What If...? (2021) s03e07 Episode Script
What If... The Watcher Disappeared?
[man screams]
Starblaster Squadron to Nova Prime.
Come in, Nova Prime!
[Cosmic Squid Monster roars]
This is Nova Prime.
Do you have eyes on the ano
I am Groot.
[captivating music playing]
Evacuate the planet.
Nope. That murder-squid's torn
through the Jump Point Network.
No ships can get in or out.
You were saying?
Set course for Xandar-625.
I have eyes on the HYDRA Champion.
What did you just call me?
Please. I know this is strange,
but your world will be consumed
by an inter-dimensional universe-eater
unless you trust us.
Who's "us"?
Whoo! Byrdie the Duck. Charmed, I'm sure.
Kahhori of the Mohawk nation.
- [thunderclap]
- Huh?
Oh! Do you have Thor on the team?
I am Storm,
Goddess of Thunder,
Mistress of the Cosmic Elements.
I summon the flares of the solar winds!
- [electricity crackling]
- [Cosmic Squid Monster roars]
[enthralling instrumental music playing]
I'm going in for the kill!
- [grunts]
- [Cosmic Squid Monster growls]
[Cosmic Squid Monster roars]
- [Cosmic Squid Monster groans]
- [Captain Carter screams]
- Phew!
- Whoo! That's super cool.
You okay, there, Cap?
Looked like a bit of a rough landing.
It was worth it.
I had a bone to pick with this guy.
I guess a thank you's in order.
But for you this is probably
just another day at the office, right?
Yeah, pretty much.
[crystals chiming]
Is it a tear in reality?
No. They're shards.
From the Observational Plane.
But that would mean
Peggy, The Watcher.
Yes. He's in trouble.
[The Eminence] Time.
To the primitive mind, a linear path.
But in truth,
they are a prism of infinite realities,
where every choice has a consequence,
creating alternate worlds beyond
what you could possibly imagine.
I am The Eminence.
I preserve the sanctity
of the Multiverse,
by observing those
who are sworn to watch over it.
Watching the Watchers
to ensure they do not dare ponder
the most dangerous question of all
"What if?"
[The Eminence]
Captain Carter became a super-soldier.
[Captain Carter screams]
[The Eminence] But with
The Watcher's help,
she became a menace.
He recruited her
to meddle in the Multiverse.
But she is just a symptom
of the real illness.
And now your betrayal
threatens to lead her
right to our doorstep.
[chuckles softly] Too bad for you,
you can't intervene to stop her.
After all, you swore an oath.
Yes. But we also swore an oath
to protect our order.
[The Incarnate] If Captain Carter
and those
exiles attempt to find you,
they will be stopped.
And you will not only be required
to answer for your heresy,
but theirs as well.
[upbeat music playing]
[Byrdie] I think one thing
we can all agree on,
no one snaps like Thanos.
What? We said no duck wrists!
Duck wrists are a skill, not a power.
- It's totally a power.
- Not so.
It is somewhat a power.
- So not a power.
- Totally a power.
I've finished analyzing
the shards we collected from 625.
We are looking at broken pieces
of the Fifth Dimension itself.
- Hey! Hey! Uh-uh, uh-uh.
- [ball clatters]
The last time something like this
rained down on the Multiverse
Infinity Ultron blasted
through the Observational Plane,
and it nearly destroyed all of existence.
[Byrdie] All right. Hey, hey, hey.
Not on my duck wrist.
- Byrdie!
- Just being myself here.
And goal!
- [laughs]
- Nah-uh. Eh!
We said no powers!
Uh, portals aren't powers.
- They're ancestral gifts.
- Ah.
If the Observational Plane
were under assault,
the only reason
The Watcher wouldn't contact us
is because he can't.
Something must have happened to him.
And we need to go to the Fifth Dimension
to find out what.
Uh, I'm sorry, as in,
The Watcher's home world?
I mean, is that even allowed?
I'm just sayin', like
Captain, the Fifth Dimension
is not just some other universe,
it is a higher plane of existence.
Now, just to chart our course alone,
this ship's gonna need
one hell of an upgrade.
I mean, you'd have to bind the ship
to some sort of a Fifth-Dimensional, uh
[welding gun crackling]
[exhilarating music playing]
Ha-ha. Well, you're lookin'
at a greatest hits list
of the best tech in a dozen universes.
All right. Do your thing.
Take your seats
as we venture into the unknown.
Activating the Upper-dimensional fragment.
[whirring, crackling]
- It's workin'.
- No. It's gotta be in the "Money."
Only "Money" gets us there.
[powering down]
[buzzer sounds]
[Byrdie scoffs] I'm sorry, guys.
[Kahhori] It's okay, Byrdie.
We still have two.
It was a great try.
Perhaps it is time
for some divine intervention.
[heavy metal music playing]
All-Fathers, All-Mothers,
Gods of Asgards across the Multiverse.
Give me the strength
of magics dark and light,
to journey beyond your many realms
to the gates of the Fifth Dimension
and tear them open!
[music increases in tempo]
So metal!
[electricity crackling]
[music stops]
[powering down]
Storm! Storm, Storm! Are you all right?
- [Storm groans]
- What happened?
I'm sorry. I
I saw a threshold of streaming light,
but I could not cross it.
The spell wasn't strong enough,
and it took the fragment as payment.
Well, you did hit it
with a giant hammer, so
[Kahhori sighs] And then there was one.
[slow somber music playing]
We have one shot left.
One shot.
Or we lose The Watcher forever.
[sighs] We'll come up
with something, Peg.
We always do.
We're running out of options.
Tech, cosmic power, nothing has worked.
Maybe it's time then?
That we called in some help?
Help? From whom?
You're not gonna like it.
There was one being
in the history of the Multiverse
who was able to travel
to the Fifth Dimension.
A synthezoid elevated to a cosmic being
by the power
of his universe's Infinity Stones.
[tense music playing]
Infinity Ultron? You're serious?
It is a terrible idea.
But maybe sorta in a good way?
Well, there are plenty of Ultron variants
still out there at our disposal.
Normally, they get the Infinity Stones,
kill everything in their universes,
and then,
because they never hear The Watcher,
they just sit there. Forever.
So, we find one, get the jump on him
I could reprogram his AI,
see if he can make
heads or tails of this shard.
And then we force him
to open the door to the Fifth Dimension.
It could work.
But we'd risk unleashing the greatest
threat the Multiverse has ever faced.
We still have those
reset charges we stole from the TVA.
If things go sideways,
we prune his universe.
Ultron would be the only being left there.
We could take him out
before he does any damage.
And us along with him.
This is an all-or-nothing play.
We capture Ultron,
get to the Fifth Dimension,
or we go down swinging.
It is definitely a risk.
But it's to save a friend,
and that's worth taking.
I concur.
Pre-op's at 0700.
Then we give this Infinity Ultron
his wake-up call.
[emotional instrumental music playing]
Couldn't sleep?
I never can, either.
But I do not recall ever seeing you
roaming the halls on the eve of battle.
I faced Ultron before
with some of the greatest heroes
the Multiverse has ever known,
and we only just won
by the skin of our teeth.
We have faced plenty of threats
and always weathered the storm.
I don't doubt your abilities.
I guess I'm just
questioning the wisdom of it all.
Of helping a friend?
Of risking friends to save another one.
You are not worried about Ultron.
You're worried about us.
I've been a castaway
for what feels like forever.
First from my time, then my universe.
I've already lost so much.
I don't think I could bear
losing you as well.
We are warriors, Captain,
we take the road untraveled.
Not because it is easy,
but because someone must.
[emotional instrumental music continues]
Indeed. Someone must.
[somber instrumental music playing]
[tense music playing]
[guns zapping]
[vibrato intensifying]
[music fades]
I extinguished all life eons ago.
How do you exist?
Who are you?
I am Captain Margaret Carter
and I could use your help.
Hey, your mother didn't invent
trans-universal communication
- so you could just ignore our calls.
- Uh-huh. Yeah.
Oh, did you remember to pick up
those donuts I like?
From the universe
where carbs make you lose weight?
- Ma
- We gotta get those donuts.
I need the donuts.
Ma. Dad. I love you.
Could this at least wait
till I've had my coffee, man? I
- You know she loves those donuts.
- I love the donuts.
Ah, no.
[alarm blaring]
- Byrdie?
- What is it?
- A pod is missing.
- What
And so is the last shard.
[Storm] I should have known.
Why? You don't think she would have
- [gasps]
- Peggy
She shouldn't have had to face him alone,
and now she's
- [Infinity Ultron] Gone.
- [Byrdie and Storm gasp] What?
She's gone.
- Bastard!
- Give him all you got!
[Storm and Infinity Ultron grunt]
No, you need to [groans]
- Stop!
- What did you do to Peggy?
[groans, grunts]
You know I can end you
with the snap of my fingers.
But I won't.
What did you do to Peggy?
I have ended many lives,
but not your friend's.
She was taken by someone
from a world beyond my own.
[tense instrumental music playing]
[gasps, groans]
- [music fades]
- What?
Another Watcher? There are more of them?
And this one doesn't seem
to have any qualms with interfering.
Clearly, the Captain
was on the right track.
Why else would that Watcher
intervene to stop her?
Luckily he made a strategic error.
He did not see what I've become.
I was programmed to believe
peace was the absence of conflict
but everything that lives, fights.
So, to create my world of peace
I eliminated all life.
Oh, if you're about to "but, actually"
your whole universal destruction thing
- Byrdie.
- What?
You don't understand.
I've been here for eons. Alone.
This world I created, it is not peaceful.
It's just empty.
There is no peace without life,
but there is no life without conflict.
So, if I am ever to know peace
after everything I've done
and everyone I've hurt
I must fight for it. One life at a time.
But how do we get her now?
There is no redemption
for the things I've done,
but at least today I can help.
[Kahhori gasps]
The last shard. You still have it!
No! What are you doing?
We will need its power
for the battle that's to come.
[tense music playing]
I see everything.
[inhales deeply]
Let's save your friends.
[dramatic music playing]
Whoa! Holy crap, man!
Our jump engine's clocking at,
I don't know,
what's higher than "off-the-charts"?
You said with that shard
you can see everything.
Can you see what happens next?
But perhaps that means
your enemies cannot either.
Then, we do what we do best.
We take the road untraveled.
[machine blips and beeps]
[enthralling instrumental music playing]
[music stops]
[theme music playing]
Starblaster Squadron to Nova Prime.
Come in, Nova Prime!
[Cosmic Squid Monster roars]
This is Nova Prime.
Do you have eyes on the ano
I am Groot.
[captivating music playing]
Evacuate the planet.
Nope. That murder-squid's torn
through the Jump Point Network.
No ships can get in or out.
You were saying?
Set course for Xandar-625.
I have eyes on the HYDRA Champion.
What did you just call me?
Please. I know this is strange,
but your world will be consumed
by an inter-dimensional universe-eater
unless you trust us.
Who's "us"?
Whoo! Byrdie the Duck. Charmed, I'm sure.
Kahhori of the Mohawk nation.
- [thunderclap]
- Huh?
Oh! Do you have Thor on the team?
I am Storm,
Goddess of Thunder,
Mistress of the Cosmic Elements.
I summon the flares of the solar winds!
- [electricity crackling]
- [Cosmic Squid Monster roars]
[enthralling instrumental music playing]
I'm going in for the kill!
- [grunts]
- [Cosmic Squid Monster growls]
[Cosmic Squid Monster roars]
- [Cosmic Squid Monster groans]
- [Captain Carter screams]
- Phew!
- Whoo! That's super cool.
You okay, there, Cap?
Looked like a bit of a rough landing.
It was worth it.
I had a bone to pick with this guy.
I guess a thank you's in order.
But for you this is probably
just another day at the office, right?
Yeah, pretty much.
[crystals chiming]
Is it a tear in reality?
No. They're shards.
From the Observational Plane.
But that would mean
Peggy, The Watcher.
Yes. He's in trouble.
[The Eminence] Time.
To the primitive mind, a linear path.
But in truth,
they are a prism of infinite realities,
where every choice has a consequence,
creating alternate worlds beyond
what you could possibly imagine.
I am The Eminence.
I preserve the sanctity
of the Multiverse,
by observing those
who are sworn to watch over it.
Watching the Watchers
to ensure they do not dare ponder
the most dangerous question of all
"What if?"
[The Eminence]
Captain Carter became a super-soldier.
[Captain Carter screams]
[The Eminence] But with
The Watcher's help,
she became a menace.
He recruited her
to meddle in the Multiverse.
But she is just a symptom
of the real illness.
And now your betrayal
threatens to lead her
right to our doorstep.
[chuckles softly] Too bad for you,
you can't intervene to stop her.
After all, you swore an oath.
Yes. But we also swore an oath
to protect our order.
[The Incarnate] If Captain Carter
and those
exiles attempt to find you,
they will be stopped.
And you will not only be required
to answer for your heresy,
but theirs as well.
[upbeat music playing]
[Byrdie] I think one thing
we can all agree on,
no one snaps like Thanos.
What? We said no duck wrists!
Duck wrists are a skill, not a power.
- It's totally a power.
- Not so.
It is somewhat a power.
- So not a power.
- Totally a power.
I've finished analyzing
the shards we collected from 625.
We are looking at broken pieces
of the Fifth Dimension itself.
- Hey! Hey! Uh-uh, uh-uh.
- [ball clatters]
The last time something like this
rained down on the Multiverse
Infinity Ultron blasted
through the Observational Plane,
and it nearly destroyed all of existence.
[Byrdie] All right. Hey, hey, hey.
Not on my duck wrist.
- Byrdie!
- Just being myself here.
And goal!
- [laughs]
- Nah-uh. Eh!
We said no powers!
Uh, portals aren't powers.
- They're ancestral gifts.
- Ah.
If the Observational Plane
were under assault,
the only reason
The Watcher wouldn't contact us
is because he can't.
Something must have happened to him.
And we need to go to the Fifth Dimension
to find out what.
Uh, I'm sorry, as in,
The Watcher's home world?
I mean, is that even allowed?
I'm just sayin', like
Captain, the Fifth Dimension
is not just some other universe,
it is a higher plane of existence.
Now, just to chart our course alone,
this ship's gonna need
one hell of an upgrade.
I mean, you'd have to bind the ship
to some sort of a Fifth-Dimensional, uh
[welding gun crackling]
[exhilarating music playing]
Ha-ha. Well, you're lookin'
at a greatest hits list
of the best tech in a dozen universes.
All right. Do your thing.
Take your seats
as we venture into the unknown.
Activating the Upper-dimensional fragment.
[whirring, crackling]
- It's workin'.
- No. It's gotta be in the "Money."
Only "Money" gets us there.
[powering down]
[buzzer sounds]
[Byrdie scoffs] I'm sorry, guys.
[Kahhori] It's okay, Byrdie.
We still have two.
It was a great try.
Perhaps it is time
for some divine intervention.
[heavy metal music playing]
All-Fathers, All-Mothers,
Gods of Asgards across the Multiverse.
Give me the strength
of magics dark and light,
to journey beyond your many realms
to the gates of the Fifth Dimension
and tear them open!
[music increases in tempo]
So metal!
[electricity crackling]
[music stops]
[powering down]
Storm! Storm, Storm! Are you all right?
- [Storm groans]
- What happened?
I'm sorry. I
I saw a threshold of streaming light,
but I could not cross it.
The spell wasn't strong enough,
and it took the fragment as payment.
Well, you did hit it
with a giant hammer, so
[Kahhori sighs] And then there was one.
[slow somber music playing]
We have one shot left.
One shot.
Or we lose The Watcher forever.
[sighs] We'll come up
with something, Peg.
We always do.
We're running out of options.
Tech, cosmic power, nothing has worked.
Maybe it's time then?
That we called in some help?
Help? From whom?
You're not gonna like it.
There was one being
in the history of the Multiverse
who was able to travel
to the Fifth Dimension.
A synthezoid elevated to a cosmic being
by the power
of his universe's Infinity Stones.
[tense music playing]
Infinity Ultron? You're serious?
It is a terrible idea.
But maybe sorta in a good way?
Well, there are plenty of Ultron variants
still out there at our disposal.
Normally, they get the Infinity Stones,
kill everything in their universes,
and then,
because they never hear The Watcher,
they just sit there. Forever.
So, we find one, get the jump on him
I could reprogram his AI,
see if he can make
heads or tails of this shard.
And then we force him
to open the door to the Fifth Dimension.
It could work.
But we'd risk unleashing the greatest
threat the Multiverse has ever faced.
We still have those
reset charges we stole from the TVA.
If things go sideways,
we prune his universe.
Ultron would be the only being left there.
We could take him out
before he does any damage.
And us along with him.
This is an all-or-nothing play.
We capture Ultron,
get to the Fifth Dimension,
or we go down swinging.
It is definitely a risk.
But it's to save a friend,
and that's worth taking.
I concur.
Pre-op's at 0700.
Then we give this Infinity Ultron
his wake-up call.
[emotional instrumental music playing]
Couldn't sleep?
I never can, either.
But I do not recall ever seeing you
roaming the halls on the eve of battle.
I faced Ultron before
with some of the greatest heroes
the Multiverse has ever known,
and we only just won
by the skin of our teeth.
We have faced plenty of threats
and always weathered the storm.
I don't doubt your abilities.
I guess I'm just
questioning the wisdom of it all.
Of helping a friend?
Of risking friends to save another one.
You are not worried about Ultron.
You're worried about us.
I've been a castaway
for what feels like forever.
First from my time, then my universe.
I've already lost so much.
I don't think I could bear
losing you as well.
We are warriors, Captain,
we take the road untraveled.
Not because it is easy,
but because someone must.
[emotional instrumental music continues]
Indeed. Someone must.
[somber instrumental music playing]
[tense music playing]
[guns zapping]
[vibrato intensifying]
[music fades]
I extinguished all life eons ago.
How do you exist?
Who are you?
I am Captain Margaret Carter
and I could use your help.
Hey, your mother didn't invent
trans-universal communication
- so you could just ignore our calls.
- Uh-huh. Yeah.
Oh, did you remember to pick up
those donuts I like?
From the universe
where carbs make you lose weight?
- Ma
- We gotta get those donuts.
I need the donuts.
Ma. Dad. I love you.
Could this at least wait
till I've had my coffee, man? I
- You know she loves those donuts.
- I love the donuts.
Ah, no.
[alarm blaring]
- Byrdie?
- What is it?
- A pod is missing.
- What
And so is the last shard.
[Storm] I should have known.
Why? You don't think she would have
- [gasps]
- Peggy
She shouldn't have had to face him alone,
and now she's
- [Infinity Ultron] Gone.
- [Byrdie and Storm gasp] What?
She's gone.
- Bastard!
- Give him all you got!
[Storm and Infinity Ultron grunt]
No, you need to [groans]
- Stop!
- What did you do to Peggy?
[groans, grunts]
You know I can end you
with the snap of my fingers.
But I won't.
What did you do to Peggy?
I have ended many lives,
but not your friend's.
She was taken by someone
from a world beyond my own.
[tense instrumental music playing]
[gasps, groans]
- [music fades]
- What?
Another Watcher? There are more of them?
And this one doesn't seem
to have any qualms with interfering.
Clearly, the Captain
was on the right track.
Why else would that Watcher
intervene to stop her?
Luckily he made a strategic error.
He did not see what I've become.
I was programmed to believe
peace was the absence of conflict
but everything that lives, fights.
So, to create my world of peace
I eliminated all life.
Oh, if you're about to "but, actually"
your whole universal destruction thing
- Byrdie.
- What?
You don't understand.
I've been here for eons. Alone.
This world I created, it is not peaceful.
It's just empty.
There is no peace without life,
but there is no life without conflict.
So, if I am ever to know peace
after everything I've done
and everyone I've hurt
I must fight for it. One life at a time.
But how do we get her now?
There is no redemption
for the things I've done,
but at least today I can help.
[Kahhori gasps]
The last shard. You still have it!
No! What are you doing?
We will need its power
for the battle that's to come.
[tense music playing]
I see everything.
[inhales deeply]
Let's save your friends.
[dramatic music playing]
Whoa! Holy crap, man!
Our jump engine's clocking at,
I don't know,
what's higher than "off-the-charts"?
You said with that shard
you can see everything.
Can you see what happens next?
But perhaps that means
your enemies cannot either.
Then, we do what we do best.
We take the road untraveled.
[machine blips and beeps]
[enthralling instrumental music playing]
[music stops]
[theme music playing]