Pennyworth (2019) s03e08 Episode Script

Red Marauder

CROWD: No P-Dubs in England!
Lock them up!
No P-Dubs in England!
Lock them up!
No P-Dubs in England! Lock them up!
No P-Dubs in England!
Lock them up!
No P-Dubs in England! Lock them up!
Yesterday's rally outside Downing
Street was the third this month,
demanding the government
take stronger measures
against England's P.W.E.s.
Yeah, Captain Blighty's a legend.
He's a war hero.
But all them others are just freaks.
Belong in cages.
What on Earth is going on
What did you do?
Everyone hates us.
People don't hate you, Celia.
- They just don't know you.
- They hate us.
Except him. They love him.
- Girl's not wrong.
- They're scared.
All this is new.
But one day being a P-Dub will
be like being left-handed.
Or ginger.
Lots of people don't like gingers.
I'm saying, be patient.
You'll get your lives back, I promise.
[SIGHS] Ah, for fucksake.
- Gully!
- You're lying to them.
None of them are ever leaving here.
I'm not lying. The world is changing.
Yeah, for the worse.
There are more P.W.E.s every day.
I just heard of a man in Norfolk
who can change his face
to look like whoever he wants
how is that even possible?
I-I suppose there's gene
splicing, then radiation
Lucius [MURMURS]
- Celia has a point.
The public worships you.
The more you can get
out Oh, dear, help!
Help me get him to my lab, now.
How are you feeling?
- Oh, it's, uh
Yes, yes, it's getting worse.
I'm f-feeling weaker every day.
- Reversing the effects of Stormcloud
is no easy feat give it time.
And I'm still tweaking the antidote.
Just tell me the bloody truth, will you?
Tell me!
The fact that you're
still alive is a miracle.
And nothing I do seems
to make any difference.
I'm not giving up. And nor should you.
I should have died a long time ago.
In the jungle.
Fighting for Queen and Country.
- You still have a purpose.
These people, they need you.
Just a good death.
That's all I need.

Just a good death.


Those bloody lights.
That's the third time that's
happened this morning.
We'll have to get someone out.
I can take a look.
You're moping.
I'm not moping. I'm eating breakfast.
Yes, you are. You were
moping all last week
like someone had died.
I'm fine.
- She wasn't right for you.
- All right, Mum.
You need to find yourself a nice girl,
not one of those rebels or
whatnot gallivantin' around,
- getting into all sorts.
- Yeah, all right, Mum, I know.
Plenty more fish in the sea
for a handsome man like you.
Thanks, Roger.
It's not right, a single man your age
living at home with his mum.
You kicking me out?
No, 'course not.
Maybe I should, give you a
push in the right direction.
We're not finished yet.
Yes, it is she, yes.
Well, he's here. Do you
want to speak to him?
I told her to leave you be.
I'll tell him. Thank you.
That a man needs time.
- Cheers.
That was the Prime Minister's Office.
- They want to see ya.
- Oh, yeah?
Is this about your trip up to Scotland?
Nah, don't worry yourself.
That was nothing.


Had a million dollars ♪

I mean, Francis is a genius.
There's no two ways about it.
Such a singular mind.
And to be near to someone like that,
well, I mean, I just feel so lucky
Ah, not there darling, the other side.
And obviously, I can't say
too much before tonight,
but we are so blessed
to be part of something so visionary.
It's going to be truly, truly
the most amazing experience.
You mean he's going to have
everybody trippin' their bollocks off
like we did the other week?
We had a profound experience.
Daveboy, uh
I don't think you realize
how lucky you are
being close to Francis and his work.
People would kill for this experience.
I have killed, Sally.
But I wouldn't kill a
spider for yon Francis.
No disrespect to the wee man, but
if he's not a clown,
I've never seen a circus.
Well, maybe you shouldn't come tonight.
Maybe I shouldn't.
Yeah, there's no point casting
pearls in front of swine.
You need to insult me
in plain English, hen.
Really, Daveboy, I'm
just trying to help you.
[EXHALES] Help me how?
To help you broaden your mind.
Maybe it's your mind
that needs broadening.
- Why are you being so mean?
- Me?
- Why are you being so mean?
- Don't yell. You'll scare people.
- I wasn't yelling
- You're being very aggressive
and fascistic.
You're right. Sorry.
I don't belong here. I'll go.
Okay, good. That's best.
Excuse me.
There's two men downstairs with badges.
Asking for you.
Been expectin' that.
Good luck with the show tonight, yeah?
It was nice to have met you, Sally.
Yes, likewise, I'm sure.
I'll take it from here.
- Where'd they find ya?
- With Sally.
- Must be about Hebrides.
- Yep.
You let me do the talking, yeah?
You talk all you want.
I couldn't give a fuck.
What's got into you?
Somethin' happen with Sally?
Don't wanna talk about it.
Fair enough.
What the fuck do you mean by that?
- I said fair enough.
- What's fair?
Nothing fuckin' fair about anything.
All right, forget it. Fucksake.
The prime minister will see you now.
Prime Minister.
- General Thursday.
- Aye, morning.
Well, well, well, the culprits.
- Please sit.
- Sir, I take full responsibility
for what happened with
Ms. Khin and her father.
Daveboy was nothin' to do with it.
That's very noble.
Allow me to set your minds at ease.
Your Hebridean adventure
is a thing of the past.
All is forgiven.
Mr. Khin's freedom makes the
government in Kalpur nervous
and thus, more dependant on us.
I summoned you for a different reason.
Early this morning, a P.W.E
attacked Uxbridge power station,
the main power source for the Southeast.
That's why the lights have been dodgy.
Sounds like a Captain Blighty job.
Indeed. Tell me, have you
seen Captain Blighty recently?
Seemed okay, you know.
He's a disgrace to the uniform.
More of a costume than a uniform, innit?
If my colleague here were
not so tender-hearted,
Mr. Troy would be off the
streets in army custody.
Truth is, Captain Blighty is not well,
and this new enhanced chap
seems rather formidable.
Well, give Gully a break.
Send in some squaddies.
And I'd rather not use that option.
- Not yet.
- But the only
Any use of soldiers on
English soil is my decision.
Nobody else's. I believe that's clear.
Your opinion is clear, yes.
I can't foresee what role
P.W.E.s will play in the future,
but I know we'll need them on our side.
The public must accept them.
Captain Blighty is key to that.
You need him to be the hero.
So what the fuck has
that got to do with us?
I want you to help Captain
Blighty complete his mission.
As former comrades,
he knows and trusts you.
- That'll never work.
- You don't say.
Gully Troy is as proud as they come.
If he clocks we're there to babysit
- He won't like it.
- He's a friend in need.
What he lacks is neither
here nor there, is it?
Our usual fee.
If this is a cock-up, as I
have no doubt it will be,
you, sir, shall bear the consequences.
Thank you for your counsel,
General Thursday.
Always welcome.
Brass, eh?
"You sir, shall bear the consequences."
Martha will join you.
She has the details.
Good luck, gentlemen.
I'll get it.
Surprise, I'm back!
Yay, Aunty Tricia!
- Patricia!
You're back again.
I didn't know you were coming.
That's why they call it a surprise.
I just could not stay away
from this munchkin any longer.
- Is Thomas here?
- No, poor guy.
Your daddy wants to be here so, so much,
but he's up to his neck with lawyers,
accountants, the Wayne board.
He tried explaining it to me,
but after the part about my
trust fund staying the same,
I stopped listening.
So you flew here just to
Well, I needed to tickle this one.
And I just thought I could help out,
you know, while Thomas is away.
Oh, Sam, honey,
could you go help Gladys get
Aunt Patricia's room ready?
So how are you?
I mean, I wouldn't recommend having
your father murdered in an alley,
but he and I were never close.
Thomas is the one who clung to him.
- And how is he?
- Thomas?
More uptight than usual,
which is saying something.
- Uptight how?
- Just uptight.
How much of you two spoken?
I know things weren't
awesome before he left.
We haven't.
- Haven't what?
- Spoken.
At all? Huh. That's bad.
I mean, I call.
And I leave messages.
I call again.
More messages. Nothing.
And he hasn't said anything to you?
Anything about when he might come back?
No, but he really is
working 18 hours a day.
He'll come home soon.
Well, we miss him.
And we worry about him.
But I do appreciate you coming here.
Of course.
By the way,
do you still have that dress
that I gave you last time?
- The one I said I'd never wear?
- Can I borrow it?
Francis Foulkes is holding an
event tonight very exclusive.
And since I'm here
I'm so glad you came to help.
I'm grieving, Martha.
I need to fill my life with joy.
Sam, honey, I'm leaving.
But Aunt Patricia will be
here till Mrs. P arrives.
- Okay, Mummy. Bye!
- I hope.
Love you!
So I can borrow the dress?
Yes! Of course.

Well, I figured lots
of things out girl ♪
Have you ever done something
you knew was right,
but felt like a mistake?
Is this Sally we're talking about now?
Who said anything about Sally?
- I never fucking mentioned Sally.
- Oh, for fucksake
Alfie, I need to talk to you.
Yeah, 'course, Sand, but, uh, job on.
How about I come round yours tonight?
No, I'm busy, and I haven't got long.
- God you're infuriating.
- Steady on.
I wanted to give you some time
to think about everything,
figure out how you feel.
But when a girl tells you
she's pregnant, Alfie,
she deserves a reaction.
- What?
- Any reaction.
- Because you're pregnant.
- Yes.
- And it's
- Yes, it's yours.
You saying you didn't know?
How was I supposed to know?
The letter I gave Daveboy.
You never gave me a letter.
Yes, I did, in the pub.
[WHISPERING] Oh, fuck.
You knew about this?
No, I d I don't know.
It could have been when I was
fucked on Sally's drugs maybe.
For fucksake, Daveboy,
of all the things.
Well, how is any of this my fault?
Sand, see, I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Well, now you do.
Nice. Nothing.
Don't know what I'm gonna do yet,
but, um, I'll let you know.
- Bye, then.
- Sandra, wait.

That was a whopper, eh?
- If you want to talk
- I don't.
Alfie, Daveboy, what
a pleasant surprise.
All right, Gull, mind if we tag along?
No, not at all. Be like old times.
Jump on in.
You two all right?
- I'm fine.
- [GRUNTS] No bother.
How about you, Gull, how you feelin'?
I'm fine, thank you, Alfie.
Well, look at that
we're all bloody marvelous.
Mr. Foulkes, Lullaby is not
some hippie party drug.
We designed it to make killers.
Oh, what do you think of this tea?
It's oolong from Fujian. [SNIFFS]
It's called the "Iron Goddess
of Mercy." Smell it.
Um yeah.
To strip away a person's inhibitions
so that we could condition them
w-with visions that we control.
I've never been interested
in control, Doctor.
I want each psyche to paint
its own masterpiece.
Three times now you've
dosed your followers
first 2 people, then 10,
- then 20
- And it was beautiful.
Except that, as the number grew,
they began somehow to infect each other.
Mr. Foulkes, at our core, we're animals.
Driven by fear, lust, anger.
If your guests start feeding
off each other's visions
and those visions aren't
all moonbeams and love
How many people are coming tonight?
Oh, 50 or 60, I think.
60 people under the
influence of Lullaby?
Things can get very bad, very fast.
Do you see the problem?
- Yes, Doctor, I do.
- Oh, thank God.
We're going to need more tea.
The P.W.E. is a male in his
30s, name of Darren Thompson.
He entered the power
station early this morning
and barricaded himself inside.
We believe he'll be here,
by the main transformer.
Seems he's feeding off the power,
and he's able to control and
redirect electrical current.
So he can turn the lights on and off.
Don't see what's so terrifying.
Well, he's already killed two police
who were called to the scene.
And then there's the staff
of the power station.
No one's got word of them
since Thompson took over.
So what's the plan then?
Well, we need to cut off
the power at the source,
but that can only be done
from inside the station
by an emergency shutdown switch
here in the control room.
Big red handle. You can't miss it.
After that, Thompson's
reserves shouldn't last long.
Our orders are to bring him in alive.
Your suit will provide
a degree of protection
against an electrical blast.
How reassuring.
That's it.
Good luck, gentlemen.
So, we're going up
against a human toaster.
This day just gets better and better.
Oh, you're having a hard day, are ya?
Come off it. I said I'm sorry.
You didn't actually.
Well, I'm sorry.
Fucksake, but I would have
told you if I remembered.
- Enough.
- What's up with you two?
I don't like division in the ranks.
Not on the eve of action.
We're fine.
So why were you two brought in?
Figured you could use
an extra pair of eyes,
hostage situation and so forth.
And so forth.
We're here.

I wanna do one last check of your suit.
- The blasters
- Leave it, Lucius.
Shall we?
Right, me and Daveboy'll enter there.
- Gully, if you swing south
- Yeah, pardon me,
but when were you put in
command of this operation?
What do you think we should do?
Well, I think you two should wait here
and I'll go and do my job.
- That works for me.
- Not a chance.
Why, what'd they tell you?
That I-I'm sick? I'm feeble?
But they still need me out here
playing the fucking hero, huh?
Pretty much, yeah.
Well, I'm a soldier, not a mascot.
I respect that, Gull, I do
but things are what they are.
Me and Daveboy are
only here to help you.
Oh, how considerate.
I don't need your help,
and I certainly don't
need your fucking pity!
Look at the fucking state of you.
You're a wreck.
I seen corpses with more life than you.
- Is that so? Is it?
- Hey, hey, hey.
Never mind Alfie, Captain.
- Had some heavy news today.
- Daveboy.
What? What news?
Not a fucking word.
Right, of course.
- He's gonna be a father.
- Fucksake.
First you don't tell me
when you're supposed to,
and now you won't
fucking shut up about it.
That's wonderful news!
- Congratulations.
- Yeah.
Dr. Fox sent me to see if you needed
Fuck! Hey!
What the fuck was that?
Well, what were you expecting?
I don't know, but not fucking that.
There, eleven o'clock.
Who's out there?
Whoever you are, I'm warning ya,
you stay away or you'll
end up like your mate.
I reckon he's going to
plug himself back in.
Aye. Well, now's our time then, huh?
A father, eh? Ha ha.
Well, well. Ha ha.
Let's just do this, shall we?
Well, being a father is
a wonderful thing, Alfie.
You're fulfilling a noble purpose.
And you shouldn't run from it.
It's a great opportunity.
- He's right, you know.
- Mm-hmm.
Christsake, can we
talk about this later?
Bloody hell.
Bastard's blocking the
way to the control room.
You two go around to the right,
get behind him.
I'll slip to the left,
keep him occupied, huh,
while you do your thing.
Gully, be serious.
I'm deadly serious, Alfie.
This is my job. It's what I do.
Mm, besides, I haven't had
a good scrap for years.
Hello there.
Ha ha.
[LAUGHING] Fuck me!
It's Captain Blighty.
Yeah, it's, um, it's Mr.
Thompson, isn't it?
Yeah, that's it.
Hey, Steve, look, it's Captain Blighty.
- Help me.
- Shut it!
Or I'll fucking do you.
- I will.
This is a turnout.
Wasn't expectin' to meet you, mate.
Life's a funny thing, isn't it?
Comin' over all starstruck.
You know, I used to have
a poster you on me wall.
You was a legend in
the War of Liberation.
It's nice of you to say so.
It's always a pleasure to meet a fan.
You blew up that tank full of Ravens,
bodies were everywhere.
One fucker's head landed a mile away.
They played it on telly,
and it was fuckin' brilliant.
I was just defending my country.
Sure, sure, but come
on, you can tell me.
Felt amazin', right, just to go boom!
Where are your modifications?
They're in here. Well
I'm guessin' anyway.
So you didn't do this to yourself.
- Does anyone?
- I've met a few.
Usually doesn't work out too well.
Well, not me.
I woke up in a bus stop one day.
Figured I'd had a big night.
Went home turns out I'd
been gone over a month.
Next thing I know, I'm a
double D fucking battery.
Listen, mate, been nice havin'
a chitchat and all that,
but just so you know,
I won't be letting you
take me out of here.
And what about Steve?
What about Steve?
I shouldn't have cleared him for duty.
The core of his suit is electrical
and a powerful blast
could fry it completely.
I'm returning this.
- What is it?
- Take a look.
What's Level 7?
Come on, Lucius, I'm in no mood.
Okay, but I really don't know
what you're talking about
Fine, then I'll tell you
what I've learned
since an anonymous caller
delivered this to my door.
Going off the lab reports,
pictures, my own findings,
Level 7 is a militarized
arm of P.W.E. research
led by General Thursday.
They've recently co-opted
the illegal experiments
of John Salt, who's dead, by the way.
There's a nice photo of him there.
Naturally, I took it to Aziz,
who wanted me to track down
the source of the leak.
But I haven't.
'Cause I realized that you're the leak.
Just, Martha, I gave you those files
so you could do something about it.
Look, you have the prime minister's ear.
You can pressure him to shut it down.
Aziz is freezing me out.
So you want something done about this,
- we have to do it ourselves.
- I can't be involved.
Don't you care that the government's
experimenting on P-Dubs,
- on human beings?
- Of course I care.
Lucius, I'm in, all right?
I wanna stop this,
but I need your help.
I can't.
If I do that, I'll be fired, and I
I can't leave the others unprotected.
They need me, Martha.
I'm sorry. I really am.
But you're on your own.
Well, I hope you can live with yourself.

He's a vicious bastard, isn't he?
Do we think that's the emergency switch?
Yeah, I reckon so.
Come on.
We should get back to Gully.
Tell you somethin'.
You don't look nothin'
like you do on the telly.
No one does.
No, no, what I meant to
say is you look like shite.
Can't believe they sent you in here.
Must've known you'd be fucking toast.
And after all you done for this country.
Oh, so you think I should just be
kept in the lap of luxury?
Yeah, Roller in the drive,
birds in little maid's costumes
bendin' over doing the dusting.
Son, none of that matters.
What does matter?
What, Queen and Country?
You don't believe all
that bollocks, do ya?
This is your last chance
to come quietly.

Yeah, fuck you, Captain Blighty.
Mm. Suit yourself.
Is that all you got?
The mighty Captain Blighty.
Oh, typical.
Ah ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
What the fuck?
Come on!
What the fuck!
- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm I'm fine.
Well, the bastard's fucked
the control room,
so we can't shut the power off.
Which means he's out
there getting stronger.
Well, I think it's just time
for an honorable retreat.
Oh? How?
How? By fucking leggin' it, that's how.
And then telling Aziz to
call in a bloody air strike.
Yeah, just one small problem
with that, MacDougal.
We have to get past
him to get out of here,
and we are we are trapped.
So ha. We have no
choice but to fight.
Right, but there's a good chance
he's not powered up yet.
You two wait here.
Oi, Captain. I'm ready!
- Let's finish this.
So much for that fuckin' plan, eh?
So we're just gonna do
what we did before, huh?
I'll go in. I'll draw his fire.
You two slip around the side,
and then once you clear,
you call Aziz come on.
Yeah, no offense, Gully, but
he sorted you once before,
and that was when your
suit was fuckin' working.
- Oh.
There, right as roses.
- Yeah, but still.
- His power shields him somehow.
So if we can get him to lose energy,
then I can probably take him out.
What, by letting him cook you first?
That's the only plan we've got.
Nah, sorry. I'm not letting you do it.
Ah, he's right, Captain.
It's a fuckin' suicide mission.
And that man out there
is not worth dyin' for.
No, he's not.
But some things are, Alfie.
And being sure that
your child has a father
who is alive and fighting
is one of them, eh?
Private MacDougal,
you be sure you can carry him out, huh?
Don't you worry.
But you sure about this, Captain?
Who dares wins.
And this is worth winning.

You came back.
When they ask me how you died,
I'll tell 'em that you
took it like a man.
That won't be necessary.
Why's that then?
'Cause I'm gonna kill you.
Is that right?
Let's have it then.
Hit me with your best shot.
- What happened?
- Hey.
Wait, where's Gully? [PANTING]
Ha ha.
You idiot!
Dumb bastard.
What'd you do that for?
Now you're gonna die.
You're done, mate.
Bloody hell.
He did it!
Gully! No, you come here, hey!
Hey are you all right?
I'm fine.
Now you hold on, Gully, all right?
- We'll get you some help.
- No, I think I might be
I might be past that point.
None of that.
All right?
What about all those people out
there that need Captain Blighty?
My fellow P-Dubs, hmm?
Nothing wins sympathy
quite like a martyr.
I'm, uh
I'm doing the cause
a a great service.
It's been a tremendous honor
serving with you boys.
For fucksake, Gully.
You didn't have to do this.
- You know, we could've
- Oh, we could've?
You could've what, Alfie?
It's better this way
better to die
when you really believe in something.
I do wish I could have seen
you as a father though.
You promise me you will
do it right, won't you?
I promise.
I really need a hug.
I love you, Alfie.
I love you.

I love you too, Gully.

- Go on.
- Mummy!
- Hi.
Mmm! Mmm!
I missed you.
You wearing perfume?
And makeup?
Sam and I had a lovely
girls day, didn't we?
- It was fun.
- Yeah.
- Patricia.
- Hmm?
Thank you.
Don't wait up.
- Bedtime?
- No.
- Ice cream?
- Yes.
Underneath the lantern ♪
By the barrack gate ♪
Darling, I remember ♪
The way you used to wait ♪
'Twas there that you
whispered tenderly ♪
That you loved me ♪
You'd always be ♪
My Lili of the lamplight ♪
My own Lili Marlene ♪
Captain Gulliver Troy.
ALL: Captain Gulliver Troy.
We'll never see your likes again.
Slàinte mhath.
What on Earth is going on?
We're havin' a wake.
What's it look like?
Like a lot of health
and safety violations.
Relax, Chadley. It's quiet night.
I wonder why.
Right. I've got to say it.
- No, you fucking don't.
- Alfie.
This man died so that
you could be a father.
You made a promise to him.
So I'm asking, what are
you gonna do about it?
I'm gonna keep that promise.
AZIZ: It is with a heavy heart
Oh, turn it up.
that I announce that
our beloved Captain Blighty
has tragically died,
fighting, as he so often has,
for his country and
the safety of us all.
He came to our aid in
the War of Liberation
and has been a shield
and a symbol ever since,
of an England strong and united.
Captain Blighty showed us that
we are living in a new world,
and in his name,
we will continue to work
beside people with enhancements
for the good of this great nation.
Please join me in raising
a glass to Captain Blighty.
- He will be always missed
but never forgotten.
General Thursday took
the P.W.E.s to level 7.
He took all of them.
What are you talking about?
You're right. It's my responsibility.
- Hold on.
- I'll deal with it.
Wait, Lucius
Thank you very much.
- Francis!
- Darling.
Oh, you're leaving.
They need me.
- Who needs you?
- They do.
Everyone in this beautiful, broken city.
They need to be set free!

What is it?
Oh, no.

Is this a performance piece?
Don't drink the tea.
Oh, my God.

When I hear your name ♪
- I start to cry ♪
Each day's the same ♪
- Since your goodbye ♪
Yeah, all right.
It's like a game ♪
Forgetting you ♪
Every night I pray,
every night I pray ♪
Tomorrow brings a sunny day ♪
Hi, Sand. Can I come in?
Just like the way it used to be ♪
Heard about your friend.
He weren't really my friend.
He was more of a sort
What do you want, Alfie?
Uh, just one thing.
Oh, where is the silver linin' ♪
I think we should get married.
At the rainbow's end ♪

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