Mayor of Kingstown (2021) s03e08 Episode Script

Captain of the Sh*t out of Luck


You put your thumb on the scale
for Bunny, and then clip
the supply for the Aryans?
Thumb is a little too
heavy, so I'm recalibrating.
Brucker Junior High?
[RAPHAEL] Fuck you talking 'bout?
[THOMAS] Your kid's school.
And your bitch.
She gonna get lonely. Or not.
[BREEN] Why'd you talk to Cherry today?
I talk to all my patients.
I'm still talking here.
I got nothing against you.
But Cherry gave us all a
reason to be pissed off.
- [IAN] That vehicle went off the bridge.
- It's a mass murder.
- [MIKE] Konstantin's girls.
Who's got the goddamn reach for that?
Callahan's not gonna do it.
- Why not Callahan?
- He's not gonna bite
the hand that feeds him. Come on.
Look, Mike, I got Bunny
Washington top of my list.
You think that shit of me?
Say you didn't do it.
Rhonda was the fucking mistake!
[BUNNY] I am done.
I'm gonna be the monster now.

Spring fucking bounty, brother.
Our cook's up and running.
We'll have a surplus soon.
Mayor's gonna push Black in back,
and the Russian's time's
tick-tocking a-fucking-way.
McLusky's head on straight?
He knows better than try me.
Anyone crosses us,
no limit, fucking havoc we wreak.
Mayor's got shit to live for.
We got shit to die for.
I'd die for you, Merle.
Hey, not soon enough, brother.


- Oh, shit!
Jackson to Central. We're under attack.
Jackson to Central! We're under attack!


- Yeah?
- [CARNEY] Mike.
We got ourselves a shitshow.
I got three inmates dead, we
got a CO, a fucking CO, dead.
These fuckers threw grenades
over the wall. Fucking grenades, man.
Who's throwing grenades?
- You don't think this was Bunny, do you?
- Carney.
Come on. Who got targeted?
Aryans on landscape duty. Uh,
Callahan, the Viking
asshole, couple others.
This is not good, and I
don't know who bought it.
Well, that's the question to answer.
Answer it before I get there.
How much time do I have?
I'm on my way.
Jesus Christ.
Sorry. I'm I'm sorry.
That's a whole lot of calls, Kareem.
This is more important.
So, um,
wh-when when did it start?
She's always been emotional.
But after after the riot, after that.
She read things.
- Heard things at school.
- Saw me at home?
this is not because of you, okay?
But she needs help.
- She needs to talk to someone.
- Yeah, of course.
Of course, absolutely.
The school referred her to a therapist,
but she's, like, $300 an hour,
- twice a week, and
- Twice?
They recommended three times.
Whatever she needs,
right? We will work it out.
I will work it out, I-I
I promised you, right?
- I promised.
- Kareem?
No, I promised.
Right, Vanessa, didn't I?
[SOFTLY] Sorry.
[CHUCKLES] I'm sorry.
Look, I will make this right for us.
I promise.
Kareem, answer it.
I am
I'm with you right now.
I'm here.
[KYLE] Hey.
Why'd you let me sleep in?
You don't need to be up, babe.
Did you eat anything?
Um, no. I-I'm late.
- Coffee's on.
- Let me make you some eggs.
Baby, I'm really running late.
I-I just
I'll get something at work.
[KYLE] Wait, hold on a second.
Forgot your to-go thingy here.
You may not need food, but
you need your rocket fuel.
Hi, buddy.
- Hi.
- Kyle.
Go get 'em today, all right?
[TRACY] Kyle.
Yeah? Oh, yeah. Sorry.
Hey, uh, did I fuck something up
and not know what I
fucked up, or something?
- No. You
- Want to maybe
give me a hint at what that was?
You didn't fuck anything
up, I just didn't sleep well.
I'll see you tonight?
- I got a shift.
- Hmm.
Then, I'll see you first thing?
- All right.
- All right.
Bye, buddy.

Okay. Okay, let's mark this off.
- Right, right.
- Photograph and measure
[MIKE] Yeah. Fuck, shit.
[STEVIE] Hey, I'll be back.
Hey, Mike.
- Hey, what's happening?
Who's, uh, DOA?
One guard, shot through and through.
High-powered, high-caliber projectile.
It was fired from a distance.
Fucking snipers?
Yeah, who went down? What prisoner?
We're figuring this shit out, man.
You know, we still
waiting on the warden.
Fuck's Kareem?
- Hey, will you open this?
- Yeah, uh, go ahead. Open it.
- Fuck.
- Yeah.
We got the, uh, shoot
team trying to figure out
the source of the fire.
- Uh, where's Ian?
- Shoot team.
[MIKE] Fuck.
Mikey, I'm doing fucking
police work up here.
- Keno, wave or something!
- [MIKE] Ian, get down here.
I will uh, Mikey, I'm
a little fucking busy.
It's gonna get busier. Let's go.
Let's go!
- [CARNEY] Mike
- This fucking guy. Come on.
Mike. All right.
Welcome to the shitshow.
Callahan. He's unconscious.
They might take him over
to Kingstown General, so
- I'll fill you in when I know.
- Okay.
- Yeah, thank you.
- Fucking ridiculous shot,
got that fucking guard
from 500 yards or some shit.
That's, like, military. That's military.
[IAN] Tell me what fucking
set has a goddamn sniper.
- Fuck. Fucking Bunny.
- I knew it. I fucking knew it.
He's got access to military grade.
How you know this?
'Cause I was fucking there. That's why.
Look, I'm gonna send you the address.
I want you to get a warrant
and go fucking hit that place,
- okay?
- [IAN] Hundred percent.
All right, call me before and after.
Yeah, yeah. Let's go.

She knotted up her sheet.
How long before she was taken down?
[LINA] Night shift wasn't specific.
Won't know if she's a
vegetable till she wakes up one.
Bus is inbound.

can you take that to go, honey?
- Kyle?
- Huh?
Can you take that to go? I
gotta take something to my mom.
Oh, yeah. Shit. Sorry.
[CLEARS THROAT] Let me just, uh
Don't worry about it.
I'll deal with that later.
Nah, come on, I got you.
Hey, you mind if get a little,
- a little to go?
- Oh, yeah, help yourself.
Still doing everything
for everyone, huh?
Beats loneliness, Prozac,
and The Price is Right.
[CHUCKLES] How's she doing?
Oh, well, she, uh
wants to sue me every
time I walk in the door.
But, uh, she's happier at her own home.
I've got a permit.
No, that's all right. I'm not worried.
What is that, a Glock? Smith & Wesson?
Smith & Wesson.
Oh. Yeah.
[SIGHS] That thing has saved me
and my daughter's life twice.
I'd feel a lot better if Tracy
carried, I'll tell you that.
Oof, that's gonna be a hard convince.
Yeah, no shit.
And worth a shot, 'cause, uh,
it's a fuckin' mess out here.
Well, if you can't
protect the ones you love,
then what's the point, you know?
You do that, Kyle.
You do that every day.
- Be safe.
- Yeah.
[KYLE] See ya.
- Yeah?
- Are you alone?
I'm not bringing people
back to my hotel room, Mike.
Then pick up your fucking phone.
- I've been calling you.
- I was asleep.
Yeah, well, it's noon, Iris.
I'm a nocturnal creature now.
Okay. Why don't you
look out your window?
Yeah, hi.
Pretty fucked up, what
happened at the river.
You all right?
I'm okay.
You want out, or an exit?
What does that fix?
I'm not gonna end up one of those girls.
As long as you're in this world,
you're gonna be one of those girls.
No, he doesn't treat me like that.
Yeah, fuck.
Speak of the devil.
- What?
- He just pulled up.
Fuck. You need to get out of here
- right now.
- What's he doing here, Iris?
Same thing as you, Mike.
He's fucking checking on me.

[KONSTANTIN] Little Bird.
It's too early for bullshit, Konnie.
Uh, keep the world at bay, please.

I had to see you.
I I had so many horrible dreams.
I'm okay.
I was short with you.
You were trying to protect me.
Protect you.
Control you.
Sometimes I don't even feel
like there's a difference.
I realize that seeing those poor girls,
it might have conjured some memories.
I'm okay.
I want you to, um, to leave this place.
New York?
No more old haunts.
New horizons.
I'll buy you a life.
You already did that once.
One that I have no hand in.
I'll stake you.
Give you what Milo never would have.
Let me.
Let me do this for you.

Coffee's warm.
Want one?
[WHISPERS] I can't leave you.
I'm not ready.
Don't say words you
think I want to hear.
I'm loyal to you.
I'm loyal to you.
What do you think is
the source of that river?
You think its origins are foul?
Or is it this place that poisons it?
I'm offering you a cure,
Iris. Please take it.
Want to give me a minute?
- Sure.
Welcome back to the living.
Heard you were coming to.
Wanted to be the first
face that you saw.
It wasn't.
Woke up to a fucking immigrant
at the edge of the bed.
Yeah, that's a cop,
and he was born here, so
What are we doing, Mike,
about this situation?
What the fuck are we doing?!
I told you to hit Bunny Washington,
and you didn't, so here we fucking are.
And now you gotta fix it fucking fast.
I want him dead.
I want everyone in his crew dead,
cut up into pieces, roasted on the spit
and fed back to their children
in a fucking block party!
- That would be a lot of people.
- Fuck you!
Aw, fuck you.
Fucking failing me.
Merle, I didn't fail you.
You failed you. You hear me?
KPD's confirmed this
was a military sniper.
Army-issue grenades.
That sound like Crips to you?
No, it doesn't.
This was a Russian hit, and you know it.
So stop wasting your
time, your energy resources
on the wrong fucking target.
Konstantin is gonna drive a knife
in your fucking back and devour you.
You are the prey now.
All right, what's the fucking plan,
if you're the one calling it?
I end the Russian,
on your behalf.
And Bunny Washington?
I'll take care of him, too.
All of it.
So get better.
Thank you.
I hope that hurts, you
racist piece of shit.
[BUNNY] We gonna get through this.
I ain't seen you in a
minute, baby, what's good?
You good? You big now,
look at you. Ah, come here.
Your mom said you were on
the honor roll and shit.
- Yeah.
- Yeah? But no football?
It's not my thing.
Not your thing? What you mean, man?
It was all I got.
I got my Pop Warner on. You feel me?
[LAUGHS] I was all-state, cuz.
Gridiron god.
But you a'ight, man.
You don't need all that.
You a straight-A student, huh?
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Make us proud. Make your pops proud.
What that?
What, you wanna set your jaw right now?
Wanna square them shoulders up? What up?
Come here.
Your pops wakes at daylight,
and lay his head down at
dark, with you on his mind.
He in that place now 'cause
of what he did for family.
You think he chose something over you,
set him up inside?
That ain't it, Trey.
I know you feel that way,
but that feeling is false.
You got to fight that.
'Cause when you're inside that bitch,
all you got is family.
You feel me?
Your pops need to understand
that you know the difference.
You can tell what's
false from what's true.
He need you.
And you need to be a man for him.
I know.
I will.
[TREY] What's up?
You watch your pop's back,
I'm gonna watch you and your mom's.
Moving you some place safer, all right?
It's temporary.
You good?
That's what's up.
Let's roll.
[KONSTANTIN] Oi, who benefits?
Those poor girls,
they're replaceable,
like everyone's replaceable,
each one of us, but
that's not the point.
No, this was no random
act, the murder of my girls.
Yeah, but the Crips don't traffic women.
No, but they know we do. That vexes me.
Callahan's men.
For an exchange?
[ROMAN] That-that wasn't scheduled.
I-I'll get rid of them.
- No, let them in.
- Kon.
Iris, um, sit with Alex.
Ah, look who's here.
Um, to what do I owe the honor?
There was some static inside.
We need to re-up.
Narcotics for a rainy day?
What kind of "static," I wonder?
Someone tried to kill Callahan.
- But he survived.
- He made it through.
Can't kill a cockroach.
Can we make a fucking deal?
Excuse me?
[ARYAN] We just need to re-up.
Yes, yes.
Um, Roman, why don't you take the cash
and measure out the product?
Yeah, sure. We can, uh,
we can do it outside.
Uh, why so inhospitable, pray tell?
[QUIETLY] Let them drop and go.
No, let's have some drinks first.
A toast to your fallen leader.
- [ARYAN 2] He ain't fallen.
- Not today.
Come, can't let the martinis go watery.
Now, before we toast, um,
one word about manners.
When you enter a man's home,
board his vessel,
uh, you practice deference.
Do you know what that means?
Yeah. We should have called first?
You're the smart one. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]
Now, cause and effect. Do
you know what that means?
You caused me irritation.
Now, your upset notwithstanding,
you should have avoided my irritation.
Now, what do you think
the effect could be?
Oh, no, don't piss yourself.
Now, lift up your friend.
No, no. Under the arms.
Our business is concluded.

Now, you still want
to stay, Little Bird?
You should take the day tomorrow.
I'm all right, sir.
I can work.
[KAREEM] That must've
been hard to witness.
[KEVIN] How I imagine war would be.
Yeah. Days of boredom,
seconds of horror.
They say you reacted immediately.
Not fast enough to save Thomas.
Give your statement to KPD?
- Yes.
- You want to walk me through it?
- Sir?
- Well, you're my eyes and ears on this, son.
All right? I mean, I'll
I'll review the statements
and the video footage,
but I want to hear about
it directly from you.
Anything you need, sir.
I'll tell you exactly what I told them.
Good. Good, thank you.
you can tell me if you
want to speak with anyone
about what you witnessed.
You know? DOC has counselors.
And there's no shame in that,
no shame in asking for help.
You know
anything that helps you process
an act, a
a barbaric act like this
is worth it. It's
worth doing.
Yes, Warden.
Do you want to go over that now?
- My statement. Did you want to
- Yes. Uh, yeah.
Let's, uh, let's go to my office.

Hey, what's up? You okay?
Konstantin just killed
an Aryan on the boat.
They showed up unannounced
and he fucking gunned him down.
Iris, it's a fucking godsend.
What? Why?
[MIKE OVER PHONE] How many were there?
Uh, there were two and now there's one.
Mike, why is it a godsend?
It's unbelievable. That
could [STAMMERS] You okay?
Mike, he's cracking.
He's-he's fucking doing
coke for breakfast.
And he's shooting
heroin to sleep at night.
How's he with you?
I'm still in his favor, I guess.
He wants to send me
away, though. [EXHALES]
Stake me, no strings attached.
And there's always strings.
Iris, I mean, I don't what to
tell you what to do here, but
what's wrong with cashing out?
Uh, it's worth considering.
This isn't done.

Two minutes.
[CALLAHAN] I ain't hungry.
Get that shit away from me.
The fucking smell.
Got news from outside.
Bodies start dropping?
Wrong ones.
Our people went to the
Russian for a re-up.
Someone chose now to
be fucking proactive?
Weren't supposed to show
with no invite, I guess.
Fucking IQ sinkholes.
Konstantin took one out himself.
Let one go to tell the tale.
Get word out.
Time to set that
motherfucker's river on fire.

[CESAR] The rookie.
I got to drop a fucking bomb
on that place to get
done what need doing?
Everything went down the
way it was supposed to.
No, the fuck it did not.
Callahan in that morgue? Nah.
He's segregated, soldiers on high alert.
What do you want me to do?
You can bide your time, now.
Yeah, you wait and see he make it,
be ready he do.
Is that it?
[BUNNY] In the meantime,
you fuck up their signal.
- Say what?
- We gonna be most wanted on this shit,
you feel me?
Got to confuse the issue.
You in good with that warden?
Yeah, I'd say so.
[CHUCKLES] Nah, I know so, man.
You got that aim-to-please
look on your face all the time.
You keep doing that. A'ight?
And keep on with the mind fuck.
Yeah, I can do that.
Who is it?
[TRACY] Uh, it's Tracy.
Jesus fuckin' Tracy?
- Hey. Wh Come on in.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Go on, sit down, relax.
You want a coffee or
a drink or anything?
Both, please. Yeah, I'll have both.
All right.
You got it. Bitter and black.
Everything okay?
I'm I'm back at the women's prison.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know.
I think the COs are raping inmates.
Yeah, raping or they dating?
Mike, this women are being
assaulted by their keepers.
I know the difference.
Yeah, well, had to ask.
Both happen, you know?
Okay, so which inmates?
Cherry Maxwell, for one.
Yeah, I know that name.
I know what she did.
She was raped. She gave birth.
Knotted her sheet after
they took her baby away.
Yeah, yeah, that's-that's tragic.
And it is, but I-I don't
have a ton of sympathy.
You know who spoke to
her before she got charged
with the guard's murder?
- Mariam.
Your mother never gave
up on anyone, no matter
what they were accused
of or what they did.
Yeah, she-she never gave up on anybody.
So who do you think did it?
A CO, William Breen.
Okay. You know this?
I know.
Uh, look, I'm gonna need something.
- I know.
- Did Cherry say something?
Did another inmate say something?
I know it was him, Mike.
I'm gonna ask you a question, Tracy.
I need you to answer me honestly.
Did this guy touch you?
[TRACY] Mm-mm.
Did you bring this to Kyle?
- Oh, you know I
- Okay, yeah, don't.
- Mike
- Hey.
I'll handle it.
Okay? Look at me.
I'll handle it.
- Hey.
- Where are you?
At the Shell on 16th, pumping gas.
About to be a mega
fuckin' millionaire here.
What's going on?
- Don't move.
- Yeah.
- Fuck! Bitch.

- Hey.
- [IAN] What the fuck?
Look, I'm gonna fuckin'
hurt somebody, okay?
Mikey, since when do you
need fuckin' help with that?
I don't need help.
Yeah, I need you to
fucking stop me, okay?
- Get in.
- Yeah.
- Come on, let's go, let's go.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I made the call.
She won't have to worry about
identification, relocation.
Yeah, it's very simple.
I mean, costly, but simple.
I should've better protected her.
You'll protect her now.
The fucking abominations
that Milo put her through.
Konnie, Kon
You're not Milo, okay?
You're not Milo.
Just Just pay what it costs, huh?
I will take nothing with me.

If I were you, I would
accept what he offers.
This is the first time I've
felt in place in a long time.
Is that not more reason
to get the fuck out?
Why's he keep bringing up Milo?
Tatiana worked for Milo.
She knew his end was near and
may have warned him.
If he knew what was coming
he would not walk into that.
This is why it's on Konnie's mind.
That's why he killed Tati.
[ROMAN] Hey.
Makes me wanna doubt it ♪
Think I better just let it go ♪
And yesterday was sickening ♪
And all the things
that might have been ♪
- Mullen.
- Hey. You want a drink?
No, no, I'm good.
Listen, can you can you
point out this fuckin' Breen guy?
You know him?
On the jukebox?
Hey. Quick word with you.
Homicide. Know why I'm here?
Uh, no. No fucking clue.
Listen, I got ask you
a couple questions.
Real quick. Off the record.
All right? Come on. Real quick.
And they're blinded by the ambition ♪
Only take a sec.
Look, whatever's going on
All right.
- Hey.
- Who the fuck are you?
Doesn't matter. I'm just gonna
ask you a couple questions.
Is it Where's your uniform?
- My-My uniform?
- [MIKE] Yeah.
I-I don't wear it out of work.
Oh, so it's like a rapist's
uniform? Is that it?
The fuck you talking about?
[MIKE] I've never seen
any rapist's uniform.
Have you? Have you, maybe?
All right, this is what's gonna happen.
You're done at the women's prison.
Hey. You're fuckin' done
at the women's prison.
You hear me?
You're gonna transfer to Anchor Bay.
- You fucking hear me?
- Yeah.
Until I figure out what the
fuck to fuckin' do with you.
- You hear me?
- Mike.
Son of a bitch.
- You fucking cock
- [IAN] Okay, okay.
- Mikey. Mike, come on.
- How about that?
Fucker. You motherfucker.
- Come on. Come on.
- I'll be back, motherfucker.
- [IAN] Mike, fuck him.
- Let's go.
- Motherfucker.
- We got to go. We got to go.
- Fuck!


[ROBERT] That was a
waste of fuckin' time.
Waste of fuckin' resources.
- They got word we were coming.
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah, you think?
Why you looking at me?
I'm not looking at you,
Kyle, I'm looking through you,
to your fucking brother.
Let's sidebar this shit, man.
There's nothing to fucking sidebar, man.
It's just rinse and
repeat with this shit.
Mike gave us the tip.
Yeah, and then he fuckin'
tipped off Bunny Washington.
It's fuckin' unbelievable.
You're out of fuckin' line.
Mike caters to this motherfucker.
And then guy does fuckin'
drive-bys in broad daylight
and he fuckin' dumps
guns in the Heights.
Bunny's tip saved your life.
- Remember that?
- Oh, yeah? Says who? Mike?
I'm not in the business of
taking people's word for shit.
We are talking about the Mayor here.
Of what? The Crips
beat me half to death,
and then they get points
for tellin' Mike about it
- in the nick of fuckin' time?
- You don't know that
that's what happened. You don't know
I know they just about widowed my wife
and orphaned my fuckin'
son. That I know.
You need to stand down.
You're not yourself right now.
- I need to what?
- Yeah, you need to stand down.
Shut the fuck up!
- You're not 100%
- Fuck you
- everybody sees it.
- and your fucking brother.
- You are not yourself right now.
Fuck you!
[ROBERT] Tell me to fuckin' stand down.
- [IAN] Talk to me, Stevie.
- Hey.
- Bunny's warehouse is empty.
- What the fuck do you mean?
I mean it's fucking empty.
I'm not seeing a fucking gun,
not a bullet, not a goddamn
trace of dope, empty.
Christ. Shit.
Hey. Tell Mikey he ought to
have a conversation with Kyle.
Yeah, I'm here.
What happened?
Hey. Kyle and Robert had words, man.
All right, I'll call you back.
All right.
Mike, what the fuck?
Look, I don't know. I gave you an
address. What do you want from me?
You fuckin' knew,
motherfucker, didn't you?
Come on, what does it matter, Ian?
What does it matter?
He knows you're after him.
That's all that matters.
That's the important
thing. Bunny's on the run,
and Bunny's not selling.
It's a good thing.
Are you fuckin' smiling?
What the fuck are you smiling about?

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