The Following s03e07 Episode Script

The Hunt

Arthur Strauss is missing.
- Where do you think he'd go? - Why would I help you? You give me something on Strauss.
If it pays off, I'll come back.
Tell me something, Ryan.
Your dreams-- am I in them? - How was it seeing Joe? - It was rough.
Clark's e-mail time-stamped and logged like it's been here all along.
Well, someone must have hacked into the server and put it there.
That's virtually impossible.
- Quantico sent in a new guy.
- Nick Donovan.
This investigation starts at my desk now.
Aah! It's Mark.
You and Max get Strauss.
Max, take Strauss to the car.
Mike, no! You just left her? What the hell were you thinking? I was gonna kill the man that murdered my father until you got into my head! Strauss could have taken a boat to Beacon.
Could be a hunting ground for one of Strauss' students.
Tell us where he is.
Why would I tell you anything? Thank you for the I.
s and planting that e-mail on the FBI server.
You've been like a father to me.
A father's supposed to sacrifice for his children.
We found Strauss.
His head nearly severed.
Who did that? Strauss called him his best student.
Ryan, you kept your promise.
Who's Strauss' best student? Hmm.
Dispatch is rerouting us.
They want us to stay on surface roads.
The FBI's alerted them to a possible threat up ahead.
It's gonna add hours to the trip.
Yeah? Well, better safe than sorry.
This guy's one of Ryan Hardy's whackos.
Last thing we want is to end up in someone's basement, putting the lotion in the basket.
I hear that.
What the hell? No signal.
That's because they sent us to the middle of nowhere.
Pop the hood.
I'll take a look.
Knock it off.
I'm just looking at a pretty girl.
Well, don't.
Ha ha ha! Any luck? Corey? Corey? Corey? Hey.
What's going on? Unh! Ohh! Do you know who I am? Yeah.
I mean, no.
I don't know your name.
I don't know your address.
Strauss never told me anyth-- Do you want to live? Good.
Because we have work to do.
Strauss' best student-- who is he? You're looking at him obviously.
Not according to Strauss.
I considers you a failure.
Too reckless, too desperate for publicity.
I was having a perfectly lovely dream before you barged in here and woke me up.
You can sleep when you're dead.
Well, if you're gonna be like that, Ryan, you can go and find Strauss and ask him yourself.
Oh, I found him or what was left of him.
Somebody tried to remove his head.
Word is it was his star pupil.
The king is dead.
Long live the king.
Screw the king.
I need a name.
Ho ho ho! Such a vulnerable word, Ryan, and so very dangerous when you-- when you need something from me.
You got a name for me or not.
I'm not your trick-- I'm not a trick pony.
I'm not just here to do your bidding, at least not without a little foreplay first.
So go on.
Tell--tell me about this new love of yours.
Have a nice death.
Oh, don't pout, Ryan.
Arthur had rules.
He was very careful to keep us isolated from each other.
He--he claimed it was for our own protection.
I always suspected it was because he wanted us to depend solely upon him.
But he threw all that away when he forced his students to free him from jail.
And this best student of yours clearly hasn't taken it terribly well.
Evening, deputy warden.
It's 12:01 A.
Your official death warrant has been issued.
Your execution will take place exactly 7 days from today.
As mandated by the state of Virginia, you will get to choose the method of your execution-- death by lethal injection or the electric chair.
Well, that certainly puts a-- a damper on things, doesn't it? Ryan.
I'm sorry about your people.
Corey has two kids.
Gillian just got engaged.
Our guy do this? I'd put money on it.
He hacked into the marshals' database and rerouted the transport.
When the SUV pulled into the kill zone, shut the car's computer down remotely, took out the marshals, walked away with Duncan Banks.
Looks like Duncan lied when he said he didn't know Strauss' best student.
Maybe not.
Joe told me that Strauss kept his acolytes isolated, dependent only on him.
Andrew, Daisy, Kyle-- they were the exception, not the rule, so it is possible that our guy freed Duncan for some reason, some specific mission.
I'm not sure what's more troubling, that you're talking to Joe Carroll or that you're quoting him.
Don't kid yourself, Scott.
You'd go see Joe with me if you thought it would help us catch these guys.
Oh, man.
You have no idea how grateful I am.
I was gonna spend my whole life behind bars.
I didn't do it for you.
Oh, yeah.
I get that.
Well, we can still make the best of things, can't we? The fact that you meant something to Strauss means nothing to me, so let me be clear.
I am not your friend, but I will let you live if you help me tie up some loose ends.
No problem.
I--I appreciate your honesty.
What do you need? Creating those false I.
s for Strauss left me exposed.
It's just a matter of time before the FBI discovers my passport connection.
I need to cauterize that wound.
Can do.
Easy peasy.
You brought a lot of clothes.
It's gonna be a very messy day.
All right.
Listen up.
For those of you that don't know, this is Marshal Scott Turner.
We are here to help him bring down the man that murdered his team and freed Duncan Banks.
Now I believe it's the same mystery man that hacked into our servers and created the fake passports that we recovered from Strauss.
Till we get these two, nobody sleeps.
Well, I'd say good to see you, but in my experience, you only show up when I'm in trouble.
If that was the case, I'd have been here a hell of a lot sooner.
I need to check in with my office.
Excuse me.
So let me guess.
Director Franklin put you in charge, pending Gina's disciplinary hearing.
That's right.
You may not believe this, but I am not here to fight with you.
I was at Havenport.
It cost me an eye.
I know better than anyone that without your unorthodox methods Joe Carroll would have killed a hell of a lot more people.
I'm hearing a "but" coming.
But I'm here to restore order in an office that is under intense scrutiny.
I've been tasked with ushering in a new era of transparency, and frankly, you might want to think about whether you fit into it.
Guess losing an eye to one of Joe's followers hasn't improved his attitude.
It doesn't matter.
We're full speed ahead on this, no matter what Nick Donovan says.
Unh! Hey, Max.
What are you doing? I've been cleared for duty.
Limited duty.
Desk work.
Yeah, and I've been at my desk since 7:00, running down the fake Clark e-mail with the cyber security team.
I think we're getting close to a break.
Good, but just take it easy, ok? You don't have to prove anything to anybody.
Hey, Ryan.
How you feeling? Fine.
Uh, we got a break on the passports we found on Strauss.
Turns out the booklets are legit.
Serial numbers track back to a government office in Queens.
Now according to the supervisor, they're still listed as being on the premises, and the employee in charge of inventory recently suspended for negligence.
His name is Luis Serra.
We got to talk to him.
Stay on the e-mail.
Call me if something breaks.
Will do.
How'd it get so late? Danielle's gonna be pissed.
I promised her I'd stop by this morning.
No, no, you can't go, primo.
You just took my rent money.
Don't worry, cuz.
I'll put it to good use.
See you fools later.
Come on, man.
Throw in.
What's shaking, gentlemen? Gentlemen? Ain't nothing gentle about us.
Well, we're looking for Luis.
Just missed him.
Where'd he go? Um, I'm thinking your mama's house.
Aah! Oh, God! Gentlemen, gentlemen, now that I got your attention.
Ohh, ohh, ohh! I'll ask again.
Where's Luis? Luis lives on the fifth floor.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You ok? Uh, maybe you should take a half day, don't push yourself.
I'm fine.
Don't need you to mother me.
Is that what I'm doing? Because that's gonna put a serious damper on our sex life.
I think the bitch with the 2x4 already took care of that.
Maybe tonight.
Sounds good.
See you after work? You're a genius.
I agree.
Why? Because you nailed how our hacker got into our server.
We just broke the encryption.
He used one of our outside vendors to breach the system-- Manitech Security.
I knew it.
I got to call Ryan.
About what? Agent Sloan and I have pinpointed the security breach to the FBI server.
And? Our hacker got in through a cyber security company called Manitech.
So you think it was someone in house over there? Hmm.
Manitech employees undergo governmental clearance.
No one buys a pair of socks that we don't know about.
We think our boy found a way to hack in from off site.
It's the safest play.
Agent Sloan, head out there and look into it.
I'd like to stick with this.
You're just back from medical leave, aren't you? Yes, but I'm good to go, and this will just be interviews and computer work.
The two of you head over to Manitech and figure out how the breach occurred.
Then report back to me.
Thank you.
This guy worries me, Scott.
Joe was smart, but he was driven by ego.
He made mistakes.
This guy, I feel like we're always two steps behind him.
Neighbors saw Luis leaving the building around 11 A.
Looks like our killers just missed him.
Which means we just missed him.
Hopkins did a search for his cell phone, which came back empty.
Unless he's the only dude in New York without a phone, I'm guessing he's using burners that we can't trace.
I don't get it.
Strauss is dead.
Why go after Luis now? Because Luis can identify our guy.
So it's a race.
That's right.
We get to Luis first, we I.
our mystery man.
We lose, he vanishes.
Man, that was intense back there.
Uh, you really took those men apart.
I--I've never seen that much blood.
You--you're clearly something of an overachiever.
Do you always talk this much when you kill? No.
That's sacred time.
Yeah, it is.
There's Luis.
Everything ok? Yeah.
I've got something I got to take care of.
You can deal with Luis? Absolutely.
All right.
Remember you need him to take you to his printing press.
Destroy his computer and any backup files before you kill him.
Leave nothing behind.
Don't worry.
I can handle it.
I'm not worried, Duncan.
You know what I'll do if you fail.
We'll cooperate in every way.
Just tell me what you need.
A team with the clearance and expertise to pull your network apart and root our guy out.
Of course.
I'll put my best people on it.
What's going on? Oh.
Rumor has it somebody hacked us to get into the bureau's server.
Do they know who it was? I don't know.
Wait a minute.
What are you doing here? Thought you were only working a couple days this month.
Something important came up.
Something I need to take care of personally.
Any updates? We've got someone sitting on Luis' parents and sister in Alphabet City.
They swear they haven't heard from him since yesterday.
Agents are rousting all known associates.
Hopefully it will pan out.
Have Max dig into his social networking.
She's an ace at that.
Max isn't here.
I sent her and Agent Sloan to follow up on a lead.
You what? You sent her into the field? She has cracked ribs and a concussion.
She'll be tucked behind a desk at a cyber company, looking through stacks of computer data.
The only danger she's facing is boredom.
You've got it all wrong.
I'm not calling you stupid.
I said your basic assumption is stupid.
What's going on? Mr.
Collins here thinks we're wasting our time looking for just one guy.
Who are you exactly? Peter Collins.
I oversee the FBI firewall.
From what you described, you should be looking for a pod, minimum 3 people-- a hacker, a forger, an automotive computer expert.
No one has comprehensive knowledge this broad.
Hell, Russia pays teams of people just to conquer one of these arenas.
And yet all forensic and digital evidence point to a single hacker, someone right here in New York.
All due respect, Agent Hardy, but Peter is an expert in intrusion and cyber security.
Then I'm sure Peter would agree that the use of a single cell modem in all 3 attacks rules out multiple hackers.
Did I forget to mention I spent 4 years in digital security at Taru before joining the bureau? Ok.
Good night.
Oh, oh! Sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Are you ok? Mm-hmm.
Just recovering from an altercation with a piece of lumber.
Sounds like quite a story.
Oh, it's not.
I lost.
End of story.
Is there a bathroom in this maze? Yeah, sure.
That way, around the corner.
- Second door on the right.
- Ok.
Hey, man.
What's your problem? Other than leaving my girlfriend to die? Look.
I, uh, I made a mistake.
You seem to make a lot of those.
And what the hell is that supposed to mean? Mike, we got an I.
on Luis's girlfriend.
We got to roll.
Babe, look.
That's your building.
Huh? Police have yet to release the identities of the 3 victims killed in the basement, but they are currently looking for a resident of the building in connection to the murders-- this man Luis Serra.
What's going on? Who killed those people? Why are the cops looking for you? Get your stuff, get your stuff.
We got to go.
- Why? What happened? - Just get your stuff.
What was that? Stay here.
Don't move.
There was nothing.
I just-- I got a body.
She's still warm.
Rest of the house is clear.
No sign of Luis.
We're gonna lose in this race.
So tracks down Luis, kills his girlfriend.
I mean, why didn't he just kill Luis and be done with it? The passports.
Luis must print them someplace else.
There's got to be some evidence there he wants to destroy.
Get CSU in here in.
We got to turn this place upside down.
There's got to be something in this house that can give us a lead into where they're going.
Get out of the trunk.
Out of the trunk.
Get up.
You didn't have to kill her, man.
She had nothing to do with this.
I'm sorry about that.
My boss is kind of a freak.
He doesn't like dangling threads, no matter how cute they are.
You know, the truth of the matter is, I'm probably on borrowed time just like you.
So let's run, right? You go your way, I'll go mine.
I--I wish it were that easy.
I really do, but there's nowhere to run where he's not gonna find us.
Don't look at me.
Move! We've examined everything on the server for the last month prior to the breach.
We can't find the hacker's access point.
Keep searching.
We're missing something.
Max, you got a minute? I found a discrepancy in the employee access logs.
The server automatically stores backup files to a secondary disk, but last week's files were corrupted.
Did you restore it? Yeah.
It turns out that a Manitech employee infiltrated the FBI server two days before Strauss' trial, the same day that Strauss' legal team received the Clark e-mail.
He also called in sick yesterday when Strauss was killed.
Who? Peter Collins.
What's-- what's going on? Peter, stand up slowly, hands where I can see them.
- What? - Go.
Stand up, up.
Uh, you think I had something to do with this? Put your hands on the desk.
Wha--this is absurd.
I want a lawyer.
I'm sure you do.
All right.
Take him to the bureau.
I'm gonna stay back and lock this place down.
I need everyone to clear out.
These offices are now a crime scene.
A forensics team will be by in a few hours to pack up and process Peter's office.
Let's go.
Where are the backups? I tell you, you let me go? Heh.
Do you know the term quality of life? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, right now, your quality of life depends on doing exactly what I say and not asking stupid questions.
Where are the backups? Unh! How's your quality of life now? Where are the damn backups?! Max.
You got something? We arrested an employee here-- Peter Collins.
Evidence points to him as our hacker.
You think he's Strauss' best student? I'm not sure, but he called in sick yesterday, so could have been in beacon at the same time of Strauss' murder, but he clocked in at 8:00 at this morning, so he couldn't have been there to kill Luis' crew.
If he's not our guy, then what's his connection? Sort of a middle man possibly.
I don't know.
I'm not sure.
How's the passport hunt going? Too soon to tell.
Well, I'll call you if I get anything.
You shouldn't be here.
Is it true you had Peter Collins arrested because he didn't have an alibi for yesterday? That's one reason, yes.
He didn't-- he didn't do whatever it is you think he did.
He was with me yesterday at a B&B in Westchester all day.
Why didn't he tell me this? Because he has a wife.
We have concrete evidence that shows he altered his access logs.
The access logs don't have any confidential information on them.
They're only protected by basic encryption.
It would be tricky, but with the right virus, I could make it look like you infiltrated the FBI.
How sure are you? I know Peter.
He's not a killer.
Then help me figure out who framed him.
Anything else? No.
I swear.
The only thing left is the printing press.
Look, man.
I didn't do anything, man.
Come on.
I'm gonna kill you! Please hold.
- Yeah.
- Where are you? My ese Luis and I are having a little bonfire.
Is he still alive? For about 10 more seconds.
I need him to do one more job before you kill him.
Good news, amigo.
You just got a stay of execution.
We got him.
We found Danielle's car up the block.
There was a bunch of parking tickets in the glove compartment, all from a warehouse around the marine terminal.
I had Hopkins pull traffic camera footage for the corner.
All right.
Let's move.
Call HRT, have them meet us there.
Look at this.
Two weeks ago, someone cloned Peter's system, put it on an external drive.
Well, that person's walking around with his entire operating system on a thumb drive.
Plug it into any machine, it's gonna act just like Peter's computer.
The breach could have come from anyone in this place.
Narrowing it down is not gonna be easy.
But not impossible.
What? Aw, the server just went offline.
It happens.
I'll be right back.
Oh, God! Sam.
God, you scared me.
What are you still doing here? I thought they cleared everybody out.
Eh, it's so sad really.
You were the brightest person in this place.
You could have changed the world.
Instead, you die alone, knowing that I'm the one, that I'm the one who took your future.
Unh! We got two teams moving in to place around the building.
We set up check points on the main road and service roads.
Access points to the warehouse here, here and here.
The two guys we have inside are the only link we have to our mystery man.
We have to take at least one of them alive.
Due respect.
We don't shoot wound.
Somebody throws down, we end them.
Any other way puts my guys in danger, and I don't do that kind of thing.
You got something you want to say to me? I think I just said it.
All right.
Knock it off.
You do what you have to do in there, all right? Come on.
Let's go, let's go! Kent? This is Agent Max Hardy, FBI.
I've got a body and a suspect still active in the building.
I'm at Manitech Security, Backup requested immediately.
Hands in the air! FBI! Secure the building and search it! Suspect is still here somewhere.
How much longer? A few minutes.
Well, hurry it up.
Why? So you can kill me sooner? Go, go, go! Left! Hey.
I'll go.
All right.
Unh! Agh! Unh! You ok? Yeah.
You should really go to the hospital.
Your ribs could be fractured, and you need to get your pacemaker checked.
I'm fine.
You're lucky.
you don't have a face.
You know, you might want to work on your bedside manner.
Looks like Duncan was forcing Luis to make one last passport before he killed him.
Is this our guy? Thinking it has to be.
Is this the guy that hired you? I don't know.
He found me online.
Tripled my fee and sent everything through e-mail.
You got copies of the e-mails, the payments? Yeah.
They're right there.
Get him out of here.
He was here, but he got away.
I thought arrested the hacker.
Apparently not.
He killed an intern.
What? Are you ok? Yeah.
I just sent you a photo.
Is this the guy you arrested? Hold on.
It's Tucker.
He runs this place.
Jeez! Hey, boss.
Nice digs.
Sam? How did you get in here? Really? That's the question you want to lead with? A man is sitting in your living room in the middle of the night, holding a gun and you want to know my method ingress.
Don'thurt me.
I'm sorry.
It's kind of the whole plan.
Tucker's in the wind.
Agents arrived on scene.
Tucker's car was missing.
The garage registered his remote exiting just over an hour ago.
We put out a statewide alert.
I went through his laptop.
In addition to passport templates, I found several e-mails to and from an IP address that traces back to a public library in Akron, Ohio.
Two miles from Daisy and Kyle's house.
I'm not buying it.
Excuse me? It's too neat, it's too easy.
The guy's a computer genius, he just leaves his laptop for us to find with easily unencrypted information.
We have hard evidence, both physical and digital, incriminating Tucker without question.
Your job is to find him as quickly as possible.
Listen to me.
This guy is a brilliant hacker.
He is a practiced killer.
There's not way he goes down this easy.
My gut is telling me that Tucker Moore has been framed.
The FBI operates on evidence, not intuition.
So get on board with finding Tucker, or I'll put someone in charge who will.
The needle falls hammer in your hand Hey, papa bear.
Want to join us? Soon, time and space won't mean a thing you can't help yourself you can't help yourself Strauss' real student is out there killing with impunity.
We're running around, hunting for a dead man.
Does anybody believe me? No.
How can they not believe you after all you've done for them? It's--it's just downright insulting.
Damn straight.
Uh, they clearly don't appreciate your talents and capabilities the way I do.
I--I believe in you, Ryan.
Do you? Of course.
I will always be there for you.
I am your constant and your--your true north, and when everyone else has abandoned you, where will I be? By my side.
Come here.
You and me against the world, eh? Cheers.
Ha ha ha!
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