Sky Rojo (2021) s03e08 Episode Script

Gold, Frankincense, and Lead

Breathe, motherfucker.
You're supposed to be looking after me.
Still alive?
No, it's okay.
I don't think it's swollen.
No, it is swollen. Look, here.
Leave it in a little longer.
I'm gonna be honest.
My sister wants you to leave.
See, I don't need a fight
with her now, so you have to leave.
So, okay.
She's your sister?
I thought maybe
that you two are partners.
But you don't have a partner, yeah?
No. I'm single.
I was dumped.
I came
to the island for her, and
my loss.
I was abandoned.
it's her loss, isn't it?
I get your sister.
She doesn't know us. So, I mean,
why would she want us to stay?
But, well, it's midnight.
The ferry doesn't leave until the morning.
Now we have no money for a hotel.
And you have this nice wine.
And we wouldn't wanna waste it, right?
You have this amazing place, and
No way. Hello?
You have to play some music.
We clearly need to dance.
You wanna dance?
You said we looked
like we'd come from a party.
Okay then. I say let's dance for real.
If my sister comes right now
and sees us dancing, she'll kill us.
She goes crazy. And I assure you
you do not wanna see that.
I can't get your tenderness ♪
Still, I can't get you off my mind ♪
I mean, I like to dance.
Don't get me wrong.
we're not used to that here.
People come here asking
for radiators, timing belts, carburetors,
All those things, parts for the cars
And that's what I do for a living.
I guess that's not
very important right now.
So, let's dance.
I'm still in love with you, boy ♪
Blessed loving from the start ♪
But you know we had to part ♪
That's the way I give my love ♪
I'm still in love with you ♪
But a man gotta do what a man gotta do ♪
I didn't come here to dance around.
You're right.
Diego, we're actually running away.
Remember the guy on the road earlier?
- The guy this evening?
- Mm-hmm.
He is Greta's ex.
He's a terrible person.
He's violent.
That's why Greta ran away with her baby.
Is he your baby's father?
Not certain.
Because Greta, well
Let's face it, she has many lovers.
So the paternity thing
is actually a little unclear, but
I assure you this guy is bad.
Well, then let's go
to the police. Let's report him.
This guy is a policeman.
Can you believe it?
Her other exes are also policemen.
What is it with you
and the police, really?
But we can't report him, no. No.
That's why it's very important
that you let us stay here tonight.
- Wendy.
- Mm-hmm?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
- Yeah.
- Hmm?
I don't think she wanted you to know.
Wait here.
Greta. Hey! Stop! What's wrong?
What's going on?
Do you wanna fuck that guy or what?
What is this?
I don't know.
I know you've slept with guys.
It wouldn't be new. Huh?
Ordered by a pimp. You know?
- What's this about?
- I don't know, Wendy. It's just
It seems like every path I take with you,
all I find is new bullshit.
First, you guys are bakers.
Now, I have lovers who are policemen.
You say, "pretend you're limping,"
then the hiking
And when we went for a run,
that guy must've thought
I had a serious attack of diarrhea
right there in the middle of the bush.
I don't know if you're doing it
because you really like that guy,
or because you wanna protect me,
or because you're a pathological liar.
I don't know who you are.
What did you want me to say?
What? The truth?
That the men
are looking for us to kill us?
That a dead victim of human trafficking
is actually the baby's mother?
That we have
three million euros and guns in our bags?
Is that what I should say?
If you'd told him I was your girlfriend,
that would've been okay.
Greta, I was just trying to
be polite. That's all.
That's why I said
you had an asshole boyfriend,
so he wouldn't ask any questions
and let us stay.
So we could hide here.
And then, then you see,
I'm trying to save our lives.
Did you also leave
your best friend lying in a ditch because
because you were saving our lives?
You don't know her.
Coral is
She's a junkie.
I mean, day after day
almost murdered,
Gina and me,
because of her.
She she's a boulder. A 20-ton boulder
that sinks down and keeps sinking. It
sinks down constantly,
and if you're with her, you sink too.
Then you lift her up, Wendy.
You go and lift her up.
You wait for her to fall again,
and you lift her up one more time,
like we do in families.
Like I once prayed it would be
when I came here to be with you.
I thought you were
one of those forever people,
until I saw you abandon
your one and only family.
Now I don't know who you are.
Where's the money bag?
I hid it in the trunk.
Hey. Hey!
Do you remember when you said there was
nothing in your life to be proud of?
Now is the moment to find something.
What are you doing?
Calling Coral.
We agreed if one of us
was in danger, we would launch a flare.
You know who's coming?
The guys who are looking for us
and who know we have flare guns.
We gotta go, Wendy.
If they're coming,
we'll set a trap, okay?
There's only one clip left,
and it's missing a bullet.
- The one you shot into that guy's leg.
- Greta. Greta.
I have an idea.
But you need to leave with the baby.
No, I'm not leaving here.
- Greta
- No, Wendy.
We'll both set up the ambush.
But what have you done, you animals?
So sorry.
Untie him. Untie him.
My apologies, Father.
I had asked these guys
to bring you here for an act of faith,
but they didn't understand me.
Look, I, uh
never had faith in Jesus.
Until recently.
I know that religion has some rules.
And even though my life
has been such a rosary of trespasses,
if I repent
God will forgive me.
That's how it is, no?
He asked you a question.
Don't pressure him!
Well, but first
First, you need to confess.
Hail holy Mary.
Conceived without sin.
I confess, Father
I have killed people, for example.
What do you mean, you've killed people?
Uh, yeah.
Uh, but
How many? Do you know?
I'm not sure.
- But a lot.
- Right.
Not long ago,
I hid someone here inside a pipe.
Here in the basement.
And I've been unfaithful to my dead wife.
In my thoughts,
my words,
- And deeds.
- And deeds.
And deeds.
Are drugs a sin, Father?
Because I like them too. I really do.
And there's also the matter of, um
well, of prostitution.
Uh, Father, I, uh
I deceived some girls, okay.
And yes, it's a sin to tell a lie.
But in my defense, in the Bible
there was Mary Magdalene, and, uh
- She was a whore.
- Hmm.
And she wasn't persecuted
for being a whore.
- She was friends with Jesus Christ.
- Well
Father, please. Is it considered
the oldest profession in the world?
A profession cannot be considered a sin.
Let's be honest.
Everyone's been fucking each other
since the beginning of time.
Whores, Cro-Magnons, priests.
- Well, well, well
- No, priests. Yes, Father, priests too.
my repentance
is sincere.
Come with me.
Let me show you.
Hold up, hold up. They're running
from a guy who wanted to take her baby,
but they can't go to the police?
And of course,
you appear as their savior, no?
I give people
the benefit of the doubt, Becky.
I don't always imagine the worst.
Sit down.
Sit down.
On the bed.
Come on, sit down.
Diego, what's going on?
Or you'll wake up those bitches.
That's why we can't kill you. Not yet.
'Cause it would be loud. And you see
the prey would escape.
But since you have a little extra time,
enjoy yourself.
This isn't the best moment.
But it is your last.
That's why
a moment like this
should be enjoyed completely.
- Leave my sister alone!
- Sit back down!
I've got information you might want.
Do you?
What information?
Come closer.
I don't want her to hear this.
Quiet, quiet.
That noise
It's like a fiesta.
But first,
I'm gonna practice my swing.
Hello, girls.
This is Father Ignacio.
He's here to help us find redemption.
I forgive you all.
And I want you all to forgive me too.
If I offended you,
if I tricked you into coming here
forgive me.
Come on, let's kneel to pray.
Come on, come on. Let's get down.
Please, Father, pray so we can follow you.
I confess to almighty God
I confess to almighty God
that I have sinned greatly,
in my thoughts, my words,
my deeds, and in my omissions.
that I have sinned greatly,
in my thoughts, my words,
my deeds, and my omissions.
For my faults,
for my faults, for my grievous faults.
For my faults,
for my faults, for my grievous faults.
Now shall we put
your mom in the barrel too?
Or do we avoid death,
and you do your fucking job for once?
Therefore, I ask
blessed Mary perpetual Virgin
Therefore, I ask
blessed Mary perpetual Virgin
- all the Angels and Saints
- all the Angels and Saints
and you, my sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
We've seen the Star of Bethlehem
in the sky, girls.
It's brought us to the Nativity scene.
We know you are here with the Messiah.
We've brought gold,
and lead.
It's gasoline!
Give me your cell.
Where are you going?
Wendy, where are you going?
When you're alive,
you don't believe you'll end up in hell.
I'll never leave you alone again.
Even if you get high as a kite.
Never again. Never again.
I won't get high as a kite ever again.
Even if you leave me alone.
What's happened?
We got rid of Beefcake.
And the other killer.
Hello, little one.
You're a survivor.
God, he really looks like Gina.
You burned them alive.
Good. And now it will be easier for us.
Let's put an end to this.
We're getting Romeo.
Hey, Romeo.
I've got some very good news.
Moisés has the girls.
He's got 'em tied up.
Moisés has them?
Oh God, how could I have doubted you?
You're still my guardian angel. Moisés
Jesus Christ, my prayer is answered.
You worked a miracle.
You returned my brother
and put him back in my path.
Now for the resurrection.
Come up!
Come up! Tell him to come up!
Prepare two whiskeys
and make yourself comfortable.
I'm coming up.
It's an ambush!
Cover the door, now! Cover the door!
It's an ambush! Hurry! Cover the door!
What's happening?
What's going on?
Only one person needs to die here today.
So let's have a chat.
Why the fuck do I have to talk to you?
Hmm, maybe the question
you should be asking is,
"Where the fuck are the guys
who were supposed to guard the entrance
to keep these bastards from coming in?"
So you decide.
Do we keep on shooting
or do we call it quits?
That means you leave.
And we won't kill you all.
I know you're thinking, "If I leave, Romeo
will twist my balls with pliers," right?
Well, that's not gonna happen either.
Do you know why?
Because we're gonna stay here, all of us.
What the fuck is that bitch talking about?
If you think that only Romeo,
Beefcake, or Darwin
will twist your sorry balls,
let me show you something.
Know who this is?
Do you recognize them?
He is no more.
And so is that other motherfucker.
You decide.
What the hell
are they doing? What's happening?
Where Where are they going?
Diego, go get the bus.
Get in front of me! Move!
Get in front of me, for fuck's sake!
Don't move.
If you move, I'll kill 'em.
Don't make me do it.
I'm at peace with Jesus Christ.
Confessed and forgiven.
So you're pardoned
for the death of my mother?
Are you pardoned
for the death of my brother?
Because I haven't heard that.
- Has he spoken to you, Coral?
- Uh-uh.
Has he spoken with you, girls?
I told you this wasn't about forgiveness.
This is about life or death.
admit your love now.
I know you feel it.
The two of us are special.
If I smiled
or whispered in your ear,
it was only to be able
to crush you one day like a cockroach.
And that day has arrived.
Rubí, open up the safe.
The code is 1404.
You never changed the combination.
Get all that money out.
Give it to me.
Come on, for fuck's sake!
It's all yours.
It's more than you ever dreamed of.
There's more. Split it up!
You deserve it.
In the bank, there's more.
Take it all.
No, please.
- And now I'll leave.
- No, no.
I'll make it out of here.
And I'll start over.
It's possible.
It's possible, Coral.
It'd be so easy
to put you out of your misery.
But that would be a favor.
This is for Gina, you bastard.
No, no!
No, please! Listen to me, please!
In every family there are problems,
but they can be solved!
Moisés! I'm a family man, Moisés!
I've got two daughters!
Do you know what it's like
to grow up without a father? Please!
Let me out! Moisés!
Fire ♪
I am fire ♪
That sets you free ♪
Oh ♪
- Whoa ♪
- Yeah ♪
- Whoa ♪
- Yeah ♪
Yeah ♪
- Whoa ♪
- Yeah ♪
Whoa ♪
Truth is, saying goodbye to you
feels weird to me.
For us, things are still possible.
If you forgive me.
You, sober.
And me, doing things right.
I'm gonna do things right.
I'm gonna be honest.
What you've done can't be forgiven now.
And I can't
just forget who you are.
Fucking bummer, right?
The truth is,
when I see the future,
I don't think anyone could understand.
No one could understand the suffering
I've been through. But you do.
You do.
Because we both came out of the gutter.
We were given a bad life, huh?
Maybe it sucks, but it brings us together.
To tell you the truth,
you're the only woman
who could possibly understand me too.
We are just
two miserable bastards.
I wonder if there really is
a new life out there.
I have to find a new place to go.
Good luck!
You too, Coral.
- See? You need to connect this.
- All right.
- Thanks.
- It's over.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
This is the story
of how I quit being a prostitute.
But it's also the story
of how I stopped falling off the wagon,
hit rock bottom, and started living.
And how Wendy and I managed
to get away from the B-side of life
to look for a better future.
And now
I live here, at the border ♪
And we weren't
the only ones who made it.
This is also the story
of how we stopped living for others
and started living for ourselves.
treacherous ♪
And although the road
was long and full of demons,
we also met angels fallen from heaven.
They helped us
turn pain into hope.
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