Shtisel (2013) s03e07 Episode Script

A Long Path that is Short

"In the name of God, may Michael
be on my right, Gabriel on my left.
In front of me Uriel, behind me Raphael
above me the Divine Presence."
No, I won't have it.
Stop dropping hints and tell me already.
Okay, just answer yes or no.
Are we out of toothpaste?
Did something happen at Kollel?
A line from the Talmud?
Something in my teeth?
I was excited to see you pregnant.
It looked real and it suits you so.
May I get back?
You may.
Nice to meet you, I'm Professor Mishnayot.
I'll be your doctor.
Professor, I
-My head, I can't
-I know.
Leave the oxygen mask on.
You'll feel better.
-What's her systole?
-One hundred eighty and rising.
-Is that your husband?
-What's his name?
May I have two minutes
with the young couple?
Look, the situation is complex.
Headaches, blurry vision.
The test results confirm it.
You have what we call
pulmonary arterial hypertension.
-What does that mean?
-It's a rather rare syndrome.
The pregnancy is life-threatening.
Your life is at risk now.
The risk increases
with every passing hour.
The doctors' recommendation is clear-cut.
We must terminate the pregnancy
and deliver you as soon as possible.
-I'm only 21 weeks pregnant.
-The baby will be extremely premature.
The odds he'll survive the birth are slim.
I won't.
It's the only way to assure
you'll stay alive.
No, I won't do it!
I want to go home and
I'll call Rabbi Soloveichik
and ask him. Alright?
We want to consult our rabbi.
Ruchami, alright?
Hello, Yeshiva Head?
You're on speakerphone
so my wife can hear you.
The professor is here. We're listening.
Yes. I'm sorry, Mrs. Weiss.
The Torah rules say
mother can't be at risk.
If the risk is conclusive,
you must listen to the doctors.
And the sooner the better.
How could you not tell me this?
You wouldn't agree.
I'm sorry, Hanina, but I couldn't.
-I couldn't.
-What do you think will happen?
-Remember what we were told?
-Of course I do.
I remember
there's a chance it will be fine.
A small chance!
Compared to huge odds
that make me shudder!
-A chance is a chance.
-What are you saying?
-This is our life. Your life!
-I don't have a life without this.
Hanina, not like this.
Don't turn your back on me.
You've been turning your back on me
for months.
For months, and I didn't even know it.
You're right.
Please forgive me, Hanina.
-Hello, Professor Neuman.
-It's Liat, his secretary.
Do you remember your procedure is today?
Of course, at five o'clock.
In exactly four hours.
The catheterization is at five,
but the preparation takes time.
Be here at four
with someone to accompany you.
Absolutely. I'll be there at four sharp.
Bring someone with you.
I'd rather come on my own.
Why worry the children for nothing?
It's a procedure.
You must have someone with you.
-A must must.
-If no one can come with you, I can
-No, I have a family.
I have a very big family.
A whole lot of family.
Any one of them would be there for me
at the drop of a hat.
I just don't want to worry them.
In any case, it will be fine. Don't worry.
Good luck. Good day.
Good day to you too. Thank you.
Ruchami, I was just going to ask
if you're available today at four.
I'll get us a cab.
I need your help with something.
-Can you?
-I'm sorry, Grandpa.
I just came to say I'm going home.
I need to rest, I don't feel so good.
It's okay, don't worry about it.
You go and rest.
And no need to be sorry at all.
Thank you, Grandpa.
Good morning, Kive!
It's 1:30 in the afternoon!
Why are you lying there like a dolphin?
-A dolphin?
-Not a dolphin.
A whale.
A beached whale or something.
I thought you're done with this nonsense.
You think I don't feel like
taking up smoking again?
I know it's bad for me,
so I don't think about it.
I don't think about it at all!
Listen, Kive.
I need you to accompany me
for a few minutes, half an hour.
There's something
I need your help with at four o'clock.
I need you to come with me.
I have this thing with Dvoraleh at five.
Don't worry, we'll find someone
to babysit Dvoraleh.
No, it's the welfare visit.
The social worker is coming
to Racheli's today
to verify that we're married
and taking good care of Dvoraleh.
That's today? At five?
Yes, but nothing will come of it.
I'll go with you wherever you want.
The inspection is today?
Did you and Racheli
get the apartment ready?
No, and we're not going to.
-Drop it, Dad.
-Drop it?
We had a fight. It won't happen.
-You fought with welfare?
-With Racheli. We're not talking.
But you set up a room for Dvoraleh.
You made sure the act is believable.
I said we're not talking.
She doesn't want to see me.
She won't put on
the happy couple act for me now.
You fought with her?
What are you, some stupid teen?
This is about saving Dvoraleh!
Listen to me good, Kive.
No one in this world
can save Dvoraleh instead of you.
Do you hear me?
You must save Dvoraleh
instead of yourself!
Where's the suitcase?
"I offer thanks to you,
for restoring my soul,
Your faithfulness is great.
Blessed are You, God,
who commanded the washing of hands."
Get up already.
Take the crib apart so you can go
and assemble it there.
And get the apartment ready with Racheli.
Take your paint rags too,
so it looks like your home.
Listen, Kive.
You can't play around with the Zionists.
You shouldn't have let this happen.
Let alone stretch it for five months.
You're right, we shouldn't have.
But here we are. What can we do now?
You're so irresponsible.
Four years ago you said there's a chance.
A chance of 1 in 1,000.
She shouldn't have gotten pregnant!
But she is!
-What's the right thing to do?
-The pregnancy must be terminated!
I have to talk to her about it.
Can she come here?
She doesn't know I'm here.
She says an abortion
is out of the question.
This is what we must do.
We must form a plan to help your wife
let go of that hope,
of that chance she's clinging to.
Is there anyone who can influence her?
Her parents? A rabbi maybe?
-She's very stubborn.
-There's no other way.
If you're really worried about her,
you must make her see
that this hope is endangering her.
-Are you calling her?
-Yes. She's not picking up.
-So try again.
-I did, this is the third time.
She's not picking up.
Well, it has to be done.
Driver, pull over here, please.
Give a minute.
The meter is running.
A plant?
There is no argument
in the world a plant can't solve.
Twenty shekels.
Driver, can you hear me?
When we get to the address,
my son is getting off with his stuff,
I'm continuing with you.
I told you, the meter is running.
You can ride with me forever.
Maybe not forever,
I'll get off a bit before.
Aren't you coming with me?
I have my own stuff, Kive.
-What happened?
Just a little plumbing I have to repair.
Praise God, all is well.
Hello, Racheli.
-I tried to call earlier.
-I saw.
I'm sorry for everything I--
Welfare is coming today.
-I forgot all about it.
-It's today.
I have to get Dvoraleh in two hours,
the inspection's at five.
They'll come here.
We gave them this address.
Please, Racheli.
Not for me.
For her.
I apologize for the way I behaved.
For not answering your calls,
it was wrong
Alright, Akiva, for Dvoraleh.
But please, no apologies,
no going on and on.
We'll put on the act for Dvoraleh
and go our separate ways.
Thank you.
What's the plant for?
It's My father
Never mind, it doesn't matter.
I think you know my opinion
on this matter, Hanina.
We must listen to the doctor.
Hanina, you are a scholar,
you adhere to the Torah, right?
"Delve and delve into it,
for all is in it."
But what do I do?
I ask you. What do we do
when we don't know what to do?
We dive into the Talmud.
One hour, two hours
It's like diving into a Mikveh.
I assure you you'll know what to do.
But we must be quick. I have to talk
to her parents and the doctor today.
There's a short path that is long
and a long path that is short.
One hour of Torah.
I promise that you will find your worries
just where you left them.
"If 999 assert his guilt and one asserts
his innocence, he is spared.
If there be for him an angel,
an advocate, one among 1,000,
to vouch for a man's uprightness,
then He is gracious unto him,
deliver him from going down to the pit,
I have found a ransom.
Rabbi Eliezer,
son of Rabbi Yosei HaGlili, says,
'Even if there are 999 portions'"
"Even if there are 999 portions."
"Even if there are 999 portions."
It's my father.
Honor thy father comes first.
-Zvi Aryeh, how are you?
-Are you at Kollel?
-Yes, I'm at Kollel.
Thank God, all is well.
Me and my lot are in the study hall.
I can't complain.
Even though after 30 years
of studying Torah I could do
with a more orthopedic chair,
but I'm not complaining.
-Not at all.
-No, I know I'm blessed.
Thank God. So how are you, Dad?
How about coming to the Kollel
for a group study?
God willing, no promises.
Take care.
Say hello to Tovi.
-Where to now?
-Drive, don't worry.
Just pull over here
so I can buy a bottle of soda.
Now we will listen to the Serenade
in B Flat Major "Gran Partita" K361.
The 6th movement was taken as is
to the E Flat Major Quartet, K171.
You have an urgent call.
Put it through, please.
Could you please turn that down?
-Hello? Miss Yoktan?
Can I get back to you in 30 minutes?
I'm on air.
Of course.
I apologize for calling you at work.
It's just that your phone was off
and I have a little question.
Yes, I turn it off when I'm on air.
-What is it?
-Here's the thing.
I'm sitting here
with a bottle of soda, a straw, etcetera.
I'm drinking and
I have a catheterization procedure.
At the hospital today. At four.
Which is in less than two hours.
Can you come with me?
Accompany me?
Wow, I
Of course, certainly.
I'll leave as soon as I'm done here.
-You will?
-Yes, of course. I'll take Bus 17.
No, don't take a bus.
I'll pick you up in my taxi.
-Wow, in your taxi.
-Indeed, my taxi.
No, there's no need. Really, I love buses.
I'll meet you at the hospital at 3:55?
Thank you, Nechama.
-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.
Shaare Zedek Hospital,
that's where we're going.
Hanina, how are you?
Thank God.
I want to talk to you about something.
With both of you.
Is Dad here?
Is everything alright? Where's Ruchami?
Everything's fine, thank God.
-He's not here?
-He should be back.
Then I'll sit down and wait, alright?
I'll study.
-Maybe I can help you in the kitchen?
-No, I'm fine.
We'll talk soon.
Ground floor.
Ground floor.
Ground floor.
The story of my life.
If you hadn't called
my name I'd have gone up 100 floors.
Thank God there aren't 100 floors.
Well, here you are.
Thank you, Miss Yoktan. Thank you.
I hope this isn't too much trouble.
I was told someone has to accompany me
for this procedure.
I didn't want to worry the kids,
so I thought to myself,
maybe you would come.
-So here I am.
-Here you are.
Let's go to Professor Neuman.
A very important man.
My mother used to say,
"No one is Moses
other than Moses himself."
-Hello, Doctor.
Please come in.
-Come in
Well, I see that you're applying
one piece of advice.
Applying and how, of course.
-What do you mean?
-We talked about this.
Company is very important.
No, that's not what this is.
Miss Yoktan is
-An acquaintance?
-An acquaintance, exactly.
I see.
Shalom, I want to do an ECG
to see if your condition has worsened,
and if catheterization
is indeed the ideal solution.
What are the options?
You might need bypass surgery.
First let's see
how the chambers are doing.
Lie down on the bed.
Don't be afraid, Shulem.
I have a good feeling.
You do?
-A good feeling?
The main thing is not to worry.
Maybe I'll recite a chapter from Psalms?
Do so loud enough, I'll join in.
Absolutely. Like on your radio show.
You're the broadcaster
and the listeners can hum with you.
That's right.
A song of ascents
"I will lift mine eyes unto the mountains.
From whence shall my help come.
My help cometh from the Lord
Who made heaven and earth."
Listen, Shalom
I want to do another ECG,
if you don't mind.
Something seems odd here.
What problem do you see?
Tell me the truth, the whole truth.
I don't see any problem, that's it.
I'll restart the machine
and we'll repeat the ECG. One minute.
What what does "no problem" mean?
The body is its best doctor.
Well I guess I have a free hour.
-No catheterization today.
-Bypass surgery?
-No catheterization, no surgery.
Your heart is in good condition, Shalom.
-Really? In good condition?
-I'd say excellent for your age.
You'll come back once a week
for a follow-up.
For now, there's no point
in doing anything.
You can go home.
That's exactly what I'll do.
This was supposed to be
my last procedure for the day.
Thank you, Professor Neuman.
Thank you so much.
Five o'clock in two minutes.
Do you like it?
I bet she'll be late.
She'll get here in time.
-Do you like it?
-Very much.
That makes me happy.
That makes me very happy.
We said, none of that.
We'll put on the act for Dvoraleh
and go our separate ways.
Hello, Orly. How are you?
Fine, and you?
Thank God, happy to see you.
Happy? Nice.
Maybe I exaggerated.
-May I come in?
-Of course, welcome.
Hello, Dvoraleh.
She's so sweet.
How are you?
I'll take a look around
then we'll talk, alright?
Of course, please.
You're studying here now?
Yes, I was waiting for you.
I want to talk to you and Mom.
Is everything alright? Ruchami?
Yes, thank God.
That's what we have to talk about.
Okay, I'll take the stuff and get Mom.
Thanks wait.
Tell me, the man over there,
isn't he Rabbi Zimmerman?
Yes. Poor man, he had an accident.
I heard.
I also heard he's better,
that the prayers helped.
He's with us but not quite.
They say he can't study anymore.
This is a Jew for whom
studying was his life.
It was taken away
and he has nothing to live for.
God have mercy.
Okay. I'll get Mom and we'll talk.
That's it. Good.
Push, a bit more.
Don't stop. You're doing great, that's it.
Don't stop.
With everything you've got.
-Keep going.
Yes. Don't stop.
That's it! More.
No, a little bit more.
Patience. Try again.
That's it.
He's out.
You too?
Let me be with you.
I'm there.
In that box.
Where is he?
Thank God, Shulem.
There are good surprises too, right?
Absolutely. Praise God.
Come, let's take a taxi home.
No, I'll take the bus. Thank you.
I'm taking a taxi as it is.
So we'll make a small detour.
What's a small detour
compared to bypass surgery?
No, I'll take the bus.
Absolutely, the bus is excellent.
-What bus do you need?
-Number 17, it's right here.
That's great. Mine is 54.
I'm glad you're healthy.
That's what counts.
Yes, it's just as you said,
the heart is its best doctor.
Goodbye, Shulem. Take care.
Take care, Nechama.
-Hello to you.
Do you have a cigarette to spare?
Thank you. Be well.
She goes to sleep around 7:00, maybe 7:30.
Does she wake up much at night?
That's it, she's finally asleep.
Good. So
Tell me how has your life changed
since you and Racheli got married
and since you left your father's home.
In terms of raising your daughter.
I don't know where to begin. I mean
Comparing my life to the time
since my wife passed away
That time of mourning
and now when I'm with Racheli
It's like comparing night and day.
I understand she died
two months after Dvora was born.
Would you like to expand on that?
I wish I could expand on that.
I wish I understood.
How in one moment
your world is taken away.
You grieved deeply.
I died.
I died with her, as simple as that.
My body was alive, but my heart was dead.
I didn't want to get up in the morning.
I kept eating and breathing
just to take care of Dvoraleh.
I tried to smile,
to dance with her, laugh with her.
So she wouldn't grow up in sadness.
And then, when I thought that
My heart would never feel again.
It happened.
I met Racheli.
I cared about her.
I missed her.
For the first time since Libbi
I had found a partner.
A truly close friend.
After a while I realized
there's no point denying it.
I love her.
I want to build a home with her.
And you, Racheli?
Didn't you have any concerns?
A widower with a daughter?
I did, but I dismissed them.
I wasn't only concerned
by the fact he has a daughter.
But that he's an artist too.
I know artists,
I've worked with them my whole life.
You know how many times I swore
I would never marry one?
You know what concerned me the most?
That he has a dead wife he loves.
-He had.
-He has.
She's still with him.
She's perfect. And he loves her.
And yet, he loves me too.
People are complex. I should know.
The heart has at least four chambers.
Regarding the child, Racheli.
How are you dealing with it?
Raising a child demands hard work
and endless sacrifice.
Obviously when the child is yours,
but even more so when it isn't.
Dvoraleh is my child.
That's how I feel.
And I feel that I have this pact,
this shared fate with Libbi.
We share this motherhood,
in our love for Dvoraleh.
And our love for Akiva.
Thank you. I think I've seen enough.
My dear Ruchami.
I need you, Hanina.
"If there be for him an angel,
an advocate, one among 1,000,
to vouch for a man's uprightness,
then He is gracious unto him."
One among 1,000, Ruchami.
We are together.
Even if the odds are one among 1,000.
You're not afraid anymore?
I am.
Very much.
We'll be afraid and pray
and keep being afraid.
Then with God's help we will have a boy.
Or a girl.
And you will be well, Ruchami.
We will continue to be afraid.
Whenever he crosses the road,
whenever something happens,
we will continue to be afraid.
We will continue praying.
We will continue living.
That's how it is.
When you have something precious,
you're afraid of losing it.
Thank you, Racheli.
Thank you, I'm forever in your debt.
I'll take the rest tomorrow
or the day after, if that's okay.
Of course.
You're a pretty good actor.
I believed you.
I believed you too.
Well, I should get her home.
Thank you, Racheli. Good night.
Good night, Akiva.
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