Sweet Home (2020) s03e08 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 8

[theme music playing]
- [wing thrashing]
- [monsters clamoring]
[suspenseful music playing]
[wing thundering]
[Eun-hyeok grunting]
[monster shrieking]
[monster shouting]
[blade stabbing and ripping]
[blade slashing]
[monster chattering]
[somber choral music playing]
[monster snarling]
[Hyun-su grunts]
[grunts] I told you, not yet!
[monsters growling]
[monsters growling]
When can I kill it?
[Hyun-su] I'm begging you.
Don't hurt her, please.
Take a break, then.
I'll finish what we started.
[monsters growling]
[suspenseful music playing]
[monster roaring in pain]
[Bat Monster screeching]
[Eun-hyeok grunting]
[blade stabbing and slashing]
Watch out!
[Yi-su] Get out.
[suspenseful music continues]
[inaudible shout]
[Bat Monster snarling and shrieking]
[music stops]
[catching breath]
[grunting, then panting]
[gentle music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[Yi-su breathing shakily]
I'm too late, aren't I?
[weakly] It's not because of you.
It's what
It's what I wanted.
I wanted to die with my dad.
[breathing heavily]
[Slime Monster gushing]
[Slime Monster gurgling]
[Yi-su breaks into tears]
[Yi-su] I'm so sorry.
I made
some more monsters.
[Yi-su sniffling]
It's really okay.
I'll take care of everything.
I'll bring them all back.
I'm going to die, right?
That's a relief.
I'll be with
Mom again.
[whimpering] Go.
Go and
[tragic choral music playing]
kill my dad for me.
[Yi-su exhales sharply]
[Hyun-su breaks into tears]
[breathing angrily]
[ominous music playing]
They're all different now.
We need to talk
We'll talk later.
[survivors murmuring]
[suspenseful music playing]
[ice cracking]
[survivors clamoring]
[survivors exclaim]
[suspenseful music builds]
[ice rumbling]
- [survivors clamoring]
- Where did she go?
[suspenseful music continues]
[Ha-ni] What are you doing?
Aren't you leaving?
[suspenseful music crescendos]
[Jae-chan] Hey,
are you sure that it's okay?
Do you wanna go back, then?
- Well, you go first then.
- [Jae-chan] Yeah, you should go first.
[Cheol-yong] Why do I always go first?
[Jae-chan] What the hell?
[survivors reacting]
[Jae-chan] Ugh, damn it.
[survivors clamoring nervously]
[ice sheet rumbling]
[Yeong-hu] Please walk through.
One at a time now.
[ice sheet rumbling]
Okay, keep moving. Keep moving.
[gaseous whizzing]
[In-hwan] You can't go.
Monsters aren't allowed.
You can't go.
[whizzing continues]
What's going on?
[breathing nervously]
[suspicious music playing]
Go through.
[Yeong-hu] I said go through.
Can't you get through?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jae-jin] Fuck!
Don't try so hard. You're just a monster.
[Ja-yeong] Step aside.
[sighs in relief]
Fuck Fucking hell!
[grumbling in pain]
Are you here to kill me too?
Let's all fucking die here!
- [acidic sizzling]
- [shouting] Die!
- [acid splatting]
- [Ye-seul gasps]
Are you okay?
[acid gurgling]
[Jae-jin struggling]
[metallic bang]
- [Jae-jin whining]
- [grunts]
[bones cracking]
Hurry up and go!
[Yeong-hu] Go!
- [acid whizzing]
- [Ja-yeong] Go now.
- Let's go together.
- I can't keep holding it.
- Just go now!
- [Yeong-hu] Go, quickly!
[Chan-yeong] Go.
Come on.
[footsteps squelching]
Hold on to me.
Piece of shit.
[both grunting]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[choked screaming]
[device beeping]
- [Jae-jin muffled whining]
- [grunts]
[beeping accelerates]
[suspenseful music climaxes]
[Chi-seong groaning in agony]
So tenacious.
[menacing music playing]
[Chi-seong breathing heavily]
[Chi-seong yelps]
[wing thrashing]
[wing thundering]
[thrilling music playing]
[Chi-seong panting]
[Hyun-su] Try running now.
[panting continues]
Try it, you fucking rat. Go ahead.
[choked laughing]
[coughing and retching]
[monster body splatting]
[thrilling music builds]
[Eun-hyeok] You won't make
a scratch on him doing that.
[Hyun-su] I'll just kill
whatever body he enters.
[Eun-hyeok] For how long?
Will you find and fight
each new body he enters?
You think that'll end this?
[Hyun-su yelling] Then what?
Can you think of another way?
[music stops]
A body is what he needs, so
I'll take this one for the team.
[somber music playing]
I'll let him enter me.
I'll go in there and hold out
till he burns to death.
Are you saying you'll die too?
I told you
I don't die.
I don't believe you.
Cha Hyun-su.
Let's end this here.
You need a life too.
So let's stop this nonsense.
[menacing music playing]
He knows Cha Hyun-su's weakness.
[menacing music builds]
[sighs] Don't try to stop me.
I'll do it.
[Hyun-su] That's not Sang-wook.
And it's my job to end this.
[Eun-hyeok] I won't let you.
If you end up getting consumed,
wouldn't it be harder to kill him?
[Sang-wook] That's right.
You will never
- be able to kill me.
- [flesh gurgling]
[bones snapping]
What the fuck?
This useless fucking body!
[Sang-wook] Fuck off.
- [thuds]
- Fuck off!
Fuck off!
[vehicle engine rumbling]
- [straining]
- [bones cracking]
If I die, you die too.
You don't want to die too.
I know you don't want to die!
Isn't that why you're still here?
[Sang-wook] You don't want to die.
You don't want to die either!
[breathing heavily]
Don't do this.
Don't do it!
[pensive music playing]
[Hyun-su] He's still alive in there.
[Sang-wook] No! No!
[shouting] No! No!
[breathing heavily]
[breath echoing]
[pensive music climaxes]
[somber music playing]
[Sang-wook] Mine were burned.
I have nothing left. Nothing.
I fought by praying.
I'm sure you had your own method as well.
[sinister music playing]
Try to fight in a different way.
[sinister music crescendos]
I think
there's a monster inside.
Let's go and kill it.
We can destroy it right now.
- [punching]
- [yelps]
[monster roaring]
You go ahead.
[tragic music playing]
[inaudible shouting]
[gunshot piercing]
[tragic music climaxes, then fades]
[dramatic organ music playing]
[choking, then screaming]
[dramatic music intensifies]
[music subdues]
[dramatic music builds]
[motorcycle engine revving]
[dramatic music continues]
[door locks]
[music fades]
[blood trickling]
[breathing shakily]
[Eun-hyeok] I'm going to work now.
Don't just eat ramyeon, okay?
[breathing heavily]
Eat a proper meal, all right?
[Eun-yu] Please leave.
- Please just leave me alone.
- [Eun-hyeok] If you're not home later,
I'm reporting you as missing.
[eerie music playing]
[Eun-hyeok] Survivors,
come to the first floor.
[shouting] Stop!
- [sobbing] Please just leave me alone.
- [Eun-hyeok] The first floor is safe now.
- Just go, please.
- [Eun-hyeok] We'll be safer together.
[Eun-hyeok] We survivors
must stick together.
[breathing heavily]
[breathing calmly]
[heartwarming violin music playing]
[breaking into tears]
Why are you here?
I looked everywhere for you.
I told you, it's safer to stick together.
Are you still angry?
[sobbing continues]
It's all right.
Oh, fuck.
Can you make this realistic
at the very least?
This is just so
It's just so
[heartwarming music continues]
It feels too much like a lie.
[muffled wailing]
[heartwarming music builds]
[wailing continues]
[heartwarming music continues]
[music fades]
[Eun-hyeok] This is where
you wanted to come?
I'm leaving.
Are you okay?
With what?
[Hyun-su] Everything.
How things turned out.
I'm fine.
Guess it's better that way.
If you're unable to feel any emotion
then you can't feel pain either.
Me turning monsters back into humans,
does that make me greedy?
I wonder where Eun-yu went.
Where do you think
you'd go if you were her?
I'm not sure.
But I know where she'll return.
And where is that?
She'll follow them.
Others like me.
Don't be too certain.
If I see Eun-yu first,
I'm going to turn her back.
If you want.
And you
Just stay close by.
When we're done here,
I'll take you to her.
You'll be busy, Cha Hyun-su.
You always get the last word.
[Eun-yu] Learn again.
If you have memories,
you can learn emotions.
[heartwarming music playing]
[Eun-hyeok chuckling]
[music fades]
[survivors speaking indistinctly]
[Jin-a coughing]
[breathing heavily]
[survivors speaking indistinctly]
Sergeant Kim,
the vehicle's returned from the stadium.
- Let's go.
- [Dong-jun] Yes, sir.
[uplifting piano music playing]
[survivors clamoring]
[man] Look! Survivors!
[survivors cheering]
[uplifting music builds]
I told you, it's dangerous.
[sighs] Aren't you going inside?
He says it's dangerous.
[Ha-ni] Yeah, when you go.
[cheering continues]
[Ha-ni yelps]
Damn it. Hey!
[uplifting music builds]
[music subdues]
[distant clamoring]
[shouting] Move it, Hyun-su!
- Well done.
- Thanks.
We've brought everyone we could.
This is the last of them.
[survivors murmuring]
- [Cheol-yong] Hey! Over here!
- [Skinny] Jin-guk!
- Hey, Skinny!
- [Skinny] Oh, Jin-guk!
[all laughing]
- [girl] Daddy!
- [man 2] Ji-min!
Ah, look at you.
- [girl giggles]
- Come here, kid.
Are you okay?
[survivors chatter in delight]
[music subdues]
[Yeong-hu sighs]
Have you found somewhere we can go?
[Chan-yeong] It's just
It seems there isn't anywhere close by.
Maybe we could expand the radius?
[Ha-ni] What about the other thing?
Lee Eun-yu.
[music fades]
[scoffs] That brat.
She's taking forever.
[Hyun-su] Where do you think
you'd go if you were her?
She'll follow them.
Others like me.
I know of a place we can go.
Where's that?
She might already be back there.
That could be.
If we're moving anyway,
why don't we all go together?
[solemn orchestral music playing]
[solemn choral music builds]
[solemn music builds with female vocal]
[music subdues]
[solemn music crescendos]
[music fades]
[Chan-yeong narrating] That day,
we encountered a group of neohumans.
[uplifting choral music playing]
It took a long time for everyone
to accept their existence in society.
There are, of course, still people
who have doubts about them.
However, we've all been able
to agree on one thing.
Living in harmony with neohumans
is the only way
to keep us all safe from monsters.
- [brooding music playing]
- [door unlocks]
[Hyun-su narrating]
Not everyone could be brought back.
But still
[music fades]
[Eun-hyeok] But still, I wait.
[uplifting piano music playing]
[Eun-hyeok narrating]
As this endless hour continues
we all require somewhere to wait
and somewhere to come home to.
[uplifting music builds]
So as we wait,
we've decided
to call this place
Sweet Home.
[closing theme music playing]
[music fades]
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