The Baxters (2024) s03e07 Episode Script

Grief and Joy

[Elizabeth] Previously on
The Baxters
-Kari Baxter,
will you marry me?
[wedding planner]
I just got off the phone
with the bride
who had cold feet
and canceled.
-When's that date?
-One month from today.
-My teacher's schedule made it
so that I could be her for
the anniversary
of Tim's passing and
Jessie's first birthday, so
I'm ready to talk about
what happened in Paris.
There was Adrian,
and he was married.
Can I ask about
the inspiration?
It's about my time in Paris.
Well, about moving on from it.
You guys are just going to
brush past all this?
Everybody don't worry
about what happened
at the church a few weeks ago.
I'm walking away
from two houses.
-Lori came to visit.
[Lori] There's not a lot of
people in my life I can trust.
You think maybe we could
talk again sometime?
Let me think about it, okay?
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[EDM music playing
on headphones]
[heart beating]
[breathing heavily]
[music stops]
[John] I come here
a few times a week.
Gives me peace.
I can feel
God's presence here.
That's funny.
I don't feel anything.
Yeah. I don't think
you're really
open to receiving it right now.
-Not whatever.
-You, of all people,
with a medical degree.
I really, I gotta know.
How can you stand there
and preach to me that
there's some man in the sky
who's looking down
and protecting us?
It's not about logic, Luke.
I have lived long enough
to understand that God is,
is in us, around us
and for us.
There are miracles
that occur every single day.
Yeah, there's also
horrific tragedies,
car accidents, shootings.
Where's God
during all those times, huh?
'Cause I'll tell you what,
he certainly wasn't there
to protect Tom Decker.
You're right.
You're right.
Terrible things
still happen to good people,
people who trust God.
But you're in too much pain
to hear me when I say that
God is there
in the heart of chaos,
in your darkest moment.
I don't wanna hear it, Dad.
I know you're hurting, Luke.
And the day that
Tom Decker died,
my entire relationship
with Reagan died with him.
I was gonna marry her, Dad.
My entire life
was changed forever. No.
So I'm sorry, but don't
stand there and act like
you understand
what I'm going through
because you have no idea.
Jesus, help us.
Thank you so much
for letting me
put Jessie to bed.
Such a calming energy.
Ah, like Tim.
You know, when he was a baby,
I once had his father
call the pediatrician
because I thought
he was sleeping too much.
[both chuckle]
-He loved a nap.
-Even as an adult.
I'm glad you're getting to
spend some time alone.
Me, too.
I should visit more often,
but I've been teaching
more courses than usual
this semester.
You know, trying to keep busy.
I understand.
Oh, who is joining us
for dinner?
Um, you remember Ryan, right?
Ryan? Hmm
I mentioned we've been
seeing each other
-when you came
for Jessie's christening.
-[sighing] Ah.
He usually eats dinner here.
I texted him saying
it might be nice for me
to spend some time
alone with you,
but I hadn't heard back.
So, how's that going?
Really well. Um
he's great with Jessie.
[door opens]
[Ryan in sing-song voice]
Oh, honey, I'm home!
[in normal voice] Diane.
-Hey, how are you?
-I'm good.
How are you?
-Good. Good.
-[Diane clears throat]
Uh What, uh
What brings you to town?
Diane's gonna be
staying with me for a bit.
Um, for Jessie's birthday
and Tim's
I texted you all about it.
Oh Uh, yeah.
My phone is always
at the bottom of my bag
during practice days. So
Ryan coaches football
at the university.
They have the best record
in history, thanks to him.
Congratulations then.
[Ryan] It's a team effort.
I'm gonna go check
on the chicken.
It's probably ready.
Maybe you can come
help me bring out some food.
[Ryan] Absolutely.
-This is a surprise.
-I know.
She just showed up
without warning.
Oh, this is
completely my fault.
I've been avoiding her.
Not taking her calls.
I didn't know what to say
with the anniversary
and, well, with us.
What do you mean?
Ryan, she doesn't know
we're engaged.
I didn't know how to tell her.
-It seems pretty simple to me.
I wanna be sensitive.
She lost her son
one year ago, tomorrow.
And I'm sure
she's still hurting,
and this isn't gonna help.
How would you do it?
And I know tomorrow's
a lot for you, too.
I was feeling a lot more
at peace until this.
Okay. Um, we'll
get through it together.
But you gotta tell her.
I will,
when the timing is right.
What brings you in so late?
I just needed
some time to think.
I hope it's okay that I'm here.
Of course.
His house is our house.
Anything I can help you with?
I haven't mentioned this
to many people, but
I feel really ready
to start a family.
And I'm afraid Sam
is on a different timeline.
Have you and Sam
spoken about your feelings?
Not exactly.
I'm struggling to find
a way to bring that up.
I think I'm just extra nervous
with her big move coming up.
We'll be alone there.
Mmm. [chuckles softly]
I understand all the fears
around big moves.
When Pastor Mark
offered me the job
as Associate Pastor here,
I almost turned it down.
Really? Why?
Well, I knew he wanted
to groom the role
to take over his retirement.
And even with
my Masters in Theology,
I was so nervous
to take the step.
I'd be here alone,
preparing to lead.
So I had to remember
God's will sustains me.
And I let him.
[exhales deeply]
Dallas will be
new to you, Erin.
But God sees you. And Sam.
[chuckles softly]
You are never alone.
Sweet of Ryan
to check on the baby.
He's so great
with getting her back to sleep.
Really helpful.
I see that.
So, how are we
gonna celebrate
Jessie's big day tomorrow?
Well, I thought about
throwing a party,
but it just doesn't feel right.
So, we're gonna keep it small.
My parents will come over
for a special breakfast
in the morning.
Mmm. That's nice.
And we will make time to visit
Tim's gravesite, right?
Of course.
God, I can't believe
it's been a full year already.
Seems like
it just happened yesterday.
But then, I feel the same
about the day
we lost Tim's dad.
I remember Tim telling me
about visiting him
on that one year anniversary.
And on that day,
Tim promised that
he was gonna be
a loving
and strong father someday,
just like his father was.
Thank you for having me.
Thank you for coming, Diane.
[oven timer dings]
Mommy, I'm hungry.
I know, baby. I'm sorry.
Dinner will be ready
in five minutes.
[grunts softly]
[cell phone ringing]
Ashley, it's Cynthia.
Oh, Cynthia, Hi.
[sighs] I am so glad
I caught you.
I have some fabulous news.
A client was at the gallery
and your work caught his eye
and he wants it.
Lots of it.
Hello? Are you there?
Yes. Yes, I'm here. I'm just
Sorry, I was
a little speechless.
He's reserved
two of them for himself so far.
Now, of course,
we will still feature these
in the show,
but I think we're going to
need more original pieces.
I anticipate there being
a lot of buzz around your work.
How many are you thinking?
Well, I want to say six,
but that seems daunting.
Let's say four.
Four? Four brand new pieces?
I know it's only two weeks,
but you are so brilliant.
I know you can do it.
Okay. Yeah,
I think I can manage.
That's why you're my star.
All right. I gotta run.
[in sing-song voice]
Bye for now.
Okay. Okay. You can do this.
You just have to focus.
Erika can help
with Sunset Hills.
Mom and Dad can help with Cole.
Four pieces in two weeks.
This is everything
you ever wanted.
[Elizabeth] So, are things
going any better
with you and Luke?
[Lori] It hasn't been easy.
That's why I've been
staying with my friend Gabby.
I'm so sorry.
I wonder if counseling
might help you.
I'm not sure.
I've been
I don't want to call it
praying, maybe,
more like meditating.
Well, people use
many different words
to describe prayer.
Well, you gave me the idea,
and I find it very comforting.
I'm so glad.
I've been praying
for you, Lori.
[door opens]
[Lori] Hi, Dr. Baxter.
John, you remember Lori?
Of course.
Lori, you [sighs]
You look well.
Elizabeth told me
you two are having dinner.
Yeah, I've left a plate
for you on the counter.
Lori and I are
just about to have dessert.
Elizabeth made an apple pie.
She's spoiling me.
Apple pie. Might have to eat
my dinner in reverse.
-[chuckles] Okay, well,
why don't you sit down?
You two relax,
and I will get the pie.
Thank you.
[clears throat]
Elizabeth has been
very helpful to me.
I'm a better person around her.
She has that effect on me, too.
Thank you for having me.
I-I know this
could feel a bit weird.
[sighs] It is a little awkward,
but love
and understanding
will always be here.
That's who we are.
[sighing] Okay.
Diane's all settled
in the guest room.
I'm sure it's been
a long day for her.
Kari, can I confess
something to you?
I'm trying not to
take it personally
that you don't want
to tell Diane that
we're getting married.
Well, I'm having a hard time.
Trust me, it has
nothing to do with you.
I didn't tell Diane because
I'm afraid of her reaction.
She's still grieving.
Look, I cannot imagine
what she's feeling.
But this, you and me,
it's real, and it's happening.
It's finally happening.
She needs to know.
I still feel connected to her.
She was my mother-in-law.
And with the anniversary, uh
It feels like
really bad timing
Bad timing for her or you?
I'm sorry.
I promise I will tell her.
All right.
I should go.
[sighs] Hey
Will you send me
some pictures tomorrow
-of Jessie and her cake?
-Of course.
I'm sorry I can't make it,
all right? I just
I have practice.
Honestly, it might be
for the best,
considering everything
with Diane.
Good night.
Good night.
-[John] Hi.
[both] Hello.
[John] Hi, Diane.
-Look who's here.
-Happy birthday!
There's a one-year-old
in this house.
Happy birthday!
-Look who's here.
[Kari] Hi, Dad.
-Happy birthday.
-Not gonna be
an easy day for any of us.
No, but we gotta
fill it with joy
for our sweet little Jessie.
Oh, this little baby.
She is so lucky to have
all her grandparent's
here today.
Thanks for being here.
Thank you.
[all singing]
Happy birthday, to you ♪
Happy birthday, to you ♪
Happy birthday,
dear Jessie ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Yay, you get to blow out
the candle.
Blow out the candle.
I'll help you. Ready?
[all cheering]
[John] That's a good girl.
-[women] Oh.
Well, I have to say,
this cake was a huge hit. Mmm.
-One of my finest.
-[John mumbling indistinctly]
[John] Hey.
[sighs] Diane's just
finishing up with Jessie
in the bath.
I just thought they should
have some special time alone.
Aw, that's sweet.
-How's it going?
-It's a lot.
[John] Yeah.
Well, she could come
stay with us.
You know, we have room.
No, it's fine.
I want her to stay here.
It's just, it's hard.
I mean,
she's a physical reminder
of Tim.
There's something else.
I haven't told her
that Ryan and I
are getting married.
Oh, no wonder
you're struggling, huh?
As hard as it will be for her
to see you moving on,
I believe she'll really be
happy for you.
You know, I think sometimes
we think
we're protecting someone
from a difficult truth
but in reality,
we're protecting ourselves
from confronting them.
You're right.
Why don't you let Dad and me
take Jessie this afternoon
and you go visit the grave
with Diane together?
I like that idea.
Thank you.
That'll be nice.
You know, I'd like to say
a few words.
my baby
[sobbing] We miss you so much.
There's not a day that goes by
that I don't think of you.
But your spirit, honey,
it lives on
in your beautiful daughter.
I mean, she is happy
and healthy and strong,
just like you were
on your first birthday.
I thank God for that miracle.
And I thank God for the chance
just to have a piece of you
in her eyes.
Everything changed
the day you died, Tim.
My world got darker
even with the light
of our daughter in it.
But you live on in my mind
and in my heart.
Whatever happens in my future,
just know, you will always
have my eternal love.
[Diane sobs]
Shall we?
Kari, I know losing Tim
has been a weight
on your heart.
Honey, but God wants you
to have a full life.
He wants you to walk
towards the beauty and love
that brings you joy.
And let Jessie be that path
that, you know, brings you
back to yourself, honey.
Diane, I have
to confess something
that I've been afraid to admit.
Ryan and I are getting married.
[Diane sighs]
-Next month.
I know, it's so soon.
Uh, but we found
this incredible venue,
and we both
fell in love with it.
So, it just felt like a sign.
I didn't know
when or how to tell you.
I'm so sorry.
Well, I guess, you know,
you're having an easier time
moving on with your life
-than I thought.
No, it's not that at all.
-I've been struggling
especially with how fast
this is all moving.
But with Ryan, I'm at peace.
We've known each other
almost our whole lives.
And I really believe
he could help me move on
in a healthy and loving way,
so I can be the best
possible mother to Jessie.
I'm glad you told me.
I hope you still have me
in Jessie's life
when you guys get married.
Of course, Diane. Of course.
Please. Do you want
to get a cup of coffee?
We can talk more.
[sighs] No.
I think I just wanna go rest.
[Cole] Goodnight, Mommy.
Goodnight, baby.
[cell phone ringing]
[man] Is this
Ms. Ashley Baxter?
Yes. Who's calling?
I'm calling from Paris
on behalf off Adrian and Karen.
I have some highly confidential
and sensitive information
I've been legally authorized
to share.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
[Ryan] I feel like Diane
doesn't like me very much.
She makes me feel
like maybe I'm somewhere
I shouldn't be.
[Lori] We've both
heard each other,
and it's gonna take time
to get over me cheating
-[Like] Who's that?
A guy I used to date.
I don't wanna be around
this guy.
Then leave.
[cell phone rings]
[man] I'm trying
to reach you again
to discuss details
regarding my client.
[Landon] Voila!
-Think she'll like it?
-I know she will.
So if I fly her back
to propose,
would you think of
coming with me?
-You all right?
[Luke] Mom?
What are you doing here?
[theme music playing]
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