Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s03e08 Episode Script

Alumnos y maestros

If anyone has any questions,
please feel free to come and ask.
Hi. Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
- Uh
Ana? What are you doing here?
No, what are you doing here?
Lucía recommended it. And you?
My dad.
- Your dad, you say?
- Mm-hmm. It's a long story.
- Mmm!
- But I didn't expect to see you here.
No, I definitely didn't expect you,
but but not in a bad way.
It looks like now we are all here.
Welcome, brothers, and sisters, friends.
During this time,
we're going to work through our depths
to protect our sacred energies,
to receive the medicine.
The ayahuasca, the loving grandmother.
Please, take a mat,
and I will be waiting for you
in the meditation center.
Those who are ready to make
themselves comfortable, go ahead.
And if you have any doubts,
my assistants are here to support you.
I'm just so excited
that you've made up your mind
and that you're gonna graduate.
I'm happy too,
but do you have to go so early?
Can't you have breakfast first?
I'm just gonna take an apple and go.
Unfortunately, I have a really long drive
to get to the office.
You wanna know what I realized?
When I finish,
you'll both have to refer to me as
"Mariana, the graduate."
Oh, "the graduate."
Well, graduates need to eat breakfast too.
- Mmm, that must be Pablo.
- No, you eat. I'll go.
- Please eat.
- I don't have time.
Oh, sweetheart, you should eat.
Grandma, I'm eating.
Come in, Pablo.
Thanks. Hi, everyone.
Hey, how are you?
Good morning, graduate.
Okay, well, not yet, but soon.
We hope.
Oh, I have no doubt.
And where's the penguin, huh?
She's still asleep.
Why don't you sit and have breakfast here?
I'm leaving now.
- Thanks for taking care of Regina.
- You're welcome.
- Bye.
- Good luck, sweetheart. Be careful.
You're not going to turn down
my invitation to eat, are you?
- No, I won't say no to breakfast.
- Juan Carlos.
Look, this isn't going to work.
I came here to work on some things,
and if you're here, I won't be able to.
I need you to reschedule.
Why do I have to?
Why don't you reschedule?
'Cause this is urgent for me.
You can come back later.
Uh, it's urgent for me too.
This is really important.
Okay, let's handle this fairly.
Give me a coin.
We're gonna flip a coin.
Whoever wins gets to stay.
This is so childish. I choose eagle.
- Looks like you're leaving.
- This is ridiculous!
You don't understand.
This is important to me. I need to stay.
Okay, then.
Stay, but remember,
if you play with the bull,
you get the horns.
Seriously, you've got
to get better organized with Mariana.
We're so busy.
- It's all good. Remember, I'm an octopus.
- Mmm.
Eight arms. Let me help.
Uh, when are we eating?
While we're working.
We have to optimize our time.
Aren't you an octopus?
That's right.
I can eat, play with my daughter,
kiss my girlfriend.
But when am I going to do
the Christmas version?
The day has 24 hours.
You can make time.
This is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Anyone in our position
would be dying to be in our shoes.
Why aren't you happy?
I am happy, obviously.
I'll see you at lunch?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
So, what do I have to do?
Basically, your job will be
to be available to help
with whatever needs assistance.
This is not just any old daycare.
We are a support network.
A vast nurturing community
where everyone can feel safe.
Mothers help each other
so we can all work.
I admire your organization's mission.
Actually, I developed a maternity app,
so maybe we could look at implementing
some of those systems here.
Well, we'll talk about your ideas later.
Right now, what I care about
is showing you your office.
- Follow me this way.
- Okay.
You'll be in charge
of supervising the laundry area.
As soon as you finish your social service
and get a little bit more experience,
we can talk about your ideas, okay?
We're eco-friendly.
We only use cloth diapers here.
And that's it.
Make yourself at home. Any questions?
Nope, I got it.
What's up?
Why are you dressed
like a little drummer boy?
'Cause I want you
to teach me how to play it.
I'm guessing you want to impress
a cute girl, am I right?
What's her name?
Come in.
All right, so start to tell me
how much you know about music.
I can play the baroque flute.
You should never say that in public again.
You'll get made fun of.
So are you gonna teach me?
Only if you buy an electric drum
and come every day at 4:00 p.m.
with sour cream Ruffles
and a can of Diet Coke.
- Deal.
- Fine.
All right.
St down and repeat this back to me.
Bring two bags of Ruffles.
Come on, try again.
Contract at the navel and exhale strongly.
Excuse me.
I'd like to switch where I'm sitting
'cause I'm sensing a very negative energy
and it's affecting my vibration.
I'd also like
to switch to a new spot.
Uh, I'm feeling
like like a mean aura around.
Let's maintain complete silence, please.
Keep going.
Continue breathing.
Can incense and deep breathing
cleanse bad vibes
from energy-sucking vampires?
I lived with one for many years.
The best thing to do
in that kind of situation
is to run away immediately,
I'd say, am I right?
These kinds of people,
who are controlling,
who hurt you, who harm you
Once again,
I ask both of you to be silent, please.
You are interrupting your companions.
It was a pleasure.
I want to repeat we're very interested
in doing business with the two of you.
We just love Cucara Crush.
Thank you.
We appreciate you meeting with us.
- See you later. Thank you.
- Thank you. Take care.
Where are you going?
We have our next appointment at the bakery
and then the other
at the coffee shop next door.
Pablo, you didn't check your schedule?
As you can see,
Cucara Crush downloads
continue to increase exponentially.
Would you stop looking at your cell phone
and pay attention to this meeting?
Sorry, I had to leave Regina
with Conrado to come here.
He's an idiot.
He says she won't drink her milk.
I get it.
That happens when you have children.
Okay, right. Uh, we can continue.
Thank you. Uh, where were we?
The thing you should pay attention to
In order
to perform CPR on infants,
we have to follow
very specific directions.
First we have to locate
the line of the nipples,
because there, pressing two fingers down,
we are going to do the compressions
- Ro, would you please stop that noise!
- Ro! Ro!
Are you trying to torture us?
You're not even trying to play well.
Go back to playing the flute.
Just wait.
I'll impress everyone with my skills.
Don't kid yourself.
You're not gonna impress anyone.
Listen to yourself,
and don't take them off.
- Hmm!
- Hmm!
Hey, guys.
Where's Pablo?
In the kitchen, I think.
- Hey.
- Juice at this hour?
The penguin asked.
I couldn't say no.
She asked for it?
Have you noticed Regina can't even talk?
I thought we agreed not to give her sugar
after six in the evening.
And come on.
Are you serious with all these screens?
Just wait till you see
the tablet Pablo bought her.
What he means is that Regi's been
having fun playing with our smartphones
I wasn't asking you.
I was talking to Pablo, okay?
Who wants a lollipop?
Who wants a lollipop?
Uh, I I I want a lolly.
This is a joke, right?
Relax, Mariana.
You're ignoring
all of the rules we agreed on!
We just wanted
to spoil the penguin a little.
That's why I work so much.
You know what? Fine.
Don't let it happen again.
All of you.
Now we're going to raise our arms
to open our central channel.
We're starting the purification process
to allow us to dive deeper.
We are going to name our monster,
that we consider to be
the source of our problems.
And by naming it,
we're going to let it go.
We're going to begin
with you, Juan Carlos.
Would you like to share with us?
I think my problem is that
I don't really know how to be alone.
For 20 years of my life, I was
She decided absolutely everything,
where we were going to live,
what we were going to eat,
where we were going on vacation.
She insisted that I shave my mustache
even though I loved it.
But the worst thing about it is
that I got used to living on that leash.
And now that I'm single, uh,
I'm broken because, thanks to her,
I can't even have a healthy relationship.
What? Because of me?
Yes, because of you! You are my monster!
It's good that you're free, but
Well, you are my monster!
Because of your stupidity,
I had to result to these extreme measures.
And doing that affected
my business project,
my stability, and the only relationship
that mattered to me.
Would you please
You're saying it's my fault
you had a fight with Mariana?
Well, it's fault I fought with Fernanda,
so that makes us even.
If you hadn't cheated on me with Tere,
I wouldn't have flipped out
at the girls' baptism.
And I wouldn't have rejected Mariana
when she told me she was in love with me.
Okay, that's enough!
This is not couples' therapy.
With this energy around,
no one will be able to open
their central channel.
You're affecting all these other people.
Get out!
- Look what you did this time.
- Uh, who?
Shouldn't we accept the truth
even if it hurts?
- You went a little overboard, didn't you?
- Wait.
And this here is the super cockroach.
So what do you think?
Uh, I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
It doesn't even look like it.
Hmm. Well, I love it,
and I think it could be a hit
with all the kids.
That's why I think
we should start at 2,500.
You have a great vision, Mr. Mangino.
And wait till you see
the other characters.
What's up? I can't talk right now.
I'm in a meeting with some asshole
who wants to sell stuffed animals.
It's bullshit.
So how did I do?
You have improved
a lot.
But I
Do you think I can impress Adriana?
Listen, Ro.
Do it when you
feel most confident.
- Yeah?
- Okay.
I'm gonna go now.
Okay, so you happy now?
You should've left
when you lost the coin toss.
I said I didn't want to do
the stupid coin toss.
- You told me I'd get the horns.
- And then you started attacking me.
And on top of it all,
we didn't get our money back.
Yeah, because you say, lots of love,
and spirituality, peace, and harmony,
but in reality,
what you care about most is business.
Neither of you
found yourself here by chance.
But your energy right now is not open
to the message of the loving grandmother.
And it's a pity
that you've sabotaged the opportunity.
You need to care more
about this company.
I need you to be more present.
Because you were too distracted
in our meeting,
you put us in a bad place
with the designer.
It almost cost us the sale.
Those stuffed cockroaches look terrible.
You're good at criticizing a business
that I've been working my ass off for,
and you haven't had to lift a finger.
- Ugh!
- Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
I've had enough!
This is a lot.
I can't deal with everything.
You're stressing me out.
Starting a business
is a huge responsibility.
The owners have to work harder
than anyone else! What'd you think?
No, Cyn.
Please don't go.
Excuse me, my daughter
was playing with that toy first.
but I put it aside to reserve it.
- Where's it say it's reserved?
- I had it first.
Where's it say you had it first?
- My daughter was playing first.
- No.
- Let her have it.
- You always get your way.
- That's not true.
- What's happening? What's going on here?
- This woman doesn't listen to anyone.
- I'm the one who doesn't listen?
All right, let's all calm down, okay?
Excuse me.
Why don't we allow your children
to solve the problem?
They can decide for themselves.
I'm happy to explain my system
Thank you, Mariana.
We already have a protocol
for resolving conflicts, but thanks.
You know what? We're done here.
Let's go, honey.
This daycare is a disaster.
You need help. That's what we're here for.
We're not coming back.
Let's go, honey.
Mrs. Ana.
I thought you weren't coming back
until tomorrow.
I was,
but I had to return early
due to unforeseeable forces.
What's with these flowers?
Twenty years of receiving flowers
from Juan Carlos.
What a thoughtful guy.
He has an automated delivery set up.
But yeah
I guess it is a nice touch.
- Would you put them in a vase, please?
- Sure.
- Ana.
- Juan Carlos.
I received your flowers.
What flowers?
- For our anniversary.
- It's today?
That's weird.
I thought I canceled the annual delivery.
- Uh, maybe my secretary forgot.
- Could that be the message that
the shaman was talking about?
I was thinking.
You and I have a life together.
A history of many, many years
that can't be erased overnight
with a divorce.
I know it.
So we have to learn to adjust
to this new stage of our lives.
How do we do that?
I guess by grabbing the bull by the horns
and facing all of our problems.
You know what?
I think we could try ayahuasca together.
It's something
I'd really like to do with you.
- It could be good for us.
- Yeah.
The flowers are the message.
We should do it.
I know that I'm supposed
to stay in my lane, but I
I've noticed that a lot of the arguments
that happen between the mothers
stem from the fact
that there is a lot of paperwork.
I think the information coming from us
is getting confused.
So I thought maybe
I could digitize everything.
If you want to, that would be great.
I can set up a database
for you super quickly
and make life easier for everyone.
Why don't you show me
a pilot version of it tomorrow?
Is that okay?
Yeah, of course.
- See you tomorrow.
- Okay, yeah.
Hey, hey ♪
Nothing, nothing ♪
Hey, hey ♪
I have nothing ♪
Hey, hey ♪
I have nothing to say ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Nothing to say ♪
Hey, hey ♪
I have nothing ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Nothing, nothing ♪
Hey, hey ♪
I have nothing to say ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Nothing to say ♪
Well, it was nice meeting you.
"Nice meeting you."
Little bitch.
Are you okay?
I'm exhausted.
But I'm really excited.
My boss is going to let me test out
a new idea I have for the daycare.
I'm probably not going to sleep all night,
but it's gonna be worth it.
That's great. They're gonna love it.
- Hey, where's Regina?
- She's fine.
She's happy with her new princess outfit
and the castle I bought her. It's cool.
E excuse me? Princess?
Did you say castle?
And actually,
you're sitting on Chava's bed.
If I were you, I'd get off of it.
Pablo gave me some money,
and now my room is the playroom.
We have a playroom?
- You guys wanna watch a movie?
- Respect, please. This is my room.
Regina doesn't need so many toys.
And why did you put her
in a princess costume?
You know I hate that gendered bullshit.
But it's pretty.
Hold on, Penguin?
- Are you serious, Pablo?
- Where's the penguin?
Nobody has left the house.
She's got to be here somewhere.
- What happened, man?
- Are you fucking serious, Pablo?
Listen, we have to search
the whole place right now.
- She's here.
- Oh!
- Thank god.
- Thank God is right.
Oh my baby.
you really screwed up
when you bought her all these toys.
Something could have happened to her.
I'm sorry.
Thank you
for helping me look for her.
- Of course.
- Don't worry about it.
What are you writing?
Nothing, I'm just a big loser.
I wanted to impress Adriana,
but I screwed up.
- Oh, little Rodrigo.
- Hmm.
The thing is that music
isn't for impressing people.
Music is meant to be played from here.
And that way, your music
might be something people like.
I get it.
It's a poem for Adriana.
May I?
For a teenager,
you write pretty fucking good.
Dude, maybe you're not
supposed to be a musician.
I just thought of something really cool.
The only thing you have to do is convince
- Adriana.
- Adriana
to come back and visit again.
You in?
This cacao ceremony is the last one
before tomorrow when you stand in front
of the loving grandmother.
- Sorry. Oh.
- Sorry, excuse us, excuse us.
- Ugh, here we are.
- Uh, okay, here we are. Yeah.
What are you two doing here?
Oh, well, since we couldn't get a refund,
we wanted to come back.
We promise we come in peace.
I'm a shaman, not an asshole.
I will not tolerate any more scenes,
you understand?
That won't happen.
We received the signal you mentioned,
and now we're ready to cooperate.
And we'll reconnect
with our breathing once more.
- You like Rick & Morty?
- Yeah.
My friends say it's kind of geeky,
but I don't really care.
They just don't have good taste.
I realized that I'm not a drummer.
I'm a songwriter.
This is the song I'm writing with Elena.
I like you ♪
Though sometimes I think I'm scared ♪
By the thought that I don't like you ♪
But I try to smile ♪
For you ♪
What I feel, I don't wanna ♪
Elena plays,
and I wrote the lyrics thinking about you.
I may seem too slow for you ♪
But all I want is to make you laugh ♪
You, it's only you ♪
I've been thinking a lot
about what happened,
and to tell you the truth,
I'm not feeling comfortable
about leaving Regina.
You don't need to buy her so many toys.
I think I did that
because I was feeling guilty
for not being able to spend
as much time with her as I want.
Why don't you save up?
We don't know how long this good run
you're having with the business will last,
and I think it would be smart
to think about Regina's future.
You're right.
I should open a savings account
for the penguin.
I should get going.
I'll leave her things for you.
speaking of gifts,
there's something I could use.
I wanted to ask if you'd consider donating
the iPad to the daycare.
Yeah, you can take it.
It'll do more good for you than me.
- For real?
- Yeah, mm-hmm.
Thanks so much.
Okay, bye.
- Behave yourselves.
- Say, "Bye, Mommy. Bye-bye."
I had a good time. A great time.
Good morning. Nice to meet you.
I'm Adriana, but I have to leave now.
Oh, how polite.
What is she doing here?
She just stopped by
to drop off a book that she borrowed.
I thought she was just
a sweet little girl,
but I'm onto you two.
There, there, little penguin.
Come on, your daddy is working.
Will you let me try for a second?
- There, there.
- There, there, princess.
What's up?
there's something I need to tell you.
- pretty strong.
- Oh, it's very strong.
I didn't imagine it like that. I thought
I was gonna freak out more or something.
Did you figure out why you're here?
Here is where
you can find the calendar.
And there will be the option
to set alarms.
Whether it's for administering medication,
tracking nap times, whatever you need.
Additionally, when each mother arrives,
they're going to do this.
They're going to click
on the picture of their child,
and then click on the nursing option.
And here you can also view the calendar
of the day's activities.
That's it.
Mariana will take on this project
and be in charge
of maintaining the database.
So if you have any questions,
Mariana will take care
of whatever you need.
Thank you, Raquel.
I promise that this will make
the day-to-day here run much smoother.
And we can finally get rid
of that old copier, right?
- I'll take care of it.
- Thanks.
You okay?
I actually don't drink mescal
while I'm working.
I'm not happy.
My biggest dreams are coming true,
but it feels like a nightmare.
A nightmare? You're kidding me.
Do you realize people would kill
to be in our shoes,
to have a company at our age?
Yeah, I get it, but not me.
I can't stand the lame meetings
with the lame people
who talk about lame ideas.
I don't have any time to design
or to hang out with Regis.
I understand that's what you want, I know,
but couldn't you try to be
a little interested in the business side?
No, that's your thing.
You don't want to be my partner anymore.
I want to be an owner
of the part that's right for me.
I just wanna make games
and spend more time with Regis.
That's why I want you to be the CEO.
You'll do much better on your own.
Hello, my friends.
How are you doing today?
It's strong.
That's good.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, and thank you
for giving me the opportunity
to put together the database.
I'll finish the rest of my work soon,
I promise.
It's all right.
Hey, Mariana, I wanted to say something.
To be honest, when you first arrived,
I figured you were one
of those typical employees
who thinks they already know everything.
But then I realized
that you really do know your stuff.
And you're passionate.
I was wrong to disregard you.
I'd like to invite you
to become full-time with us.
If you're interested.
- I am! That's my dream.
- Perfect.
We want to implement
the new system in another center.
There is just one small detail
I want to discuss with you first.
Will you come to my office?
That's what I like the most.
It comes naturally to me
to make music with the heart.
That's the secret, little man.
But, hey, promise you'll only use
your musical flirting skills for good.
I didn't endow you with this knowledge
just to add one more jerk to the world.
Fine, I promise I will never break
the real musician's code.
The castles are gone forever.
So, guess what.
Not only am I gonna finish
my social service requirement,
but they also offered me a job.
Fuck, yeah!
So cool!
They like you so much
they even offered you a job.
Yeah, and the salary is really good too.
That's great. Congratulations.
Hey, penguin.
Congratulate your mommy,
she deserves it, doesn't she?
There is one small issue.
Nah, all issues have solutions.
The job is in Tijuana.
- Wow.
- That was really something.
Something incredible.
- Oh.
- Mmm!
We definitely needed to release
everything we had been carrying around.
Wanna know what I realized?
That until now, I didn't know
where to put you in my new life.
We are going to be connected
even though we're not married,
- and that's okay.
- Mmm.
This is gonna sound
a little bit hippie, okay?
But this was all meant to happen.
It had to happen like this.
You and I had to do this.
It was meant to be.
With Mariana too.
It was supposed to happen that way,
and I had to fall in love with her.
It wasn't your fault.
It was thanks to you.
Heck, even with Tere,
it was supposed to be that way.
So that Víctor could start his family.
I think I really like Ana, the hippie.
I like her.
Just as long as you don't start
reading people's tarot cards.
I think you should also try to
break certain patterns of yours.
I can't stop thinking about Fernanda.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Then go get her.
And you're gonna go for Mariana?
Because she's still in love with Ferrán.
But you have a chance with Fernanda.
- Go after her, I'll help you.
- No, no, no.
I pushed her away
because I was intense and
I'm guessing you wanted the whole package.
- Mm-hmm.
- The dog, the truck, the children.
No, don't even mention the dog.
Fucking Toby.
He's got my whole apartment
like a minefield full of poop.
I don't want the dog.
You know the only thing
I really want you to keep doing?
Sending me flowers.
As friends.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
I don't want to lose the nice tradition.
I won't let us lose it.
Pablo freaked out a little
when I told him,
but I know we can figure it out.
But we are going to support you
wherever you are baby girl.
In Tijuana, here, wherever.
There's still one thing
we need to address.
You need to talk
to Regina's other mother. Hmm?
Have you thought about
what you'll tell Ana?
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