Invincible (2021) s03e07 Episode Script

What Have I Done?

[Rex] Let's quit being superheroes
and just be nobodies.
Sounds awesome.
- [Rae] I'm still leaving.
- [Rex] Yeah. I know.
You're incredible, you know that?
- Come here.
- [Amanda] What does it do?
[Rudy] Put it on.
- [Robot] No de-aging detected.
- Thank you!
- [Scott] She looks so carefree.
- [giggles]
It feels like their deaths don't matter.
[Eve] You need help,
not a fight.
And I figured out
you get stronger when I hit you.
[Scott] They have to believe
I kidnapped you. [yelling]
It's the only way.
My sister
and niece are dead.
My wife and child are dead.
Thousands more are dead.
All because of you.
This will do.
[Mark shudders, sighs]
Oh, God.
Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God
[tense music playing]
[pained choking sounds]
[gasping breaths]
[choked grunting]
[man screaming]
[mysterious music playing]
[choked grunting]
[weakly] F-Fix
[dramatic music playing]
Go! Destroy everything in your path!
Make them see Invincible!
Make them fear Invincible!
Make them hate
[dramatic music playing]
Do this and everything you want
will be yours.
[sinister music playing]
[phone scrolling sounds]
Mark. There's nothing
else you could have done.
And that Powerplex guy will finally
get the help he needs in prison.
The help he needs because the fight
with my dad killed his sister and niece?
Or the help he needs because my fight
with him killed his wife and son?
Mark. [groans softly]
[sighs deeply]
It's hard, you know?
I know those things weren't
my fault. I really do.
But it
still feels like
It's just It's a lot.
I get it.
I'm canceling dinner tonight.
We'll just do it some other time.
- Wait.
- No, it's okay.
It's done. I did it.
Why don't you want me
to meet your parents?
You only have me over
when they're not here.
And you just canceled dinner
with them again.
It's not you. It's [sighs]
You know my parents are
Yeah, but they're still your parents.
- And if we're doing this
- I don't know if you understand
fully how terrible they are.
I don't understand terrible parents?
Okay. Sure.
I mean, way to zero in
on a guy's main issue.
[both laugh]
[phone ringing, buzzing]
Oh, hold on.
Invincible Inc.
He can be there right away.
[dramatic music playing]
This is what you call a prison
on your world? [laughs]
I wouldn't even keep you
as a slave in my empire!

After a year in a Viltrumite prison,
I could use a warm-up.

I've killed you before.
- [groans]
- And I'll kill you again.

Best Tiger.
What chance do you have
against [yells]

Great. J-Just drop it there for now.
[siren wailing in distance]
You sure this place is safe?
I gave up my job, not my powers.
And cheap edges out safe.
Huh. Yeah, well, good point.
- You that happy to be rid of me, huh?
- What? No!
- I'm happy for you.
- Uh-huh.
I was grinning like an idiot, wasn't I?
- That's so not like me.
- [clicks tongue] It really isn't.
- What, was it weird?
- A little.
Eh, what can I say?
The team's less annoyed with me
now that I've chilled out.
Things with us are downright rad.
For the first time
in my whole miserable life
I'm kind of in a good place.
You know what's another good place?
- My new bedroom.
- Ho-ho-ho!
Why did I avoid helping
people move so many times?
Whoa, what the hell was that?
[car alarm wailing]
Oh, shit.
Whoa. What are you doing?
Coming with you.
[siren wailing in distance]
If it's really bad, I'll call.
You can't un-quit on your first day.
[booming continues]
Now lay one on me, mama.
For luck.
[glass shattering in distance]
- Be careful!
- Ha! Are you kidding?
Check this shit out!
I'll be right back!
[penitentiary alarm wailing]
[groans] Oh, God.
[alarm distorting]
[Movincihawk cackles]
What the hell?
Get out of here! We're supposed
to cover the whole planet!
Oh, shit.
You're the me from this world.
How how did you get here?
[singsongy] That would be telling.
Do you like what I've done
to the place so far?
I said, how did you get here?
I heard you the first time, dipshit.
[straining] Why are you here?
To make your life miserable.
- Wait a second.
- [Bolt] Hey!
There's another one!
We've got to stop these bastards
- before it's too late!
- Bolt!
Kid Thor! It's me! Stop!
Finally, they see him for what he is.
[Movincihawk groans]
Fucking amateur. [grunts]
There are two of you?
Not for long.
You got that right.
Are you kidding me with that?
[news anchor] Multiple superhumans,
all resembling Invincible,
are wreaking havoc
in cities around the world,
overwhelming local and government forces.
At first, they were believed
to actually be Invincible,
until reports revealed there are
multiple individuals involved.
It's unclear why
these attacks are happening
or how long they will continue.
But police are telling everyone
to stay indoors and remain hidden.
We'll keep broadcasting
as long as we can.
We now go live to
[panting, grunts]
Oliver, stop.
- Stop!
- This is big, Mom.
- I can help. I have to help.
- [pants]
You're too young, Oliver.
They'll kill you.
You and Mark are always
telling me to care about people.
- That's what I'm trying to do.
- No, no.
N-Not now!
Mom, please.
They need me.
[grunts softly]
These other Invincibles,
they might come here, so don't come
back to the house until it's over.
- Find Mark.
- What about you?
I'm going somewhere safe.
[Mark panting]
[strained grunting]
I got to
I got to find out what's happening.
You guys got this?
Dispatch already has a call into the GDA.
We'll take it from here.
Okay, team,
let's restrain this guy
before he wakes up.
[gasps, groans]
[shrieking tone]
[Cecil] Okay, stop.
Jesus, he's dead.
[zapping] [tone stops]
[groans, grunts]
The team thinks they're from alternate
dimensions where Mark isn't so
- Mark.
- No shit.
And there are how many
of these nightmares out there?
At least 18.
Reports are still spotty,
but they seem to just be
destroying whatever they can.
No pattern or plan that we can detect.
So no way to predict
what they're gonna do next, either.
[Donald] There is some good news, sir.
This Invincible definitely wasn't
as strong as ours.
Then maybe we have a chance.
Then again
Start the boys making more
of those noisemakers
and get the room back up and running.
We need to respond.
Sir the engineering wing is gone.
- And how exactly do we respond to this?
- We make calls.
- [Donald] To who?
- Everyone, Donald.
[fast-paced, ominous music playing]
[Angstrom Levy laughing evilly]
[fast-paced dramatic music playing]
It's one way, and we can't bring you back,
so you're on your own
until the calvary arrives.
Be strong, be brave.
And let us know if you die
so we can send someone else.
Go! Go! Go!
[man gasps]
[gasps] Thank you.
Thank you so much.
[woman sighs]
No problem.
- Finally!
- [woman] Huh?
Mar Uh, Invincible!
Oh. And who do we have here?
[Eve] This is really bad, Mark.
- They're everywhere.
- Jesus.
What do we do?
[car alarm wailing]
They're all me.
I think we have to take them down,
one by one.
And then we have
to figure out who did this.
There's only one person
who could have done this.
And I already killed him.
You won't be enough!
Even together,
you're a fraction of my power!
How 'bout now?
[wind whistling]
[slow, ominous music playing]
[grunts softly]
- Huh?
- [Ka-Hor grumbles]
[Ka-Hor] Finally!
- A suitable host for Ka-Hor!
- [whimpering]
The hell?
[Ka-Hor grumbles]
I cannot exist outside of my tomb
without a host!
Your people cursed you for a reason.
Maybe think about that.
[Ka-Hor] Bah!
Good riddance to you wretched females!
Yeah, enjoy eternity alone,
you misogynistic jerk.
You're gonna make it, Jane.
I promise.
This is gonna be fun.
[bones crack]
I think you fixed it. Ah.
- Now, let's fix you.
- [gasps]
[upbeat, dramatic music playing]
- Huh?
- [groaning]
[both grunting]
I murdered my own father.
You really think
you're gonna take me down?
[bones cracking]
[both grunting]
[Business Baby grunting]
[Business Baby grunts]
[both grunting]
Okay, I'll admit,
you're stronger than I thought.
If you hadn't wasted so much time
protecting these losers, you probably
would have beaten me already.
Tell me who brought you here.
These two giving you trouble?
Fuck off. I got this.
- Swearing doesn't make you cool.
- Go. Eve!
No way. [gasps]
[both grunting]
[Hoodvincible grunts]
[strained groan]
[both groan]
- You okay?
- Eve you got to go. I mean it.
Aah! Aah.
[slow, dramatic music playing]
[sighs] I always hated you.
[Eve groans softly]
Eve. Eve.
Oh, God.
[Omnivincible] Now what, Mark?
You can't save her and fight us both.
Yeah, you're fucked, dude.
[tense, suspenseful music playing]
[Cecil over drone] Mark, bring her in!
Sir, with this body,
I can do more out there than in here.
You're just gonna
get yourself killed, Donald.
That's what I do, sir.
[dramatic, majestic music playing]
Find Brit.
Link up with him.
And give 'em hell.
[dramatic, fast-paced music playing]
[Nogogglesible] Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah.
[loud blows thudding]
This is the greatest! [grunting]
[both grunting]
[grunts, yells]
More of this. Come on.
- [laughing] Holy shit!
- [grunting]
- You guys are so good!
- [grunting]
[both grunting]
You're a pale imitation of
Invincible, you monster! [groaning]
- [grunting]
- Hey, I don't need more motivation
to kill you, but sure, insult me.
Come on.
[both grunting]
[chuckling] Oh. I mean
Hey, my dad killed most
of you guys on my world.
And your stretchy friend
wasn't even there.
He's awesome!
Wait. What'd he say
when I ripped him in half?
Shit. It-it was, like, so weird, right?
Does anyone remember?
[laughs] Help!
I don't want to not be living!
Wasn't that it, or was
Oh, oh, oh. Oh, no, it wasn't.
Oh, no! I'm gonna not be alive!
You're a weird dude, dude.
[Immortal grunting loudly]
You ruined the moment.
Oh. Oh.
[Nogogglesible grunts]
[Immortal groans]
[Nogogglesible grunts]
[Kate grunts]
Man, I always do this.
I kill them too fast, and then it's over.
No torture, no screaming, no fun.
- This sucks.
- We're not dead yet.
- Hey!
- [grunts]
[slow, ominous music playing]
[siren wailing]
[helicopter whirring]
[Debbie] You need to stay away
from the windows, Paul.
[soft, suspenseful music playing]
The national guard's
picking up the neighbors.
- May-Maybe we should go.
- I don't want to be locked away
as long as they're broadcasting updates.
We'll be safe here.
- Debbie?
- I can't go, Paul.
- I'm worried about my boys.
- So am I.
[William] Why did we stay
on campus, Rick?
Of course an evil Mark from another
dimension was gonna mess this place up!
[distant screaming, shouting]
Your car's this way. Come on!
Are you sure? I barely know where I am.
[distant screaming continues]
[Rick groaning]
you saved my life.
I sure did. [sighs]
[Mark's voice] Mom? I'm hurt.
I need you. Mom?!
Ah, shit. I was really looking
forward to killing her again.
[Shapesmith groans]
- Shapesmith.
- [groaning]
You gonna make it?
All of my important organ-y parts
are lumped together
in a thing called a-a core.
Since it didn't get punched to goop,
I'll eventually be able
to pull myself together.
Was that too much information?
I'm not even sure I'm awake right now.
Where's Darkwing?
That monster must have killed him,
trapped himself in the shadowverse.
Darkwing sacrificed himself to save us.
- So we need to get back in the game.
- Yeah!
Oh, right.
I don't have legs.
[suspenseful music playing]
I know you're in one of these.
Let's see if we hit the jackpot.
[Robot] You are aware
I can control my drones remotely.
Yeah, but I also know you well enough
that I can hear a little bit of fear
in your voice, robo buddy.
[Robot] I assure you, you're mistake
- [groaning]
- Who the hell are you?
- Where's the ugly little troll guy?
- No! Don't!
- Get Amanda and Rex out of here!
- Huh?
[pounding, dramatic music playing]
[grunts] [distant grunting]
[glass breaking]
Please be breathing. Please be breathing.
[Rex gasps]
Oh, man.
This guy's really gonna get it.
- [groans]
- Rex, we've lost.
We need to go now.
- Help me carry Amanda.
- [grunting]
Well, you're better off
with the guy that can fly.
- [groaning]
- Hey!
Take your obvious name
and get them out of here.
- We're not leaving you.
- [Rex] No. It's okay.
I've got a plan. [grunting]
Tell Rae I'm sorry
I didn't finish helping her move.
Get out of here!
[Rex grunting]
Still can't tell when I'm lying.
Well that was stupid.
Everything about this is stupid.
But I guess we're doing it anyway.
[both grunting]
[dramatic music playing]
[Gogglesible groaning]
[Rex grunting]
[sighs] That was pointless.
Kind of like your entire life.
- Ouch.
- I'm gonna pop your head off,
and then I'm gonna catch the
others and skin them alive.
Um, if you're worried
you're gonna bleed to death
before I kill you,
you're dumber
than even the Rex from my world.
[gasps for air] Sure. But I'm
the idiot who took you with me.
- [grunts]
- [Gogglesible] Yeah? How?
You're out of shit to explode.
[groans] I've got one thing left.
Mm-hmm. And what's that?
My entire goddamn skeleton, dickhead.
[Billie Eilish: "When the Party's Over"]
[tires squealing]
Oh, God.
[soft groaning]
[Rudy groans]
I'm no good for you ♪
[grunts softly]
I've learned to lose you ♪
Can't afford to ♪
Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin' ♪
But nothin' ever stops you leavin' ♪
Quiet when I'm coming home
and I'm on my own ♪
Ah, ah, ah ♪
I could lie, say I like it like that
Still with me, Donald?
Seems that way.
I could lie, say I like it like that ♪
- Some of me, at least.
- Oh, you're doing better
than most, I'm afraid.
[rhythmic beeping]
[door opens]
[Cecil] You can't be here, kid.
Those other Invincibles know
about this place.
They could come here,
kill her to get at me.
- She needs me.
- [Cecil] We're losing this, Mark.
- The world needs you.
- You've got every superhero
on the planet fighting
for you right now.
Mark, Oliver's out there.
- Your mother is out there.
- I said, "No!"
You're gonna have to explain this
to Eve when she wakes up,
- and she's not going to like it.
- I don't care.
I hope you don't regret this.
[door slides open]
- [yells]
- Nothin' is better sometimes ♪
Once we've both said our goodbyes ♪
Let me let you ♪
[evil laughter]
[ominous music playing]
[Angstrom Levy] Hmm.
Phase one is complete.
Meet me you know where.
[ominous music playing]
I hate coming back to this place.
[Maskvincible] Not all of us killed Mom.
I liked it here. Reminds me
of playing catch with Dad.
What is taking him so long?!
Sorry. I prefer to make an entrance.
Not only have you destroyed his planet,
but you've also destroyed him.
Every single person
who survives will forever think of this
when they remember his name,
even if they know it was you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're awesome.
What's next?
Find Mark and bring him to me.
It's time we were reunited,
Uh, how about we don't?
Your stupid plan got most of us killed.
Who cares? They were weak.
I would have murdered them myself
Come on! The deal was we help you,
and then you help us take over
a bunch of other dimensions.
We didn't all make the same deal, man.
I came here to find Mom
and bring her back with me.
Aw. Someone misses their mommy.
- Wah!
- We're all the same person.
I'm sure I'm not the only one.
- I miss William.
- [Capevincible] Whatever!
It's all pointless if we're dead, right?
Jesus, I hate you guys.
We're done. Give us our dimensions.
Now. Or we'll kill you.
[Movincihawk] Don't be stupid.
If we kill him, we'll be
stuck in this shithole forever.
- We'll just torture you instead. Duh.
- I can get behind that.
Hell yeah. Love it.
[sinister music playing]
I was sure they'd turn on me much later.
How disappointing.
You're dead!
Ugh! He can't hear you, idiot.
[Mark exhales]
[door slides open]
We found him.
You still want to sit this one out?
[dramatic music playing]
[Mark sighing]
I knew it was you. [shouts]
Oh, good. You came to me.
- I killed you.
- No, you didn't.
I had surgeons ready in another dimension
just in case you were
more than I could handle.
Ooh. Smart boy.
You know my tricks now.
Which is why I brought these.
[shouts, grunting]
[Angstrom Levy] Come on.
Try again.
Maybe it'll work this time.
Don't worry, Mark.
I'll bring you back.
Once I'm done destroying
everything you love.
[hopeful music playing]
Is this what you wanted?
All of this death?
Just to get at me?
- You, you
- [air whooshes]
[Oliver] Do it. Kill him,
before he escapes or something.
Look at what he did.
Kill him so he can never do this again.
What are you waiting for?!
[solemn music playing]
[Angstrom Levy grunting]
You've given me no choice.
Truer words
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, man. So gross.
Fix this.
I'm getting my Invincibles
and we're going back.
This isn't over.
[sinister music playing]
An appropriate name
for cold, unfeeling monsters.
You're gonna let me bleed to death?
Fix me now!
[Technician One] No.
[Technician One] Promises were made,
Angstrom Levy,
and we delivered on ours.
[Technician Two] But we now see
your word is without value.
[Technician Three] We had a deal
that you failed to honor.
You do not get a second chance.
[Technician One] You work for us now.
Accept that,
and we will tend to your wounds.
Refuse, and your remains will gift us
endless fascination.
[Angstrom Levy exhales]
[haunting music playing]

[news anchor] Los Angeles,
Chicago and New York
are almost completely leveled.
Paris, Moscow, London, Tokyo,
New Delhi, Seoul and Sydney
have suffered similar damage.
The death toll worldwide is already into
the hundreds of thousands,
with some analysts expecting it to triple
in the coming days and weeks.
Not counting the heroes
who gave their lives to save us.
Rescue crews are working around
the clock, and the good news is
many survivors have been found
amidst the wreckage.
Officials report this remains very much
a rescue operation.
All of this still leaves us
with the question why?
Why were we attacked?
And what would drive
someone, anyone, to do this?
And why did the attackers
all resemble Invincible?
We're all hoping to have answers,
and we're praying
that those answers come soon.
[somber music playing]
[monitor beeping]
All that time.
All that time,
I thought I killed Angstrom.
All the torture I put myself through.
And now, all I can think about
is how I should have killed him.
[Cecil] You probably should have.
Would have saved a lot of lives, but
you can't blame yourself
for being a good person, Mark.
What if he comes back?
He could find more of them.
More me's.
Yeah, he could.
Which is why we're gonna rebuild.
Find new talents.
Put teams back together.
Fund new research.
And he sure as hell brought
the world together on this.
And we've still got you.
- Yeah.
- [Cecil] But I'm burying the lede.
You found my mom.
She was at her boyfriend's
house the whole time.
Most suburban areas weren't hit.
Eve's parents are on their way in, too.
Mark, we could really use some help
in New York.
Your brother's already there.
After this is over
we're still not working together.
[door slides open]
Yeah, perish the thought.
[haunting music playing]

[woman sobbing]
[chuckles] Oliver.
How do we rebuild from this?
[electricity crackling]
[pained cry]
How dare you show your face here!
- [cries out]
- How much death do you need?
When will it be enough?
Leave my brother alone.
- Don't hit him.
- What?
Just don't let him move.
You can't stop it.
[both crying out]
Just hang on
until he uses up all his energy.
[straining] No. No!
No. This isn't right.
Brit, get him out of here.
[contemplative music playing]
[sobs quietly]
What's wrong with all of you?
He caused this.
Every dead body you find
is a person he killed.
This is all Invincible's fault!
[monitor beeping]
We've got almost all
of Manhattan cleaned up
and ready for reconstruction.
I'm doing everything I can.
But I can't help but think
that Powerplex is right.
This is all my fault.
Angstrom did this because of me.
I can't
I can't ignore that anymore.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Oh, uh [stammers]
Excuse us.
She's our daughter,
and we'd like some privacy with her.
I was, uh, just leaving anyway.
[door slides open, closed]
[door slides open]
- [Betsy] You're Mark, right?
- Yeah.
Sorry, I-I didn't mean to just walk away.
You're here, so you must
know that Samantha has powers?
Yeah, I know.
We were always worried
that something like this
well, exactly like this
would happen.
I-If there's anything I can do,
just let me know.
Oh, that's very kind of you.
The doctor said she's optimistic.
Samantha's injuries aren't as severe
as they could have been.
- That's good.
- You know, it's funny
Oh, no, it's not funny.
No, that's a horrible thing to say.
It's ironic.
That still doesn't seem right.
Oh, shoot.
There was a girl who lived
across the street from us. Valerie.
She and Samantha played together
when they were younger,
but then drifted apart.
We hadn't heard much about
Valerie for years now, but, well,
I just saw on the news last night
that she
She wasn't out fighting anyone
or putting herself in any danger,
but she's dead.
And our little girl is alive.
Oh, I'm sorry, dear.
I don't mean to be so morbid, I-I just
[Adam clears throat]
I should probably go.
[back-up alarm beeping]
[Immortal groaning]
[doctor] He's starting to revive now.
Immortal, can you hear me?
[Kate crying]
- I'm so happy to see you.
- Me, too.
We're glad to have you back, Immortal.
No, I'm done.
I've given this world enough.
Kate, I want to start a family
with you.
[chuckling] Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Yes! Oh, my God.
I love you so much.
Of course yes.
I love you.
Immortal and Dupli-Kate are retiring,
Darkwing is missing and presumed dead.
Monster Girl is in intensive care.
Most other heroes are injured
or out of action.
And I don't think our enemies
will be kind enough
to take a break while we rebuild.
- What about Rex?
- [Robot] Rex is dead.
I don't know what you're proposing, Cecil.
- I want you to lead the Guardians.
- What? No!
There's no way I'm qualified for that.
And I thought I made it clear
that I'm done working for you.
You stood up to me, Mark.
That means something.
It means I'm the wrong guy for the job.
And Eve's still recovering.
Look, if something big comes up, call me.
Otherwise, I'll be helping
with the cleanup.
I'll walk you out.
If you're going for the hard sell,
I'm not in the mood.
[Cecil] No one is.
- What?
- Look, kid, we've had our differences,
but we're still on the same side.
We're still trying to save lives.
And we're still the good guys.
So if you need someone to talk to
You're the last person
I want to talk to right now.
[contemplative music playing]

Got another one over here.
[loud whoosh]
[Conquest] Stand ready
for my arrival, worm.
[dramatic music playing]
You were given orders.
You were given time.
You were given more leeway than most,
and yet, I find this planet
unprepared for the arrival
of our Viltrum Empire.
This isn't a good time.
The Empire anticipated your resistance,
which is why they sent me.
I am Conquest,
and I am your last chance
to fulfill your duty.
You don't understand.
All this?
This is my fault.
So the only thing I want to do right now
is hit something as hard as I can.
[exciting music playing]
Mm. Good.
[crying out]
[music ends]
Previous Episode