The Circle (2020) s03e07 Episode Script

Shock Blocking

[ominous music playing]
Do y'all hear that scary music?
Yeah, The Circle ain't playing that
for nothing.
'Cause it's about to go down.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] Catfish influencers Isabella,
played by Sophia,
and Ashley, played by Matthew,
are about to reveal
who they have blocked from The Circle.
"This decision did not come easy
in the slightest."
"Unfortunately, we have seen
this player's true colors,
and there has been no rapport
or relationship established." Send.
Who are they talking about?
[sighs] Oh my God.
I am feeling nervous.
[blows raspberry] Say it. Please say it.
I know who it is, but I'm freaking out.
Circle, message, "The player [exhales]
that we have decided to block is"
[inhales sharply] This is too much!
Oh, come on.
[suspenseful music crescendos]
[gasps] "Calvin!"
Oh shit.
What are they talking about?
Calvin has been nothing but a homie.
It's completely messed up.
Yes, baby!
I am at a loss for words right now.
He's been my most loyal alliance.
-[Ruksana] I mean, he played a good game
-[blows raspberry]
but something just,
to Ashley and Isabella, didn't add up.
We had to take out the king
before we go for the queen.
That kind of stung.
[Buteau] It probably stung a little more
for Calvin, but we here for you, boo.
-[Sophia whimpers]
-[Matthew exhales]
What just happened?
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-What now?
Too many surprises
in one day today for sure.
"Before Calvin leaves,
he can meet one player."
Dude, visit me, dude.
[groans] Don't meet me.
He could meet me.
I could see Kai 'cause,
you know, like, she was bae in here, so
On the bright side of things,
I'd be really excited to see Calvin.
Um, I can see Ashley or Isabella
to find out my rapport
that I haven't built any relationships
to anyone.
He's not. He's not gonna.
He's not gonna. He's not gonna.
End of discussion.
I gotta know if he's real.
I think I know who I'm gonna see, Circle.
Just a quick spray. You know me.
"Calvin is on his way
to meet one of you now."
My heart's pounding out of my chest
right now. I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
I'll put some candy out for him.
Queen always has to show her best side.
Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.
Yer. Yer.
-Oh, you are actually [laughs]
-Yeah, I'm real.
[Kai] That's what's up.
-What's up, girl? How you doing?
-How are you? I'm good.
-How's things?
-Come on in.
-Oh, you made me some tea? Good.
-I made you some tea.
-It's probably cold, but here you are.
-Thank you, ma'am.
-You're welcome. Oh my gosh!
-Thank you.
How are you feeling?
I mean, I tell you what, man. It's crazy.
I feel like
we were the strongest alliance.
-[Calvin] Hundred percent, man.
Everything I said about you,
I meant that shit.
Like I said, "Nah, y'all.
I've got a good connection with Kai."
The way you was talking,
I could tell you was real. I could tell.
'Cause I was thinking,
"Lord, like, please don't come in
and see some Deebo-ass dude,
about six-five. [laughing]
Let me tell you something.
The way Ashley said that,
I'm thinking,
"What are you talking about?"
I was so shocked.
She said "true colors."
Yo, I've been myself 100%, the whole time.
For the guys, I was a threat
'cause of my personality, man. I talked
You were killing the game.
I won't lie. I was shocked.
I Like, all this game playing,
I thought
that this would be, like, near the end.
Like, the way the ratings is going,
ain't no way
Isabella's already at the top,
whatever the case may be. You feeling me?
But you know what? I I just don't know
who all her connections are,
and I don't know
who's really allying with who.
Only people that I knew for sure
that was super solid were you and Ruksana,
-and I felt Ashley as well. So
But until this, until this.
Until now. I mean, I didn't know.
She hadn't given me anything
to prove myself otherwise.
Your homegirl Ashley snaked me.
Let's call it 100, what it is, yo.
I know Ashley's your girl,
but is she your girl?
[Matthew] It's a numbers game, baby.
Calvin, you didn't play
your numbers smart, honey.
I'm sorry.
Calvin did not decide to come see me.
Thank freaking goodness.
[sighs] Oh, I still feel nauseous.
I guess he went to Kai.
That's a bummer.
Nick'll got you. Nick got you,
because I know y'all
will probably be closer now I'm gone.
-Because y'all got that connect.
-[Kai] Yeah. I hadn't been close to Nick.
-[Calvin] Nick's my boy.
-So, I reached I reached out to him.
-He was just like, "I'm cool with Calvin."
-Yeah, that's my boy.
-[Kai] "Friend of my friend is my friend."
-Yeah, yeah.
-[Kai] So, he's legit?
-[Calvin] Keep it with him, man.
I made a Wolf Pack.
That's what I called it.
-Who's your Wolf Pack?
-[Calvin] Me, Nick, and Daniel.
[Kai] Okay.
Nick likes Jackson and brought him in.
I'm like, "He's playing a full game."
[Kai] You and Jackson have not been
[Calvin] 'Cause he's tactical
the whole time. 'Cause it's not real.
I'm telling you now, you get the top spot,
please get this fool out for me
'cause I'm tired of him.
Ah, man!
-Just be careful, yo. I'mma tell you this.
-[Kai] Clearly.
-You have a big target on you. A big
-[Kai] I Of course I do.
That's why I was nervous about
It it's like I can't get it again.
If I get it again at this point,
it's a wrap.
Don't let your emotions get to you,
'cause I want you to win this shit.
You'll win this shit 100%.
I just wish you all the best.
When you get out,
I'll see what's good with you,
because you you're dope, man.
-I appreciate it. You are too.
Okay. Well, I definitely feel like,
you know, this has opened up
an opportunity
to just kind of see what happens
after the game. You know what I mean?
I mean, you're a handsome guy.
You you you you swagged out.
[Kai laughs]
[Kai] All right, so, let's go.
Yo, we better walk me out now, girl.
Come on now.
-Come on. Yeah.
-Better walk me out, man.
You better win this shit, though.
[Kai] You smell good too. What you got on?
[Calvin] This?
That's my general musk, girl.
[Kai laughs] Lies!
That's me being sweaty.
Nah. You'll be fine, man.
-All right. I'll holler at you. Be safe.
-All right, girl. See you later. Bye.
[door closes]
[Kai] I knew he was real!
The agony! [chuckles]
I knew he was real.
I felt it.
He's actually that dope.
[Buteau] With our budding Circle romance
put to bed,
the other players are about to do the same
as another dramatic day comes to an end.
No bedtime for Calvin, though,
'cause, boo, you blocked.
You gotta grab your stuff
before housekeeping comes to get it.
First day in The Circle
got me so damn discombobulated.
Calvin got blocked. I'm sad to see him go,
but we still gotta do what we gotta do,
and the game still continues.
Today was definitely
the hardest day in The Circle.
After getting rated seventh,
this was the biggest wake-up call.
It was the biggest alarm saying,
"Baby, now we're playing."
I did what was best for the band,
and I think that, if I get to chat
to Nick about it, he'll understand.
Unfortunately, they did get rid
of my main guy Calvin,
which stinks.
Yo, at least I got to see baby girl Kai.
Circle, that's my time. It's been real.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
Oh shit.
"Alert!" Yeah!
Circle, what's up?
"Calvin, before you leave,
you can bestow the gift of popularity
upon another player."
I'm definitely gonna use this gift
and give it to the player
that I believe deserves, you know,
that popularity, that boost.
"Choose that player now."
Nick, possibly.
You're my best buddy in here,
so I could possibly give
you this gift, bro.
Maybe you need this gift
to keep you afloat.
Ruksana, this might come in handy
because you were sixth place.
I honestly don't know
how you got sixth place.
Lastly is my girl Kai,
you know, the soft spot for me.
I met her. The vibes are real.
Maybe that is
who I should give this gift to.
[Buteau] With Calvin's decision made
and him finally leaving for good,
the players sleep
before The Circle tells just one of them
that Calvin has given them the power.
Good night, Circle. Sweet dreams.
See you tomorrow. [chuckles]
["I Feel Love" by Donna Summer playing]
[all] Good morning, Circle.
We have another day as Jackson.
All right.
We got a lot to accomplish today.
[Buteau] The players are waking up
to a world without Calvin,
and for some, the chef's departure
has left a bitter taste.
I feel love ♪
I'm sad to see him go.
He will definitely be sorely missed.
I am honestly extremely worried
about everybody's reactions
about Calvin leaving.
Nick did specifically say
that Calvin was one of the main people
that he could trust.
I trust Ashley and Isabella.
I wanna try to get
some sort of explanation
as to why they got rid of Calvin,
because I was kind of hoping
they would block Kai.
One hand, he was part of the Wolf Pack,
but on the other hand,
baby, if it had to be you or me,
I'm so glad it's you.
And I will just tweak my game plan
and figure out where to go from here.
[Buteau] A touching tribute from Daniel.
But before the players try
to move forward without Calvin,
The Circle has a Newsfeed update.
Come on, y'all. You knew it was coming.
[all] "The Newsfeed has been updated."
Come on, Circle. What news you got
for us this glorious morning?
[Buteau] Good thing
you're staying clean, James,
'cause I think The Circle might be
all about the dirt today.
You made the right decision
for your game, Ashley.
He's gonna be mad.
I just know he's gonna be so [sighs]
I mean, I'd be really mad.
I am dying to see if he was the real deal.
Circle, take me to the Newsfeed.
I'm gonna throw up, man.
-"has left"
"a message for The Circle."
Here we go.
My stomach feels like this.
[all] Circle, play Calvin's message.
What's going on, y'all?
It's your boy, Calvin.
Let 'em know, Calvin!
I came in dancing
Oh shit.
100% myself. That's what I am.
Ugh! God!
-If I would've done one thing different
it would've been sit on the fence,
'cause clearly, sitting on the fence
gets you ahead in The Circle.
Some of us are trying
to play a good, open game.
We wanna keep our options open.
I have some suspicions
that there are few catfishes
in The Circle.
So, guys, please, please watch out.
This is the worst.
I enjoyed my experience.
I wish you guys all the best.
-One love. See you later.
Aw, Calvin, you're such a fun-loving guy.
Why did we have to get rid of Calvin?
That sucks, man.
[James] My brother left
a little cookie crumb for us.
That could mean
he met with a catfish last night.
He either met Kai, Nick, or Daniel.
Shit! My mind all over the place.
Then there's a whole bunch
of snakes in the grass.
I know he's talking about Jackson.
I know he is.
He had his suspicions
that multiple people were catfish,
not necessarily just me.
Somebody had to go, and it had to be him,
but that sucks. He's so sweet.
He would've had my back till the end
for sure if he was still in the game.
It's a heavy feeling, man.
I don't regret it, though.
It would've been a mistake
to send anyone else home for my game.
With Calvin putting himself out there,
it's really about to shake up the game.
Here we go. We definitely have
lots to discuss about this.
I'm really, really interested
to see the reactions,
especially from certain players,
such as Ashley and Isabella.
I don't want to be the first one to type.
I want to feel out the vibe.
Oh, this is gonna be hard on everybody,
especially since he was real,
and he was even cooler in his video.
So everybody's gonna be, like,
pissed. I'm sure.
"What's up, Circle fam? Crying emoji."
"Calvin will be sorely missed,
but I do wanna thank Ashley and Isabella
for keeping me here."
"#RealOne. #CalvinsNotACatfish."
Circle, message,
"Ouch! It hurt making that decision"
"and hurt even more watching that video."
"I hope you all can understand
why we made this decision."
Well, Isabella, absolutely no.
I can't understand
why you made that decision
if you want me to be completely honest.
Circle, message, "Kai, I don't know
how you've done that twice already."
"My heart's in my throat."
[Kai] "Calvin was a stand-up guy,
and you all deserve
a further explanation."
If he was such a stand-up guy,
then how did you let him go?
So, to me, that's BS.
For my own game
and what's consistent with Ashley,
it's very important I do this.
I'm giving them an explanation.
I also wanna do, um, a compliment
in the subtext, saying,
"Process of elimination.
You guys were just too good."
"We felt too strong
about our relationships with all of you."
Come on, Ashley. This was your idea.
Circle, message, "In short,
between Isabella and I,
the connections we had with each of you"
"were stronger
than what we had with Calvin."
Okay, but you said a lot more than that.
"Simply put,
it was by process of elimination"
[Kai] "and we love you all."
I still am side-eyeing you, Ashley,
but I appreciate you trying to rub my back
after you stabbed me in it.
[Buteau] Kai, girl,
you are channeling that T-shirt.
Message, "Ashley, I think
that way of going about it
is the best way you can do it."
"Y'all followed your heart,
and at the end of the day,
your heart will never fail you." Send.
Oh, Daniel, I love that. [chuckles]
That's speaking to my heart.
Circle, message,
"Ashley, I feel you. It's all good."
"You did what you felt was best."
"Now, the question is,
who did my homie Calvin go to visit?"
"Smiley face emoji. #ItWasntMe."
[sighs] All right. Well, now it's time
to get to the nitty-gritty.
I'm dying to know who Calvin went to see.
Well, who was it?
Message "Calvin came to see me."
"I had my tea ready and waiting for him."
"It was good to see him
and know he wasn't a catfish."
"After we kiki'd, he gave me
a lot of interesting information."
"Cat emoji. Fish emoji. Eye emoji!"
-Oh, no!
-[Nick] I ain't worried about it.
-Kai's using this as a scare tactic.
-[Buteau] You look a little scared, dude.
-I ain't scared.
-[Buteau] Okay.
Circle, message, "Kai, I knew
you'd be the one he'd go and see."
[Kai] "Kiss face emoji. #WasLoveInTheAir?"
Message, "Calvin is definitely
a handsome man. Heart eyes emoji."
"One thing I learned about him is
he's definitely loyal, 100% genuine,
and a queen never kisses and tells.
Purple devil emoji. #WhatAConnection."
And send.
Yes, girl! Yes! I knew it!
Circle, message,
"I also had a hunch he would go see Kai."
"I could see the sparkle in his eyes
since day one."
"The homie was lovestruck."
This lets her know
that I actually did know
that Kai was a good friend of Calvin,
which hopefully makes me seem
a little more genuine in Kai's eyes.
I'm not surprised about Calvin and Kai.
It sucks for Kai that she lost somebody,
but that's where I can come slide in.
I'll be anything to
to fill that void in her heart right now.
"The Circle Chat is now closed."
Kai knows exactly what she's doing.
Ugh, it's so annoying.
I mean, she seems like a great person,
but that's a problem.
I can't have a person like that in here
'cause she's gonna win the whole thing.
[Buteau] After mopping up
all that spilled breakfast tea,
The Circle has something else brewing
'cause it's about to tell one of them
that they were chosen by Calvin
to receive a special gift.
[suspenseful music playing]
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
"Alert!" Oh my gosh.
What is it?
Oh sick.
Calvin has left a message for just me.
Hell yeah. Dude, I gotta admit,
I was a little bit salty
that you visited Kai over me,
but you made up for it with this.
All right, Calvin. What's the message?
Nick, my boy, what's up?
This is a direct message just for you.
Yes! My boy.
The Circle gave me a chance
to bestow the gift of popularity
to one player, and I chose you.
Oh my God! Calvin!
I chose you
because you're part of the Wolf Pack.
I love you like a bro.
Keep your head up, bro.
Don't get discouraged.
Don't worry about the haters.
Keep being you, and good luck.
Oh, this is the best.
I guess, hopefully, is this gonna show me
what he meant by boost the popularity?
"Second profile to use in The Circle."
Oh my gosh! That's huge.
"This is your burner profile."
Oh, I can use
the burner profile to get, like,
Kai's real opinion about me and stuff.
I can ask her, "Who should I be afraid of?
Who do you trust? Blah, blah, blah,"
with, like, a fresh start.
"Nick, meet your new profile, Vince."
Vince sounds like a ladies' man already.
[heavy metal music playing]
Oh my gosh.
Vince, you're a scary-looking dude.
Oh, he's a ghost hunter.
I know very little about that profession.
But if I'm to make a convincing Vince,
I will need to channel
my inner ghost hunter.
"You have a delivery at your door."
Take this to the bed. [chuckles]
What? [laughs]
[in menacing voice] Yes. Vince.
All right, Vince. "Hometown."
We're gonna go Boston.
I like that.
Boston's got a lot of history,
a lot of ghost potential.
Vince is gonna be
like an alternative ghost hunter.
So if anyone asks me
about, like, mainstream haunts,
I'm gonna be like,
"I don't believe that mainstream stuff."
Oh, I see great things for Nick in here.
In fact, I don't think their
[laughs] Oh, sh
My cape! [laugh heartily]
[Buteau] As the morning progresses,
and unaware
there's a ghost hunter in their midst,
the players are in high spirits.
Wake up, baby girl. You need it.
Maybe I could use this time
to, like, teach myself
Oh, I just stubbed my toe! [whimpers]
That really hurt. [laughs]
[Buteau] While we call in
the Flight for Life,
elsewhere Kai,
after losing her king Calvin,
is about to claim her queenhood
by strengthening her alliances.
"Kai has invited you to a private chat."
Oh yeah, girl.
Message, "Hey, hey, girl.
Was last night's ratings crazy or what?"
"I did not expect you to be rated that low
and Ashley and Isabella rated that high,
but I have a plan."
Girl, I'm all ears.
She's typing. I cannot wait.
Message, "We have to play nice
and build up our alliances
with Daniel and James."
"Also, Calvin told me
that Jackson shouldn't be trusted."
"#MightBeACatfish." And send.
Circle, message, "All I have to say is
I'm with you on all of this."
"We're on the same page."
This, ugh, is giving me all the life.
Message, "I definitely feel
that Ashley and Isabella
have an alliance of some kind."
"They both agreed to block Calvin."
"So, I feel like
one of us could possibly be next."
"#TheyCantBeTrusted." And send.
[Ruksana] That's deep.
She basically thinks it would be
either me or her that goes next.
[Kai] I feel like Ruksana and I
have always pretty much been
on the same page.
It's all about making sure
that we get as many people
on our side as possible.
It's all about strategy
and quick strategy.
Message, "I have an idea."
"The game
is all about strength in numbers."
"So, how would you feel
about adding James into this conversation
and getting to feel him out together?"
I mean, let's do it. We have to
we have to make up for what we lost.
Circle, message,
"I agree. Let's do it. #BringHimIn." Send.
Oh! "Kai has invited you to a chat."
Ain't ain't this perfect?
This is exactly what I wanted to happen.
She's trying to replace
an ally that she lost.
At the end of the day,
boyfriend, husband, baby daddy,
he was still an ally.
I could be an ally for her.
Circle, take me
to the chat with Kai, please.
I got breakfast and my girls.
Message, "What's up, ladies?
I'm so sad to hear about Calvin
because I really wanted
to get to know him."
"He seemed like a dope human,
and I hate to see a brother go,
but at least I have my sisters." For real.
Circle, message,
"I know exactly what you mean, James."
"That's why
what we're doing is so important."
"Us three need to see this to the end."
Yes! "I vibed with you from day one."
That's what I'm talking about.
Message, "Yes, sis, yes.
I could not have said it better myself."
"James, you said
you felt like you could trust me,
and honestly, I feel the same.
Ruksana and I are loyal,
and we'll definitely have your back
till the end."
[James] "#TheThreeAmigos."
I like that.
The Three Amigos. I like that a lot.
I'm so happy.
Oh, this this is a blessing.
Message, "Although I've only been here
for a short amount of time,"
I already feel the fakeness
amongst some people. #CAPtainJackson."
But make sure to capitalize "cap"
so they know what I'm trying to say. Send.
[Kai] Yes! See, that's
what I'm talking about. We all vibe.
The fakeness
is what he referred to Jackson as.
I totally agree 100%, James.
Circle, message,
"Yep, we're already on the same page."
"Me and Kai already have our eye
on Jackson, and it's not a good thing."
"We need a plan."
Yo, I was just about to say
I was literally just about to message,
"Okay, let's get a plan together."
All right. So Ruksana,
she's already letting James know
how we feel,
and I love that Ruksana
and I can talk for each other.
All right, Circle, message, "Sis"
Let me get that that relationship going.
I love [chuckles]
I love how this guy talks.
"you're right. We need a plan.
Who else do you guys trust?"
Circle, message, "Okay, James."
"So I think Daniel can be trusted.
He is loyal as hell."
"#HeIsABaby. #HeWillListenToHisElders.
Cry laughing emoji."
I love it, Ruksana.
Again, we're thinking alike.
If if I'm confident
about anybody in this game,
Daniel, Kai, and Ruksana
is exactly who they say they are.
This is my catfish radar.
Right now, when I say Ashley's name,
it goes up a little bit like, "Ooh."
When I say Isabella, it's about the same,
but when I say Jackson,
that thing go all the way over here,
'cause I'm sure he's a catfish.
[Buteau] While his hand detector
is very low-tech, it definitely works.
Message, "Daniel is definitely
on my list to be trusted. #LittleBro."
"Lastly, just food for thought,
Nick and Isabella have an alliance
which leaves me suspicious."
Circle, message, "Okay, I think
we know what we gotta do now."
"I think, in this short time,
we've weeded out the real from the fake."
"It's game time, family."
"#SeeYallAtTheEnd. #WereInThisTogether."
Now, that's how you do it.
We now have an alliance with James.
We're good.
I'm gonna update my notes,
keep an eye, play the game,
protect my little Circle family.
[Buteau] After a hectic couple of days,
The Circle is giving our players
some much-needed rest
and relaxation time tonight.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
What is it? What is it? What is it?
-"A new player has entered The Circle."
Oh my
God, we're gonna have another new player?
Damn, dude. [groans]
So, I'm not the newbie no more?
Who could it be?
-Maybe this could be a good thing.
-Or it could be bad.
Everyone's freaking out.
No one knows who he is except for me.
[all] "Vince."
Vince looks real mysterious.
That look like Van Helsing.
I'm kind of intimidated.
He looks like he does some satanic ritual.
No, baby, come on.
All right, Circle,
time to snoop on my boy, Vince.
[all] Take me to Vince's profile.
Please, boo.
[Kai] Oh, okay. All right.
I feel like he's giving me almost kind of
like an Edward Scissorhands type of vibe.
I wonder
what people are thinking of Vince.
They have to be so confused.
Oh, he's a ghost hunter!
How sick is that?
He's a ghost hunter.
What, you killing Casper
out in these streets? [chuckles]
[Ruksana] How do you make money
hunting ghosts?
Like what, you get
a commission on every ghost? [laughs]
[Buteau] Some of you
never seen Ghostbusters, and it shows.
It really shows.
He literally looks like someone
who is part of a cult who would use me
as, like, the freaking virgin sacrifice.
[gasps] That's what I am.
I'm the virgin sacrifice event.
The photo is already sort of bringing
negative energies.
So I have to be positive
so people are like,
"Oh, like, he's not smiling in his photo,
but he still seems like a fun person."
Hometown, Boston. East Coast. That's cool.
My father's from Boston, Mass,
so, maybe we can connect on that level.
[Matthew] "Hey, everyone.
Happy to be here."
"I saw my first ghost when I was 16,
and I knew it was my calling."
I seen a whale when I was 14.
Don't mean I'm gonna go do
whale calling, sir. [laughs]
I would think that most people
who saw a ghost would be freaked out,
not wanting to go find more.
I love ghosts. My grandma's a psychic.
Like, this is, like, entirely my vibe.
My mom grew up in a haunted house.
She's told me ghost stories my whole life,
and I personally have seen three ghosts.
[Rachel] "Not feeling any bad energy here,
but I'm hoping we all find some spirits."
I think if he can hunt ghosts,
he can for sure hunt catfish,
so I have to be careful.
I gotta get to know this character.
I think most people have to be thinking
Vince is giving catfish vibes,
which is unfortunate,
but he's gonna come in, win them over.
It'll be
It'll be a little bit of a challenge,
but Vince got this.
"Circle Chat is now open."
All right, Vince,
now's your time to shine.
First impressions.
[both] Circle, take me to the Circle Chat.
Let's go, baby!
I'm, like, so intrigued
what everyone else is gonna say to him.
I'm not typing first. I don't
I just wanna fly under the radar.
All right, what is Vince gonna say?
Circle, message,
"Hey, everybody! Exclamation point."
[clicks tongue] Uh
"This looks like a great group of people.
I can't wait to get to know you all."
"First things first,
who believes in ghosts?"
Nice. All right, I like that. Send.
Circle, message,
"Holy shit, a ghost hunter!"
"I saw my first ghost at 21,
dying to hear about yours."
"See what I did there?"
No, I didn't see what you did there.
"Welcome, Vince.
Ghost emoji with a black heart."
All right,
I need to send a message as Nick.
[Buteau] To keep everything
as straightforward as possible
while pretending to be two personalities
All right, Nick needs to chime in here.
[Buteau] Nick's decided
to play Vince in the bedroom
and himself in the living room.
Circle, message,
"Dude, Vince, welcome to the family."
"That might be
the coolest job I've ever seen."
"#SpookySeason." Send.
I want Vince to know
that, like, I am so excited he's here
'cause I'm super involved
in the paranormal world as well.
Isabella, "Vince, dude,
from your bio, you seem super sick."
"So glad you're here.
My grandmother is a psychic,
and my whole family is super involved
in the paranormal world."
People love Vince!
Oh no! [laughs] What about Nick?
Vince is just the hottest thing
on the market right now.
[Buteau] Nick's also decided that,
to get into character as a ghost hunter,
he should wear a cape.
Oh, what do we got? What do we got?
Okay. Whoo!
Message, "Yo, Vince,
your profile is so interesting,
and I have so many questions
simply because I had my first encounter
when I was 14."
"The lights went out."
"Turns out
my mom just didn't pay the electric bill."
"Laughing emoji." Send.
"Turns out my mom
didn't pay the electric bill." [laughs]
He's so funny.
Circle, message, "Wow! It is so great
to hear that everyone is into ghosts."
We're lying to you.
"I wasn't sure if I would get laughed at."
[laughs] You did.
"I saw my first ghost at 16,
but I don't like to talk about that one."
Why the fuck would you bring it up then?
"Usually, they involve sound or"
"or misplaced objects,
but I did see the ghost
of what looked like a"
"British soldier."
"Boston is full of history and secrets."
I feel like I just got the chills.
Like, that's, like, really creepy.
No, no, no.
"British soldier."
Oof, what a touch! [laughing]
That's good, Vince.
[Daniel] I'm just gonna hide here. No!
[whimpering] "British soldier." Oh my God.
Feel good about that message.
Now, Nick needs to get involved here.
Everybody's, like, super intrigued
and curious, which is good for him.
Circle, message, "No way. That's sick."
"I've tried to go ghost hunting
with some friends before,
but we had no clue what we were doing."
"I need to chat with you
about the proper techniques."
"#SoExcited." Send.
Hopefully, that message
right next to Vince's message
is gonna convince people,
or it'll make people be like,
"There's no way Nick
and Vince are the same person."
"Nick is so excited to talk to him."
Message, "Hey, hey, Vince,
welcome to The Circle. Hug emoji."
"So, I'm curious.
If you can weed out ghosts,
do you think
you could do the same for catfish too?"
#IDefinitelyBelieveInGhosts." And send.
-Kai is obsessed with the catfish.
-You're putting a target on your back.
That's all you talk about.
We're trying to get to know Vince.
Right now, we're all just bonding,
and we're all just family and being cute,
and just to bring
the word "catfish" in there,
it brings up a line of division
that I don't think is needed.
-Why did she have to do that?
-I don't think that's a good message.
"The Circle Chat is now closed." Good.
[Nick] That was
such a good first impression for Vince.
Heck, he might be doing better
than Nick at this point.
[Buteau] Evening in The Circle,
and it seems we might need Vince
to summon the ghost
of firefighting chef Calvin
-to sort this one out.
-[alarm beeping]
Oh! I burned my pizza.
Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.
Well, not terrible.
I can just remove the cheese.
[Buteau] Remove the cheese?
That sounds pretty terrible to me.
Okay, now I am freaking out.
Where the hell did he go? I am legit
[chuckles] Okay. There he is.
All right, so I'll eat around the crust.
Tastes great. Not bad. Kinda happy.
[Buteau] Great. Now I wanna cook
some pizza for myself.
And Nick is cooking up
a little something of his own too.
I need to check in with the Wolf Pack
now that Calvin is gone.
It'll give us something
to talk about and bond about.
Make sure that we're all on the same page
and then expand it to, like, a guys' chat.
And then I can use that as an opportunity
to invite the new people,
Vince and James, into this guys' chat,
get James to like Nick,
and then also make Daniel feel like
Nick and all the boys are a tight unit.
So, with that,
Circle, open up a group chat
with Daniel and Jackson.
"Nick has invited you
to the Wolf Pack chat."
I'm excited for this chat.
I'm happy for this chat.
But I'm gonna continue
to splash my holy water.
So, take me to the Wolf Pack chat.
Uh-uh, the couch,
you're getting it too, y'all.
Uh-uh, no one's safe.
[Nick] Circle, message,
"Hey, dudes,
I was super bummed to see Calvin go."
"He seemed like a genuinely great guy."
"What are your thoughts on the matter?
Oh God. I don't know what they know,
which is so hard about this.
Circle, message,
"Nick, couldn't agree more."
"I thought everybody liked him.
I guess I was wrong."
Yeah, I thought the same thing.
I kept being shocked
by how low he was getting rated.
This is so awkward.
Circle, message,
"Daniel, I was shocked as well."
"We have to keep each other up
because this game keeps getting wilder."
[Daniel] "Speaking of which,
I still haven't had a chance
to talk with James,
and Vince just entered the arena."
"Should we expand this
into a guys' chat? #FreshMeat."
I mean, I think we should for sure.
I am terrified and disturbed by Vince.
I don't like the long hair.
I don't like the ghost hunting.
But I need him as a number.
Circle, message,
"I am always down to extend the invite."
"#TheMoreTheMerrier." Perfect.
Circle, message, "I'm in the same boat
as you are, so hell yeah."
"I'm so scared,
if we don't stick together,
that we are gonna get picked off"
"and I don't want
to lose either one of y'all."
Yes, Daniel! That is the kind of attitude
I needed to see from you today.
Circle, invite James and Vince
to the guys' chat.
Oh shit!
"Nick has invited you to the guys' chat."
Okay, this is exactly what I wanted to do.
All right, Vince definitely
Vince is gonna thank Nick for the invite.
[sighs] "Nick has invited you
to the guys' chat."
What an honor!
Nick seems like a great guy.
[Buteau] And so humble too.
[gasps] Oh no, no, no, no, no!
Like, seeing his name,
I literally get goosebumps.
Circle, message,
"Welcome to the group, James and Vince."
"I was once one of the new guys too
so always here if you need anything."
"#TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork." Send.
Message, "What's up, fellas?
I'm excited to talk to you all."
"Vince, how are you?"
"The most interesting man
in The Circle! Exclamation mark."
And then use the, uh
the ghost emoji. Send.
All right, Vince, your time to shine.
We're not gonna use hashtags or emojis.
I need this
to be very different from Nick.
Circle, message,
"Wow, thank you guys for the invite."
"Everyone has been so nice so far."
"I'm still trying to learn what I'm doing.
Help me out! Exclamation point." Send.
Well-done, Vince.
Nick will give you a nice welcome.
Aw, he's so cute. He just wants help.
Circle, message,
"Vince, you're gonna do great."
"Just keep being authentic,
and, James, we needed
another funny person in here."
"#ComedyClub. #GoodSpiritsOnly."
Nick, I want no damn spirit.
Message, "I know we all like ghosts,
but what about sports?"
"What are your favorite teams?
Question mark."
"#Dodgers. #MarinersWho."
I hope Nick has a sense of humor
with that one.
[Nick chuckles] Wow!
James throwing shade at my jersey.
Circle, message,
"James, I see you taking shots at"
"my team."
That's what I wanted you to say.
"At least the Seahawks are killing it."
"We have to discuss sports
one-on-one later."
My guy. I got my in with Nick.
Great closing statement.
Now Vince needs to have his own closure.
I think Nick and Calvin were good friends,
and now that Calvin's gone,
that opens up the room
for me to walk right in.
Circle, message,
"You guys have made me feel
extremely welcome, and I thank you."
-[chuckles] Aw.
[James] Cool.
I feel good about that group chat.
I feel decent.
I feel like that chat went really well.
It seems like the guys have
a pretty strong alliance going.
I think some people probably think
Vince is the real deal.
I'm even starting to think
Vince is the real deal.
Vince creeps me the fuck out.
[Buteau] And as night falls,
it's time to welcome
our not-really-a-newbie Vince
with a little game.
[all] "Camp Circle!"
"A camping trip"
"where you will get the chance"
"to get to know Vince s'more."
[laughs] Okay.
Circle, you're so cute. [chuckles]
[gasps] "Your camping gear is at my door."
-This is gonna require a few trips.
Oh my God!
Oh shit! Was a lot brighter
than I thought it was gonna be.
[gasps, chuckles]
Jeez Louise.
I'm ready for Camp Circle.
[in baby voice] Oh,
it's getting spooky in here.
How you doing, Vince?
This is just another day
in the life of a ghost hunter.
Wow, Vince. I'm shaking in my boots.
Don't scare me too much. [laughs]
It's time for Camp Circle to commence.
Message, "I don't know about you guys,
but this is my first camping trip ever."
And send.
What? She's never been camping?
All right. Vince,
this is not your first time camping.
Same, Kai.
Baby, I knew she didn't camp. I knew it.
All right.
Circle, message, "Don't worry, everybody."
"This is certainly not
my first time camping."
"The only thing that would make
this better is a full moon."
[chuckles] Send.
Circle, message,
"Do you know what would make
a night like this better? Ghost stories."
[in baby voice] Mmm
[Nick] "Vince, you start."
All right. All right.
All right. All right.
Here we go.
Dun-dun-dun! ♪
The anticipation.
Ghost stories [sighs]
that's the last thing I need in my life.
[chuckles] All right. Circle, message,
"I was camping with my assistant
in the woods outside of Salem."
"We were there all night,
and I had all of my gear set up"
"Dot, dot, dot. Night-vision cameras,
electromagnetic field
and most importantly,
my high-end audio recording microphone."
"It captures decibels
that aren't discernible
with the human ear."
Now, children, if you don't know
what "discernible" means,
I don't know either.
"As we were walking through the woods
back to the car,
I felt three fingers
lightly touch the front of my throat."
[chuckles softly]
That ghost was trying to kill you,
or she was kinky.
"Then the fingers slowly made their way
around the entire circumference
of my neck."
That's terrifying.
"After pitch-shifting the audio
down to a human range,
we heard what sounded like the word,
in quotes
[echoes] 'innocence.'"
Oh God!
Please tell me the lights
were meant to just go dim. [chuckles]
Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Don't. Why the lights moving?
Why the lights moving?
Okay. Nothing bad can happen to me.
Nothing bad can happen to me.
Oh oh, okay.
Spirits, I come in peace.
If a little white girl
with a white dress come out, I pro
Okay, th th th
this ain't good for my heart.
-[knocking at door]
-[screams] Oh my God!
What the heck? [chuckles]
-[knocking at door]
[sighs] Black people not
we don't do stuff like this, y'all.
[gasps] What the hell was this shit?
Oh God. I'm sweating.
Circle, message,
"Loving your energy, Vince."
"Thanks for giving us this night.
Black heart emoji." Send.
Wow. Good job. Vince, you got 'em.
Circle, message,
"If anyone else can't sleep tonight,
let me know."
"We'll share some fairy tales instead."
Circle, message, "Okay,
I'm officially good on the ghost stories."
"I just about lost my shit." Send.
I feel like people like Vince
more than they like Nick. [chuckling]
[Buteau] Oh, I'm not saying
a single thing.
Our happy little campers
are packing up their tents
This has gotta be easier.
[Buteau] and heading to bed.
Survived another day in The Circle.
It was scary as shit.
I don't know
if I'mma be able to go to sleep.
Hey, Circle, if you don't mind,
keep the lights on for me tonight.
Good night, Circle. Love you, darling.
[Buteau] But it seems
that after all the spooky business,
Kai wants to lay some
of her own Circle ghosts to rest.
Circle, open private chat with Nick.
Ugh! [chuckling]
Calvin has now been blocked,
and he's gone.
And I don't really know
where that puts Nick and I's alliance.
I know that he said
that he would have my back
because a friend of Calvin's
is a friend of his,
but now Calvin is gone.
So, I'm really not sure if he still plans
on upholding that alliance.
Nothing like a good late-night chat
with my archnemesis.
All right.
What is she doing?
So, message, "Hey, Nick,
I guess tonight was pretty spooky, huh?"
"Ghost emoji. But on a serious note,
I wanted to check in on you
because I know that you were
as close to Calvin as I was."
Hmm [chuckling]
I mean, it seems genuine,
but, like, it's a game,
so everything's a strategy.
Circle, message,
"Tonight was a blast! Exclamation point."
"Thanks for checking in.
Calvin was my guy since day one."
"He spoke really highly of you.
Are you doing all right? Smiley face."
Kai, what is your motive here?
Now I wanna ask him a question
that begins to lead
into our deeper connection.
Message, "Well, it looks
like we have something in common,
because when Calvin came to see me,
he spoke extremely highly of you
and told me
you were definitely a great guy."
"I'm kind of missing my family.
We're super close. #JoinedAtTheHip."
"Are you feeling homesick yet?"
It's seeming
like she's trying to get to know me,
and it also seems like she's trying
for me to get to know her.
All right. Circle, message,
"My twin brother is my best friend,
so I'm missing him a ton."
"It would've been sick to have him here."
[Kai] "But I know he's rooting for me.
Who in your family are you closest with?"
Message, "I definitely feel
where you're coming from,
because even though I don't have a twin"
"growing up, I was taught that family
is all you'll ever have in the end."
"But being here in The Circle
has definitely shown me
that friends can also be family.
The problem is Kai seems like
she probably is a genuinely nice person.
If Kai and I
could totally trust each other
that we would never block each other,
we would be set.
We would both just ride off
into the sunset, right to the finale.
Should I just make an alliance
with Kai in this chat?
I just need to know
if I really can trust her.
All right. [sighs]
Ugh! Okay.
Circle, message,
"Yes, I was definitely not expecting
to make so many friends in The Circle,
but some people
are clearly being strategic."
"I've always viewed you
as one of the smartest,
most powerful players in The Circle,
and to me, it seems like we have
somehow ended up on different sides."
Message, "I had my doubts
on whether I could fully trust you,
but this conversation has made me realize
how genuine you are."
"I truly think if we work together,
we can help each other
all the way till the end."
#TheUnlikelyDuo. #OliveBranch."
I'm digging this message with Nick.
All right.
I'm not really sure if he's accusing me
of being strategic or not,
but he possibly could be.
Oh, hopefully, that wasn't a big mistake.
Okay. Message,
"I wanted to trust you 100%,
but I just wasn't sure if I could."
"After our last chat
and speaking with you now,
definitely reassures me
that I don't need
to side-eye you anymore."
"You're just as strong of a player
as I am,
and I genuinely want us
to be on the same team."
"#WomanOfMyWord. #ITrulyGotYou."
[inhales] That's something that
a very strategic player would say though.
If he sees me as competition
and he feels like he didn't know
if he could fully trust me or not,
those two things put together
definitely sounds like a cocktail
for him rating me low.
But because we're having
this conversation,
I'm hoping
that it'll change that moving forward.
Circle, message,
"I feel like I can fully trust you,
and I hope you feel the same."
"I have a feeling one of the two of us
will be an influencer next,
so that will be the true test."
"You are safe with me.
#YouHaveMyWord. #IGotYou. #TwoTitans."
Only strategy and logic. No emotion.
Win that money.
So, if I have to block her,
I gotta block her.
[theme music playing]
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