Hacks (2021) s03e07 Episode Script

The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular


Christmas ♪
The snow's coming down ♪
Christmas ♪
I'm watching it fall ♪
Christmas ♪
Lots of people around ♪
Christmas ♪
Baby, please come home ♪
Christmas ♪
The church bells in town ♪
Do you have a loose pelvic floor?
Excuse me?
The thing is, there's a lot of money
in pharmaceutical ads,
but you have to have
the condition they treat
in order to legally endorse them.
Uh, no, I do not have
a loose pelvic floor.
- Congratulations.
- OK. Irritable bowel syndrome.
- No.
- You never walk with a walker.
No, you're not blind.
Um, Von Willebrand's?
I don't even know what that is.
- OK, so maybe you have it.
- We can get you tested.
Because if you don't know what it is,
- we should get you tested.
- OK.
Let's just circle that as a maybe.
- OK.
- OK. Uh, bacne?
Little pimples all over
your back and your butt?
- No.
- Oh, herpes?
- Herpes?
- Herpes is young.
- Could be oral.
- OK.
Everybody has herpes.
Stop. Stop.
This is so depressing.
Clinically depressing?
You feel like it's a medical issue?
'Cause we could use that.
How often are the happy days?
- Jesus.
- OK. Sorry.
Thank you.
I hate seeing my girlina so sad.
God, this is so annoying.
I hate giving up. We were so close.
Nobody hates it more than me.
But it's over, Jimbo.
It's a done deal.
You know what? No.
It's not over until
Jack Danby is on the air.
Damn straight.
We can sabotage.
I can find some dirt on him
to scare off the network.
He's probably a nasty, nasty boy.
Probably can't even come
without a fucking gun in his mouth.
Yikes. Excuse me?
[CHUCKLES] I got this, my friend.
[LAUGHS] Whoo!
It's gonna be good!
Kayla, you left your
notebook and your
your bag with your
phone and your inhaler.
Ava! Ava!
Mom, I've been waiting for 40 minutes.
I was playing slots in the airport.
How Vegas is that?
- I love it here.
- Oh.
Should I move here to be closer to you?
Mom, I'm moving back to LA in two weeks,
and you've only seen the airport.
Right. Oh, and I brought your old
Abercrombie and Fitch miniskirts.
Those are linked to
incredibly painful memories.
Well, I was gonna throw them away,
but Priya says they're back in style.
Who's Priya?
She's my roommate.
Mom, what?
Ever since the Vibamins
class action suit
didn't go my way, I have started
renting your room for passive income.
Anyway, Priya's from Bangladesh.
She's getting her graduate degree
in biochemistry from Brandeis.
She's a genius.
- Cool.
- Yeah, it's working out great.
She does the cooking, I do the cleaning,
and then we go to a fun new
restaurant every Wednesday.
I always thought restaurants
were a waste of money,
but they're fun!
- Yeah, restaurants are good.
- Yeah.
Oh, before I forget,
Deborah's a size 7 shoe, right?
That's what celebfeetfacts.com says.
Mom, please tell me you
didn't buy Deborah shoes.
No, slippers.
Everyone loves a Christmas
slipper, everybody.
And I needed to thank
her for inviting me
after I texted her
that I wanted to come.
- What?
Oh oh, my God, she's flipping us
- Whoa.
- Ava, drive! Drive!
- I'm trying!
- She look!
No, fuck you!
- Sorry. Sorry.
- God!
It's Christmas, you motherfucker!
You've been waking up when your
alarm goes off, right, sweetie?
Yeah, I'm doing really good.
Hard to believe, working for
that backstabbing bastard.
He is not a bastard, Daddy.
He's a great guy and an amazing boss.
I love Jimmy.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
But you're doing really, really good.
I heard Jack Danby's about
to be the new late night host.
- Let's celebrate that.
Well, that's a relief, to be honest.
Why? Sexual assaulter?
Wannabe dramatic actor.
Why is it that every comedian
wants to do some sappy drama?
If you want to be gay, just be gay.
- Gays rock.
- Mm.
- Get this.
He wanted to do a Fatty Arbuckle biopic.
Fatty Arbuckle.
He was the biggest movie star
in the world in the 1920s,
in the silent era.
He was a comedian.
Well, Jack's been on me for years
to try to get the rights from
the weird Arbuckle family.
Thank God I convinced
him to take this new gig.
- He let that go.
- Hmm.
Why is it that every single client
that keeps the lights on has to be
the biggest pain in the ass?
Oh, God, tell me about it!
ACAB All Clients Are Bastards.
I'm surprised you wrap your own gifts.
Nobody does French edges like I do.
You could put somebody's
eye out with my corners.
So, um,
Kathy's definitely coming?
How are you feeling about that?
Don't have any feelings about it.
I'm doing it for DJ.
OK. Well, I'm nervous.
Don't be silly. It's Christmas.
We'll be cordial, I'll
be a fabulous host,
and that'll be that.
Hey, Deborah, the caterers are asking
if you want hard sauce
on the figgy pudding.
- Yeah.
- Great.
I will make sure it's hard on the day.
You're making Damien work on Christmas?
He doesn't celebrate Christmas.
He's a Jehovah's Witness.
That's why I hired him.
He doesn't do holidays, birthdays.
It's fantastic.
You need to get religion to work for you
when you're trying to
get around labor laws.
Write that down.
I don't think you want that paper trail.
- Fingers crossed.
No solicitation.
I'm a registered independent.
Oh, no, we're not solicitors.
We're looking for a
Mr. Larry Arbuckle, sir.
That's me. What do you want?
Well, my name is Jimmy LuSaque Jr.,
and this is Kayla Schaefer.
And we were hoping to talk to you
about a potential film project
about your grandfather, Fatty.
I already told producers
I'm not interested.
But did those producers come
right up to your door, sir?
No! Which I appreciated.
Well, it's only because
we are so passionate.
And we really think
you should hear us out.
If you could just give us two
minutes of your time to talk.
I'm busy today.
But you can come back,
uh, Monday, 2:00 p.m.
Great. Oh, you know what?
Monday's Christmas Day.
That's the day I'm available.
- Goodbye.
[GASPS] Hmm.
Must be Jewish.
But no mezuzah.
That's weird.
- You know, the Jewish thing on the door?
- Yeah, yeah.

Just hear those
sleigh bells jingling ♪
Ring-tingle-tingling too ♪
[GASPS] Nutcrackers!
I just think it looks weird
when a baby doesn't have pierced ears.
Babe, oh, my God.
I'm nervous. I'm really nervous.
- Have you ever met Kathy?
- I feel like I have.
Deborah made me go through
her childhood photos
and scratch all her eyes out.
Excuse me. I'll get the door.
Ring-a-ling-a ding-dong-ding ♪
- Mayor's here!
- Oh, Jesus.
Oh, no. That's the birthday boy, right?
Hey, listen, I'm just swinging by.
I gotta be at the children's
hospital in an hour.
But I did not want to miss
your famous baked brie.
Don't tell me where
it is. I can smell it.
Hi, Debbie.
Kathy, hi.
Come in.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
How was your flight?
Oh, it was it was OK.
Good. Excellent.
- Good, good, good.
Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no!
Here. Damien!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Barry, Cara, no, stop!
I am I am so sorry.
Psst, psst. Hey! Hello.
Come on. Come on.
It's almost like they
were trained to do that.
They were. [LAUGHS]
[CHUCKLES] Well, thank
you for inviting me.
I really appreciate the invitation.
To start with, I just want to say,
- I hope that tonight we can
- Can I take your things?
Sure, of course.
Thank you.
Be right back.
Should we join the
other fabulous guests?
Is this a replica of your house?
Yes, it is. To scale, and edible.
Isn't it?
Oh, there she is.
Oh! Merry Christmas, honey.
- Hi!
- Oh, look at you.
- You're glowing.
- Oh, no.
Actually, I'm just really sweaty.
But thank you.
Kathy, this is Aidan, DJ's husband.
- Nice to see you again.
- We've met. Hi.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- Oh.
- Yeah, well, they met
they've met once.
- They met one time.
- Yeah.
Oh, I didn't know.
Well, then you know
what a great guy he is.
I love my big son.
Aww, Mom.
- Your what?
I'll be home in time for dinner, Mom.
I just have to convince
someone to let a comedian
make a biopic of his grandfather's story
so another comedian can get
that first comedian's job.
It does make sense.
I gotta go. Love you. Bye.
You forget how to knock on a door?
[LAUGHTER] Come in!
Thank you.
Keep your shoes on.
Will do. OK.
Planning on it.
Wow. This is so beautiful.
Ugh, so old-world. I love older homes.
You know, so much character.
Oh, yes.
- Creaky.
- Yeah.
So, um, is it just you here?
Oh, no. You have to meet Sasha.
Follow me.
Sasha could be a Jewish name.
What is this? Stop.
Oh, Deborah, I met your sister.
She is so funny. [LAUGHS]
- She is?
- Yes.
Guess it runs in the family, huh?
Oh, boots!
- Oh, oh!
- Oh, my God.
- I know those boots.
- Oh, who could this be?
Oh, my God.
A visitor from the North Pole!
- It's Santa!
This is my favorite
house on my entire route.
Santa had such a good time last year,
he skipped South America.
OK, it's time for
everybody's Christmas portrait
before the dinner bloat sets in.
Need a blotting tissue? Blotting tissue?
DJ, sweetie, come sit on Mommy's lap.
- What?
- It's a tradition.
Last time I sat on your lap, I was eight
and you said I had a bony ass.
- Well, you did.
Oh, no, no. You look great.
- OK, should we do a silly one?
- No.
We're on a really tight schedule.
Santa, proceed.
Oh, Santa's got Dyson Airwraps
for all the good little boys and girls.
- Wow!
Hey, what are you talking about?
You're bald. No, I'll take it.
It's for my mother. It's for my mother.
Dive, Sasha!
- Dive!
- Oh, wow!
- Oh, sister!
[YELPING] Oh, she is majestic.
- Look at that gorgeous bird.
- Oh, my God.
Um, would you like to take her, though?
- Do you want to
- No, she loves you.
Oh, yeah. She's
obsessed with you, Jimmy.
Remember when the Olsen
twins were obsessed with you?
The Olsen twins were obsessed with him.
- Oh.
- Yeah, it was very sweet.
Anyway, um, the reason
we came here today is,
we want to talk about
your grandfather's story.
- Oh.
- There is an amazing
comedic artist, Jack Danby,
and he's really
interested in telling it.
I don't want anyone telling
my grandfather's story.
Because the truth is,
I've already told it.
What do you mean?
I wrote my own screenplay.
- BOTH: Oh.
- Well
- OK.
- I would love to read it.
You want to read it?
I would be honored.
OK, then let's go.
You ever watch birds
have sex on a live cam?
- Kayla
- What? I'm just curious.
OK, how did you get this way?

Hi there.
I think dinner is being served.
Oh, OK.
Thank you.
Sorry, I don't think we've met.
I'm Ava. I write for Deborah.
Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Kathy.
You too.
I sent her this a while ago.
I I didn't even think she'd open it.
Yeah, I remember.
She was really happy that you did.
Should we
It's the 13th door on the right.
[LAUGHS] I'll just follow you.
My life's work.
- Wow.
- Thick.
- Very heavy.
- Yeah.
Um, well, OK. Thank you so much.
I'm very excited to
read this over break.
No! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That's my only copy.
If you read it, you
have to read it here.
Um, now?
Yes, Jim.
OK. Um, sure.
Yeah, I could do that.
Yeah, quick reader.
Tremendous! Ha.
I'll go check on the lamb.
- Huh?
- The lamb?
It is Christmas, after all.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, shit.
My mom just texted, "I'm pissed."
That means she's pissed.
Now he wants us to eat with him?
Oh, my God.
Jimmy, he's not Jewish!
OK, Kayla, nobody else is thinking about
if he's Jewish or not, OK?
This is making me feel uncomfortable.
Oh, my God, what the hell?
I'm not antisemitic.
Is that what you're implying?
I had a bat mitzvah, and
I'm not even fucking Jewish.
Wait, what?
Well, everybody else was having one.
- Am I gonna not have one?
- Yeah!
Also, I was at that bat mitzvah.
- I have a T-shirt.
- Yeah, and you had a lot
of fun on the dance
floor, so you're welcome.
Yeah, because I thought
I was at a bat mitzvah,
a legit bat mitzvah, a
real Jewish bat mitzvah.
But no, I was at a gentile's
costume party of a bat mitzvah?
- That is bad.
- Whatever.
The point is, he's not
Jewish. He's lonely.
He doesn't want to
spend Christmas alone.
That's why he's trying
to get us to stay here
and read his script and eat his lamb
and play with his crazy bird.
It's actually really sad.
I feel like I'm gonna cry.
Oh, that is really sad.
The lamb has still
got a little life yet.
Do you like the title page?
I do.
Um, so my mom actually loves lamb.
And I was wondering, I don't know,
would you ever consider coming with me
to her house for Christmas?
I could read the script
in the car on the way.
You know what?
[LAUGHS] We can spend
Christmas together.
- We?
- My parents are in Aspen.
They forgot to text me.
So as you're reading
it, for Fatty's wife,
I'm thinking either Kathy Bates
or Cicely Tyson.
Wow. Hard call.
- Hard call.
- Uh-huh.
But let's see who's available.
- Yeah!
- They're both good, yeah.
One's dead.

No chutney, huh?
- You want chutney?
- Yeah.
Priya always incorporates it,
and now I'm addicted to the kick.
I love chutney.
So have you been seeing anyone?
But I have plenty of sex.
Good for you.
What do you
what do you do in your spare time?
Oh, I volunteer at the Salvation Army.
- Oh.
- This time of year is
really busy for us, obviously.
So I actually have been
feeling kind of guilty
that I've neglected my post.
I mean, we can get you a bell,
you can take it outside.
- Kidding.
- Yeah.
- Goose?
- No, I'm good.
- Oh! No.
- Thank you.
Thank you. Sorry.
This pregnancy has me off poultry.
If I even see a feather, I gag.
- Had to get rid of our duvet.
- Mm-hmm.
I have never been
interested in being pregnant.
Of course, I have been. But ugh, gross.
Would you mind getting
me some rolls down here?
You know, I went to Priya's
a cappella competition
last week, and the
girls from Northeastern
destroyed Brandeis.
But Priya was the real standout.
Even the woman next to me said so,
and she had no idea
that we were roommates.
That's nice you went to support her.
Well, she's like the
daughter I never had.
What what about me?
Oh, you're the daughter I did have.
OK, whatever.
Would you like some goose?
Oh, no thank you. I don't eat meat.
Yeah, for 30 years now.
You used to eat sausage
three links at a time.
Well, yeah, maybe as a kid.
But I can't.
I mean, the meat industry is horrendous.
Oh, tell me about it.
I mean, have you seen the way
they force-feed the animals?
- Yeah.
- Could you pass me the goose?
- Oh, sure.
- Yeah, I'd love it.
- I got your goose!
You are so silly.
Do you like the font?
I put the jokes in Comic Sans
so you know they're
supposed to be funny.
Ah, now that makes sense. OK, I get it.
You know, most scripts
stick to one font.
But that's a missed
opportunity, 'cause this is
it makes it voice-y, which is good.
- It's fun.
- Very voice-y.
Do you think it's confusing
that there's another
character named Fatty?
There is?
- Uh-huh.
- OK, I'm sorry.
I think I have to start over, then,
'cause I did not realize that.
Just put in Fatty One
and Fatty Two, obviously.
- There you go.
- Make it more clear, right?
Yeah. Keep going.
- OK.
- Keep going.
Do you think it's too character-damaging
that Fatty steals from
his sister's piggy bank?
No, no, you I think you justify it
because of his desperate
need for "sody pop."
- Oh.
- So he wants it bad, and
- Maybe.
- It's an addiction.
I think it's an addiction,
and it's like, you know, any addiction.
Just keep keep reading, yeah.
Boy, women drivers.

Ooh, Prada!
ALL: Ooh.
Thank you, Deborah.
You're welcome.
- Whoo!
- That's nice.
OK, time for DJ's big present.
She always opens her
little gifts from Santa
on Christmas morning,
but after we eat dinner,
she gets her big one from me.
Uh, Damien, bring it in.
- Oh, a little baby jail.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Oh, wow.
- Ooh.
Isn't it gorgeous?
It's so pretty.
- Thank you, Mom.
- Oh, you're welcome.
Mom, thank you so much.
That's amazing, babe.
Now we can have one for our house,
and we can have one for here.
- Uh
- What do you mean?
- What?
- You already have a crib?
- Well
- Um
I thought I thought
you weren't buying
anything for the nursery
till the third trimester.
No. That's true, and I didn't.
It was just a gift.
From who?
I I got it for them.
Well, I'm sure Filene's Basement has
an excellent return policy.
- Mom, come on.
- No, no.
I I just you
know, I didn't realize
you two were that close.
I it's lovely.
You know, I think I will go
help myself to some dessert.
Can I get anyone anything?
Oh, I'd like a chai if there is any.
I'll see.
Since when? Since when?
I'm sorry, Mom.
We'll use both. Please don't be upset.
No, I'm not upset.
Why would I be upset?
- Oh, shoot!
Darn it! Shoot, shoot, shoot.
- What did you do?
- Nothing.
- What did you do?
- Uh, nothing.
I was just reaching for this gumdrop
It's decorative!
What? Why would you
I thought you said it was edible.
Well, just because it's edible
doesn't mean you can eat it!
I'm sorry, Deborah.
It's ruined.

Joanne, you can put that
on the table for me, please.
Thank you.
- Hey, Mom?
- Oh.
Hi. Merry Christmas.
- There you are.
- Hi.
- Sorry we're late.
- Oh.
Um, Mom, this is Larry.
Larry, this is my mother, Deidre.
And um, Larry's brought lamb.
Oh. Hi, Larry.
You know, the only thing
I like more than lamb
is a man who knows how to cook it.
Oh, well, try it before you propose.
[LAUGHING] Oh! And you're funny.
I like funny, and I'm a hugger.
Come on. Bring it in.
- OK, new dad alert.
- Kayla.
- They have chemistry.
- Cool it.

I'm sorry about the gingerbread.
Well, you were always
good at wrecking homes.
I didn't mean to overstep with the crib.
It's just I'm excited about the baby.
You and DJ are the
only family I have left,
and you're not exactly in my life.
And whose fault is that?
And I'm sorry.
There's not a day I don't feel sorry.
I I've tried to say
that to you for so long.
Well, you stopped.
Yeah, because I saw your special.
I was nice to you in my special.
I mean, I took ownership
and all that crap.
It seemed like you understood
how complicated it was.
It almost sounded like you forgave me.
But then I still never heard from you,
and that just broke my heart, Deborah.
Where are you going?
I don't want to see you cry.
It's OK if I cry. I'm sad.
You do not get to be sad.
I lost my family.
I lost everything!
I never meant for that to happen.
- Why'd you do it?
I didn't come here to make excuses
for something that happened so long ago.
Oh, please.
No, I would love a fucking excuse.
That summer you went to make that movie,
and I moved into the
house to help with DJ
and, uh, it only
happened a couple times,
but I felt horrible, and I ended it.
But then you got late night,
and Frank got really jealous
and told you about us, I think
to throw you off your game.
Oh. Oh, I see.
It was my fault because I was ambitious?
Give me a break.
You just asked me to explain!
Look, I'm your sister, and
I shouldn't have done it.
But you two weren't even sleeping
in the same room for months.
He made the first move,
and I was only 19 years old,
so give me a fucking break.
You stayed married to him.
Yeah, because he made me happy.
I mean, you don't want to hear this,
but we were a better
match than you two were.
And thank God, because
because I lost my sister for it.
Well, I'm sorry you've
been in so much pain.
Well, I have been.
I've also paid for it.
I've taken all your
punishment over the years.
Billboards for all your
specials on my street.
You told Katie Couric I can't read.
- That was a joke.
You had missing person
posters with my picture on it
made up and put all over Monterey
with my phone number.
I got phone calls for months from people
saying they'd seen
me in the supermarket,
and I looked horrible.
- It's not funny.
No, it's not funny.
It's hysterical.
- Oh!
- Oh!
- That's expensive snow!
- Oh, my God.
God damn it!
Ow! Oh, my God!
Ow, it burns! Why does it burn?
- Shit!
- Chemicals!
- It's methylene chloride!
- What?
It's the only way you can
get a six-sided crystal!
Then why would you throw it at me?
- 'Cause you started it!
- Ow!
- Oh, God, come here!
Come here.
Oh, my God. Shit!
Watch out, watch out,
watch out, watch out.
- Oh!
- Careful.
- Ow.
- Oh, stop.
- Over here.
- It's burning.
Get some water on your face.
Oh, my God.
Here, I've got I've got a here.
Here here's a tissue.
Oh, God.
- Is it better?
- No.
Listen, I
I appreciate you inviting me for DJ,
but she shouldn't have forced it.
She didn't.
I was also hoping that I
could, you know, do this.
I don't think I can.
Debbie, you have so much.
- Oh, God.
- You have
- Yeah.
- An incredible career.
You have a beautiful daughter.
You have a grandchild on the way.
You've got six-sided crystals.
I just wish you could
get over not having Frank.
It wasn't just that he left me.
It was that you left me too.
I was really hoping this would be nice.
But, um,
I'm just still so angry at you.
I don't want to be, but I am.
Well, that's something.
I thought you loved being angry.
You kidding?
Frown lines are the hardest to treat.
I don't want it to be like this.
Mom wouldn't have wanted
it to be like this.
No, she wouldn't.
Well, maybe Christmas
wasn't the best time
to have tried this.
Maybe we could try it
some other time, just us?
And I'm sorry again about
the gingerbread house.
That was insane.
Ava, my God, look at this right now!
I am in freaking "Willy Wonka."
Is is there a Willy Wonka town?
- Because I am in it.
- Ugh.
Weren't you supposed to,
like, go visit sick kids?
Oh, shit.
- What time is it?
- I think, like, 8:00-ish.
Oh, God. It's too late.
Visiting hours are over.
What are you gonna do,
you know what I mean?
I can't do everything.
Plus, they got clowns and dogs
and stuff to entertain 'em.
They're OK.
God, I gotta go to the bathroom.
I gotta go number three,
if you know what I mean.
Have you seen "Slumdog Millionaire"?
I gotta be honest, Mom, this is
starting to feel really weird.
Like, you're, like,
fetishizing South Asian
culture or something.
Why would you say that?
I do not have a fetish.
That's a nasty word.
No, I I just mean it feels like
you're kind of appropriating it.
I mean, is it so bad that
I'm enjoying a new culture?
I'm trying new food, I'm
I'm wearing this bindi.
You're not wearing a bindi.
Well, I shit, where's my bindi?
I I had a bindi.
I it fell off.
I mean, Ava, I mean, is
it is it a fetish any time
a white person decides to
take an interest in a culture
that isn't their own?
Because then I'm proud
to have a fetish, OK?
I mean, it's hard being an
immigrant in this country
right now, at least
according to a little program
called "On the Contrary."
You don't watch "On the Contrary."
Every Sunday.
And if I don't think something's funny,
then Priya tells me why it's funny,
and then I get it.
I mean, is that a fetish, Ava?
No. No, it's not.
It's, um, really nice, actually.
- OK.
- Thank you, Mom.
You're welcome.
And now I want you to try this,
because what I did is,
I dumped coriander all over this fudge.
- It's really delicious.
It's just like your
grandmother used to make,
except now with coriander.
- Uh
- Right?
- Oh, my God.
- [GAGS]
- Oh, come on.
- No.
So Fatty said, "You know what
would make it really funny?
If you did it with a mustache."
And that kid was
Charlie goddamn Chaplin!
- No!
That is the best twist I've ever heard.
Even better than an evil twin.
- Evil twin? [LAUGHS]
Kayla, sweetie, would you give me
a hand clearing, please?
Absolutely, gorgeous.
Well, what do you think?
Honestly, I think you could
lose the dream sequence.
- Which one?
- All of them,
especially the sex
dream about Clara Bow.
And you know, you might
want to use one font.
But look, I didn't know what
to expect in the beginning.
And obviously, it could use some edits.
But I think it's actually
a really good script.
- Do you mean that?
- I do.
I mean, you're an amazing writer.
I can't believe it's your first script.
And the story is so compelling.
I really think you should think
about making this with Jack Danby.
He's super-hot right
now, and attaching him
could get something like this made.
I'll tell you what.
I don't know this Jack character.
But after today, I
know this much, Jimmy.
I like you.
And no surprise with a mother like that.
So I'll do it on one condition.
You produce it.
Oh. OK.
Sure. Yeah. Deal.
This Jack guy is really lucky
to have you as a manager.
Oh, he doesn't even know.

- Why did you get me this?
It's fun. Just chop the blocks.
I am!
Ah! Ah!
- Deborah. Deborah!
- What?
Jimmy's on the phone.
Well, ask him what he wants.
She's busy working. What is it?
You're back in the mix for late night.
Holy shit!
Danby's out.
Pursuing dramatic roles.
It's between you and the X Games guy.
Oh, my God.
[LAUGHS] Jimmy?
It's a Christmas miracle!
It's the most wonderful time ♪
Of the year ♪
With the kids jingle-belling ♪
And everyone telling
you, "Be of good cheer" ♪
It's the most wonderful time ♪
Of the year ♪
It's the hap-happiest season ♪
Of all ♪
With those holiday greetings ♪
And gay happy meetings
when friends come to call ♪
It's the hap-happiest season ♪
Of all ♪
There'll be parties for hosting ♪
Marshmallows for toasting ♪
And caroling out in the snow ♪
There'll be scary ghost stories ♪
And tales of the glories ♪
Of Christmases long, long ago ♪
It's the most wonderful time ♪
Of the year ♪
There'll be much mistletoeing ♪
And hearts will be glowing
when loved ones are near ♪
It's the most wonderful time ♪
Of the year ♪
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