Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s03e07 Episode Script

De tal palo...

- [Ana] Oh! [chuckles]
- [giggles]
I'll eat you up! Rawr!
I'm sorry, I know I'm really late.
- [Ana] Hmm.
- [Mariana sighs]
- [coos]
- Elena, could you please tell Mariana
if we agree to meet at a certain time,
I expect her to be there?
[scoffs] Are you kidding?
Are you really not going to speak to me?
Please tell her what I said.
From this moment forward,
the baby exchange
is going to happen here with me.
Ana, the way you're acting right now
is so childish!
Can you just look at me in the eyes
for a second?
- Ana, I'm talking to you!
- Be punctual.
Ugh! I don't know why I got involved
in all this mess.
All right, the point is so that you don't
have to see each other's faces.
So that means whatever one mom
has to say to the other mom,
she tells me, I tell her, okay?
That's perfect.
So then, Elena,
can you please tell the other mother
that if this is how
she wants things to be,
then that's fine with me?
And just to make sure we're clear,
I'm only doing this for the babies,
not for you.
- [Elena] Mmm.
- I mean, Ana.
I'm saying I'm not doing it for you.
Do you hear me?
[Ana sips]
[scoffs] I'm leaving.
- Goodbye. Mwah, mwah!
- [Regina coos]
[phone unlocks]
[Elena clears throat]
[phone chimes]
- [phone unlocks]
- [Ana clears throat]
[opening theme music playing]
[baby cooing]
[baby crying]
[bird tweeting]
[baby giggling]
- [jingles]
- [chimes]
Good morning.
- Hey!
- Nervous?
Oh yeah.
To be honest, I've gotten really used
to being my own boss.
How about some coffee?
No, everything looks great,
but I don't have time.
I still have to take
the babies to daycare.
- The office daycare?
- Yeah, what other daycare?
No, leave them here. I'll watch them.
Ferrán, what're you talking about?
You've never babysat.
You won't get work done.
Nothing will happen.
Look, this way, I can spend more time
with them and get used to Valentina.
- Really? You will?
- Yes.
- You're staying with Ferrán, okay?
- Yeah.
Yeah, you're staying here.
Well, okay.
Great. Bye.
[Ferrán] Mmm!
- Bye.
- Good luck.
- Have a great time.
- Thank you.
Babies, babies, babies!
You're gonna stay with me!
We're gonna play!
We're gonna play with dolls
[doorbell rings]
[tender music playing]
Wow, Ana.
Please come in.
How did you know where I live?
Not that I'm not happy you're here,
but, yeah, how'd you know?
My mother told me.
I'm not sure how she knew either
after all this time.
It has been a long time, yeah.
I was 11 when you left.
Yes, I remember.
It was almost your 12th birthday
or something?
My 12th birthday party was so nice.
You look exactly like your mother.
What'd she say about me?
Not much.
Only that you left.
It was for the best.
Well, at least,
that's what I was thinking at the time.
And afterwards, I couldn't go back to her.
And no matter how much time passed,
I couldn't make it right.
I was just too ashamed.
Ah! A cockroach.
- Oh, daughter.
- [Ana groans]
Don't call me that.
It's just a little cockroach.
- It's not little.
- Yes.
- Kill it! Crush it!
- It's a miracle of nature, daughter.
[Ana exhales]
[clears throat] Forget it.
You know what?
[inhales] I'm going.
To be honest, I don't know
what I was looking for here.
[woman] We're very interested
in your profile.
Especially your experience at Konene.
Actually, what we did at Konene
was create a community
with high levels of engagement.
That sounds exactly
like what we need here.
For next steps,
we'd like to see a proposal
with your strategies
for building that community.
What do you think?
Yes, perfect. That sounds exciting.
I just wanna let you know
we're also considering other applicants.
But you're one of the strongest.
[Ana whistles]
Where are you off to?
It's my first day of work today.
- You're going to work?
- [Ceci] Mm-hmm.
At Rorros.
What do you mean by "Ah"?
Well, it's just that, as far as I know,
you're not a professional stylist,
are you?
Well, no, but I've always styled
all my friends, Mom, okay?
Besides, I have great taste,
or Uncle Víctor and Tere
wouldn't have hired me.
[Ana] Hmm.
That's great.
And you and Dad better get ready
because I'm this close
to being self-sufficient
and moving out of this house.
So, bye!
[Ana] Mm-hmm.
- [chuckles]
- [Juan Carlos] I don't believe it.
What do you mean? You signed a contract.
I promise those peanut people
are going to come after you. Seriously.
Wait, how? No way!
They don't even know who I am.
How would they even know
I wanna give him back?
Hey, you. You want a you want a puppy?
You sure?
Wait, stop! You can't just do that!
- Why?
- I mean, would you give your kid away?
I mean, I wouldn't mind.
I'm sorry,
it's just my situation is complicated.
The last thing I need right now is a dog.
This was a big mistake.
Just give him a chance.
Look at him. I'll help you.
You will?
You'll help me train him
without charging or anything? Swear?
- Of course! Oh, look at this cutie pie!
- [whimpers]
[barking] Aw.
[electronic chime, whoosh]
- [man] It was amazing.
- Thank you.
[man] Thanks.
[Ceci grunting]
You've never mopped before, have you?
Sure I have.
All the time.
You should know, at Rorro's,
we do our best.
You don't grab the mop like that,
you hold it like this.
that all sounds just wonderful,
but what I don't understand
is how does mopping really help me?
I mean, what I want to do
is create my own makeup line.
Look, Ceci,
you came here because you wanted a job.
Mopping is also a part of that job.
So do it.
- [whimsical music playing]
- [Ceci sighs]
Like this. Hmm.
[Ceci sighs]
[Ceci grunts]
The interview was amazing!
You have no idea.
They literally told me
that I'm one of their top candidates.
What's happening here?
- Dora?
- Hey there, Mariana!
I'm so glad you're here, girl.
Where is Ferrán?
Ah, he had some business to take care of
at the office, so he asked me to come by.
Anyway, take care.
- [Regina coos]
- [door shuts]
[Mariana sighs]
[Romelia] How'd it go?
Mom, he's basically a bum.
[Romelia chuckles]
I told you, didn't I?
I didn't know whether to call for help
or run away or hand over some money.
Ugh, that's a relief.
I was afraid that you
were going to relate to him.
After all, half your genes come from him,
Come on, Mom.
He seems very confused about life.
[Romelia] Mm-hmm.
One day, he suddenly turned around
and told me he had decided
to become an atheist.
Like how you turned around
and told me you'd become lesbian.
That's different. You know that?
Do you think you'll see him again?
Of course not.
- No, thank you.
- What were you thinking, Ferrán?
Number one,
if Ana finds out, she'll kill me.
And second,
why didn't you call to tell me?
Thirdly, the only reason I left the girls
with you in the first place,
was so that you could start
to bond with them.
If I knew you couldn't do it,
I'd leave them with my mom or grandma.
Forgive me, baby.
Something came up,
and I really didn't want to call you
in the middle of your interview.
All right, but don't let it happen again.
[whimsical music playing]
- Okay.
- [Ceci] Good morning.
- [Ana] Good morning.
- Alta, can I have some orange juice?
Still in your pajamas? Not going to work?
Uh, I don't know about that yet.
What do you mean you don't know?
It's just not very exciting.
They're making me clean the toilets,
and, like, put wax on the chair wheels.
Oh, so you're still working at Rorros?
Well, for right now, yes.
Well, then you need to take a bath,
get dressed, and get to work, young lady.
It's important you're never late for work.
Wait, wait, now?
Honey, it looks like
you're already running late.
- [Ceci sighs]
- Hurry.
- [Ceci sighs]
- And your juice?
No, she needs to get ready now.
No way. Go on!
That's what happens
when you don't get up on time.
- [Jade] Ready for your training?
- Uh, yeah, of course.
Oh, how are you? How are you?
Aw, you're so cute!
Hey, so where's that lovely family
that welcomed him the other day?
Um, that lovely family didn't want him.
Apparently, he was too much
of a commitment to adopt him
when the relationship was just starting.
But then is
the relationship over?
[Juan Carlos sighs]
'Cause, I mean, the past doesn't exist.
- Existence is nothing but the present.
- [sighs]
Thing is, the pee pads aren't working.
- For your ex or Toby?
- [chuckles]
[both chuckle]
Well, he's not gonna learn on his own.
So I propose we stay here
as long as it takes him to learn.
And what do we do in the meantime?
Wait, uh, pick him up! Pick him up now!
- Oh.
- Yeah, he's sniffing. Put him on the pad.
- Okay, uh, what do I do?
- Put him down and wait.
- Just wait?
- Wait, just wait until
- [Jade sighs]
- Whoa! Oh, good boy! That a boy!
- He did it! He did it!
- Yes!
No, they called me five minutes ago,
and I only have two hours to get there.
Sorry, Mariana, I can't.
I have to much work to do.
I don't know what to do.
I really, really want this job.
And you can't bring them?
Well, I could, but I really don't know
how they would take it.
[scoffs] It's bullshit that you can't.
You know what?
Screw it. I know where to take them.
- What if we put it here?
- [baby coos]
Hi, Linda. How are you?
Hey, listen.
Something came up at the last minute.
Is it okay if I leave them here with you?
- Of course, of course. Come here, sweetie.
- [Mariana] Thank you so much.
- Bye-bye, baby. Bye, sweetie.
- Yeah, yeah, that's it.
Oh, hello.
Are you new to daycare?
Does it show?
It's definitely a little hard
to leave them at first.
But then, pretty soon, you'll see
that they can't wait to be left alone.
[chuckles] Well, you have twins.
I respect that.
It must be nearly impossible.
- Oh, they're not twins.
- Oh.
But I guess you could say
they're sisters in life.
Okay, I'm not following you.
Ah, Valentina and Regina
were accidentally switched at the hospital
- right after they were born.
- [tender music playing]
And by the time we realized it,
we'd already bonded with the wrong baby.
So now, Valentina's mom and I
are basically a family.
Wow, no shit. That's quite a story.
Yeah, I know.
- [baby chuckles]
- I'm Anel.
Mariana, nice to meet you.
- I have a job interview, so I have to go.
- Yeah, sure.
- I'll see you around, right?
- Of course, yeah.
- Take care. Bye!
- [Anel] Good luck.
Thank you, Linda.
Bye, babies!
Hey, you're here.
I came to bring the babies to daycare.
I heard about the job.
They wanna see me in an hour.
I think I'm gonna get it.
You should've called me.
I figured that you would be busy.
Anyway, don't worry.
Isn't that what daycare is for?
Okay, I gotta run,
but wish me luck today, all right?
- Best of luck.
- Thanks, thanks.
- Bye.
- Bye.
[whimsical music playing]
[doorbell rings]
Oh my God, there's a pothead at the door!
- Is he homeless?
- What does that mean?
What is it?
[Ignacio] Ana! Ana! It's me! It's me!
[Ana sighs]
[whimsical music playing]
Come in, come in.
Oh! [chuckles]
[Ana] It's all right.
What are you doing here?
Why would you show up without warning?
It's just you left that day
without talking. Exactly like that.
How do you know where I live?
Oh, well, you can find anything online.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know you think I'm just a hippy,
but I now how to use LinkedIn
and all that crap, okay?
So, why are you here?
Hey, that boy I saw out there,
that was my grandson Rodrigo, right?
He's so big now.
I'm not comfortable with that.
Calling him your grandson.
[tender music playing]
All right, I get it.
You have two other girls, right?
Ceci, the oldest, and two little girls,
the babies, Regina and Valentina.
I know I owe you an explanation.
I walked away
because I realized that I was unhappy
and that it would be better for everyone
if I just went my own way
instead of making life miserable for you.
Well, I'm not really sure
that it was better for everyone, but
[Ignacio sighs]
Well, anyway.
I brought you all some gifts.
I brought pennyroyal mint for Rodrigo.
It'll make him stronger.
For Ceci, jasmine.
Because I know
that she's going to go to college.
And her inner peace is most important.
And for the baby,
I brought some scented geranium.
Which will make her sleep wonderful.
And for you
I brought some of my organic marijuana.
It'll help you relax
and be a little less neurotic. [chuckles]
Well, as you can see,
it looks like it's just dirt,
but the seeds are underneath.
- If you poor a little water on them
- Yeah, I know how.
Uh, I do know how seeds work.
You know, I have so much to do today.
I should
- I'll walk you to the door.
- Ah, sure. Of course.
- I'll leave these here.
- [Ana sighs]
Excuse me, is Tere or Lorena here?
No, uh, but I could help you, you know.
- Come right this way.
- Okay.
- You sure?
- Yes.
Uh, do you think
they'll be much longer, though?
Oh, much longer.
But don't worry
because they left me here in charge.
Which means you can trust me.
And remember to keep your eyes
and mouth closed.
- Hmm? Okay.
- Mm-hmm.
Uh, here it is.
[Ceci humming]
[Víctor] Hey, man, you look great.
- What did you do?
- [Juan Carlos chuckles]
Give me the recipe to use at Rorros.
I owe it to that beautiful fucking dog
who I love the most.
Wait, did you get lucky?
With who or what?
With this hippie chick. Very granola.
It really lifted my spirits.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
So, tell me. How was it?
She came over earlier today
to help me train the dog
to use the puppy pads,
and he did it, so we celebrated.
- So you had sex?
- Uh-huh!
Hey, bro, congrats!
Hey, don't feel guilty, Juanqui.
- You know?
- Mmm.
Having fun no-strings-attached
once in a while, that's good.
The important thing
is to live in the present, man.
Give it a chance.
It was really good.
I mean, I don't see myself
with her long-term.
- No shit, I'm sure she doesn't either.
- [Juan Carlos chuckles]
Just enjoy yourself. And besides
you got lucky on your first date.
You're a stud, man.
Face it, you're a stud, bro.
- [all applauding]
- [woman] Excellent proposal, Mariana.
We'd love to make you an offer
once you confirm your availability.
Okay, well, thank you!
And I promise to do everything in my power
to make sure that, together,
we can achieve all of our goals.
- [Tere] Stop lying!
- [Lorena] You think? [chuckles]
- [whispers] Ceci, come!
- Huh?
Has that mask been on the client's face
this whole damn time?
- Why? Is that bad?
- [Tere] Yes!
I'm not sure how long it's been,
but I listened to Rosalía's new album.
You can't leave the mask on
for more than ten minutes.
- [man] What's going on?
- Uh, I'm going to get that mask off.
- Ah!
- [Lorena gasps]
[Tere gasps]
- [chair squeaks]
- [man sighs]
What have you done?
Why didn't you wake me up?
I can't do my interview like this!
This is just irresponsible
to leave a child in charge of this!
Out of my way!
[Rodrigo] That was my grandpa, wasn't it?
Grandma told us not to talk to him
because he's crazy, but
I would really like to meet him.
I don't want my confusion to affect you.
Come on, Mom.
Your confusion has already affected
everyone in this house.
But we all know that we're
the most important thing in your life,
and you'd never do what he did.
When he left, I was very young,
and there was nothing I could do.
What about now?
If I were you, I'd do something.
He's your dad.
[tender music playing]
[Mariana] Hi, Anel! How was your day?
I stopped by my house
to get this book I wanted to lend you.
It was really helpful for me,
so I'm sure you'll like it.
I don't have time to read. Thanks.
Don't worry,
you can give it back when you like.
In fact, why don't you
give me your phone number?
Just so we could stay in touch,
and I could share
some articles you'd enjoy.
I don't know my number,
and my battery's always dead. Excuse me.
- Hi.
- Okay?
[Anel] Hi, sweetheart.
- [Mariana] We're heading out, Linda.
- [Linda] All right, come on. Let's go.
[Mariana] Anel Garza.
Very weird.
At first, she gave me great vibes,
but now she's treating me like total crap.
Like I did something to her.
I don't see anyone with that name.
- Weird.
- Yeah.
[Juan Carlos] I feel like
I pull it too hard sometimes.
No, you're doing great. [chuckles]
- Aw, look, he's already listening to you.
- [Juan Carlos chuckles]
- Jade!
- [Jade] Hey!
- What's up?
- [man] What's up?
- How are you?
- [man] Great. And you?
What're you doing here with your dad?
Her dad? No. What, do I look that old?
No, no, no.
This is Juan Carlos.
I'm just training him.
I mean, training you to train Toby.
Oh, you coming to the special sessions?
Wait, what special sessions?
I think they're the best way
to get to know dogs.
Humans too.
Well, I don't know if you would like them,
but it's just his commitment to animals
is a little weak.
Weak? No, no way. Believe me.
I'm super committed to animals.
What do I do? where do we go? Hmm?
Duly noted. [chuckles]
[Ana] Seriously?
It's so late.
Where is she?
- [knocks on door]
- That's her.
No, wait. She can't see me.
[Elena sighs]
Ah! Uh, shh!
Once Mariana leaves, I'll get out of here.
Where's Ana?
- She's not here yet?
- [door shuts]
I thought she was always so punctual.
So, how are things with Ferrán going?
We struggled to figure things out
in the beginning,
- but now I think things are much better.
- [mocks Mariana]
[Mariana] Our communication is great.
Okay, you and Mariana need to find
another place to pick up your daughters.
[Mariana] I'm in a hurry.
Let me explain Regi's medication quickly.
Regi has an upset stomach,
so you need to tell Ana
to give her this syrup tonight.
It's one spoonful every 12 hours, okay?
[Elena] Mm-hmm.
Great. Then, I'll leave it right here
in the diaper bag. And I'll get going.
[Mariana] Goodbye, my sweetie.
Goodbye, sweetheart.
- [Ana sighs]
- [Mariana] Thank you.
- [door shuts]
- [Elena] She left!
She's gone.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
Hey, do you know a woman named Anel Garza?
- Anel Garza?
- Mm-hmm.
No, I don't.
Why do you ask?
It seems like someone's trying
to give you a baby.
Yeah, I think there's
a secret extra baby in the daycare.
I think you should check.
- Okay. Uh, I guess I'll ask Dora, then.
- Great.
[Juan Carlos] I got invited
to an orgy or something.
I'm not sure.
[Víctor exhales]
It's like [groans]
I don't know.
They call it "special sessions"
or something like that.
And it's a sexual thing,
but but with dogs and costumes.
- With dogs?
- Mm-hmm!
- You're going, right?
- Should I go?
What do you mean "Should I"?
Of course you should!
I should?
- All in, brother.
- [inhales, groans]
We're not breaking in.
You won't believe this.
It's actually a surprise for my father.
Oh great!
All right, ready?
Let's make this place as good as new.
These are for you.
Because I'm really sorry.
Thank you, sweetie.
And stop worrying.
No, of course I worry, Tere!
You had a point.
It was stupid to think I knew everything.
Well, yeah,
it's just what we do here
isn't as easy as you think it is.
Not everyone can do it.
I'm very sorry.
Is there anything I can do
to make this better for you?
Well, that client is long gone.
I think what would be best
would be to teach you little by little
so that you won't have any more accidents
in the future.
And speaking of the future.
I've been thinking about this a lot, and
I don't think that aesthetics and makeup
are really for me.
I mean, I suck at doing makeup
for my friends.
Look, what matters is that you keep going
because life is short.
It's good to try things.
Just so you know if you like them or not.
Thank you, ladies.
So now
do I quit, or do I get fired?
No, you should quit for sure
because I don't want your mom suing me.
- [chuckles]
- Sign here.
- Here?
- [chuckles]
- Okay.
- And now you're good.
Now all we need is for you
to send us your driver's license,
your proof of address, your SSN,
and your college diploma
so we can start onboarding.
Uh, about my diploma
I mean, I practically finished my degree,
but with the pregnancy
You don't have a degree?
- [whimsical music plays]
- [mumbles] No.
That's going to be a problem.
There's a company policy.
But look, as soon as you get your degree,
please reach back out to me
because I am really interested
in hiring you.
Look, you might feel
a little weird at first,
but then you'll enjoy it.
I'll make sure of it.
- Okay.
- [man] Let's get started.
Everybody has to pick a partner. Ready?
Okay. One will be the master
and the other the dog.
Obviously, I'll be the master,
and you'll be the dog.
The idea is that you
put yourself in their shoes
so you feel what they feel.
Just go with it.
[man] That's very good. Very good!
Now you have to throw the ball.
- Okay, catch it, yeah? Catch it?
- [man] Oh yeah!
No, you have to do it with your snout.
- [man] How's it going?
- I'm sorry?
Open up.
- Huh?
- Open. That's it!
Aw, yeah! That's it!
Oh, what a good boy!
- What a good boy!
- [Mariana] What's your excuse now?
This is the time we agreed on.
I'm already over this shit.
[phone ringing]
It's Ana.
[Ana] I had to bring her
because she wouldn't stop vomiting.
- [Ana sighs]
- [Mariana] Oh, sweetie.
Fuck, this is my fault.
The medicine.
You didn't tell her?
- I'm sorry, I forgot.
- [Ana sighs]
Well, I should go. Bye, sweetie.
Here. Bye.
[Elena sighs]
Don't worry. It's fine.
Oh, Ana.
- [whimsical music playing]
- [sighs]
[Jade] Oh yeah? You like that?
Mmm, yeah, you like it.
- When are we going to train the dogs?
- Oh yeah, that's it.
- No!
- [Jade] Yeah, let him smell you.
- This is getting out of control.
- Okay, stay!
Juan Carlos, I'm your alpha,
and I'm in charge, okay?
No, that's it. I've had enough.
- Stop!
- No, come on!
- Juan Carlos, stay!
- Let's go.
- Come on, let's go!
- Hey, hey!
- Come on out. You're free, you're free!
- What are you doing?
You're free! Get away
from these stupid humans! Come on!
What the fuck are you doing?
I'm freeing them from their stupid owners.
- [dogs barking]
- [Juan Carlos sighs]
[Ceci] I'm so confused.
It's the job, isn't it?
It's just
I don't know what I wanna do.
I can't do nothing right,
and just nothing excites me.
[gentle music playing]
But it's okay not to know.
- [Ceci] Hmm?
- What's the hurry?
I'm so old, Mom. I turned 18.
I'm 40 and I'm still confused, you know?
Mom, all I'm trying to do
is prove I can be self-sufficient.
Listen, you don't
have to prove anything to me.
I mean, I'm your mother.
I'm always going to support you
in everything.
[sentimental music playing]
This is from your grandfather.
It's a reminder
that everything is a process.
And you have to trust it.
Things don't just
happen like that overnight.
You have to learn to trust
and take care of yourself
so you can keep growing.
Like this little sprout here. See?
My grandfather brought this?
It's a long story.
I'll tell you about it later.
Mariana, don't go.
Please wait.
Oh, Anel, you know, I'm sorry,
but I had to report you.
No, it has nothing to do with that.
You don't know anything, do you?
About what?
Ferrán kicked me out.
That's why I was rude to you.
Because he asked me to leave.
Why? What for? I don't understand
what you're taking about.
I do have a connection
with the daycare here.
Do you have time to talk?
Good. Come with me.
[Ana] Why'd you change the locks?
Because you snuck into my house, Ana.
You broke in and changed everything.
- You know why I liked my old living room?
- [Ana sighs]
Because I really don't like
to pay attention to material things
because they come and go.
The only thing we can do
is accept that nothing is forever.
Yeah, you're right.
But while I can,
I really want to spend time
with the people I love.
And one of those people is my mom.
Who always, in spite of everything,
has been there by my side.
No, forgive me. You're not understanding.
No, no, no, I get it.
[tender music playing]
I understand.
I wanted to change you,
and you don't want that,
and that's fine.
If knowing you has helped me in any way,
it was to show me the things
that I don't want to do.
I would never abandon my kids.
Not for anything.
It's a good thing I look like my mom, huh?
Bye, Ignacio.
[tender music continues]
- [Ignacio sighs]
- [door shuts]
How many more children
do you have in daycare?
[inhales shakily]
Forgive me.
It was never my plan to have a son.
I meant to tell you.
You meant to tell me?
Yes, I was going to.
[Mariana inhales]
And then what? Why didn't you?
'Cause I thought
it wasn't necessary because
I was sending her money,
but I lost contact with her.
Until a few days ago.
When I looked for her.
I don't understand
why you waited until now.
'Cause I felt guilty.
I felt guilty about
caring for someone else's child
and not mine.
That's why I decided to bring them.
Why didn't you tell me
you were looking for them?
Why didn't you tell me
what you were feeling?
Ferrán, come on, it's me.
I made you a part of my life,
and I told you everything
because I know you're capable
of understanding, and I respect you.
You had so many chances to tell the truth,
and you said nothing.
I'll tell you now. I'll be an open book.
No, I don't want to know anymore.
It's clear now that I can't trust you.
And I can't be with someone who hides
the most important thing in his life.
Your daughter.
[Regina cooing]
[Mariana sighs]
I have to go.
[door opens]
What happened?
Aw, honey.
Excuse me.
Want me to throw out the plants, ma'am?
[inhales] Mmm
No, Alta.
Don't do that.
You know what?
We should keep the good and leave the bad.
I found something in the box
that I think your gentleman brought.
- Hmm?
- I found this card.
"The grandmother's call."
What grandmother?
Beats me.
Yeah, okay.
No, when she put
the punishment collar on me,
- that was the last straw.
- [all chuckle]
I can just picture you barking
at the guy sniffing you.
I tried to be cool, but I couldn't do it.
- They're crazy.
- [all chuckle]
Look, I know you, and I don't talk much,
but obviously,
I know everything about you.
And if I may say so,
I don't think that you know
how to be alone with yourself.
[Víctor] Exactly, Juanqui.
For so many years,
you've been so well-trained
that you don't know
what to do with your freedom.
Oh! [chuckles]
What do you think?
- [Tere] Me?
- [whimsical music playing]
I don't know. Maybe it's time
to take responsibility for yourself.
And, well, if you don't know yourself,
and if you're not okay with yourself,
how can you be okay
with someone else, no?
I don't know.
- Ayahuasca?
- Uh-huh.
- What?
- Mom, what?
No, I seriously suggest that you try it.
Every single person I've told about this
has found it very helpful.
You should try it and find yourself.
- And breathe.
- [inhales]
Juanqui, nothing can go wrong.
Ana already left?
[Elena sighs]
Okay, you two
now talk.
I'll get lost.
I don't want to be separated anymore.
I know.
I don't
I don't really like doing this, either.
The medicine was a misunderstanding.
A miscommunication.
We need to be able to talk.
You're the one
who started this whole mess.
Yeah, I know.
I came here to apologize.
To try to fix this so we can figure out
how to make things work again.
I think we can start by
telling each other everything
that has to do with the babies.
[tender music playing]
And how are you?
I really miss talking to you.
But I know that
[breathes deeply]
I'm not ready.
It's for the best.
I [sighs]
- Regina is feeling much better now.
- [Regina coos]
Oh, I'm glad.
- [cooing]
- [tender music continues]
I should go.
Bye, sweetheart.
Bye, baby.
[door shuts]
[tender music continues]
[music fades]
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