Gokusen (2002) s03e07 Episode Script

Don't make excuses for yourself!

Good morning
The cultural festival is the most
exciting event in our school!
That's right It's this week.
I wonder who will be the winner in
this year's Mister Akado Grand Prix.
The winner gets Ms Ayukawa's
"all-access infirmary pass"?
The first runner-up will get my
English conversation lesson ticket.
That's what the executive committee
member asked for. Right?
This is wonderful
Why didn't he ask me?
I wonder which class will be
the most popular.
It's our class, 3A's Haunted House
with the Long Line, of course!
No, it's 3B's Most Useful
Fortune Telling in the World!
No, it's 3C's Trans Akado Ultra
High School Student Quiz!
What else? I want to go
through the roof!
Hey, Miss Yamaguchi.
Good morning.
Only 3D has not decided what
they'll do at the cultural festival.
Our class has not really
reached a decision.
You haven't?
So then, 3D won't participate.
We surely are going to participate!
We'll decide today.
You tutted?
Make up your mind soon, then.
I have to do something.
Finally, this week, the
Akado Festival will be held!
Come on, guys!
Today we're deciding
what our class will do in it.
What do you want to do?
Feel free to say anything.
Hey, try to be excited about it.
You can suggest anything.
Just recall what you did in
your first and second years here.
We have a cultural festival
every year?
I don't remember.
I had no idea.
Guys, you just skipped the cultural
festival and never participated?
No, I don't even remember
skipping it.
The cultural festival is
the most representative
and poignant event in
the memory of
your high school life!
I don't need any memories anyway.
What are you talking about?
There must be one or two things that
you remember about this school!
- Nothing special.
- No.
Not really.
There aren't any
I feel so sorry for all of you!
But don't worry, there is still some
time until you graduate.
I will use the cultural festival
to explain to you
how important it is to create
memories with your friends.
Sorry, we aren't doing it with you.
We are busy too.
And everyone here is a guy.
Exactly! We only want
romantic memories.
If there aren't any girls
But, guys, if it's a cultural
festival, then girls will come.
Right! There'll be girls
coming to for that!
Yes! There will be many girls!
- I'll do it!
- I'll do it too
Ogata! Well done on saying that!
Okay, guys!
What should we do?
- How about a maze?
- What a nuisance!
I want a planetarium!
It's too dark to talk to girls!
How about a cafe?
If it's an ordinary cafe,
we won't capture the girls' hearts.
In that case, we can put everything
that girls like in the cafe.
Good idea!
A comedy cafe!
Dance cafe!
Muscle cafe!
- Loincloth cafe!
- Loincloth
Men remind you of loincloths
and loincloths reminds you of men.
I'm sure it'll be popular.
What? Has that put you off?
Normal people usually are.
Why don't we start with coming up
with something that
shows people your attractive side?
Okay. We're good at fighting.
That doesn't count as attractive.
- We are idiots!
- Don't show that to people either.
- We are all handsome, right?
- Handsome?
Yes! That's it!
That's it
Good! We will call it Handsome Cafe.
What do you think?
Great! It's the perfect name for us!
You can't call yourselves that!
I am excited now!
Yes! We're going to run
the Handsome Cafe!
- Guys! Ramen, tsukemen
- I am handsome
- Ramen, tsukemen
- I am handsome
- Ramen, tsukemen
- I am handsome
- Ramen, tsukemen
- I am handsome
- Ramen, tsukemen
- I am handsome
I saidyou guys are not
that handsome.
(Handsome Cafe)
(Episode Seven)
You alone, lady?
- Yes.
- Right.
Just find yourself a table there.
Well I'm a bit thirsty.
What do you want?
(Handsome Cafe)
Right, I'll have
iced coffee, please
- One iced coffee.
- All right
You're not doing it properly at all.
Do you really want to do this?
It just doesn't have
the air of a cafe.
We can't get into character
if it's just you.
I am letting you use me
to practice! How dare you!
I have a good idea.
(Handsome Cafe Part 2)
How many are in your party?
A table for two, please.
Table for two
to Handsome Cafe.
What, so they can do it properly?
- This way, please.
- Have a seat.
Thank you, guys.
Excuse me. This is our menu.
All the waiters here are so kind!
Oh, you're exaggerating
What the
Their attitude is totally different
from before!
Hey, out of my way
Sorry to have kept you waiting!
This is Handsome Cafe's
3D Special Dessert!
- Wow
- Enjoy.
But we didn't order anything yet.
No It's special, complimentary
for our gorgeous customers!
- Come on!
- Thank you
They are so cute
Okay, stop.
You can't do business
like this.
Let's start again from
the beginning. Please go back.
Don't give me that!
Come on, go back.
- What?
- Set up everything again.
We should do some
proper research for this!
But Why here?
It is important to learn
how the pro welcomes customers.
Yankumi shouted at us too.
To making our cultural festival
a success.
Okay, guys. Let's go!
Why are we here, then?
(Maid cafe)
Welcome home, masters
How many are in your party?
Okay There are six of us.
Please come with us, then.
Chu-chu time!
It is cute, isn't it?
They are so cute!
Would you like to place
your order now, masters?
Excuse me, what is "Magical Coffee"?
If we cast a spell on it,
the coffee will transform into
delicious coffee, masters.
A spell?
What spell?
Cutie, cutie, fall in love.
Cutie, cutie, fall in love
Nobody would possibly order that.
Here you go, your Magical Coffee.
I think I've seen them
somewhere before.
Have you?
Now you mention it,
I think I've seen them too.
Please cast a spell
to make it delicious.
Cutie, cutie, fall in love.
Cutie, cutie, fall in love
- Minoru!
- Big Bro.
This is surprisingly fun.
Yeah, I've been wanting
to come here.
Don't tell Missy about it.
If you don't try harder,
the spell won't work!
Ami Ami Beam. Squee, squee
Ami Ami Beam. Fall in love
Love, love, fall in love
Meow Enjoy your coffee
I've seen them before.
Who are they?
I can't remember.
(Izakaya Bar, Kado Chan)
Let's give it our all at the
Akado Festival! Cheers!
Sorry. Thank you
for letting me join you.
Oh, don't be a stranger!
You are our school's school doctor,
Dr Natsume.
You must come to
our cultural festival.
Thank you.
Wow, it looks like fun.
I'll show you around on the day
I'll show you around
- I'll
- Miss Yamaguchi!
I've come up with an itinerary for
looking around. Please have a look.
(Baba and Kumiko's
Akado Festival Dating Schedule)
First, we'll have fun
doing the quiz,
and we'll get closer
in the haunted house, then
We'll have the fortune teller
predict our future.
What do you think?
It's perfect, right?
What is perfect?
It seems like fun.
- I like going to haunted houses.
- What?
Going to a haunted house
is a must on a date.
- What?
- Oh, that's right!
The girl will scream,
and she will automatically
cling to the guy.
I see!
I'm scared!
Don't worry, I am here for you.
Hold on tight.
I will!
Isn't this great?
It's fantastic!
Dr Natsume, I'll expect you.
Cutie, cutie, fall in love.
Cutie, cutie, beam
They're mugging him?
That's so nasty!
See you.
What are you looking at, jerks?
Just ignore them.
What? You got a problem?
No, we don't.
No, no problem at all!
Hey, wait a second.
You guys study at Akado?
Yeah, we do
So they are your juniors, Mr Goda.
What seniors and juniors?
Anyone can get into stupid Akado.
That's true.
The stupid school isn't fun at all.
That's not true though.
That stupid school
is not bad, surprisingly.
Yeah, you're right.
It is not bad.
Hey, jerks
Don't you dare get cocky with me.
What should we do?
Just do it.
There's a pig flying!
Hey, stop running!
Stop there!
They fell into our trap!
The idiot looked at the pig's butt!
Hey, stop!
The guy who just ran past us
was the infamous Goda, right?
Ogata and the group?
That's really bad.
They were fighting with Goda,
a graduate of our school.
Goda? You mean the infamous Goda?
Yes! The very same Goda
who graduated five years ago!
- Goda?
- Yeah.
That's bad.
Why? You know him?
Of course! He was the leader
of all the schools around here.
Akado's legendary gang leader.
That's what he was called.
The legendary
Gang leader
He was impossible to deal with.
When he was here, I was beside
myself with fear every day.
He's that scary?
Yes, he'd injure one of the teachers
or students every day.
It was so busy in the infirmary
and my days were tough!
Ms Ayukawa, you actually worked!
- Of course I did.
- Sorry.
He's a disgrace to gang leaders!
What did you say?
A gang leader has to be
good at fighting,
he should value the duties
of his walk of life
and be a leader that cares about
his underlings!
Duties of his walk of life?
A leader that cares about
his underlings?
Miss Yamaguchi
You can't afford to take the time
to stand here and talk.
Many students from other schools
will come to our cultural festival,
among them might be bad guys
who think it's a good time
- to come and attack 3D.
- Yes
Not just that legendary gang leader,
but you have to keep your eye on
3D's students from now on too.
I will!
The guy was that legendary
gang leader?
Who'd have thought that
he was so powerful?
Perhaps we did go a bit too far.
Nah, we'll be all right.
Yeah We will, right?
(Akado Gakuin Cultural Festival)
(Class 3B's the Most Useful
Fortune Telling in the World)
(Haunted House)
(55th Akado Festival)
(3D's Handsome Cafe)
(The room at the end)
(Our handsome guys)
Gosh, what are you guys doing?
Yankumi, you're not doing it right!
Guys, we did it!
- It's done!
- Come see!
Wow, awesome!
Wow, this is brilliant!
It is, isn't it?
You know,
I actually enjoyed doing it.
Yeah, surprisingly.
- Yeah.
- I enjoyed it too.
We've finished making the aprons
for our Handsome Cafe!
This is awesome!
We'll look cool in them!
Isn't this great?
This isn't bad at all!
All of them look so happy.
The girls are here
Please come to our cafe.
We are expecting you, baby.
What? Why?
Hello, girls
We're from Akado High School
third year's Handsome Cafe.
Pretty girls over there,
if you come to our cafe,
we will give you free cakes
and drinks!
That's all we have on our menu!
Oh, is that so?
Thank you very much!
They're here!
It's so cute!
Hey, wait a second
- Wait, we're the handsome guys!
- Hey!
We're going there tomorrow! Yeah?
See you tomorrow!
We'll be expecting you
Will they really come?
Please have a look.
"Handsome Cafe 3D"
Hey! It says Handsome Cafe!
We'll be there!
Give me one!
Thanks for last night.
I hear you're Akado's leader now.
Yamato Ogata,
Ren Kazama.
How do you know that?
Because I wanted to thank you
for last night, of course!
How may my students help you?
Who are you?
I am the boys' class teacher.
If you want something, just tell me.
You're hanging out with your teacher
at the cultural festival?
Akado's bad students
have become useless.
Nobody will go, even if
you hand out all that junk!
Who'd go to stupid Akado Festival?
"Stupid Akado"?
Who was that?
A guy above us at Akado called Goda.
So he is the legendary gang leader?
How could he talk about the school
he graduated from like that?
Maybe he has a grudge
against the school?
Yeah, perhaps.
He wouldn't have gone so far
if he had some nice memories.
Well, memories are what you get
when you laugh together,
work together,
and spend lots of time together,
like you take it for granted,
then before you know it,
you have created memories.
That means this didn't happen
during the time he spent at Akado.
Yeah, perhaps.
If that's the case, it is a waste.
Well, if he doesn't try
to seek out something,
nothing will begin.
- Goda and the gang won't let us
- Come on!
It will be all right
if we just ignore them.
Are you Ogata?
Hey, Takahashi!
Are you okay?
You guys are late.
They have nothing to do with this!
How dare you drag innocent people
into this!
I've been slammed by some kids,
I have to do something about that!
Let go, jerk!
Hey! What are you doing?
- Stop it!
- It's the cops!
Hey! Stop running away!
You guys
Students of Akado?
Darn! Those jerks
They won't get away with this!
(55th Akado Festival)
(Akado Festival)
(Stupid Akado)
(Stupid 3D)
Excuse me.
Excuse me, please let me through.
What the heck?
It was them!
Guys, how did you get hurt?
I see It was Goda
Matsukata and the others
were beaten up by them too.
What they've done is horrible.
We were the ones
who had the fight with them,
why did they drag everyone else
into this?
Our classmates had nothing
to do with it.
We were the ones
who made his gang angry
Those jerks
I won't forgive them!
Where are you going?
Where else?
What's the point of
getting even with them?
It's our fault that this happened
to our classmates,
we can't just keep quiet!
And you're going to neglect
the cultural festival to go there?
It doesn't matter now!
It's just a cultural festival!
It's not "just" a cultural festival!
You guys finally worked so hard
together and put much effort in it!
We can't let something stupid
ruin it!
Miss Yamaguchi, Ms Akagi
would like to see you.
I heard that you had
a skirmish yesterday.
The police called us.
Class 3D
have done something
outrageous again.
I am terribly sorry.
Our cultural festival
is a formal occasion,
and they've caused this trouble.
This is totally unheard of.
Ms Akagi, we're going to cancel the
cultural festival today, aren't we?
I wonder
if they'll cancel
the cultural festival.
But if that happens,
it will be our fault.
The Akado Festival
will go ahead as planned.
There are guests who look forward
to it every year.
We cannot simply cancel it.
We will postpone the start of
the festival until this afternoon.
Until then, you and the students
will fix all the damage.
Yes, ma'am
Miss Yamaguchi.
Regarding Class 3D,
all your students will go home.
All the students
- Wait a second.
- The whole class
will take joint responsibility.
Wait a second, Ms Akagi!
A graduate, Goda,
started a fight with the boys,
and they got into it only because
they wanted to help their friends.
Regardless of the reason,
is it true that they did something
that caused all this trouble?
I am terribly sorry that
they caused the school trouble,
but for the cultural festival,
the whole class became united,
and they tried to
accomplish something.
As their class teacher, I wish
to let them complete the job.
Miss Yamaguchi, they have caused
such a big fuss,
so they should take responsibility.
The boys
told me that they had no memories
from their high school life.
It's something frustrating,
isn't it?
I want my students
to be glad that
they studied in this school,
I hope they'll graduate
with their heads held high.
Why don't we let them participate?
Yeah, he's right!
Please let them participate!
Miss Yamaguchi,
if anything else happens
you are the one who is
going to be held responsible.
Yes. Thank you so much!
Ready Lift.
Stick it with Scotch tape!
We're doing it, right?
We're running out of time.
Okay. We're lifting it!
Do you like how we redecorated
the school?
I knew it was you.
But the Akado Festival
is still going ahead, huh?
Don't think this is over.
Good lord!
Don't try to act cool.
He isn't someone you can go
settle things with by yourself.
We're going with you!
Of course we have to go.
Let's go!
This is bad.
Oh, no
Let's go!
- Wow
- Be careful!
Okay. It's done!
Wait. Where is Yamato?
Speaking of which,
I haven't seen Ren either.
This is bad! Yamato and the others
have left school!
Ogata, what are you doing?
Where are you now?
Those guys haven't given up.
What do you mean?
They're planning to ruin
the Akado Festival.
We can't bring more trouble
to everyone at school.
Hey, Ogata
We're not going to let them
ruin the Akado Festival.
Let's go!
Hey, what's happened?
Hey, Yankumi
Let's go!
What are you doing here?
Only the six of you came to fight?
They really are idiots.
You've saved us the trouble
by coming here yourselves.
You are just angry
at the six of us, right?
Don't drag other people into this.
What happens to the school
doesn't matter, right?
It's pointless to go
to a school like that.
It's not pointless at all!
I now think that school
is kind of fun.
I'd been ashamed of being
a student at Akado,
but not any more.
I enjoy going to school pretty much.
Me too.
I think so too.
We feel that we can find
something there.
That's why we don't want you guys
to get in our way!
Say that again, jerk.
We are not letting you go to Akado!
Don't mess with me, fool!
Hey, give me that!
Don't you dare touch my students!
What? It's their teacher?
It seems that
you have tormented
my students quite a bit.
Why has a teacher come
all the way here?
I will go anywhere
to protect my students.
The students are idiots
and their teacher is one too.
Leave here now!
All of you.
Do you know what they are
trying to protect?
Stop talking nonsense!
Don't mess with us!
What they are trying to protect
is 28 boys' memories of life
in high school.
Shut up!
You jerk!
They want to protect that, so the
six of them came here on their own.
None of you have the right
to call them idiots!
- Kura!
- Yamato!
- Ren! Honjo!
- Kamiya! Icchi!
You jerks!
How dare you do this to them!
Guys! Don't do anything!
Goda, what is it
you're so unhappy about?
Stop nagging me!
Do you have a grudge
against the school?
Yes, I do!
I graduated from a stupid school,
so whatever what I do,
nothing goes the way I want!
Stop making excuses for yourself
and run away from it!
Shut up!
Listen, Goda.
You don't go to school
to just study what's written
in the textbooks.
You make friends there,
you laugh and you fight with them,
you accomplish things together
You can learn many things there.
If you don't move on,
nothing will begin.
The boys here have now started to
learn something important at Akado.
You should look ahead
in your life as well.
Gosh, all of you just do
whatever you please.
We can't stay there.
It's pointless to go to the Akado
Festival if not all of us are there.
I'm sorry.
What are you talking about?
Come on, stand up.
Okay, guys!
Let's return to school
and enjoy the Akado Festival!
(55th Akado Gakuin
Cultural Festival)
Our fortune telling
will let you see the truth.
What are you talking about?
Guys, why don't you join our
Ultra Quiz and burn with passion?
Ladies and gentlemen!
Our haunted house is amazing!
Please come to our haunted house.
We will
- Wait Guys
- What?
Everyone, please follow me.
We will
- This is for you.
- We're coming too.
We will
(2B: We will fight
until it's settled!)
(3D: Handsome Cafe.
You will enjoy it!)
Our Takoyaki is delicious!
- Come over here.
- Hello.
Why is nobody coming?
(Sawatari and Baba's
Special Takoyaki)
(Kumai Ramen, Akado Branch)
Three? Okay.
- Thanks.
- I'm next.
We're selling Little Bear Ramen
at 100 yen today!
We're having a special sale!
How's business?
Are there any customers?
Have a look.
Not a single high school girl
or college girl has come at all!
They said they would come!
All women are liars
But this will be a great memory.
- Here you go, two coffees.
- Thank you!
Aww You are so cute!
- The fruit bowls are ready.
- Okay.
Please serve them.
Thank you for waiting!
Yes, indeed!
Well, it's fine!
Thank you! Please come again.
We'll have something else!
Dr Natsume!
You came!
It's very busy here.
What would you like to have?
I'd like an iced coffee, please.
Sure! Of course!
It's like a date.
No way
We're going to do it!
They just won't give up.
I am not weak at all!
I am so sorry
for bringing you trouble!
Don't apologize!
How dare you talk like that
to the woman who gave birth to you!
- Miss Yamaguchi is pregnant?
- Yes.
Wake up if it's a dream!
She is just so annoying!
- Calm down!
- Stop it!
Idiots, sit up straight
and brace yourselves!
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