The Following s03e08 Episode Script

Flesh & Blood

Creating those false I.
s for Strauss left me exposed.
It's just a matter of time before the FBI discovers my passport connection.
A father is supposed to sacrifice for his children.
This guy worries me, Scott.
Joe was smart, but he was driven by ego.
He made mistakes.
This guy, I feel like we're always two steps behind him.
Tell me something, Ryan.
Your dreams am I in them? [Vomits.]
Ryan: Joe told me that Strauss kept his acolytes dependent only on him.
I'm not sure what's more troubling, that you're talking to Joe Carroll or that you're quoting him.
It turns out that a Manitech employee infiltrated the FBI server two days before Strauss' trial.
He was here, but he got away.
Is this the guy you arrested? No.
That's Tucker.
He runs this place.
My gut is telling me that Tucker Moore has been framed.
The FBI operates on evidence.
Get on board with finding Tucker, or I'll put someone in charge who will.
Sam? Don't hurt me.
I'm sorry.
That's kind of the whole plan.
I'm sorry, babe.
My meeting ran late.
Again? That's the second time this week.
I know, I know.
Are the kiddos already asleep? Yeah.
Just tucked them in about an hour ago.
You on your way home? Right after I pick up these desserts for the school fundraiser.
I can do that in the morning.
No, no, no.
You've got hot yoga.
Besides, I'm already staring at rows of overpriced cupcakes in this bakery.
Oh, shoot.
I don't see any gluten free.
I'm gonna have to swing by the store over in Clifton.
What did I do to deserve you? Lots of hot yoga.
Don't wait up.
Sorry for the delay.
That was the Missus.
You know what they say.
Happy wife, happy life.
I love this part.
[Grinding, bones cracking.]
Nick: Tucker Moore has been on the run for two days.
He's wanted for multiple murders, including two U.
Last night, his credit card was used at a gas station in Rochester and this morning in Buffalo.
Could be headed to Canada.
Let's grab him before he gets to the border.
You're wasting time and resources hunting the wrong guy.
May Agent Hardy and I have the room, please? I thought I made it clear.
Either get on board with finding Moore, or get out.
He's being framed.
The guy we're looking for is meticulous, he's thorough.
He would never leave such a clumsy trail.
You are chasing a ghost, and innocent people are going to die because of it.
Is that how you browbeat Mendez? No wonder she's taking an early retirement.
Gina's retiring.
She's packing her office as we speak.
I assumed you knew.
I'm sorry.
This all my fault.
It's OK.
It's probably time I left.
This job is in your DNA.
Retiring that's just a knee-jerk reaction to losing your promotion.
Come on.
Do you know why I joined the FBI? Same reason as you.
To get chicks? To save lives.
In the past few years, I feel like I've lost more than I've saved.
But you're forgetting the girl who's never gonna be a victim of Joe Carroll or the boy that's not gonna be corrupted by Strauss, all those people who are safe because you and I did our jobs.
Takes a toll.
There's a new threat.
There's always gonna be a new threat.
Well, if you can walk away knowing that, then maybe you should retire, but if you can't, I'll be here to help you unpack the boxes.
Hey, you.
Oh, so the dinner with my boss and his wife.
Was that tonight? I spent the evening answering questions about where you might be.
Doc, I am so sorry.
You should be.
I'm kidding.
It's tomorrow night, and I'm cooking.
Wow! You are not a nice person.
Ha ha ha! Seriously, though, I need him to sign off on my research study, so it needs to go well.
And you're cooking? Ow! Ugh.
What's wrong? [Inhales.]
Eh, it happened the other night.
You got shot, and you didn't tell me? I work in the E.
I know what happens under a bulletproof vest.
Did you get your pacemaker checked out? Yeah, yeah.
It's fine, it's fine.
I just I didn't want you to worry, that's all.
Why don't you trust me? It's not about you.
Yeah, right.
I know it sounds like I'm lying, but it's not.
That wall that you've been telling me has to come down, I've been building it up a long time.
I mean, I'm chipping away at it, but it's pretty sturdy.
Well, hit it harder because otherwise I'm gonna come in there with a sledgehammer.
Keep pushing me, Doc.
I need it.
Ow! Ohh! Ow.
Deal with it.
Woman: Do you know why you're here? Unpaid parking tickets, I think.
Oh, no, no.
It I killed an awful lot of people.
A sense of humor.
I'm surprised.
See? I'm not all bad.
You're here because the State of Virginia mandates that all death row inmates complete a psychological evaluation in the days prior to their execution.
I have to be sane in order for the State to put me to death? How perverse.
Tell me, Joe.
How are you feeling? I'm feeling hopeful.
[Woman screams.]
Unh! [Buzzer.]
Gah! Agh! [Buzzer.]
Get in! Man: Joe.
Joe! I'm sorry.
Uh my mind wandered for a moment.
What was the question? I asked you if you're ready to die.
Donovan had us run surveillance video from the two gas stations where Tucker Moore allegedly used a credit card.
Wild guess he's not on the video.
Yeah, and the cameras at both locations were accessed remotely.
Footage was erased.
It's another dead end.
I'm telling you.
Manitech Securities is the key to finding the true Strauss student.
We know he was on site to kill the intern.
We know he had to have access to their server and familiarity with their employees to frame both Peter and Tucker.
We were looking at high-level staff with FBI clearance.
Do you think we missed someone? Widen the search, include all employees.
One of them is our guy.
Uh, Oli's playoffs start next week.
Do you think you might be able to make it to the games? I'll try.
Work's kind of crazy right now.
You know, I forgot to ask you.
How was your, um, trip to Philly? Client's happy so I'm happy.
It was Boston actually.
Come here, beautiful.
[Horn honks.]
Here's Nancy.
Is it too late to run? Be nice.
Hey, Nancy.
Hey, you two.
Great seeing you, Theo.
My gosh.
It's been a while, hasn't it? I hear you're a busy bee.
I am, but it's good to be home.
Oh, that's sweet.
I know Cindy and kids have really missed you.
I'm gonna go warm up the car.
Remind Bob he's got my shovel, will you? Yeah.
Did you ask him about Boston? He seems to be telling the truth.
I mean, maybe I'm wrong.
May maybe he's not cheating on me.
Trust your intuition.
He's hiding something.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Got a hit on one of the employees at Manitech Securities, guy named Sam Lewis.
He's a low-level, part-time programmer.
In fact, I had a run-in with him when I was at the company.
Where's his photo? There's one on the FBI database as part of our clearance procedure, but I couldn't get it to print.
So what made him stand out? His record is spotless.
Never sick, always on time.
GPS on his company cell phone shows him only going to work and home.
Never alters his routine.
Either Sam Lewis has no life Or his life isn't real.
He's got that kind of perfect profile someone might fabricate to avoid suspicion.
And we know from the fake passports that our guy is thorough.
I'm gonna grab Mike, pay a surprise visit to Mr.
Should I loop Donovan in? No, not until we have hard evidence.
So I was wondering what do you think of the name Evelyn? My mother's name? Mm-hmm.
I've always liked that name for a girl, and for a boy, I'm thinking Von.
What are you saying? Let's have another baby.
Really? I thought you wanted to wait.
Well, I thought about it, and there's no better time than right now.
Heh heh heh.
Ha ha ha! Mmm.
[Cell phone chiming.]
You know, I got to take this, babe.
Really? Right now? Yeah, yeah, but I'll be right back.
What's happening? I have no idea.
Get it back.
I'm trying.
Pull up every picture you can of Sam Lewis.
Do it now.
Put it on the big screen.
Where is he? He's gone.
You sure this is Lewis' address? It's the one Manitech has on file.
Is it locked? Heh.
I guess we found Sam Lewis.
[Motor whirs.]
Or Sam Lewis found us.
We got to get out of here.
Mike: What's wrong? Um, I feel like this is a trap.
Let's go.
[Car alarm blares.]
Max: Hey! Are you guys all right? We're fine.
[Radio chatter.]
It's just a cut.
Well, that hard head comes in handy sometimes.
What do you got? Found C4 residue in the living room and bedrooms.
It was detonated by a pressure plate hidden underneath the rug.
Anything salvageable? Suitcase and laptop were destroyed.
In terms of bomb-making materials, this guy used simple, off-the-shelf items.
What little survived the blast, it's untraceable.
Mike: Oh, here it comes.
You go a long way to prove your point, Agent Hardy.
Our real killer was posing as Sam Lewis, low-level, part-time employee of Manitech.
Let's run Lewis' photo through facial recognition, get a real I.
We can't.
Every photo of Lewis that existed online, it's gone and irretrievable.
How's that even possible? When the fake identity was created, there was a self-destruct mechanism embedded in the digital code.
I've never seen anything like it.
He's covering his tracks.
He knows we're on to him.
You were at Manitech.
You saw Lewis, right? That's right.
Get me a sketch.
Find this guy before he blows something else up.
You're welcome.
You're disturbing, my, uh outside time, Dr.
What do you expect? You killed a dozen people during your escapes.
I would swap every one of them just to kill you, to feel my knife piercing flesh one last time.
How does that make you feel, Doctor? I hear you've declined to choose a method of execution.
I like to be surprised.
If you refuse, the State chooses for you.
You'll die by lethal injection.
Spoiler alert.
The notion of poison coursing through one's veins has a certain, uh, socratic flavor, don't you think? I understand you invited Ryan Hardy to attend your execution.
We go way back.
Well, he's declined your invitation.
There must there must be some mistake.
I'm afraid not.
Enjoy the rest of your outside time.
[Knocks on door.]
I I want to say his eyes were more oval.
I didn't get a good look, though.
He was wearing glasses.
All right.
We're going offline.
Our suspect has proven that he can manipulate technology.
We can't trust our own databases.
We can't not use technology either.
Well, then use it sparingly with caution.
How's the sketch coming? We'll have it within the hour.
Where are we at on Sam Lewis? Well, he seems to have tailor-made the identity to guarantee the job at Manitech top colleges, great references.
Manitech is contracted by the FBI, so in order to work there, he had to pass a background check.
Somebody real had to vouch for him.
We got to find that person.
[Gwen coughs.]
Ryan, we were just finishing.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I got caught up at work.
Of course you did.
Happens to me all the time.
You're just in time for dessert.
That's the best part anyway.
Cindy: Theo? You guys home? Oli? Rose? Surprise! Cindy: What?! Happy birthday, sweetheart.
You did this? Mm-hmm.
Anything for my girl.
Oh, you look younger every year, girl.
Oh, stop.
Hey, Bob.
Happy birthday.
Oh! I got it.
You go have fun.
- OK.
- Let's go see who's here.
Hi! Gwen's told us a bit about your work, and from what I hear, we all owe you a debt of gratitude.
For capturing Joe Carroll.
His execution's in a few days, isn't it? Yeah.
It can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned.
I wonder what we get out of that.
Excuse me? Malcolm, don't.
Killing him.
It seems like it just perpetuates the cycle of violence that he celebrated.
Joe Carroll has escaped federal lockup twice.
I for one will sleep easier knowing he's dead.
Well, just because something makes our lives easier doesn't make it right.
As doctors, we do everything we can to preserve life, all life.
You agree with me, don't you? Cancer's a living organism, right? Do you hesitate when you kill it? That's not the same.
Joe Carroll is the worst form of cancer.
He has spawned an army of killers, he has murdered dozens.
Some of them were my friends.
So his death is about revenge? No.
His death is about justice.
If you can't understand that, then maybe you should get the hell out of my apartment.
Ryan! Excuse me? Right now! Malcolm: I didn't mean to offend you.
I'm just debating.
Good night.
I'm so sorry.
He is my boss, Ryan.
I was pretty clear that I needed this to go well.
You can disagree like adults instead of throwing them out.
I'm not gonna stand here in my apartment and be lectured by some pompous jackass who has no idea of the risks that we take every day to keep him safe.
Me and Joe were almost blown up today! - You and Joe? - What? You just said you and Joe.
I said me and Mike.
You are really losing it, Ryan.
Great party, Theo.
Thanks, Nancy.
Uh, I don't know how you found the time to organize this shindig with all that traveling you've been doing lately.
Sometimes, you just go to make the time.
What was the name of that company you were working for up in Boston? Ramstead Dynamics.
Hear that, Bob? Doesn't your college buddy Jamie work for Ramstead? Uh, yeah.
Well, what a coincidence.
So you two must have met.
No, not that I remember, but it is a big company.
You you do security consulting, right? Mm-hmm.
Well, that's Jamie's division.
I'll have to give him a call.
Even better, he's coming to town next week.
Let's all get together.
Nancy: I knew it.
That Theo is no good.
I like him.
You take that back.
This household is Team Cindy.
Did you see how he reacted when I told him your college buddy works for that company? Crazy coincidence? Uh.
Bob, you didn't even go to college.
Hey, Nance.
Cat got your tongue for once? Before I forget, I really need my shovel back.
Is it in your garage? Thanks.
Cindy had her heart set on planting a garden this spring.
Now be honest.
Didn't you enjoy that just a little? No? That's too bad.
You're gonna enjoy this even less.
You're cooking? Yeah.
Figured I, uh, dig myself out of the dog house after last night.
You're gonna have to do a lot better than bacon and eggs.
I'm sorry.
After the day I had, I I c-couldn't listen to that guy.
He's not just some guy.
He's a trauma surgeon who deals with the results of violence every day.
It's not the same thing.
I'm not gonna argue the death penalty with you.
I need to get ready for work.
[Knock on door.]
[Knock knock.]
I'm in until we catch him.
Thank you for my party.
Were you really surprised? Yes.
Is that what you've been sneaking around here planning? Heh.
[Doorbell rings.]
- I'll get it.
- OK.
Theo Noble? Yes.
I'm Detective Alvarez.
What's going on? I don't know.
Nancy and Bob Gibbs, they were at a party here last night, correct? Yes.
Sorry to inform you, but they were found dead this morning.
Oh, my God.
I'm sorry.
What happened? It appears to be a murder-suicide.
He shot her, and then he turned the gun on himself.
Did either of you notice Bob acting strange at the party? No.
Not that I can recall.
Did you? [Crying.]
Did we ever find out who vouched for Lewis on his FBI background check? It was a lawyer named Eldon Wyck.
Lewis used him as a former employer.
When Wyck was interviewed by agents last year, he called Lewis "trustworthy, an exemplary employee.
" But nobody at the firm remembers Lewis working there, even though HR has detailed employee records for him.
Because he planted them.
Well, that doesn't explain Eldon Wyck.
Why did he lie for Lewis? Let's go find out.
[Knock on door.]
Nobody's home.
Should we just kick it? It's called a search warrant.
You two have seen one before, right? I put in a motion before we left.
It's good to have you back, Gina.
Yeah, yeah.
Just kick the damn door.
Yes, ma'am.
First floor's clear.
Upstairs is clear.
[Floor creaking.]
Ladies first.
I'll keep watch on the first floor.
[Mike gasps.]
What the hell is that? An ear.
Check that door.
Ohh! Ryan, you OK? Yeah, yeah.
I'm good.
I just just tripped.
Ohh! Ryan, over here.
Hey! Someone's here! [Gasps.]
You all right? Yeah, I'm fine.
Unh! Agh! Ohh! This is very exciting for me to be caught by the famous Ryan Hardy.
Most people would be upset knowing that they're gonna spend the rest of their life in a cell.
I'm a practical man.
Capture was inevitable.
I never dreamed it would be you, and now our names will be linked in history forever.
What's your connection to Sam Lewis? Forget it.
Come on, Eldon.
He can't touch you where you're going.
You don't know this man, and you certainly don't have anything to offer that would make me risk his reprisal.
Sure I do.
I'm a lawyer, Agent Hardy.
There's no death penalty in New York, and there's enough evidence in my basement to convict me What could you possibly give me, a comfy pillow for my cell? Fame.
Our names linked in history forever.
Isn't that what you want? "When asked about Eldon Wyck, "Ryan Hardy called him the worst serial killer since Joe Carroll.
" How do I know you'll keep your word? Picture the headlines if I do.
A year ago, I came home from work to find a man sitting on my couch.
Sam Lewis? Yes.
And he knew everything about me, things I'd only ever shared anonymously in certain underground chat rooms, and he threatened to expose me unless I agreed to act as a reference when the FBI came calling.
It was a no-brainer.
- How do I find him? - No clue.
Come on, Eldon.
You want something from me, you got to give me something back.
Uh, before he left, he he gave me a USB drive.
That's what I used to plant his employee records on our server.
I was supposed to destroy it, but I didn't.
I can tell you where it's hidden.
Mendez: Hey, Ryan.
We've got something.
We were able to isolate Sam Lewis' digital fingerprint from the USB drive that he gave Eldon.
It's as unique as a signature.
It gave Sloan enough to write an algorithm Cut to the chase, Max.
Late last night, the same code that hacked the FBI server was used to break the firewall on an SMTP server in Maryland, and the user accessed the E-mail account of a man named Bob Gibbs.
We need to get Maryland PD on his doorstep.
They're already there.
An hour before his E-mail gets hacked, Bob Gibbs kills his wife and then himself.
Well, faking a murder-suicide, that's a perfect way to kill without risk.
My gut tells me our boy's done it before.
But why kill now? We forced him to destroy his Sam Lewis identity, he knows that we're on to him.
He should be laying low.
Maybe he didn't have a choice.
Maybe it was necessity, a coverup.
He's got some kind of connection to these people, something that could expose him.
We need to get to Maryland.
I'm gonna take the kids over to my mother's tonight.
A group of us girls are gonna go get together and remember Nancy, get a glass of wine, maybe 3.
It will be good for you to get out, see your girls.
Come here.
We're gonna get through this.
We're There will be a car waiting for us.
I think this is him.
- Nancy Gibbs' Facebook page.
- You sure? He changed his look at Manitech, but that's him.
He's deliberately hiding his face from the camera, but he's clearly with that woman.
Let's run facial recognition on her right now.
[Cell phone chimes.]
[Knuckles crack.]
[Breathes deeply.]
Theo, we're leaving.
On second thought, I think we'll all be staying home tonight.
His real name is Theo Noble.
Bob and Nancy were at a birthday party for his wife Cindy last night.
Hose is 15 minutes from you.
Text me the address.
Sending it now.
What have you done with our kids? Shh, shh, shh.
Don't worry about them.
Please don't.
Why? Stop.
Why are you doing this? Because they found me.
Nooo Which means I can't play house with you anymore.
I just want you to know that I'm proud of this family, of what I built here with you and the kids.
I wish it didn't have to end.
Now don't worry, baby.
I will cherish the future we would have had, and I'll keep it with all the others that I've collected.
You won't feel what comes next, and that's my gift to you.
[Rattles door handle.]
The kids! I got a pulse! They've been drugged.
Check him.
He's breathing, he's alive.
We need an ambulance now! [Radio chatter.]
They're gonna be OK.
I can't do this anymore.
- Gina - No.
Coming back was a mistake.
I can't face another door like that.
I can't.
I'm done.
This job steals your soul, Ryan.
You should get out, too, go live your life with Gwen while you still can.
[Cell phone ringing.]
Agent Hardy.
Max, Max! Get a trace on this now.
That's what I'm supposed to call you, right? I go by many names.
You had a beautiful family.
Why couldn't you just leave? Because I control their fate, not you.
You don't control anything now.
I got a picture of you, and this one won't self-destruct.
How did you find me? You're a smart guy.
Why don't you figure it out.
I used the same code to hack into Bob's E-mail that I did with the FBI.
I was rushed.
That won't happen again.
Doesn't matter.
I don't care how many tricks you think you've got up your sleeve.
I am gonna end you.
Be careful, Agent Hardy.
You don't know me.
You only know what I have shown you, and that fact should keep you up at night.
I am the man who will take your future like I have hundreds before you piece by piece.
Hello? Hello? Did you get it? Nothing? Fassine: I'm on fire I'm on fire
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