The Bionic Woman (1976) s03e08 Episode Script

Brain Wash

MAN: What is your name?
ANNE: Jaime Summers.
What is bionic?
Callahan an informer?
Oscar, what are you
gonna do to her?
The whole thing is crazy. But one
thing I know, I gotta get her out of here.
Cause I'm just a little,
lousy, mousy secretary to you.
I'm a sidekick
for you to step on.
Antonio, only a handful
of men know about this.
I've been very careful.
Almost 8:00.
Wonder if Pineda's gonna show.
You think anything
will happen this time?
Well, I've taken
every precaution.
Every security measure
to insure Pineda's safety.
That isn't an answer, Oscar.
It's the best one
I can give, Russ.
We've got him. Where?
He's crossing the street
heading for the rose garden.
MARK ON RADIO: Is anyone following him?
No. He's alone.
All right. We'll
take it from here.
This is Oscar Goldman speaking.
I want everyone to stay
right where they are
until I have an
agreement with him.
He's nervous enough to think
that somebody might be tailing him.
He could lead you
on a wild goose chase.
And take you halfway
across the city.
You just stay here
until I radio you.
Do me a favor?
Keep your head down
and your eyes open.
(SOFTLY) Antonio?
ANTONIO: You are
alone, Oscar?
You have the guarantees
the identity papers with you?
They're right here.
Where are you?
Over here.
In the gazebo.
Please understand, I
have to be very careful.
After the last time,
Antonio, only a handful
of men know about this.
I've been very careful.
I fear for my life, Oscar.
Not for me, but for my family.
I know. And this time I can
virtually guarantee your safety.
Trust me.
The last few months have
been very hard on me, Oscar.
That's all behind you now.
This is what you call safety?
What kind of a friend are you,
Goldman? What kind of a friend?
Now, I would say, on a scale of
1 to 10, conservatively speaking,
I'd say, uh 10.
Oh, Jaime, he is
the greatest guy.
He's tall,
at least for me he is.
(LAUGHS) He's dark,
he's handsome, he's rich,
He's a hairdresser.
A hairdresser?
Yeah. He's a hairdresser.
I'm gonna have a little trouble
with my mom and dad on that one,
because, well, I mean, you
know what they're gonna expect.
But he's so bright
and he's well rounded,
and he's got a degree in
chemistry, a master's in electronics.
He's I don't know,
he's just terrific.
See, when he got out of school,
he just felt that the job market
was not gonna pay him
what he felt he was worth.
Well, hairdressers
were making more!
So, he took off for Europe.
He studied all that beauty
school stuff over there,
and he came back here
and opened up his own salon.
And now, he's making a fortune.
Oh, that's nice.
Yeah. I really love him.
That's nice too.
I think this is it.
I mean, the only thing he's
missing is Jaime's seal of approval.
Oh, well, if he's half of what
you say he is, he's already got it.
OSCAR: How would you feel
if it happened to you?
Would you trust me?
Callahan, come on in here.
In his own mind, he feels
that he's been betrayed.
We'll be lucky if we
ever see him again.
Yes, sir.
Who did you talk to about that
meeting with Pinedathis morning?
Bill and Tex at
Observation, and Russ.
That's all?
Yes, sir.
There's gotta be
a leak somewhere.
What happened?
What's going on?
Jaime, we're trying to make
contact with one Antonio Pineda.
Oh, Pineda's that
South American diplomat.
He disappeared
last month, right?
That's right.
And a close friend.
He disappeared at the height
of the Embassy bribery scandal.
Now he's seeking political amnesty
and criminal immunity from us.
In exchange for what?
In exchange for
information that will lead
to the criminal prosecution of
four South American diplomats.
Which makes him
a very unpopular man.
A lot of people would
like to see him dead.
I'd say. What
happened this morning?
Somebody found out
about it. Again!
We nearly got killed.
Pinedathinks that
I double-crossed him.
That I betrayed him, I'm sure.
Oscar Goldman's office.
Yes, hold on, just a minute.
It's him.
I want to apologize for
what happened this morning.
ANTONIO: [don't know what
to think, Oscar, Whom to trust,
I'm terribly, terribly
sorry about this.
We took every precaution. I
just don't know what happened.
Somebody found out about it.
Like the first time
we tried to meet.
I'm afraid so.
I need, you, Oscar, as
a friend and as an ally.
Because of that,
we will try once more.
Antonio, I think
that's a wise decision.
Only this time, only you will
know the time and the place.
OSCAR: Good,
I'm writing that
information on page 400,
of the telephone book
inside the telephone booth
at the corner of
Delaware and Ninth Street.
Wait until 5:00 pm. to pick
it up. It will be saferthen.
5:00, Delaware and Ninth.
Oscar, this is our last chance.
I'll be there.
We got another chance.
Will somebody please
rinse Mrs. Myers for me
before her hair turns green?
I have to call my shrink.
Oh, Jenny, I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
Listen, have you seen John?
Oh, he's in the Gold Key.
Okay. Thank you.
What's the Gold Key?
Oh, it's the place where he
does all the big wigs personally.
Hope he can fit me in now,
'cause lunch time is such a
crazy time of day around here.
Certainly is.
Oh, excuse us.
Excuse us.
John John,
I have a problem.
I've asked her three
or four times and I
There he is.
There he is.
Which one is he?
What do you think?
Which one is he?
The one on the left.
He's cute.
JOHN: What's your problem?
I cannot possibly cut
Helen Wright's hair,
while Cindy is
giving her a pedicure.
Why not?
Well, it's obscene.
I don't understand, Benny.
Well, it's obscene because you
can't work at somebody's head
while somebody else
is working at their feet.
Yes. Okay,
I'll remember that.
Look, tell Cindy she can finish
while Mrs. Myers is drying, okay?
Thank you.
You're a prince.
Hello, ladies.
Everything all right?
John? John Hi.
Hey there, big C.
How was your day, so far?
Oh, fine. My feet haven't
touched the ground.
I can attest to that.
Oh, John, I want you to meet
my best friend, Jaime Sommers.
We work together.
Would you excuse us
for a second?
I've got it.
The present I told
you about. Let's see.
Okay. Here it is.
You like it?
Oh, John. It's
beautiful. Pretty?
Can you hold this?
Belonged to my grandmother.
I was gonna give it to you
tomorrow night, but I couldn't wait.
Thank you.
Jaime, look what I got.
Oh, it's beautiful.
Isn't it?
Thank you.
You have a very busy place here.
Yeah, well, it's, uh,
it's getting there.
Someday I'd like to
have every congresswoman,
senator's wife, and even
the First Lady coming here.
You're also very ambitious.
He's smart enough to do it too,
if he doesn't blow it
with us little guys first.
Hey, listen, kid
How 'bout awash and set?
I mean, I can really
use it. Look at this thing.
For you, my love, the world.
How 'bout you, Jaime?
You wanna get done, too?
Oh, no, thanks.
You sure?
Yeah, but I'll take
a rain check.
Okay, you got it. Why
don't you have a seat
while I take big C into my laboratory
and make her gorgeous, hmm?
WOMAN: Somebody take
Mrs. Walker, please.
How're you doing? Hi.
Fine. Where's Callahan?
Oh, she's under the
dryer, singing away.
She's singing?
Always. She hates the
sound of the machine.
What is she singing?
I don't know. She's
got aterrible voice.
CALLAHAN: Yes. Mr. Pineda
called him this morning.
MAN: What did he say?
That he wanted
to meet him today,
At Ninth and Delaware
at 5:00.
Oscar Goldman's office.
I'm sorry, he doesn't
want to be disturbed.
Thank you. I'll
tell him you called.
Hi, Callahan.
Uh, here's the research stuff you
ordered on that guy from South America.
Yeah. Right.
Thank you. Pineda.
Yeah, he's been waiting
for this thing all week.
You want me to sign that thing?
I don't know, he
He really doesn't wanna
be disturbed right now,
but I think maybe
I should anyway.
Oh, I don't know.
Thanks, anyway.
Sure thing, gorgeous,
Why don't you give
it a few years, Denny.
I'll see ya.
OSCAR: Callahan?
Are you sure?
JAIME: Would I be
telling you this if I wasn't?
You know she's the
best friend I've got.
I can't believe it.
Oh, why'd Rudy have to give
me this stupid ear anyway?
What did she say?
She said that you were gonna be meeting
Pineda today at 5:00 on Ninth and Delaware.
That's what she heard you
say on the phone this morning.
Well, that's only part
of our rendezvous plan.
She only heard my end
of the conversation.
Will you have to change it?
I don't think so.
Who did she talk to?
I don't know. I couldn't recognize
the voice. It was so strange. It
Oscar, what are you gonna
do to her? I feel so awful.
It's so confusing. I mean,
Callahan, an informer?
It's crazy.
The whole thing is crazy. But one
thing I know. I gotta get her out of here.
What are you gonna do?
Well, I'll get her some
kind of a research job.
Something that'll
take her out of town
Until we have proof.
That won't be necessary.
Callahan I heard
everything you said.
Is that what you really think?
really think that I'm a traitor?
Do you?
Because if you do
I want to save you
the time and money
for sending me
on a research trip.
I quit.
Excuse me.
Leave me alone.
I just want to talk to
you for a minute. Okay?
There is nothing No,
there's nothing to talk about.
I think there is.
No Just get out!
Now look, I don't know why you're
doing this, who you're involved with,
I don't know what you're doing.
All I know is it makes me sick,
I'm the one that had to find out.
I'm sorry it was me.
Find out what, Jaime?
Oh, please.
I don't know what
you're talking about!
Stop playing with me.
I'm not! I didn't
tell anybody anything.
I don't know why you're
saying these things about me.
I don't know what good
it's gonna do you.
But right now I want you to turn
around and walk out that door.
'Cause I don't care
if I ever see you again.
What do you think?
JOHN: Well,
the color's lovely.
Do you really think so?
Sure, the cut is terrific.
That's perfect.
Just perfect.
Jaime! Couldn't
live without me, huh?
What's it been? All
of an hour and a half?
I thought maybe I'd take you
up on your offer. If it's all right?
What, bears live in the
woods? Sure, come on.
I, uh, understand Callahan quit.
Yes, she did.
Did she call you?
A few minutes ago.
Uh, was really broken up.
Yeah, I know.
Thank you.
Oh, this is where you did
Callahan this morning, huh?
One and the same.
Well, what do you think?
A little bit of heaven Yes.
Cutting room is back here.
Why don't you just
have a seat and, uh
I'll be with you
in a couple of minutes.
All right.
Would you like a drink?
No. Thank you,
I'm fine.
There's gotta be
something in here.
On a hair dryer?
JOHN: Do you see
anything interesting?
Oh, no.
Uh, wires, things like that.
In the cabinet
is some stereo equipment.
Stereo equipment.
That's what they are.
Yes, uh, pencils and
invoices are in the desk.
Uh, on the patio are some potted
plants. Would you like the tour?
No, thank you.
Are you sure you have
time for a shampoo?
Oh, yeah.
Well, okay.
Then let's get at it.
How's the temperature, Jaime?
Tell me, why did
Callahan quit anyway?
I'm not sure about that.
Well, she said it was
something to do with, uh, security.
That, uh, they thought
she was a leak.
You don't know about that, huh?
Well, they've been having some
problems with information getting out.
And things like that.
And I guess Oscar, uh,
Mr. Goldman figured it was Callahan.
Very interesting.
Whoa, take it easy, okay?
Oh, sorry, Jaime. Sorry.
Goldman accused her?
Callahan said it was you.
She did?
Yeah, she said that you
told Goldman that, uh,
she'd been talking to someone
here in the salon this morning.
thought I did, you know.
I feel so awful
about it. I
Yeah, well,
Callahan's my best friend
and she's the last
person in the world
How do you feel, Jaime?
I feel great.
Good. Now I think
you're ready for my dryer.
JOHN ON TAPE: What is your name?
Jaime Sommers.
Where do you work?
What do you do?
(SIGHING) I'm a schoolteacher.
And a special agent.
What kind of a special agent?
JAIME: A bionic one.
What is bionic?
What do you do?
Uh, I have to show you.
That's very, very good, Jaime.
Thank you.
I'd like to come back to the
bionics at another time, Jaime.
First, I'd like to ask you
about Antonio Pineda.
When Goldman found out about
Callahan, did he change the plans?
Uh, no. Callahan didn't
know about all of it.
Do you?
Sure. I listened
to his phone call.
Tell me about it.
Uh, Oscar was supposed to
pick up Pineda's instructions
from a phone booth on
Ninth and Delaware at 5:00.
Where will the instructions be?
Page 400 in the phone book.
Thank you, Jaime.
JAIME: You're welcome.
will return once a week
for one of these special
shampoos and sets.
You will tell people it's the
best salon in Washington.
At the sound of the tone,
you will forget this session
and begin to wake up slowly.
In three minutes, you will be totally alert
and feel better than you have felt in years,
How do you feel?
WOMAN: Can somebody
sweep up over here, please?
Uh, hold this for a
second. All right?
Hello. Hi, Benny.
Can I see John?
Yes. He's back
in the Gold Key.
Thank you.
JOHN: All right.
What do you think?
Oh, my word, it's fantastic.
John, I haven't felt this good
or looked this good in years.
(CHUCKLES) I don't believe that,
Jaime. You're a beautiful woman.
John, I hate to barge
in on you like this
Hey, big C.
You just can't do
enough for me, huh?
Let her go.
Callahan, I don't know what
you think we were doing in there.
I don't need
to think. I know.
John means nothing to me.
Then why are you trying
to take him away from me?
I'm not.
Yes, you are.
Is it because you can't stand to see
something good happen to somebody else?
Oh, come on, you
know me better than that.
No, no. I don't
think I do, Jaime.
It's because you've always
got to be on top, don't you?
Jaime Sommers.
You're tall
and you're beautiful.
And you go exciting places,
and you do exciting things.
You can't stand to see somebody
else have their moment in the sun.
That isn't true!
Now, come on!
Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
Because I'm just a little
lousy, mousy secretary to you.
I'm a sidekick
for you to step on.
Callahan, I love you. You
are the best friend I've got!
Then why are you doing
these things to me, Jaime?
Why did you lie
to Oscar about me?
Why were you
in the shop with John?
Because you
I needed to get my hair done.
Goodbye, Jaime.
Oh, God!
That's right. Pineda's putting the
information on page 400 of the phone book.
Page 400 in the telephone book
at the booth at Ninth and Delaware.
I have it, thank you.
Oh, you're welcome. Oh,
listen, I've got, uh, something new
I think your government
might be interested in.
I've got an OSI agent
with extraordinary abilities.
What kind of, uh, abilities?
Well, that's something you're
gonna have to see for yourself.
Then, of course,
we'll talk about money.
Of course, Mr. Bernard.
Of course. Goodbye.
I've got it.
What does it say?
6:00 in the morning.
Kennedy Stadium.
Fine. But this time,
no mistakes.
What's the time?
5:00. We'll leave
in half an hour.
Get in touch
with Jaime last night?
Yeah, she was kind of
vague about the beauty salon.
Said that she wasn't
feeling very well.
Callahan thing's getting to her.
JOHN: Where do you work?
What do you do?
(SIGHING) I'm a schoolteacher.
And a special agent.
What kind of special agent?
A bionic one.
What is bionic?
Uh, I have to show you.
That's very, very good, Jaime.
Callahan, it's Jaime.
Oh, Jaime, why are you bothering
me? Would you just go away?
Please, Callahan!
Just for old times sakes,
don't hang up the phone, okay?
Okay. Um
Do you ever remember anything that
goes on when John's doing your hair?
Yeah, of course I do.
How much?
I don't know. Most of
the time I just fall asleep.
Right. Like yesterday?
Yeah. I think so.
Okay. Me too. Um
What about dreams? Do you ever
have any weird dreams about John?
Hey Hey, listen, Jaime,
what, uh, what's all this about?
I mean, why are you
dragging him into this?
Because I think he is doing more to our
heads than just making them look good.
And I'm gonna go to
the salon and find out.
That's a cheap shot, Jaime.
Callahan, I love you.
I just want to get
things straightened out.
Did you have a nice nap?
Well now, let's see what kind of
stereo music you play here, Mister.
will return once a week
for one of these special
shampoos and sets.
You will tell people it's the
best salon in Washington.
At the sound of the tone, you will forget
this session and begin to wake up slowly.
In three minutes you will be totally alert
and feel better than you have felt in years,
I feel better already.
JAIME ON TAPE: Oscar's gonna pick
up Pineda's instructions in the phone booth
at Ninth and Delaware
at 5:00.
Page 400 of the phone book.
Guess I'd better call Oscar.
I think you're probably
too late, Jaime.
They should be
leaving just about now.
Let's go.
I've seen what one
of those hands can do.
So would you mind
raising them both
high above your head
away from everything.
You'd better do it,
Jaime, because, uh,
Benny's a little
bit trigger happy
and he really doesn't
like cat burglars.
Especially women cat burglars.
Now what?
Well, now we're gonna
move into the cutting room,
for a little late night shampoo.
Then I'm gonna sell you
to the highest bidder.
Callahan knows where I am.
Even if she does, she's
not about to help you.
Not after what she
thinks you did to her.
JAIME: You don't give
her very much credit.
I never did.
Frankly, Callahan
was an easy target.
She was in love with you, John.
Do you really think I care?
Callahan was a pool
of information to me.
She still is, if I can make
her forget seeing us today.
She should come in very
handy in throwing the OSI offtrack
when you disappear.
Very slowly
into the salon now
Run, Jaime! Run!
John? Are you okay?
Yeah, I
I think so.
You sure?
You deserved that,
you filthy, lying rat.
Here, tiger. Hold this.
I'm gonna call Oscar.
(SIGHING) Okay. Now where
is Oscar gonna meet Pineda?
Why don't you go to the
phone booth, like we did?
Of course,
you'd be a little late.
Of course.
John, I think you could
use a shampoo, don't you?
Looks cute.
Feel good, John?
Oh, wow.
JAIME: Can you
hear me all right?
JOHN: Yes.
Ooh, that's weird.
Where is Oscar Goldman
going to meet Pineda?
Kennedy Stadium.
What time?
6:00 am.
It's five minutes.
We're close.
What's gonna happen?
A man at the press box
roof is going to shoot them.
Wow! Watch it, Callahan.
(ECHOING) Antonio!
Where are you?
JAIME: Oh, that
That was great, Callahan!
You want me to
come with you? No.
Uh, I mean, I can make
better time without you.
But I need you to call an
ambulance. Okay? Get the police?
Okay. Okay.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna go right
up there. Be careful.
I will. Thank you.
Do you have my papers?
Right here.
It's 6:00 am.
Let's get on with it.
Where are you?
ANTONIO: Tunnel 19, row 55.
Come on up.
JAIME: Oh, no!
Oscar, duck! Duck!
And this is the magic shampoo?
Well, don't
Don't smell that stuff.
Well, unless, of course, you'd
like to share some secrets with us.
What's it made of?
Soap. Only it's laced with a molecule
that resembles Sodium Pentathol,
and it penetrates deep
into the pores of the skin.
That's the part I don't
understand, Rudy.
Now what about his hands?
He never wore gloves
when he used that stuff.
Just look at your palms.
What? One
The pores are smaller.
They're almost invisible.
Now that molecule was
designed to penetrate
the large pores on the scalp
and to be filtered out by
the small pores on the hand.
He was quite a chemist.
And a hairdresser, and a
boyfriend, and a con artist.
Oh, this guy really had
his act together, didn't he?
Yeah, but look what it got
him. Twenty years in prison.
What about the guy he was
selling the information to?
Ambassador Juarano will be taken
care of by the United States Government.
At least, that's what I'm told.
Are you doubting
my word again, Antonio?
Of course not, Oscar. You
have given me a new life.
A fresh start.
I sometimes wonder about
the suspicious nature of man.
How he can doubt the words
of his best and dearest friends.
Doubt their motives.
I guess sometimes
it just happens.
Especially when your best friend
thinks that you're trying to turn
'em in or steal their boyfriend.
My word!
Oh, I don't know, Jaime.
I never should have said
that stuff outside the salon.
All that stuff about you
wanting to be on top.
It hurt. But that's over. Okay?
I just need to know from
you that you don't resent me
for the way that I look,
or for the things that I do,
'cause you're my best friend.
No, Jaime, look.
I I hadn't been involved
like that in a long time. Right?
I lost my perspective.
And when I realized that, I
just I tried to think clearly again.
I really care about you, Jaime.
And I'm sorry.
Oh, listen
Listen, I forgot.
You know yesterday, when all
the reporters and the police came?
I met this guy,
you would not believe
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