Nip/Tuck s03e08 Episode Script

Tommy Bolton

Oh, my god.
Is that me? Your reflection may be shocking for a while, but you'll get used to it.
I actually think you look wonderful.
It feels like a stranger is staring back at me.
I just don't know how I'm supposed to take a shower.
I can't let this girl see me naked.
I barely know her.
How do you like it, Austin? I think Dr.
McNamara did a bang-up job.
When is it gonna stop hurting? In a week you'll be taking nothing but aspirin, if that.
Which is good because I've just been told that your safe house will be ready by then.
Oh, really? Where are they sending us? I hope it's someplace warm.
I requested someplace with no snow.
I am not gonna shovel any more driveways.
McNamara, would you mind excusing us? You're not cleared to hear about the Morrettis' future location.
It's for your safety as well as theirs.
Of course.
If he doesn't know where we're going, how is he gonna get in touch with us? Oh, he can't, sweetheart.
Can he at least give us his address? So I can send him a postcard or something? I'm afraid not, son.
What's the harm in him knowing where I live? I'm certainly not gonna talk to anyone.
Any attempt he makes to locate you or anyone from his old life could compromise his location.
You'll all have to say your good-byes here.
First you mess up my face and now you tell me who I can be friends with? I hate this! Your bedside manner leaves something to be desired.
You've never been in combat, Dr.
Following protocol saves many more lives than being sensitive.
That boy is gonna need more than protocol to survive what he's going through.
Austin is missing.
All of his things are gone, too.
Relax, Nikki.
This is a government compound.
He can't just walk out.
Austin and I have found 5 unguarded exits to this place since we've been here.
These are the things you do when people are trying to kill you.
I knew all of this was too much for him.
What if he goes home and they see him? They're gonna kill him on the spot, or they're gonna use him to get to me.
I have got to find him.
I think I know where he's going.
This is my fault.
I gave him my address on the sly.
I figured even if he never used it, it might make him feel better.
I'm 2 hours from here.
I'll go, bring him back.
You'll take me with you.
You can't leave this compound.
You'll only be endangering yourself.
You know the rules.
You agreed to them.
You knew the rules, too.
That didn't stop you.
Tell me what you like about yourself.
I'm a medalist.
I won this, good friends games.
I run 440.
Round the track.
Tom's not the fastest, but he's got more endurance than all of them.
Uh, tell us what we can do for you, Tommy.
I want look like my family.
I'm sorry.
I don't understand.
Tommy is the oldest of 3, 2 boys and a girl.
- The other kids are - Normal.
We don't like to use that word.
All of our children are special.
I got Down Syndrome.
This not my fault.
I'm born this way.
I didn't choose it.
All I want is to look like the people that I love.
What's wrong with that? Nothing.
I can see why you want to.
You have a very nice-looking family.
You're lucky.
Why? Your family is ugly, Dr.
Troy? No, not exactly.
I-- I don't really have a family.
That's sad.
What you're talking about would require 8-10 surgeries.
Sherrod at the bead store give me more time off.
Uh, time isn't as much of a problem as money.
The cost of the surgeries is $60,000.
Uh, we've saved a dollar here or there, but we don't have close to that amount.
Could we work out some sort of a payment plan, a discount? We've heard you do pro bono work sometimes.
We're under a new management group that frowns upon us performing unnecessary procedures for free.
Unnecessary? What makes Tommy's surgery any less necessary than some boob job? Absolutely nothing, but we don't perform boob jobs for free either.
I'm sorry.
Congratulations on your medal, Tommy.
Thank you.
It's broken.
You didn't have to be such an asshole to the Boltons.
Well, I like to I save my sensitivity for paying customers.
This business needs to be a bullet train, not the little engine that could.
Well, I'm gonna give them a discount.
No, you're not, because this is not the make a wish foundation.
Christian, don't let your sympathy for the patient cloud your judgment.
Besides, you're just setting him up for a bigger disappointment.
His life is a disappointment.
All he wants is to feel like a part of his family.
He is a part of his family.
You don't understand what it's like to share blood with somebody and yet feel like you don't connect? You wanna reconnect with somebody? How about Julia McNamara? De La Mer is blowing up.
We've gotta make that exclusive deal with them.
Our clients should be filling every one of those beds, and Julia should be paying us for the privilege.
De La Merde is a glorified massage parlor.
And once everybody finds out that its proprietors are a dyke, a whore, and a housewife, those 3 businesswomen will be stuck giving rub and tugs just to keep their client list up.
Oh, that's fine.
You have your pride, but if we don't do something to regain our marketability, quickly, well, you're the one that's gonna be giving out free hand jobs to keep the business afloat.
Don't ever do anything like that to me again, do you understand? Dr.
McNamara? What is it, Austin? Can I use your bathroom? Yeah, it's down the hall on the left.
Aye, if somebody had told me it would be this hard, I would have stayed at home and let them kill me.
You want something to drink? I'd imagine the O.
and milk have gone bad since I left, but I might have some soda.
I would kill for a cold beer.
Want a glass? No, just shoot it directly into my veins.
Thank you for this, for everything.
You've been, like, a godsend to Austin and me.
You're like our guardian angel.
I like the way you see me.
This is a nice house.
Elegant, but still lived in, like someone should be baking cookies in the kitchen or something.
My wife and I redid the whole thing when we moved in, took us a year.
We raised 2 kids in this house, but it hasn't felt like home, few months.
It's just haunted by the ghosts of the family that used to live here.
Consider yourself lucky.
It's better to be haunted by the ghosts of good memories than the ghosts of bad ones.
Austin, are you ok? Austin.
I should wake him up.
No, let him sleep.
We have to get back.
Sagamore's gonna have our heads.
Sagamore doesn't even know we're missing yet.
Your safe house isn't gonna be ready for a week.
You can finish healing here.
We're damaged goods, Sean.
Having us here makes you a target, too.
Target to who? No one knows we're here.
This place needs a family, even if it's just for a week.
You're gonna disappear in a week.
We'll never see each other again, just another couple of ghosts.
All we're gonna have left is our memories.
Let's make 'em good ones.
$36 for chicken? Don't worry about it, mom.
I'm sorry for what I said to you at the police station.
I looked at you and I saw him, and I-- I just assumed that you were one and the same.
That's all right.
The circumstance wasn't really set up for a dream reunion.
So, why track me down now? That police business was weeks ago.
What changed? A young man with Down Syndrome came into the office the other day for a consultation, and he wanted us to make him look more like his family.
Something he said just kind of stuck with me.
He said that it wasn't his fault that he looked the way that he did, that it was just his lot.
I'm--I'm sorry, Christian, but how does that relate to me? He inspired me to call you.
He hasn't let his condition stop him from being a part of his family, and I don't wanna let how I came to be stop me from being a part of my family, from having a mother.
I don't blame you for what your father did to me.
That's good, because I wanna be a part of your life, not just the personification of a bad memory.
What's this? It's a mother's day gift.
It's actually 40 mother's day gifts.
Oh, you wanna give me plastic surgery? Should I be insulted? No, not at all.
You're beautiful, but everybody has something they've always wanted spruced up.
Well, this is very generous of you, Christian, but, I mean, I hardly even wear much makeup.
This is an $11 haircut.
And-- you don't owe me anything.
Did you know that when a person goes through a life-altering trauma the way that you did, hormones are released that actually speed up the aging process? Kind of like when somebody goes gray because they're stressed or because of fear.
Those tiny lines around your eyes or your mouth, the slight droop in your jaw line, it's-- I'm somewhat responsible for that.
Just come in for a consultation.
You can make a decision from there.
Can you really get rid of these little lines? In an hour.
To family.
I would--um, we don't have that kind of supply at the moment.
Well, I'm glad you like it that incredible-- I don't think that'll be possible.
I'd love to sell you that many cases of La Premiere Vie serum, uh, we just don't have the inventory.
No, we're producing it as fast as we can.
Uh, what? Fine, I'll send you as much as we have.
Sounds like you have rich people's problems.
I'm sorry.
Uh, may I sit? Thanks.
Well, you're busy, so I'll get right to it.
Sean and Christian were hesitant, but I was always intrigued by your business proposal.
Well, sean and Christian should've listened to you.
The deal's off the table.
You should put it back on.
Hey, you've gotten some nice attention, but heat is fickle and once you're not the fresh new girls on the block anymore, you're gonna need some steady business.
We can provide that.
Troy/Costa is family.
McNamara/Troy was family.
You guys are just another doctor's office now.
Let me take you out to dinner tomorrow night to prove to you that we're not.
It will give us a chance to get to know each other.
Well, that sounds lovely, but I really don't have the time.
Well, there's always time for dinner.
Tell me that a cold glass of sauvignon blanc and a plate of grilled oysters doesn't sound great right now.
It does, but I can barely keep my eyes open at night.
I'm in here at 6:00, I'm out by 9:30.
Then I'll make reservations for 9:45.
I know just the place.
A couple of botox shots around the eyes, maybe a light peel, some restalin filler.
All outpatient procedures.
You'll lose ten years in an afternoon.
I certainly didn't get your nose.
You have your father's nose.
Tell me more about yourself.
Do you have any other children? I have 2.
Max is 18 and Sarah is 14.
Sarah is a little doll.
She won't wear pants.
Only boys wear pants.
And Max wants to be a marine biologist.
He has this thing for sharks.
Don't ask me where he got that.
I never go more than ankle deep in a swimming pool.
Is he enrolled at the university of Miami? They have a great marine biology department.
I know, we're trying, but he has mild dyslexia, so his grades are just so-so, and it's so competitive.
They're such good kids.
They saved me.
They brought me back from, you know, what happened.
I know some people in admissions.
If there's anything I can do to help-- My kids don't know about you.
There are some places inside you where children don't ever need to go.
Aren't you going to introduce me? Of course.
This is my fiancee Kimber.
- Kimber, this is my-- - Gail.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Nice to meet you.
These are for you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
What are you doing here, sweetheart? Honey, a girl doesn't pass up a chance to meet her mother-in-law.
I'm nervous.
I just-- I think this gotta be the fourth outfit I've put on today.
It's lovely.
Thank you.
I don't have a lot of family of my own, so getting to know you is sort of special for both of us.
It's really gonna pay off when we have kids of our own, you know? Sweetheart, maybe you should go wait in my office.
Plus consultations are usually a private affair.
Of course.
Um, but, Gail, don't leave without giving Christian your address for the wedding invitation, ok? When's the date? To be determined.
We've only been engaged for a few weeks.
Yeah, well, we've known each other forever.
Christian is the best, Gail.
He's generous and funny, gorgeous, and successful.
Everything you would want in a husband and a son.
Gail has a son and a daughter.
Really? Maybe we should get together before the wedding.
I mean, your kids could be in our wedding party, then you could walk Christian down the aisle.
That would be amazing, wouldn't it? It was nice to meet you.
I'm sorry.
I told her I was seeing you today, but I didn't invite her.
She's very sweet.
Do you love her? I think so.
Then you'll be fine.
Christian, this is really hard for me, but I'm gonna give it my best shot, ok? Let's just take it one step at a time.
Keep them closed.
No peeking.
All right, lay your eyes on the new Nikki and Austin Morretti, or whatever it is they're going to call us.
Jersey Girl and Surfer Check.
All it took was a bottle of peroxide.
How do you like your new look, Austin? Well, I like not looking like my dad.
Hello? Hello? Who was that? Nobody.
Just a hang-up.
How often you get those? I don't know.
Not often.
Go get your shoes, Austin.
- But, mom-- - Just do it.
I need to borrow your car.
Nikki, it was just a hang-up.
Well, that's how it starts, hang-ups, a new car outside your neighbor's house, a feeling at the mall, little things.
Nobody knows you're here.
That kind of thinking gets you killed.
Please, Sean? Dr.
Troy! Tommy.
What's this? My brother and my sister, Evan and Aimee.
We wanted to talk to you about our brother's case.
About the money.
Aimee and I have some money saved up from work and a little that our grandparents left us.
We wanted to give it to you for Tommy's surgeries.
To make up for what our parents are short.
How much do you have? Around 15.
Please, Dr.
This is so important to Tommy.
His life is 2 things, running and family.
Tommy, you do realize that looking like your family isn't what makes you a part of it.
Troy? I got you something.
It's gold.
Tommy, come here for a second.
Have you ever taken a good look at your brother and your sister's noses? No.
Why? They have a pronounced bump.
We call it a nasal-dorsal protrusion.
Your father has one, too.
What do you say I get you one of those bumps? Huh? A Bolton bump.
A Bolton bump? It certainly is a family trait.
A Bolton bump! A Bolton bump! I never realized how much running a company is like being the patriarch of a family.
Everyone's depending on you for their mortgages and their kids' braces and their emotional validation.
My stress I can handle, it's everyone else's that's killing me.
See? This is exactly why you need us.
We're a known commodity, professionally and personally.
I'm talking about guaranteeing our clientele for 3 years.
Every patient leaving our offices will be going straight to yours, and all you have to do is pay us a small fee for the referral.
Hell, you can even tack the cost onto their bill.
From what I hear, you don't have a lot of patients to refer.
All business is cyclical.
We'll come back.
Enough talk, let's dance.
- No, thanks.
- No? My father died when I was thirteen.
I supported my mother and my brother all through high school and college.
I still send them money.
I know what it's like to have people depending on you for everything.
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if you want to survive the pressure, you have to let steam off sometimes.
You're amazing.
Where did you learn to tango? Sean and I took ballroom classes before our wedding.
We were going to do this big tango salsa number for our first dance, but he chickened out.
One more dance.
You're my ex-husband's business partner.
I can't.
Ex-husband, ex-partner.
No strings here.
Just 2 adult business people having a nice time.
Sorry I just need to grab my book.
Sean, I'm sorry about the way I acted today, about the way I've been acting since we've been here.
No, I'm sorry.
I think I underestimated how hard this is on you.
I'm coming home.
You're putting yourself back on the run.
You're a good guy, Sean.
I never thought that I would trust a man again after what my husband did to us.
I certainly never thought that Austin would bond with a man again.
Do you really think he's bonding with me? Are you kidding? I catch him staring at you.
I guess I never noticed.
I've had a bad experience with the whole father-son thing.
I think I'm a little shut off to it.
Does every kid break their parents' hearts? Eventually.
That's what families are for, breaking our hearts.
And helping us put them back together.
Do you want to stay? No strings, just not alone.
Not alone sounds great right now.
So where did you go today? I just took Austin to get a McDonald's.
I needed some time to cool off.
Mom? Yes, sweetheart, what is it? I had a nightmare.
Can I sleep here with you guys? Yeah.
Of course, baby.
Come on.
Good morning.
How did we get here? You invited me up.
Oh, god.
Don't worry.
We just passed out in front of a Jeffersons' repeat like an old married couple.
Ok? Are you all right? Here.
I have some french toast on the stove.
Um, no.
I'm sorry.
You're gonna have to leave before the kids wake up.
Too late.
Uh, hi, Matt.
You want some french toast? Wow, you're really making up for lost time.
How many guys is that since you left dad? 4, 5? In my house, boys got the strap for disrespecting their mothers.
Well, screwing her doesn't make this your house.
Just because Christian's getting married doesn't mean you have to go on a man bender, mom.
Christian's getting married? To whom? Kimber.
You know, the porn starlet who boned my other dad after you left him.
Did you nail her, too, before you moved on to my mom? Matt, stop it.
Quentin and I had a meeting last night.
It ran late.
That's all.
Couldn't you have chosen a hump buddy who isn't one of dad's partners? That's enough, Matt.
Ok, you just shut your mouth.
Just because you operated on my face doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do, ¿comprende, ese? You want me to go get him? No, he'll be fine.
I try not to have anyone around when the kids are here.
Those mojitos really screwed with my head.
Hey, are you kidding me? You were a tiger shark at Manolo's last night.
You're a real type A.
I haven't had that much fun in a long time.
is the only university in Florida with its own deep-sea submersible, and undergrads get to audit courses at the Rosenstein school.
You don't have to sell me on this place, Dr.
I'm dying to go here, but I'm still waitlisted.
I know.
That's why I wanted to meet you.
The administration likes influential alumni like myself to re-interview waitlisted students.
It's kind of like a final evaluation process.
I've never heard of that.
We like to keep it on the Q.
, otherwise parents of waitlisted students will be sending me Hermes throws just to curry favor.
That's exactly what my mom would have done, even if she couldn't afford it.
Is that right? Tell me about your mother.
About your whole family.
My mom is the best.
I mean, everyone says that, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.
She's a midwife, you know.
No, I didn't know that.
I've been to one of her births.
It was wild.
This woman was screaming holy hell, and my mom took her hand and sang a lullaby, and the screaming just stopped.
It was like my mom was taking all the pain and hiding it away somewhere.
She used to do the same thing for us when we were kids and got hurt or had a bad day but I don't know, man.
It's like magic.
It must be amazing.
It is.
I worry though.
Sometimes after a really hard birth, she locks herself in her bedroom, and I can hear her sobbing, like it all hurts too much.
What do you do then? I usually make her some chocolate milk.
I'm the only one that can really make her feel better when she's like that.
We have a bond, you know, firstborn and all.
What's your mom like, Dr.
Troy? The same.
I think the university of Miami could use a guy like you, Max.
Are you serious? As soon as I call the admissions office, it should be a done deal, that is if you still want to come here.
Thank you.
I can't believe this.
Believe it.
Go tell your mom.
All right.
Wait, you have to come to my graduation party this friday.
Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, shouldn't you ask your parents first? Are you kidding me? They're going to treat you like a king.
Sure, I'll be there.
All right.
Look pretty good, huh? The oven.
And voila.
It's ok.
It's just Matt.
Hey, dad.
It's a nice apron.
Nose is healing nicely.
Are you breathing freely, no blockage? No.
It's fine.
Who's this? Matt, this is my friend Nikki and her son Austin.
They're staying with me for a little while.
Austin, why don't we go get washed up? Since when do you bake? Nikki and Austin have been going through a tough time.
I was just trying to make them feel at home.
It's actually nice having them here.
The house was feeling empty with everyone at your mother's.
Well, it's a little crowded over there.
Your ex-partner slept over last night.
Christian? No, the other guy, Quentin.
Your mother's her own woman now.
Don't tell me you don't have any feelings about any of this.
Look, if you have an issue with who she's dating, it's your responsibility to talk to her about it.
- She's not my problem anymore.
- Yeah.
Why should she be? Seeing as how you seem to have found a suitable replacement for all of us.
I wouldn't have needed replacements if you hadn't deserted me.
I haven't seen you for weeks.
I never stopped trying with you or your mother, Matt.
You don't get a medal for trying, man.
You were our dad.
Ok? That was your job.
Why are you screaming and being such a jerk? It's not cool.
I'm sorry.
He's a little sensitive to yelling.
That's good.
Looking good so far.
There's some swelling and some bruising, but that should go away in about a week.
Oh, my god.
I look like my dad.
Congratulations, Mrs.
You are the first Troy/Costa-De La Mer dual patient under our new exclusive contract.
Please enjoy your stay.
It's a beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Let's celebrate.
I don't know, Quentin.
This is a dangerous road.
Sean and Christian aren't gonna like us seeing each other.
It's time for you to stop caring about what they think.
That part of your life is over.
Julia, this place is a fresh start.
Don't blow it by holding on to old baggage.
Fine, but no more dancing.
My thighs are still killing me.
Are they here? No.
They went to the beach for the day.
You shouldn't have brought them here, doctor.
You put all 3 of you and our work at risk.
They're not prisoners.
She's already testified.
Who cares where she spends her last few days before she's sent off into the abyss? You should, and if you'd bothered to look further than where your dick reaches, you'd see that the woman you so casually invited into your home is not what she seems.
What she seems to be is someone who's doing everything she can keep her family together under unthinkable pressures since her husband was-- Mrs.
Morretti's husband wasn't killed because he was talking to us.
She killed him because he found out she was.
We've invested enough in her to give her immunity, but this is not the victim of an unfortunate marital circumstance.
This is a woman who bought a gun, got her husband drunk on cheap chianti, and blew his head off.
I can't make you send them back to me, but for your safety and the safety of your real family, I'd recommend you do so.
Aren't you going to invite me in? I'm kind of responsible for the celebration.
Look, um, I'm very grateful for what you did for Max.
He's over the moon, but you shouldn't have done that, Christian, not without checking with me first.
I know.
I wanted to surprise you.
Look, Christian, I thought I could do this, you and me.
There's times when I look at you or I hear your voice, and I feel like you are a part of me, just like my other kids.
That's all I want, just to be a part of your family.
But when Max came home and told me about this nice man who helped him get into college, I just felt sick to my stomach.
I grew up in foster homes with nothing.
Now I have a life.
I have a fiancee, friends, a business.
You can get through anything if you want to.
Not if you have a living reminder of your pain coming over for dinner every friday night.
I've worked hard to build walls around my family so that none of that ugliness that your father did to me would ever get in and stain us.
Is that what I am to you, a stain? No.
You're my son, but I can't be your mother.
Goodbye, Christian.

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