Resident Alien (2021) s03e07 Episode Script

Here Comes My Baby

Previously on "Resident Alien"
- Hi, Dad.
- This is my sweet little girl, Liza.
- Hello, sweetheart.
- Hi, Dad.
You know, your mother
and I were talking,
and there's a lot of very interesting
possibilities in Park City.
I met my mother today.
Can I help you?
Well, how did it go?
Do you think you've been abducted?
How would someone know for sure?
Some people find chips that aliens
use as a tracking device.
What brings you
to this neck of the woods?
I'm here to kill my father.
You must know chemistry.
You recognize this formula?
It is a compound
with an alien element.
This formula may be the key to
understanding the Greys' plan.
What is going on?
Why are you being so secretive?
Why are you being so inquisitive?
You and Liv practically
begged me for a new deputy,
but now he's gone, and you
haven't even replaced him?
I have seen this in human movies.
I am in love.
You work for the Greys now.
You are gonna help us
get Harry's alien DNA.
Once you give me what I need,
you will leave the planet,
and you will never see him again.
Oh, to the future ♪
Oh ♪
Look to the future ♪
Know how I feel ♪
Then you can be sure ♪
My love is real ♪
Happiness haven ♪
Waiting for you and me ♪
For you and me ♪
What do you get
when you fall in love? ♪
A guy with a pin
to burst your bubble ♪
This one is dead.
That's what you get
for all your trouble ♪
It is better to have loved and lost,
said some idiot, who I
hope is also dead now.
Love is like being
shot out of a cannon
thrilling, except for
that very last part
when you hit the ground
and your body breaks
into tiny pieces.
That part ruins the trip.

Out of those chains, those chains ♪
You know what I just realized?
This song has repeated three times.
And then I asked myself, who would
be listening to a
1970s heartbreak song
over and over again?
And now, here I am.
This song is the
truest one ever written.
Can you please make it stop?
I'm sorry about Heather,
but we have a lot
of patients this morning.
I do not care whether
they live or die!
Maybe you keep that inside.
And then go home and
finish the bomb, please.
OK, first up, Mayor Ben for therapy.
I do not care if Mayor Ben dies.
Well, that makes two of us.
He was joking.
I wasn't.

Oh, shit!
It's it's delicate.
There's this guy
at work that I'm having
a bit of a problem with.
Sheriff Mike.
No, it's not.
If it is not Sheriff Mike,
then it is Timmy the sandwich guy.
And if you cannot get along with him,
then you are a real dick.
OK, it's Mike.
Yeah, he's he's up to something.
You know, he's lying
and sneaking around.
And I'm pretty sure the
new deputy he made me hire
is a murderer.
Don't trust anyone.
You can never truly know
how another man feels
a woman, bird.
You could wake up every
morning next to Sheriff Mike.
He could tell you he
loves you, and you
will never know if he does.
He could caress your face, and
you could hand-feed sunflower
seeds into his delicate little mouth
while he says he wants
to spend the rest
of his life with you,
but it could all be a lie.
I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.
That could be a lie.
Thank you for that image.
You only have yourself in
this world and no one else.
You owe me $100.
Oh, I see.
You're saying I'm giving Mike
the power in the relationship.
I need to find out what's
going on, take my power back.
I didn't say any of that.
You know, you have a strange method,
but I'm starting to get it.
You say the wrong thing for
me to learn the right thing.
- Wrong.
- Right.
Great session.
Turn off the light!
Son of a bitch.

Harry, God damn it!
That's it. I'm pulling the plug.
Not something you want to
hear in a doctor's office.
Mary Ellen.
I know.
I wanted to say sorry for how I was.
I wasn't in the best place.
There was some things going on.
It doesn't matter.
Want to know about your
family, your history?
Maybe we grab some food and talk?
Sir, we have a problem.
I did that trick you
taught me about putting
a hair on my lunch bag
in the refrigerator
to see if anyone's touched
it, but with our murder
investigation board, and they did.
Are you saying you've been putting
your hair in the refrigerator?
It was your technique.
You said you put your hair on your
I said I put my hair on my lunch.
I didn't say put
your hair on your lunch.
That's unsanitary.
And did you hear the part I
said about our murder board?
I hear everything, deputy.
I'm like a fennec fox.
Look it up.
It's cute as hell.
Well, I'd say the fact that
he's been asking questions
about our movements tells
me that our likely spy
is the mayor.
Plus the fact that he's
spying on us right now.
No, it's fine.
He don't have nothing.
If he asks, we'll just
say that board's part
of a game we're playing,
a murder mystery
called the "Alien Trackers Van."
Yeah, part of the
"Sheriff Mike's Murder
Mystery Game" series, right?
And the next one is
"Sheriff Mike and the Secret
of the Old Sawmill."
But on the other thing, you said
you'd found another chemist we
can talk to about the formula
from Robert's notebook.
You said we.
Are you back on this thing with me?
Yes, sir.
I don't want to let being afraid stop
me from doing what's right.
If I can put my nana in the
hospital, I can do anything.
Mm. How's she doing?
I haven't asked.
Anyway, I have kind of a
crazy plan to catch Joseph.
Yeah, well, whatever
it is, with the mayor
watching us all the time,
it's gonna be a lot harder.
Be a little harder.

Hello, Dad.
Um, now is not a very
good time for a visit.
Maybe you can come back
when it's warmer outside
and we can throw a ball.
So you want to send me away again?
No, I did not send
you away the first time.
I put you on a nice bus.
I even gave you my last apple.
You couldn't wait to get rid of me.
Liza, you are being very naughty.
If you do not stop
throwing knives at Daddy,
I will limit your screen time.
It was freezing there.
You didn't even pack me a sweater.
There's something different about you.
My baby, it's you.
I like your new skin.
Well, you broke my nose.
- Ah!
- Ooh!
Bridget! Oh!
So strong now.
My big, strong baby.
And you've learned to
recreate Liza's clothing.
Daddy is so proud.
You're the worst father
ever, and I hate you.
Oh, you want me dead?
No, not yet.
I have something else
planned for you first,
something worse than death.
What is it?
I guess you'll see.
Hey, you left your
your hat.
That's a free hat for me.
Oh, hi.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, my god, I have to pee so bad.
Oh, and notice I didn't ask
why you're cuffed to the bed.
That is something
a mature person would do,
and I want credit.
Yeah, I noticed.
Thanks for that.
It's nothing weird.
It's it's not a sex thing.
Actually, the sex version would
be the not weird explanation.
Well, maybe sometimes
you just love your bed
so much you don't want
to be taken from it.

I mean, honestly, it's it's
too crazy to even talk about.
It's but I'm fine.
Yeah, right.
I'll just say, you're,
like, the least crazy
person I know in the world.
So maybe whatever's happening
to you, it's not so crazy.
Just stay open.
That's all.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, dickhead!
I need your help. [CAR HORN HONKS]
My baby Bridget is back.
You two have fun.
No, no, it is not fun.
He wants me dead.
Sucks to be you.
That's why I need your help.
Hey, it's going to be exciting, huh?
Two two good friends
on an adventure.
You only want my help
because I can see aliens.
You can do that?
What a useful skill
for my good friend to have.
Do you even care I got grounded
over the science fair?
Because you stole my caldera.
I should be the angry one.
You're lucky I need you.
Yeah, like always.
And after you get what you need,
it's like I'm not even alive,
which makes you the D-I-C-K head.
Fine, where is it?
I know you have it.
Ah, ha-ha.
All right, if you are not going
to help me track an alien,
then you are not the alien tracker.
Keep it.
I don't care.
I wish you never came to Patience.
So you said you had
information about my family?
I've never really
been a family person.
You know, I didn't
want to spit in a tube
or chase down cousins, but I
know it's different for you.
And I think I have what you want.
Um, is there a problem?
I hate to bring this up,
but getting this together
was a lot of work
photocopies, phone calls,
two trips to the courthouse,
took the day off work
to drive up here, gas.
I'm saying there are expenses.
They add up.
I bet.
You happen to know how high?
750 bucks.
I had a bad feeling.
I only get bad feelings
about bad people.
And since my job only
puts me with bad people,
I feel bad all the time.
So can you blame a guy for needing
a drink every now and then?
He still there?
No, no, don't look.
Feel it with your third eye.
I'm sorry, I already looked
with my first two eyes.
He's there.
A guy could tail people
all day hoping one of them
will surprise him.
And by the end
of that day, all he'd have
is a hat full of
disappointment and gum
on the bottom of his shoe.
Oh, gumshoe. I get it.
Hello, Ben Hawthorne.
Yes, Mr. Hawthorne, I'm
afraid your son Max has caused
quite the problem down
here at school today,
and we need you to
pick him up right away.
Well, his mom works there.
Can't she do it?
Yes, yes, she is here now.
She says that she
needs you to come, too.
The trouble is so bad, OK?
- OK, I'll be right there.
- Thank you.


And there he goes.
He's got plenty of room.
- Oh.
- And now he's coming back.
Maybe he forgot something.
It's like he's pulling away backwards
so he can come in forwards.
This is bad.
Hell, I saw a coked-out
squirrel driving a tricycle
that drive better than that.

You, get me all the alcohol!
I am Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle,
the biggest drunk in town!

Jesus Christ.
Do you really really love me ♪
I will take this, because
I am Harry Vanderspeigle.
And I am selfish.
And I send children
away without any snacks.
And I
that is inexcusable.

This is gonna be trouble

What are you doing?
I was having drinks.
It's not my first,
because I'm an adult human.
I drink alcohol.
My stomach is so warm.
I am sorry about your bird,
but you need to snap out of it. OK?
You got shit to do.
[BURPS] You look good.

Do you know the Greys
are taking Kate, too?
This shit is getting worse.
I'd fix it myself, but I can't.
I've got to rely
on you to do something.
- Hey, whoa.
Ohh, ugh.
I did it.
Why do I feel like fighting?
Keep it.
Mom, sorry.
Where is he?
Is your mother a beaver?
Because damn, girl.
For someone who's not adopted,
it's hard to understand.
It's you know your story.
It starts way back somewhere
and and moves forward
like chapters in a novel.
And at some point, you show up in it.
But me, it's like the pages before me
were torn out of the book,
and Mary Ellen has them.
And she's gonna sell them
to you, and that's wrong.
And if you pay her,
she's never gonna go away.
She's gonna keep coming back.
And that would be
There you are.
Are either one of you going
to kick me in the nipple?
I mean, I wasn't, but now
it's all I can think about.
What happened?
I heard you got banned
from Mama Sap's.
The cheese comes from her toes.
Stay away!
This is what the little shit
meant by worse than death.
He is going to destroy my life here.
What's going on with you?
I have not been
a strong enough parent.
I'm going to do some
nipple kicking of my own.
Hey, how is he?
Not good. Look at him.
His heart stopped.
He just keeled over, spilled
his M&Ms all over the place,
and then they had to start him up
right there in the hotel room.
It was awful.
What what are you
doing in Colorado?
My cousin Louisa's birthday.
You remember her.
No, sorry.
Cousin Louisa?
Yeah, I heard you.
I just don't remember.
Cousin Louisa.
I don't know her.
You'll disturb your father.
I sure wish I could find that
nurse with the ice chips.
I think we can wait until he wakes up.
They're not for him.
You could at least
apologize for being late.
Excuse me, is there
How are you feeling?
I should be the one apologizing to you
for telling you to live
your life a different way.
This must be some good drugs.
You know, once on TV, in
one of your World Cup races,
they showed what the skier
sees at the top of the hill.
Cliff of sheer ice,
and you just drop off it.
Such bravery.
You're my hero.
I'm your hero?
You're everything
that I wasn't in my life.
I had things I wanted to do.
Of course I did.
I took the safe way, no risks.
Not you.
How would you feel if, um,
I didn't have any more races?
Ah, then you'd do
something else great.
I'll meet you at the
bottom of that hill too.

I liked my baby better when he
was sweet and not so murder-y.
I do not understand.
I gave him a good life,
a freezing-cold planet
to live on where he could
run and play and try
to kill other children.
What does he do?
Tries to stab me with a knife.
The little scamp.
Hello, Harry.
Oh, my gosh, what is wrong with you?
You are not Max's friend.
She was sent away to girl's prison.
Gifted school.
And I'm back.
How do I know it is you?
How do I know it's you?
Oh, wait, because there
can't be two murdering space
jerks this stupid in one town.
Oh, yes, it is you.
You were not missed.
Why do you have Max's taser?
Because my baby Bridget is
back, and he is acting out.
He's back? Where?
I missed him so much.
Yes, I forgot.
The baby loves this one.
He will come to her.
He misses you, too.
Yeah, talks about you all the time.
You can soothe his angry, angry mind.
Let us find him together.
I'll help you,
but only to keep him safe.
I don't trust you.
I will use her as bait,
and she will never know.
You're not gonna use me as bait.
How does she know what I'm thinking?
I knew you were thinking that
because you're a simpleton,
and you say the first thought
that enters your stupid head.
I hate her.
I know, you hate me.
La, la, la, la, la, la ♪
I am singing this song in my head ♪
So she cannot read my mind ♪
That was out loud.
Damn it.

Um, hope a check is OK.

Is my dad in here?
Uh, no, that's just my side.
I never was in touch with his family.
Oh, OK.
Well, maybe you could
tell me who they are,
and then I could go from there.
If you're interested in things of his,
I have a desk that he left
behind, never got rid of.
Yeah, or you could
just tell me his name.
I could write it down,
put it in the desk.
And sell it to me?
It's a nice desk.

Forget it.
I thought you said you wanted
to know where you came from.
Now I do.
You're better than me, is that right?
Because I gave up a kid?
So did you, as I recall.
Yeah, but I did it for her.
You did it for you.

Coffee's on you.

Oh, I'm sorry.
You know that book,
"Are You My Mother?"
Little baby bird goes
around asking everything
it sees if they're its mother.
I hated that book.
Because, for me, I knew the answer
was always gonna be no.

And right now, I just want
to tell little me that there
are worse answers than no.

I didn't like "Winnie the Pooh."

I'm sorry. I just thought
I should say something.


Wait here, deputy.
I'll go talk to the chemist.

Drop it.

This the notebook you're looking for?
Wow, that was good.
Your reflexes seem almost non-human.
I will shoot her.
Drop it.
Drop the gun or drop the notebook?
The notebook.
Both, actually.
Kick it over here.
Kick the gun or kick the notebook?
Both. Jesus.
Just just pick it up, throw it.
What is the formula for?
Dr. Vanderspeigle
broke it down for us.
If it ends up in the wrong hands,
it could change how ice
cream is eaten forever.
Fine, don't tell me.
I'll just go in there,
talk to the chemist
myself, get him to
give me some answers.
There is no chemist.
We set you up.
Chemists don't work at night.
Everybody know that.
Everybody does not know that,
because that is not a thing.
You said him.
The chemist could be a her.
That's misogynistic.
You said there was no chemist.
But if there was.
I can't be misogynistic about
a person that does not exist.
Oh, hell yeah, you can.
The whole world's a landmine.
Well, too bad there is no chemist.
Because now I'm gonna have
to kill you for no reason.
Get in!
What the hell are you doing?
I'm saving your ass is what I'm doing.
You could probably slow down now.
I don't do great in the back seat.
No way. He might be following us.
I know half his ass is,
because it's in the bumper.
I think I smell blood
coming through the vent.
Yeah, put it on recirculate.
Do the recirculate.
I don't know where that is.
It's not my car.
- What?
- Whose car is it?
It's Deborah, the town clerk.
You stole Deborah's car?
No I borrowed her keys after you
tried to ditch me today with
that stupid Russian accent.
You should run it through a car wash
before you give it back.
Oh, my god!
You made me hire a killer,
and I kill the killer.
- And now I'm the killer!
- I didn't do that.
No, if you could
pull over for a second
so I can throw up.
Do not throw up in Deborah's car.
Oh, that's right.
It's not my car.
Now I can pin this on Deborah. No!
That is not who I am. Think.
Shit, shit.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Maybe he's not dead.
- What?
God, I sure want to be.
No, no, no, no,
we have to go back and see.
There might still be a chance
to clear Deborah's name.
- What? No.
- Hang on.
What the hell?
I think I shit myself.
God, it's a regular day.
This is taking too long.
I will make Max come over and wrestle
you so you can start sweating and
Bridget can smell your stink.
Don't tell Max I'm back yet, OK?
My, my, my, my.
I see you committed a crime.
No, I quit that
gifted program I was in.
Everyone was older,
and they were all so smart.
And I was just average.
I've never been average.
It's like you.
Here, you're smarter than most
humans, but on your planet,
you're probably really dumb.
No, I was exceptional there, too.
A C student at best.
Oh, my gosh, baby, you're here.
Oh, I really missed you.
You were probably so
scared, but I'm here now.
Everything is OK.
You killed him!
No, we killed him.
You killed your baby.
Well, he started it.
He was going to kill me.
I don't even have a child,
and I know not killing
it is, like, the main thing.
He was broken.
He didn't love me anymore.
He doesn't have to love you.
You're supposed to love him.
That does not sound
like a good deal to me.

Bridget, you're back.
Molecular genetic regeneration.
One of Bridget's bits
found a piece of DNA.
I am very impressed with my baby.
Oh, look at that.
Bridget found some more DNA.
So many.
A child arrived just the other day ♪
So do you, like, never vacuum?
What's wrong, Harry?
Didn't you miss us?
You should run.
Learned to walk while I was away ♪
And he was talking
before I knew it ♪
And as he grew, he'd say,
I'm gonna be like you, Dad ♪
I got this.
You know I'm gonna be like you ♪
And the cat's in the
cradle and the silver spoon ♪
Little boy blue
and the man in the moon ♪
When you coming home, Dad? ♪
I don't know when,
but we'll get together then ♪
You know we'll have
a good time then ♪

My son turned ten
just the other day ♪
He said, thanks for the ball, Dad ♪
Come on, let's play
Can you teach me to throw?
I said, not today
I got a lot to do
You bastard.
I let you use the bathroom.
You know I'm gonna be like him ♪
And the cat's in the
cradle and the silver spoon ♪
Little boy blue
and the man on the moon ♪
Is it really you?
I ought to slap you.
Why do you have teeth?

Maybe it just knocked him out.
Knocked him out his skin, maybe.
He was taken up.
Like to heaven?
No, she means like
with one of those claws.
The military has them on helicopters.
It's like the ones in the arcade,
except they're not rigged so you
can never win the damn koala.
That's not what I mean.
- I mean by an alien spaceship.
- No.
OK, just stop it, all right?
I don't want to hear any more
of this ridiculous
alien shit, OK?
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm
gonna go look for drag marks
from a top secret invisible
military claw chopper.

You really think this was aliens?
You hit him going 50 miles
per hour, and now he's gone.
There's no footprints, no blood trail.
And did you see or hear a helicopter?
I think Joseph is an alien.
They're real, Ben.
Aliens are real,
and they abduct people,
and they don't remember.

Ahh! Ahh!

What is that?
Is that who put
a booger in my home?

I tried to kill him so many times.
I do not want to kill him anymore.
So stick him in a pod
and send him away.
That's what you like to do.
I did that for you.
You did it for you.
No, I had work to do.
The future of the entire
planet depends on me.
I don't care.
I'm a baby.
I needed you.
You shoved me in that spaceship.
I thought we were going together.
I needed my father.
I abandoned you.
You were abandoned
by the one you love,
just like I was by Heather.
I am sorry.
Because your girlfriend
broke up with you?
No, because
What is this?
I thought it had gone
forever when Heather left me.
But it came back.
Because I love you.
Babies do not care what anyone feels.
They only want to be taken
care of, to be loved
And to know there is
someone out there who will
find a way to protect them.
No matter what it takes.

I know it's late.
What's going on?
I just wanted to say
that, um, I'm happy for you
and your girlfriend.
I don't remember her name, but I hope
that she has a great life and that you
have a great life.
But I've got to go.
D'Arcy, are you OK?
Come inside.
I'm not on anything.
Just my dad's in the hospital.
He's gonna be fine, but he
he's he's proud of me,
and he says I'm built to do
something great, something big,
and I think I know what that is now.
And if you never see me again, I just
wanted you to know that I
know that you cared about me,
and I messed it up, and that
yeah, OK, but you're
gonna be proud of me, too.
So bye.


Good morning!
Ah, good morning.
I brought this for you.
You can put it on your desk.
Oh, that is so sweet.
But no.
I have some good news.
I stayed up late last night,
and I finished the bomb!
Harry, shh.
I stayed up late last night.
That's not the part.
Never mind.
That is great news.
The, uh, lady general is
going to be coming to my cabin
later to hear my plan.
I could use more information
about the Greys' ship layout,
but I may have enough to proceed.
Thank God. I'm glad.
I'm also glad that you
have Bridget back, too.
I thought I was doing
what was best for him.
But I was selfish.
It was for me.
You know, it's not
always easy to know.
Yes, like you with Jay.
Why do people keep saying this?
I did not have selfish reasons.
No, you made a difficult
choice to give Jay away.
That was good.
Thank you.
I meant you are selfish with Jay now.
Yeah, I'm gonna put that right there.
It looks so good.

Sorry, I
I don't have an appointment, but I
I have something
in the back of my neck.
And I need you to
take it out right now.
It is a Grey implant.
They are taking Mayor Snowflake,
so it is not surprising
that they are also
taking Mrs. Mayor Snowflake.
This is excellent.
I can use her to get
intel about the Grey ship.
You seem upset.
I can calm you.
Have you ever been hypnotized?
You are on the Greys' ship.
Tell me everything you see.
They're they're walking with me.
Yes, how many doors are there?
Are their guards?
And how many?
Where is she?
Let me see her.
Who is she?
Is it a guard?
A leader?
There she is.
Oh, my sweet.
There's my baby.
The little bastards
took Mrs. Mayor's child.
She would not like to know that.
It would make her angry and sad.
I will make sure she does not
remember it when she wakes up.
How many are there?
Do they have weapons?
Oh, I love her so much.

They want me to bond with her.
I want her home
It's all right
with me.
This is no help.
She is too focused on her baby.
I understand.
I would be so sad if I did
not know that my baby existed.
And I realize now that
happiness is not just getting
love but getting to love.
When I snap my fingers,
you will wake up,
and you will remember everything.
3, 2, 1.
Oh, no!

I love you, but this is
the right thing for you.
I've loved every second
of getting to act
like a mom to you.
But I love it so much
that I've skipped over all
the parts of knowing how.
I'm glad I could be part
of your learning process.
I know you're mad, but you should
be here right now with
the people who raised you,
and you know it.
It would have been nice if it
was my choice for once, Asta.
I'm a person.
I should have a say.
I agree.
We never even talked
about the whole thing.
The whole?
How you kept this a secret
from me my entire life.
How you hired me just to be near me,
and you still didn't tell me.
I I was afraid.

I finally got everything
I ever wanted.
It was just so delicate and
fragile that if I looked at it
the wrong way or
breathed on it too hard,
it would break and be gone.
It was messed up.
And I am sorry.
And you are right.
Let's talk about it.
That's what the rest
of our lives are for.
Oh, retainer.
I even wrote a plan
explaining how you would
get onto this ship and destroy it,
but you don't need any of that now,
because I am going to kill
the Greys myself.
So I should do what, just
stay home, watch a ball game?
I mean, you could come and
observe, take pictures.
It will make for a nice memory.
What the hell?
Where is it?
I do not know.
Some son of a bitch
snuck in after I was asleep
and stole my bomb.
I can't seem
to face up to the facts ♪
I'm tense and nervous,
and I can't relax ♪
I can't sleep
'cause my bed's on fire ♪
Don't touch me,
I'm a real live wire ♪
Psycho killer ♪
Qu'est-ce que c'est? ♪
fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa better ♪
Run, run, run, run ♪
Psycho killer ♪
Qu'est-ce que c'est? ♪
fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa better ♪
Run, run, run, run ♪
Run, run, run away ♪
Oh oh oh oh ♪
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

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