Sweet Home (2020) s03e07 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 7

[theme music playing]
- [Jae-jin grunting]
- [squelching]
Check out these new hands.
[grunts, panting]
Look, I have hands now.
You should go.
He told me to kill you.
[tense music playing]
But I don't want your blood on my hands.
Consider it
the final act of kindness
I'm making toward you.
But I did everything he told me to do.
And you saw me do it.
[exhales deeply]
[Jae-jin scoffs]
You said we were a team.
[breathing shakily]
You even said that I was one of you.
If you keep talking
I'm gonna go through with it.
[exhales sharply]
He's gonna abandon you too, you know?
[Jae-jin laughing]
- [laughing continues]
- [somber music playing]
- [loud banging]
- Fuck!
[laughing continues]
[electricity crackling]
[blasts, crackling]
- [people murmuring]
- [electricity buzzing]
[Cheol-yong] What happened?
- What is this?
- [man 1] Oh, my God! What's going on?
[Cheol-yong] Why did the lights go out?
[murmuring continues]
[suspenseful music playing]
Is this part of the plan?
No, but we'll use it to our advantage.
[Dong-jun] Master Sergeant Tak!
We have to leave now.
Evacuate everyone as quickly as possible.
- What's going on?
- More people are showing symptoms.
But there are so many
that we can't count them all.
[paper rustling]
[In-hwan] Safely evacuate
as many survivors as you can.
I'll see you outside.
To your posts.
[Dong-jun] Let's go.
[people clamoring]
[suspenseful music continues]
[walking cane thumping]
[fire crackling]
[music fades]
Ugh, what the hell is going on, huh?
Did you kidnap me?
[Dr. Lim sighs]
[Dr. Lim] Huh?
[tense music rises]
You must be Sang-won's daughter.
Not much resemblance, huh?
[Dr. Lim] What am I supposed to do here?
You wanna shake hands?
It's nice to meet you.
You said it's through pain?
[tense music continues]
The only way to free myself
from this body, right?
[Dr. Lim exhales softly]
I think you're right about that.
Pain can
give me renewed life.
[music swells]
So let's test your theory out.
[inhales sharply]
I think it'd be painful to watch you die.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
[breathes shakily]
[Sang-wook] What's wrong?
This isn't what you had in mind?
Uh, I think there's been
some kind of misunderstanding.
[music swells]
I'm here to help you, all right?
[indistinct whispers]
Yeah, since when?
Are you sure
you haven't been using me this whole time?
[music swells]
You thought I couldn't tell?
[tense music playing]
[Sang-wook] I wonder how far down it is.
- [squelches]
- [groans]
[intense music playing]
[loud groan]
[Dr. Lim groans, chokes]
[groans, gasps]
[Dr. Lim coughing, gasping]
[groaning in pain]
[glass shattering]
- [sizzling]
- [Dr. Lim] Why's it gotta be you?
Why is it you and not me?
[Dr. Lim wheezes, coughs]
I wanted it more
[grunts, coughs]
I should've been a monster!
[breathing shakily]
I told you.
I'm the chosen one.
[Dr. Lim breathes shakily]
Do it to me.
[breathing shakily]
[Dr. Lim] Do it now.
[coughing, grunting]
Do it.
[Dr. Lim groaning weakly]
Do it now.
[coughs, gasping]
Turn me into one, please!
- [squelches]
- [groans]
[Dr. Lim coughs, gasping]
I want Please!
I want to see it!
I want to see it too!
[intense music playing]
[Dr. Lim] I wanna find out
how it looks
when I become a
[Sang-wook] My friend.
You don't deserve it.
I want I want to see it!
Please, I want to see it!
[music intensifies]
[flames roaring]
[mournful choral music playing]
[footsteps approaching]
[electricity crackling]
[woman sobbing]
[sobbing continues]
[electricity crackling]
[suspenseful music playing]
[sobbing continues]
[Ye-seul sniffles]
[Ye-seul sobbing]
[sobbing continues]
[music subdues]
[pensive music playing]
You're okay.
Come with me.
[sobbing continues]
[suspenseful percussive music playing]
[objects rattling]
[Sang-wook] Chi-seong.
Did you get rid of those two?
[Chi-seong] Yes.
Okay, good job.
[ominous choral music playing]
I think your work here is done.
[Chi-seong gags]
- [thuds]
- [Chi-seong grunts]
[Chi-seong screams]
[dramatic music playing]
Okay, time to go.
[music subdues]
We're almost there. I promise.
[ominous music playing]
[eerie music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
- [squelching]
- [grunts]
[dramatic music continues]
[eerie music playing]
[soft chuckle]
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[electricity crackling]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Hyun-su] It's empty in here too.
The blood splatter looks abnormal.
[Eun-hyeok] It's safe to assume
it was a special infectee.
I'm certain they were in here.
Are you gonna apologize?
Why'd you leave without saying anything?
When did you get back?
Did you get hurt?
Did you leave with Lee Eun-yu?
Never mind. I don't wanna know.
Don't tell me.
You're still alive.
That's what matters.
I apologize for leaving
without telling you.
[footsteps approaching]
[tense ominous music playing]
[Ye-seul] Chan-yeong.
[Ye-seul breathes shakily]
She's a monster.
[Ye-seul breathing shakily]
[breathing shakily]
[electricity crackling]
They're all symptomatic.
They're acting strange, aren't they?
Because they were infected
against their will.
[electricity crackling]
[Eun-hyeok] Let's split up.
Whoever finds him first deals with him.
You're scared to be alone?
I'm not. I'm just worried about you.
I don't wanna have to deal
with your corpse.
Where'd you learn to smile like that?
A photo.
It's creepy.
[electricity crackling]
[eerie music rises]
[music fades]
What took you so long?
[uneasy music playing]
Are you
Are you okay?
[eerie music playing]
I think so.
Where's Yi-kyung?
Have you found her yet?
Yeah, I have.
Where is she now?
I'll take you to her.
[suspenseful ominous music playing]
[music intensifies]
[music swells, fades]
[people coughing]
All three groups are accounted for, sir.
Where's Jin-ho?
I told him to go ahead of us
to check the exits.
He'll be back soon.
- Let's get going.
- [both] Yes, sir.
Crow Platoon, move out.
All right, listen up, everyone.
We gotta get moving.
Follow us. Let's go.
Take your positions.
[Dong-jun] Move out.
[suspenseful music playing]
Hold on for a little longer, okay?
[somber music playing]
held on till the very last breath.
[somber music continues]
I think that someone is missing.
Are you sure everyone's been evacuated?
[Yeong-hu sighs]
Why don't you just worry
about yourself for now?
[breathing heavily]
[ominous music playing]
[Seon-hwa] I don't need to evacuate.
I'll just surrender myself to the Lord.
But Yeong-jun
Please let Yeong-jun go.
And let his soul be free.
[gate rattling loudly]
[Seon-hwa gasps]
[Seon-hwa breathing heavily]
Where's everyone gone?
Why are you alone?
I think they all went home.
- [Seon-hwa breathing shakily]
- [sighs]
Were you
waiting for me?
- [breathing shakily]
- Because you like me?
- Huh?
- [tense music rises]
That must be why you stayed.
[ominous music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[lighter clicks]
[growling in distance]
[running steps]
- [Seon-wha breathing shakily]
- [Gi-chun grunts]
[breathing shakily]
- [Seon-hwa gasps]
- [thwacking]
- [Seon-hwa] No, don't!
- [thwacking continues]
Stop it. No, don't!
[breathing shakily]
[breathes heavily]
Stop that.
[breathing calmly]
Why are you here?
[sharp sigh]
What are you doing here?
Everyone else already left.
I was waiting for you,
so we could go together.
[Seon-hwa] Yeong-jun
[people screaming in background]
I'm sorry for dragging you all this way.
You'll go all the way with me, won't you?
Where is it we're going?
[ominous sting]
[Seon-hwa] Wherever it may be.
[car engine revving]
[Peter] Hey, Seon-hwa, stop the car.
- Seon-hwa?
- [engine revving]
- [tires screeching]
- [crashes]
[Seon-hwa sobbing]
Please, someone save my Yeong-jun!
Somebody please help us!
- [sobbing]
- [somber music playing]
Yeong-jun, I love you
[Seon-hwa] Yeong-jun.
I'm sorry.
[breathing shakily]
Damn it.
[Peter] Let's go.
Let's get out of here.
[breathes shakily]
[muffled sobbing]
[Peter] Let's go now.
[flashlight switch clicking]
[ominous music playing]
[flashlight switch clicking]
[flashlight switch clicks]
[flashlight switch clicking]
[ominous sting]
[eerie music rises]
[ominous sting]
[Yeong-hu] Sergeant?
[indistinct whispers]
[In-hwan breathing heavily]
- [footsteps approaching]
- [flashlight switch clicks]
[exhales sharply]
How's the exit?
I can confirm, it's as marked on the map.
[breathing shakily]
Get going.
[music swells]
[blood splattering]
[Dong-jun] Sergeant!
- [In-hwan grunts]
- [Jin-ho] Sergeant!
[Yeong-hu] Round up the survivors
- and leave now!
- [In-hwan] Go!
[survivors screaming]
- [Yeong-hu] Get moving!
- [Dong-jun] Yes, sir!
[tense ominous music playing]
- [In-hwan grunting]
- [survivors yelping]
[blood splattering]
[screaming continues]
[Yeong-hu] Sergeant!
[ominous music intensifies]
Are you all right, sir?
[ominous sting]
[In-hwan breathing heavily]
[in deep voice]
You can't go.
I won't let you.
[In-hwan breathing heavily]
[suspenseful music playing]
[survivors clamoring]
[Yeong-hu grunting]
I won't
[breathing heavily]
Get out of the way!
[dramatic music playing]
[both grunting]
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[electricity crackling]
[growling in distance]
[monsters growling]
[suspenseful music playing]
[bodies thud]
I wouldn't try to fight me if I were you.
[monsters growling]
[monsters gagging]
[body thuds]
[suspenseful music playing]
[unsteady footsteps]
[frost crackling]
[In-hwan] Yeong-hu.
What kind do you think I'll turn into?
You've never been anything
other than a soldier to me.
You served to protect
or to kill.
[In-hwan] How about a bomb?
At least that way,
I can be of use.
[soft chuckle]
[frost crackling]
[sharp sigh]
[solemn music playing]
All the symptomatic people in there
you did that to them, right?
[Yi-su] That's right. I did it to them.
What about it?
Haven't you ever wondered
what your mom was thinking
when she came here?
Why would I ever
think about that?
She didn't raise you
like you were a monster.
She raised you as a human.
That's the problem.
Why should a monster
be raised as a human?
[tense music playing]
Where is she?
She's dead.
I mean
I killed her.
You keep blabbering on and on
"Seo Yi-kyung, Seo Yi-kyung."
[dire music playing]
Aren't you here to see me?
Long time no see.
- [Yi-su] Long time no see.
- [breathes shakily]
You're still in there, aren't you?
[Hyun-su] I promise I'll get you out.
Just hold on.
Don't let him win.
[dire music continues]
[eerie music playing]
[soft gasp]
[dramatic suspenseful music playing]
- [crackles]
- [Hyun-su grunts]
- [crackles]
- [Hyun-su grunts]
- [crackles]
- [grunts, pants]
- [crackles]
- [Hyun-su grunts, pants]
[ominous music playing]
You're pretty determined, aren't you?
Who the hell are you?
[soft chuckle]
Pyeon Sang-wook?
Jung Ui-myeong.
Seo Yi-kyung's fiancé.
This kid's father.
[soft chuckle]
Nam Sang-won, that's my real name.
[Sang-won inhales sharply]
Apparently, there's no resemblance.
You agree?
You think we look alike?
- [squeezing]
- [grunts]
I guess it doesn't really matter anyway.
I am her now,
and she is me.
Fuck you!
[grunts, breathing heavily]
I didn't realize you two were so close.
Where have you been this whole time?
Does she really even need your help?
The second time I caught her
she hardly even fought it.
[soft chuckle]
[loud thump]
[blood squelching]
[tense music rises]
What the fuck?
[dramatic music playing]
[music stops]
[Hyun-su screams]
- [Eun-hyeok grunts]
- [breathing heavily]
What? You still don't get it?
The special infectee,
it's right there.
I can't kill her like that.
- You're not able to?
- I won't kill her.
Either fight me or do what I say.
It's your fault we didn't finish the job.
[dramatic music playing]
[fire roaring]
[dramatic music continues]
[soft chuckle]
Did you really think that would work?
[Hyun-su grunts]
[Hyun-su] No, not yet.
Just give me a little more time.
[music subdues]
I'm gonna force him out
and I'm gonna kill him once and for all.
[Yi-su] But
can you really do it?
I'm not acting alone anymore.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
Give it your best shot.
[dramatic ominous sting]
[closing theme music playing]
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