The Baxters (2024) s03e08 Episode Script

A Protest

[Elizabeth] Previously on
The Baxters
[man] I'm calling from Paris
on behalf of Adrian Caron.
I know things have been tough.
I really care about you, Lori.
Do you think there's any way
we can make it work together?
Just give me some time
to think about things, okay?
I feel really ready
to start a family.
Sam is on a different timeline.
Ryan and I are getting married.
I hope you still
have me in Jessie's life
when you guys get married.
[Landon] Can I call you back?
-[Cynthia] Was that
the lucky lady?
Elizabeth has been
very helpful to me.
I'm a better person around her.
I just don't like the idea
of us going behind Luke's back.
But she's reaching out
for help.
You sure you're the one
who should be giving it to her?
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[reporter on TV
speaking indistinctly]
[turns off TV]
How are you?
Oh, tired.
Gabby snores. So it's kind of
tough to get sleep over there.
I just feel awful that you felt
like you had to go stay there.
No, it's fine.
I needed space to think
over things. And I had
a place to go.
Unlike me.
Look, this isn't
just your fault.
All of this.
I mean, I made choices.
You made choices.
We both hurt each other,
but neither of us are
100% to blame.
I know that in my heart, I do.
But it's gonna be hard.
I know.
And it's gonna take time
to get over me cheating,
and I get that.
I'm still not sure
that I understand.
I don't think I get it either.
I do know that I've had
a wall up for a long time.
I'm gonna work on that.
I think what we both
need right now
is patience and compassion.
Have you been
seeing a therapist?
-No. Why?
I mean, you just
You just seem
really wise about
the entire thing.
Thank you.
[inhales] So I don't know
if you're ready for this,
but I was planning
on spending some time
at a protest this afternoon.
Planning on getting rid
of a grove of trees
in the national park
to make way
for some development.
-The national park?
Ah, man. No way.
That I spent so much
time there as a kid.
I know, it's awful.
A local group is
gonna be there protesting
if you want to come with me.
Yeah. Yeah, I do.
That sounds really nice.
-I'll be ready in a minute.
-[baby cooing]
-There, now she's
in her Sunday's best.
You didn't have to get her
so many birthday gifts,
Granny D.
I don't see her that often.
Please let me spoil her.
Let me go grab my bag.
Ryan should be here any second.
You guys go
to church every week?
We do. It's our
little family tradition.
I mean, um, our special thing.
Kari, can I ask you a question?
Will Ryan adopt Jessie?
We've talked about it.
I want Jessie to grow up
feeling secure.
But, um,
nothing's been decided.
[door opens]
[Ryan] Hello.
Church band has arrived.
Morning, ladies.
Morning, Ryan. Thank you
so much for driving.
Oh, it's my pleasure.
Actually, I just traded in
my old pickup for a more
family friendly car.
Human friendly.
That old truck was terrifying.
[Ryan] That old truck
was a beauty.
Everything all right, Diane?
Just thinking. [chuckles]
I'm gonna go grab
the diaper bag,
and we should head out.
I'll get it.
Yes. Sweetheart. Yes, shoe.
Today, I want
to invite you all
to take the words
from a scripture
and turn them into action.
The Book of Luke says, "Give,
and it will be given to you.
For with the measure
you see,
it will be measured to you."
My friends,
as you know, we're beginning
a new community service
program today,
in honor of this
holiday season.
Outside the church,
you will find a large
bulletin board with cards
for an act of community service
you and your families
can do today.
I have a feeling
that you will leave
that work fully lifted
by God's spirit.
[all chanting]
Hey, ho, no condo.
Hey, ho, no condo.
Hey, ho, no condo.
Hey, ho, no condo.
-Hey, ho, no condo.
-[Luke] Wow.
I can't believe they're gonna
bulldoze this entire growth.
Yeah. Third one in this park.
It's awful.
[chanting continues]
Hey, ho, no condo.
Who's that?
A guy I used to date.
How long ago?
Right before you.
Great. So much for spending
the day together.
Lori, hey, come on.
What are you doing?
Saying hi.
I'm not gonna ignore him
the entire time we're here.
Okay. We could leave.
Seriously, Luke, we're all
adults here. Let's go.
[chanting continues]
Okay, first one to the board
gets to pick
the community service.
-Race you.
-Hey, come back here, you
Come on.
You seem quiet today.
Is everything okay?
I'm just overwhelmed
about all the paintings
I have to finish
for the gallery.
Well, we could take Cole today
and that would
give you time to focus.
Yeah, that would be
really helpful.
I do like the idea of water
watering the garden.
I won. So I get to pick.
[laughs] Okay. He did
beat Grandpa fair
and square-ish.
Uh I'm just wondering.
What are you leaning towards?
Soup kitchen
or delivering food
to the elderly,
like Mommy's work.
All right, let's find
a scientific method
of selecting
-Or we could just do this,
which is also good.
[all laughing]
And the winner is
[all] Litter clean up.
Wow. Okay.
What's litter?
Oh, well, litter is something
you are about to learn about.
Come on, let's go
tell the others.
-Race you.
-Oh, hey. Come back here.
I got you. I got you.
Okay, guys, listen up.
Time to rotate the people out
surrounding the trunk.
If I say your name,
line up by the tree.
Jason, Amy, Patrick, Jenna,
Ali, Olivia, Jeff,
Lori and Luke.
You met Jeff.
He's perfectly nice.
You guys coming?
[all chanting]
Hey, ho, no condo.
Hey, ho, no condo.
Her name was called
in between ours.
She should stand between us.
You really want to stand
next to her that badly?
I haven't seen her in a while.
[laughs] I'm kidding. Relax.
Let's not do this here.
I'm afraid if I don't stand
in between you two,
you'll kill each other.
-Yeah, yeah, we might anyways.
-What was that?
Luke, I haven't
seen you here before.
You new to activism?
No. No, I'm not. I've done
a ton of volunteer work.
I introduced him to this
but he's done a ton
of service for his church.
Ah, church boy.
Not anymore.
-'Cause now you're
with this one?
-No, it's not like that.
-I'm serious.
I get it. She can be
very convincing.
-Okay, I got it.
-[laughs] Whoa, man!
-You don't have to get upset.
-Then stop being such a
Hey, hey, what's
going on here?
Arms around the tree, please.
You're embarrassing me.
I don't wanna be
around this guy.
Then leave.
[chanting continues]
-[laughs] Oh! It's gorgeous
-You think she'll like it?
-I know she will.
-Sorry. I thought
I heard the baby.
-That's okay.
Is he napping better?
Yeah. Yeah, he is.
But I still hear phantom cries.
So when are you gonna
pop the question?
Well, she is coming here
for her gallery opening,
but, is back home better?
Well, it is where you met.
'Cause I could do it
at the old middle school
where we actually met.
That's adorable.
So if I fly her back
to propose,
would you think
of coming with me?
No, I can't leave Tommy.
Well, you could bring him.
I'm not ready.
it's not gonna be easier
if you wait.
-I know that.
-Well, think about it.
I do, Landon, all the time.
[Tommy crying]
I actually think that I really
did hear Tommy that time.
So, I'll be back.
[cell phone ringing]
[cuts call]
[message notification chimes]
[man] Hello. This message
is for Ashley Baxter.
I'm trying to reach you again
to discuss details
regarding my client.
These are critical matters
and we would appreciate
a return call
at your earliest convenience.
[all chanting]
Hey, ho, no condo.
Hey, ho, no condo.
Hey, ho, no condo.
You cooled down yet?
The guy is awful.
Okay. I mean, I can't believe
you ever dated him.
He is awful?
We're supposed to be
trying to fix things, and this
is how you wanna behave?
I'm sorry. But seeing you
with another guy
is not exactly helpful.
Okay? Especially after
everything that's happened.
Well, we're never gonna
get over what happened
if you can't forgive me.
Yeah, well, you just got back,
so it's gonna take some time.
Maybe we need more time apart.
No, we don't need
more time apart.
What we need to do
is just work on this.
I don't think you're
in a place to do that.
You're angry,
and I don't think
that's just about me.
What are you saying?
Luke, you're not the person
you were when I met you.
You haven't been
for a long time.
And I am so sorry
for everything
that's happened to you.
For everything I've done
to get us here.
We have a lot
of shared history,
and it's hard to think
about walking away from, but
But what?
Maybe that's for the best.
Basically, are you really
breaking up with me right now?
So, basically that's it?
I think it's for the best.
And what if I don't?
I'm sorry.
Lori, Lori, Lori. Hey, Lori.
-Okay, everyone ready?
-[all speaking indistinctly]
-Come on.
-Okay, guys.
Baxters, this is what
we're gonna do.
We are gonna clean this planet
one piece of trash at a time.
And we're gonna start
with our own community.
Let's bring it in. Come on.
Here we go.
-Baxters on three.
[all] One, two, three, Baxters!
-Come on, Sam.
-[indistinct chatter]
There you go.
Hey, are you okay?
Actually, I
I do have a confession. Um
Feel like Diane
doesn't like me very much.
Diane doesn't know you
very well, Ryan.
she makes me feel like maybe
I'm somewhere I shouldn't be.
Look at it through her eyes.
You're taking the place
of her son.
It must be so hard.
Was it hard for you?
Be honest, Kari.
It's different for me.
But I understand
how Diane might feel.
[children chattering]
[Sam] You guys are doing
such a good job. Oh, please
just put a couple more
in there for me.
All right. All right,
high-five. Good job, Cole.
You guys are doing so good.
Perfect team. All right.
Thanks. Put a couple more
in there for me.
Thank you. Good job,
Maddie. Good job.
-High-five. All right. perfect.
Do me a favor. Can you grab
that big one right over there?
Okay, perfect.
That's even better.
That's, like, a couple more
than what I needed. Thank you.
-Sam's a real natural, Erin.
-You guys have done
this before.
Yeah, maybe that'll be
you soon, huh?
[Sam speaking indistinctly]
All right, guys.
There's a bunch
of bubble wrap here,
and someone's gotta pop it.
Bunch of trash over here.
Cole, do you think you can
get all that paper first,
over there?
Hey, baby girl.
Are you feeling okay?
Oh, you've been
feeling off all week?
You need a lift?
[chuckles] How about it,
Maddie [grunts]
Ooh. We a team. What do you say
about that? High-five?
-Oh, look how cute they are.
I should be taking pictures.
-Oh, no. Here she goes.
Oh, I left my phone in the car.
Well, maybe it's a sign
that we're taking
too many pictures.
Very funny.
I'm gonna go get it.
I'll be right back.
What brings you here?
There's a tree sitting
going on. You?
I'm here with the family.
We're volunteering to clean up.
Park is getting
a lot of love today.
Lori, you all right?
[Luke] Mom?
What are you doing here?
[Luke arguing indistinctly]
[Elizabeth] Luke, just listen
to yourself, you're totally
out of line here.
-[Luke] Stop it.
-[Elizabeth] Luke, please.
Do you hear that?
-[Elizabeth] Please.
-[Luke] I won't, Mom, huh?
-That sounds like Luke,
doesn't it?
[Luke] Don't tell me
to calm down. No, no, no, no.
Don't tell me to calm down.
Yeah, it does.
Where is he going?
We think we hear Luke.
No, no. I haven't
heard you say one thing
that explains why you would
go behind my back like this.
I keep telling you,
I went to her.
I wanted her help.
Stay out of this, okay?
I want an answer from her.
Why? Why, Mom?
Why would you say yes to this?
This is why I can't
do this anymore, Luke.
You say you wanna fix things,
but all you do is steamroll
over the people that actually
care about you, okay?
I'm done.
There you go. You did this.
Luke, Lori was in need.
I couldn't turn my back on her.
[John] Hey, Luke.
-[Kari] Hey.
-[John] What's going on?
Uncle Luke.
The whole family's here.
Did you all know that Mom
just made best friends
with Lori behind my back?
Okay, Luke,
let's not do this here.
We can go home, talk it out.
Go home? Why would I wanna be
with any of you after this?
Um, hey, kids, yeah,
let's go.
Come on, come on.
Luke, I'm gonna say this
to you one more time,
and I really pray
that you can hear me.
I felt called to reach out
to someone in need,
just as I've been called to go
to you over and over again
as you've been struggling.
And I won't apologize
for listening to that message.
Of course. Yeah,
you were called.
You know, Mom, I am so sick
of you making choices
and blaming God for them.
All right? You lied to me,
and you met with Lori
behind my back.
And you know what?
Frankly, your self-righteous
Christian jargon,
it doesn't change that.
You don't talk
to your mother like that.
I'm not sure why you hate
this family so much,
but I can tell you that
hate comes from within,
Luke, we breed anger
in ourselves.
So maybe it's time you stopped
lashing out at others
and started taking
a look within
At who you've become.
I will always love you, Luke.
We all will.
But right now,
I cannot respect
this man you've become.
Yeah. Neither can I.
-Or me.
-Sorry, Luke.
I don't know what to tell you.
John, I don't even know
how to pray anymore.
I don't know what to say.
It's okay.
We just have to be
honest with him.
I have come to you
so many times
looking for guidance.
But nothing is changing.
I don't see the path.
I don't know the way forward.
All I feel is confusion
and pain.
[crying] My heart is broken
[voice breaking] and I'm just
to start the process
of putting it back together.
But I don't know how.
Lord, I don't know
what else to say.
I don't know what
I'm supposed to do.
Please, Lord
send my boy home.
[sniffles] Bring him
Bring him home.
[knocking at door]
It's okay, sweetie.
Here. I'll get it.
I didn't know where else to go.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
[Diane] It's not
gonna be the same.
You know, how could it be?
I mean, Ryan's not Tim.
Why isn't this
hard for you, Kari?
I'm just gonna
take your temperature
real quick, okay?
-It's over 103.
We're gonna start on some
antibiotics immediately
while we run more tests.
You need to understand
how important these paintings
are to me, okay?
Not just to me. To my career.
-Do you understand that?
Can you just admit
that I was right this time?
That we should have
brought her in sooner?
What is the point
of this conversation?
[theme music playing]
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