Power Book II: Ghost (2020) s03e08 Episode Script



[SAXE] Previously on Ghost
[THEO] I took the fall for you
because you was gonna be somebody.
- Okay, come on
- [THEO] Finish your beer,
then drop me off at
the treatment facility.
Don't bother visiting!
[TARIQ] Russian motherfuckers.
They got a drug shipment
coming in tomorrow.
You could take credit for the bust.
It'd get you back up in the polls.
[TATE] This significant victory is due
to the hard work of
my brothers and sisters
in arms in the NYPD.
I just want to say thank
you for what you did.
- [EFFIE] What did I do?
- [CANE] Saved us all
when you took out Lauren.
I'm sorry I didn't make it last night.
- I
- I don't care!
I'm moving to OKC,
and I don't want any of
this drama following me.
[LUCAS] You think Weston Holdings
is a giant Ponzi scheme.
- You're right.
- You guys are fucking criminals!
- Wow.
When he and Tariq are running
a drug operation under my roof.
We've known since the beginning.
So keep your fucking mouth shut.
[BLANCA] The packaging for the drugs
that you found at Weston Holdings
is a match for the drugs we found
on the Stansfield rooftop
and the Jamaica Avenue
Boys crime scene.
Sounds like a RICO to me.
I trusted you.
Dru, what the fuck?
[DRU] He killed Papi.
Police! Hands on the table.
[BLANCA] Diana Tejada,
you are under arrest
for possession of an illegal narcotic
- with intent to distribute.
- Ma.
I'm coming to get you, baby.
[LAUREN] The Feds are
building a RICO case
against you and the Tejadas.
A RICO? How did Saxe
not see this shit coming?
He did.
[SAXE] I'm working with you
because it's the best way to bring
these motherfuckers
down, but you lie to me,
I won't hesitate to burn you.
Saxe is working with the Feds.
Saxe is a fucking mole.
[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
I just come from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal,
baby I gotta make it ♪
[50 CENT] I never took
a straight path nowhere ♪
Life's full of twists and
turns, bumps and bruises ♪
I live, I learn ♪
I'm from that city full of
yellow cabs and skyscrapers ♪
It's hard to get a start in
these parts without paper ♪
Homey, I grew up in hell ♪
A block away from heaven ♪
That corner every 15 minutes ♪
They moving seven ♪
Pure snow, bag it ♪
Then watch it go ♪
Occupational options ♪
Get some blow or some hos ♪
Shoot the ball or the strap ♪
Learn to rap or to jack ♪
Fuck it, man In the meantime ♪
Go head and pump a pack ♪
This my regal, royal flow ♪
My James Bond bounce ♪
That 007 ♪
That's 62 on my count ♪
I'm an undercover liar ♪
I lie under the covers ♪
Look a bitch in the eyes ♪
And tell her ♪
Baby, I love ya ♪
You're my inspiration ♪
You're my motivation ♪
You're the reason that I'm
moving with no hesitation ♪
[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
Yeah, I just come
from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
Oh, yeah, yeah ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal,
baby I gotta make it ♪

Ain't life a motherfucker?
[SAXE] Hey, why-why don't we
why don't we step away from the edge?
- Huh?
- [DAVIS] Ah, ah, ah.
Don't be coming over here
without that six-pack.
28 years, Cooper!
28 years, I've been waiting
for my brother to get out.
And now?
He won't even see me.
Life is a motherfucker.
- Now come here. Come on, come on
- No, I don't wanna do this.
No, no, no. Come on, come on, come on.
All right, to, uh
to trying to do the right thing
but gettin' fuck all for it.
Damn right.
- Wow, that's impressive.
You know, behind all that hair gel,
you're a half decent motherfucker.
Oh, oh, shit.
- I gotta take this.
- Yeah. Yeah, I got it.
[DAVIS] MacLean.
I had no idea.
I'll take care of it.

[MONET] Hurry up! I
ain't raise no snitch,
but they gonna lean on her hard.
- [DAVIS] I'm on it.
- [MONET] All right.
Fuck. If it was two,
I wouldn't be so fucking worried.
- But Diana
- Ma, Diana's hard, all right?
Yeah, hard enough to look out
for herself and sell my ass out.

I'ma go to Stansfield and
see what I can find out.

Diana Tejada's been arrested.
I have to go to the precinct.
Hold on, hold on.
You are in no shape to
represent anyone tonight.
Fuck, no. But I got about 20 blocks
- to sober the fuck up.
- Ah!
I'll go.
You can do the arraignment tomorrow.
No, no, no, Monet
Tejada'd cut off my balls,
and I like my balls, Cooper.
Tell her I know the shit
they're gonna pull in there.
I used to do it.
You sure?
I got this.
I owe you one, my guy.
And uh, take it easy out here, huh?
Look, this is all a setup.
You got a call from a
guy named Salim, right?
He's just trying to get back at me
for breaking up with him. Simple.
No, not simple.
We have you on felony possession
with intent to distribute, Diana.
That's up to nine years upstate.
Okay, but you can't prove
felony weight from a photo, so
Oh! You're an expert.
Yeah, the way you guys harass
my family, I have to be.
We don't have just a photo.
So book me then.
We thought we'd give you
a chance to avoid that.
I'm good.
Besides, I'm a first-time offender,
so I'm looking at a misdemeanor
and community service.
If the judge agrees.
With your last name, you
think he's gonna do that?
We know you're trying to
turn your life around, Diana,
and we want to help.
Clearly, she knows how it works.
You got to give to get, right, mamita?
Yo, Davis.
Hey, hey, hey, come on in.
What's this about?
Saxe was fucking lying, man. A'ight?
The Feds are looking at
me for Lauren Baldwin.
It's part of a fucking RICO case.
- [TARIQ] Yes.
- With the Feds?
- [TARIQ] Yes, Davis, the fucking Feds!
All right, how would
Saxe know about this?
He's their fucking CI.
Who's this fucking coming from?
Lauren Baldwin told me.
Man, she's been alive this whole time.
She's been in protective custody.
[TARIQ] Whoa, Davis, Davis.
What the fuck you doing?
You can't do that, bro!
Nigga, get the fuck out my face!
There's eyes on all of us!
All of us! You gotta
fucking think, Davis.
Come on!
Yo, just just try
to stay calm, a'ight?
We can't let Saxe know that we on to him
until we figure out
what the fuck he knows.
That motherfucker is on his
way to the precinct right now.
Diana Tejada got arrested.
He's representing her.
Wait, wait, wait, what?
That means anything she tells him,
he'll bring straight
to the fucking Feds.
I know. I'm on my fucking way.
- [TARIQ] Davis!
- I know.
Act like he's not a
traitorous rat bastard.

[DIANA] Even if I wanted
to help you out, I can't.
I'm just trying to get through college.
that you transferred into
to be with Tariq St. Patrick.
The guy who used to tutor my cousin?
[JENNY] Cut the shit, Diana.
We know he works with your brother Cane.
And Monet. She probably
got him to kill Dante Spears.
So then who do you really want?
You want Tariq, or you want Monet?
[SIGHS] When Zeke
died, I did Diana dirty,
but I was out of my head, Dru.
She gotta understand that.
That's not a cop knock.
Well, go see who the fuck it is.
[DRU] Shit.

You better have a damn good
reason for showing up here.
What is it, Tariq?
You got something to do
with Diana being arrested?
[SIGHS] We all do.
They're trying to hit us
with a fucking RICO, y'all.

This is a RICO, Diana.
[BLANCA] You know how that works, right?
Any little thing you ever did
to help Tariq or your family
- with the drug business
- [JENNY] Like, say,
putting a little product into a locker.
And you're looking at
20 years' federal time.
Well, I think you guys are confused,
because my family runs a bar.
I mean, that's a lot of dead bodies
- for serving cocktails.
- Whoo!
What, we got Detective Whitman
- Carrie.
- Carrie Milgram,
Jabari Reynolds
Your dad.
I mean, it goes all
the way back to Ramirez,
the dirty cop that your
mom had between her legs
till one of you popped him.
I think you two are just
a couple of hood stans
who watch way too much Law and Order.
I am not gonna lie to you.
I'm going scorched earth on this one.
So the only question is,
which side of the bars
you gonna be on when the smoke clears?

[EFFIE] Hold on! Fuck.
[SCOFFS] Oh, hell no.
You pay my tuition and you think
you can just run up on me like this?
Relax, okay? Diana just got roped up.
Come on.
They brought her in on possession.
Now you know how she
might have got caught up?
Listen, Effie, this could've
happened to any one of us.
- [EFFIE] Yeah, but it didn't.
- You're right.
You're right.
It happened to my little sister.
All right? And I know y'all got
the same bad taste in scrawny niggas,
but she's not gonna be sitting
in no fucked-up-ass jail cell
if there's anything I can do about it.
She was dealing out
the campus candy store.
Maybe she got caught on the roof camera.
Bet. Say less.
What's up?
It was really nice, what
you did with my tuition.
Yeah, well, you really want
this shit, and you're good at it, so
And you did it with no expectations?
I don't want shit from you.
Why is that so hard for
you to believe, Effie?
Because you are who you are.
Yeah, well, maybe you don't know me.
[SUMMER WALKER] Girls can't
never say they need it ♪
Girls can't never say ♪
Now oh wow ♪
Give it to me like you need it baby ♪
Want you to hear me
screaming, heavy breathing ♪
I don't need a reason, baby ♪
I want it till you can't fight ♪
I can give it to you ♪
Right, babe, oh ♪
I wanna be your healing ♪
I can be real good ♪
Please don't get in your feelings ♪
Ay, I need some lo-o-o-o-ove ♪
Ay, and you can't judge ♪
Girls need love too ♪
So what's a girl to do ♪
When she needs loving too? ♪
Cooper, what are you doing here?
I am representing Diana Tejada.
- What?
- [SAXE] I know.
- Too good to be true, right?
- Or too fucking unethical!
Didn't we cross that line a while back?
You weren't pretending to
be Davis' legal counsel.
It isn't worth the risk, Cooper.
We need this.
We still don't know their connect,
where their stash house
is, who calls the shots.
She could give us all of that.
- Yeah?
- [TARIQ] The Tejadas are all caught up.
- You good?
- I got it.
[TARIQ] A'ight, make sure
you take care of your end.
I said I got it.
Go in with her and I'm just
gonna ask a few questions.
She's gonna

She's gonna lead us right to the
Hey, Davis. I was just
I was, uh, telling her
that, uh, she can't question our client
without her attorney present.
Uh, you decided to come.
Two heads are better than one, right?
Ms. Sullivan.
[SIGHS] [WHISPERS] Fuck. Fuck.
[DAVIS] Okay, Diana, first off,
from now on, you only talk to me.
You should be out real quick.
I mean, they don't have a case
against you, and they know it.
Well, they do have that video.
And they might have gotten
the bag from the locker
A bag whose contents you have
zero firsthand knowledge of.
Okay, okay. Let's say that's true.
We should still discuss who
told you about those lockers.
Immaterial. She doesn't
know what was in the bag.
- Well, she hasn't exactly said.
- She hadn't said she does.
Because we haven't heard
her side of the story.
Oh, my can you both just shut up?
You're right. Excuse us.
We haven't even asked what
you want. Please, go ahead.
They are threatening
to go after my family.
So none of this falls on anyone but me.
- Understood.
- Absolutely.
But that might require
you to plead guilty,
and as officers of the court,
we can't let you do that if
you're, in fact, innocent.
Well, what if I do know
what was in the bag?
- What if I
- Oh, I'm partner, I am so sorry.
- So, so sorry.
Ah! Oh, God.
[DAVIS] You know what? Come on. Come on.
- Let's go get that cleaned up, man.
- Jesus Christ, Davis!
Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark.
We've got a sous vide
pork chop over here.
Diana, I believe we have enough for now.

Oh, shit.
I gotta dip.
Ain't nobody asked you to stay.
Okay, Nola darling.
Ain't nobody here to
shake up your lovin' bed.
[GIGGLES] Shut up.
No, but for real, though, it's all good.
I don't need you calling
and checking up on me,
asking how I'm doing,
none of that bullshit.
Yeah, well, actually,
I do have to call you.
We're still in business together.
- Mm-hmm.
[TARIQ] Yo, Effie, could you talk?
[CANE] You still fucking with Slim Fit?
[TARIQ KNOCKS] Real quick.
It's about business.
I don't feel like dealing
with this today, okay?
So maybe you just
What? You mean hide in
the bathroom like a simp?
Cane, 30 seconds.
- Please.
- This is crazy.
Fuck do you want?
Well, you wanted back
in the business, right?
I got a job for you.
A job?
Nigga, who am I, TaskRabbit?
Well, I need someone to pick up
the cups and fill out these orders.
Fuck you!
That's a job for a corner boy.
Look, the Street's got
some heat right now.
If the boys is hot, we
gotta get 'em the fuck
off of Wall Street, Effie.
It's true.
But still, fuck you.
You gotta make money.
I gotta move product.
We don't got to like each other to work.
Tariq, I do this, I want my own product.
[TARIQ] All right, fine.
One brick a week. Go take care of it.
Sorry to bring you
out here for bad news,
but when I stepped
away, shit got sloppy.
But now I'm back, making things right.
First, we got to shut down our
operations for a couple of days.
A couple days?
- You know how much m
- Shh!
Let her finish.
Look, the Feds are watching us.
As of right now, this ain't
got shit to do with y'all.
They don't know we workin' together.
Y'all just lay low while
I dead this investigation.
This shit will never touch you.
Dead the investigation how?
The less you know, the
better off you'll be.
If we ain't in on this, we ain't
shutting down business. Fuck that!
You watch your mouth!
Yes, we do.
I'm not losing any
more family to prison!
You understand me?
All right?
There's nothing more to discuss.
Come on. Vamo. Let's go.
You know where Gordo is?
He's not picking up any of my calls.
No, um
no, I haven't heard from him.
Trouble in paradise, Romeo?
No, we're all good.

At my house, really?
[KEKE] Walk with me.
What the fuck are you doing here?
[KEKE] Just checking up on
my little Inspector Gadget.
Not him, but, you know,
they do sort of look alike.
- KeKe?
- [KEKE] Okay, look.
When you didn't show up today,
me and Lucas thought we should check in,
make sure you're not overreacting.
You're stealing people's life
savings and ruining their lives.
Please! Those people are rich, clueless.
- They'll never even miss it.
- Okay, so they're not gonna miss
their retirement accounts, pensions,
none of that? Are you kidding me?
Brayden, you're a drug dealer.
You sell people poison for a living.
[BRAYDEN] Keep it down.
Look, you're just in
your feelings right now
because our clients look
and talk just like you.
Not the Tejadas.
Yeah, about that
Monet Tejada's been calling all morning,
demanding to have a meeting with Lucas.
[SCOFFS] You know we can't
have that kind of exposure.
I know.
So you're gonna put your suit on
and handle your investor.
Ma, what's up?
What, you don't care
about this family no more?
What you mean? I'm out
here trying to help out Diana.
You was helping your dick, nigga.
I ain't stupid. And while you up
there in that scholarship pussy,
I'm out here trying to handle the RICO
that's about to bite us in the ass.
Wait, RICO? What RICO?
The one they trying to
make Diana flip on us for.
Yeah, nigga, so listen good.
We are not moving any
product until I say so.
Okay, you told Tariq this?
'Cause he's in motion.
Tariq knows.
And don't go breathing a
word of this shit to Effie,
because she needs to think
we're business as usual.
Fuck that! Y'all out here
trying to set up Effie?
Boy, I done told you
everything you need to know,
so don't go thinking for yourself.
'Cause then I'ma
realize I don't need you.
That's why you say that shit.
I say it because it's true, Cane.
Now I got to go out there and
clean up another one of your messes.
- The fuck did I do now?
- Weston Holdings.
[CANE] Nah, see?
You can't handle that
I did some smart shit,
some shit you would
have never thought of!
Cane, you ain't do no smart shit.
You know we can't trust them
white boys on Wall Street.
You gave our money to
a bunch of motherfuckers
who never wanna see us do well ever.
Now I gotta go get it the fuck back.
And don't you go talking to that girl,
because this RICO shit is real,
and it's banging at our door.
Yo! I've been calling
you. What the fuck?
I've been dealing with
some work shit, bro.
There's a fucking RICO
investigation into us, B.
Wait, RI-RICO like YSL RICO?
Yes, a fucking RICO!
How do you know?
I'll tell you later, but right now,
we need to focus on deading
No Cap for a few days, a'ight?
Bro, now is not the time to zone out.
- Listen to me! Listen!
- I'm just processing the irony
that I'm the Weston being targeted
by a federal investigation right now.
What do you mean?
Weston Holdings is a
fucking Ponzi scheme.
I saw the books.
Wait, are you telling me this
whole fucking thing is a scam?
[BRAYDEN] Yes. But you
can't say anything, okay?
If my uncle finds out that I told you,
he'll out us for dealing.
He knows about fucking everything.
B, that means my fucking
trust fund money is gone!
Yeah, and the Tejadas'.
If Monet wants that money
back, we're fucking dead!
Yeah, we are fucking dead, Brayden.
You're not supposed to
agree with me, Tariq!
What the fuck do you want me to do?
- Hmm?
- I don't know.
You always come up with a plan.
You have something, right?
I don't know, man. All I can say is,
I'm tired of being on
fucking defense, all right?
We need to get on offense for once.
[HUFFS] Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Ma'am, I'm sorry, but the
patio is for members only.
- Ma'am?
- Um, do you know her?
Mr. Weston, I'm so sorry.
Lenny, It's okay. Ms. Tejada's a friend.
Here, have a seat.
Join us.
All right, what can I
what can I do for you?
I've been trying to reach you,
but I was told you weren't available.
Yes, well, I usually take
client meetings at the office.
Well, I'm not one of your usual clients.
When I call, you get on the phone.
When I have questions, you answer them.
And the second I want my
money back, you give it to me.
Am I clear?
A woman who speaks her mind.
Ms. Tejada, I think we
have an understanding.
And it's a real pleasure to meet you.
You should use sunscreen.
You look a little pink.
Ooh, that's good.
They only gave me Fritos and a Sprite.
No, I'm sorry
about that meeting
last night with Davis.
We just have different
defense strategies.
Well, that's why I wanted
to talk to you alone.
It's kind of fucked up, right?
Yeah, I mean especially
because everything
you tell us well, me
is confidential.
The thing is
I don't know if I can trust Davis.
He's looking out for a lot of people,
people like Monet.
They do seem to have
a special relationship.
And I'm just wondering,
what if he's doing what's
best for her and not me?
[SIGHS] I would really
hope that's not the case.
Listen, if I tell you something,
you won't tell anyone, right?
That includes Davis.
I promise.
Diana, I just want to
get you out of here.
Well, um, there's something
I think you should know.

Effie Morales. She's our woman.
We've already been down that road.
Effie doesn't connect Tariq to anything
beyond dealing at Stansfield.
Until now.
See, Tariq used to keep
his worlds separate,
but he's letting Effie in,
to the point where she's
got her hands in everything.
So if we follow her now, you think
she could connect the campus drugs
to Wall Street and the
Tejadas' street business?
I do. And if she does,
she's also the most
likely to cooperate
straight-A student who's got a future
other than drug dealing.
Where did you get this lead?
[SIGHS] From Diana Tejada.
I'm representing her on the drug arrest.
Are you out of your goddamn mind?
This is privileged information
you got as her attorney.
But it doesn't have to be
fruit of the poisonous tree.
We have plenty on Effie
to backfill reasonable suspicion.
She's on the rooftop camera,
and she's a named perp
in Lauren's attempted murder.
Which was clearly retaliation
on behalf of the drug organization.
Real cute routine you
two got going on here.
Did you practice in the tub?
Blanca, let's do this,
okay, before more people get killed.
If you're right,
this blows your cover.
You ready for that?
I am.

I'll put a tail on Morales.
This is a business call, right?
I mean, it was until you
came on here sounding hella
naked, and that's on you.
But real talk.
I heard Tariq asked
you to do that pickup.
Sure you want to be his gofer?
I'm sorry, what's that
got to do with you?
I'm just saying, you sure
you trust this little nigga?
Uh Cane, if you have
something to say then say it.
- [DRU] Fuck!
Hey, let me hit you back.
[CANE] Dude, what the fuck?
[TV HOST] So, Everett, you came here
for a very specific purpose.
- Is that right?
- Yes.
I'd like my friends and family and
everyone, honestly, to know something
I've been keeping to
myself for a long time.
I'm gay.
So why did you decide to
come on this show to say that?
Because there isn't currently
a single openly gay, active NBA player.
But we're here, and we
shouldn't have to hide.
So I'm done with all that.
So what's the support been
like from your teammates?
They've been great.
Everyone's been really great.
I couldn't do this without them
and my boyfriend.
Ah yes, the BF.
- Nice to meet you.
- [JEMELE] Same here.
So let's dish for a second here.
Where you going?
To drink till I black the fuck out.

[MODERATOR] Welcome to
the Stansfield University
congressional debate
between Councilman Rashad Tate
and his opponent, Annie Vuong-Han.
We will be beginning momentarily.
I can't imagine either of these
will be the friend to
us that Sweeney was.
Friends are often disguised
in the war paint of enemies.
Do you really have to talk like that?
If you guys are gonna argue,
can you not do it with me in the middle?
Let's start with something
that's on all our minds:
- rising crime rates.
- Mm.
[MODERATOR] What's your
plan to bring them down?
Ms. Vuong-Han?
First, we need to look at the details
behind these numbers.
Petty theft, trespass
these are crimes of
poverty, not of malice.
Unlike my opponent here, I
actually come from poverty.
And let me tell you, these
so-called crimes of poverty
are daily intrusions that
tear away at our dignity,
which is why I recently
worked with law enforcement
to stop a major shipment
of drugs that were
- about to flood into our city. And I
- That was a publicity stunt
motivated by
self-interest and cronyism,
just like everything Mr. Tate does.
He wants to be the man of the poor?
Then why does his donor
list read like a who's who
of Wall Street's biggest crooks?
Or a who's who of the brave,
risk-taking men and women
who keep the city's economy going
despite the demonization of capitalism
that makes for a cool Instagram post,
but not very smart fiscal policy.
[QUIETLY] See? We've got our man.
[MODERATOR] Let's move
on to another topic.
[SAXE] Hey, man. [SIGHS]
I'm gonna call it a
day unless you need me.
- No, all good.
- [THEO] Oh, hey.
I'm glad you're both still here.
- The
- Before you say anything,
I wanna apologize to both of you.
This transition to being
out, it ain't nothing.
- And
- Hey man, we get it.
- No apology necessary.
[THEO] And I've got some good news.
Clinic says I'm a great candidate.
The treatment's already working.
Ah, pfft, couldn't be
happier for you, man.
[DAVIS] My nigga.
May I have a fucking minute with
my own fucking brother, please?
[SCOFFS] Yeah, sure, man.
good night.
Got a problem with white boy?
I just don't need him knowing
every little thing about you and me.
Hope you a lot better
in court, my brother.
All right, all right, all right.
Look, I found out last night that
Saxe is working with the Feds.
And you just let him
walk on out of here?
I'ma take care of it, okay?
I'm only telling you because I'm
worried it'll fuck with your release.
I I know, I know.
I-I messed up, and I'm real sorry, bro.
You know, things might
work out better for you
if you ain't always so sure
you're the smartest
motherfucker in the room.
[TATE] Ah babe, let's
eat. I am starving.
You want to give me your most
gentle ego-preserving feedback
over a Melba's Mac and Cheese?
I just saw you talking to Lucas Weston.
Honey, you know AVH is right.
You're gonna be
beholden to those people.
[SIGHS] You're right.
But I gotta get the job first.
And as soon as I do, I'll quit
those seersucker motherfuckers
and give everyone free health
care and an organic garden.
- Mm-hmm.
- [TATE] I promise.
You know, buttercup, you
got to do better than that.
I'm not convinced.
Can I convince you to marry me?
[SIGHS] Oh, Rashad, not this again.
Yes, this again.
- I'm serious.
- No!
I'm just another thing
you need to win
the doting wife.
Well, you're not wrong about that.
But also, I happen to love you.
- Stop it.
- I do.
And you make me remember
why I got into all
this in the first place.
I mean, you're thoughtful.
You're brilliant.
[SIGHS] You know what?
I'm gonna go ahead and
cancel that lunch meeting
between myself and Lucas Weston.
- Really?
- [TATE] Yeah.
That's a good start.
[RSJ] I didn't see you
inside the debate, Tariq.
Listen, I have something
I wanna speak to you about.
I'm not sure how I'ma say this, but
Weston Holdings is a Ponzi scheme.
How long have you known about this?
- I just found out.
- Okay.
All right, all right.
I'll take you to the SEC tomorrow.
You report what you know.
We'll make sure you're not implicated.
[TARIQ] No, no, no, no. You do that,
you don't get a penny back
from what you've invested.
Are you suggesting that
I blackmail Lucas Weston?
I'm suggesting that you
don't let him fucking rob you.
Hold the fuck up.
I worked my ass off to get here
by doing things the right way.
I was walking away from the Westons
before your shady ass pulled me back in.
So let me be absolutely clear.
I'm fucked, Tariq, because of you.
Look, I didn't know
about the Ponzi scheme.
And with all due respect, RSJ,
you're not the only one that's fucked.
All right? So the question is,
what are you willing to do about this?
Target approaching her vehicle
near northeast campus gate.


Let's go. Target is on the move.
We're tailing.


Morales just made a pickup.
Following to the next location.
Requesting backup.

- Hey.
- You were right.
Effie is leading us
to everything we need.
Okay, uh, g-great. That-that's great.
Things are gonna move
fast, like within the day.
Are you sure you're okay with this?

And, Cooper, just be careful.

Thought that was you.
What up, Ev?
I didn't know you liked this place too.
I was gonna tell you I was in town.
Oh, but no.
But a nigga like me ain't a good look
for that gay celebrity
shit you doing now.
Dru, you know
No, it's it's fine.
It's fine. I get it.
I made my choice, just like you did
with your white boy with stripes.
Really? [SCOFFS]
- Ev, do you want me to
- [DRU] No, wait.
This is fine, doc.
It's fine.
[DRU] I'm happy for you.
Got yourself a good man.
Dru, maybe we should go outside.
Don't you fucking touch me!
You remember how you telling me
that I didn't know what I wanted?
Well, I figured it out.
I found someone for me.
But never the fuck mind,
because that shit got
so fucking fucked up that
that you-you wouldn't
possibly understand.

So now he's now he's gone.
And and-and-and-and-and-
and I-I got nothing.
I got nothing nothing!
You got everything, and I got nothing.
- [EVERETT] It's okay.
- Right? How does that
how does that fucking work?
- [EVERETT] Okay.
- How do you get nothing
- It's all gonna be okay.
- [EFFIE] Shit!

- Fuck.
- [AGENT] Stop!
- [AGENT] Grab her! Stop running!
- [AGENT] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Right here. Right here.
Easy. Take it easy.
My fucking shoulder!
[EL-P] we aim for the darkness ♪
Make it get hot for a target ♪
Kids cook s'mores off ♪
The crotch of our targets ♪
Kumbaya, bitch ♪
Buckle up, li'l trooper ♪
Can't get past me ♪
I'm stuck in the future ♪
All right guys, let's hit it.
[KILLER MIKE] You can tell
by the stench in the air ♪
On my six!

- [AGENT] Move up.
- Move, move, move.
should everybody fear? ♪

It's negative.

through the streets ♪
And we lootin', robbin' ♪
Mobbin', marchin' ♪
It's fucking sugar.
is Now bank robbery ♪
Jesse James gang we'll walk ♪
You through the process ♪
You don't wanna be a hero ♪
Do not let that thought process ♪
He said let her go.
You fucking heard him! Let me go!
Fuck off of me!


Ma, take a look at this.
[DRU] I found someone for me.
But never the fuck mind,
'cause that shit got
so fucking fucked up that
that you-you wouldn't
possibly understand.
And now he's
now he's gone and
and-and-and-and-and I
I got nothing.
This shit has gone viral.
He told us everything was good.
And still nothing from Gordo.

We need to have another
conversation with Dru.

Where's Dru?
That's your son.
Let's get this shit over with.
All right. Well, with the Feds
knowing that we're on to them,
they've got to regroup.
So that buys us some more time.
What's this?
Skinny nigga Masterclass
on how to beat a RICO?
- Cane, shut up.
- Nigga always saying
- some dumb shit.
- [CANE] So, Tariq
you gonna go after your man Saxe,
or you gonna pull a Lauren and
chauffeur his snitch ass out of town?
Because the nigga got to get dead.
Listen, I'll take care of it, all right?
Right now, we've got to worry
about getting a new distro
for Wall Street before
Noma starts asking us
more fucking questions.
Fuck is this?

I know what y'all did, and
I know why y'all did it.
I don't understand why
you all had to leave me
- in the dark about it.
- A'ight, look, Effie.
We needed someone on the outside,
and you weren't at risk.
Well, you got a point.
We shouldn't have left you
in the dark, but we here now.
It's all good.
I'da did the same shit
to any one of y'all.
Are you coming?
Enjoy the rest of your Ted Talk, Ma.
You knew about that?
Look, I don't give a shit
about who's fucking who.
We need to talk about Weston Holdings.
I don't trust that St.
Bernard-looking motherfucker for shit.
And I want a cashier's check
of my full amount on Monday.
Every penny, Tariq.
Let yourself out.

[BRAYDEN] Yo, what up, Riq?
Yo, we running out of time.
We got to do this shit today.

Sugar, pounds and pounds of it.
[SIGHS] Did they check everywhere?
They knew we were coming, Cooper,
- which means they knew about you.
- No.
Fuck, there's no way
Diana Tejada suspected me.
There has to be another explanation.
- I have one.
- Good. What is it?
You're working for them, and you set up
this whole thing to burn me.
Burn you?
Jenny, I'm the one
who just got fucking burned here
because of your team's sloppy work.
My team acted off the
intelligence that you gave them!
And if they did it right, Tariq
and his serial killer associates
would be behind bars right now,
not waiting around the
next fucking corner to kill me.
I told you Diana was smart.
Oh, my God.
I have a target on my back,
and all you can say is, "I told you so"?
This affects me too.
I banked everything
on this investigation,
and now I have shit all over me.
I'm sorry, but I can't ask
for protection for you now.
You know
You know Jenny, for a while there
[SIGHS] it felt good to like you,
to actually want to be with you.
But you will never know
what that feels like
because the only thing you're loyal
to is your own fucked-up ambition,
and that is a lonely, miserable life,
but it suits you.
Fuck you, Saxe.
Never again, Jenny.
Never again.

Tariq, it's Saxe.
I know where Tasha and
Yas are, and if I die,
that information does too.
So call off your dogs and
Theo Theo listen.
I promise none of this
affects you or your release.
Shut the fuck up and drive.

[LUCAS] Well, I have a
dinner meeting to get to,
but I can always make time for
my favorite limited partner
and the youth!
So glad you brought them.
Shut the fuck up, Lucas.
I've never met a man with so
little integrity in my life.
Whoa, sorry. Wh-where
is this coming from?
I know it's a Ponzi, Lucas.
RSJ, I am so sorry
that you have found yourself
in the middle of a family squabble.
But that is a lie
that my drug dealing
fuck-up nephew is telling to cover
Stop talking! [BANGS TABLE]
I'll call the SEC tonight.
Or we can handle it another way,
and I keep my mouth shut.
In exchange, you return
every dollar of my investment
and Tariq's trust fund.
And, uh, the other thing, RSJ
And the Tejada money.
You ungrateful, entitled little
And you!
Guess you think this is the hood.
Guess what? It is not.
My nigga, this whole world
is the hood, all right?
- Shut the fuck up.
- You're gonna regret this.
- Calm the fuck down, Lucas.
And if you do anything
against Tariq or Brayden,
I'll leave an anonymous tip
with my friends at the commission
the second I receive all my money.
I guess we're all gonna
have to get along now.
We're all in this together.
I'm not in anything with you,
but I can't disagree
that I find myself
uh, skewered ass to mouth like
a suckling pig over hot coals.
But as is the nature
of these situations,
I don't currently have
the funds for repayment.
I've created a repayment plan
based on your rate of new investment.
Let's just hope the Feds don't
find out until I'm paid in full.
Oh, I've got that covered.
MJ, The Musical,
front row, you and I
boom. Mwah! [LAUGHS]
Ain't so bad being my
plus one, now is it?
I had an interesting chat
with Brushaundria today.
Oh, no, no, listen. I'm not
trying to look at any intern's titties.
I mean, it's not my fault them
just be jiggling and twerking
- around the damn office.
- Rashad
she said that you met with Lucas Weston.
After you told me you wouldn't.
You're right.
I lied, okay, and I'm sorry.
Okay? But you know what, baby?
Starting right now, in this very moment,
we're gonna have a fully
honest relationship.
I've been honest with you, Rashad.
So a brother's off to a slow start.
Not funny.
Okay, listen.
Here's everything.
Not only did I meet with Weston today,
I also accepted a campaign donation.
A donation?
You have to give that back.
[LAUGHS] Give it give it back.
No, no, see, uh, I did
that I cannot do.
You know? I'm into this honesty thing.
I'm just not into losing.
That's funny, because you're losing me.

[SAXE] Tariq. It's Saxe. Listen.
I know where Tasha and
Yas are, and if I die,
that information does too.
So call off your dogs
And this shit just ends.
Called him, like, ten
times, no answer, nothing.
We've got to get to him
before the Tejadas do.
That motherfucker ain't stupid.
He's probably bluffing.
Either way, I'm sure he's
halfway to some family bunker
in Montana by now.
I gotta take this.
Yes, I'm his emergency contact.
But he told me the
treatments were working.
I understand.
[THEO] This is Theo. Do
the thing you do here.
- Theo.
Why have you been lying
about your treatments?
Hmm? Stop fucking ignoring me!
- Yo, you good?
No. I'm not good.
My brother's fucking dying,
and he won't pick up my calls.
You have any idea where he could be?
What time did you get Saxe's voicemail?
- Hour ago.
- [DAVIS] Fuck.
- What?
- I told Theo Saxe betrayed me,
and-and now I think
he's gonna make him pay.
Fuck, man, your brother's with Saxe?
Until the crazy
motherfucker kills him, yes.
Davis, if Saxe dies, we're fucked.
Hey, shut up already.
I think I might know where they are.

[MONET] You okay?
You did good, baby girl.
Yeah, but my charges are still pending.
- Davis will handle those.
- He better.
- What I just say?
- Ma, and that ain't all.
I want out out the
game and out of New York.
I'm thinking I can transfer
to Spelman at semester.
And I know you got enough to
cover tuition and living expenses.
It'd be a fresh start for me.
Fresh start.
I'll give you a fresh slap
upside your fucking head.
Go get in the car, Diana.
I hate this shit.
[SINGER] I know it's been a long day ♪
And you waiting to come home to me ♪
So just lay ♪
Your head upon me ♪
You're not lonely ♪
I'm always here ♪
To take the pressure off ♪
I know the world goes hard on you ♪
And there's so much
on your shoulders baby ♪
I'm here for you ♪
How many times I gotta tell you ♪
I'm here for you ♪
When the sky ain't blue
and the show is over ♪
I'm here for you ♪
Baby, hold up.
You sure you cool with
how everything went down?
Hundred percent. You?
Somewhere between 80 and 110.
- I think we're fine.
- [CANE] Oh yeah?
Mm-hmm. [GIGGLING]
- [PERSON] Maintenance.
Got a gas leak on your floor.
Got to check your vent.
[EFFIE] You have got to be
fucking joking right now.
Yeah, tell them I'm checking
your vents right now.
[PERSON] Okay, coming in.
[EFFIE] Hold on. I'm getting dressed.
- Effie Morales, you are under arrest.
- What the fuck?
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.
[SIGHS] Get the fuck off of me!
Hey, y'all got a fucking warrant?
[CHUCKLES] Why, you her lawyer?
Why don't you shut the fuck up
before I bring your ass in too?
Let's go.

What the fuck is this?
That place was clean, and you know it.
You're not being arrested
for drug dealing, Effie.
Then what fucking for?
Attempted murder.
Yeah, that's her.
That's the bitch that tried to kill me.

[COP] This way.
- [COP] Move it.
- [COP] Move. Get in the car.
[JENNY] Okay, let's go.

Theo, Theo, I promise you,
I will disappear forever!
That's exactly what's gonna happen!
Come on, man, you're
free. You're free, okay?
- Shut up!
- You don't have to do this.
- Shut up.
- Theo, Theo!
- Shut up!
- [SAXE] Listen to me.
Theo. Theo, wait.
- Please, Theo
- Theo!
Put the fucking gun down!
Get the fuck out of here, Davis!
- Davis, thank you. Listen, man
- Shut the fuck up, Saxe!
This traitor gotta go, little brother.
And I'm the perfect one to do it.
Look, it's not over for you, okay, bro?
Look, there'll be more
treatments, more clinics.
No, man, it is over. It's over.
I lied about the treatment so
you'd stop worrying about me.
- I've got a month at best.
- [TARIQ] Yo, you pull that trigger, you only
making shit worse for Davis.
Listen to your fucking brother, man.
He's right, Theo. Theo, look at me.
Put the gun down, please, for me.
You'll be fine, brother.
Besides, this ain't about you!
See, you ain't never
think about what I want.
- This is it.
- No, Theo, listen, please!

Oh, God, Jesus!
Fuck! No, no, no, no, no, Theo!
Theo! Theo! Look at me, Theo.
Look at me.
Give me the fucking gun. Okay?
Give me the fucking gun.
I can still fix this.
You're not taking the blame for this.
I'm not letting you go back to prison.
You right about that, baby bro.

We both free now.
Oh, fuck!
God damn it, Theo, why?



Why would you do that?
Why would you do that?


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