Gokusen (2002) s03e08 Episode Script

Become stronger! The birth of a new life

Isn't that Yankumi?
Guys, let's go and surprise her.
Let's go
(My First Baby)
Did you guys see that?
It said "My First Baby", right?
Nobody reads that for fun, right?
It has nothing to do
with our math class either.
There were clothes for baby too!
There were even baby rattles.
- That means
- Could she be
Did you just hear that?
They said Miss Yamaguchi
is pregnant!
You must be joking
They have to have gotten it wrong
Miss Yamaguchi is pregnant?
Yeah, but her belly doesn't show it,
so I guess she's just two
or three months along.
Wake me up if this is a dream.
This is really bad! A teacher
isn't married but she is pregnant!
It doesn't look good either.
But this happens quite often
Yes, it does, but
But what a surprise!
Who'd have thought Miss Yamaguchi
has a boyfriend?
I wonder who the guy is
It isn't Dr Natsume, right?
No, I don't think so.
- You "think" isn't enough at all!
- It's no use saying that to me.
Hey, Mr Sawatari, please go
and ask her who the father is.
- Who? Me?
- Yes! Please, Mr Sawatari!
- Please!
- What
Good morning.
What's the matter?
Well, we
Mr Baba, what's the matter?
You look like your life
is almost over.
I feel like my life is almost over.
Miss Yamaguchi, I'd like
to ask you something.
What is it?
Miss Yamaguchi!
You shouldn't be moving something
so heavy at this time!
"At this time"? I can't work
if I don't move it away.
Come on, no need to hide it from us.
But I'm not hiding anything.
Miss Yamaguchi, I'm a man too,
if you are happy
I'll give up pursuing you
like a man should.
For what?
Hello! This is Kumai Ramen!
I'm here to take the bowls back.
Morning, Kuma.
Oh, actually, Kuma
I might be a bit too early, but
Here are some clothes
and other things for your baby.
Wow! This is so cute!
Thank you, Yankumi!
Oh, Mr Sawatari, Kumai's baby
will be born soon!
- Kumai's baby?
- Yeah.
Now wait a minute.
That means, Miss Yamaguchi
isn't pregnant?
Did you all get the wrong idea
that I was pregnant?
Oh, come on!
Gosh! They jumped to conclusions
too quickly.
Good morning.
"Congrats, Yankumi Mommy!"
Come here, Yankumi! Sit here.
Sit here when you teach now.
Gosh, even you guys?
Sorry for being a wet blanket
when you're all so excited,
but the person having a baby
is my old student.
You know about it too, don't you?
It's Kumai!
Come to think of it, Mr Kumai told
us that he's having a baby, right?
Yes, he did.
What? You got it wrong?
I knew there was something wrong.
Same here, I mean, it's Yankumi.
Yankumi wouldn't be getting married.
You have to get married
before you have a baby, right?
And you have to have a boyfriend
before that, right?
It's totally impossible
Among them, the first is Aoi,
the second is Sakura,
but she can't be the third.
No way
You jerks!
I said nothing and you get
carried away!
- Calm down
- Let go!
Jerks, sit up straight
and brace yourselves!
(Kumai Ramen)
I'm going to be a grandma soon
My student is just like my son,
so his baby is just like
my grandchild.
I think I see.
She's going to be a grandmother
before she becomes a mother!
This is a taboo subject.
She is Yankumi.
She is your other grandma.
What are you doing?
If you talk to the baby like this,
it makes the baby feel safe.
Wow, you can get things
like this nowadays?
Hello, baby?
This is Yankumi.
I'm stuffed!
The ramen here is awesome!
Hey, don't say "stuffed",
say "I'm full"!
Don't say "awesome",
say "delicious"!
What if my baby learns those words?
Well, I don't think the baby can.
Even if she can't, it's still
not good for the baby.
I see.
Excuse me, this music
People say it's good
for the unborn baby.
Classical music
in a ramen restaurant?
No way
Oh, come on, I'll do this.
It's okay.
What if it hurts the baby?
Yeah? Just go and have a rest.
Lie down and keep yourself warm.
All right.
Oh, and take this with you too.
Play it to the baby.
All right, then
I will get going now.
You're going so soon?
Well, I'm meeting someone.
Yeah, it's like a date.
Don't put on airs.
I'm not! I really
You're just having a drink, right?
Well, you could put it
that way too
It's the only way to put it.
Sakura and Aoi will be there
as well, right?
You're not going to win
This is none of your business!
Thank you.
Dr Natsume, please have some.
- So much?
- Yeah. Please have it.
I am defeated, indeed
That really was a shock
this morning!
They said Miss Yamaguchi
was pregnant.
No, I'm not!
They got the wrong idea.
Oh, right!
Mrs Kumai is going to give birth
at your hospital, isn't she?
My student's baby will be born
at your hospital
Perhaps we really are linked
by some wonderful fate.
Isn't that pushing it?
Not at all.
Dr Natsume, do you like children?
I love children.
I'd thought about becoming
a pediatrician.
I love children too.
I wanted to be
a kindergarten teacher
How many children
do you want in the future?
I want as many as a baseball team.
More than nine.
It's nice to have a lot
and make a big happy family.
Yeah, it is
Yeah, it's nice to have more.
Like a pitcher
Dear, I am really happy.
I'm happy too.
Behave yourselves, children.
It's so nice!
Dr Natsume, let's do our best
to make a soccer team!
"Do our best"?
What do you mean?
Oh, come on!
But seriously, I think Mr Kumai
will worry about his kids a lot.
It'd be tough if he has a daughter.
I'm sure he'll tell the guy,
"I won't let her marry you!"
Haruka might have texted me!
Haruka? The Momo Girls' girl
we had a matchmaking party with?
- Let's see
- Show me!
(When are you coming home? Mom)
What? My mom?
When are you coming home?
She keeps asking about everything
and it's annoying!
Speaking of which, your mom
often texts you.
It's the Ara High guys.
What on earth is she doing?
She is practicing how to take care
of Kuma's baby after it's born.
Rather than my brothers
related by blood
I don't think that's the right song
to use as a nursery rhyme.
This Oh?
Missy, you don't do it like that.
I'll show you.
It's like this.
I see! Being a dad is different!
I used to do this every day
when my child was born.
It's nice when a baby is born.
For Boss's sake too,
you should have a real baby soon.
Yeah, that's true
The problem is whether she can
find herself a husband or not.
Sorry, Missy
That's right!
When you have children,
they can succeed the Oedo Family!
I see!
What a good idea!
Missy, please do have a child and
let him succeed the Oedo Family!
I won't make him do it.
Yes, Missy
But even if you take so much effort
to raise the child,
they will be rebellious
when they grow up.
They'll just say you're annoying.
Welcome home!
You must be hungry.
I'll warm your dinner for you.
I don't want it.
- You've had dinner?
- Yeah.
Want to take a bath?
Don't keep asking me things.
Oh, no! I'm going to be late!
You can't see me.
I'm sorry.
Guys! I arranged a matchmaking party
with Francis Girls' College!
Excuse me. Is it the Francis Girls'
College we all dream of?
Well done, our party leader!
Great job, Kamiya!
We are definitely
going to be successful this time!
They just don't give up.
Oh, sorry, only five can go.
Only five?
So four more, excluding me.
Guys, how do we decide?
Let's draw lots!
No, arm-wrestling!
No We fight, of course.
Speed eating, of course!
Have you guys forgotten
the rules of matchmaking parties?
One! Girls hate guys
that are too persistent.
Girls hate guys that are
too persistent
Then We'll calmly play
rock-paper-scissors to decide.
(I can go on a date.
Text me back. Haruka)
Momo Girls' Haruka just said
she'll go on a date with me!
I have been asking her
to go out with me for a month.
Spring has finally come for me too!
You're exaggerating.
Okay, okay!
I won't go to the party,
one more of you can go.
People who want to go,
we'll play rock-paper-scissors!
Come on, you guys are
too persistent.
Big Bear ramen, Grizzly fried rice.
- It's yours.
- Thanks.
Is Ami all right?
Yeah, the baby is very healthy
in her tummy as well.
Is that so?
Oh, a pregnant woman's shoulders
get stiff and her back hurts,
so make sure you give her
a massage from time to time.
I give her one every day.
Oh, you do?
He is a good husband.
A husband that gives his wife
massages is fantastic!
Miss Yamaguchi, I'm good at
giving massages.
Okay, so what?
Who'd have thought Kuma
would become a father?
Oh? Kumai, your gyoza
got smaller, didn't they?
No, they didn't!
I'm sure that they're smaller.
I think you should buy
a new pair of glasses!
- What?
- How dare you!
Hey, this is bad, isn't it?
Don't worry, those two
have always been like this.
- Thanks for waiting.
- Kamiya!
Thanks for your text.
I was happy to receive it.
What should we do now?
What should we do?
She is really pretty!
I'm so jealous of him!
It looks like fun,
let's follow them.
What the heck?
What are you doing?
Playing hide-and-seek?
Sorry, we are busy. Okay?
- Hey, they're gone!
- What?
- What
- Hide-and-seek
The movie was great!
It really was great!
It was so Tomeo And Julieto.
Yeah. Let's go to an amusement park
next time.
Yeah? Let's go to one.
Hey. You're Akado's Kamiya,
aren't you?
You're alone today?
- Let's go.
- Yeah
You are so pathetic when
you're not with Ogata and Kazama.
Hey, pretty girl, this guy can't do
anything on his own.
Why don't you be my girlfriend?
Hey, jerk!
Don't try to act cool.
Shut up.
Darn you!
What the heck?
I'll punch you again!
Hey, you want to show your
girlfriend how cool you are, huh?
Stand up! I'm telling you to stand!
Hey! What are you doing?
You're weak, so don't put on airs!
Hey! Don't run away!
What school are you from?
(Staff Room)
You mean you punched him first?
Good grief!
- I am sorry!
- Mrs Kamiya.
I am so sorry that
my son brought you trouble.
Don't call my mom here
for something so stupid.
Then don't cause such trouble
if you don't want us to do so!
He isn't reflecting on himself,
as you can see.
I am terribly sorry!
Don't apologize to them!
Well, despite it being a fight,
your son only got punched.
The other guy was
a pretty bad student too,
so this time we'll only
give him a strict warning.
Thank you so much!
Mrs Kamiya, it must be tough
for you too.
But he only did it
to protect a girl.
But he couldn't protect her.
He just got beat up.
Don't do anything
so reckless again, okay?
I am really sorry about him.
Hey, did you really get beaten up
by the Ara High guy?
How's your girlfriend?
She's not interested anymore
in such a weak guy like me.
We are definitely going to make
that guy pay for this!
Don't do anything inappropriate.
We heard that Kamiya had some
trouble with some Ara High guy.
It's not necessary for you guys
to come and kick up a fuss.
Don't talk to them like that.
Your friends are here
because they're worried about you.
It's none of your business.
I am really sorry.
Okay, let's go. Come on.
You're so annoying!
Oh, I'm sorry.
Stop treating me like a child.
You are absolutely a kid.
You made your mother worry,
you made her apologize,
but you didn't even say sorry.
Do you think you are a proper adult?
Why don't you start by
apologizing to your mother?
Miss Yamaguchi, it's okay.
It is not okay.
Apologize properly.
You've got to be kidding.
This jerk just got worried and
apologized. I didn't tell her to!
You call her a jerk?
How dare you say this nonsense about
the mother who gave birth to you!
I didn't ask her
to give birth to me!
You are 18 years old now.
Stop saying things like a child!
Yeah, well, I'm a child anyway!
I'm a useless guy who can't win in a
fight and can't even protect a girl!
Don't follow me!
"I didn't ask her to
give birth to me," huh?
That's going too far.
It's embarrassing, but I said it
many times when I was a kid.
You did?
Me too, when I was
in middle school.
Even you, Minoru?
Well, most people have
probably said it once, right?
I lost my parents
when I was so little, though.
So I've never said
anything like that.
If when you reach the age where
you might say something like that
and your parents are still alive and
doing well, then you're fortunate.
But not many people can realize that
it means they are fortunate.
Yeah, that's true
Watch where you're going!
What? Are you picking a fight?
I am sorry.
Good lord! Be more careful.
Yamato, did Kamiya really fight
one-on-one with an Ara High guy?
But I heard that he lost.
Good morning.
Where is Kamiya?
He didn't show up.
He switched his cell phone off too.
I just hope he won't do
anything stupid.
How dare you say this nonsense about
the mother who gave birth to you!
You are 18 years old now.
Stop talking like a child!
Darn! Don't leave your bicycle here!
I'm sorry
Hey, I think my leg is broken!
I am sorry.
Don't just apologize, idiot!
What if Big Bro's leg
is broken, jerk?
I'm going to make you pay
compensation for this!
You are weak, so don't put on airs!
It blocks the road if you park
your bicycle here!
And now it's injured Big Bro!
I am not weak at all!
Say something! Didn't you hear me?
Hey, stop it!
You weren't looking ahead,
so it was your fault.
How dare you, jerk!
Are you picking a fight, jerk?
I am sorry!
Mr Kumai, why are you apologizing?
- It was their fault
- Don't!
He is hot-blooded, as you can see.
I am really sorry!
Please let him off!
Hey, don't put on airs again.
Hey, wait a second!
Why did you apologize
to those jerks?
Don't get angry so easily.
But I can't accept it!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
I didn't know you were so pathetic.
Can you protect your wife
and baby like that?
You've let me down, Mr Kumai.
Goodness me
See you
See you.
Oh, Kuma?
What? Kamiya didn't
come to school today.
Miss Yamaguchi?
Did Kamiya cause some problem again?
Oh. No, he didn't.
See you.
All right.
Did something happen?
Can you get hold of Kamiya?
Where on earth is he?
Let's go.
Hey, Kamiya. We meet again.
Where's your girlfriend?
What? Did she dump you?
You got beaten up so badly,
of course she would dump you.
Kunimura, you should have gone
a bit easier on him.
I did go very easy on him.
Oh! What a shame!
I'll fight with you when Ogata
or Kazama are here if you want.
Goodbye. See you!
- See you.
- Good luck.
He didn't even move! Did you see?
Not so fast!
Don't you dare
put me down like that, jerks!
How dare you do that
Stand up! Hey, stand up!
How shameful!
You picked the fight yourself!
Don't pick a fight with us!
Let's go.
Not so fast!
This isn't over yet!
It's pointless to fight with you.
Hey, hang on. I won't be defeated.
I said, let go! You've been
bugging me for too long!
What a pest! I told you to come
again when you were stronger!
- Kamiya
- Guys, don't interfere.
But he
Just don't.
Will you stop now?
Who are you?
I am his class teacher.
Class teacher?
Get lost, teacher.
I cannot do that.
I told you to get lost!
I won't be responsible for my
actions if you touch my student.
You'll regret this.
Guys, let's go.
- Are you okay?
- Can you stand?
Gosh, just leave me alone!
What the heck are you doing?
Teach me
how to fight.
I want to get stronger
and get revenge on them!
There are other ways to get revenge.
Teach me, then!
I'm sorry, but I am not
going to teach you that.
Come on, let's go.
I want to get stronger!
I suck at fighting,
so I couldn't protect my girlfriend,
and the Ara High guys
made a fool of me!
I have my own dignity too!
Blast it!
I don't want to become a man
like Mr Kumai!
He just keeps apologizing!
I am definitely not going to
become a man like him!
Yeah, you can't become
like him anyway!
Because you don't even know what
he was thinking when he apologized!
It's because he's weak!
He did it to protect you,
Ami and their unborn baby.
To stop you from getting into
a dangerous situation,
he gritted his teeth and apologized.
I am sorry! Please do let him off!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Could you do what he did?
Could you endure the mortification
you felt
and apologize to protect someone
or something you treasure?
It's not just Kuma. It's the same
with your mom!
This has nothing to do with my mom.
She only apologized to smooth things
over, didn't she?
Of course not!
She did it for you!
She did it to protect you.
So she could do it.
I am really sorry!
Kamiya. Listen, Kamiya.
Fighting isn't the only way
to protect what you love.
Be strong!
Like Kuma and your mom.
Become someone strong, who can
protect what he treasures.
I spoke so rudely to Mr Kumai.
Hi, Kuma?
She's gone into labor?
(Natsume General Hospital)
Mr Kumai
Yankumi! Guys
How is Ami?
Excuse me, how are Ami and the baby?
I think it will take some more time.
Is it okay? The baby's due date
should have been later!
It's okay. It often happens.
Wait, but
Calm down.
I'm sure that the baby
will be born safely.
Yeah You're right
Don't push yet, or the baby
can't breathe.
Blood pressure?
132 over 90.
- Pulse?
- 146.
It is going smoothly.
Mrs Kumai, your baby is fine,
so don't worry.
Take a few more deep breaths.
Don't move Don't move your back.
Just hang in there for a bit longer.
Push. You're almost there.
Take a deep breath when it hurts.
Okay. Breathe in. Push!
They'll be okay.
I know they will be okay.
Congratulations. You have a healthy
baby girl weighing 2,970 grams.
Congratulations, Kuma!
She is born
My baby is born!
I am a father now!
Yeah, you are. You are a father now.
I did it!
Mr Kumai.
I didn't understand you
at all before
And I said many nasty things to you.
I am reallyreally sorry.
Oh, just forget it!
Kuma, go and see how Ami
and the baby are doing.
Thank you so much. Well done!
She looks like me, doesn't she?
She has your nose.
She is adorable.
It's amazing when a baby is born.
I can't express exactly how I feel,
but it's amazing.
That's what it was like
when you guys were born too.
Just don't forget that.
It's awesome.
It's really delicious.
She's adorable
She looks exactly like Ami!
I think she can be an actress
in the future.
You think so?
Mr Kumai, you should deny it.
You are totally a doting dad now!
- I'm so jealous.
- She is adorable
Hey! Why are you making
so much noise in here?
Be quiet, boys!
Mr Sawatari, look!
This is Kuma's baby!
Look, her nose looks
exactly like me!
Oh, poor girl.
How dare you!
Kumai, this is for you.
(Congratulations on your baby)
Mr Sawatari!
Get some nutritious food
for your wife with it.
Thank you so much!
Well, you yourself don't need
any more nutritious food, though.
Mr Sawatari, you're actually nice
Shut up! Be quiet!
Oh, don't be shy!
- He's nice, isn't he?
- Give me that back.
- It's mine now!
- Give it back.
Oh, watch out
The bronze statue's hair starts
to grow when it gets dark!
He might not come to school
for a while.
What? We just leave him?
There are many things that I should
teach him when he's still at school.
We'll go toward
the bright future now!
Well, do your very best!
Yes, I will do my very best!
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