Nowhere Boys (2013) s03e08 Episode Script

Back To The Empty World

Is crazy stuff happening to you? No, can't think of anything.
Um, Luke, do you realise you're levitating? He says there are two Bens.
No! Divinity of the elements Come what may - Guys, stop! - What is that? What's happening? What just happened? Where did everyone go? And I'd have two tigers and a servant named Jasper.
- OK.
- Did I mention Jasper is a monkey? You definitely mentioned that your dream house would have a monkey servant.
And I'd keep them in separate quarters so the tigers wouldn't eat Jasper.
- I'm not a monster.
- Right.
I can't think of anything going wrong in a house with a monkey and a tiger.
Hey, Ripley, where you going, mate? - No, no, no.
- Please, please, guys - Where you going? - I'm just heading for my chem prac.
Oh, the goalpost can speak.
I just need to get to my chem prac.
Hey, Ripley, come on, mate.
Where are you going? Guys, please! Come on, Ben.
- Oh, the goalpost is crying.
- Please stop! - Goalposts aren't meant to cry.
- I'm not crying.
I'm not a goalpost.
- Ooh, that one was close.
- Get off me! Goalpost can speak.
- Those guys are such jerks.
- Where are you going? - I'm going to help him.
- No, don't get involved.
You know what they're like.
They'll just start waling on us.
- So? - Just leave it.
- Stay here.
- Where are you going, Ben? Head shot equals 20 points.
Come on, Ben, stay still for a second.
Come on.
That was messed up.
Just whoosh.
Straight into the portal, like dust up a vacuum cleaner.
Do you think they're in the Empty World? Yeah, where else would they be, holidaying in Fiji? Check it out.
Well, that's toast.
Where's the other Ben's talisman thingy? I'm never going to get used to asking a question like that.
Split up.
It can't have gone far.
- Unless it exploded.
- His poor mum.
It's not over here.
Here either.
It might have gone with them into the Empty World.
Which means That we have no way of getting them back.
Come on, let's keep looking.
Where is everyone? Would you keep your voice down? - We need help.
- Nobody's here.
What does that mean? It means if you want to hang around and shake hands with a dark monstery thing, then keep on yelling in the streets.
A dark monstery thing? - We need to get to school.
- Why? Who's at school? No, I just think we should just go home.
Will you listen to me?! This isn't Bremin! Well, I mean, not your Bremin.
And there's no-one here to help us.
They're all gone.
What? Hey, wait up! Hey! What are you doing? You do realise personal space is a thing, right? Why aren't you in your bathroom? Because you stole my concealer.
Why are you such a grumpy guts this morning? I'm not.
I'm just in a hurry.
And I lost something and I have to find it before school.
Jess, whoa! What is that on your shoulder? What? What is it? Oh, gross.
It looks like ringworm.
Am I dying? I'm probably dying.
Get the concealer.
No, you're not putting my concealer on that.
Um, do you want me to put some ointment on it? Fine, fine.
Jess, who has four packets of dental floss? Well, flossing is essential to a perfect smile.
Ah! Here it is.
It's always in the last place you look, hey? I guess so.
Why did they have to disappear out here? Always the last place you'd look.
"The power of magic when combined with an altar" magnifies the power of " Yeah, it won't work.
There's no way we can get back.
We don't have the talisman and we don't have the elements.
Without them we're stuck.
They'll come and get us.
And why should they? You already disappeared them once.
Why is that so funny? Well, I don't see how you can take the moral high ground.
You disappeared them too.
I know I did, but I'm a different person now.
Where are you going? Hey, guess who's the element of all elementals.
Look what I found.
We searched everywhere.
Where was it? Looks like the high achiever's annoyed she didn't find it first.
- As if.
- Look, it doesn't matter.
We've got it now.
We need to figure out a way to get the Bens back.
Can't we just leave them there? They've got each other for company.
No, we need to get them back.
Yeah, and we can only cover with Ben's mum for so long.
And remember, our Ben tried to save us.
Hold on a sec, which Ben is our Ben? The nice Ben.
Well, technically our Ben is the Ben from our world.
Check it.
Empty World good Ben, our world bad Ben.
And people are going to start noticing if Ben isn't at school.
Back on point.
What did you say to Ben's mum? I told her the battery in his mobile had died and he was at mine, sleeping over, while we did a project.
That buys a bit of time.
Not a whole heap, though.
We should one of those portals.
Oh, yeah, that's a great idea - go back and visit the dark monster thing.
Maybe we shouldn't all go.
We have to.
We have to be together to do magic, remember? Well, what if we go, but then we can't get back from the Empty World? It's worth the risk.
We owe him.
Alright, but let's just get the good Ben and leave the bad one there.
Meet behind the quad at recess.
Can Ben Ripley please come to the front office? - Ben Ripley to the front office.
- Oh, no.
Health and Human Relationships is today? Oh, I forgot my yearly attack of gastro.
Happy Day Of Embarrassment! What have we got? - Oh, conception and contraception.
- Mm-hm.
STIs, cyber bullying, drinking and Boy-girl communication! It's like a show bag of the worst things an adult could possibly talk to you about.
Hi, all.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Oh, this can't be happening! but Mr Wilson's come down with gastro, so I'll be taking Health and Human Relationships Day today.
He stole my idea.
Luke's gonna get the talk from his mum.
For the love of everything good and holy So, we'll start with a role reversal exercise.
Boys and girls work very differently, so this exercise will hopefully teach you a little empathy.
Alright, I want you to pair up.
Boys, girls, boy, girl.
Which one's the boy and which one's the girl? And which one of us would you like to date? - Shut it, Banda.
- I'm free Saturday night.
- I said shut it, worm! - Hey, hey, hey, quit it! Quit it! That is completely unacceptable behaviour.
Both of you to the principal's office.
Now! - What was that about? - Alright, pair up.
And you both know that violence of any kind is completely unacceptable, in and out of the classroom.
I know that Health and Human Relationships Day sometimes makes some students feel uncomfortable.
Oh, no, no, no, I'm totally at ease with my body.
And, um, Warren is too.
Uh, yeah.
My body's my temple.
Oh, uh that's nice.
So, what's the problem between you two, then? It's just Warren wanted to do conception first, but I voted for infectious diseases, and he was all, "I just really, really wanna do conception," and yeah.
I wanna learn more about conception, sir.
Well, I'm sure Mrs Jarra will get to it in time.
Do you reckon you could fill in the gaps, in the meantime? Yeah, I heard when a mummy and daddy love each other very much Oh.
OK, very funny, boys.
In future, I don't want to see either of you involved in any violence.
And if you do see anything, I want you to speak up.
Staying silent is just as bad as being the bully yourself.
I've got some literature I'd like you both to read on bullying.
It's out at reception.
Back in a sec.
We're not done, Banda.
Really, Warren? This is how you want to spend your time? You're in for a whole world of hurt.
Oh, well it's just one cliché after another with you today, isn't it? You want another cliché? You and me, after school.
Get ready to be pounded into the dirt.
We'll see how much of a funny guy you think you are then.
See you then.
I'm sure you'll both find these very insightful.
Thanks, Mr Bates.
Ben! Ben, where are you?! Ew! Help! Help! Where are you? - Are you OK? - No, I'm not.
I'll get you out.
Just hold on.
Quick, I can't hold it long! Hold on.
Almost there.
- Are you alright? - My leg's not great.
This world is getting dangerous.
We need to be careful.
I guess we have to start working together, then.
Right, so we need supplies.
Get anything canned or dried.
Beans, lentils.
See what you can find in terms of water containers and blankets.
Then we can set up base camp at the hide-out.
Oh, and, Ben? Huh? - Be careful.
- Thanks.
Ben Ripley, please report to the front office immediately.
I got the book! About time! Sorry, Bates wanted to talk about the birds and the bees.
Quick, do the spell.
Alright, I'll keep lookout.
Divinity of the elements, I summon thee, Return us all to where we want to be, Take this earth, fire, water, air, Universe reclaim and repair Take the fire and make it burn, Take the air and make it turn, Take this water, Take this earth, Earth, fire, water, air.
I can't see them.
Bates is coming! Distract him! - How? - Well, I don't know! I'll do it.
- That's so cool! - Oh, golly! Oh, look, there's one of them! Hurry! Come on! Bates is just around the corner.
Ah! Mr Ripley, our wayward traveller.
Nice of you to join us.
Why don't you pop into my office after school to explain your absence? The rest of you, get back to class.
- Are you OK? - Where's the other Ben? The good one.
The dark monster.
The dark monster, it - Not that thing again.
- Shh, let him talk.
We were going to split up to get supplies and he told me to be careful.
So, what happened? It came out of nowhere and it took him.
- No.
- Where? How? It grabbed him.
- It ate him.
- Ate him? He's gone? Ben, are you here? Ben? Hello? So, I want you and your group to talk about cyber bullying.
On the butcher's paper you're to write up your various bullying scenarios and mark them 'OK' and 'not OK', with the markers provided.
We're going to share these scenarios at the end of the lesson.
Does something feel weird to you? My mum's running Health and Human Relationships Day.
I'm literally counting the seconds till it's over.
I mean about Ben's story.
Yeah, the dark monster.
I get that it attacks people, but eating them? Where did that come from? Yeah, I know.
I wasn't buying it either.
I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just saying maybe we should ask him more about it.
Hey, I'm the one you're supposed to be cyber bullying.
That's if you two are done with mothers' group.
You think he made it up? Not necessarily.
I'm just saying we should go back and check.
I don't know.
Oh, guys! Oh, I'm glad I found you.
- What's up? - I've been thinking.
I never actually saw the monster eat Ben.
I mean, I was I was running for my life and I wasn't gonna stick around.
Meaning what? Meaning maybe we should go back and look for him.
Exactly what I was just saying.
I mean, maybe the poor guy's probably escaped and is waiting for us to get him.
I mean, we can't just leave him there.
OK, let's go.
Come on.
Another trip to the Empty World? More fun than Disneyland.
Yeah, what about that dark monster thing? Think of the other me.
He's there alone.
Alright, but if we get stuck there forever, I'm going to torture you every day.
We have to do this, but we've gotta be efficient about it.
Open the portal, split up, check the school, his house, and then if he's not there head to the hide-out.
What's wrong with you? I don't know, my back's just been so itchy.
- Same here.
- So's mine.
- It's been driving me nuts.
- Mine too.
I thought it was my mum's new fabric softener.
- Let me have a look.
- Alright.
- Oh, cooties! - Oh, that is disgusting, Nicco.
Let me see yours.
Gross! Oh, my - What's going on? - I've got one too.
Quinn thinks it's ringworm.
That is no ringworm.
Maybe it's some kind of side effect from the dimension jumping.
Dimensional sunburn? Great.
OK, coast is clear.
We should use the talisman, open a portal and sort out the weird rash problem when we get back.
- He's right.
- Alright.
Everybody ready? Ready as I'll ever be.
Divinity of the elements I summon thee - Hey! - Stop him! - Get him! You little - Ben! He flushed the talisman! Are you out of your mind? There's only room for one Ben in every universe, and this one is mine.
Maybe I can still get it.
Are you serious?! Maybe if you reach in far enough you'll win a prize.
Well, how else are we gonna get it? I could go get a plunger.
Really, you're even gagging at the thought of a plunger? It's just everything 'toilet'.
Remind me never to high-five you again.
I got it! - That's not the talisman.
- He tricked us.
Split up.
Find him.
How do you think I feel? They called me at work and I've been worried sick.
Skipping class is completely unacceptable.
OK, yes, yes, I know that, and I'm sorry, so can we just go now, please? What are you up to? I appreciate you having Ben sleep over last night, Jesse.
Yeah, no problem.
But I'm afraid after today's antics, we've got some serious talking to do.
Everything alright? Yeah, we were just, um wanting to get our pendant back.
But you said I could keep it a little bit longer.
What's that? Um Um, it's a it's a it's a It's a model of an Egyptian artifact.
We need it for our history assignment.
We're studying, uh Nefertiti, Tutankhamen and, uh Tupac Shakur.
Um, cheers, Ben, but you can borrow it again if you want.
We just need it back now.
Um there's a little bit more I need to do first.
Ben, where are your manners? Thank you so much, Ben.
- Just give it back.
Give it back.
- No! Just Come on, give it.
Give it.
Hope it was helpful for your assignment.
Come on, let's do this! OK, we've got to stick to the plan.
Look here, his house, then the hide-out.
Look who's channelling Nicco now.
- Hey! - Come on, be serious.
We don't want to be here any longer than we need to be.
And do you have a plan in case that crazy stuff happens again? You're just gonna have to wing it.
Wing it? What type of plan is that? What happens if that Whoa! What's going on? Whoa! Another earthquake.
Things are getting worse here.
Which means we have to find him, fast.
What's the big deal with Jesse and Ben anyway? Who knows with Jesse? Man, I did not miss this place.
Yeah, me neither.
Good idea.
Oh, man, that feels awesome! I have to keep scratching.
It's driving me nuts.
Yeah, I know, me too.
What do we do if we're too late? What do you mean? Well, maybe Ben has been taken by that thing.
Maybe it's absorbed his particles and used him to create a bigger super strength.
- He's at the hide-out.
- How do you know that? I probably should have revealed my other secret powers sooner.
We have to tell the others.
- Ben! - Where are you? Benny boy, you here? Whoa! Help! - Ben! - Ben, where are you? The ridge! Help! Ben! Down here! Ben, what happened? I slipped! - You you OK? - Does he look OK? Guys, a little help! He's falling.
Come on.
Gee, you're heavy for a little guy! - It's all muscle.
- I got you.
Thank you.
Let's get out of here.
We have to go back to the other world.
But first we have to find the other Ben.
I lost him.
That guy's a loser.
He ditched you and lied to us.
And he made Luke put his hand in the toilet.
You so need to get disinfected.
At least twice.
How about we do that when we get back home? Divinity of the elements I summon thee Return us all to where we want to be Take this earth, fire, water, air Universe reclaim and repair Water, earth, fire, air This space we shall no longer share You left me! Don't touch me! We'll cancel each other out.
- Here! - Eyes that shall no longer see - Stop him! - Spirit that's no longer free Take from you that inner light Take your senses, sound and sight.
- Whoa! - What did you do? It's an immobilising spell.
He's kind of frozen.
That's so cool.
His eyes kinda freak me out.
How long are we going to leave him here? We could always take him back to Bremin and use him as a towel rack.
It's not going to be forever.
Just until we figure out what to do with him.
How long does the spell last? I have no idea.
You were amazing back there.
I often am.
You'll have to be more specific.
You came back for me.
And then you saved me.
That's pretty huge.
It's better than standing by and doing nothing, right? Thanks.
What's up? You know that feeling when you think you're supposed to be somewhere, but you can't remember where? He's not even coming.
What a waste of time.
- Wait! - He didn't take you seriously, mate.
A bit to the left.
Down a bit.
Up a bit.
Oh! My arm's starting to fall asleep, Jesse.
It's fine now.
I'm good.
- Me next.
- No way, do it yourself.
What spell is it? - The truth spell - They all have to tell the truth.
I have a few questions to ask.
What is your problem, Jesse? - You.
- So, you think this is my fault? Yours and Ben's.
That's just great! You're always looking for the easy way out.
You're a total slacker.
I might be a slacker, but I've never cheated.
I think I've heard enough truth for today.

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