The Equalizer (2021) s03e08 Episode Script

He Ain't Heavy

Previously on The Equalizer
I understand why you're doing it.
I know. I hate lying to Mom.
Then you tell her.
I recognize that hip-toss technique.
Mel taught me the same move.
You could've really hurt that boy.
Robyn, I overstepped. I did.
But you need to remember
that we chose this life.
Dee did not.
I decide what is appropriate,
for her to learn.
Not her. Not you.
Your aunt rubbed
shoulders with everyone.
Basquiat even invited her
to do an exhibit with him.
It just wasn't quite ready yet.
In that moment,
I just felt exposed.
Yeah. I-I'm on my way.
Where is he?
Where's my brother?
Where's my brother?
Get up! Get up!
Tell me where Edison is!
Get up!
Tell me where you took him!
Thank God!
Where have you been all night?
I was worried sick!
You know, wh-when you left
that frantic message, I called you back,
but you didn't answer.
You know, and I tracked your phone
to some kid who told me that-that
it was on the street.
I must've lost it during the chase.
The chase? What chase? What is going on?
Something happened to Edison.
What? Your brother?
What-What's going on?
Ruby called me last night,
and she said that Ed had been carjacked.
Except they didn't just take his car
they grabbed him, too.
Oh, my God. Honey, why-why-why
didn't you just wait for me?
I would've helped you.
'Cause it-it happened so fast.
She was hysterical, so I just
I had to
Without anybody knowing
where you were? Come on, Mel!
There was no time!
Harry, I was just focused
on finding my brother.
The driver was my only lead,
and now he's dead.
I have no way of finding Edison now.
We're gonna find him together, okay?
- I'll call Rob.
- Wait, you can't.
She's angry because she found out
I was training Dee behind her back.
No, I don't care what's
going on between the two of you.
This is family.
Figured an early morning meeting
would require coffee.
Thanks, Marcus.
So, what's up?
This doesn't feel like a case.
No, actually, it's about Mel.
She's been training
Delilah in self-defense,
although I expressly forbade it.
Should've put a shot
of whiskey in that coffee.
I mean, she's my best friend.
Hell, she's like my sister.
But the fact that she would go
behind my back like that
Feels like a betrayal.
And I'm trying to move past it.
Sure you're willing to throw
that kind of friendship away
because of one mistake?
It's not a mistake.
It's my daughter.
No doubt.
You know, a wise woman once told me
that the only person you hurt
by holding a grudge is yourself.
I was talking about your father.
That's different.
You're right.
Friends are the family we choose.
Which is why this hurts even more.
Hey, Harry.
Dee! Let's go.
Trish is gonna be here any minute
to take us to the art gallery.
Oh. Mom left early, huh?
- Yeah.
- Was it a work thing or?
She's still mad at me.
You know, I wouldn't
I wouldn't say "mad."
You know, she's just, you know,
working some things through.
I really messed up, didn't I?
She just needs a little time.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We don't have time
for you to feel sorry.
You and Trish talked me into
signing up for this contest,
and now I am going to need your support.
I know. I know. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. And this is your day
and you are going
to win that contest.
Dee, that's not what this is about.
Are you ready to win that contest?
The two of you!
isn't about winning or losing.
It's about affecting people.
It's not about bragging rights.
- Oh.
- Mm. First prize
all-expense-paid trip to Paris,
an art class at the Louvre
and $5,000.
Oh, my gosh.
That sounds amazing, Aunt Vi.
Okay, so there's no part of you
that wants to win
the free trip to Paris
or the bragging rights?
Are you crazy? Of course there is.
Allons-y, ma ch re!
Oh. Hey, Rob.
Thank you for coming.
Listen, I'm so sorry about Dee.
- We'll deal with that later.
- Okay.
What's important right now
is finding your brother.
I asked my sister to join us.
She saw the whole thing.
Ruby, this is Robyn.
She's an old friend
of mine from the military.
She's gonna help us find Edison.
Nice to meet you, Ruby.
No offense, but I've given a
full report to the police, Mel.
What can she do that they can't?
Well, Robyn has a certain skill set.
She's got a way of doing things.
You know what? You're just
gonna have to trust me on this.
We're lucky that she's helping us.
I know this must be tough.
Can you bring me up to speed?
Mel told me you
witnessed the carjacking.
I was waiting for Edison
outside a coffee shop.
I saw his car approaching.
Then, out of nowhere, this
black cargo van blocked his path.
A man jumped out of the car
and stuck a gun
in Ed's face,
trying to pull him out of the car.
It looked like Ed put up a fight,
so the man forced himself in the car
and drove away as quickly as he could.
Uh, the van took off, too,
but I got a picture
of the license plate.
Quick thinking.
The man who got into
your brother's car
can you describe him?
Um, white,
average height, uh, really short hair.
Uh, I know it's not much.
No, it's still helpful. Thank you.
Here's my cell.
Please, call me the
moment you know anything.
Don't worry. I'll keep you in the loop.
If it's all right, I'd rather
get my updates from your friend.
This is her thing, right?
No offense.
None taken.
Thanks, Ruby.
Eddie should've just given him his car.
God knows what that guy
did to him by now.
All right, babe, don't go there. Okay?
You know, if we can find
footage of the carjacking,
we can I.D. the guy, okay?
Uh, because, uh, Ruby's description
was too vague to be helpful.
Not a fan?
Don't get me wrong
I love Ruby, you know?
She's like a sister-in-law to me.
Just, you know,
she-she's just so condescending,
the way she talks to you.
You know? Like she's better than you.
Which, obviously,
also makes her delusional.
Why does she speak to you like that?
Oh, man, it's a whole thing.
Ruby thinks that I'm wasting my life
because it doesn't look like hers.
Her husband's a banker.
They've got three kids.
The house in Connecticut
with the yard and the dog.
And, you know, I run a bar.
Oh, God. You don't just run a bar.
I know. But in her mind,
I never grew up.
And our brother Matthew's
serving overseas
and Eddie and I are in the city,
so she is the one who
takes care of our parents.
She takes 'em to the doctor,
the grocery store.
She cooks, she cleans.
Yeah. So a little resentment.
Yeah. Well, we've offered to help,
but she insists that she's got it, so
It's 'cause she's a control freak.
She just likes things done her way.
The "right" way.
To be honest, Ruby and I
were never really close anyway.
Me and Ed,
we always had each other's backs.
Since the day he was born,
I've always looked out for him.
We're gonna bring him home.
I got it.
I got Ed's car.
This looks like the moment
he was carjacked.
Just like Ruby said.
Can you identify the driver?
I All I get is a profile.
It's not enough for facial rec.
What about the guy you chased down?
What do we know about him?
Dealer named "Wolf" Machado.
Based on the clock tattoo,
he must've done some time.
You're right.
Michael "Wolf" Machado.
He was in Rikers from 2014 to 2019.
Known associates?
Let's check his cellmates.
That's him! That's the guy
who got into Ed's car.
Jim Voss.
Yeah, he's a career criminal.
Multiple assaults, armed robbery.
Out for three years
on supervised release.
Does he have a phone?
Maybe we can track him.
Let's see.
All right. I found a phone Voss uses,
but he turned his GPS off.
It's all right.
Look, if I can access the router
where it was last on, we might
be able to find him, all right?
What's this?
Somebody sent him a hyperlink yesterday.
Oh, my God.
This wasn't a random carjacking.
Edison was targeted.
Okay. Dante's putting out
a BOLO on Edison's car.
We find that and we find him.
What about the guy who grabbed Edison?
I don't know. I mean,
I haven't been able to find
any connection whatsoever
between Jim Voss and Edison.
So it's likely someone
hired Voss to abduct him.
But who? My brother's a sweet guy.
He's got lots of friends.
He's well-respected at work.
He's a hedge fund manager, right?
Yeah. Vertex Investments.
It's a multinational firm.
Exactly. So it could have
something to do with his job.
Lot of money on the line.
High-stakes transactions.
I tried to access his work files,
but like any financial
institution worth its salt,
it's got an air gap server.
Somebody would have
to go in there in person.
Tell me exactly what to do.
Just give me one second.
most people, this would take hours.
Of course, most people aren't me.
Take this. Put it in any computer
running on the network at Ed's work.
It'll open up a back door.
I'll be able to access
the server remotely.
Done. I'll circle back with you
when I have more.
While Robyn's doing that,
I'll check out Ed's apartment.
Uh, maybe something there
will tell us what this is about.
Hey, we're gonna find him, okay?
It's gonna be okay.
Oh, that's a good choice. I like that.
Aunt Vi?
Is this piece considered good?
The artist is paying homage
to the action painters of the past,
like Jackson Pollock.
Is there anything
you don't know about art?
Come on, Professor,
there's a piece over there
I'd like to get your analysis of.
Best work of art in here.
I'm sorry. I can't do this.
Aunt Vi.
Dee. It's okay. I got her.
This was a mistake.
Hey. Just breathe.
Breathe, babe.
I don't know what I was thinking.
I know better.
Look around.
Look around.
You belong here.
Your work belongs here.
Putting it on display, having it
I'm sorry if I pushed you into this.
I-I didn't
I just want people to see what I see.
And, to be honest, maybe
I was showing off a little.
But you don't want to be here,
it's all right. Let's go.
Let's just go home.
give me a few minutes.
Looks like we're both having
a tough day.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. No, no, no.
No, it's okay.
May I join you?
You one of the artists?
I came in here with so much confidence.
And then I put my piece up and
saw the competition
and felt like a fraud.
I've been there.
How'd you deal with it?
Pinot noir helps.
Which one of the pieces is yours?
That one.
How'd you get the texture
in the brush strokes?
Um, I combined the
sawdust with the paint.
Thickens the consistency.
It's really good.
You think so?
Seeing this painting,
it makes my day.
Aunt Vi?
Come on. The judges are about
to announce the winners.
Let's get this over with.
Hey, babe. What's going on?
Did you find anything?
Someone ransacked Ed's apartment.
The drawers are open.
There's papers on the ground.
The back window was broken.
I honestly I don't know
what he's gotten himself into.
Look, I-I don't know. All right?
But I'll scour every traffic cam,
ATM cam, Ring cam.
We'll get to the bottom
of who broke in, okay?
Thank you.
For being there.
Yes, of course. I love you.
I love you, too.
When he didn't show up for work
this morning,
I figured
he was just taking the day off.
I hope he's okay.
How do you know Edison, again?
I go way back with his family.
How long has he worked for you?
About six years now.
I consider myself
more his mentor than boss.
So then you know him pretty well.
Has he said or done anything
out of the ordinary lately?
Not that I've noticed.
But you should talk to Monica.
She and Ed work together pretty closely.
If anything was going on
with him, she'd know about it.
Hey, Monica? Please help her out.
She has some questions about Ed.
Is he in some kind of trouble?
That's what I'm trying to ascertain.
When was the last time you saw him?
Yesterday afternoon. He took off early.
Just got up and left
in the middle of the day.
It's unusual for him.
Can you show me his office?
Of course.
Truth is, I've been concerned
about Ed since his promotion.
- Promotion?
- Yes.
To executive director.
Some people thought he wasn't ready.
You one of those people?
We've always had this friendly rivalry
with each other.
Even though I was up for the same job,
I really was happy for him.
I am worried this new job
might be too much for him.
I'm so sorry. I have to take this.
Any luck with the street cams
outside of Ed's apartment?
Uh, no, not yet.
But, uh, thanks to that back
door virus that Rob installed,
I was able to access
your brother's work files.
Oh, good. Find anything?
Yeah. No, I did.
It's not great.
It-it looks like $20 million is missing
from one of his investors',
uh, accounts.
A company called ENX Capital.
Went missing? Like, what, he
made a bad trade and he lost it?
Not exactly.
I mean, there are
some deleted transactions,
but it looks like your brother
made a request to wire
that money to a firm in Germany
to execute a trade, but the money, um
didn't get there.
Where did it go?
Um, to an anonymous account
in the Cayman Islands.
Are you accusing my brother
of stealing that money?
No, honey, I'm not accusing him
of anything.
I'm-I'm merely presenting
you with data here.
Is it possible that he did
something like this
ENX caught him stealing
and that's why he got grabbed?
It's not.
I know my brother. He wouldn't do that.
And since when do corporate
investors abduct people?
Yeah. That is a good point.
Okay, let's take a closer look at ENX.
Okay, let's see.
Their business ventures include
an import/export biz,
strip joints, uh, waste management.
All cash businesses.
Money laundering fronts?
Okay, but for who?
It looks like
the Colombian mob.
Carlos Sanchez.
He's the head of the New York
branch. Maybe there's
some connection with him and Jim Voss.
No, there's there's got to be another
explanation for this.
Hey. Dante.
Any word on the BOLO?
We found Edison's car.
it's at the bottom of the East River.
They brought the car up.
The good news is,
there's no body inside.
But they haven't
opened up the trunk yet.
Let's get this over with.
Thank God.
Let's temper expectations.
The current down there
No, he's alive.
I can feel it.
Eddie's not in the car.
I know. Because he's in the city.
I've been checking traffic cam footage
to see who broke into Ed's place.
I found security footage a block away.
Guy walking with his head down.
It's definitely Ed.
So he got away from Voss somehow.
So why break into his own place?
It was torn apart.
He was searching for something.
If I just got away
from the Colombian mob,
I'm trying to get out of town.
Passports? Maybe credit cards?
No, his passport hasn't been swiped.
There's been no activity in his
bank account or credit cards.
Maybe he went back in for cash.
Or something he could sell.
His Rolex. I saw the box on the floor.
He never wore it because
he thought it was too flashy.
Any pawn shop that buys a luxury watch
has to run the serial number
to make sure it's not stolen.
I got it. A Rolex serial number was run
at a pawn shop on 37th and 7th
less than an hour ago.
What was he doing
all the way down there?
That's nowhere near his brownstone.
But it is near Penn Station and
a bus terminal.
He's trying to get out of town.
Let's split up. You take Penn Station.
I'll take the bus terminal.
Sorry, Aunt Vi.
Oh, honey, it's okay. I'm fine.
I actually had a lovely afternoon.
Surrounded by beautiful art
and two of my favorite girls.
What's going on?
I don't know what I'm doing here.
I was counting on this to work.
I'm struggling to pay my bills and rent.
My parents were right I
should've just gotten a real job
instead of dealing with this nonsense.
That would be a shame.
You have a gift.
This painting is beautiful.
The judges don't think so.
Who cares?
When you painted this,
how did it make you feel?
That's how I feel when I paint.
We do this for ourselves.
If other people like it, then
it's just a bonus.
I just
I want to be a really great artist.
You already are.
You just have to believe it.
Thank you.
How 'bout we get that frame fixed?
Thank you.
Eddie! Thank God!
What are you doing here?
It's not safe. There are some
really dangerous people after me.
I know. Let's go.
What? Wait, how did you find me?
I'll explain everything later.
Right now, I got to get you to safety.
- Come on.
- Okay.
Excuse us.
this friend, you were
in the military with her?
Trust her with my life.
And yours.
And this is her place we're going to?
You still haven't told me
how you knew I was in trouble.
Do Mom and Dad know?
Eddie, before we get into that,
I need to ask you something,
and I need you
to be completely honest with me.
Did you steal money
from the Colombian mob?
I didn't steal anything from anyone.
Wait, Colombian mob. Is that
is that who ENX Capital is?
You didn't know?
No. I-I had heard rumors
that one of our investors
was a front for a crime syndicate,
but I didn't believe it was real.
Now it makes sense why they grabbed me.
Well, if you didn't take it,
then where did their money go?
I don't know.
Someone must've set me up.
Who would've done that?
A lot of people at the firm were
jealous I got that promotion.
Felt like I had a target on my back.
Did you tell your boss about it?
I was afraid to until I could prove
that I wasn't the one
who took the money.
I knew you didn't take it.
I knew it with my whole being.
I appreciate that, sis.
But I'm pretty sure the Colombians
don't have the same faith in me.
If I hadn't jumped out
of that moving car
Hey, don't worry.
I'm not gonna let anything
happen to you.
Not much in the way of gourmet eats
around here, I'm afraid.
Are you kidding?
I haven't eaten in 24 hours.
This is awesome.
When this is over, we should have
a big family dinner at Mom and Dad's.
- Yeah.
- We can invite Ruby and her gang,
all the cousins.
We'll ask Lola to make the turon
that no one knows how to make.
And her, um, Kare-kare.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.
It'll be nice to get
the family together again.
What was that?
The motion detector.
What is Ruby doing here?
You said she was worried, so I texted
and told her where we were.
No, Ed, this is bad. No.
Ed, are you okay?
What did they
What did they do to you?
We need to get out of here right now.
What? Why?
You were followed.
What are you doing with a gun?
You two need to take cover right now.
- Now! Go!
- What?
- Rob?
- What's going on?
They found us. I need backup.
What's happening?
Oh, my God.
They took him.
Damn it.
What the hell was that, Melody?
Who took Ed?
Where did you learn to fight like that?
Mel, it's Rob. Don't shoot.
You okay?
Uh, yeah, I'm fine.
What is going on? Who took Ed?
The Colombian mob, Ruby. That's who.
Who the hell are you people?
Look, I know you have
a lot of questions,
but we don't have time
to answer them right now.
Uh, where are you going?
I'm going to get our brother.
What about me? I can't stay here.
You'll be fine. If they wanted you,
they would have taken you with Ed.
The NYPD will be here any minute.
You'll be safer at the station.
Hey, I'm gonna bring him home.
Be careful.
They've had two chances to kill Edison.
- They haven't. Why?
- They want their 20 million back.
They must need him alive to get it.
Well, we know they can't access
the system remotely.
They're taking him to his office.
Hey, hon, I'm slogging through
transactions at Ed's firm.
I figure if we can figure out
who set him up,
maybe we can prove to the mob
that they got the wrong guy.
I don't think we have
that kind of time, Harry.
We think they're taking him
to his office.
- Can you get eyes there?
- Yeah.
It looks like they're already there.
- Hurry up.
- Okay, just give me a minute, please.
- It's not easy to move $20 million.
- 40 million.
You heard me. Consider it interest.
Quit stalling
and make the transfer.
He's going to be okay.
They'll keep him alive
as long as he's useful.
Once they get their money
Look, if your brother is
anything like you,
he's a survivor.
He'll find a way to stay alive.
Thanks, Robyn.
Listen, about Dee
Hey, let's just focus
on finding your brother, all right?
What are you waiting for?
I think somebody changed the password.
Make the transfer now,
or I will kill you
and the rest of your family.
Heard something upstairs.
Go check it out.
Okay, it's going through.
Soon as he's done,
put a bullet in his head.
- Find anything?
- No. All clear.
Get back down here. We're almost done.
Copy that. On my way.
What's happening?
Why'd it stop?
I don't know what's going on,
I swear. It's not me.
- What the hell did you do?
- Let-let me try again.
Hey, I managed to pause the transfer,
but I can't hold him off for long.
You guys got to get in there.
Almost there.
I don't know what's going on,
I swear. It wasn't me.
- Let me try again.
- What the hell did you do?
Maybe you'll work better
with a few less fingers.
No, no! No, no!
Hey, Voss.
It's over.
Send Edison out unharmed
and save yourself a world of hurt.
Make one move, and he dies.
You're playing this all wrong.
Put down your gun.
You first.
I will shoot him.
Not on my watch.
Mel. Mel!
Stop, stop!
That's enough. He's not worth it.
Come on. Edison's safe. It's over now.
Let's go.
Thanks for coming to my rescue.
You know I got your back.
Always have.
I'm glad Mel's brother is okay.
Me, too. But you're still upset
with her about the training
behind your back.
I am,
but it's more than that.
The fact is, I've always kept my private
and professional lives separate.
Walls are all down now,
and you don't like it.
I don't know how I feel about it.
What's up, Anthony?
Glad I could catch you
before you left for the airport.
Who are you?
Oh, I'm, uh, Edison Bayani's
What do you want?
I just wanted to let you know
that your flight
to the Caribbean is cancelled.
Well, it's not cancelled,
the flight's still going,
you're just not gonna be on it.
How did you
Find out about your evil plans?
Uh, well, as it turns out,
I'm pretty good,
some say brilliant, at, uh,
computers, and unfortunately,
that's really bad news for you.
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Eh, fair enough. Let me explain. Um,
so I found it really hard to believe
that Edison would steal
from his investors.
You know, so I decided to do
a little sort of tour
of your work servers.
- How did you
- Ah, don't worry about it.
The point is, after I restored
all the deleted transactions,
I discovered that you were the one
who stole $20 million
and diverted it to an account
in the Caymans
and then pinned it on
my brother-in-law.
I mean, I guess the short version is
you mess with my family,
you mess with me.
This is crazy.
I would never steal money
from an investor.
I mean, it's not really me
you have to convince,
you know, it's your investors
at ENX Capital.
Judging by your face,
I'm getting the distinct impression that
you're aware that they're
a front for the Colombian mob.
Don't worry about it,
you're gonna be perfectly safe
in a prison cell.
Anthony Walters, please
step out of the vehicle.
Place your hands behind your back.
Can you make it tight, you know,
so it hurts a little?
You have a right to remain silent.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I am so glad you guys are okay.
Me, too. Thanks to Mel.
Hey, Ru. Ed's right.
He's here today because of you.
You're a real-life superhero.
I don't know about that.
You are.
Sorry I've
underestimated you all these years,
which brings me to the
millions of questions
that I have.
I bet you do.
Uh, have a seat.
Look, I haven't been telling
anyone what I've been doing,
what I am doing with Rob and Harry.
I hope you can understand why.
Sort of. Not really.
Siblings are supposed to
tell each other stuff.
Oh, right, like the way you
called me right away
when you knew there was trouble at work?
I haven't told you guys
everything either.
My life is a mess.
What do you mean?
I can't keep up with it all.
Taking care of the kids and Mom and Dad.
It's been a real strain.
You've always
said you wanted to do it all.
Why didn't you say something sooner?
You know I'm not good
at asking for help,
but since we're sharing
I'm sorry, Ruby.
Ruby, you do not have to do
everything yourself.
We want to help you.
Thank you.
I guess we've all been keeping
secrets from each other lately.
Yeah, let's not
do that. From now on, no more secrets.
Oh, except from Mom and Dad.
I don't think they're ready
to know what you really do.
Fair point. Finally,
something we can all agree on.
Cheers to not telling Mom and Dad.
Oh, hey, babe.
- Hi.
- Where were you?
Oh, you know, just tying up
some loose ends.
Making sure justice was served.
- No big.
- Oh, that's all.
I can't believe Anthony set me up.
Well, you know, on the upside,
uh, a senior vice president
position just opened up.
Maybe you want to throw
your hat in the ring.
Thank you, Harry, for everything.
You got a good one, Mel. Loyal,
brilliant, and the man
can rock a sweater
like nobody's business.
Have I ever told you how
much I adore your sister?
- Hey, Mom.
- Hey.
We need to talk.
I'm very disappointed
that you lied to me
about training with Mel.
I know. I am so sorry
That being said,
I get it.
You want to have some
say in your own safety,
I get that.
But one of the most important
things to learn
with this skill is when
or when not to use it.
You could've seriously
hurt that boy in school.
I know, and it will not happen again.
Good, because it's not about
just throwing punches and kicks.
You have to think,
learn to use your words, your mind.
I guess I have a lot to learn.
Yeah, you do.
But you'll get there.
Just remember to tell Mel
to teach you all the pressure points.
No matter how strong your opponent is,
they all have pressure points.
Wait, hold up.
You're still gonna let me
train with her?
There's no better teacher.
Thank you.
No more secrets, okay?
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey.
The infamous Trish.
Great to meet you.
Great to meet you, too.
Finally, all my favorite people
in the same room.
Tell them the good news.
Ooh, that sounds juicy.
I got a job offer.
What? Oh, my gosh.
The director of the program
is a good friend of mine, and
he was so impressed with Vi's
work and your delicate touch
with the other young artists,
she got invited to teach
at the Kano Arts Center.
- That is great.
- Wow.
You said yes, right?
I-I-I said I'd think about it.
What is there to think about?
They will be lucky to have you,
those students.
- That's what I said.
- I mean, seriously, Auntie,
you inspire us each day.
It's time for you to spread it around.
You love me,
but that would mean
a much busier schedule
and a lot less time to,
you know, help out around here.
Hey, don't worry about us.
If this is what you really want to do,
we'll figure it out.
Whatever you need,
you have our full support.
It is really enticing, the idea of
shaping the new generation
of young artists.
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