Four More Shots Please (2019) s03e07 Episode Script

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
how long do I stay strongest of them all?
Can I even take more of this?
Will I break down and never achieve bliss?
Why is life so hard?
Why do I always have to be on my guard?
You have a lot of stuff.
Well, it is my whole apartment.
Meet Mister Beanie.
I've had him since college.
Your choice is very
Thanks, Dee.
Arya, finish your milk. We have to leave.
I got it.
-Varun Khanna?
That's for you.
What is it?
It's from Kavya.
She wants a
Kavs, you didn't even give me a chance.
I mean, not even a conversation?
One mistake and you want a divorce now?
I can't get through to you, Kavs.
Please, just call me back.
You're a selfish person.
That's you.
I'm so sorry, Meher.
No, you're not sorry.
You don't even care.
You knew I was vulnerable.
I was looking for something meaningful.
You still strung me along.
You used me, Umang.
Please believe me,
I had no intention to hurt you.
-It was going so fast
-Was it my fault?
It was our fault.
You're a child.
I should've known better.
Just one thing.
Don't use people
to fill the void in your life
and discard them once you're okay again.
I was not your therapy, Umang.
Your detox getaway.
I'm such a fool.
Why can't I see a red flag? Why?
She was carrying a red flag on her head.
It's a complicated situation.
Why do I Just I need to stop. What?
-If you wanna talk
-That's what I'm doing!
You are swearing in Punjabi.
Confucius said,
"If you can remain patient
in one moment of anger,
you will avoid
one hundred days of sorrow."
That'll be 299 for the year, please.
It's a promotional offer.
I hate being wrong.
We're human beings.
We usually spend our lives
moving from one mistake to the next.
I knew Meher
was looking for a relationship.
And still, I just couldn't stop myself.
What are you looking for?
I don't know, man. Freedom from myself,
from my innate ability
to just ruin everything.
Most people don't even realize
that they have a problem.
At least you took the first step.
Now that you know
you ruined things for yourself
-don't do it anymore?
-That simple?
It's not that hard.
Hey, you've already started.
This studio is a beginning.
Was that a smile?
I'll settle everything soon.
Don't worry, I promise.
I'm not worried.
I know this is your apartment
and you're very particular.
I'll adjust.
Why? Because I can't?
-Who said that?
-You said I'm "particular."
It means fixed.
Everything should be in its place.
You mean rigid. Stubborn.
Inflexible, intractable, unyielding.
I don't know,
but I'm gonna have to get a thesaurus.
-Okay, listen.
Mister Beanie has to go.
Forget about divorce.
You're getting depressed.
No, no.That is not making me depressed.
-Your bad jokes are making me depressed.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Shall we remove clause 22?
It could work.
I just remembered a night like this one.
Except, we weren't in the office.
That was a different time, Shashank.
Do you think about it?
Do you ever want it back?
We were so good together, Anj.
We can still be.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Anjana.
Shashank, I like working with you.
That's it!
I hope you don't think I'm leading you on.
What's wrong with me.
I'm just
I'm sorry.
Fuck, I'm sorry.
Is something hurting?
Everything is hurting.
I'm sorry.
I told you.
We all told you we don't trust him.
Forget him, Mangs. He's finally got it.
And honestly, it's
not even about Shashank.
He's not the problem.
-Can I confess something?
-Of course.
When Kavya sent those divorce papers,
I actually felt happy.
I know, Mangs,
what you all think about Varun.
Dude, that doesn't matter at all.
Speak from your heart, what do you want?
I'm confused.
-After that kiss, did you guys
-No, nothing.
Do you want something to happen?
I don't know.
-What does Varun want?
-I don't know.
-Oh, God.
-It's okay!
It's okay. Just take it one day at a time.
That much, I can do.
Am I deaf?
Okay, fine. Bye.
Fries not good?
I was gonna order,
but life's too short for bad fries.
Have these. I barely touched them.
Not true. You've had two.
You're watching me?
Yes! And eavesdropping, too.
Friends ditched you. So did mine.
It doesn't mean I need new friends.
No, you should never make friends.
Friendship is nothing but a sinking ship.
Okay. Let me guess. You took a course
in creative writing in the US.
You were a top student,
but you haven't written a book yet.
You're right about the book.
But I stood last in my class.
My friends did better
and they think they're better.
Like, "We're so busy. We have real jobs.
"We don't have time to hang out with you."
Yeah. Like,
how can you enjoy gin and tonic
when democracy is under threat?
How shallow.
I'm Dhruv.
What do you do?
Mostly nothing. Spend my family's money.
Same here. High-five.
-All good?
-Of course.
I don't need a bodyguard.
I can take care of myself.
Wanna play pool?
-Let's go.
After you.
"Clearly, Dhananjay Deshpande
hasn't inherited
his father's conservative genes."
I do look like my mother.
"It's taken one lone voice of dissent
to take down a bastion
of divisive politics.
"As Dhananjay heralds
a new era for the party,
his father Yogendra Deshpande
seems to have been
marginalized and outmaneuvered."
You don't know him. You should be careful.
Relax, Dad. I can take care of myself.
Siddhi, go home, alone.
I'm already alone.
-Yes, please.
Everyone wanted Chiranjeev Sule
to be the party vice president.
But I appealed
to the party workers for you.
Then have some faith in me, too.
I want to take the party into the new era.
By bulldozing its values?
Dad, it was you who said
I'm the new face of the party.
Well, you gave the party
a complete makeover.
Mr. Deshpande, sorry to interrupt.
The polls say that Dhananjay's popularity
is increasing every day.
Did anyone ask you?
This is between father and son.
You better stay out of it!
Why are you yelling at Damini?
I'm responsible for what I did.
But she provoked you!
Think about it once again, Dhananjay.
What you have set out to do
is not just a mistake,
it's career suicide.
Get the car.
-Why aren't you picking up?
-I'm in the middle of something, Jeh.
Siddhi is not okay.
She's making out with a random guy.
She'll have some great sex.
Have you spoken to her lately?
-She needs you guys.
-Hang on.
Are you telling me
how to behave with my friends?
It's time Siddhi learns
to take care of her shit.
I'm at work. I've gotta go. Okay?
-You wanna go back to my place?
Anywhere but mine.
I think your father has a point.
You are saying this?
I don't want my ideals
to damage your career.
You're too important for that.
-You really think that?
-Idealism has ruined so many people.
No. You think I'm important?
Yes, I do.
Damini, I'm thinking
about quitting the party.
I'll contest this election
as an independent candidate.
Without the party's mass base
-Do you believe in me?
-Of course, I do.
And I believe in you.
So let's do this. If we lose, we lose.
But let's give it a try at least?
We can do this.
-Let's go up.
-Yeah, let's go.
Thank you.
Oh, no, no. Here.
Whenever I have a beer with a guy,
whom I really like,
it always ends up being a problem.
So, you like me?
There it goes.
You are my friend now.
It's an honor.
I made a new friend after a long time.
I'll make a note in my diary.
There you go.
Thank you.
You smell delicious.
Slow Slow down.
I love big girls. They're so slutty.
Call me Big Boy, you little slut.
I'm not Dhruv
I'm not Dhruv, I'm not comfortable.
Got me all excited.
No, Dhruv. I'm not comfortable.
You got me all excited, skanky little ho.
Blow me.
-Blow me, you bitch.
-Blow me, you little slut.
Blow me.
Dhruv, back off!
Back the fuck off, man!
I'm leaving.
Hey, what happened?
We were having fun. Relax, babe.
No, you were. I wasn't. I'm out of here.
Excuse me?
You can't leave like this.
-Leave my hand.
-You flirted all evening,
-and now wanna go?
-Let go!
Leaving me with this boner. You can't go.
-You can't.
-I can do whatever I want.
Stop playing me. You came here
after knowing me for a couple of hours.
You're a fucking slut.
A real fucking slut.
Fuck, bitch!
Fucking bitch!
You bitch! My car!
Fuck, I'll call the cops.
Call them. I dare you!
Do you know what consent is?
I told you, "Back off.
I'm not comfortable."
But you didn't hear!
Can you hear me now?
"Bitch." "Slut." "Whore."
They label girls the minute they see them.
Remember how we were screaming "vagina"
right here the other day?
Thinking we own it all.
But we don't, do we?
Will you be okay?
I'm fine.
How are you feeling, Siddhi?
You know you can tell me anything, right?
It's your 25th birthday next month.
We could do something special.
We could go away together to celebrate.
Somewhere amazing,
like Italy.
Italy, with vineyards
and villas and old castles.
-Let's do this together.
-Just you and me?
And Umang and Damini and Anjana
and anyone else you want there.
Rajan knows the owners of Villa Bianca.
He says it's a gorgeous, secluded place.
It's lovely. You'll love it!
So he'll come along?
Siddhi, he's helping me
arrange everything.
It would be odd not to invite him.
So, you're not asking me,
you're telling me.
I wanna do something special
for your birthday.
And I don't wanna celebrate my birthday.
Siddhi, Viju wanted to do
something special for your birthday.
Like you care.
Sneha planned
Siddhi's birthday celebration in Italy.
I just hope everything goes well.
-Of course it'll go well.
-You never know.
This year's been so fucked up.
I have some good news.
Which is?
-Have you heard of Rage Studios?
They've agreed to produce
my directorial debut.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
So, tell me, what's the name of the film?
Who's in it?
It's called The Incomplete Us.
-We're talking to Arhan Khurana.
-I like him.
And the story is about me, you
and Kavya.
At least you can benefit
from our boring sad life.
Hey, man, we're neither boring, nor sad.
In the words of the Rage Studio executive,
"We're full of pathos, emotion,
comedy, tragedy and true love."
So, me or Kavya?
Don't answer that. I'm just kidding.
We should celebrate this in Italy.
In fact, Sneha has invited you.
So would you like to join me and Arya?
Well, that depends, Anj.
As a babysitter or a plus one?
Depends on which option you prefer.
Actually I'm game for both.
It's not like I have a life or friends.
Yeah, but you do have a family.
On the house.
Hi, Sids.
Hi! How are you?
To what do I owe the pleasure?
Well, pleasure is wherever Siddhi is.
Oh, what brings you here Mr. Gulzar?
Sids, best of luck.
Why are you suddenly so supportive?
Sids, we're trying.
Fine. Just don't try like my mom.
She has planned
this fancy-ass trip for my birthday
because Rajan has contacts.
Listen, when she calls to invite you guys,
just say no. All of
She's already invited you guys
and you agreed.
Actually, her travel agent
has our documents, too.
Thanks for the betrayal, guys.
Sids, Sneha is really trying, okay?
She planned a great weekend for you.
How sweet. I'm so happy.
For Sneha, Rajan and all of you.
Now, I have a show to perform.
Considering what happened last time,
I can't fuck this one up.
All right, welcome back once again Siddhi!
-Go, Siddhi!
So, how many of you
have been called a slut at least once?
What a slutty audience, I must say.
I know slut jokes are really "whorible."
Okay, moving on from that.
So, for the uninitiated,
a slut is a woman
with the morals of a man.
Hence proved.
I'm Siddhi Patel and I am a slut.
Apparently, it doesn't take much
to qualify as a slut.
For example,
if you flirt with a guy at a bar,
it gives him the license
to call you a slut.
And, God forbid, if you're
one of those girls who have the superpower
to change her mind about the boy later on.
Well, you breached the contract.
The contract that if you laugh
at one of his jokes,
you give him a hand job.
Two jokes, blow job.
I mean, how dare you?
A boy is turned on by looking at you,
and you do nothing about it?
So every time someone uses the S-word,
I just use the C-word.
Starts with a C, ends with a T
-No one?
Actually, you know
what the real problem is?
Girls grow up watching rom-coms
and boys, porn.
Honestly, I don't know
which is more dangerous.
That dream boy who stands
with his arms wide open in a mustard field
who is forever ready for romance.
Or that blow-up sex doll from Japan
who has a plastic smile on her face
while men call her a slut,
bitch, whore and choke her.
Both these stereotypes
ruin our romantic future.
And as a result, both the genders
don't know how to deal
with real flesh-and-blood
humans of the opposite sex.
Especially our Indian men,
who are obsessed with porn and moms.
They grow up with "my baby" syndrome,
and all they want is
that the girl stepping into his life
continues to validate it.
So, you know that guy at the bar
I went home with?
The one who called me
"a filthy bitch, slut, and whore"
because I refused to make out with him?
The one who forced me to go down on him?
Probably just wanted me
to stroke his little thing
and call him "my baby" while I did it.
Thank you, guys. That's my time.
Hi, Siddhi.
I'm visiting Mom. I saw your post.
Thought I'd see you in action.
Hope you got your money's worth.
How's Mom?
Sneha? She's on a roll, dude.
She planned my birthday party
without even asking me.
In Italy, no less.
And imagine who she planned it with.
You know Rajan. Sneha's non-boyfriend?
You know Dad's dead?
And it took her two minutes to move on?
Anyway, join us if you want.
-For my birthday bonanza!
-Are you busy or getting married?
-What's the problem then?
Why are you feeling shy?
You came to Udaipur for Mang's wedding.
-It's okay. Seriously.
-No, seriously!
The way I dumped you, the least I could do
is give you a weekend of wine.
It's time to make amends!
Guys! I'm making amends. See!
-New me!
-Yeah, okay.
-Sean! Hi!
Hi. Here are the keys.
Anything else?
No. Could you give us a minute?
No, wait! Come, join us!
-You should come with us.
-Sorry. For what?
My 25th birthday. You haven't heard?
-Sean, just ignore her.
-No, don't ignore me.
I'm inviting you
to an all-expenses-paid trip to Italy!
You could be our "mental health coach."
God knows, we need one. Especially me.
-You don't know me.
-I don't know Rajan either.
I insist.
I should have at least two people
in my birthday guest list.
Sneha has invited the rest.
My driver hasn't come today.
Can I get a lift to my mom's?
-So, are you doing
-I'm fine.
-I know that
-Please stop talking.
-I just want
-Please stop!
Creative Supervisor: Dinesh Shakul
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