Spartacus: Blood and Sand s03e08 Episode Script

Separate Paths

We shall see Roman blood upon fucking snow! I will not march my people to the afterlife.
And I will not die with a Roman sword in my back.
I have warned you to stay far from men of my kind.
You have known pain and loss.
A misfortune shared by many among us.
Hold command beneath Tiberius.
Not a boy prone to losing his sword.
Here we stand, you beneath heel.
I am to remain in Sinuessa? In this very villa.
Beneath Tiberius.
I know how much he cares for you.
She was desperate to break word with your father.
What concerns so move her? Ah, that is the mystery.
Was my slave escorted back to Sinuessa? She has moved to join the rebellion.
The rebels have breached the wall.
We must fall back! The mighty Crassus flees from us! He will return.
Spartacus! Romans set again upon rear position! Crixus! Is that all Rome has to offer this day?! I have not yet had my fill of blood! Crassus lays assault twice upon a day.
Yet with but a handful of men.
He seeks but time for his legions to narrow gap between us, knowing we will slow to protect those weakest among us.
A strategy taking firmest hold.
Tell your gods that Crixus pisses upon them.
I would break words while he is yet of this world.
How many days march does Crassus find himself to our backs? Stroke cock, you fucking slave! See his tongue made more agreeable.
Four days! Four days! Four days.
Gather weapons, and rejoin march.
I gave what was asked! I beg of you, spare my life! You beg the wrong man.
Gone to grass three days past, by rot and stench.
We gained another day on Spartacus.
Halt! Is it a wonder? The men have barely rested since Melia Ridge.
Nor will they find such this night.
Give command to second legion to fall from rest, and continue pursuit in advance of fullest number.
You push them too hard.
Now is not the time for gentle words nor soft intent.
I harden towards future conflict.
Yet a legion on the brink of collapse is ill thought towards Spartacus and his army.
Any within ranks unable to keep pace shall be struck down where they stand.
Was decimation not threat enough -- I will not let him slip from fucking grasp! Imperator.
Senator Metellus demands audience.
Metellus? You dispatch me to Rome to crow of the inevitable fall of Spartacus upon Melia Ridge, only to have recent news brand me overreaching fool! I find your tone displeasing.
As I find of many things swirling about failed campaign.
Spartacus but prolongs his end.
Return to Rome and deliver message.
I am a Senator of the Republic! Not fucking message boy to deliver yet more tidings of imagined victories.
You stand what I deem necessary.
Or has our arrangement slipped from mind? Keep promise of villa in Sinuessa and purse lined with the coin of taxes! Association with the name of Crassus will only serve to further taint my own.
Nothing has fallen to change.
I shall grind Spartacus and his rebellion beneath heel, as I have promised.
Lofty words coming from a man whose most trusted slave is said to have fled to join the rebel king -- Stay from argument.
You have lost fucking mind! I will see the Senate cast you out for laying hands upon honored member -- You will do as I fucking command! Marcus.
Return to Rome.
Speak of this, or any word against me and I shall devote fortune towards your death in darkness of night.
See him upon his horse.
And second legion set to purpose towards Spartacus.
Give word to stand ready to move upon a moments notice.
We must not fall to sense of comfort.
I do not favor fleeing like rabbits at imagined footfall of hunter.
Nor I.
Yet we must stay in advance of Crassus until numbers are replenished.
A wise path.
Though one paved with Roman heads fucking preferred.
We shall find our own upon it, if we fall from caution.
A word once unfamiliar upon your tongue.
Spoken now with thought towards those less able among us.
And yet they devour as much as any man of sword or spear.
He is not wrong in this.
Supplies are nearly spent.
Soon hunger will again be upon us, weighing each step.
Gather Lugo and scout ahead.
I would know of any opportunity towards grain or meat.
We cannot run for an eternity.
One day soon we will once again have to stand and fight.
One day.
You know he holds right in this.
No ground held is certain, in times of war.
Is it possible? To slip from jaws of Crassus yet again? I will not see you caught between them.
I have been overreaching in my efforts, and would share.
If you are of a mind? Fuck! See fire to life.
And know my eyes are upon you.
His stare yet holds the promise of violence.
Continue to prove yourself against the Romans, and see it soften.
The man need not fall to worry in such regard.
Yet in matters nearer the heart, his concerns are well founded.
Rid yourself of them.
And break no more upon subject.
If you had laughed carelessly at my words, I would have known feelings misplaced.
Yet you froth and foam, showing they strike reflective chord.
You mistake reflection for your own.
And do I mistake your eyes stealing glance as I pass? Or breath from lips catching when I draw near? I had feared night spent beneath open sky.
A thing of little note.
Little? It was but short time past you would have found joy in my suffering.
Do not think me so far removed from thought.
Then why offer hand? I offer it towards Spartacus.
It baffles fucking sense, yet he appears to carry affection towards you.
I-I've have not the words -- Nor I desire to hear them.
Spartacus has sacrificed much in this life.
He deserves some small measure of happiness in return.
As so many are owed.
I am in need of aid.
You must bear down.
As hard as you are able.
I cannot.
Calm yourself.
And do as instructed.
The Bringer of Rain If you wish to live, bear down.
You are blessed with a son.
Look at the cock on this one, dangling as if from Jupiter himself! I pray he uses it only upon the willing.
He is fortunate to have such skilled hands to bring him into this world.
You have done this before? Many times, for those owned by my dominus.
I wonder if I might have known of him.
What name did he carry? Pompo.
A raiser of low animals near Campania -- She speaks of Pompo.
Yet mark upon her arm tells of a different master You were slave to Marcus Crassus himself? I was.
Another spy, sent to infiltrate rank.
What manner of spy pauses in deceit to give aid in child's birth? One sent by the man trying to end our fucking lives! He did not send me.
I fled his tent upon the Melia Ridge.
Why did you turn from him, in favor of cold and storm? Break word.
Or find yourself forever unable.
The girl is fugitivus as many among you, regardless of which dominus she fled.
She deserves protection, not veiled threats.
I hide behind no veils.
Nor shall any bearing mark of my enemy.
Crassus himself has seen no harm to me.
Yet name of honored son inflicted grievous injury.
And would have continued to do so.
My wife stood equally mistreated, by those that called themselves her masters.
She's your responsibility.
See her provided for.
And know if her tale falls from truth, then her life shall swiftly follow.
I hold concern in this.
Laeta breaks truth in the matter.
We cannot turn from any slave wishing freedom.
Then let her be free to starve with the rest of us.
See all readied before you take sleep.
We follow second legion at first light.
I do not recall commanding your presence.
Recent events spur initiative.
Fall from sight.
I am of a concern.
Towards your father.
What are the lay of your thoughts? Fitful.
His manner since Melia Ridge has been unsettling.
He but commands with firm hand.
Clenched into fist striking ally.
Metellus spoke out of turn.
He is a fool, you will find no argument.
Yet one that stands a fucking Senator of the Republic.
As does my father.
Whose reply far outweighed balance of insult.
Especially for a man who prides himself on appearance of control.
We are at war, Tiberius.
Against an enemy that will exploit even the slightest weakness, and bring us all to our doom.
Tread path of more direct route, and arrive at point.
Beloved son has regained favor of his father.
Measured counsel spilling from your mouth may yet again fill him with reason.
And dispel troubled thought of Kore escaping -- The fucking cock between your legs! That is why you have come to me.
To calm storm of his wrath before you are swept away in downpour.
You mistake intent -- Were you not the one who defied command to spirit Kore to Melia Ridge? Giving her opportunity to betray him? She pleaded with tears upon cheek, to break words with your father about his fucking son.
A simple ruse, one imagined to make escape upon Melia Ridge to join the rebels.
Oh I believe there to be ruse.
Yet not one formed by mind of loving slave.
What did you do to her, boy, to make her flee? Did you force that tiny cock inside her -- You fucking overstep, Tribune! Many times each day.
Yet in this, we both know I do not.
I will uncover the truth of what you have done.
And your father will fall again to reason when wounded heart is balmed by knowledge that Kore is not the one who has betrayed him.
The child is born into a life of piss and shit.
He is free.
As so many among us.
As I stand now, because of you.
I wish you blessed with more than just a word.
An endless bounty of food.
And a proper home to keep you warm on coldest night.
Perhaps even a child of our own upon a day Yet I have not had the strength to provide you with any of this.
Your strength saw me from the mines.
Guided me from the shadows, returning life to faded shell.
A life stained with blood and battle.
My path has been chosen.
Not by the fates.
Not by the gods themselves.
I choose to walk by your side, in this life and the one that follows.
Until we find ourselves upon its shores I desire only to send more fucking Romans there before us.
I do not deserve a woman such as you.
You are the only man who truly does.
Gannicus and Lugo return.
Spartacus would have words.
They have laid eyes upon a valley.
Twenty or more villas nestled within.
Bounty of cattle and goat grazing lands.
Then let us fall upon them, and see the blood of beasts and Romans mingle beneath night's moon.
And upon dawn's break, I would press north.
Towards rise of the Alps.
You would set up camp upon the mountains? No.
I would cross them.
And upon other side, see our people to the winds.
Has he at last gone fucking mad? Crassus pursues a single army, easily tracked.
Thousands of slaves running free beyond lands of the Republic? Not even he has resource enough to find so many scattered across foreign soil.
All that we have done.
All that has been lost.
It will stand for nothing, if we now turn and flee.
If we stay, Crassus will again be upon us and -- Let them come.
We have bested them before.
And perhaps we may again.
But at what cost? How many more among us will fall? How many woman, unable to raise arms? Or children, new to this world? I would have them free.
Absent darkening shadow of the Republic.
Well, then let us pierce its heart, and see shadow forever lifted.
Crassus' army pushes from the south.
If we were to turn west we would be at the gates of Rome before his legions could turn to defend the city.
You would strike at Rome itself? And would see it tremble.
As the man you once were thundered when Batiatus fell.
Leave us.
You know that I hold higher ground on this.
How many Romans have we seen to the afterlife? The Republic quakes at the name of Spartacus and his army of slaves.
We have but nipped at the ankle of the beast.
To bare teeth at its throat, I I now fear the reprisal.
The Bringer of Rain? The Slayer of the Shadow of Death? Afraid? Not for myself, no.
But my concerns have grown far beyond such.
I grow tired of running.
Then rest.
With Naevia at your side.
No, she does not want to turn from cause.
Nor I.
Until Rome falls beneath our feet.
You would have us march to our end.
I would have us free.
Truly free.
Do you really believe that Crassus will stop once you crest the mountains? That the Republic will let us quietly slip away? We have shown them vulnerable.
We have shown them that a trembling hand can become a fist.
We have challenged the idea that a slave must always know his place, accepting rod and lash because he was taught to accept it.
We built their mighty Republic.
With our hands and our blood and our lives.
And we can see it fall, at equal cost.
You opened my eyes to this, Spartacus.
Do not ask me now to close them.
It was simpler between us.
When the bond stood only as hate.
Those days are sadly past.
With or without you, I shall march upon Rome.
With those who share desire for vengeance.
We have fought for the choice to forge our own path.
I will no longer stand in the way of yours.
At the break of dawn then.
We shall at last part ways.
There is one final thing I would ask of you.
The valley is taken! Let us share in the spoils of war! And hold feast for Crixus, and those who follow the Undefeated Gaul! Blood rains down from an angry sky, my cock rages on! My cock rages on Blood rains down from an angry sky My cock rages on My cock rages on Blood rains down from an angry sky My cock rages on My cock rages on It burns throat.
As does all proper drink.
Perhaps you should hold with water and more purer thoughts.
Or perhaps you should get another.
This one's gone empty Recall when head pounds upon morning but I but follow command.
You are with little thing, now? Apologies.
I did not wish to see heart wounded.
You will ruin little thing with drink and ways of your kind.
And you again will find my bed.
You do not share in drink? I would have clear head.
When sun breaks, and Crixus strikes for Rome.
I have often been at cross purpose with the Gaul.
Yet his fucking presence shall be missed.
I shall not feel the sting of it.
You yet hate the man? I will not miss his presence Because I shall not be from it.
You turn from Spartacus to march with Crixus? Spartacus stands as a brother.
Yet in this we are not of like mind.
There is no life for me beyond the Alps.
I am no shepherd nor tiller of land.
Blood and battle are all I have ever known.
It is settled then.
Tomorrow we move for Rome with Crixus.
To hear such words lifts spirit.
Yet I would have you take with Spartacus.
My place is forever with you.
Not in this.
You once swore the gods themselves could not wrest me from your arms.
And now you fucking cast me aside? My heart will never beat for another.
Yet it would seize within chest, if I were to drag you to your doom.
I am a warrior.
One I am most proud of.
Set skills to aiding Spartacus, and see those less able to true freedom.
Do not ask me to turn from you.
I ask only that you live.
And wrest what joy that yet may be found in the remaining days.
I would break words.
They will fall upon hardest stone, if they seek to alter mind.
I would seek to share drink.
With a man most worthy.
A sentiment not always held.
Nor always deserved.
By either of us.
I've been known to be contrary, upon occasion.
A talent among many that I best you in.
It is a wonder.
We have not yet killed each other.
Would that we could reverse the years, towards better footing.
I would not see it different.
We have done the impossible.
Seen the House of Batiatus to ruin.
Laid waste to the arena of Capua.
Defeated Glaber and all of the Roman hordes who followed.
Restored heart torn from chest.
If you and I had taken to loving arms, fate may have led us on a less glorious path.
Batiatus once warned me that a man must accept his fate -- -- or will be destroyed by it.
The fucking cunt said that to everyone.
I pray that yours holds all you desire.
And that one day we can greet each other again in this life.
Roman blood! Does it cause pain? All wounds heal upon a day.
Though I fear injury delivered to Metellus may never cease to fester.
For all his remaining days, Metellus will fear the name Marcus Crassus.
Times those beneath us must be struck severest blow.
To truly grasp how we tower above them.
And to ensure they never betray us.
A lesson well learned by Metellus.
Perhaps if Kore had been given similar instruction -- Do not form sound of her name.
It tears heart to know how deeply she wounded you.
I gave all that I could.
Treated her as if word of slave held no meaning.
Why would she risk all to fly from loving arms? I hold myself to blame.
What did your hands do to cause such a thing? It is what they did not.
I knew Caesar to be untrustworthy.
If I had laid closer eye upon him, he would not have been able to see her to the ridge and allowed opportunity of escape.
Caesar is of wild mind.
Yet I do not believe he knew her thoughts in this.
And I believe that great power is accompanied by many burdens, father.
Knowing whom to trust paramount among them.
Wisdom well received.
You are certain of this? I have for heavy span been pulled in opposing direction.
A thing I have noted.
Gratitude for standing by my words, even when you did not believe in them.
I believed in the man.
And always shall.
I hope you find what you seek.
And you some measure of comfort, despite all that has happened.
No one is more deserving of it, brother.
Where is Kore? Wrapped in arms of relieved slumber.
And filled with gratitude that she yet draws breath.
A kindness moved by your tongue.
One I did not expect to make sound towards life of a slave.
I mistreated none within my house, when I was yet called domina.
Yet you held them as possessions.
Things to be bought and traded.
As I was by Crassus himself, or have you forgotten -- You have suffered but briefest moment of that which so many have only ever known.
You desire to compare wounds? Let us weigh them, and judge balance.
Your wounds must be all but healed.
You return to difficult woman of old.
We cannot turn from truest nature.
We cannot.
Rejoin celebration.
Hard journey awaits at dawn's break.
I have had my fill of wine.
And company less desired You yet stand Roman.
A thing I can never hold to heart.
It is not your heart I'm after this night It seems but yesterday you stood as opened-mouthed Gaul, anxious to prove yourself in the arena.
Now thousands gladly follow you, lay assault upon Rome itself.
I would hold it as a blessing from Jupiter himself, if you would join with us.
My journey leads toward other path.
There is no greater cause, to turn a man from battle.
Do we stand ready? Upon your command, we move for Rome.
A decision I yet hold in grievous doubt.
Yet if I believed in the gods, I would split heavens in prayer that I was mistaken.
And I would give my all to prove you yet the fool.
Shoulder supplies! We move north for the mountains! Spartacus When we were yet of Batiatus' ludus, I spoke of how we may have been as brothers, in another life.
Yet not in this one.
Know that I was wrong.
And will always hold you as such.
As I will hold you.
Spartacus divides his forces? The larger sum striking north towards the mountains.
Their numbers weighted by women and children.
The remainder? What course do they take? West.
Towards Rome? What path would you have us follow? There is but one.
The city must be defended.
Others will give resistance upon way.
And Arrius and his legion hold position beyond its gates.
A single legion will give Spartacus briefest pause.
Spartacus does not command western forces, upon sighting of exodus.
His pet Gaul leads assault.
Crixus? A man of equal skill.
And deadlier passion.
Not the Bringer of Fucking Rain.
We cannot leave Rome undefended.
Arrius will slow Crixus' advance, granting needed time to set upon Spartacus and weakened numbers.
We must press advantage.
Follow advice of this child, and Rome herself may fall.
And with her everything we have fucking reached for.
I have had fill of you questioning every word that falls from my tongue.
Then break them with more fucking sense.
We cannot turn from Rome.
We shall turn in whatever direction my father decides.
Then aid him in proper choice.
Not one you believe he seeks to hear.
I follow my own desires.
As you did when you forced yourself upon Kore, the night your father reclaimed Sinuessa? I warned you that your deed would fall to discovery.
You would fabricate lies now, to see me lessened -- The game is over, boy.
The whore Canthara tells of how she saw you come from Kore's tent.
Of finding her roughly used.
She was made to promise never to reveal what her eyes laid upon.
But I can be very, very persuasive.
You risk all on the tale of a woman who swallows cock for coin? I have made more uncertain wagers, in years past.
And yet here I stand.
Then why have you not yet told him? He has been pushed to brink of madness by imagined betrayal.
I would not see him forced over precipice by truth of harsher realities.
What would you have of me? What you have already been asked.
You have your father's ear.
Bring him to reason, breaking words as I command them -- I do not take command from you! You should have accepted offer, boy.
Your father nearly saw you to end in decimation.
Perhaps he shall see fate to completion when he hears what you have done -- Seize him! Get up! You shall never lay hands upon me again.
Nor whisper lies against me.
You cannot take my life and see my body from encampment absent notice.
I am Julius Fucking Caesar -- Hold him against table.
You are of same cloth as Metellus.
And must be taught severest lesson in who towers above you Speak of what you know to anyone and I shall spin tale of the mighty Caesar taken like a woman The day is ours.
When is it fucking not?! Prepare to march.
There is one battle yet remaining.
Rome at last lies within our grasp! One last legion led by the fool Arrius is all that stands between us and a victory that shall become legend! A lifetime ago when I yet stood beneath the roof of the House of Batiatus my doctore Oenomaus demanded answer from those recruits who sought glory upon the sands of the arena.
"What lies beneath your feet?!" Sacred ground! Watered with tears of blood! And this day it shall be Rome who sheds them! Shall we begin?! SHALL WE BEGIN?! SHALL WE BEGIN?!!! Bring fire forth.
Halt! Shields! Raise your fucking shields! Rear position stands absent threat.
Pray it remains so.
Our numbers stand ill match absent Crixus and those who follow him, if Crassus were to set upon us.
Arrius has fallen! You stand as a fucking god.
With Rome trembling before you.
As Spartacus once promised.
Give report.
The men stand ready, Imperator.
How have you come to be so rudely handled? I found myself in shameful altercation.
It shall not happen again.
And reason you not astride horse? I gave command for him to lead charge upon foot, Imperator.
To rally the common men that hold him in such high regard.
Let us see this to proper end, and return to pursuit of Spartacus.
They will attempt to overrun position! Let them think they have succeeded, and fall upon them from our flanks! You are the undefeated Gaul.
Let us show them how such name was earned.
Sound horns! Bring spear and sword to bear! And fall upon them all.
Send them to the fucking afterlife! Father! Fall back and re-form upon higher advantage! Drink my fucking piss, you Roman cunts -- Caesar! Their eastern flank has been broken! Advance! There are too many.
If Crassus falls, we may yet seize fucking day! Crixus! No! I would not have you so easily leave from this world, Gaius.
Crixus! Silence that fucking bitch.
Hold! This is the Gaul that would seek the fall of Rome? And his fucking woman.
Defeated by my hand.
Retrieve your sword.
It has been too long from proper hands.
The man yet lives.
I shall see him crucified -- No.
I would use opportunity to send message to Spartacus.
So that he may know the depths of his failure.
And what fate I shall see him to as well.
Take his head.

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