The Unit s03e07 Episode Script

Five Brothers

Marc Granger? Marc Granger? You're a reporter for the Washington Tribune, you grew up in Kingston, New York? - Is that him? - what's left after 4 months of being starved and beaten.
there's more.
we got to move.
you're safe, Mr.
we're going to take you home.
hammerhead, how we looking for an exit? west entrance not looking good.
they know we're here.
locals or army? locals.
they're making a block party of it.
I even saw grandma with a gun.
do not engage unless you have to.
- I forgot my passport! - ok.
- I can't go without my passport.
- it's ok.
I've got it, ok? we need to keep moving, betty blue, how we looking? east side is clear.
come to me, mama.
come to me.
this way.
militia's moving.
I can't breathe.
extraction side is west.
can't go west.
got nearly 50 hostiles.
circle around them.
dog patch 0-6.
we are 5 minutes from extraction site.
package is secure.
we cannot wait around.
- we'll order a pre-evac.
- see you then.
bird is on the way.
coast is clear.
cover your head! stay down! dirt diver! hammerhead! give cover! betty blue, cool breeze.
take the package.
get it to the extraction site.
we cannot get pinned down here.
on my mark! hey, hey, hey.
hey, combat breathing.
let's hear it, baby.
dog patch 0-6.
betty blue is down.
we're going to need medical personnel on the ready.
dog patch! do you what was that? israelis have started their offensive early, probably jamming all the satellite communication.
keep trying to get through.
dog patch 0-6.
This is cool breeze.
we got to keep going.
- helicopter's not going to wait.
- dog patch 0-6.
I'm good.
all right.
get him up.
let's go.
hang on.
I don't hear a chopper.
- where are you taking me? - dog patch 0-6.
you hear me? - you're going home.
- to america? yeah.
I think my lung's collapsed.
you're good, brother.
stay calm.
keep breathing.
there's our chopper.
dog patch 0-6.
this is cool breeze.
change of plans.
dirt diver, cool breeze, we need a home.
something with a nice view.
keep him quiet.
there's something wrong with him.
he can't help it.
move, now.
come on.
over here.
come on.
- where can I put him? - over here.
you're ok, bro.
he's lost a lot of blood.
his lung has collapsed.
probably hemothora that's what I've been saying.
get a chest tube in me.
who's the doctor here? I can't breathe.
I know, bro.
what are you doing here? you thought you could keep this a secret? - oh, what the hell is this? - just trying to figure out why the mother of my godchild is behaving in this fashion.
it's my business.
if it's about the money, I will give you the money.
you know something? just leave me alone, please.
- we can help? - in what way? I don't need your money, and I don't need your morality.
what if your daughters find out? my daughters are taking horseback riding lessons and music lessons, and I'm paying for them.
- there are other options.
- not right now, there aren't.
- where's my car? - can we go someplace and talk this through? we're here to help.
you want to help? leave me alone.
stay away from me.
- I'm not judging you, tiffy.
- well, I'm judging you.
I'm judging you moralistic and intrusive.
and my car was right here.
are you trying to tell me that you're not ashamed of what you're doing? I'm not ashamed of supporting my children.
in a week, a month, I will find something else.
but right now, I'm paying the bills.
that guy wants his money back.
- are you ok? - my car is gone.
- did you put the pass on the dash? - Yeah might have been towed.
happened to a couple of girls a few weeks ago.
grey! they're going to hear that.
be quiet bite down on that.
I didn't make the incision big enough.
do it fast.
soldier, you are not here.
you're back at home with that sweet little honey you keep talking about.
what's her name? Annie? he missed out on her.
she's with me.
keep talking.
look up.
look at this finger.
Annie's got a sister, Maria skin so soft, makes you cry just to touch it.
how soft is her skin, top? like a peach, baby.
like a peach.
keep him still.
so, elia and her friend cynthia, they want to give you a backrub at the same time.
breathe in, brother.
come on.
refill that lung.
refill that lung.
they start taking off your shirt.
can you feel their hands on your back? back? just on my back? give me that blanket.
I need you to move.
how's that back rub feel? they're looking for us house to house.
how many in the search party? we can't stay here.
how long do we got? well, they're moving fast.
my guess is, they'll be knocking on our door inside an hour.
keep him quiet.
- I understand, I do.
- shut that down, now.
don't move.
- get back in the other room.
- I'm trying to calm him down look, lift him up and carry him if you have to, but get him back in the other room now.
mack hey! get back here.
get back in the other room.
- I can help him.
- you speak english? just give me a second.
he's my brother.
let me try.
get back here, now.
one minute.
get him back in the other room.
this place tows for the city.
try that one.
no way.
what? This guy? oh, I know that guy.
he comes in here.
I danced for him.
nice to know you're meeting the right people.
did he see your car? yeah, he saw me drive up last week.
you said other girls had their cars towed? yeah, 2 others.
what about the street-parking pass? well, when you show up to the lot, it's either not on the windshield, or it's down on the ground, or gone altogether.
probably pops the lock on the car, takes out the pass, tows the car.
- how much is this going to cost me? that bastard, I need my car.
- I'll go with you.
- I don't have the money.
we'll fight it.
I'm in no, I'm not going to have a pregnant woman begging for my car at 3:00 in the morning.
have you ever seen me beg? for anything? Annie, can you drive me? sure.
Good girl.
- he's tachy.
- this one's empty.
he's losing fluid, he must be bleeding internally.
his chest isn't distended.
it's not discolored.
he's bleeding somewhere.
I found another bullet hole.
he was shot twice.
we've got to roll him over.
bullet could have fragmented.
easy, easy, easy.
we've got to get it out.
moving him around this much, bullet could be cutting him up inside.
scapula's broken up.
it could have cut the artery.
soldier! soldier, listen to me.
we are under siege.
you need to be quiet.
you hear me? I can feel the edge of the bullet.
- can you pull it out? - it's sharp as a razor.
I got to go slow.
oh, god.
get it out.
got it.
all right? hold it.
Out he's losing a lot of blood.
we got to clamp that artery.
I'm dying.
What? leave me.
get out of here.
- I ever lie to you? - huh? you're not dying.
you understand me? you are not dying My hand to God.
dog patch 0-6.
this is cool breeze.
I got the clamp on.
I think.
his pulse is thready.
search party's getting closer.
we're down to maybe 30 minutes.
if the chopper went down, plan "b" was to go to the beach and get extracted there.
that's 10 blocks away.
if they get to this building, we will be jammed up with no way out.
He can't make it.
We move him now, he will die.
well, I understand that, brother, but if we do not go now, we will all die.
we need another chopper, top.
they don't know where we are.
they're not going to send another helicopter into a war zone without a target.
I'm not leaving him.
we need to get a message out.
I know a place with a dedicated t-1 land line.
it has a genny.
we used it to get stories and video out when the power went down.
militia will be all over that.
nobody knows about it except a couple of western reporters.
it's 4 blocks away.
I need you to draw me a map, show me where it is.
it's a basement.
there's no address.
can you take me? I need you to take me.
I got this.
well, well, well.
I remember you.
and I remember you.
guess it was a memorable evening for us both.
what can I do you for? you towed my car.
oh, jeez.
I'm sorry.
did i? you're kidding.
that's dreadful.
let me take a look.
I'll get you out of here quick.
I'm not going to be able to pay you the 250.
I've got 2 little girls and I need a security deposit and 2 months' rent so I can get a new place.
oh, sounds like someone's getting a divorce.
is that the thing? please.
I just need my car.
that's all I need.
I don't need hassle.
I'm sorry.
I can't help you.
it's already been registered with the city already.
look, every car that comes in here gets registered with the city I'm really, really sorry.
if I'd known it was you look.
there's an atm down at the bank at the strip mall.
I could drive you down there.
we could get a cup of coffee.
I could even front you the money while I rented some of your time.
- go to hell.
- come on.
no, really.
go to hell.
oh, by the way, there's been some damage to the car.
I don't know if we did this or if it was like this when it came in, but the the muffler's all banged up.
it might fall off.
you might want to take a look.
i no, I can't see what you're talking about.
tiffy, get up.
what? there are no damages.
he just wanted to see you bend over.
I'm going to the cops, you son of a bitch.
Easy, cowgirl.
you bastard! there's a $20 parking fee for every day thear's left here.
we're coming back with the police.
I just can't do this anymore.
I know a police sergeant's wife.
we're going to take care of it.
safety off.
point and squeeze.
can you do that? who are you guys, seals? special ops? can you do that? yeah.
that's your focus.
put that on.
we're going to need some help getting out of here.
I'll look up today's rescue code.
get to the roof and get the symbol up.
they should be looking for us with the satellite by now.
make it big.
let's move.
- how's he doing? - pulse is steady.
- get him ready to move.
- he needs time to stabilize.
these people start screaming, there's nothing I can do.
I'll go fast.
get your weapon up.
back him up.
they think they can take him, they're going to do it.
welcome back, bro.
we got to move.
we got to get to the extraction site.
what are you, in charge now? you let us worry about that.
just drink as much as you can.
leave me here.
it's the right thing.
- where's top? - shut up.
- I got to talk to top.
- he's not here.
chopper's on its way.
they don't know where we are.
where's mack? scouting the extraction site.
we're going to get you home.
you should leave Now plan "b" is to get to the beach.
we would if we had to.
you know I think annie's good for you.
annie's different.
you need different.
yeah, why's that? spice things up a little, keep your world interesting.
sergeant, you saying I'm boring? hell yeah.
if it wasn't for me, you'd be home every night ironing that so? tell me this.
if I'm so boring, then why's she with me and not you? you know, she's only using you to get to me.
what you are, you're a stinking hero.
you must have been shot in the head, 'cause you're delirious, bro.
hey, man.
I'm really glad you found her.
shut the hell up.
drink some more water ok get him quiet, now.
get him quiet.
- help her.
what does he want? - he's thirsty.
can I get him some water? I need your help.
I need your help.
I'm going to have to gag the kid.
cover me.
get back.
come on.
what is she saying? she says if you touch my brother, she'll jump out the window.
everybody will know you're here.
I understand.
tell her if she leaves that chair, I'll kill her.
come on.
tell her.
he's unconscious.
what's going on? his chest is distended and purple.
he must have started bleeding internally again.
the clamp didn't hold.
I can't find the clamp.
answer him.
convince him everything's fine.
open the door and convince him you're ok.
one word and I shoot you.
now, lock the door.
back here.
I need help back here.
- go help him out.
- no I'm not helping you anymore I need another set of hands, now.
shoot me, I can't help you.
son of a bitch.
put the retractor into the edge of the wound and pull back so that I can get inside and tie off his artery.
really pull it back.
damn it.
we need to make the incision bigger.
get the scalpel.
get the scalpel.
- which building is it? - there across the street.
that's a police station.
where exactly is this t1 line? they deserve our help.
their children are suffering.
me any closer.
you don't have to do that.
you're going to be ok.
you know that, don't you? I promised I would help them.
speak out against america and england.
let the world know what's happening here.
how you going to do that if you don't go home? what about your wife susan? your little girl jessie? Now calm down.
you relax.
I want to show you something ok? I want to show you something.
listen to me and relax.
remember who you're going home to.
all right? now, I'm going to take my hand away, and we're going to go back and we're going to take you home.
all right.
let's go.
it got it.
the bleeding's stopped.
that's the last of the saline.
he's your friend.
where's the t-shirt from? Mr.
it's my uncle's.
he's an electrician in columbus, ohio.
I worked for him last summer.
goe th your famiou I get it.
no, I'm sorry to wake you.
we'll file a report.
thanks he didn't hear about any of the other girls' complaints, but he'll look into it in the morning.
and what about my car? to get it out fast, we're going to have to pay and then fight to get your money back.
I found a really cute place, too.
it had a back yard.
I really wanted the girls to have a yard.
you won't lose it.
maybe it's our lucky night.
lewis has got a secret camera.
we're getting to the end.
I don't think this angle is going to see him taking the pass from the window.
that's him.
you mean that's his shoes.
well, the security camera's for the parking lot of the club, not the street.
you can't see anything.
I thought it might have caught something.
what were you going to do with it? I was going to threaten to give it to the cops if he didn't give me my car back.
it's 3:40 am.
I've got to get back to the sitter.
I've got my checkbook.
let's go get your car.
look, sorry there's nothing there.
annie, I want you to lock it up.
weber dot know there's nothing on that tape.
probably doesn't even know there's a security camera in the parking lot.
that's a pretty big bluff, ladies.
we hold up the tape, tell him what's there.
if he doesn't go for it, we write him a check and go home.
he can go to the cops.
it's blackmail.
who are they going to believe, that guy or poor little ol' me? hey, you're back.
got a little proposition for you.
oh, I like the sound of that.
we know you took the parking pass off the dashboard.
that would be illegal.
what's that? there's a security camera in the bar parking lot.
it sees across the street.
just give me my car back, stop harassing the girls at the bar, and we'll forget all about this.
you threatening me? that's right.
I'll go to the cops and show them that tape.
shall I do that? what are you, her sister? - something like that.
- ok pta meeting's over.
give me the tape.
give us the car.
you're not leaving here with that tape.
you think this is some kind of joke? I could lose the city contract over that.
- all the more reason to give us the car.
- don't threaten me.
I'll slap the damn taste out of your mouth.
you don't want to do this.
give me - the tape.
- get off of me.
get the hell off of me! get off of me! it's over.
I'm good.
I'm good.
I'm fine get the keys.
let's go.
let's go before he starts crying.
this pta meeting just kicked ur ass.
dead end.
sit there.
he's been stockholmed.
keep an eye on him.
- where's mack? - he didn't come back.
- hezbollah is on the first floor.
- he stopped breathing.
his heart stopped.
come on, man.
- beautiful sound.
- yes, it is.
get it out, brother.
american soldiers are here! we're moving, now.
- what about mack? - he'll catch up.
use the tablecloth.
back up! back the hell up! only one way out.
back the other way! - we've got to move.
- last mag! I'm out.
- bro! - bro! I'm out! all right.
no stopping.
you ready? hell yeah.
cakewalk, top.
he good? he loves the beach.
grab the other end.
we're getting you home.
see you at the sand.
in 3, 2.
well, ain't that a sight.
who are they? that is the united states marines.
sergeant major, special ops.
saw the signal on the roof.
got a truck for your wounded.
your colonel's been looking for you picked up your signal on satellite.
yeah, he's stable.
and the package is secure.
yes, sir.
semper fi, sa'arnt.
semper fi.
it's going to be ok.
- you did it again.
- let us go! sniper! get us out of here! get this truck moving! drive the truck now! you hold on.
you hold on, you hear me? you hold on.
Stay with me we're going to get you home.
you hear me? you're going home.
you're going home.
hold on.

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