I'm delighted to see
you've done your research.
Better a candy in my mouth
than a piece of you.
I can really see why you
and John were so close.
That peppermint stick
for a tidbit perhaps?
I have not been allowed
a sweet for a very long time.
When John came to see you,
what did you discuss?
The weather, the mail, you.
You're that security guard.
You broke his tender little heart.
It's, um,
- We heard he was looking for a car.
- Mmm.
I might remember him saying that
his new job was
awfully hard to get to.
[SIGHS] Okay.
You can have the whole bag, okay?
I let him borrow my mother's car.
Beulah Carver.
I'll call in a BOLO.
We need to find him.
- Where would he go?
- Where would he hide?
Precious. You are asking
all the wrong questions.
Why not ask yourself, sweet Angela,
how a man, who went
to prison at age 17,
can have a credit score of 710?
- [MICHAEL] Open the door! Open the door!
- [MICHAEL] She all right?
Y'all come back soon.
Maybe next time. [CHUCKLES]
I think Betty's wondering
where her salmon is.
Betty, girl, I taught you better
than to beg. Now, come on.
Well, I don't blame her.
I mean, dinner was the best
I've had in a very long time.
- Well, thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
You know? I have been trying
to track down Elias Baidwan,
and it is like he has vanished
from the face of the earth.
Sorry. Sorry. No business.
It's just hard for me to turn off
that part of my brain sometimes.
I understand that completely. I
have hard time with that myself.
Oh, I just [LAUGHS]
What is it?
I just haven't done this in a long
time, and I just had the impulse
to whip out my patented summer
camp flirt-with-your-crush move.
- Please, do share. Mmm.
- Okay.
Have you ever had your palm read?
Oh. Oh, you're smooth.
- Okay. Okay.
Focus. I have to concentrate.
- Okay.
- Okay.
You see here. This is your life line.
It is strong and steady.
You have gone through a lot,
but you keep moving forward.
How am I doing?
I'm in. I'm a believer.
And here's your heart line.
It's deep but very guarded.
You see all these crosses?
It means that you
have a lot of wounds.
- All right.
How about your palm, huh?
- How much this palm got to say?
- It's mostly about cats.
But if you look closely,
this right here
means that I'm going
to kiss a very, very sexy man.
So I'm gonna go,
and I'm gonna go find him.
- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Happy again ♪
Hear my cry ♪
And ease my pain ♪
Okay. Oh, wow.
I was talking about the storm.
- Oh, really? Okay.
- [CHUCKLES] And us.
But I should, um
Yeah, I should probably get
going before it gets worse.
Come back, come back, come back ♪
Tell Gross and Smith they're
approved to work from home.
Oh, and can you stay late?
I mean, is that a problem?
Yeah. Ma'am, if you're here, I'm here.
Okay. Great.
- [SCOFFS] Wow.
Hey. Hey, look at me.
If you wanna be mad at me,
be mad at me.
But that woman has my back, and she's
not due an unkind word from anyone.
You hear?
- He's not coming.
- Of course he is.
It's just the rain,
or he's making a point.
I'm never gonna see him anymore.
That's absolutely not true.
Why can't I see him at our house?
Because it's my house.
And if this is going to work,
we need to stick to
the rules we agreed on.
Okay. Forcing him to walk
through a building full of cops
to see me is not one of the rules.
You're all the same.
I don't know who you're talking
about. But this is about respect.
Respect for me, your father,
and what we're trying to do for you.
Do you understand?
- Anyway, he's not coming.
- Well, I disagree.
"On our way to Piney Grove.
See you when we get back."
Hey. A traffic cam in Belvedere Park
caught sight of the car John's using.
We ordered a sweep. They'll yell
if they spot anything.
[SIGHS] Good. Carver was
a mail carrier in both states.
Maybe they were sent by a friend.
I sent John's sheet
to the locals just in case.
- You get started on the notebooks?
- Yeah.
It's pretty heartbreaking. She
really believed he didn't do it.
Yeah, well, no one
wants to believe it's their kid.
But it's always someone's kid.
Oh, I checked on John's credit score.
It is very high.
Just like Carver said.
Yeah, it's probably some prison scam.
Yeah, but why tell us about it?
Well, Carver likes to eat
people. He's a complicated guy.
Just for a moment,
let us consider if someone did
put the murder weapon
and the tongue in the cooler.
It's the first place we'd look.
Of course he's gonna
say somebody put it there.
Just like he said he didn't
kill Alice. But he did.
And that tongue means
he's got another victim.
Wait. 30032.
That's Belvedere Park, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
It's an address. 1854
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Piney Grove, 30032.
Ah. Bro, you could
have warned me where
Amanda Wagner likes to keep her grip.
I mean, you see how I turned out.
Glad you dressed for the occasion.
Yeah. If I'm gonna be seen
in here, let me be seen.
- [WILL] Hmm.
that is nice.
Mm-hmm. Early '80s.
You know, I'm a sucker
for pieces with a history.
Too much?
Or like you always say,
"More is more."
I got Sunny waiting.
[JOHN] I won't go back.
I won't go back.
John, show me your hands.
I won't go back.
I won't go back.
I won't go back.
Hey, John.
I've been reading
your mom's notebooks.
Sharp lady. Lots of good questions.
- Leave me alone.
- Believe me, I'd like to.
But I feel like I owe it to her to ask
you about something Carver said.
Why do you have a credit score of 710?
How did you open a PO box
while you were still in prison?
Why is there a house
on Piney Grove in your name?
- I don't know.
- Well, you know something.
John, I'm here to listen.
You gotta help me out.
I went to buy my sister a gift.
They said I could put it on a store
card because I had such good credit.
I knew that wasn't right.
So you went to ask
your sister about it.
She wouldn't talk to you.
You went to Carver.
He guessed someone
was using my identity
to hide money or hide themselves.
He said he'd look into it
through his contacts.
That's when it all
started happening again,
like with Alice.
Someone put that knife in my cooler.
And killed Ms. Lam.
- Do you know who?
- No.
That's why I went to the PO box
and to the house.
I wasn't running.
I was trying to find them.
It's quite a story.
It doesn't matter.
I'm the guy.
That's the story
everyone wants to believe.
It was nice to get to know you, Angie.
You can't file charges
against John Shelley yet.
[SCOFFS] Detective Polaski.
We're at a meeting.
Yeah. I-I-I understand.
This is urgent.
Yeah. I'm I can
- I can wait.
- [ANGIE] All right.
I think we might be wrong about
the John Shelley case.
He was found with a body
and the murder weapon.
Two days ago, you were trying
to get him to confess.
- Yeah. [SCOFFS]
- Do you have another suspect?
No. But I have a witness coming in,
and I think that she could
lead us somewhere.
Might and could are words
for the defense.
The case is there.
Yeah, Freddy has an excellent record.
No one asked you, um
Captain Heller brought
me in to supervise
because of your questionable judgment.
You don't need to worry.
It's a solid case.
I filed a few hours ago.
Uh, Detective Polaski
said it was urgent.
Yeah. She actually had
to step out for a minute.
You want a coffee?
Please, yeah. And one for Kenan
too. He's on his way up.
[MICHAEL] Mm-hmm.
Is it always this empty?
Yeah. Emergency calls.
Full moons and hurricanes.
Hey, uh
I have a case I want you
to look at. It's time sensitive.
This guy went away for
a murder he didn't commit,
and I think it's about
to happen again.
John Shelley.
Yeah. How do you know about that?
- Angie, what are you doing?
- Will, how do you know about that?
Are you watching over my shoulder too?
Marion called.
- All right? She was concerned.
- Oh, my God.
- Of course.
- It's not a conspiracy.
- We're trying to look out for you.
- It's "we" now.
Wow. I get double the
self-righteous grandstanding.
- This isn't personal.
- It is though.
Yeah, it is.
Do you know what it takes for me
to walk into that precinct every day?
I'm killing myself over this case.
Why didn't I smell it on this guy?
I've been around
predators my entire life.
Mom made sure of that.
Why did I miss this?
You know why? Because it isn't him.
Maybe that was a little much.
I thought there was
a certain emphatic punch to it.
someone took 20 years from this guy,
and I saw the look on his face.
He won't make it to County alive.
Someone set him up
and the answer is in there.
If you've ever believed in me,
even once
Let's start from the beginning.
It's you.
[MICHAEL] Previously on Will Trent
Do your friends know what
happened? Why you're staying with me.
Look, lady, it's, like,
6:00 in the morning.
Can you chill?
I didn't kill Alice Finney.
Okay. What if I said I believe you?
I can't go back to prison, Angie.
Rape and murder of a 17-year-old girl.
We're not friends.
He's applying for a new job
since the Waldorf fired him.
Um, can he put you down
as a reference?
Sorry, no.
Will, you have never been anything but
very kind to me,
and I appreciate that.
I appreciate you too.
cities as far as Atlanta to prepare
for severe storm conditions
as Hurricane Rachel
- heads for the Florida coast.
Forecasters predict
Rachel will reach category four
by the time it makes landfall,
bringing sustained winds
of at least 110 miles per hour.
As it moves north toward our
Hey, Esther, call 911.
[ESTHER] Calling Emergency Services.
911. What's your emergency?
I think someone's trying
to break into my house.
Okay. I have your address
listed as 8833
- Hang on.
They're moving to the back.
I see 'em.
Nah, they're headed for the woods.
- Okay, sir
we recommend you stay inside
and lock your doors.
- We'll send a patrol car to take a look.
[FARMER] Hey! Get out of here! Get
All of those people Everywhere ♪
Ever so needing ♪
Where's it all leading?
Tell me where ♪
Nothing insincere ♪
[OFFICER] We were thinking
robbery until we found her.
What do you think?
[ANGIE] My guess, abduction and rape.
She escaped his vehicle, came to the
house looking for
help, and didn't get it.
Kept running.
Yeah, he busted in, killed the
witness, and then caught up to her.
What is that?
Her tongue.
Get a team out here
looking for the murder weapon.
She okay?
There's a guy, John Shelley,
he got 20 years for
doing this to his prom date.
He just got out.
Polaski knows him.
Will it never Stop bleeding? ♪
Now what I can tell you is male,
maybe 40s to 60s.
- Athletic.
- [FAITH] How can you tell that?
- Oh, Agent Trent?
- All right. Give me a second.
Burn rate of the torso
suggests low BMI.
X-rays were unremarkable
except for this.
It was in his skull. Probably
from a small-caliber bullet.
So all we've got is that it's a he.
He was shot in the head,
and somebody stashed his
body under the floorboards.
Almost the perfect crime, if
the building hadn't burned down,
and AFD hadn't found him.
Any idea how long he'd been there?
Well, his clothes and the conditions
likely compromised rate of decay.
I'm running
some very complex tests for
What an unexpected pleasure.
The Fire Marshall called me.
I have a missing witness,
and since the body was found in
the Grove Park Boys territory,
I thought I'd see
if I recognized the face.
- No face
- Nope.
They didn't tell me it was so
- Crispy?
- Right.
Well, I'm sure
we'll find an identity soon,
even without a face, or
fingerprints, or identifying marks.
Well, I think
the feet could be promising.
Notice how they burned
at a much slower rate.
Don't say anything.
Merino wool socks!
- A-plus.
Oh. Are you, uh
You feeling all right?
I'm fine. I'm just a
little light-headed.
I think it's because of the smell.
- Oh. Um, well, uh, try this.
Thank you. [SNIFFS]
- You carry a handkerchief.
- I do.
Pete, let's go track down those labs.
Sorry about the feet.
It's what my abuela used to say.
It's what my uncle says.
I'm still learning.
Where are your people from?
Puerto Rico.
Me too.
I'm guessing you didn't grow up
with too much Spanish, though.
Because, uh, foster kid and all.
You remembered.
- Thank you.
- Yes.
Uh, no offense to you,
but I would very much so like
to not be in this room anymore.
Oh, no. Oh, of course.
Um, we'll get you the identity
as soon as we find out.
Thanks, Mr. Trent.
Huh. She's Puerto Rican.
Let's never come back here again.
Yeah. Would've been nice for
John to have left some DNA behind
at the scene and saved us
the trip to Diddler Towers.
Atlanta Police Department!
John Shelley, as a parolee,
we have the legal right
to enter your premises
without a warrant.
[SNIFFS] God, this place reeks
of serial killer.
How did you not smell it on him?
The mustache alone is a big red flag.
Nope. What do you think
he keeps in the cooler?
How much you wanna bet these
match the boot print on that door?
Where is this asshole?
Whoever's in there needs to come out.
[JOHN] Just a second.
John Shelley, open this door.
I can explain.
I've done nothing wrong.
If anything, this shows
a pattern of harassment.
Relax, okay? We're just waiting
for the test results to come back.
I told you, it's cow's blood.
From work.
You kill them and chop them up?
[SCOFFS] I lost my other job.
After I was handcuffed and
thrown into the back of a cop car.
- For doing nothing.
- For concealing information.
For trying to help someone.
Do you drive, John? You have a car?
The conditions of my parole
don't allow me to have a license.
That's not really an answer.
Speaking of your parole, I read the
statement you made at your hearing.
You admitted that you broke into
Alice Finney's bedroom after prom,
forced yourself on her.
And when you came
down from the drugs you
were on, you realized
what you had done,
so you killed her to make it
look like a psychopath did it.
But there was no psychopath.
Only you.
Why are you showing me that?
[SCOFFS] I don't know who that is.
That's Peggy Higgins.
Our ME compared her autopsy
to Alice's, and he said
- What was it?
- An abundance of confidence.
He said he has an abundance of
confidence that the
same person did this.
The same person beat them,
raped them, cut out their tongues.
I didn't kill Alice!
Okay? I didn't kill anyone!
That's not what you
told the parole board.
I had to!
My mother was dying.
The only way they would let me
out is if I expressed remorse.
Where did you get that? That's mine.
So she died two days
before you got out.
That must have made you angry.
All that anger building, building.
What sets you off?
When the girls laugh at you
when they tell you "no"?
I didn't kill anyone.
Why won't you listen?
- There you are.
- [PANTING] I want a lawyer.
Mmm. I think there's more
you wanna say to me.
Interview's over. ADA Markovic
here is throwing a flag.
He was breaking. We had him.
The subject requested a lawyer.
And, in my opinion, you pulled him
without any real
articulable suspicion.
He was covered in blood.
Why is the DA's office
making it their business?
I called him in.
I'm not here to be the bad guy.
We all want a clean case, yeah?
- If Mr. Shelley's responsible
- If?
Let's get him the right way.
With the basics.
A witness, the murder weapon,
a link to the victim.
Give me real evidence,
and I'll personally make
sure he goes away for good.
Oh, I feel very reassured.
Excuse me.
Look, hexagon test came back.
The blood on the clothes is not human.
Hand him off to his parole officer.
Hey, Cap.
Is this how it's gonna be?
You guys looking
over my shoulder all the time?
Listen, just stick to the basics, kid.
I don't know anything about
a body in the floor. [STAMMERS]
I just bought the place a year
ago, and now it's it's all gone.
Are you familiar with a street
gang named the Grove Park Boys?
I don't know how the fire started.
Well, that's interesting, Elias,
because that's not what I asked you.
Can you tell us who else had
access to your shop after hours?
- I'm the only one with a key.
- What's got you so scared?
[ELIAS] Nothing.
I'm not scared. I'm stressed.
And, if you were listening, you'd know
that my entire life just burned down.
This is all I have, all right? It's
my father's.
[WILL] You heard what I heard in
that room. Did you skip breakfast?
[FAITH] Don't you dare!
It's dozens of names.
[WILL] I don't see the problem.
- You're not sticking me with grunt work.
- Elias is hiding something.
- We gotta go where the trail takes us.
- Excuse me!
They can hear you
all the way in Tallahassee.
Well, Agent Mitchell and I were
just discussing next
steps on our case.
Oh, the burnt jerky man?
We still don't have an ID,
but Pete determined he's
been under the floor for longer
than a year, which means
that the current owner,
Elias Baidwan, is no longer a suspect.
It also means that
it can't be the ADA's
missing witness, yet
Will wants to pivot.
Elias Baidwan clearly
knows something about the fire.
The body is our case, not the fire.
Faith is right.
Send your concerns to the fire
marshal and focus on getting an ID.
[SIGHS] It's Sunny. Checking on
my ETA for the second time today.
I don't know why I have to account
for my every minute with this girl.
We have a schedule.
She's up to no good and doesn't
want you home to see it.
Oh, she knows better than to try me.
I'm sure it's the first time a
teenager never tested their limits.
Wait, what did you mean "no good"?
Canoodling. Looking for
the keys to the liquor cabinet.
Trying on your clothes.
[STAMMERS] Caroline, get my coat!
Okay. I apologize
for raising my voice.
I get it. You're personally invested.
What does that mean?
[SCOFFS] Whatever.
Hey, what was that thing you and
Pete were saying about the feet?
Oh, um, Smartwool socks. Merino wool
is fire resistant, but it will burn
Hikers wear it, right?
You think that's our guy?
Cedric Breaffy owned
the building before Elias.
He went missing two years ago,
but his body was never found.
Well, maybe we just found it.
- [SUNNY] Oh, bruh. Okay.
- [RAFAEL] I got a better one.
[RAFAEL] "Spaghetti" me that spatula.
[SUNNY] That doesn't even make sense.
- [RAFAEL] "Impastable"! "Impastable"!
- Okay. Okay, ready?
- [RAFAEL] Yes, yes, yes.
- What do you call pasta that
- Pasta that gives what
You said 6:45.
He can't make it Thursday,
he has to be downtown.
So I invited him over.
I need to have a word
with your father.
Mind the garlic for me, okay?
You said this was my house too.
I don't recall saying that.
You are in my home.
I meant no disrespect.
Sunny said she asked you.
You are the adult who
signed a legal agreement.
It's a force of habit.
Penelope was always fine with me
dropping by to check on my daughter.
I am not her!
I'm the Deputy Director of the
GBI. You could have been followed.
I know my business.
I should be a part
of this conversation!
You lost that right
when you broke the rules!
It's my life!
Uh-uh! Stay back there,
stay back there!
Stay back. Stay back.
It's time for your father to go.
Go do your homework. [GRUNTS]
I'll talk to DFCS and have them move
Thursday's location
closer to downtown.
- To my office.
- I got business.
If you can't stick to the rules we
agreed upon, this arrangement ends.
You wouldn't do that to her.
[SCOFFS] Oh, let's be clear,
I wouldn't be the one doing it.
I spent half the day running
around Atlanta looking for him
because someone forgot
to tell me he got pulled in.
One call, and I could've told
you he had nothing to do with it.
- John, were you at work last night?
- Yes, Ms. Lam.
Have you ever been
late or missed a shift?
No, Ms. Lam.
What happens if you step
even one inch out of line?
I go back to prison.
Time sheets, drug tests, my reports.
It insults me when you
suggest one of my guys
is up to something
that I don't know about.
With all due respect,
this isn't about your ego.
We're trying to solve a murder.
People can get into all kinds of
trouble when we're not looking.
I'm just surprised that someone like
you has no faith in second chances.
The news said mutilated.
What does that mean?
I can't tell you that.
But what I can say is that we need
to find the guy who did this to her.
Peggy talked a lot about the guy
with the PO box next to hers.
I-I know, who keeps a PO box?
She said it was so an ex-boyfriend
wouldn't know where she lived.
I mean, yeah, she was pretty,
but she wasn't like, "Oh, my God."
I'm terrible for saying that.
I'm so sorry.
What can you tell me
about the PO box guy?
He was always bothering her,
asking her out.
We were on our way
back from lunch one time,
and she asked me to go in there
with her because he was there.
- You saw him?
- Mm-hmm.
Can you describe him?
[STAMMERS] I mean, like,
tall, short, bald. Mustache?
I'm really bad with that stuff.
Maybe facial hair?
Would you be willing to come
into the station tomorrow
to look at a photo lineup?
Yeah. Yes, of course.
I have to get back to it.
Yeah, no. Thank you very much.
- Polaski.
Hi! It's Michael Ormewood,
your partner, at the hospital?
Just got done interviewing
Peggy's coworkers. Alone.
Just wondering where you are,
why you're ignoring my texts.
So, it'd be great if you
could give me a call back.
[FAITH] Pete was able to
confirm that our Mr. Crispy
was in fact missing hiker,
Cedric Breaffy.
The former building owner.
This is his wife, Meadow,
and his best friend, Dax Mason.
Cedric owned a wine shop.
He traveled overseas a lot.
Two years ago, he goes missing
supposedly on a solo hiking trip.
These two grieve for exactly six
months before getting together.
Well, that was fast.
Yeah, well, hold on to your Fendi
because it was even faster than that.
I tracked Dax's movements before
the disappearance, found a pattern
for when he was using a gas
station near Meadow's house.
Hmm. I bet all the dates were
when the husband was out of town.
Hmm. Wife and
best friend fall in love,
kill the husband,
then stage his disappearance.
[SCOFFS] Bring 'em in for questioning.
Officer Lam, it's Detective Polaski
with a question about John Shelley.
- Maybe this is why we don't call.
- Where the hell have you been?
I was tailing John.
Heller said to lay off of him.
Why didn't you tell me?
I just [SIGHS]
I can't make the same mistake twice.
It's not the same thing, Angie.
Anyway, I think it was worth it
because he spent half the day
watching this mailbox place.
I-I thought he was waiting for
someone. But I was wrong because
Wait, mailbox place,
like, with PO boxes?
Yeah. Let me finish.
He goes in, right?
Finally, says he lost his key,
shows his ID, and empties the box.
Here's what I can't figure.
The box was opened years ago
when John was still in prison, right?
And he didn't list it
with the parole office.
So this It feels like something.
- Right?
- No, yeah.
It's definitely something.
Peggy Higgins has a PO box
at the same address. PO box 849.
Right next to John's 850.
That connects him to the victim.
Son of a bitch lied to us.
A part of me still hoped
that he'd find his way home.
How could this have happened?
I'm hoping you can help me
work that out.
Walk me through the last time
you saw him.
Sure. Uh, the shop was closed.
They were fumigating.
Termites, I think.
Cedric used that as
an excuse to get on the trail.
That's how he was.
If he wasn't at a vineyard,
he was on a mountain somewhere.
I didn't mind.
It made him happy.
I dropped him off at the trailhead,
and then I was gonna pick
him up a few days later.
He sent me a photo of the sunset
that first night.
Then nothing.
Well, that's strange.
He's usually in his photos.
They think he may have
gotten hurt, then disoriented.
They called off
the search after two weeks.
I spent a fortune
on a team to keep looking.
It was tearing her apart.
I tried to help her
accept that he was gone.
We sort of just happened.
[CHUCKLES] I wasn't
expecting to fall in love.
Whose idea was it to sell the shop?
Dax was against it.
It was the one thing
he wanted me to hold on to.
I figured it was a good investment.
I spent so much on trying to find
Cedric that I needed the money.
I got really lucky.
The buyer even paid in cash.
Elias Baidwan, the buyer,
he paid in cash?
[FAITH] This slug was found
in Cedric's brain stem.
When we searched the scene,
we found its casing.
[WILL] It's a .22 caliber
long rifle round.
We don't usually find these
in murders.
They're mostly used for
competitive target shooting.
Target shooting?
[FAITH] According to your social
media, you hold several titles in that.
[WILL] Cedric never made it
to that trail.
Meadow had nothing to do with it.
I couldn't stand
watching him just ignore her
when I knew I could make her happy.
And we have been.
We've been so happy.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
They might've gone on another
30 years in perfect bliss
if it hadn't been for that fire.
Mmm. That reminds me. Uh
AFD delivered this
to my office by mistake.
Still looking to do extra credit
for a certain ADA?
I am being thorough.
Will, it is okay.
- What?
- It's okay to be interested in her.
It's also okay to have
thoughts and not say them.
- Fine.
- Thank you.
[FAITH] Mmm.
It says that two other
businesses burned down
in the Grove Park Boys territory
in the past month.
Oh, I thought our case
was the body, not the fire.
I remember saying
the body and then the fire.
Cedric's widow said Elias
bought the building in cash.
He never had a balance over four
digits. No assets, no loans.
So where'd he get the money?
Where indeed.
What the hell? Excuse you.
You're the one
crowding the stairs, asshole.
Yeah, don't you have
a playground to go stalk?
What did you say to me?
You say I look at children?
[GRUNTS] Come on now.
I'm gonna sue your ass.
You people come in here, think you
can do whatever you want! [GRUNTS]
John Shelley. Stay where you are.
It's not mine!
- [MICHAEL] Go, go!
Oh, God. That's evidence.
[RESIDENT] Come on.
- John. Stop right there or I'll shoot.
Someone else is doing this.
If you move,
I will put one in your chest.
- Just
- I won't go back to prison.
It's not up to you.
[NEIGHBOR] Hey, man. You all right?
Where did you find time to do this?
Well, it's just a working
theory. Faith helped too.
From what I see, it looks like
a loan sharking scheme.
Do you think that Lincoln Spelling
loaned out cash to
these small businesses
and then someone
took it over after he died?
Well, seems like it.
And whenever they didn't pay the
new guy, their places were torched.
And whoever did this is
probably positioning themselves
to take over the Grove Park Boys.
There's only one name
that comes to my mind.
You think your old friend Rafael?
But I've got nothing to confirm it.
I'd like to lean on Elias Baidwan.
Let me. I've been told that I
have a gift for wearing a man down.
Can I ask you a question?
That scar on your neck.
I'm sorry.
- I didn't mean to
- No.
You surprised me is all.
I apologize.
It's none of my business.
Sometimes, I just
forget that we just met.
Have dinner with me?
I'll cook.
Maybe a salmon.
"Maybe a salmon" is my favorite.
Well, um,
I suppose this concludes our business.
Thank you, ADA Alba.
Thank you, Special Agent Trent.
I don't know where John is.
I haven't seen him
since he came to my office.
He did? Why didn't you tell me?
- When was this?
- A few weeks ago.
Uh, he was asking
about getting a car
He wondered about
credit reports or something.
Did you help him?
I spent the last two decades trying
to forget I'm John Shelley's sister.
I told him to leave.
- Are we in any danger?
- Why would you ask that?
Because he's a monster,
and I testified against him.
You knew Alice Finney?
Not really.
We were all in school together.
But I saw how John changed.
He became erratic. Violent.
Drugs can destroy a person.
I need you to take these.
My mom took notes on everything
from the moment John was arrested.
I didn't know you still had those.
Honey, the police don't want them.
You don't want them. It's
nonsense. Conspiracy theories.
[JOYCE] Look, she kept hoping
she could find a way to get him back.
And it slowly killed her.
Please take them.
I couldn't throw them away,
but I can't keep them.
Okay. They could be
helpful in finding John.
- Did you try Carver?
- John's cellmate?
Yeah. When I told him to leave,
he said he'd go ask Carver.
Don't let my youthful visage fool
ya. I am advanced in my years.
My memory is unreliable.
All right. You can skip the runaround.
We're willing to
trade for information.
I'm delighted to see
you've done your research.
Better a candy in my mouth
than a piece of you.
I can really see why you
and John were so close.
That peppermint stick
for a tidbit perhaps?
I have not been allowed
a sweet for a very long time.
When John came to see you,
what did you discuss?
The weather, the mail, you.
You're that security guard.
You broke his tender little heart.
It's, um,
- We heard he was looking for a car.
- Mmm.
I might remember him saying that
his new job was
awfully hard to get to.
[SIGHS] Okay.
You can have the whole bag, okay?
I let him borrow my mother's car.
Beulah Carver.
I'll call in a BOLO.
We need to find him.
- Where would he go?
- Where would he hide?
Precious. You are asking
all the wrong questions.
Why not ask yourself, sweet Angela,
how a man, who went
to prison at age 17,
can have a credit score of 710?
- [MICHAEL] Open the door! Open the door!
- [MICHAEL] She all right?
Y'all come back soon.
Maybe next time. [CHUCKLES]
I think Betty's wondering
where her salmon is.
Betty, girl, I taught you better
than to beg. Now, come on.
Well, I don't blame her.
I mean, dinner was the best
I've had in a very long time.
- Well, thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
You know? I have been trying
to track down Elias Baidwan,
and it is like he has vanished
from the face of the earth.
Sorry. Sorry. No business.
It's just hard for me to turn off
that part of my brain sometimes.
I understand that completely. I
have hard time with that myself.
Oh, I just [LAUGHS]
What is it?
I just haven't done this in a long
time, and I just had the impulse
to whip out my patented summer
camp flirt-with-your-crush move.
- Please, do share. Mmm.
- Okay.
Have you ever had your palm read?
Oh. Oh, you're smooth.
- Okay. Okay.
Focus. I have to concentrate.
- Okay.
- Okay.
You see here. This is your life line.
It is strong and steady.
You have gone through a lot,
but you keep moving forward.
How am I doing?
I'm in. I'm a believer.
And here's your heart line.
It's deep but very guarded.
You see all these crosses?
It means that you
have a lot of wounds.
- All right.
How about your palm, huh?
- How much this palm got to say?
- It's mostly about cats.
But if you look closely,
this right here
means that I'm going
to kiss a very, very sexy man.
So I'm gonna go,
and I'm gonna go find him.
- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Happy again ♪
Hear my cry ♪
And ease my pain ♪
Okay. Oh, wow.
I was talking about the storm.
- Oh, really? Okay.
- [CHUCKLES] And us.
But I should, um
Yeah, I should probably get
going before it gets worse.
Come back, come back, come back ♪
Tell Gross and Smith they're
approved to work from home.
Oh, and can you stay late?
I mean, is that a problem?
Yeah. Ma'am, if you're here, I'm here.
Okay. Great.
- [SCOFFS] Wow.
Hey. Hey, look at me.
If you wanna be mad at me,
be mad at me.
But that woman has my back, and she's
not due an unkind word from anyone.
You hear?
- He's not coming.
- Of course he is.
It's just the rain,
or he's making a point.
I'm never gonna see him anymore.
That's absolutely not true.
Why can't I see him at our house?
Because it's my house.
And if this is going to work,
we need to stick to
the rules we agreed on.
Okay. Forcing him to walk
through a building full of cops
to see me is not one of the rules.
You're all the same.
I don't know who you're talking
about. But this is about respect.
Respect for me, your father,
and what we're trying to do for you.
Do you understand?
- Anyway, he's not coming.
- Well, I disagree.
"On our way to Piney Grove.
See you when we get back."
Hey. A traffic cam in Belvedere Park
caught sight of the car John's using.
We ordered a sweep. They'll yell
if they spot anything.
[SIGHS] Good. Carver was
a mail carrier in both states.
Maybe they were sent by a friend.
I sent John's sheet
to the locals just in case.
- You get started on the notebooks?
- Yeah.
It's pretty heartbreaking. She
really believed he didn't do it.
Yeah, well, no one
wants to believe it's their kid.
But it's always someone's kid.
Oh, I checked on John's credit score.
It is very high.
Just like Carver said.
Yeah, it's probably some prison scam.
Yeah, but why tell us about it?
Well, Carver likes to eat
people. He's a complicated guy.
Just for a moment,
let us consider if someone did
put the murder weapon
and the tongue in the cooler.
It's the first place we'd look.
Of course he's gonna
say somebody put it there.
Just like he said he didn't
kill Alice. But he did.
And that tongue means
he's got another victim.
Wait. 30032.
That's Belvedere Park, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
It's an address. 1854
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Piney Grove, 30032.
Ah. Bro, you could
have warned me where
Amanda Wagner likes to keep her grip.
I mean, you see how I turned out.
Glad you dressed for the occasion.
Yeah. If I'm gonna be seen
in here, let me be seen.
- [WILL] Hmm.
that is nice.
Mm-hmm. Early '80s.
You know, I'm a sucker
for pieces with a history.
Too much?
Or like you always say,
"More is more."
I got Sunny waiting.
[JOHN] I won't go back.
I won't go back.
John, show me your hands.
I won't go back.
I won't go back.
I won't go back.
Hey, John.
I've been reading
your mom's notebooks.
Sharp lady. Lots of good questions.
- Leave me alone.
- Believe me, I'd like to.
But I feel like I owe it to her to ask
you about something Carver said.
Why do you have a credit score of 710?
How did you open a PO box
while you were still in prison?
Why is there a house
on Piney Grove in your name?
- I don't know.
- Well, you know something.
John, I'm here to listen.
You gotta help me out.
I went to buy my sister a gift.
They said I could put it on a store
card because I had such good credit.
I knew that wasn't right.
So you went to ask
your sister about it.
She wouldn't talk to you.
You went to Carver.
He guessed someone
was using my identity
to hide money or hide themselves.
He said he'd look into it
through his contacts.
That's when it all
started happening again,
like with Alice.
Someone put that knife in my cooler.
And killed Ms. Lam.
- Do you know who?
- No.
That's why I went to the PO box
and to the house.
I wasn't running.
I was trying to find them.
It's quite a story.
It doesn't matter.
I'm the guy.
That's the story
everyone wants to believe.
It was nice to get to know you, Angie.
You can't file charges
against John Shelley yet.
[SCOFFS] Detective Polaski.
We're at a meeting.
Yeah. I-I-I understand.
This is urgent.
Yeah. I'm I can
- I can wait.
- [ANGIE] All right.
I think we might be wrong about
the John Shelley case.
He was found with a body
and the murder weapon.
Two days ago, you were trying
to get him to confess.
- Yeah. [SCOFFS]
- Do you have another suspect?
No. But I have a witness coming in,
and I think that she could
lead us somewhere.
Might and could are words
for the defense.
The case is there.
Yeah, Freddy has an excellent record.
No one asked you, um
Captain Heller brought
me in to supervise
because of your questionable judgment.
You don't need to worry.
It's a solid case.
I filed a few hours ago.
Uh, Detective Polaski
said it was urgent.
Yeah. She actually had
to step out for a minute.
You want a coffee?
Please, yeah. And one for Kenan
too. He's on his way up.
[MICHAEL] Mm-hmm.
Is it always this empty?
Yeah. Emergency calls.
Full moons and hurricanes.
Hey, uh
I have a case I want you
to look at. It's time sensitive.
This guy went away for
a murder he didn't commit,
and I think it's about
to happen again.
John Shelley.
Yeah. How do you know about that?
- Angie, what are you doing?
- Will, how do you know about that?
Are you watching over my shoulder too?
Marion called.
- All right? She was concerned.
- Oh, my God.
- Of course.
- It's not a conspiracy.
- We're trying to look out for you.
- It's "we" now.
Wow. I get double the
self-righteous grandstanding.
- This isn't personal.
- It is though.
Yeah, it is.
Do you know what it takes for me
to walk into that precinct every day?
I'm killing myself over this case.
Why didn't I smell it on this guy?
I've been around
predators my entire life.
Mom made sure of that.
Why did I miss this?
You know why? Because it isn't him.
Maybe that was a little much.
I thought there was
a certain emphatic punch to it.
someone took 20 years from this guy,
and I saw the look on his face.
He won't make it to County alive.
Someone set him up
and the answer is in there.
If you've ever believed in me,
even once
Let's start from the beginning.
It's you.