Reacher (2022) s03e07 Episode Script
L.A. Story
Previously on Reacher
[DUFFY] You were
face-to-face with the guy.
- You could've killed him.
- Wasn't the time.
[DUFFY] Because you found
out Teresa's still alive?
Is that the cop you killed at my school?
[REACHER] Those people
back there were DEA agents.
They asked me to help
them find a missing woman
that worked for your father.
[QUINN] Some army punk
and a PI in Chicago
accessed files on my guys.
Both in the 110th Special Investigators.
- Reacher was in the 110th.
- Go put a bullet
in his fucking head!
[REACHER] Need you to come
get me. My cover's blown.
A couple of professional bad
guys just took a run at me.
Said he was sent by
somebody named Costopoulos.
- Do it again!
- [QUINN] No! Please!
I'll give you anything.
I want a matching set.
- [REACHER] Teresa's on the Sweet Marie.
- Where is she now?
- [HARLEY] They moved her somewhere so McCabe
could watch her himself.
[DUFFY] That's our last lead
burning up out there.
[REACHER] That's not exactly true.
Pack your sunscreen, Duffy.
We're going to Los Angeles.
Hey, well, I'm the friendly
stranger in the black sedan ♪
Won't you hop inside my car? ♪
I got pictures, got candy ♪
This isn't the way to the airport.
Uh, I got to run an errand first.
What kind of errand?
- I got to see somebody.
- Who?
What are you, a fucking
owl? I got to run an errand.
How do you know your way
around Boston so well?
Been to Fenway a few times.
Sox fan?
- Yankees.
- Fuck you.
Great God in heaven,
you know I love you ♪
[WOMAN] Who is it?
It's Susan, Mrs. D.
Hello, sweetheart. I'm in my housecoat.
- It's early. Is everything okay?
- Yeah, no, I'm sorry.
I was passing through and
I just wanted to check in.
- Who's the tall drink of water?
- He's a counselor at the clinic with me.
Oh. Come in.
You're doing God's work. Mister
Just Reacher.
Any news on my granddaughter?
We're making progress.
Whole community is out looking
for Teresa, day and night.
She was doing so well, too.
A relapse like this took her mother.
But she didn't have Susan Duffy
looking out for her, that's for sure.
You hungry? I know you
like chowder for breakfast.
Oh, you're too much.
Come on, I'll put some Folgers on.
- Ain't coming back ♪
To this one-room shack ♪
You take your pills today?
Soon as I got up.
The doctor said, "With food."
I take 'em with food, I get gas.
So, how long you two been an item?
Our relationship is
strictly professional.
Oh, like hell it is.
Your Irish is showing.
You need to get your
eyes checked, old lady.
Yeah, I'm old.
So I know a thing or
two about a thing or two.
Like when young people got a connection.
I see it in how he looks
at you and you at him.
Lock this one down.
She's a good egg.
Like my Teresa.
She just wants me for my body.
You ever seen a face like that?
Some beor, huh?
She's beautiful, Ms. Daniel.
[MRS. DANIEL] And a stand-up kid.
You know, back when
she was in third grade,
all the kickballs went
missing from the gym.
And Teresa took the rap
so her friend Mikey Gilemi wouldn't
get in trouble for stealing 'em.
The principal grilled her for an hour.
But my granddaughter's no rat.
She's a good shit.
Kid has her troubles.
But she'll get through.
She'll come back to me.
You'll track her down.
Yes, ma'am.
I will bring her home.
- [NEAGLEY] Morning.
Who sent you?
You did.
When two of your friends
tried to kill me last night.
Turn around.
You're, uh, you're Ms. Neagley.
And you're dead, unless you tell me
who ordered the hit, Mr. Costopoulos.
Julius McCabe?
That a question?
Were you maybe gonna say Xavier Quinn?
There's only a few people
left alive who know that name.
About to be one less unless you
tell me where to find your boss.
Let me explain your situation.
It's early. All your
neighbors are asleep.
Soon they'll hear a gunshot.
By the time they get to the
window and look outside, I'm gone.
I have no ties to you, my gun's clean
and I've got a program on my laptop
that'll make it look I was at home
searching for end tables
on Wayfair when you died.
So the only thing stopping
me from killing you
is my patience.
Look, he-he's not my boss anymore,
but I was Quinn's fixer
back when he was set up here.
- He was in Chicago?
- Till, like, five years ago.
Took over a family-run export business,
but shit went really pear-shaped.
- How?
- Uh, family'd had enough.
Threatened to talk to the authorities
if Quinn didn't leave them alone,
so they all turned up dead.
Even the kids.
And then?
He found another business he
could muscle his way in on,
out in Portland fucking Maine.
What business?
Bizarre Bazaar.
Gunrunner passed himself off
as some kind of carpet king.
Quinn probably figured, you
know, the guy's already dirty,
so he's less likely to snitch.
But if he's hiring out hits,
then something's gone wrong.
Yeah, he's cleaning up before
raising his anchor again.
And that family out in
Maine is about to get bodied,
just like the one in Chicago.
Bizarre Bazaar. Portland.
Dead family. Got it.
So, you gonna shoot me?
Right in front of children?
Next time you want to
kill me, send more guys.
- [DUFFY] Five feet to the left
and that pole camera'd be on public land
and all this would've been admissible.
Details matter.
I'm gonna go through the floor ♪
He's not exactly trying
to hide his line of work.
Car, clothes, firepower
all right out of the
drug kingpin handbook.
[DUFFY] Yep.
Darien makes it and likes to spend it.
He's a smart little fuck, too.
Cuts his junk with just
enough crap to amp up profits
and laces it with just enough
fentanyl to make it more addictive.
I've personally seen
a half a dozen 15-year-olds
in Hawaiian Gardens
blue and bloated from his product.
- Any competitors?
- Hardly, anymore.
The competition he did have
has all mysteriously died
of projectile lead poisoning
from weapons supplied by Beck and Quinn.
He's got the firepower of a small army.
And he never pulls the trigger.
Has only two convictions,
when he was, like, 20:
assault with a deadly
weapon and battery.
Quinn's selling some serious machinery.
Even with admissible evidence,
an arrest could be a bloodbath.
Darien could get away or catch a bullet,
and we need him alive and talking.
You have any more tapes?
Mm. Some, but it's
worth next to nothing.
Early on, Eliot and I followed
his movements around town,
but it was pretty obvious
he wasn't gonna carry product in
city limits, only out in the boonies.
So we nixed the tail after a few days,
but we learned a few things.
He keeps a tight routine.
Takes lunch
at the same upscale douchey bar.
- [REACHER] Rolls with plenty of bodyguards.
- Mm-hmm.
Can you make that bigger?
That's what she said.
Right there. You see that?
Yeah. What does that mean?
That means we got him.
- I learned it all the hard way ♪
- [REACHER] Okay.
See you soon. I owe you one.
That I've repented for my sins ♪
Yes, I do.
Your contact's game?
Good to go.
Fuckin' A.
I can't wait to see Darien's face
when we lay it all out for that prick.
You know, cons all get that same look.
The one your boyfriend makes
when you pull up your cousin
Rhonda's texts on his phone.
- That's specific.
- Yeah. My ex was a piece of work.
Oh, baby ♪
So's my cousin Rhonda.
If he cheated on you, he's an idiot.
The hard way ♪
This is my true
confession, darling ♪
Yeah, well
scratch a guy from Fort
Point, find an asshole.
So, for real chances we
have good news for Mrs. Daniel?
If everything goes according to
plan tomorrow, our odds of success go
from zero to 25%.
So, pretty good.
One in four? That's good?
If someone told you you had a 25% chance
of winning the lottery,
you'd buy a ticket.
Okay, but odds of success for what
finding Teresa or taking out Quinn?
Oh, baby, I've learned it all ♪
Teresa won't take a back seat to Quinn.
Not anymore. You have my word.
What changed your mind?
You did.
I've seen the way you work.
I've seen what your priorities are.
You're selfless, you have integrity.
So if Teresa's important to
you, she's important to me.
I can't guarantee anything.
You gonna have troubles
you ain't never ♪
But I wouldn't say it
if I didn't mean it.
Yes, if you hear my voice ♪
Hopefully that makes you
feel better about the odds.
Please believe, this time ♪
You really want to make me feel better?
Oh ♪
I got an idea.
I've learned it all ♪
Wait. Wait.
I thought you said we
couldn't do this again.
That was before.
Before what?
I saw who you really are.
And my pillow'd be so wet with tears ♪
Thinking about my baby ♪
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby ♪
Can't you see that I
love you, little girl ♪
Oh, sometimes ♪
I walk the streets
all night in the rain ♪
Looking for my baby ♪
Wait till you try this.
It's like kissing the devil.
[DUFFY] Wow. They don't serve
drinks like that in Worcester.
They charge extra for the douchiness?
[DARIEN] What branch of the government
we have with us here today, hmm?
We're with the GUD. Stands
for "get up, dickhead."
You and I both know that
I don't have to do that.
'Cause I don't see a warrant.
No paper, no cooperation.
Well, fine.
But you didn't have
to shove her over it.
Fuck you talking about, "shove"?
You just stood up and pushed a DEA agent
who simply wanted to
ask you a few questions.
That's what my report'll
say. That's a federal felony.
We can arrest you right now,
jam you up for years with court
dates and expensive lawyers.
We'll lie our asses off to
make sure you're convicted.
Might even do a few months inside.
you can come with us,
have a conversation.
That's some dirty shit.
Really? This is your plan my gallery?
Think you're gonna find something here?
It's been searched a dozen
times, police ain't found shit.
Unlock it before I
open it with your head.
I've seen money laundered through bars,
massage parlors, even
a petting zoo once,
but this is some
high-class shit, Darien.
[DARIEN] Glad you appreciate it.
And this is a legitimate business.
I don't know anything
about money laundering.
[REACHER] Are you familiar with
18 U.S. Code Section 3559-C?
Also known as the federal
"three strikes" law?
Let me dumb it down for you.
You commit three
serious violent felonies
and it's a mandatory life sentence.
You already have two priors.
Well, looks like you're
one short, so fuck you.
Pretty tough talk.
I'd fight you, but I'd never
beat up someone who's handicapped.
Is that your car?
You know it is.
That your handicap
placard in the windshield?
[CHUCKLES] Wait, is that
what you got on me
- some parking violations?
- [REACHER] It's a little more than that.
We tracked down the doctor
who attested to your
Seems you threatened him with violence
if he didn't say that you had
severe arthritis in both knees.
That's obtaining something
through threat of force,
also known as extortion,
also known as a violent felony.
One, two, three strikes.
You're fucked, asshole.
That's bullshit!
I didn't threaten that
doctor. I asked him
- and he did it.
- Yeah, that's what he said.
Then I threatened him with
loss of his medical license
and a federal wire fraud charge
since he emailed his
affidavit to the DMV.
He changed his tune. He'll say
whatever we tell him to say.
Only person doing the
extortion here is you.
Now he's getting it.
So, you spend the rest of your existence
in prison or you do us a favor.
What kind of favor?
Yeah, tomorrow morning.
No. No way I'm jumping on a red-eye
with seven figures in a duffel bag.
I have someone in Baltimore
that will drive up.
Meet you 10:00 a.m. with the
cash. Same place as last time.
Look, I don't want to hear any excuses.
I'm in the middle of a war
here and I need what I need.
Pleasure doing business
with you, Mr. Beck.
We're good now? Get
the fuck out of here.
I don't think so.
Send 'em in.
- We had a deal, man.
[REACHER] About the fake parking pass.
Not about what they find in here.
Nothing turns up, you don't
have anything to worry about.
But any purchase orders, deposit
slips, withdrawal receipts
that don't trace back to
crystal-clear sources
well, you might want to call a lawyer.
There's the face!
There's the Cousin
Rhonda face, right there.
[VILLANUEVA] What if Beck doesn't show?
Quinn needs money. He'll make Beck show.
Got tuned up on that houseboat?
Naw, it's just a rug burn.
Well, how do you get
a rug burn on your
You're shitting me.
You two were supposed
to be working in L.A.
We set this whole thing
up, so shut it, old man.
[REACHER] Beck's here.
[DUFFY] What's all that on him?
Quinn's punishment.
- Shit.
- I still think
me or Duff should be handling this.
Harley could tell you were feds
from a quick glance in a dark warehouse.
In daylight, might as well be
wearing a badge around your neck.
Here we go.
Hello, Mr. Beck.
Just keep acting like we're
making a gun deal, okay?
Reacher sent me. Only
way he could get to you.
That son of a bitch got my ear cut off.
Why would I want to have
anything to do with him?
Because you and Richard
are dead if you don't.
Got your attention? Good.
Your boss, McCabe his
real name's Xavier Quinn.
Before he came to
Maine, he had taken over
a business like yours in Chicago.
Soon as he felt threatened, he killed
the entire family that owned it,
created a new identity and disappeared.
And he's about to do the same
thing to you and your kid now.
- How do I know you
- That I'm legit?
Quinn ever mention a PI in
Chicago that he tried to kill?
- I'm her.
- No shit.
Reacher needs to know when and
where the big buy is happening
so he can take care of Quinn
before Quinn takes care of you.
Look, I don't know anymore.
McCabe or Quinn
he moved it after we found
out Reacher was a plant.
He won't tell you the new plan?
I brought two undercover
feds into the house.
He doesn't trust me.
He says I should just put
on my little birthday hat
- and focus on my party.
- What party?
My birthday. Quinn
won't let me cancel it.
He thinks now that feds are watching,
something out of the ordinary
like pulling the plug at the last
minute is gonna put them on alert.
So, I'm sorry, but
there's nothing I can do.
Then I guess you're of no use to us.
Good luck.
Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
You have to get us out.
McCabe made my son play
Russian roulette in front of me.
So I can only imagine
what he would do to Richard
if he found out that I betrayed him.
You don't betray him,
you won't have to imagine.
You both know too much to be kept alive.
Reacher is your last hope.
Look, all I know is that
the buyers are flying in
sometime today from Yemen.
It's a private airfield somewhere
nearby. I don't know which.
- How long are they in town?
- No idea.
I've been relegated to "need to know."
Wel, then make it so you need to know.
Find out when and where the
buyers are getting the guns
and the woman Quinn's holding.
What, the girl?
I've got no clue where
they're keeping her.
I know.
Reacher thought you did, his hands
would be around your neck by now.
Hey. What about Darien?
McCabe's expecting me
to come back with cash.
Tell him I tried to renegotiate
the price and you walked.
Now get back before your
driver gets suspicious.
Best-case scenario here
I'll survive, I'll spend
the rest of my life in prison.
But I need one thing to be clear.
My son had nothing to
do with any of this.
He's clean.
Reacher knows.
Your son has nothing to worry about.
People have been looking for you.
If it weren't so important
to keep you all nice for the buyers
could've had you all to myself.
Use you up.
Then cut off all your pretty pieces.
Then dump you in the riptide
like chum when the fun's over.
You got no idea how lucky you are
you have red hair.
Man. Haven't eaten since my flight.
Well, I know lobster rolls
aren't a good tradeoff
for helping us out today,
but it's the least I could do.
I've been helping Reacher for
years. He never bought me lunch.
You never asked.
You know, I'm starting to get why
so many people try to kill you.
[VILLANUEVA] So, we got
a massive gun shipment
going to one set of buyers
from an unstable country
with poor U.S. relations.
That about sums it up?
It's for a terrorist strike.
It'll be ambitious and
it'll be here at home.
- What makes you think that?
- Beck's an expert at shipping logistics.
Quinn could easily
have him drop the guns
right at the buyer's doorstep.
Only reason that wouldn't be done
Is if the guns are already
where you're gonna use 'em.
Exactly. Right here in the U.S.
My brother Joe once told
me Homeland estimates
there's a few hundred sleeper
cells spread out across the U.S.
at any given time.
Yemeni buyers distribute Beck's
weapons to a few sleepers,
they could hit convention
centers, stadiums, airports.
- Simultaneously timed attacks in crowded areas.
- Total carnage.
All Beck knows as of now is that
they land today at a private airstrip.
I'm betting on Sanford
Regional Airfield.
Bushes use it when they
come to Kennebunkport.
It's discreet and willing to
turn a blind eye on regulations.
We could hunt down a flight manifest.
I mean, how many private planes
will be coming in from Yemen today?
Any friends at the FAA?
I'll make some calls.
You told me Quinn was dead.
So how'd he end up alive?
Small-caliber bullet,
cold water, bad luck.
When the wrong people are
underground, it always hurts.
I never met Kohl, your
first protégé, but
I know how you felt about her.
I felt about her the
same way I feel about you.
These aren't counterfeiters in
Margrave or ex-cops in New York.
Quinn and his men are trained soldiers
with a stockpile of badass guns
- that can rip us in half.
- Yep.
Just wanted to say it out loud.
'Cause it's making you reconsider?
'Cause it should.
'Cause I want you to
know I know the risks.
I'd already tracked down Costopoulos
so I could find out where you were.
So when I called you to meet Beck
My plane ticket to
Portland was already booked.
I was coming one way or another.
I'm sorry they came after
you and got you involved.
I was involved the moment
they came after you.
Speaking of involvement
I think Duffy should sit this one out.
I can always tell when you've
caught feelings for someone.
Just saying, she might get hurt.
I like her 'cause she doesn't
care she might get hurt.
Besides, there's no
getting her to back down.
She's got her own
reasons for being here.
And the old guy?
No knees, no back.
All heart.
So, this is our team.
This is our team.
[BECK] Richie.
Oh, hey, Dad.
Wh I thought you were working today.
What'd you put under that cloth?
Um, nothing, I'm just cleaning up.
You hiding something from me?
Tell me what's under the cloth, Rich.
'Cause from where I'm standing,
it looked an awful lot like a gun.
- Uh
- And the last thing I need right now
- is my son doing something stupid.
- Wait, Dad, wait
It's the same kind you
had when you were a kid.
It got damaged here,
but I, uh, fixed it.
It's gonna take a day for
the epoxy to fully set, but
I got it when I was four.
I'd run around the woods
all day with this thing.
Like a real Western hero.
You were like that,
too, when you were four.
You were the happiest kid.
Then, after your mom died
it's like a light went out in you.
You got so quiet.
You just broke.
I'm just realizing now that
maybe that's why I've
been such a son of a bitch.
Such a bad father.
Yeah. You were.
But you're not you're not a bad man.
I was a bastard to you,
ever since getting
wrapped up with McCabe.
I was cruel.
Cold. Distant.
I did it on purpose, Richie.
You know, if losing
a wonderful mother
damaged you so much,
well, maybe it wouldn't be so
bad, losing someone like me.
I know that's screwed-up
logic, you know,
but no one gets training
on how to be a dad
unless you get it from
your own dad, you know?
Uh, I didn't.
I didn't.
I just didn't want you
to hurt after I was gone,
like you did when your mother passed.
'Cause, honestly, I never saw myself
getting out of this situation alive.
Don't say that.
Instead of pushing you away,
I should've pulled you closer to me.
You're such a good person, Rich.
You're everything that
I ever wanted in a son.
I'm sorry
I caused you so much hurt.
But I promise you,
I will never let them hurt you again.
I love it.
Come here.
I love you, son. I love you.
- [REACHER] The FAA check out?
- On the money.
The buyers are moving.
Just got off the horn
with the storehouse.
All's ready for the buy.
Head over there now and count
inventory while my guys load the trucks.
Though you still haven't told me
where or when to send them out.
Salvage Yard, 9:00.
During the party?
There'll be time for cake
with Richie after the buy.
Richard will be at the movies.
Kid his age, he doesn't want to hang out
with a bunch of old people, you know?
Let me be clear.
My bargaining chip stays
in this house at the party,
where my guys can keep an eye
on him till this is all over.
You don't need a bargaining chip.
I'll just do what you
tell me, like always.
Why do you want him out of here so bad?
You're not thinking of
fucking me over, are you?
No. Why would I even
I'll make sure he stays here.
get the fuck out of my office.
Buyers made it to some place
called the Martine Inn and Spa.
[REACHER] Okay, good. Stay with them.
Until Beck hopefully comes through?
Even if he does, Quinn's slippery,
so we got to play this smart.
Attack the problem from both
sides: buyers and sellers.
- Got to go.
I got the details from McCabe.
Okay, I'm ready.
The buy's happening at
Bullhead Salvage Yard,
outside of town, 9:00
p.m., during my party.
Any chance to belittle me, he takes it.
I trust you. Wouldn't be
talking to you if I didn't.
But if this goes bad,
Rich and I are dead.
Quinn will be taken down.
[DUFFY] Bullhead Salvage.
Not too far from here.
We got some time. We
should scout the location.
Figure out where we're gonna set up.
I asked a question.
Villy and I have been talking,
and we think we should
bring the ATF in on this.
It's gonna be a lot of guns
and we'll be way outnumbered.
We've always known that.
And we've always known we'd need
help when the time eventually came.
We were hoping you'd
come around on your own.
Reacher, we need to give
ourselves the best possible chance
of saving Teresa and keeping the
guns out of the buyers' hands.
You don't need to remind
me what's at stake here.
Based on that conversation
with Beck, it sounds like I do.
'Cause I didn't hear any mention
of stopping terrorists or saving a girl.
I just heard "Quinn."
I'll keep my promise.
Teresa will be found. But
Quinn killed my friend.
Mine, too. Eliot's as dead as Kohl is.
As is an ATF agent.
At this stage, they
need to be made aware.
They'll never let me take down Quinn,
and that's the only reason
I agreed to do any of this.
Quinn will face justice
for what he's done.
He strung Kohl up like a piece of meat
and bled her out like livestock.
I don't want justice.
I want vengeance.
Yeah, well, between the two
of us, there's only one badge.
I'm setting up a sit-down with the ATF.
You don't like it? Don't come.
I'm getting coffee.
Your delay in giving us this information
is a level of impropriety I've
never encountered in my career.
We were trying to protect a
C.I., sir. An innocent civilian.
One of our own was just killed.
And we're just finding out about it now.
I didn't know your agent
but, given the risk she
took going undercover,
I have to believe she
would have wanted us
to see the case through as well.
No, you didn't know her.
I did.
Tonight's buy
where's it taking place?
Uh, we were given this location.
We'll send a team out there
and handle any follow-up investigation.
ASAC Wolcott, take lead.
[WOLCOTT] Yes, sir.
Hey, wait a minute, wait
a Ho-Hold on. Hold on.
We wanted to bring the ATF
in on this case with us,
not to hand it over.
This is a weapons case.
You never should have been
on it in the first place.
It's also a case you wouldn't even have
without us serving up this bust to
you like fries and a fucking Coke.
We've done all the legwork here.
It was done illegally, off the books.
You're floating, Agent Duffy.
No legs to stand on.
Oh, that's cute. Fine.
But we lost an agent
on this, just like you.
Steven Eliot was a good young
man. I put him on this case
and he's never going
home on account of that.
And it's my CI who's
still in danger, sir.
You will be at least 50 yards off point,
in the surveillance van.
Observation only.
No permission to engage.
Yes, sir.
Not all of Quinn's men will be there.
Some will be at a party at Beck's house
keeping guard over Richard, his son,
to incentivize Beck
to get the deal done.
You need to send some people there.
And you are?
[DUFFY] We had him on
the inside at Beck's.
He's a former military investigator.
So what are you doing here now?
Wasting my time.
He didn't want us to involve you.
Why not?
[REACHER] The man behind this,
Xavier Quinn,
he was mine before he was yours.
Or theirs.
He got away over a decade ago,
but I was promised I'd be
the one to take him down now.
I didn't promise you anything.
This Quinn or McCabe or whoever he is
he's ours.
You can hang out in the surveillance
van with your DEA buddies.
Your other option is to fuck off.
He'll wait in the van with us.
Once we handle the
arrests at point of sale,
we'll go directly to Beck's
and clean up the rest of your mess.
I'm sure you were aware what
would happen to your careers
when you decided to walk in here today.
Because, as you can imagine,
I have no choice but to
put in a call to the DEA
regarding your conduct on this case.
Agent Sears, I'm the senior
officer to Agent Duffy.
She was only following my orders.
Shut up, Guillermo.
Every decision that
led to this was my call.
The heat's mine.
I wouldn't worry.
There'll be plenty of heat to go around.
- Take this, too.
- Got it.
You're mad at me.
I'm mad Quinn's getting away with it.
He's not.
They're gonna arrest him and
he'll get what he deserves.
No. He'll get food, TV,
blanket and a cot not
much worse than this bed.
That's more than he deserves.
He deserves pain.
You know, when he gets locked up,
I bet the Russians he owes money to
take him out on the inside.
You don't want anyone else
to do it but you.
You want to look him in the eyes
the moment you know he's dying.
I want my Cousin Rhonda moment.
I know.
But that can't happen
at Teresa's expense.
What did your old boss
Garber used to say?
"Never get distracted from
the exact job at hand."
Well, my exact job at hand is Teresa.
I can't let her become my Kohl.
Can you understand that?
Then thank you.
Hey, Latham.
How much longer is this gonna take?
Thirty, 40 minutes.
Okay, the exchange is at 9:00.
Make sure the trucks aren't late.
- I'll meet you over there.
- Why?
You got somewhere more important to be?
Yeah, I got to get dressed.
It's my fucking birthday.
- Need a hand?
- Yeah, thanks.
Let me see.
- What?
Nah, sometimes it just hits me
how much you look like your mother.
So, listen.
I got to step out for a while.
What? The party's about to start.
Uh, guests'll be showing up soon.
I have no choice.
Will you be okay?
It's the end of all of this.
But I need you to do something for me.
Tonight, 9:00,
I want you to come back up to
your room here and lock the door.
- Can you do that for me?
- [SIGHS] Dad, I
- Richard.
Please, can you do that? 9:00.
Yeah, okay.
I love you, son.
Touching, but you're needed elsewhere.
- [WOLCOTT] Moran, check in.
- [MORAN] On your call.
- Martinez.
- [MARTINEZ] Standing by.
- Harris?
- [HARRIS] Ready.
- Breslin.
- [BRESLIN] Ready here.
- Kimmick.
- [KIMMICK] Copy.
No engagement until my signal
on visual confirmation of the package.
Hey, remember, we need eyes on
Teresa before any shots are fired.
We'll do everything we can.
That's not good enough.
She's counting on us.
The moment we can get to Teresa,
I will personally move her to safety.
[MORAN] We've got company.
Copy. Oscar Mike.
[DUFFY] Okay, that'll be the guns.
And Beck and Quinn and Teresa.
We're almost home.
- [VILLANUEVA] Where you going?
- Getting some air.
He's pissed.
Can't say that I blame him.
Are you shitting me?
You should go back to the van.
You said you understood my position.
I do understand it. I
just don't agree with it.
Don't pull Reacher
semantics bullshit with me.
Duffy, I respect you professionally
and I like you personally.
But Quinn's gonna step out of
that car right into my crosshairs
and he's not getting away again.
So, this is how you do things, huh?
You tell me what I want to
hear, then you go to a gun shop
and buy a sniper rifle when you say
you're stepping out to get coffee?
It was a pawn shop.
The ATF won't let you
get away with this.
You'll have feds on your
ass the rest of your life.
You'll have to bounce from town to town,
always on the move, forever.
Doesn't really affect me
then, does it? Now, unless
you think you can get
this gun out of my hands
without killing me, step back.
Everything okay?
The second this is over you need
to dump your phone's SIM cards,
wipe your servers and delete anything
that connects you to
me for the past week.
'Cause you're about to do something
that'll piss off a lot of people
in the federal government?
'Cause I'm about to do something
I don't want you connected to.
Buyers are here. I got to go.
Peel off and do what I said.
What do you mean, "the buyers are here?"
I'm still following them right now.
Black SUV just pulled up.
Whoever it is, it's not the buyers.
Been on them since they left the hotel.
Heading down some two-lane forest road
with my lights off for
about seven, eight miles now.
The road you're on does
it follow the coastline?
Yeah. Why?
They're headed to Beck's house.
That's where the deal's taking place.
Don't let 'em see you.
Stay close to the compound in
case they try to leave with Teresa.
I don't follow.
Quinn's not here. It's a trap.
Embodying ordinary awareness ♪
Not out solely to impress ♪
A self-"eulogizing" propagandist ♪
A lazy poet you just can't resist ♪
A John Lee Hooker evangelist ♪
A Louis-Ferdinand Céline apologist ♪
Embracing failure, not success ♪
Finding all your
bullshit hard to digest ♪
Abandon God's trees,
a shroud and a mist ♪
Labeled a full-time plagiarist ♪
But pretty original ♪
Nevertheless ♪
Reciting a code, code recesser ♪
At the back of class,
feigning interest ♪
Going through the motions but
never quite getting the gist ♪
An abused little boy
with a hollowed-out chest ♪
But a 40-year-old man once possessed ♪
Still looking for God's kind caress ♪
Described by the police
as a person of interest ♪
A Billie Holiday protectionist ♪
A Robert Johnson pathologist ♪
Labeled a full-time plagiarist ♪
But pretty original ♪
Nevertheless ♪
Previously on Reacher
[DUFFY] You were
face-to-face with the guy.
- You could've killed him.
- Wasn't the time.
[DUFFY] Because you found
out Teresa's still alive?
Is that the cop you killed at my school?
[REACHER] Those people
back there were DEA agents.
They asked me to help
them find a missing woman
that worked for your father.
[QUINN] Some army punk
and a PI in Chicago
accessed files on my guys.
Both in the 110th Special Investigators.
- Reacher was in the 110th.
- Go put a bullet
in his fucking head!
[REACHER] Need you to come
get me. My cover's blown.
A couple of professional bad
guys just took a run at me.
Said he was sent by
somebody named Costopoulos.
- Do it again!
- [QUINN] No! Please!
I'll give you anything.
I want a matching set.
- [REACHER] Teresa's on the Sweet Marie.
- Where is she now?
- [HARLEY] They moved her somewhere so McCabe
could watch her himself.
[DUFFY] That's our last lead
burning up out there.
[REACHER] That's not exactly true.
Pack your sunscreen, Duffy.
We're going to Los Angeles.
Hey, well, I'm the friendly
stranger in the black sedan ♪
Won't you hop inside my car? ♪
I got pictures, got candy ♪
This isn't the way to the airport.
Uh, I got to run an errand first.
What kind of errand?
- I got to see somebody.
- Who?
What are you, a fucking
owl? I got to run an errand.
How do you know your way
around Boston so well?
Been to Fenway a few times.
Sox fan?
- Yankees.
- Fuck you.
Great God in heaven,
you know I love you ♪
[WOMAN] Who is it?
It's Susan, Mrs. D.
Hello, sweetheart. I'm in my housecoat.
- It's early. Is everything okay?
- Yeah, no, I'm sorry.
I was passing through and
I just wanted to check in.
- Who's the tall drink of water?
- He's a counselor at the clinic with me.
Oh. Come in.
You're doing God's work. Mister
Just Reacher.
Any news on my granddaughter?
We're making progress.
Whole community is out looking
for Teresa, day and night.
She was doing so well, too.
A relapse like this took her mother.
But she didn't have Susan Duffy
looking out for her, that's for sure.
You hungry? I know you
like chowder for breakfast.
Oh, you're too much.
Come on, I'll put some Folgers on.
- Ain't coming back ♪
To this one-room shack ♪
You take your pills today?
Soon as I got up.
The doctor said, "With food."
I take 'em with food, I get gas.
So, how long you two been an item?
Our relationship is
strictly professional.
Oh, like hell it is.
Your Irish is showing.
You need to get your
eyes checked, old lady.
Yeah, I'm old.
So I know a thing or
two about a thing or two.
Like when young people got a connection.
I see it in how he looks
at you and you at him.
Lock this one down.
She's a good egg.
Like my Teresa.
She just wants me for my body.
You ever seen a face like that?
Some beor, huh?
She's beautiful, Ms. Daniel.
[MRS. DANIEL] And a stand-up kid.
You know, back when
she was in third grade,
all the kickballs went
missing from the gym.
And Teresa took the rap
so her friend Mikey Gilemi wouldn't
get in trouble for stealing 'em.
The principal grilled her for an hour.
But my granddaughter's no rat.
She's a good shit.
Kid has her troubles.
But she'll get through.
She'll come back to me.
You'll track her down.
Yes, ma'am.
I will bring her home.
- [NEAGLEY] Morning.
Who sent you?
You did.
When two of your friends
tried to kill me last night.
Turn around.
You're, uh, you're Ms. Neagley.
And you're dead, unless you tell me
who ordered the hit, Mr. Costopoulos.
Julius McCabe?
That a question?
Were you maybe gonna say Xavier Quinn?
There's only a few people
left alive who know that name.
About to be one less unless you
tell me where to find your boss.
Let me explain your situation.
It's early. All your
neighbors are asleep.
Soon they'll hear a gunshot.
By the time they get to the
window and look outside, I'm gone.
I have no ties to you, my gun's clean
and I've got a program on my laptop
that'll make it look I was at home
searching for end tables
on Wayfair when you died.
So the only thing stopping
me from killing you
is my patience.
Look, he-he's not my boss anymore,
but I was Quinn's fixer
back when he was set up here.
- He was in Chicago?
- Till, like, five years ago.
Took over a family-run export business,
but shit went really pear-shaped.
- How?
- Uh, family'd had enough.
Threatened to talk to the authorities
if Quinn didn't leave them alone,
so they all turned up dead.
Even the kids.
And then?
He found another business he
could muscle his way in on,
out in Portland fucking Maine.
What business?
Bizarre Bazaar.
Gunrunner passed himself off
as some kind of carpet king.
Quinn probably figured, you
know, the guy's already dirty,
so he's less likely to snitch.
But if he's hiring out hits,
then something's gone wrong.
Yeah, he's cleaning up before
raising his anchor again.
And that family out in
Maine is about to get bodied,
just like the one in Chicago.
Bizarre Bazaar. Portland.
Dead family. Got it.
So, you gonna shoot me?
Right in front of children?
Next time you want to
kill me, send more guys.
- [DUFFY] Five feet to the left
and that pole camera'd be on public land
and all this would've been admissible.
Details matter.
I'm gonna go through the floor ♪
He's not exactly trying
to hide his line of work.
Car, clothes, firepower
all right out of the
drug kingpin handbook.
[DUFFY] Yep.
Darien makes it and likes to spend it.
He's a smart little fuck, too.
Cuts his junk with just
enough crap to amp up profits
and laces it with just enough
fentanyl to make it more addictive.
I've personally seen
a half a dozen 15-year-olds
in Hawaiian Gardens
blue and bloated from his product.
- Any competitors?
- Hardly, anymore.
The competition he did have
has all mysteriously died
of projectile lead poisoning
from weapons supplied by Beck and Quinn.
He's got the firepower of a small army.
And he never pulls the trigger.
Has only two convictions,
when he was, like, 20:
assault with a deadly
weapon and battery.
Quinn's selling some serious machinery.
Even with admissible evidence,
an arrest could be a bloodbath.
Darien could get away or catch a bullet,
and we need him alive and talking.
You have any more tapes?
Mm. Some, but it's
worth next to nothing.
Early on, Eliot and I followed
his movements around town,
but it was pretty obvious
he wasn't gonna carry product in
city limits, only out in the boonies.
So we nixed the tail after a few days,
but we learned a few things.
He keeps a tight routine.
Takes lunch
at the same upscale douchey bar.
- [REACHER] Rolls with plenty of bodyguards.
- Mm-hmm.
Can you make that bigger?
That's what she said.
Right there. You see that?
Yeah. What does that mean?
That means we got him.
- I learned it all the hard way ♪
- [REACHER] Okay.
See you soon. I owe you one.
That I've repented for my sins ♪
Yes, I do.
Your contact's game?
Good to go.
Fuckin' A.
I can't wait to see Darien's face
when we lay it all out for that prick.
You know, cons all get that same look.
The one your boyfriend makes
when you pull up your cousin
Rhonda's texts on his phone.
- That's specific.
- Yeah. My ex was a piece of work.
Oh, baby ♪
So's my cousin Rhonda.
If he cheated on you, he's an idiot.
The hard way ♪
This is my true
confession, darling ♪
Yeah, well
scratch a guy from Fort
Point, find an asshole.
So, for real chances we
have good news for Mrs. Daniel?
If everything goes according to
plan tomorrow, our odds of success go
from zero to 25%.
So, pretty good.
One in four? That's good?
If someone told you you had a 25% chance
of winning the lottery,
you'd buy a ticket.
Okay, but odds of success for what
finding Teresa or taking out Quinn?
Oh, baby, I've learned it all ♪
Teresa won't take a back seat to Quinn.
Not anymore. You have my word.
What changed your mind?
You did.
I've seen the way you work.
I've seen what your priorities are.
You're selfless, you have integrity.
So if Teresa's important to
you, she's important to me.
I can't guarantee anything.
You gonna have troubles
you ain't never ♪
But I wouldn't say it
if I didn't mean it.
Yes, if you hear my voice ♪
Hopefully that makes you
feel better about the odds.
Please believe, this time ♪
You really want to make me feel better?
Oh ♪
I got an idea.
I've learned it all ♪
Wait. Wait.
I thought you said we
couldn't do this again.
That was before.
Before what?
I saw who you really are.
And my pillow'd be so wet with tears ♪
Thinking about my baby ♪
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby ♪
Can't you see that I
love you, little girl ♪
Oh, sometimes ♪
I walk the streets
all night in the rain ♪
Looking for my baby ♪
Wait till you try this.
It's like kissing the devil.
[DUFFY] Wow. They don't serve
drinks like that in Worcester.
They charge extra for the douchiness?
[DARIEN] What branch of the government
we have with us here today, hmm?
We're with the GUD. Stands
for "get up, dickhead."
You and I both know that
I don't have to do that.
'Cause I don't see a warrant.
No paper, no cooperation.
Well, fine.
But you didn't have
to shove her over it.
Fuck you talking about, "shove"?
You just stood up and pushed a DEA agent
who simply wanted to
ask you a few questions.
That's what my report'll
say. That's a federal felony.
We can arrest you right now,
jam you up for years with court
dates and expensive lawyers.
We'll lie our asses off to
make sure you're convicted.
Might even do a few months inside.
you can come with us,
have a conversation.
That's some dirty shit.
Really? This is your plan my gallery?
Think you're gonna find something here?
It's been searched a dozen
times, police ain't found shit.
Unlock it before I
open it with your head.
I've seen money laundered through bars,
massage parlors, even
a petting zoo once,
but this is some
high-class shit, Darien.
[DARIEN] Glad you appreciate it.
And this is a legitimate business.
I don't know anything
about money laundering.
[REACHER] Are you familiar with
18 U.S. Code Section 3559-C?
Also known as the federal
"three strikes" law?
Let me dumb it down for you.
You commit three
serious violent felonies
and it's a mandatory life sentence.
You already have two priors.
Well, looks like you're
one short, so fuck you.
Pretty tough talk.
I'd fight you, but I'd never
beat up someone who's handicapped.
Is that your car?
You know it is.
That your handicap
placard in the windshield?
[CHUCKLES] Wait, is that
what you got on me
- some parking violations?
- [REACHER] It's a little more than that.
We tracked down the doctor
who attested to your
Seems you threatened him with violence
if he didn't say that you had
severe arthritis in both knees.
That's obtaining something
through threat of force,
also known as extortion,
also known as a violent felony.
One, two, three strikes.
You're fucked, asshole.
That's bullshit!
I didn't threaten that
doctor. I asked him
- and he did it.
- Yeah, that's what he said.
Then I threatened him with
loss of his medical license
and a federal wire fraud charge
since he emailed his
affidavit to the DMV.
He changed his tune. He'll say
whatever we tell him to say.
Only person doing the
extortion here is you.
Now he's getting it.
So, you spend the rest of your existence
in prison or you do us a favor.
What kind of favor?
Yeah, tomorrow morning.
No. No way I'm jumping on a red-eye
with seven figures in a duffel bag.
I have someone in Baltimore
that will drive up.
Meet you 10:00 a.m. with the
cash. Same place as last time.
Look, I don't want to hear any excuses.
I'm in the middle of a war
here and I need what I need.
Pleasure doing business
with you, Mr. Beck.
We're good now? Get
the fuck out of here.
I don't think so.
Send 'em in.
- We had a deal, man.
[REACHER] About the fake parking pass.
Not about what they find in here.
Nothing turns up, you don't
have anything to worry about.
But any purchase orders, deposit
slips, withdrawal receipts
that don't trace back to
crystal-clear sources
well, you might want to call a lawyer.
There's the face!
There's the Cousin
Rhonda face, right there.
[VILLANUEVA] What if Beck doesn't show?
Quinn needs money. He'll make Beck show.
Got tuned up on that houseboat?
Naw, it's just a rug burn.
Well, how do you get
a rug burn on your
You're shitting me.
You two were supposed
to be working in L.A.
We set this whole thing
up, so shut it, old man.
[REACHER] Beck's here.
[DUFFY] What's all that on him?
Quinn's punishment.
- Shit.
- I still think
me or Duff should be handling this.
Harley could tell you were feds
from a quick glance in a dark warehouse.
In daylight, might as well be
wearing a badge around your neck.
Here we go.
Hello, Mr. Beck.
Just keep acting like we're
making a gun deal, okay?
Reacher sent me. Only
way he could get to you.
That son of a bitch got my ear cut off.
Why would I want to have
anything to do with him?
Because you and Richard
are dead if you don't.
Got your attention? Good.
Your boss, McCabe his
real name's Xavier Quinn.
Before he came to
Maine, he had taken over
a business like yours in Chicago.
Soon as he felt threatened, he killed
the entire family that owned it,
created a new identity and disappeared.
And he's about to do the same
thing to you and your kid now.
- How do I know you
- That I'm legit?
Quinn ever mention a PI in
Chicago that he tried to kill?
- I'm her.
- No shit.
Reacher needs to know when and
where the big buy is happening
so he can take care of Quinn
before Quinn takes care of you.
Look, I don't know anymore.
McCabe or Quinn
he moved it after we found
out Reacher was a plant.
He won't tell you the new plan?
I brought two undercover
feds into the house.
He doesn't trust me.
He says I should just put
on my little birthday hat
- and focus on my party.
- What party?
My birthday. Quinn
won't let me cancel it.
He thinks now that feds are watching,
something out of the ordinary
like pulling the plug at the last
minute is gonna put them on alert.
So, I'm sorry, but
there's nothing I can do.
Then I guess you're of no use to us.
Good luck.
Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
You have to get us out.
McCabe made my son play
Russian roulette in front of me.
So I can only imagine
what he would do to Richard
if he found out that I betrayed him.
You don't betray him,
you won't have to imagine.
You both know too much to be kept alive.
Reacher is your last hope.
Look, all I know is that
the buyers are flying in
sometime today from Yemen.
It's a private airfield somewhere
nearby. I don't know which.
- How long are they in town?
- No idea.
I've been relegated to "need to know."
Wel, then make it so you need to know.
Find out when and where the
buyers are getting the guns
and the woman Quinn's holding.
What, the girl?
I've got no clue where
they're keeping her.
I know.
Reacher thought you did, his hands
would be around your neck by now.
Hey. What about Darien?
McCabe's expecting me
to come back with cash.
Tell him I tried to renegotiate
the price and you walked.
Now get back before your
driver gets suspicious.
Best-case scenario here
I'll survive, I'll spend
the rest of my life in prison.
But I need one thing to be clear.
My son had nothing to
do with any of this.
He's clean.
Reacher knows.
Your son has nothing to worry about.
People have been looking for you.
If it weren't so important
to keep you all nice for the buyers
could've had you all to myself.
Use you up.
Then cut off all your pretty pieces.
Then dump you in the riptide
like chum when the fun's over.
You got no idea how lucky you are
you have red hair.
Man. Haven't eaten since my flight.
Well, I know lobster rolls
aren't a good tradeoff
for helping us out today,
but it's the least I could do.
I've been helping Reacher for
years. He never bought me lunch.
You never asked.
You know, I'm starting to get why
so many people try to kill you.
[VILLANUEVA] So, we got
a massive gun shipment
going to one set of buyers
from an unstable country
with poor U.S. relations.
That about sums it up?
It's for a terrorist strike.
It'll be ambitious and
it'll be here at home.
- What makes you think that?
- Beck's an expert at shipping logistics.
Quinn could easily
have him drop the guns
right at the buyer's doorstep.
Only reason that wouldn't be done
Is if the guns are already
where you're gonna use 'em.
Exactly. Right here in the U.S.
My brother Joe once told
me Homeland estimates
there's a few hundred sleeper
cells spread out across the U.S.
at any given time.
Yemeni buyers distribute Beck's
weapons to a few sleepers,
they could hit convention
centers, stadiums, airports.
- Simultaneously timed attacks in crowded areas.
- Total carnage.
All Beck knows as of now is that
they land today at a private airstrip.
I'm betting on Sanford
Regional Airfield.
Bushes use it when they
come to Kennebunkport.
It's discreet and willing to
turn a blind eye on regulations.
We could hunt down a flight manifest.
I mean, how many private planes
will be coming in from Yemen today?
Any friends at the FAA?
I'll make some calls.
You told me Quinn was dead.
So how'd he end up alive?
Small-caliber bullet,
cold water, bad luck.
When the wrong people are
underground, it always hurts.
I never met Kohl, your
first protégé, but
I know how you felt about her.
I felt about her the
same way I feel about you.
These aren't counterfeiters in
Margrave or ex-cops in New York.
Quinn and his men are trained soldiers
with a stockpile of badass guns
- that can rip us in half.
- Yep.
Just wanted to say it out loud.
'Cause it's making you reconsider?
'Cause it should.
'Cause I want you to
know I know the risks.
I'd already tracked down Costopoulos
so I could find out where you were.
So when I called you to meet Beck
My plane ticket to
Portland was already booked.
I was coming one way or another.
I'm sorry they came after
you and got you involved.
I was involved the moment
they came after you.
Speaking of involvement
I think Duffy should sit this one out.
I can always tell when you've
caught feelings for someone.
Just saying, she might get hurt.
I like her 'cause she doesn't
care she might get hurt.
Besides, there's no
getting her to back down.
She's got her own
reasons for being here.
And the old guy?
No knees, no back.
All heart.
So, this is our team.
This is our team.
[BECK] Richie.
Oh, hey, Dad.
Wh I thought you were working today.
What'd you put under that cloth?
Um, nothing, I'm just cleaning up.
You hiding something from me?
Tell me what's under the cloth, Rich.
'Cause from where I'm standing,
it looked an awful lot like a gun.
- Uh
- And the last thing I need right now
- is my son doing something stupid.
- Wait, Dad, wait
It's the same kind you
had when you were a kid.
It got damaged here,
but I, uh, fixed it.
It's gonna take a day for
the epoxy to fully set, but
I got it when I was four.
I'd run around the woods
all day with this thing.
Like a real Western hero.
You were like that,
too, when you were four.
You were the happiest kid.
Then, after your mom died
it's like a light went out in you.
You got so quiet.
You just broke.
I'm just realizing now that
maybe that's why I've
been such a son of a bitch.
Such a bad father.
Yeah. You were.
But you're not you're not a bad man.
I was a bastard to you,
ever since getting
wrapped up with McCabe.
I was cruel.
Cold. Distant.
I did it on purpose, Richie.
You know, if losing
a wonderful mother
damaged you so much,
well, maybe it wouldn't be so
bad, losing someone like me.
I know that's screwed-up
logic, you know,
but no one gets training
on how to be a dad
unless you get it from
your own dad, you know?
Uh, I didn't.
I didn't.
I just didn't want you
to hurt after I was gone,
like you did when your mother passed.
'Cause, honestly, I never saw myself
getting out of this situation alive.
Don't say that.
Instead of pushing you away,
I should've pulled you closer to me.
You're such a good person, Rich.
You're everything that
I ever wanted in a son.
I'm sorry
I caused you so much hurt.
But I promise you,
I will never let them hurt you again.
I love it.
Come here.
I love you, son. I love you.
- [REACHER] The FAA check out?
- On the money.
The buyers are moving.
Just got off the horn
with the storehouse.
All's ready for the buy.
Head over there now and count
inventory while my guys load the trucks.
Though you still haven't told me
where or when to send them out.
Salvage Yard, 9:00.
During the party?
There'll be time for cake
with Richie after the buy.
Richard will be at the movies.
Kid his age, he doesn't want to hang out
with a bunch of old people, you know?
Let me be clear.
My bargaining chip stays
in this house at the party,
where my guys can keep an eye
on him till this is all over.
You don't need a bargaining chip.
I'll just do what you
tell me, like always.
Why do you want him out of here so bad?
You're not thinking of
fucking me over, are you?
No. Why would I even
I'll make sure he stays here.
get the fuck out of my office.
Buyers made it to some place
called the Martine Inn and Spa.
[REACHER] Okay, good. Stay with them.
Until Beck hopefully comes through?
Even if he does, Quinn's slippery,
so we got to play this smart.
Attack the problem from both
sides: buyers and sellers.
- Got to go.
I got the details from McCabe.
Okay, I'm ready.
The buy's happening at
Bullhead Salvage Yard,
outside of town, 9:00
p.m., during my party.
Any chance to belittle me, he takes it.
I trust you. Wouldn't be
talking to you if I didn't.
But if this goes bad,
Rich and I are dead.
Quinn will be taken down.
[DUFFY] Bullhead Salvage.
Not too far from here.
We got some time. We
should scout the location.
Figure out where we're gonna set up.
I asked a question.
Villy and I have been talking,
and we think we should
bring the ATF in on this.
It's gonna be a lot of guns
and we'll be way outnumbered.
We've always known that.
And we've always known we'd need
help when the time eventually came.
We were hoping you'd
come around on your own.
Reacher, we need to give
ourselves the best possible chance
of saving Teresa and keeping the
guns out of the buyers' hands.
You don't need to remind
me what's at stake here.
Based on that conversation
with Beck, it sounds like I do.
'Cause I didn't hear any mention
of stopping terrorists or saving a girl.
I just heard "Quinn."
I'll keep my promise.
Teresa will be found. But
Quinn killed my friend.
Mine, too. Eliot's as dead as Kohl is.
As is an ATF agent.
At this stage, they
need to be made aware.
They'll never let me take down Quinn,
and that's the only reason
I agreed to do any of this.
Quinn will face justice
for what he's done.
He strung Kohl up like a piece of meat
and bled her out like livestock.
I don't want justice.
I want vengeance.
Yeah, well, between the two
of us, there's only one badge.
I'm setting up a sit-down with the ATF.
You don't like it? Don't come.
I'm getting coffee.
Your delay in giving us this information
is a level of impropriety I've
never encountered in my career.
We were trying to protect a
C.I., sir. An innocent civilian.
One of our own was just killed.
And we're just finding out about it now.
I didn't know your agent
but, given the risk she
took going undercover,
I have to believe she
would have wanted us
to see the case through as well.
No, you didn't know her.
I did.
Tonight's buy
where's it taking place?
Uh, we were given this location.
We'll send a team out there
and handle any follow-up investigation.
ASAC Wolcott, take lead.
[WOLCOTT] Yes, sir.
Hey, wait a minute, wait
a Ho-Hold on. Hold on.
We wanted to bring the ATF
in on this case with us,
not to hand it over.
This is a weapons case.
You never should have been
on it in the first place.
It's also a case you wouldn't even have
without us serving up this bust to
you like fries and a fucking Coke.
We've done all the legwork here.
It was done illegally, off the books.
You're floating, Agent Duffy.
No legs to stand on.
Oh, that's cute. Fine.
But we lost an agent
on this, just like you.
Steven Eliot was a good young
man. I put him on this case
and he's never going
home on account of that.
And it's my CI who's
still in danger, sir.
You will be at least 50 yards off point,
in the surveillance van.
Observation only.
No permission to engage.
Yes, sir.
Not all of Quinn's men will be there.
Some will be at a party at Beck's house
keeping guard over Richard, his son,
to incentivize Beck
to get the deal done.
You need to send some people there.
And you are?
[DUFFY] We had him on
the inside at Beck's.
He's a former military investigator.
So what are you doing here now?
Wasting my time.
He didn't want us to involve you.
Why not?
[REACHER] The man behind this,
Xavier Quinn,
he was mine before he was yours.
Or theirs.
He got away over a decade ago,
but I was promised I'd be
the one to take him down now.
I didn't promise you anything.
This Quinn or McCabe or whoever he is
he's ours.
You can hang out in the surveillance
van with your DEA buddies.
Your other option is to fuck off.
He'll wait in the van with us.
Once we handle the
arrests at point of sale,
we'll go directly to Beck's
and clean up the rest of your mess.
I'm sure you were aware what
would happen to your careers
when you decided to walk in here today.
Because, as you can imagine,
I have no choice but to
put in a call to the DEA
regarding your conduct on this case.
Agent Sears, I'm the senior
officer to Agent Duffy.
She was only following my orders.
Shut up, Guillermo.
Every decision that
led to this was my call.
The heat's mine.
I wouldn't worry.
There'll be plenty of heat to go around.
- Take this, too.
- Got it.
You're mad at me.
I'm mad Quinn's getting away with it.
He's not.
They're gonna arrest him and
he'll get what he deserves.
No. He'll get food, TV,
blanket and a cot not
much worse than this bed.
That's more than he deserves.
He deserves pain.
You know, when he gets locked up,
I bet the Russians he owes money to
take him out on the inside.
You don't want anyone else
to do it but you.
You want to look him in the eyes
the moment you know he's dying.
I want my Cousin Rhonda moment.
I know.
But that can't happen
at Teresa's expense.
What did your old boss
Garber used to say?
"Never get distracted from
the exact job at hand."
Well, my exact job at hand is Teresa.
I can't let her become my Kohl.
Can you understand that?
Then thank you.
Hey, Latham.
How much longer is this gonna take?
Thirty, 40 minutes.
Okay, the exchange is at 9:00.
Make sure the trucks aren't late.
- I'll meet you over there.
- Why?
You got somewhere more important to be?
Yeah, I got to get dressed.
It's my fucking birthday.
- Need a hand?
- Yeah, thanks.
Let me see.
- What?
Nah, sometimes it just hits me
how much you look like your mother.
So, listen.
I got to step out for a while.
What? The party's about to start.
Uh, guests'll be showing up soon.
I have no choice.
Will you be okay?
It's the end of all of this.
But I need you to do something for me.
Tonight, 9:00,
I want you to come back up to
your room here and lock the door.
- Can you do that for me?
- [SIGHS] Dad, I
- Richard.
Please, can you do that? 9:00.
Yeah, okay.
I love you, son.
Touching, but you're needed elsewhere.
- [WOLCOTT] Moran, check in.
- [MORAN] On your call.
- Martinez.
- [MARTINEZ] Standing by.
- Harris?
- [HARRIS] Ready.
- Breslin.
- [BRESLIN] Ready here.
- Kimmick.
- [KIMMICK] Copy.
No engagement until my signal
on visual confirmation of the package.
Hey, remember, we need eyes on
Teresa before any shots are fired.
We'll do everything we can.
That's not good enough.
She's counting on us.
The moment we can get to Teresa,
I will personally move her to safety.
[MORAN] We've got company.
Copy. Oscar Mike.
[DUFFY] Okay, that'll be the guns.
And Beck and Quinn and Teresa.
We're almost home.
- [VILLANUEVA] Where you going?
- Getting some air.
He's pissed.
Can't say that I blame him.
Are you shitting me?
You should go back to the van.
You said you understood my position.
I do understand it. I
just don't agree with it.
Don't pull Reacher
semantics bullshit with me.
Duffy, I respect you professionally
and I like you personally.
But Quinn's gonna step out of
that car right into my crosshairs
and he's not getting away again.
So, this is how you do things, huh?
You tell me what I want to
hear, then you go to a gun shop
and buy a sniper rifle when you say
you're stepping out to get coffee?
It was a pawn shop.
The ATF won't let you
get away with this.
You'll have feds on your
ass the rest of your life.
You'll have to bounce from town to town,
always on the move, forever.
Doesn't really affect me
then, does it? Now, unless
you think you can get
this gun out of my hands
without killing me, step back.
Everything okay?
The second this is over you need
to dump your phone's SIM cards,
wipe your servers and delete anything
that connects you to
me for the past week.
'Cause you're about to do something
that'll piss off a lot of people
in the federal government?
'Cause I'm about to do something
I don't want you connected to.
Buyers are here. I got to go.
Peel off and do what I said.
What do you mean, "the buyers are here?"
I'm still following them right now.
Black SUV just pulled up.
Whoever it is, it's not the buyers.
Been on them since they left the hotel.
Heading down some two-lane forest road
with my lights off for
about seven, eight miles now.
The road you're on does
it follow the coastline?
Yeah. Why?
They're headed to Beck's house.
That's where the deal's taking place.
Don't let 'em see you.
Stay close to the compound in
case they try to leave with Teresa.
I don't follow.
Quinn's not here. It's a trap.
Embodying ordinary awareness ♪
Not out solely to impress ♪
A self-"eulogizing" propagandist ♪
A lazy poet you just can't resist ♪
A John Lee Hooker evangelist ♪
A Louis-Ferdinand Céline apologist ♪
Embracing failure, not success ♪
Finding all your
bullshit hard to digest ♪
Abandon God's trees,
a shroud and a mist ♪
Labeled a full-time plagiarist ♪
But pretty original ♪
Nevertheless ♪
Reciting a code, code recesser ♪
At the back of class,
feigning interest ♪
Going through the motions but
never quite getting the gist ♪
An abused little boy
with a hollowed-out chest ♪
But a 40-year-old man once possessed ♪
Still looking for God's kind caress ♪
Described by the police
as a person of interest ♪
A Billie Holiday protectionist ♪
A Robert Johnson pathologist ♪
Labeled a full-time plagiarist ♪
But pretty original ♪
Nevertheless ♪