The Convict (2021) s03e07 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 7

Soon you will be
one of the most important people
in the Polish uniformed services
next to the Chief of Police.
I am ready for it.
- What do you mean, Mazur?
- Give the baby back to Natalia, fucker.
You can end up in jail for that.
- Where is he?
- This has gone too far.
- This was a mistake.
- I don't give a shit.
- It's all about Miki's life!
- I know, it's about my son's life.
Ah! Yours? So he's not mine?
That's what you meant to say, right?
Miki is ill.
He has congenital haemorrhagic diathesis.
This can be treated. But it costs a heap.
I wanted you to know.
Because you're his mum.
But Mazur can manipulate people
quite well.
In any case, I warned you.
My brother. Marek.
He went missing three years ago.
I knew he was doing more and more drugs,
that he was cheating on me.
And finally he texted back
that he was at Rabczuk's holiday house.
- Was Hepner there too?
- Yes.
I saw him and Rabczuk
pull Marek out of the house.
He was already dead.
The corpse from the forest is the missing
Marek Kraszecki. Michał's brother.
Find the link between the death
of the younger Kraszecki and Hepner!
And when the fuck
am I supposed to do that? When?
They've expedited his appointment.
Soon he'll be untouchable.
- And where is Wiki?
- Maybe she's waiting at home?
I knew I would find you here.
I came for help.
I won't testify. I can't.
You will.
Do you have a son?
You won't turn on me
like you did on Serafin.
You know what Hepner is capable of.
I have to protect Jasiek.
You won't be safe until they catch him.
Otherwise, you'll always be on the run.
I cannot. Sorry.
You must.
You must testify officially.
Tomorrow will be too late.
Hepner will be untouchable,
therefore all the cogs are in motion.
The police are just now searching
Rabczuk's holiday house.
You took advantage of me.
I will not be put up against the wall!
I won't!
Too late.
End of visitation!
Let's go, Mazur!
Tell that motherfucker
I didn't say anything! Not a word!
You are detained
on suspicion of making false statements.
This is bullshit!
- You can explain it at the police station.
- No. I'm not going anywhere.
- Let's go.
- Leave me.
Ladies, a great honour will be bestowed
on our institution tomorrow.
We will be hosting a special conference,
which will be attended by the directors
of other penitentiary institutions.
The seven horsemen of the apocalypse?
No comment.
The Minister of Justice
will also be attending the conference.
I will be officially nominated
as our country's Head of Prison Service.
- I wonder who he sucked to get this.
- Shiv.
- I have a vivid imagination.
- You don't have to clap.
- Fuck me.
- I know what you are capable of.
But I am sure the conference
will happen without a hitch.
- That was the stick and now the carrot.
- Margarita.
- Bitching!
- Wait, one second.
I would like the celebration
to be enhanced by your performances.
Therefore, those of you
who have vocal talent
- or play some instrument
- No, I can't.
- Fuck
- sign up on Officer Smentoch's list.
- Enjoy!
- One per table.
Mariolka, give one here.
Mazur, please come with me.
It was three years ago,
there must be some traces left.
So far we have nothing. But it looks like
there was a refurbishment in the meantime.
Okay, I'll check it out.
Have you done
any refurbishment here recently?
- Only in the bathroom.
- When?
About three years ago.
My husband didn't like the tiles.
I thought they were fine.
- We need to remove them.
- Why?
Well, because these, in turn,
are not to my taste.
Bring in the boys, the gear,
let's break them up.
I have a right to know
what this is all about!
And I have the right to remain silent
for the sake of the investigation.
Will you finally tell me
what investigation you're referring to?
You'll never stop chasing me, will you?
Then maybe stop running away.
I like you.
Really. I like you a lot, Mazur.
We are very much alike.
- We?
- Yhm.
We have our rules.
We are both stubborn.
We'd kill to reach our goals.
By the way.
Did you kill Michał Kraszecki's brother?
You and Rabczuk? In his holiday house?
You only see what you want to see.
That's your problem.
That's why you are so easy to manipulate.
- What are you talking about now?
- Rather about whom.
Ask Natalia Dolecka.
Ask her what was between her and Michał.
He had a motive.
He had a motive to kill his brother.
You're lucky.
The Chief Warden does not normally receive
unannounced visitors.
Let's go. Please move away!
Alicja, what happened!
Come on in!
Hush, darling. Be quiet.
Bartek, if you leave now,
you'll have nothing to come back to.
- It'll be the end, you hear me?
- Basia, it's over anyway.
We haven't spoken to each other
for months.
- That's not true.
- It is!
We talk about Miki and we don't exist.
- We don't even sleep with each other.
- Because we have a little baby!
But if you give us a chance
If you give me a chance, Bartek
Bartek, everything will still work out.
You'll see
It's better for both of us.
What about the little one?
Can I at least see him sometimes?
I'll call you.
Excuse me.
I found out yesterday. I saw his remains.
Tell me what you know.
I'm sorry to hear
about your brother's death.
He did not deserve to die like that.
If you hadn't dragged him
into your dirty business,
he'd probably still be alive.
He was already doing drugs in Afghanistan.
A drug addict
will always find a way to get
You know I'm right.
Check your friends.
Love those who check out.
Because of the drugs,
your brother became unpredictable.
Love those who check out.
He messed with dangerous people.
That's what lost him, Michał.
I should not have come.
We used to be friends.
All five of us.
Two are dead.
One has gone mad.
We're the only ones left.
All the more reason for us
to stick together.
Tomorrow I will be nominated
as Head of Prison Service.
I'll have a lot of pull.
You could start a pilot programme
of trauma recovery
in all penitentiary institutions.
I'll introduce you
to the minister tomorrow.
No, thanks. Really, it's not for me.
Think about it.
You don't have to make a decision now.
You want to frame me
for giving false testimony?
- You won't succeed!
- Why false?
You will also be held liable
for failing to report a crime.
Are you going to stick to your position
or can we reach an understanding?
Let's talk about the incident
when your boyfriend Marek Kraszecki
was killed.
What are you doing?
Here, look! This is a policeman
who abuses his power!
Ms Natalia. Believe me,
with my radio beauty I will not
make a career on the internet.
Oh, it's from prison.
Please pick up.
It might be our mutual friend.
Go on.
I got taken in.
- For your benefit.
- Bullshit! You betrayed me, end of story.
Tell me, what was your relationship
with Michał Kraszecki?
The truth will set me free, eh?
Did you have an affair with him?
It wasn't quite like that.
- I never wanted that
- I wanted to smoke khat
- I never wanted that
- Always looked like a twat
Write that down.
I never wanted that
Being locked up like a rat, and now
"And now I'm here!"
- I'm here!
- Has God forsaken you, for fuck's sake!
To sell your soul to Hepner
for a piece of fucking bread?
Pati, we don't give a shit
about the bread. It's all about the fun.
Let's rap, fuck the rest!
One, two, three!
- I'm here, I'm here!
- Do what the fuck you want.
I'm here, I'm here!
Nothing do I fear!
One, two, three, four.
- I never wanted that
- My depression was bad
- I never wanted that
- And I fucked all around
Don't stand over me like that
or I'll get heartburn.
Heartburn, indigestion, who cares.
Inmate, we're going to the infirmary.
- Why?
- You have a stomach ache. You reported it.
Let's go!
Aluta, but why should you
suddenly believe Hepner?
- Dolecka confirmed it.
- Okay. So she confessed?
- No, but she did not deny it.
- But that doesn't mean he killed him.
But I know he had a reason to.
The point is that he didn't have to
kill him. Do you get it?
It was his brother.
By blood.
Come on.
Hi, dear.
You've grown.
Teeth. Mom is here, yes.
My boy.
Maybe he's hungry?
Maybe I can breastfeed him?
What's happening?
You cannot keep me here! No!
We can. We'll hold you for 48 hours,
then we'll think about it.
But I have to pick Jasiek up
from kindergarten!
Easy, social services
will take care of it.
But he's just a little boy.
You'll scare him. He's a little child.
In the morning, the prosecutor
will request an arrest warrant
and you'll be inside for longer.
Why do you and Mazur
want to destroy me, huh? Why?
You, my dear, do not count.
You are only a means to an end.
Give us Hepner and you will be free.
Baby is full, yes?
Are you looking at your dad?
The idiot.
Maybe apologise to her
and she'll still let you come back?
Well, but I didn't
I didn't leave to return to her now.
So what's up with Miki's therapy?
Basia did what she could.
We have space in a hospital in Boston.
But there is no cash.
She won't get it. I have to.
You're doing poorly with that.
How about you organise something?
You're the mother after all!
Yeah, me. How?
Should I start dealing again?
I don't know. Come up with something.
I guess I'm being punished
for all my bad deeds.
Well, those girls are wailing,
this one is in the mood for a confession.
My fault. My fault.
And your fucking fault too, Mazur.
Fuck, at last!
I was scared that you had gone soft again,
just like last time.
If you hadn't meddled
in other people's affairs,
the goods would have been rolling
and there would be cash for everything,
for saving my son, and more.
He kidnapped the child.
- To save his own, right?
- And shit would have come out of it.
- At least there was a plan!
- A weak one.
Shut your cunty yaps!
You'll come up with something.
I don't know what.
I think I'll rob a church.
Chief Warden Hepner
invites you to a rehearsal!
Now they intend to fucking kill us off
with higher culture.
Aluta, I can't stand it!
Ms Natalia?
Ms Natalia?
Tell us what you saw on the night
of 26-27 September, three years ago.
That evening I was in the flat
on Garażowa Street.
Marek was supposed to come.
He was running late.
And finally a text message came.
He wrote that he was scared
and he wanted me to come and get him.
It was after midnight.
I parked my car there.
I turned off the engine
and then the porch light turned on.
The door opened and I saw
I don't have the strength
to run away any longer.
I will tell you everything.
Happy birthday, happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you!
One more time! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday!
What's it like to be forty years old?
Apart from the moustache.
Well, you know
And as for the toast.
I have the main things I wanted.
He has such a sad life.
Happy birthday, love.
Touching, really.
It's me.
I accept your proposal.
I'm happy to hear that.
I really am, Michał.
We used to stick together, remember?
But a lot of shit happened along the way.
It's never too late
to start all over again.
- I'll be there tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Wake up, princesses!
- Isn't it too early?
Order from the Chief Warden:
a quick shower and an early breakfast.
Just please don't make trouble today.
Today Hepner will get promoted
and a new guy will come.
- Hopefully they won't be worse.
- Worse than him?
All right! Move it, sleeping queens!
Get up!
We're up! Wake up, lasses!
- All ready?
- That's right.
If one of them does anything wrong,
not only her will suffer the consequences,
but you as well.
And smile. This isn't a funeral.
- Good morning, Minister.
- Good morning.
Welcome to my humble abode.
- Good morning. Thank you very much.
- Here you are.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Please, this way.
- But you did a poor job with the weather.
- Well, yeah.
- Please.
- Lead the way, it's not my place.
Think, Shiv, think.
What is it, Shiv?
I'm trying to collect my thoughts.
How do I get this cash? How?
Can you help me?
I might be able to.
Find a home.
- And a biscuit Labrador.
- No.
The empty house of a former judge.
And on the first floor in the study
you will find a Beksiński's painting.
A very valuable painting,
but it is insured.
- And if it's boosted
- The owner will be compensated.
You're awesome.
- Thanks.
- Screw you.
Yes! Oh, yes!
I'm here to see Chief Warden. It's urgent.
Today is out of the question.
The boss is busy.
- Excuse me, what?
- We have a penitentiary conference.
Minister of Justice. Does it ring a bell?
And does the word "shitshow" ring a bell?
Either you kindly inform him I'm here now,
or you won't work here from tomorrow.
Fucking pronto.
Cheers, General.
You're about to be the boss of all bosses.
Listen, Sylwek. I hope there won't be
any uprising here tonight.
I've got plans.
Excuse me, but this is important.
Forgive me.
Duty is a cruel master.
What is it?
Superintendent Mariusz Piotrowski
is waiting downstairs.
He's adamant to see you.
Can't you brush him off?
Impossible. He's insistent.
- Bring him to the interrogation room.
- Of course.
- What? Trouble in paradise?
- No, no. All is good.
I have everything under control.
Will I be waiting long?
The Chief Warden did not specify.
Faster, faster.
- Good, but too long.
- All right, Jola.
That's enough. Biba, you're on.
The prison in Zabrze
is like a second home for us.
We co-inmates feel a sense
of community
- Stop!
- despite the isolated conditions
Please. Take your hands
out of your pockets. Stand properly.
And show more enthusiasm.
The prison in Zabrze
is like a second home for us.
We co-inmates feel a kind of community,
despite the isolated conditions.
Artistic activities
Artistic activities reduce stress.
- I was supposed to say that.
- Do we have to take part in this circus?
Exactly! Fuck, what a joke. What the fuck?
We're saying goodbye
to our dear warden, really?
- Ala.
- Don't you Ala me!
Biba, do you hear what you're saying?
This is your second home?
Some bald bastard has his special day
and you're going to say shit like that?
Do you remember when you were forced
to roam exhausted around the yard?
- Don't you Ala me! Ala shitala!
- Well done, Aluta!
I need to talk to Alicja.
- She doesn't want to talk to you.
- I'm here only for her.
Can you make this happen? I beg you.
Wait here. What's this? A walk?
Yes, a fucking walk.
To solitary confinement.
- Who is left over there?
- Ziętarek.
Well, go help her,
before we have a repeat of the uprising.
I will take Mrs Mazur
to the solitary confinement.
I'm not sure.
I'm sure.
I'm here until the end of the month,
I don't give a fuck.
But you could be fucked.
Ah, I see.
Fuck, enough of this.
Bring him down immediately.
What are you getting impatient about?
He said to wait,
then you have to wait, yeah?
Superintendent Piotrowski escaped me.
You have five minutes.
What happened?
Have I done something wrong?
- I thought after that night
- Did you kill your brother?
- What?
- Did you take part in that?
What are you talking about?
You had a motive!
You slept with his woman.
My brother was doing drugs
and beating her.
Then begged her to let him come back.
Natalia sought refuge with me
and one night
it just happened.
We didn't plan it.
I loved her and would have done anything
to be with her then.
But I wouldn't kill my brother.
- Alicja, everyone has a past, so do you.
- I don't believe you.
Your husband framed you
for a crime you didn't commit.
And now you're accusing me
of something I didn't do?
Look at me. Look into my eyes. I beg you.
Marek was an idiot.
But he was my brother.
Natalia told me
that she saw Rabczuk and Hepner
carry your brother's body
out of the holiday house.
Today she will testify officially
before the prosecutor.
- No way! I'll gut him!
- Let go.
- Let go!
- No! I'll gut him!
Let it go! Today, during the nomination,
the police will pick him up.
Are you mad?
What the fuck are you doing here?
Let's go.
Come on.
I never wanted that
Being locked up like a rat
And I'm here, I'm here!
I'm here, I'm here!
Nothing do I fear!
Here everything is fate!
The sun rises at the flick of a switch!
The clink of keys
Tells us there is a day to seize!
I never wanted that
Being locked up like a rat!
And I'm here, I'm here!
I'm here, I'm here!
Nothing do I fear!
This wasn't what I planned for
Someone else opened this door
After all, if I had put it together
I would be different, different, different
It really couldn't wait?
Well, it doesn't make a difference
to younger Kraszecki.
Yes, I heard that
you found Marek's body.
For three years we lived in hope
that he would eventually be found.
Natalia Dolecka
made an official statement.
We know everything.
The public prosecutor is on it.
That evening
she saw the body of her fiancé
and two guys carrying it out
of Rabczuk's holiday house.
Marek Kraszecki was a junkie.
a bit too unpredictable, eh?
He wanted more profits
in the joint narco-business,
so the pest had to be eliminated.
Why are you telling me all this?
Are you trying to accuse me of something?
Did Dolecka point at me?
No, no, no.
But I know it was you, motherfucker.
I know you were there.
Please escort him out.
The Superintendent unfortunately
doesn't have an invitation to the concert.
- I'm here!
- I'm here!
- Stop!
- Did you get him?
I'm sorry.
I wanted to provoke and record him,
but he didn't crumble.
And you let him go?
I had no choice.
Apart from the victim's blood,
we found nothing.
No biological traces
of the potential perpetrators.
Excuse me.
And Dolecka's testimony?
She said that that night she saw Rabczuk
carrying out her fiancé's body by himself.
Not a word about Hepner.
No. I don't believe you. You're lying.
And why do you think I would do that?
- I don't know, but you're lying!
- Try to understand!
Hepner is untouchable.
Especially now that he has been nominated
as Head of Prison Service.
- No!
- Yes.
It's over. I'm sorry.
Let's go.
Come on.
- Swieta
- No. Don't do anything stupid.
I have to tell him that it's not over yet.
Alicja, I can't just let you go.
You can. You're screwed as it is.
You'll never work in a prison again.
Swieta, please.
I must do it.
We inmates
would like to
symbolically thank
our Chief Warden,
who is promoted to General.
- Come on, boss.
- Excuse me.
May this statue of the goddess Themis,
the personification of justice,
law and eternal order,
serve as a daily reminder of the values
that guide you in your service to society.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
I'm I'm touched.
Damn, it sure is heavy.
Thank you very much.
I have a speech, but I'll do that later.
Thank you.
The prison in Zabrze
is like a second home for us.
We inmates feel
a sense of community,
despite the isolated conditions
All right, this fucking circus is over.
Give me that microphone.
Come on, give me the mic.
Don't worry about a thing. Go sit down.
Girls, do you know the song that goes:
"The children ran merrily out of school"?
- Yeah.
- Well, play it!
With a special dedication to Chief Warden,
the Themis
of our Polish fucking prison service.
The warden can sing with us
if he knows the lyrics.
You all can sing.
The children ran merrily out of the school
They lit cigarettes
And brought out their bottles
They spat on the pavement
And chased people away
They sat on benches
And roared to each other
We are all messed up in our heads
To be alive
Hey, hey, la la la la, hey, hey, hey, hey!
We are all messed up in our heads
To be alive
Hey, hey, la la la la, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Tons of paper, tons of analysis
Brilliant thoughts, crowds in the hall
Hours of prayer, years of study
Oaths, plans, signatures, forms
We are all messed up in our heads
To be alive
Hey, hey, la la la la, hey, hey, hey, hey!
We are all messed up in our heads
To be alive
Hey, hey, la la la la, hey, hey, hey, hey!
We are all messed up in our heads
To be alive
Hey, hey, la la la la, hey, hey, hey, hey!
That's right!
What are you doing here?
Mazur, come to the hall
or you'll miss me being appointed
as Head of Prison Service.
Take a look.
A gift.
The goddess of justice. For me.
Isn't that ironic?
you missed the attempt at my arrest.
"I know you were there, motherfucker."
I know you were there.
I'm amused by your naivety.
Your tenacity.
Ladies! Ladies! Ladies!
Quiet! Let's sit down.
Let's all sit down. Quiet now.
Thank you. I see you get emotional,
but let me say something.
- Where are we going?
- To get the champagne.
Ah, great, let's get wasted.
Where to?
What do you mean where? We were appointed
to go and get the champagne.
Corks are going to go flying
in his honour.
- For our esteemed chaplain, Chief Warden.
- Comrade General.
The title of Head of Prison Service.
He's probably polishing up his baldness!
Chief Hepner?
You deserve a reward.
You've earned it.
What? Will you say this is sick?
Admit it, how many times
have you thought about it?
How many times
have you dreamt of killing Witkowski?
A lot.
We're all messed up in our heads
La la la la la
You wouldn't dare touch her.
By the way,
the motherfucker got what he was due.
Your daughter
could have finished this off earlier.
But she was weak.
What about her?
All alone. Terrified.
In a foreign country.
I'll take care of her.
Maybe she'll love me too?
After all, she has a weakness
for demented fuckers, eh?
Come to the hall.
I'm about to be nominated.
Come on.
Calm down!
Back to your seats! Do not leave!
Stand back!
Who did it?
I did.
That's not true, I did it.
I did it.
No, I did it.
I did it.
- I did it.
- I was me.
- It was me.
- I did it.
I did it.
- I did it.
- It was me.
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