Will Trent (2023) s03e07 Episode Script

Mariachi Shelly's Frankenstein

[WILL] Previously on Will Trent
You're already moving on.
You just don't realize it yet.
Have dinner with me?
I'll talk to DFCS
and have them move
Thursday's location to my office.
I'm glad you dressed for the occasion.
Hey, if I'm gonna be seen
in here, let me be seen.
Hmm. That is nice.
You know, I'm a sucker
for pieces with a history.
I didn't kill Alice Finney.
Okay. What if I said I believe you?
[JOHN] Someone put
that knife in my cooler.
And killed Ms. Lam.
I won't go back.
I won't go back.
I spent the last two decades trying
to forget I'm John Shelley's sister.
He's a monster,
and I testified against him.
All right. I think we might be wrong
about the John Shelley case.
Do you have another suspect?
No, but I have a witness coming in,
and I think that she could
lead us somewhere.
It's you.
Nasty out there.
If Tropical Storm Rachel destroys
my home, can we rename it Gina?
Yeah, start the petition.
You know it's bad when people are
hanging out in here by choice.
Hmm. You know the best part
about being a homicide detective?
We catch killers?
And we don't have to stand in the rain
when the traffic lights go out.
Hey, holding up all right?
I've been accused
of two murders I didn't commit.
I'm going back to prison, Angie.
I'm doing everything I can to
make sure that doesn't happen.
[SIGHS] I found something
in your mom's notebooks
that I think will help and
I'm gonna talk to your sister.
Joyce is here?
What about Kenan?
- Not a fan, huh?
- The guy hates me.
You know what he said
about me in court.
I didn't do any of this, Angie.
I didn't kill Martha Lam.
I didn't kill Peggy Higgins.
I've never even seen her.
John. I believe you.
I do. That's why I'm here.
My partner spoke with
one of Peggy's coworkers.
A woman named Mia Elkin.
She went to the post office
with Peggy a few times
and they ran into the guy
we think is her killer.
- Okay.
- So, Mia's coming in
right now to do a photo lineup.
If what you say is true,
she won't pick you.
And then I can go home?
I hope so.
All right.
Give us a smile.
Come a little closer.
Come on, like you're
not a serial killer.
Did you get a chance to review
my notes? What do you think?
[SIGHS] Detective Polaski,
the case you helped build
against Mr. Shelley is
is too strong to ignore.
- I already filed
- Freddy, come on.
What about that witness statement?
John's mother said that a
neighbor had seen someone else
leaving Alice Finney's home on
the morning she was found dead.
If it's credible, then why didn't
anybody bring it up in the trial?
It came in too late to use.
Listen, I think
Angie's onto something.
We just need time.
Okay, fair.
Thank God there's
a man here to validate me.
We're all on the same side here.
Have you spoken to John's sister
about the witness statement?
Not yet. I need to speak with her
and also with her husband.
There's some kind of tension
between him and John.
Uh, Deputy Director Wagner says you
need me to grab a witness statement?
She did?
Well, I asked Faith.
You know what? It's fine.
Here's the, uh the case number.
Thanks a lot, Caroline.
Oh, no problem.
I love looking for things down there.
Makes me feel like I'm Indiana Jones.
Forgive me, I know that
this is Freddy's case,
but that statement would only dispute
Mr. Shelley's involvement
with Alice Finney.
It has nothing to do
with the current charges.
And this is why we're doing
a lineup with Peggy's friend.
Are you sure she's still coming in?
The roads look awful.
I spoke with her 20 minutes ago.
She was parking.
So, since Marion says
we're all on the same team here,
Freddy, what do you think?
I like it. [SIGHS]
Let's hold Shelley's
move to county until
we've reviewed everything on our end.
All right. Caroline's
on her way downstairs.
We're on the clock.
How's that card coming?
Your birthday card for
your assistant, all done.
Okay, great.
I'll let you know
when it's time for cake.
Hey. I thought Faith was going
to the file room.
- Everything okay?
- Oh, Faith's on a special case.
It's Caroline's birthday.
I'm throwing a surprise party
for her down in APD.
- Oh. Thought the gift was for me.
Oh, hey, Rafael.
Can you stick around for a little?
I wanna talk to you about something.
Well, if the weather keeps up like this,
I might not have a choice.
I'm so glad you two are still here.
Joyce and Kenan Peters, this
is Special Agent Will Trent.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
Freddy Markovic, ADA.
I'm handling John's case.
Did you go to Wellner Heights?
Yeah, class of 2004.
You don't remember me.
Don't sweat it. I I had
a bunch of acne back then.
Did you two have a sec to talk
about your mom's journals?
Let me make it clear.
We don't want anything
to do with John.
We're really just
trying to get at the truth.
If you two could wait in the
interview room, that would be great.
We'll be there in just a minute.
Follow me.
Let's get this over with.
Hmm. He seems lovely.
Yeah. Uh [SIGHS]
I bet the receptionist
downstairs left.
Mia must be lost.
Let's go find her.
And open 'em.
What the hell is this?
I don't know. It'll help
the party look more crowded.
- I tried to tell him. Mm-hmm.
- He was so proud.
How about that? Better?
[STAMMERS] But don't y'all think
we, uh we need some more balloons?
Well, we definitely don't need another
one of those creepy-ass mannequins.
Hey, he has ears.
I don't know. It just
looks a little shabby.
You look a little shabby.
I don't mean that.
You look amazing all the time.
Okay. Focus on the cake.
Nice work.
Just a heads-up, I couldn't find
our knife so we're using APD's.
Let me guess. Not as sharp.
Hey, I have ears.
Great call with the band, Wags.
Where'd you find these guys?
Oh, they play at the restaurant
Caroline goes to every Monday.
You have a name?
Oh, you better not!
Oh, stay the course, people.
That's why this building
has a generator.
It should kick in any second.
Any second!
- [FAITH] The generator sucks. Hmm.
- Ass.
Fear not. We're professionals.
- [FAITH] Okay. See, now that's fun.
Never do that again.
- Oh.
Franklin, Ormewood, let's grab
the portable power station downstairs.
[FRANKLIN] Yes, sir.
Faith, let's take
this over to the GBI.
We can do the surprise
when the power comes back on.
- Let's go.
Old-ass building.
This sucks.
- I don't have service, do you?
- Mm-mmm.
It must be the storm.
I, um I downloaded some podcasts.
You know there's a whole genre
called "true crime"?
Yes. I-I get enough
true crime every day. Thank you.
Okay, fair enough.
You wanna see something that's
kinda disturbing but also adorable?
There's an application that allows
me and Betty to swap faces. [CHUCKLES]
It's kind of amazing.
You gotta see it.
So you're hooking up with Marion.
Is that a problem?
I mean, you did say, "I release you."
- Like I was some kind of genie.
- I did.
- It was dramatic.
- I did say that, yeah.
"Wilbur Trent, I release you."
But I will still resent you.
Will, you're a very
literal person, and
so, I thought I would be very clear.
And I meant it and I still do.
I was just thinking though.
Here's the question,
you considered dating someone who
doesn't work in the building?
We work 80 hours a week.
Where am I supposed to meet people?
Stop face-swapping with your dog and
download a dating
app like everyone else?
You know? You're minimizing
the joy of face-swapping.
And for the record, she didn't deserve
that thing you said.
Oh, wow.
Good for you. You're a hero.
- Uh. Oh!
Building juice.
- Oh, my
- Hang on. Hold on. Here.
- Let me see.
- Ugh. [SIGHS]
All right.
Angie, that's blood.
- You ready? One
- Yeah.
- two, three. [GRUNTS]
- Okay.
I got my Okay.
Hold on, my foot. Okay.
- Okay.
- Just try try to hold me still.
You're the one who's wiggling.
- I mean What are you doing?
- Look This panel
- Ugh.
- Ugh.
Okay. Okay.
- I'm gonna Stop.
- No.
- Okay. Hey, get your hand off my butt.
- What?
- That was an accident.
- Okay.
- I can't help that.
- How does it look up there?
[STRAINING] Great. Best day ever.
This one's just heavy. Hold on.
- Come on.
Going up.
Oh, God!
- Oh, put me down. Oh, God.
- What is it?
- What is it? What is it?
- Oh, God. Let me down.
- Let me down.
- Okay.
- Easy, easy.
It's Mia.
She's still warm.
The killer couldn't have gotten far.
She must've been
stabbed a dozen times.
I don't see any blood spatter, no
no cast off, not here
or in the elevator.
She must've been killed somewhere
else and then dumped here.
Defensive wounds.
Yeah, she put up a fight.
What's it say?
It was telling her
to get her steps in.
This is insane.
- I was just on the phone with her.
- Well, we know it wasn't John.
Whoever did this is trying their best
to make sure he stays behind bars.
John was pointing at Kenan.
He's in the building, but how would he
have gotten the body in here?
The killer must have an elevator key.
Our building only has one.
It's at reception now.
Would Kenan know that?
I don't know.
But the killer is
loose in the building
and Kenan is our only suspect,
so, we better get out of here
and ask them ourselves.
Yep. Hello!
- Hey!
- Hey, we're in here!
- [WILL] We're here!
- [ANGIE] Help! Help!
- The main generator has officially failed
and our parking garage is flooded.
The mayor has asked everyone
to shelter in place,
so get comfortable.
Grab a flashlight and a water
bottle. Let's make it cozy, folks.
- You all good?
- Yeah.
[AMANDA] Faith.
I'll sweep for stragglers.
You two keep everyone else calm.
Copy that. I'll grab
a walkie if you need me.
[AMANDA] Okay.
Look, I'm a Chilean miner.
Wow. You've been holding on
to that one for over a decade.
- Worth it?
- No.
Now quit babbling
and let's move this thing.
[FRANKLIN] Damn. Why is it so big?
Because it's old.
The faster we move this
thing, the faster we get cake.
- [MICHAEL] Okay. Come on. All right.
- [FRANKLIN] Okay.
- [MICHAEL] On three. One, two, three.
- [FRANKLIN] Two, three.
[GRUNTS] Well, that's a hernia.
So, what do we think the, uh
the band's name is anyway?
- All right. I'll go first.
- [MICHAEL] Okay.
Well, how about
Eat, Drink, and Be Mariachi?
Don't do this to me!
[STRAINS] Taco of the Town?
How about I shoot you?
I'm stuck! I'm stuck!
- I'm stuck in the wall!
- Okay, back it up. Back it up.
It's caught. Come on. Put it down.
- Put it down.
Ah! It's on my toe! It's on my toe!
What are we gonna do about the body?
Leave her there for now.
We need to keep this quiet.
Whoever killed Mia
is desperate and dangerous.
And I bet they're still here.
The walkies are in the break room.
The building's already on lockdown.
I'll see what other agents are
still here and get the exits covered.
- Can you fill in Amanda?
- Yeah.
I'm gonna grab Kenan.
That's a good call.
Will, why is Rafael Wexford
hanging out at the GBI?
Amanda is taking care of his daughter.
- Look, I need to tell you something.
- Wait. No.
He is the leader of a major gang.
That is a huge conflict of interest.
I know. All right.
I may be able to tie him to your case,
but we have bigger
issues now. Come on.
- What are you doing?
- Um
Can you help?
- Yeah, whatever you need.
- Okay.
- Keep this on you.
- Mm-hmm.
Keep the people in that room
and keep 'em calm.
Do not tell a soul.
Be careful.
I will.
[PANTING] Kenan is missing.
What? How?
Joyce said he went to the bathroom
before the power went out.
All right, we need
to sweep the building now.
Pete, is that you?
Oh, my God.
- Will, I need you by the morgue. Now!
[WILL] I'll be right there.
Somebody help!
- Pete.
Pete, help her.
What happened?
Stop! Show me your hands!
What did you do, asshole?
It wasn't me.
Amanda, this is bad.
- We need get her help now.
On the ground, you son of a bitch!
- Caroline.
- He stabbed her.
There's a landline.
I'll call an ambulance.
I got the weapon. It's a cake knife.
I didn't do anything.
I found her like this. [GRUNTS]
Shut up.
[SHUSHES] It's me.
You're gonna be okay.
Listen to me. We got you.
Did-Did he do this to you?
- Tell me, did he?
Can you do something for her pain?
No, my patients are dead.
They don't need pain meds.
There's too much flooding.
We won't get an ambulance
for over an hour.
We're on our own here.
All right. All right, everybody.
Just stay calm and do your jobs.
Will, you're gonna get
a confession out that dirtbag.
And, Pete, you're gonna
save Caroline's life.
I know it hurts, but I need to
do this to stop the bleeding.
What's the plan, Pete?
I'm running out of lights here,
Pete. How's this?
[STAMMERING] This is bad.
The victim has seven
stab wounds, I think.
Uh, all injuries appear to be
in the ventral body cavity.
She could have been hit in the
stomach, IVC, aorta, I'm not sure.
She's definitely not gonna last an hour.
We need the ambulance here sooner.
Pete, I don't wanna hear that.
You're a doctor. You have your hands
in people's bodies all day long.
You went to medical school.
You know anatomy.
We're gonna save Caroline's life
because that's what needs to be done.
No thinking, just doing.
Now tell me what you need.
Okay, we got that. What else?
Uh, better light. Um, suction. Power.
[FAITH] I'm on it. I'm on it.
Hey, Marion, go to two.
[AMANDA] It's okay. Relax for me.
You're losing too much blood.
Relax. [SHUSHES]
Excuse me. Hello.
Hey! Quiet down, please!
- Thank you.
Does anyone have O-negative blood?
Anyone? Please?
- Hey, is everything okay?
- Not really. Somebody got hurt.
Do I win a toaster or something?
Yes, absolutely. Just come with me.
A little urgency, please.
Can you bring this man to the morgue?
I didn't hurt her, I swear.
What were you doing in the file room?
[STAMMERS] I don't know. I got lost.
Yeah? You get lost a lot?
I'll get you a map,
show you exactly where
the prison is where you're gonna die.
You won't get lost there.
Please, no, you need to believe me.
You wanna know what I believe, Kenan?
I believe you framed John Shelley.
I think you killed Alice Finney
Martha Lam, Peggy Higgins
and Mia Elkin.
Then you stabbed Caroline
because she was grabbing the file
that would prove it was you.
What are you talking about? No.
Elevator key.
What is that?
I've never seen that thing be
- Hey!
Where's the witness statement, Kenan?
It's not here. Where'd you hide it?
You're gonna get
the death penalty, you hear me?
I didn't kill anyone.
I'm a drug addict, okay?
I was trying to find a quiet place
away from cops to do some lines.
Check my left sock. I've got Oxies.
Please, don't tell Joyce.
I have a prescription, I swear.
Caroline. Yeah. You go, I got this.
There's Something About Mariachi.
- [GRUNTS] All right.
All right, I need to take
a break or I'm gonna die.
[HELLER] Both of you, shut up, please.
- [FRANKLIN] Hey, Ormewood.
How's Max doing on that,
uh, book report?
What the hell are you talking about?
Mariachi Shelley's Frankenstein.
- Okay, that was good. "Veriachi" good.
Both of you quit dicking around.
All right, I am calling it.
We can just wait out the storm
in the dark.
What the hell are you guys doing?
Oh, don't tell me
that thing is broken.
It's fine, just a little
mishap because
of these two baby chuckleheads.
Caroline has been stabbed.
The ambulance can't get here,
and Pete is doing his best.
We need to get this thing
to the morgue now.
No complaining, no jokes.
We got a job to do, so let's do it.
- Okay, one two three!
- [ALL] Two three!
[CAROLINE] It hurts so bad.
I know, sweetie.
It's gonna be all right.
You just gotta stay strong, okay?
Hey, I know it's hard, but you need to
keep your arm up.
Let gravity do the work.
[WILL] Pete,
I got Oxies. Ten milligrams.
Okay, great. Crush up two.
- [WILL] I'm on it.
When he's done, you're gonna
rub it under her tongue
so it gets absorbed directly into
her bloodstream. You got that?
Oh, my God.
She's losing consciousness.
At least she won't feel the pain.
Amanda, here.
[PANTING] Pete, I know
you got your hands full,
but what can you tell me
about her injuries?
Seven penetrating wounds,
all to her abdomen,
favoring the left side.
Not sure about internal damage yet.
Any idea about the attack?
I'm guessing head-on, cross body.
Thanks, Pete.
Hang on, Caroline. Good luck, guys.
Okay, let's do this.
I got you. [SHUSHES]
I got you, baby.
Uncuff him.
Draw a smiley face. Now.
Do it!
I don't think it's him.
Our killer's a lefty.
[SIGHS] Yeah, he sucks,
but I don't think he's our guy.
Let's keep him in there just in case.
Whoever did this,
they must have left something
behind when they killed Mia.
I just need to figure out
where it went down.
All right, I'll work on the who,
you work on the where, the how.
- Be careful.
- You, too.
[RAFAEL] I have to believe
that there are other people here
who could've helped you with this.
You got an ulterior motive?
I figured this task
was perfect for you.
[STAMMERS] Not a big fan of heights.
Or closed spaces, or the dark,
if I'm being honest.
It's about the same size
as a prison cell, right?
Man, did you really bring me
to an elevator shaft
with a dead lady in it
just to be cryptic?
No, I brought you here to
take a watch off a dead body.
Tell me how to use Find My Phone.
Swipe up.
Press the button.
Homegirl's phone should ding
even if it's turned off.
Hello, everyone. This is
Special Agent Will Trent.
I have misplaced my cell phone.
If everyone could just be quiet
for a moment, I'd appreciate it.
You hear anything?
Just the voice of a desperate man.
Hold on. Hold on.
Do you guys hear that?
Okay, put it down.
[GRUNTS] Okay.
Will, it's in the stairwell,
but you need to move fast
because I think there's
some flooding going on.
Thanks, Mitchell.
All right, almost there.
Come on.
Jesus, Mariachi, and Joseph,
this is hard.
Hey, I really appreciate that, Cap.
- But let's all Keep Calm and Mariachi On.
Mariachi, Hump, Kill?
That's so stupid.
Mariachi J. Blige.
[JOHN] Who's that?
It's me. It's Angie.
I need to talk to you
about the night Alice
Finney was killed.
It's Kenan. The more I think
about it, it-it has to be.
It's not Kenan.
I need you to think.
The killer is here,
so we need to figure this out
before someone else gets hurt.
Her final stomach wound is sutured.
That should be the worst of it.
You're pretty good at this, Pete.
You ever wanna practice medicine
on living people?
I was a surgeon.
I finished my residency,
got into a fellowship.
I was doing it.
Patient came in for an appendectomy.
Simple procedure,
super routine, you know?
I was positive everything went great,
but I didn't realize
I nicked the bowel. [SNIFFLES]
I should have checked.
I was cocky.
His name was Sal Difazio.
He, um
He passed away from sepsis
the next morning.
It was a hundred percent
avoidable, and it was my fault.
Oh, Pete [SIGHS]
You know,
there's a saying in hospitals.
"Never carry a coffin alone."
But, um, I couldn't let it go.
So, here I am.
I haven't killed anyone since.
But, to be fair, it
is a lot easier when
your patients are already dead.
Nick the Bowel sounds like a wrestler.
Is everything okay?
I don't I don't understand,
why is she still bleeding?
What did I miss?
- Give me that.
- Okay.
- Hold it right there.
- Okay.
It might be her spleen.
I can't tell. We need better lights.
Pete, is she gonna be okay?
Not if she keeps bleeding like this.
All right, power's here.
Pete, talk to me.
- Overhead light.
- [FRANKLIN] On it.
And we need suction.
Over there.
Faith, glove up.
You need fresh blood? I'm O-neg.
- Yes, but give me a sec.
- Where do you need this thing, Pete?
Anywhere there's blood. I need
to be able to see what I'm doing.
Oh, my God.
[PETE] Okay.
Oh, no. Her pulse is dropping, Pete.
There's a laceration to
the back of her spleen.
It's too fragile to repair.
We need to take it out.
It's the only way she'll survive.
I've located the hilum.
It's clamped.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, I don't feel anything.
I don't feel the beat.
Her pulse is gone.
Hey, everybody's
getting pretty hungry,
so let's go to the APD
and do a vending machine run.
All right, just start from
You and Alice were at a house party.
You're doing drugs.
Who gave you the ecstasy?
- Kenan. He was at the party.
- Okay,
Kenan didn't do it, so let's just think.
So, just go through it.
Okay, so, the three of us
went into a back room.
It was fun. I-I-I did a few more
lines of something, then blacked out.
Okay, who gave you
the something else? Kenan?
No. [SIGHS] It gets hazy. I
Someone else was there.
I think he knew Kenan
from school. I
Who was that?
[STAMMERS] I think his name was Rick?
I don't know, he was weird.
Okay, John.
This guy, Rick, he knew you
and Alice were both on drugs.
He could have followed you home.
So, what? [STAMMERS]
Anything. Uh, what can you remember?
This is where Mia was attacked.
Cute. Hey, man, I don't know
what you meant back there
about, uh, taking watches off dead
bodies, but this was
a gift given to me
by someone who's very much alive.
- Thanks for clearing that up.
- Uh-huh.
It was a business arrangement.
Sounds great.
Visitor parking's one level below.
The killer was there waiting for her.
She took off,
ran up the stairs
trying to get away
but he grabbed her legs.
- And bam!
Mia fell face first,
which explains the blood stains.
She put up a fight as he dragged her.
- Finished her off in the garage
and put her exactly
where we found her.
Listen, if you must know, yes,
I'm taking over
the Grove Park Boys business.
Which is a good thing, okay?
They were an unlawful group.
Messy, undisciplined,
just something awful.
You know, better me than an outsider.
You know what this little caper was?
A demonstration.
There's very little
you can do, Rafael,
that either I don't already know
or I'm not gonna figure out.
All right. Anything?
Anything else you can remember?
Did he have a last name?
Maybe it was Polish. Maybe. I think.
He had bad acne. He was awkward.
He He kept asking
if me and Alice were dating.
I remember he was
staring at us, like
it was uncomfortable.
He had a weird tic.
Like a
Like a blinking thing?
Yeah, how did you know that?
I'll be right back.
[WILL] Marion, can you go to two?
- Uh, yeah. One sec.
Hey, I'm at the APD. What's up?
Your American flag pin, is that
something Freddy would have, too?
Marion, are you there? Do you copy?
Freddy, what are you doing?
I spent years feeling overlooked.
- Ignored. Forgotten.
Alice was never going
to give me a chance,
so I took matters into my own hands,
- and it felt good.
When John went to prison,
everything changed
[GASPS] No, Freddy, please.
I felt power.
Who wants to be
noticed when you can do
whatever you want and never be seen?
I'm like a god.
[WHIMPERING] Please, Freddy.
Freddy, please.
If you stay quiet,
I'll let you keep your tongue.
[WHIMPERING] No, please, no.
- Oh, Angie. [SOBS]
- Are you okay?
Do you know where he is?
[SOBBING] I don't know.
- [WHISPERS] Stay still. Let me see.
- No, it's
- [WHISPERS] Take my hand.
- Can you squeeze my hand?
- Look, can you focus your eyes?
- Uh-huh.
- Okay. Okay. Good.
So, I'm gonna go find help
- No, no.
- and I'm gonna find Freddy.
No, no, no. Don't go. No, no.
He said that he wasn't
done with me. Please, please.
[SOBBING] I don't want him to come back.
I don't know what he's
If he comes back, you're gonna put
a bullet in him.
Oh, no. What are you gonna do?
Don't you need this?
I'll figure something out.
[WHISPERS] It's Freddy.
Have you seen Marion?
[WHISPERS] She'll be okay.
[PETE PANTING] We're losing her.
Captain Heller, get
on top of that stool.
Gravity will move the blood faster.
- You got it.
- Come on, Caroline.
How am I doing on time?
You got ten more seconds.
- That's two minutes.
Do you feel anything?
- Don't think so.
- It's a yes or no question, Amanda.
- Does she have a pulse?
- No, no pulse.
Damn it. Come on, Caroline.
Come on, squeeze my hand, sweetie.
[AMANDA] Squeeze my hand,
Caroline. Come on.
Where the hell's that damn ambulance?
Okay, Freddy. Okay.
All right. Easy, Freddy.
- [WILL] Hey.
It's okay.
- It's okay.
It's okay.
You're safe.
I promise.
Come here. Come here.
It's all over.
[WILL] It's all right.
It's all over.
Caroline. Come on, Caroline.
Come on. [PANTS]
- [PETE] Come on, Caroline.
- Pete, you need to take a break.
[SOBBING] Let me do this.
I can't lose her.
I can't [GRUNTS]
- They're in here. Hurry.
[EMT 1] All right,
we're gonna need an AED.
Step aside. We got it from here.
Let's clear this area.
Sir, I'll take over.
[SOBBING] She's on a metal table.
You have to move her.
Let me unhook her.
[EMT 1] No breathing.
Patient's unresponsive.
- [EMT 2] Power supply's up.
- [PETE] She's lost a ton of blood.
We had to do an emergency splenectomy.
Sh-She's been stabbed several times.
- [EMT 1] Are we ready?
- [EMT 2] Crash cart ready.
On three. One, two, three.
Secure patient.
- Patient secure.
Apply pads to patient. Stay clear
[EMT 1] Clear for analysis.
- [EMT 2] Clearing.
[DEFIBRILLATOR] Preparing to shock.
- Stay clear of patient.
- Charge to 250.
- 250.
- Clear!
- Clear!
[EMT 1] Check her pulse and breathing.
I got a rhythm. Femoral's good.
I got a pulse. Let's move.
[EMT 1] Very faint radial.
Her heart rate's faint.
[EMT 1] Start her on a drip,
just in case.
I know you're missing me Right now ♪
In the back of my head
Still trying to figure out how ♪
[SIGHS] This place, man.
It looks like how I feel.
It looks like how you look.
You're fired.
Give the mannequin your badge.
I don't work here anyway.
No one even saved me any cake.
Yeah, because you definitely had
the worst day in the building.
If I could
I'd come running, running ♪
[SIGHS] You sure you want to do this?
I'm screaming out for you
But you can't hear one word ♪
When you hear
The thunder rolling ♪
- Can we help you find a place to stay?
- No need.
Joyce said I could come home
with her. She's downstairs.
Thank you for giving me my life back.
Just doing my job, but
you're welcome.
When you feel The sun shining ♪
That's my love
Shining down on you ♪
They think Caroline
is gonna pull through.
How's Marion?
She'll be fine.
Heading to the hospital?
Well, after I change my clothes.
- But I couldn't show up without this.
Great work today.
Wherever peace is
That's where I'll be ♪
Did anyone ever actually
get the mariachi band's name?
If you only knew ♪
Wherever love is
That's where I'll be ♪
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