The Circle (2020) s03e08 Episode Script

Full Out War

["Ghost Town" by The Specials playing]
Day breaks in The Circle,
and the players
have made it through their first night
with a very spooky newbie.
-This town ♪
-Town ♪
Is coming like a ghost town ♪
-[sighs] Good morning, Circle.
-[both] Good morning, Circle.
Although, they don't know
ghost hunter Vince
is being played by Naughty Nick.
Vince is still here.
Another day for glory.
Nick and I had one
of the most spectacular conversations.
I genuinely trust Nick.
I love Vince because he's
what we needed in this place.
We have our little paranormal world
in common.
I am not gonna have anything in common
with Vince or vibe with him.
I mean, am I gonna fake something with him
if I'm in chats with him?
Of course,
because I'm a game player. This is a game.
I can use Vince in order to figure out
what people are really thinking.
So Vince has a lot of power right now.
This town is coming like a ghost town ♪
[Buteau] And after Nick, thanks to Vince,
has brought back the cape
as a fashion item,
The Circle is buzzing into life
and wasting no time
in giving them a little game
to start their day.
[all] "Bake for Your Bestie!"
I love to bake!
I hope I don't gotta cook
nothin' for somebody.
[in English accent]
Welcome to Great Circle Bake Off!
In Bake for Your Bestie,
the players decorate a cake
dedicated to their Circle BFF.
It also shows everyone
who they're loyal to.
This is gonna be difficult.
You get to find out
who is whose BFF in The Circle.
[Buteau] As Nick is playing Vince,
he'll have to decorate an extra cake
in a cape.
Of course. One cake would be too easy.
[Buteau] The players
will have their sweet, sweet supplies
delivered directly to their door.
[Nick] Ooh, that's a lot of cake.
Oh my God! It's so much stuff.
Okay, you got hats.
Chocolate frosting.
Ooh, pretzels!
Edible glitter spray.
-Am I gonna be peeing out glitter now?
You can't decorate without an apron.
Wow! This is cute.
Whoo! This is gonna be freaking fun!
I have all the gear yet no idea.
"Players, you have 20 minutes."
We only have 20 minutes?
Are you kidding me?
[Nick] "You will still have 20 minutes
to make both cakes."
[laughing] I'm feeling
a little bit out of depth here.
"Don't worry. It'll be a piece of cake."
Times starts now!
The chair's gotta move.
The chair's gotta go.
All right, let's do this.
Okay, let's just start laccing this shit
on here.
-There's my roll.
-[James] Oh, we in the game.
-Whoo! We in the game now!
-[sighs] Where do I start?
[Buteau] Kai is making a cake
for her bestie Ruksana.
[Kai] When we're thinking about Ruksana,
we're thinking sweet, spice,
and everything nice.
-Mmm, that's some good icing.
[Buteau] And Ruksana is returning
the favor for Kai.
[Ruksana] I'm gonna make it fun,
sweet, bright, cheerful.
Oh, this cake is crumbling.
[Buteau] Isabella is crafting her creation
for Nick.
So I've decided
to do a little white-to-blue ombré.
I think that's very Nick.
Okay, it's kind of ugly,
but some parts of it are cute.
Oh my God!
This is literally like a massacre.
[Buteau] Daniel's lovely
and not frightening at all cake
is for Ruksana.
I want her to see
our two hearts connecting in this cake,
and the beauty and the friendship
that we have figured out.
I mean, come on!
[Buteau] Nick is making
a masterpiece for Isabella.
So bad. The heart's not even good.
The heart is on there for two reasons.
One, I know
that Isabella has a huge heart,
and two, I totally dig her.
Ah, it's melting everywhere!
[Buteau] Ashley's cake is dedicated
to her ride-or-die, Nick.
I wanna show him that I love him.
It's important that he knows
not only do I want to jump on him,
but it's important he knows
that I consider him
my bestie in this game. [screams]
[laughs fiendishly]
My my cake
blacker than me right now. Okay.
[Buteau] James' culinary creation
is for Kai.
[James] I'm trying to make it a crown,
because she's been nothing but a queen
to me. [screams]
It's sprinkling on your ass.
Oh yeah! Use the whole bottle on your ass.
[Rachel] I hope Isabella isn't offended
by this, 'cause I would be.
[Buteau] Jackson is making
a cake for Isabella.
I thought I was going to have to fake this
and, like, pretend to make a bad cake,
but I did not have to pretend whatsoever.
Okay! Look at this! This coming out.
Oh shit.
I think I ruined it. [laughs]
I think this is gonna be
a big letdown for Isabella.
[Buteau] Better hurry up, Nick.
You gotta make Vince's cake too, dude.
I'm done with this.
Not super happy with it,
but I don't really have time.
So, I gotta move on
to the other cake with Vince.
This is fucking hideous.
Why are you moving? Stop moving, bitch!
[bottle sprays]
Vince's baking skills aren't very good,
so I can do this quickly.
Oh, the crown cracking.
Ah, ain't that a bitch!
Hold on.
[Nick] By Vince making a cake for Nick,
it'll hopefully make other people see me
as someone who is nice and inclusive.
I wouldn't suspect that a girl made this.
This is like a 12-year-old boy exploded.
Do these even look like drumsticks?
If you gave a real queen this,
you'd be beheaded.
[Daniel] Oh my God!
Oh, the spray!
I gotta hurry up.
-Ah, "Time's up! Time's up!"
I thought it was gonna be bad.
This was worse
than I thought it was gonna be.
-"You should now"
-"take a picture of your cake."
I can't
Can I throw it away, please, instead?
[Buteau] Now that their masterpieces
are complete,
the players do
what 98% of people on Instagram do,
take a photo of their cake
and upload with a caption
for absolutely everyone to see.
The first thing that just comes to my mind
is, "A badass cake for a baddy."
I think I would say something like,
"Glitz and glam. Kai's friend I am."
Circle, I want to caption my cake,
"Isabella, my giant ball of sunshine."
I think she's gonna probably laugh,
probably roll her eyes a little bit.
Here we go.
Ah! I'm so excited.
[Buteau] First up, Ashley,
played by Matthew's cake for Nick.
"For Nick.
A sweet cake for a sweet man." Ooh!
Oh my gosh! That came out so good.
"BNE!" Gotta assume
that's Big Nick Energy.
I hope he can see that it's a baseball.
I have no clue
what that thing in the top right is.
I hope he can see the dog.
Is that Mickey Mouse?
I think she tried to do his dog maybe.
So I wonder if Ashley and Nick
have an alliance that I wasn't aware of.
Oh, that's very interesting.
[Buteau] Next is
Daniel's cake for Ruksana.
Oh, Daniel! "A badass cake for a baddy."
Whoa! Everything's on it. It's just
He went all out. Okay. [chuckles]
[laughing] It's tragic.
[laughing] What happened to it?
Daniel took everything
that was delivered to us
and said, "Fuck it,"
and threw it all on there.
Baby, I tried. I'mma say,
"Ruksana, you've got a lot of layers.
There's a lot going on to you."
Thank you, Daniel, for thinking of me.
[Buteau] Now Isabella's cake for Nick.
"For Nick. Tried to decorate a cake
that embodied Big Nick Energy [chuckles]
pups, music, and an attempt at a Mohawk."
Okay, I see the little puppy on the side.
Aw, okay, so she kind of went
with the same idea as me.
It looks so bad compared to Ashley's.
She didn't do one for Jackson,
but that's okay.
I am surprised Nick has two Circle BFFs.
He's already got
two major alliances that I can see.
[Buteau] Up next,
Jackson's cake for Isabella.
Oh! [laughing]
"Isabella, my giant ball of sunshine!"
This is a mess.
My cake looks like crap on there.
It looks like a unicorn threw up
over his cake,
and then he just took a big ball
of yellow and went [blows raspberry]
It almost makes me think
Jackson's trying too hard
to make this look like it was done
by a dude who has no idea what he's doing.
If someone's getting blocked for a cake,
it will be Jackson.
He could be playing this up,
could be a catfish. I don't know.
I'm really glad he picked me.
That's so cute. [chuckles]
[Buteau] Now it's James,
who made his cake
for The Circle homie, Kai.
James! "For Kai."
"Tried to make a cake for a queen,
but you see what had happened was"
I'm so sick
of everybody calling her the queen.
His cake is a joke.
This just shows me
that he is making a point to be loyal
and that he does have my back.
So clearly,
she's made an impression on him.
Looks like Kai definitely has some allies.
[Buteau] She's got allies and skills.
Wait till you see
her blinged-out Ruksana cake.
Oh, that cake is so fun!
"This cake is for my BFF Ruksana.
What the fuck is that?
This is just a lot.
How does that describe Ruksana?
I'm surprised. I thought Kai's
was gonna look better. I'm not gonna lie.
Kai, I love you, girl,
but y'all need to work on your cakes.
Kai's a catfish!
That doesn't look like somebody
who has, like, an eye for style
or, like, an artistic eye.
The thing about it is
is that it was made with love,
so I give myself a double-A for effort.
[Buteau] Next is Nick's cake for Isabella.
He's being loud and proud! He said,
"For Isabella. This might be a BFF cake,
but I'm not putting you in the friendzone.
Winky face."
Okay! Nick!
Well, people definitely know that there's
something going on there. [laughs]
You can tell I spent some time on it.
Threw the heart in there.
Isabella and Nick definitely have
a deeper connection than I thought.
He's basically saying he wants to be
more than just friends with her.
Isabella's gonna love it.
So, good work, Nick.
Now I know Nick
is on Ashley and Isabella's side,
and Jackson
is definitely on Isabella's side.
[Buteau] Now, Ruksana's BFF Kai cake.
"Glitz and glam. Kai's bestie I am.
I hope you love your fun and girly cake."
Oh, that makes me so excited.
I think this made her smile for sure.
I just feel like she gave all the color,
all the sweets.
So Kai made a cake for Ruksana,
and Ruksana made a cake for Kai.
So now we know. Both of
They are just number one friends in here.
[Buteau] With eight cakes presented,
we have Kai, Ruksana, Isabella,
and Nick up there with two besties each.
It's all down to Vince, played by Nick.
Wonder who his bestie's gonna be.
Oh, he fucking killed it. Are you kidding?
They look like drumsticks.
They kind of look like chicken legs.
Vince is really feeling Nick.
Dude, I appreciate it.
This is a great friendship cake,
and I think we can be really good friends.
We probably have a lot in common.
In fact, I think we are almost identical.
[both] "Congratulations, Nick!
You have the most besties in The Circle."
Aw, that's cute.
Go, Nick!
[Buteau] Nick, you are
the most popular cake decorator
in The Circle,
mainly because, as Vince,
you literally voted for yourself,
but still
Vince, thank you for making me that cake!
That gave me the win over Kai.
Nick is definitely coming
for the number one spot.
Starting to concern me a little bit.
Nick, all of a sudden,
became everybody's bestie, it seems like.
That's good for me,
'cause the longer he's around,
I'll be around,
so bring on the besties for Nick.
He's obviously gonna look out
for the girls who has his back,
and he's made a connection
with Vince already,
and Vince just got here.
This is hopefully an indication
that I have a decent shot
at becoming an influencer finally.
[Buteau] After the mess
of the cake challenge,
the players are cleaning up
and getting their heads back in the game.
How did I get it in my nose?
[Buteau] James is working out
how to make his Circle yarn wall look like
somebody over the age of six has made it.
Who needs to be connected? [exhales]
Nick was supposed to be right
Oh damn. I gotta get some more yarn.
[Buteau] And Isabella is looking
to strengthen her connections as well.
"Isabella has invited you
to a private chat."
Perfect timing, Isabella.
Okay, get out of Sophia.
You are not Sophia.
You are Isabella,
and you're here to flirt.
[sighs] Circle, message,
"Well, aren't you the cutest?
Heart eye emoji."
"The cake you made me was stunning.
Does this mean we are"
This monkey emoji." Send.
Okay. I mean, it's flirty.
It's funny.
Circle official sounds like a big deal.
[Buteau] And the shock of the century?
A commitment-phobe
is scared of commitment.
[Nick] Circle, message,
"I was hoping
you were gonna make me a cake."
"Praise hands."
"I'm not saying it's a sign,
but both of our cakes
looked awfully similar."
"If that doesn't scream #CircleOfficial,
I don't know what does."
Circle, message,
"It was great to see
that the band stuck together."
"Okey dokey."
"I was surprised to see
that Daniel decorated his cake
for Ruksana." Send.
All right. Tea. Well, I wasn't.
Circle, message, "Really?
I wasn't surprised at all."
"I feel like those two have been tight
since the get-go."
"However, I was shocked to see
how much effort Ruksana put in for Kai
and how little Kai put in for Ruksana.
Detective emoji." Send.
So here's Isabella throwing shade at Kai.
I hope he won't think I'm being aggressive
'cause, each time we talk,
I bring up Kai. [chuckles]
Well, it'd be the perfect opportunity
if I was also trying to get rid of Kai.
But now from my last chat,
I'm wondering if I want to align with Kai
rather than get rid of her.
Circle, message,
"Kai reached out to me last night
to talk about Calvin."
"We actually had a very good conversation,
which ended on us both admitting
that we originally had doubts,
but if we work together,
we could both make it to the end."
"Sounded genuine, but you never know."
"Shall we team up with her,
or does she need to go?"
Oh, Nick, no!
She's such a smooth freaking talker.
I still do think that it makes sense.
We have to get rid of Kai at some point.
But now, I'm sort of leaning
towards I could maybe still work with her
until I absolutely need to block her.
My biggest concern about Kai was
that if I kept her around long enough,
she would sneak her way into our band,
and it seems
like she pretty much did that.
Here we go. "This is something
I totally predicted to happen."
"Kai is such a smooth talker."
"We have such a great thing going for us
with the band."
"If we continue to stay strong,
I think we will reach the finale no doubt,
but for it to work, we have to keep
the alliance just between the band."
Isabella is talking some sense here.
Brains and brows. Look out.
We have the key to success.
Like, it is like I can taste the finale.
But if anyone slips, we're all going down.
I always said
Kai was a dangerous smooth talker,
and I think I'm getting played.
That was my worry!
[inhales deeply]
Nick. "Thank you
for talking some sense into me."
Mwah! "I've been struggling
over what to do about Kai all day."
"I agree that she has to go,
but the question is when."
"I absolutely want the band
to make it all the way to the end."
"It was great talking to you as always.
We'll sync up later. #CircleOfficial."
[kisses] I could almost kiss you. Almost.
That was a great chat.
It was good to talk to Isabella about Kai,
because I had I did find myself
considering the option
of teaming up with Kai.
I have a clear head
of exactly what needs to happen next,
and that is
Operation Get Kai the F Out of Here.
We need her gone.
[exhales softly]
Stupid, stupid Nick.
My sweet boy,
it's a good thing you're cute.
It's a real good thing you're cute.
[Buteau] Now, Daniel had
zero cakes dedicated to him,
and he came nearly bottom
of the last ratings.
He's hoping
to turn his Circle fortunes around
with a private chat.
Enter Ruksana.
[Daniel] Message, "I wanted"
Or, "I needed to touch base with you,
um, after the last ratings."
"I'm still feeling down
about getting seventh."
"How are you feeling about
the whole situation? #BrokenAndConfused."
I'm so glad he reached out to me.
Do I feel really broken and confused?
No. But I want her to know,
"Baby, I don't know what I'm doing.
I'm a damsel in distress."
'Cause I think Ruksana and Kai
have a good relationship,
and that would be a strong duo
to pair myself up with.
I wanna give him
the assurance that he needs.
Circle, message,
"I cannot stand you. LOL."
"I cannot stand you. LOL."
"I definitely feel bad
about being rated sixth."
"The whole game basically changed.
The whole"
Y'all, this is it! Yes! Yes! Yes!
She's typing. She's letting me know
the whole game basically changed.
Now, let's change with it.
"We have to make it
to the end, little brother,
but I am worried
that Nick is making his way to the top."
"But I spoke with Kai"
"me, you, and her
now have a stronger alliance,
as James has joined us. Red heart emoji."
I literally just got brought
into an alliance,
and I just had to sit here
and look pretty.
Circle, message, "Kai and James
think Jackson is a catfish."
Message, "I totally agree
with the Jackson statement."
"My gut, from the start,
told me he was a catfish." Mmm.
"In regards to Nick,
I thought he had my back,
but clearly, after the ratings,
I was wrong." Send.
Circle, message, "I think
we all underestimated Nick." Send.
Ashley, Isabella, Jackson, and Vince,
they all seem to be Team Nick.
Message, "I completely underestimated Nick
from the beginning."
"Look at how fast he turned Vince."
Yep. Same.
Circle, message, "We already lost
one person from our alliance."
"At this point,
we need to stay strong together,
have each other's back,
and begin to break up the other alliance."
[Daniel] She is feeling the same way I am
about Nick.
She is not wrong. She is not wrong.
Now we're playing Circle, baby.
Now we're playing Circle.
Message, "This was all so much, but"
All caps. "in the best way possible."
"We need to stick together." Send.
I love Daniel
for having that loyalty to me.
I will always have his back for sure.
Mission Take Every Other Bitch Out But Us,
[Buteau] A Marvel movie
I can finally get on board with.
Meanwhile, the alliance theme continues,
'cause James,
still tied up with his yarn board,
wants to check in with Nick and Vince,
who live in the same apartment and body.
The most connections
I see right now in this house, officially,
once I get some more yarn, is Nick.
Nick is connected
to Isabella, Ashley, and Vince.
We gotta rob Vince from everybody else.
James has invited me to a group chat?
Heck yeah.
I think out of all the guys in the house,
myself, Nick, and Vince,
we have the most in common,
and I actually like Nick.
He seems like a guy
I could drink a beer with
and have a good time with.
So I think I need to talk to those two.
I think it'll benefit me,
because if we do try to bring Vince
over to my group with Kai and Ruk,
then it'll be easier,
'cause he'll trust me then.
'Cause right now he might not trust me,
so I need to talk to these two for sure.
Oh God. [laughing]
Oh, Nick and Vince, of course.
Circle, message, "What's up, my guys?"
"You stood out the most to me yesterday.
Your messages were unique."
"That's how I know
you are genuine." [chuckles]
"I just love people
that are truly themselves all the time."
Oh! [laughing]
I don't wanna go to Boston
and hunt no ghost,
but I wanna win a game,
so that's something I shouldn't say.
Circle, message, "Yes!
Three exclamation points. What a squad!"
"How have you all been feeling
in The Circle so far? #NewGuys." Send.
[James] I'm curious to see
what Vince will say about this message.
I was only the new guy for like 45 minutes
until you came in. [chuckles]
Okay, okay, okay.
Vince, let's be quick with it.
Circle, message,
"Thanks for the invite, James."
"This is a great trio."
"So far, The Circle is overwhelming."
"Is there anyone
I should get to know better?"
As Nick, I actually don't really know
who James's top people are.
I know he likes Kai, but I'm hoping,
with this little camaraderie thing
that we have going on,
that James will actually give
Vince genuine advice
and hopefully give me more info.
I need to take advantage of this message.
It's a good message.
Okay, Circle, message,
"Vince, that's a great question."
"I think Isabella is
one of the most genuine people here
and is definitely worth chatting with."
So, Circle, message, "Vince, I'm going
to put a good word in for you to Kai,
because I know you guys will get along.
She is a firecracker. LOL." Send.
All me and Nick are doing are fighting
for attention from Vince,
and [chuckles] it's it's funny
'cause we're using girls in our group to
"Yeah, go talk to Isabella."
"No, you should talk to Kai."
Circle, message,
"Vince, ditto on what James said."
"Kai is super nice and speaks her mind."
With this emoji. Okay. This is
this is very politically safe right here.
I think that'll work out for me,
'cause I've told Kai that I'm on her side,
and now I have James,
who I know is very close with Kai,
seeing me say that in this group chat.
Circle, message, "Fellas, I want you guys
to know you are safe with me."
"Just keep being you,
and everything will work out."
This is like the most perfect message
James could have ever written.
Vince mostly is looking for allies,
and he doesn't have them yet.
[Nick] This chat was great.
Between me and Vince,
we've helped out my allies,
seemed to strengthen
my relationship with James,
and I don't think James is suspecting
that Vince is a catfish. Win-win-win.
There's two different alliances.
You have my alliance
with Kai and Ruk and potentially Daniel,
and you have Nick's potential alliance
with, uh, Ashley
and Isabella and maybe Jackson.
So what we're trying to do is get
the numbers on our side of The Circle
instead of Nick's side of The Circle.
So, yeah, we gotta get Vince.
He just has to rate with us
instead of them.
We just need to make sure
we got at least one person
in the top influencer spots.
[Buteau] As night descends on The Circle,
the players are keeping themselves busy
trying to feed themselves
[in singsong] This is freaking me out.
-We're ditching this.
-[trash can opens]
-[Buteau] trying to entertain themselves
Just gotta swish it in once. There you go.
[Buteau] and trying to tear down the wall
between sanity and insanity.
Hey, Ash! Quick question, Ashley,
where did you get your roots done?
[Buteau] Meanwhile,
over in a normal apartment,
Nick is enjoying a carrot,
and Vince is enjoying some celery.
Okay, before Nick's actual twin back home
starts getting jealous
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
"Alert!" Ooh!
[all] "Alert!"
Where's my glasses?
"Players, you must now rate each other."
Oh no!
[groans, laughs]
I really don't know where I fall
after today's cake challenge.
There's some strong alliances.
It's definitely gonna be different.
I literally have to base my ratings
off of a theoretical alliance.
"Rate your fellow players
from first to seventh."
[Buteau] Remember,
as well as not being real,
Nick's temporary burner profile Vince
is technically a new player,
so he isn't in the ratings.
[all] Circle, please take me
to my ratings.
Oh my God. I feel really hot.
I actually feel like
I'm having heat flashes.
Is this what it's like
going through menopause?
-[Buteau] How would I know?
Circle, in my first spot,
I would like to put Kai.
To me, she's my bestie,
and I think, if she's in a position
to have to fight for me,
I think she will do that.
First place last time I had my boy Nick.
However, this time,
I feel like I have more trust in Ashley.
She's loyal. She wants to work with me.
We're on the same page.
For those reasons, I'd like
to put Ashley in first place, please.
In first place,
it's gonna be my boy Daddy Nick.
Last time, I was influencer,
and being influencer consecutively
would not be good for my game right now.
I need to make sure
my boy Daddy Nick is up there,
so I know I'm safe
without being influencer.
Circle, please put Nick
as my number one spot.
Nick has consistently reached out
to Jackson and made himself known.
I think that he would have my back,
um, at the end of the day.
Circle, please place Daniel second.
I trust that he has my back
without a doubt.
In third place, I'm going to put Nick.
I wanna give Daniel
my third place position.
I do believe that he is true to his word
when he says that he will have my back
as my little bro.
I'm trying to tank Ashley
and Isabella and Nick
and hope that my girls step up
in that position.
And for those reasons,
I am rating Jackson fourth.
In fifth place is Nick.
Nick and I have definitely built a bond.
It definitely could go
one way or the other.
There's still hope
that he will honor his word
if he becomes an influencer
and doesn't block me.
Circle, lock Kai in sixth position.
I had a conversation with Kai
where she assured me
that she would have my back,
she would not block me,
I was safe with her till the end.
So simply for that reason,
I have to put Kai above Ruksana.
In last place, I wanna put Isabella.
Because Isabella
and I do not have a connection,
it will take nothing for her to let me go
if she gets the influencer position.
In last place, I would like
to give my rating to Nick.
Clearly, he has
a lot of people around his finger.
Clearly, he is a threat
like I thought he was.
If we can get Nick out tonight,
it would be a great position to be in.
Circle, please sub
Submit my ratings, baby!
Ah! "Ratings complete!"
Um, please let me get this right.
God, I don't wanna go home tonight.
I have no clue how this will turn out.
No clue.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] With ratings over for now,
Nick's ready to test out how shady Kai is
by disguising himself as another player
and secretly drilling her for information.
[Nick] I had
a very promising chat with Kai
where she said she's got my back.
I said I have her back,
and I was feeling pretty good about it.
Then I had a chat with Isabella
where she basically was like,
"Dude, you are getting played.
She's just a smooth talker."
But luckily,
I've still got Vince in my arsenal,
so I'm gonna become Vince,
talk to Kai
in order to see
how she really feels about Nick.
Vince has invited me to a private chat?
Let's see how loyal Kai really is.
Circle, message,
"I couldn't help but notice
that we both have black and white photos."
"Clearly, you have good taste."
"I'd love to get your thoughts
on some of the players,
because I am frantically trying
to get up to speed."
"Smiley face." Send.
Typical Vince smiley face.
Okay. Now I just need to figure out,
if he chose Nick earlier with the cake,
I wonder if he's already talked to Nick.
Since Nick is my biggest competitor,
I just need to make sure
that I'm really careful.
"First off,
is there anyone I should avoid?"
Probably should have said "hi" first.
Vince! What are you doing, dude?
Message, "First I would like to ask
if there were any vibes
that felt off to you from anyone
when you first arrived to The Circle.
Thinking emoji."
And send.
Kai has such good answers
to these questions. So strategic.
[laughing] I hate it.
Circle, message,
"Honestly, everybody seems really nice."
"I haven't had bad vibes yet,
but I did get really good vibes
in a chat with Nick and James."
"They are both hilarious!
Laughing cry face." Send.
I gotta play this really, really cool.
James decorated his cake for her,
so I've thrown in someone
that I know she likes.
Then I also threw myself in there.
So I'll see how her explanations
of each person line up.
Message, "Nick and James
are both definitely good players."
"I enjoy talking to them both,
and also Ruksana
is very trustworthy and loyal."
"I would say that your vibes are spot-on."
It's interesting
that she said we're good players.
I was hoping that she would be like,
"James is blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."
"Nick is blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah."
And then I'd be able
to sort of, like, compare,
but it is a good sign.
She is sharing real information here.
All right. Circle, message,
"Thanks for the insight."
"I still haven't chatted much
with Ruksana,
but she sounds great."
"What did you think
of the cake challenge?"
"It seemed
like you and Nick both had a lot of BFFs."
It's kind of good to know
that he's noticing that,
because if he's noticing that,
then other people are noticing as well.
[chuckling] That's a great message, Vince!
Bringing up Nick once again.
Ooh, Vince, you're killing it.
Okay. Message,
"I think Nick and I have a lot of BFFs
because we are honest
and straight to the point,
yet we still radiate positive energy.
Smiley face." And send.
I don't wanna push him toward Nick,
but I don't want to hate on Nick either,
because I do, you know,
have an alliance with Nick.
This is more good vibes towards Nick.
This does make me think that Kai views me
as someone who was being honest with her
in the conversations we had
about alliances. So that's good.
That makes me feel more comfortable
with Kai.
Vince, you've done it again. Well-done.
[Buteau] You played Vince well,
but Kai may have just played
the both of y'all.
With the rating results looming,
some players have gone
to extraordinary lengths
to avoid the alert they know is coming.
[Daniel] This is comfortable.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
[Nick shouts] "Alert!"
Oh God.
Oh, I'm not ready.
I'm not ready. I'm not ready.
[inhales] Here goes nothin'.
"The ratings results are in."
Whoo! Yes, they are.
[groans] I don't feel as good
as I did last time.
Like, if I am eighth or seventh again,
I do not deserve to be here.
If I'm on the bottom,
people are gonna have
some explaining to do.
[Buteau] Remember, Vince is a new player,
so he can't be rated,
and the other players don't know
he's not rating.
I hate not knowing
where I'm gonna be rated.
Circle, just give it to me straight.
No chaser.
Oh, here we go, eighth place.
[exhales] Eighth is rough.
Oh, this one is painful to watch. [winces]
If it's me,
I'll punt kick this freaking dresser.
It's not gonna be good, is it?
-Come on!
-Who we got? Who we got? Who we got?
[suspenseful music crescendos]
-[both gasp]
-Kai is eighth!
Whoo! That stings.
Ugh! That stings.
Oh, they wanted her gone.
They wanted her gone.
Oh, that target on my back was real.
I guess the band
must have just sabotaged her.
-Oh my God. We're not in last! Thank you!
-I'm good!
-Oh my God!
I don't know what this is about.
Clearly, there's a lot
of alliances going on.
I'm shocked.
Okay, apparently, these ratings
are gonna be all over the place.
I have no clue what to expect now.
Who is number seven?
Oh. Seventh place.
I can't deal with seventh again.
Just don't give me seventh.
The seventh better be Jackson.
Please don't let it be me.
Let's see if this is another big surprise!
Seventh place! Who we got?
[sighs] I hate that.
Whoo! Okay! Okay.
Good, good, good, good, good.
What is happening?
She went
from influencer to seventh position.
A lot of people are starting
to play the game.
God, let's see sixth place.
I don't want sixth,
but, baby, it's better than seventh.
I hope it's not Ruksana.
Do not be me. Do not be Ashley.
Oh, this is stressful.
That freaking hurts.
Ruksana's sixth. What is happening?
That girl's my number effing one!
Sweet! We don't have Kai in the top,
and we don't have Ruksana in the top.
My alliances. I have Daniel and James.
I hope they're in good positions.
You see this shit right here?
You see my whole alliance up there.
Yeah, I hear you. I know.
We're gonna have to figure some shit out,
'cause this this ain't it.
Fifth. I don't want fifth. At this point,
I don't know who I can trust.
I just need to keep moving up.
Oh my God. Oh my God.
Five for James. Five.
High five, James. Five.
I'm cool with fifth.
Jackson's fifth!
Oh God!
Okay. Okay, I'm not mad.
Jackson! Hold on! [panting]
Oh shit!
Oh. Oh.
Ugh, another member of the band
down at the bottom.
We went from dead last to fifth,
so I'm I'll take it.
I don't I don't know who to trust.
At this point, I literally have no idea.
[groans] Fourth.
Please let this be Ashley,
not Daniel or James.
Come on, Circle.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
[splutters] There we go. We made it!
Uh, right now,
my alliance is getting they ass beat.
[Ruksana] Ugh.
Might be looking up for Daniel, though.
I have to hope.
So now it's Ashley, Nick, and Daniel.
Please, Almighty, give me hope.
I have no idea.
Knowing my ass,
it's gonna get the effing shaft!
All right, mama. We made it top three.
Third place is the best I've ever done.
[laughs] I'm one step closer
to being an influencer again.
Oh my God. You know, I didn't want it.
But you know what, baby? Hear my roar!
Please let it be Ashley.
Come on. For all things that are good,
let this third position be Ashley.
[blows raspberry]
Yes! Okay, so third place.
I'm living for third place.
So the top two, Daniel and Nick.
Oh my God! Yes! Yes!
Your boy is top two. Let's go.
That's my man.
Come on, put Nick up top. Put Nick up top.
I don't give a shit, bitch.
Give me second.
Yes! [laughing]
Give me that crown, bitch!
Vince, I love you, dude!
[in singsong] Second place!
Daniel, it's in your hands, boo.
It's in your hands.
I think Nick's gonna wanna take out
a heavy player, Kai or Ruksana,
and I can't have that happen.
Nick could go one way or the other.
He can knock me out as a major competitor,
or he can honor his word
and be loyal like he said.
[Nick] Oh, there it is!
Got the blue check.
This is the day
we've all been waiting for.
[triumphant music plays]
Oh, it feels good.
[Buteau] With the influencers chosen,
it's time for The Circle
to make everyone shout
[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-What is this?
-All right!
Let's see what's happening next.
"Nick and Daniel are Circle influencers!"
You better believe it.
Yes. Go, Daniel.
"Nick and Daniel must now go"
"to the Hangout to make their decision."
[sighs deeply] Okay, you got this, Nick.
Don't let him push you.
He's a bigger threat than we think.
I don't feel safe.
One of the two had to sway one.
I'm praying on my life it's Nick
so that I can stay here.
I just don't know about Daniel.
Oh my God. I'm so excited.
We get to block someone.
I get tea! Ooh, let's do this.
I know I'm going.
I am feeling very confident in Daniel.
I don't get the feeling
that today will be my last day.
I hope I'm right.
It's game time.
Nick, he said that he would have my back,
but I just don't foresee him getting rid
of anyone else at this point.
His head is in the game. Yep.
[Buteau] Yep, as newbie influencers,
I'm sure he and Daniel
will be laser-focused
as they enter the Hangout
for the first time.
Oh my God. This is so damn bougie!
It's like this seat was designed for me.
Finally, the king getting to his throne.
This is my destiny. [laughs]
I belong here.
I have been waiting for this opportunity
the whole dang game,
and it's now my time to shake things up.
This is gonna be tough. I can feel it.
Daniel and I are kind of
on different sides.
I don't know
how we're gonna agree on anything.
Oh, tonight is gonna be
a hard-ass decision.
Daniel is not gonna pick James,
Ruksana, and Kai.
We're at war. It is full-out war now.
I absolutely cannot let
a member of the band get blocked.
That will ruin everything.
I'm gonna have to get blood on my hands.
There is no way I can leave tonight
making everybody happy.
Buckle up them damn boots.
[Buteau] Y'all better check
your footwear too, Daniel,
'cause The Circle's about to send in
a little something something.
-[alarm blares]
Ah! It's happening!
[gasps] I thought
we didn't get alerts up here.
This is exciting. This is exciting!
[Sophia] What?
"Tonight two players will be blocked
from The Circle"?
[gasps hoarsely]
Oh shit! Two?
Oh, now I know I'm gone!
[scoffs] Oh, it's Oh!
Oh my goodness gracious.
What is happening?
"There will not be an influencer chat."
[laughing] Why?
I have the chills and the heebie-jeebies.
What a damn game changer that is!
"Nick and Daniel must each choose
one player to block from The Circle."
Oh no!
And then that person is just blocked?
No discussion? No nothing?
My heart right now I I [laughs]
I'm going home.
One person
from each alliance is an influencer.
I have no idea how this is gonna play out.
Not knowing what Daniel is doing
and not having any sort of say
is frightening.
"All players must go to Circle Chat."
They're doing it like that?
Just just one at a time?
Oh my God!
Ooh, it's getting real.
It is getting real.
Kai is my biggest threat
to winning this entire thing.
[theme music playing]
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