The Boys (2019) s03e08 Episode Script

The Instant White-Hot Wild

Come on, Earving, me and the others
have something to sh-sh-sh-show you.
Oh, fuck
[HOMELANDER] Butcher and Soldier Boy,
where are they?
Why do I always have
to take the high road?
M.M., Soldier Boy is
gonna kill more people.
- [MINDSTORM] It wasn't my idea.
- Oh, no, it was Noir's.
What the fuck is this?
Something we should've
done a long time ago.
Why the long face, tiger?
You're Homelander. Button your shit up.
I'm proposing a strictly
transactional relationship.
Where's Ryan? I'm gonna find him
sooner or later.
I hate you.
Ready, mon cœur?
Temp V is gonna kill you both.
Jesus Christ.
I was just in the lab.
It turns your brain into
fucking Swiss cheese!
- You need to tell Hughie.
Everything all right?
You, me and granny fucker are
gonna finish this fucking job.
Is this really you?
I thought we should have a conversation.
Vogelbaum made a kid.
Bitch of it is
I'd have let you take the spotlight.
What father wouldn't
want that for his son?
I knew your fastball would
come in sooner or later.
- Stay away from him!
- It's okay.
I'm not here to cause trouble,
hurt anyone.
Just want to see my son.
And I had a heck of a time
trying to find you, buddy, I
Even had to get
a big, important congresswoman
to help me.
She been treating you all right?
Aunt Grace?
Yeah, she's nice.
"Aunt Grace".
You know, she may be nice, Ryan, but
she's not your aunt.
She's not even your real family.
I can hear those clumsy fingers
of yours slipping around on that screen.
Get rid of it now.
Listen, Ryan.
Your mom, she wanted
what's best for you.
And so do I.
You have a real family.
But aren't you mad at me?
For what I did?
You know it wasn't your fault, right?
Son, when you're as strong as we are,
accidents happen, uh, things break
and sometimes they are
the things that you love the most.
But-but that's all it is: an accident.
And nobody on this earth
knows that better than me.
That's why I'm always gonna love you.
No matter what happens, no matter
what you do.
I'm not going anywhere.
I will always be here.
Homelander admitted
on video he locked up Maeve!
- Bullshit!
Well, great news!
We just heard
the attorney general's office
has a search warrant,
and they're coming here to free Maeve!
- Free Maeve! Free Maeve!
Starlight lies! Children die!
[CROWD] Starlight lies! Children die!
I really think we should've
waited for Homelander.
Well, I don't know where he is. Do you?
But I do know the attorney
general is an attention whore
who loves to be on Don Lemon.
And she's on her way here
right now with a search warrant
to look for her.
Where's Soldier Boy?
You mean, ever since he told us
he was supposed to kill his own son?
He locked himself in the bathroom
with a bottle of Old Granddad.
Well, Homelander ain't really
his son, and he knows it.
All right, let's be off then, eh?
We'll swing by the office
and grab some more V.
And then Hughie will jump us
to where the cunts are.
We do Noir
and Homelander.
And we're finished.

[FRENCHIE] Bonjour.
I got you something.
- Voilà.
- Fuck is that?
Oh, this is it.
Cost three Bugattis-worth of Starlight's
money, but
A dose of Novichok.
Our weapon against Soldier Boy.
And the only fucking dose
on the eastern seaboard.
You put the world's
deadliest nerve agent
in a ten-dollar bottle
of Starlight's Wish?
I must say, the smell has improved.
So you lost your temper and hit a man.
Oh, this is nothing.
You know, I once took a Spaniard's ear
for jabbering at a screening
of 27 Dresses
Frenchie, my whole point has always been
to keep my fucked-up shit
away from Janine.
I lost control for one second,
and for the rest of her life,
she's gonna have an image of her daddy
beating up her stepfather.
I got to lock my shit down.
I got to be stronger.
[FRENCHIE] Out of all man's miseries,
the most bitter is this.
To know so much
And to control so little.
I've read a fucking book, all right?
You cannot keep the truth
from your daughter that
that you are
a deeply
broken and fucked-up man.
So am I.
So are we all, no?
But you're also, perhaps, the best man
I've ever known.
Let Janine see all of it.
And get back on the fucking Lexapro.
Homelander's shocking
admissions on Starlight's
Instagram live feed
led to the largest single-day drop
- in the history of Vought International stock
- [ASHLEY] Hey!
There you are.
Where were you?
What do you want?
- Come with me.
- I'm walking.
while you were gone,
Deep and I
had to move
- Maeve out of the Tower.
- [DEEP] That was your idea.
- You were there.
- [ASHLEY] We didn't have a choice.
- Okay.
- There was a search warrant.
- I wanted to wait for you, Homelander.
- But she insisted.
- Can you just shut the fuck up?
Where is Maeve now?
Noir, hey.
We're just gonna we're gonna go.
Yeah. This Okay.
Talk to you guys later.
[BOTH] Let's fuck up Soldier Boy.
I knew you'd come back.
Hey, uh
You really are the spitting
image of my little brother.
- Oh, there he is.
- Where's the cum guzzler?
[BUTCHER] You were spot-on about him.
There I was, filling up the motor,
I turn around, the little git
had done a runner.
We needed him to get near Noir.
[BUTCHER] Ah, don't you
worry about that, guv.
I got it all worked out.

Wake me when we get to New York.
Need a hand?
More in the market for some legs.
- What happened to you?
- You'll never believe it.
They gave me a new ticker.
I'm gonna be able to run again.
All the races and the endorsements.
I'm about to get it all back.
But it don't mean shit without you.
I need you.
Come coach me and you can still work
with the kids at the broke-ass school.
Hell, you'll make enough
to fix the damn place up.
I'm really fucking sorry, Nate.
I'll spend the rest of my
life making it up to you.
Did you kill Blue Hawk?
No, that was
Soldier Boy.
You did.
- No, Nate
- I didn't want that!
I wanted my kids to see
his mugshot on the TV.
And now he's
- Fuck!
- I stopped him.
For you.
Don't say you did that for me.
You've only ever been about yourself.
- I'm sorry. I'll make it right.
- How?!
Every time you try, you make it worse.
Reggie, just-just go, man.
Just go, just get out, okay?
Go sell your menthol vapes
and your fast cash shops
and all of that.
But just stay out of my life!
Come on, man.
I said get the fuck out of my house!
I don't want a murderer
in the same house with my kids!
- Shit!
- Nate, I'm sorry.
- Shit, Nate
- Don't touch me!
Don't come back here.
Thanks for picking me up.
Sure you want to tell me
to go fuck myself.
I'm not saying anything.
'Cause if you did want to say that,
I mean, you could.
What happened?
Uh Butcher.
Just out of nowhere, knocked me out.
Did he tell you?
Tell me what?
That Temp V is fatal.
If you shot up any more, you'd
probably be dead right now.
Oh, my fucking God, he didn't tell you!
- That asshole!
- Saved my life.
Saved your life?
It looks like he gave you a concussion.
He stopped me from taking more V.
H-Have you ever had Pizza Rolls?
Like middle school sleepover
Pizza Rolls?
Yeah, Dad bought them
in bulk after Mom left.
Every night, we'd have Pizza Rolls,
watch Remington Steele
try not to touch her spot on the couch.
And he never fought back
for her or anything.
Just sat there eating Pizza Rolls.
I spent so much time thinking he was
sad and-and weak.
Just a loser.
But you know what? Dad
was there.
Taking care of me
during-during the worst days
of his life, just trying
to keep the lights on
and a [SCOFFS]
and a roof above our heads.
He wasn't weak.
I just, I-I didn't know
what strength was.
Annie, I'm-I'm so sorry.
I've been an asshole.
I never should have
I-I never should've put
any of this onto you.
Thank you for saying that.
Literally every neuron in your brain
is screaming "I told you so",
so why don't you just say it
- before your head explodes.
- Oh, my God!
- I fucking told you so.
- Feel good to get that out?
- So satisfying. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, where are you?
[HUGHIE] Hey, Maeve.
Good to see you again.
Glad you're okay.
It's like you wear a neon sign
that says, "Raw dog me, I'm a bottom".
- I'm gonna, I'm gonna let you two catch up.
- Me, too.
Where were you?
About 12 floors below you in the Tower
- this whole time.
- How did you get out?
Your #FreeMaeve shit
had every LGB-teen in the world
up Vought's ass.
You got me my chance.
You know what would've
been better, though?
Actually busting me out.
I think that would've been way harder.
Merde ! That hurt.
You've been drowning yourself in this shit
- since Little Nina.
- I have done my part.
- We're not finished, asshole.
- Yeah, I am.
Nina was right.
My papa, he put a chain around my neck.
And all that fucking changes
is who holds the other end.
Our past is not who we are.
I thought I'd always be broken.
But you saw something in me.
I see it in you.
What do you see?
I see mon cœur.
Soldier Boy is Homelander's
fucking what?
Homelander's father.
Biologically, at least.
[SIGHS] So put them in a room together,
- are they gonna fight or fucking hug?
- We don't know.
Soldier Boy's been, uh, weird.
- But Butcher
- [MOTHER'S MILK] If there's a snowball's chance
that Butcher can take down
Homelander, he's gonna take it.
I don't care what your
orders are, I'm Starlight,
and I'm telling you that you
need to evacuate the Tower now.
Because Soldier Boy is
alive and he's real,
and he's gonna f oh, fucking,
you fucking stupid
There are a couple thousand
people in that building.
I mean, if he pulls a Herogasm,
he's gonna take
the whole fucking place down.
Then we take down Soldier Boy
before he gets to Homelander.
And save Butcher.
Y'all two fuck us over,
and now you want to be
Mother fucking Theresa?
I know.
- And-and I'm sorry
- [STARLIGHT] Hughie.
Some people are just past saving.
He don't want to be saved.
[HUGHIE] He could've dragged me
down with him, but he didn't.
There's still something good.
Deep, deep
- deep inside.
- [FRENCHIE] Balls deep.
Bonjour, Petit Hughie.
We save everyone.
Even if they don't deserve it.
Especially if they don't deserve it.
Whoa that brings me back.
Used to sneak my dad's Manhattans
when I was a kid.
[BUTCHER] I didn't have
to nick nothin' from my old man.
He used to get me and me little brother
lager just for the hell of it.
Well, I got to admit,
that does sound funny.
- The old man still around?
- [BUTCHER] Arse cancer.
Shitting his guts out
as we speak, one hopes.
You ever see The Soldier Boy Story?
- Must've missed it.
- It's a classic.
We lost Best Picture to
An American in Paris that year.
At least I got to ass-fuck
Jane Wyman in the coat check.
About a poor kid from
the streets of South Philly.
Discovers he's got
incredible powers to match his
heart of gold.
It's all bullshit.
Blimey, you don't say?
Actually my father owned half
the steel mills in the state.
I went to boarding school.
Got kicked out of boarding school.
Because I was a fuck-up.
But he made sure I knew it.
Use the belt, did he?
[SOLDIER BOY] Never laid a hand on me.
He couldn't be bothered.
Said I was a disappointment.
Not good enough to carry his name.
So I went to his golf buddies
in the War Department,
and they get me into Dr. Vought's
Compound V trials.
I became a superhero.
Strongest man alive.
Fucking ticker tape parades
when I came home.
And what did the old man say then?
He said I took a shortcut.
That a real man wouldn't have cheated.
What about you, you got kids?
It's complicated.
I always assumed I had a few out there.
I always wanted 'em.
'Cause I thought I could do it
better than my father did.
Homelander ain't yours.
Not really.
- He's the only blood I've got left.
- It don't matter.
You didn't name him, didn't raise him.
Vought grew him
in a fucking test tube
to take your place.
He's the fucking reason they
left you to rot with the Ivans.
Look, mate.
We had a deal.
I'm gonna get some air.
[HOMELANDER] Sharpen it
for a thousand hours,
still won't cut Soldier Boy's skin.
So you were on his team.
You knew him.
What was he like?
[EXHALES] Come on.
Nobody's all bad.
He's my father.
I didn't believe him at first.
I ripped apart the company archives,
and it's true.
It's true.
They lied to me my whole life.
Thing I needed most as a kid
and they kept it from me.
Now, well, I
I'm not sure I want to.
It's funny, you know, everyone
thinks of you as this, uh
unreadable sphinx.
A mystery. [LAUGHS]
Not me. I see through
that mask.
I mean, literally, I can see your face.
Your battle scars.
The crooked old smile of yours.
I know when you're happy,
sad, telling the truth.
Did you know?
That I had a father out there?
Alive this whole time?
Why didn't you tell me?
You should've told me.
D-D-Don't worry, Earving.
We are so proud of you.
Soon you'll be in the sweet embrace
Christ the Lord!
[BUTCHER] Fuck me.
I figured you was dead.
You didn't think I knew
where the blind spots
were, motherfucker?
Back up.
Where's Soldier Boy?
You on that Temp V shit, Butcher, huh?
What happens if I pull this trigger?
Go on, do it.
Hey, M.M., M.M, stop.
If Soldier Boy goes through
with this, thousands will die.
Help us stop him.
[BUTCHER] This ain't
a bloody kinder care
we're on about, son.
Its Vought fucking Tower.
Becca worked in the Tower.
You shut your fucking
cake hole, Frenchie.
No, my cake hole
will remain open!
You will never command me again.
- I am done with your cruelty.
- [HUGHIE] Okay, Frenchie
[FRENCHIE] I deserve respect!
And we all deserve paid vacation
days, and a dental plan!
We-we-we heard you.
You could've let me die
from the V, but you saved me.
In the shittiest way
possible, but still.
I don't think you want to do this.
I think you want me to pull you back.
Like Lenny used to.
- Maeve, no!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Butcher's right.
Homelander needs to die.
That's it. Whatever it takes.
I really thought that deep
down you were a hero.
Well, you were wrong.
There's no such thing.
This is not gonna happen.
Annie, I don't want to hurt you.
[SOLDIER BOY] But I will.
[BUTCHER] All right, you lot.
In the safe.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey.
[BUTCHER] In the safe.
Let's go.
[STARLIGHT] Hey, not now.
Not like this.
All right, well
Tinkerbell needs power for her powers.
I'm Starlight and
I'm telling you that you need
- to evacuate the Tower now.
- [GUARD] Why?
Because Soldier Boy is alive and he
We ran it through the voice
It's really her, so, you know,
I think we should probably evacuate.
evacuating anything.
We have to project strength.
No, that's smart. Strength.
Okay, so my Angel Fish
that's what I call Analytics
we think Soldier Boy's coming for Noir,
last member of Payback, right?
So we should use Noir as bait.
And that way it draws
Soldier Boy directly to the
Hey, is everything,
is everything okay with Noir?
He was keeping secrets from me.
You know, when the company first
rolled me out in front of the cameras,
they told me
I was gonna get my very own team.
I wanted so badly for that team
to be the family that I never got.
And then I got you.
I've, I've always tried to help, sir.
What, like when you ran
away from Herogasm?
Or maybe when you fucked an octopus?
You really want to help?
That's sort of treason.
Big word.
Anything you need, Homelander.
[EXHALES] Ashley, take off that wig.
What wig?
And then there's you.
How could you kill one of your own kind
in cold blood?
You are going to tell the world
that we are the one and only
true justice.
Noir was worth more
than all of you put together.
You're not my family.
I don't need any of you.
Remember that.
On the record?
If Dakota Bob taps me
for VP, I'd be honored.
Off the record?
I'm expecting good news
at the Prayer Breakfast.
They got a really big head start, but
I know a way in.
[MOTHER'S MILK] Then what?
'Cause from where I'm standing,
we're fucked with no grease.
No plan and no knockout gas.
- Where do we get some more?
- [MOTHER'S MILK] We don't.
That was the only one.
There is one lab in New York
that might be stocked
with the things I need.
And as fate would have it,
we are headed there, so
- You're joking.
- We're gonna break into Vought Tower, while you go
to the lab crawling with armed guards
and you're gonna cook up
the world's most dangerous neurotoxin
with, what, a little moxie
and a little Mr. Wizard know-how
while we hold off
Homelander and Soldier Boy?
Uh oui.
It's good enough for me.
Me, too.
Monsieur Lait de Mère ?
The most important shit of my life,
and I'm counting on coked-out Eurotrash.
Shit's baffling.

[INTERVIEWER] The prisoners
you liberated here,
most of them were nearly dead.
They owe you their lives.
I'm not here to take credit.
These boys here,
they're the real heroes.
What the Jerries did here
is unforgivable.
But I promise you,
I'm gonna serve them up
some good old-fashioned
American justice.
Scorched earth, eh, William?
Scorched earth.
Where's Noir?
He's dead.
I killed him.
Because he didn't tell me about you.
I'm alone.
I just want to talk.
I know what it's like to have your team
betray you.
But with you and I together
they wouldn't stand a
chance. Nobody would.
Unless we kill each other first.
[HOMELANDER] That's true. But why?
What, because he says so?
He's nothing.
[CHUCKLING] He's human.
Don't you listen to this fucking twat.
He ain't your kid.
Yes, I am.
I am your son.
I am your blood.
That's all that matters.
[HOMELANDER] This is my son. Ryan.
Your grandson.
Hi, Grandpa.
You have a family.
You have him.
And you have me.
It's a shame that I've missed
so much.
I wish I could've raised you
and taught you,
father to son.
Me too.
That's okay.
We're not alone anymore.
We have each other.
Maybe if I'd raised you
I could've made you better.
And not some weak,
sniveling pussy,
starved for attention.
But there's no fixing that now.
I'm you.
I know.
You're a fucking disappointment.
- Leave him alone!
- [BUTCHER] Get out of here, Ryan!
- Please, stop!
- Get out of the building! Now!
- Butcher, stop!
- Please! [GRUNTS]
- You can't.
- You can't do this.
- Stop! Please!
[HOMELANDER] Don't do this.
Don't do this. Don't.
Ryan, get back upstairs.
Right now.
You little shit.


What the fuck are you doing?
Not the kid.
Oh, I thought you said
blood didn't matter.
Thought that was
the whole fucking point.
He's my wife's son.
Wait, Homelander fucked your wife?
And you want to save the brat?
The hell's wrong with you?
I made a promise.
So this is it.
Everything you wanted
he's right fucking there
and now you blink?
Stand down.
Fuck you.
You're weaker than he is.
Yeah. I'm right here.
You're okay.
[MAEVE] Hey, asshole.
Not now, Maeve. We have bigger fish.
I don't.
I said not now.
Maeve, stop.

C'est le paradis.
[HUGHIE] Testing, testing, testing.
Okay, that's loud. Uh [CLEARS THROAT]
Attention. There has been
a terrorist threat
- called into the building.
Please leave as quickly as you can.
This is not a drill, this is not a test.
- Please evacuate quickly.
- Where are you going, Ashley?
With you, Ashley. To the helipad?
Yeah. So, the Sikorsky's
actually reserved
for SVPs and higher.
[HUGHIE] Do not trample
anyone on the way out.
Sorry, Ashley.
[HUGHIE] Leave as quickly
as you can. Thank you.
Freeze! Show us your hands!
It can cut you like a knife ♪
If the gift becomes the fire ♪
On the wire between will ♪
And what will be ♪
She's a maniac ♪
Maniac on the floor ♪
Aah! Aah! [GRUNTS]
Aw, fuck!
She's a maniac ♪
Maniac, I sure know ♪
And she's dancing like
she's never danced before ♪
She's a maniac ♪
Maniac I sure know ♪
And she's dancing like ♪
She's never danced before ♪
Maniac, maniac, I sure know ♪
[CHUCKLES] I've got the Novichok. Huh?
Now go.
- Aah!
Yeah! Fuck your shield, bitch.

Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You ain't no hero.
You're just another racist piece of shit
we can't seem to get rid of.
This is for my family.
I'm not going back
in that fucking box!
You'll kill everyone.


[BUTCHER] Are you hurt?
Ryan, look at me.
I want to go.
Let's leave. Please.
I want to leave.
- ♪

- [ANNOUNCER] She was one of America's
greatest superheroes.
A role model for
little girls everywhere.
A strong, proud lesbian
who pioneered the way
for others to show the world
who they really are.
And she made the ultimate sacrifice
when she stopped
Russian-radicalized Soldier Boy
and saved us all.
We drained the fluid, but, uh
Mr. Butcher?
- Sorry.
- Attempting further treatment
would significantly impact
your quality of life without
necessarily extending the time you have.
Uh, sir, no smoking.
- How long I got?
- Months.
Twelve. Eighteen, on the outside.
you can kindly fuck off, then.
[MOTHER'S MILK] You know, for
the longest time, Janine, I
I didn't want to bring you into this.
But you know what?
There's nothing to be ashamed of.
Truth is,
superheroes aren't always good.
One of them, Soldier Boy
killed a lot of our family
members a long time ago.
It makes me sad.
Sometimes it makes me mad
when I think about it.
your granddaddy,
he spent his entire life
fighting to get justice.
And now I do, too.
I just want you to know
that you should be proud.
Your granddaddy
now, he was a real hero.
You're my hero, Daddy.
Thank you.
It's me.
Are you there?
Oh, God.
Well, you, uh
you look like shit.
Fuck off, Smurfette.
You gonna be okay?
Yeah, slowly, painfully,
like every other powerless
schmuck in America,
thanks to Soldier Boy.
Question: should I get a pirate patch
or the Sammy Davis glass eye?
Oh, the pirate patch, no question.
[ELENA] You ready?
- Hey.
- Hey, Elena.
Where will you guys go?
I don't know, somewhere
Homelander won't find me.
A farm, ideally.
She's from Modesto.
She was a Future Farmer of America.
- Great.
- Mm-hmm. [CHUCKLES]
Thank you.
For everything.
First time your prissy ass
- showed up at the Tower,
crying in that bathroom
You saved me.
Truth is, you you
don't need me anymore.
I could jump.
But you can fucking fly.
You're like a walking
Hallmark card. Enough.
When are you gonna come down? ♪
When are you going to land? ♪
I should have stayed on the farm ♪
I should have listened to my old man ♪
You know you can't hold me forever ♪
I didn't sign up for you ♪
I'm not a present
for your friends to open ♪
This boy's too young to be singing ♪
The blues ♪
So goodbye yellow brick road ♪
Where the dogs of society howl ♪
You can't plant me in your penthouse ♪
I'm going back to my plow ♪
Back to the howling
old owl in the woods ♪
Hunting ♪
The horny-back toad ♪
Oh, I've finally decided ♪
My future lies ♪
Beyond the yellow brick road ♪
You don't know the real Kevin.
And you wouldn't like him if you did.

You sure you want to do this?
I don't need it.
I don't. The suit never
gave me any power.
And Vought sure as shit didn't.
It's always just been me.
- Uh, Annie?
- Mm-hmm?
You know, we're in a historic building.
- You need to double-knot
- Okay.
and bag your trash,
if you're gonna be working here.
Butcher isn't gonna like it.
Butcher can suck my shit.
Oh, from now on, this
is a democracy, huh?
I say you're one of The Boys.
Me too.
[HUGHIE] Oh, fuck.
After the tragic drowning
of presumptive VP candidate
Lamar Bishop,
we go live to the Singer campaign
in Sioux Falls, where Dakota Bob
just announced his new running mate.
What would you like to say
to the American people?
As the next vice president,
I will work hard
to provide a safe and secure future
for all citizens, on both sides
of the political divide.
And that's why I am so proud
to have her on my team.
Singer! Singer! Singer!
Singer! Singer! Singer! Singer! Singer!
that bitch
has definitely got to go.
- Let's go!
- Come on!
- Fuck you. Yeah!
- Hey, there he is, there he is.
- Hey, hey!
Fuck you and your lies!
Fuck Starlight! Fuck Starlight!
- [ALL] Fuck Starlight!
- Homelander!
Hi. Good to see you.
I love you guys.
You are America.
True patriots.
Hey, do you want to meet someone?
Someone very special to me?
- Yes.
- Yeah?
- Yes!
- All right.
Come on down here, buddy.
[MAN] The kid!
All-righty, everyone.
This little guy here
is my son, Ryan.
- [MAN] You have a son?!
- [WOMAN] That's so awesome.
- [MAN] Yeah, he's a chip off the block.
- Fuck you, fascist!
- What the fuck? He's a kid!
- Who did that?
- What the fuck, libtard?!
- Fucking idiot!
Yeah! [LAUGHS]
- Fuck yeah!
- Fuck that piece of shit.
- That's how Americans do it!
- All right.

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