The Unit s03e08 Episode Script

Play 16

Previously on The Unit Marc granger, you're a reporter for the "Washington Tribune.
" We're gonna take you home.
Where exactlisy this T-1 line? They deserve our help.
Get a chest tube in me.
Who's the doctor here? He's unconscious.
Scapula is broken up.
Could have cut the artery.
Yeah, he's stable.
And the package is secure.
- You did it again.
- All right.
Let's go! Sniper! Get us out of here! Beirut, Lebanon Four shooters heavy gun! We're not gonna be able to shake 'em.
Reloading! I got to get out of here! You talk, I will put a hood over your head and strap it down tight.
- You got that? - Give me a hand grenade.
The next time we turn, I want you to shoot for the left side of that truck.
I want them to see tracers.
Force them wide right.
Betty Blue, Hammerhead is gone.
Hammerhead is dead! You're gonna have to save yourself now.
Keep your heart rate down.
I'm gonna lift your feet up.
Why is that? Face is red, raise the head; face is pale, raise the tail.
What does that mean? I got to keep the blood in my brain or I'm gonna die of shock.
Now you'reinhink tg.
- What's your mission? - Stay alive, sir.
Dog patch zero-six, this is snake doctor.
- Status report.
- Send your reports.
One kilo, india, alpha hammerhead.
Whiskey, india, alpha betty blue.
Three ok.
Snake doctor, say again.
Casualties, over.
I say again, hammerhead is down.
Sergeant medawar, alert graves registration.
Pull the file on sergeant hector williams.
Right away.
We are exfilling to the secondary extraction site.
Confirm the beats.
Snake doctor, do you have the precious cargo? Affirmative.
Amigo, you know that we did not rescue you out of the kindness of our hearts.
What do you want? You interviewed abu saeef, the butcher.
- Four months ago.
- His location.
- I don't remember - You're a journalist.
You're paid to remember things.
I don't know! You see this man?Look at him.
He died for you.
And I kind of liked him.
And it's the butcher's people that did this.
Now, I'm going to ask you one more time: What is the location of the butcher? they drove me to a building, Up a steep hill and then it got flat.
I heard airplanes right above us.
How close? Ten minutes from his hotel puts us in this radius.
Planes approach the airport along this path.
The only hill with a direct line from the approach is here and a plateau here.
That's where the butcher was four months ago.
No, that's where he is now.
We checked with nsa.
There's been chatter in that location.
We have a voice signature.
And a possible visual here.
The butcher is 14 clicks out from here.
Snake doctor, your job is done.
Return to base.
I'm sending in the bravo team.
They'll clean up the butcher.
This is either a job for a thousand men or one.
Snake doctor! Get him back.
There's no response.
- A mr.
Sack, sir, from the white house.
- Which line? Everybody out.
I just lost a man on your mission.
Now, we have a problem and it's bigger than one man.
Is that so? This mission was covert, black in, black out.
Your team screwed up.
That was the old plan.
Welcome to the new one.
Upi is going with a story that american forces rescued a hostage in beirut.
The white house denies american forces were involved because we weren't involved.
Do you read me? Your team needs to be out of beirut now.
We got the location on the butcher.
- Let's go get him.
- No.
Get in the boat.
- You can't go there alone.
- One man.
I'm not gonna tell your wife I've lost another.
You want me to tell your wife? Your wife is tougher than my wife.
Get in.
I'll see you in cyprus.
Al salaam aleikhem.
- American? - Citizen of the world.
My password is salma.
- Oh, that's not today's password.
- That's my password.
- And what does it mean? - Beautiful woman.
What took you so long? I wasn't going to kill you up until right now.
I have something your boss wants.
Forward Base, Cyprus How did we get here, buddy? If we'd left from the south exit, we could have covered the rooftops for snipers.
If we'd flanked the truck don't brother.
It's not worth the time.
I don't want any toe-taggers touching his body.
One of your men never showed jonas blane.
Is that so? Well, here's how I square it either you purposefully lied to me or your man's gone rogue.
These are my choices? - Did you order your man back in? - I did.
- Is there a reason you neglected to tell me? - Operational security.
- I have a-16 clearance.
- How happy you must be.
- I have the clearance.
- Then you know what the mission was: Rescue the hostage, see if he can lead us to abu the butcher.
Get this blane character the hell out of there.
- We lost radio contact.
- How is that possible? I told him to shoot the radio.
I'm telling you that I'm not wearing a saddle, so stay off my ass.
- You've got some loose ends.
- And what might those be? The journalist.
- Your little secret operation's going to end up on CNN.
- I've got a check-rein on it.
You'd best have.
The president is going on national television tonight to announce his mid-east peace accord.
He calls it his legacy.
So if you can't change that reporter's mind, the saddle's going on.
- You're wounded.
- It's not my blood.
- How is he? - Somebody did some heroic field surgery.
A bullet that close to his artery.
Which one of you? Well, your friend is going to make it.
He's in pain but stable enough to be medevaced home.
You look like a rock star.
Drugged up and strung out.
Looks good on you, dude.
- They're going to medevac you.
- Where's hector? - He's right behind you.
- Then I'm staying.
We're going to get you home.
Hector's on his way.
There's a concern about loose ends.
I understand what I have to do, colonel.
The journalist was not rescued by americans.
- No, sir.
- Tell me what you need.
Well, he's been stockholmed thinks that we're the bad guys.
So I'm going to need a couple days to put his head back where it belongs.
to a press conference.
- And if we can't break him down? - Mack will stay with williams' body.
Get it clean.
We're running play 16.
Roger that.
- Colonel, any word from snake doctor? - No.
I'm not going to hurt you.
I do something for you.
You do something for me.
And I need your help.
No, I'm not doing anything for you.
I'm an american.
And I'm a journalist.
I've got rights.
You can't hold me.
Nobody knows you're here.
As far as the world knows, you're dead inside a prison or dead in a ditch.
There's going to be a press conference.
At that press conference, we need you to say that there were no americans involved in your rescue.
I'm not going to lie.
We saved your life.
One of our men died for you.
No, I did not ask you to come in - and kick down doors and shoot innocent people.
- Your captors were going to kill you.
- They told me they weren't going to kill me.
- They lied to you.
They killed 11 hostages before you.
They are terrorists.
Now, maybe you think that the butcher is a deeply misunderstood man, but let me tell you something.
He kills americans.
I got pictures.
You want to see them? Four months in that prison, man.
I know they tortured you.
I know it.
I've been tortured.
I know what that's like.
They forced you to say things, they forced you to believe things.
- I get it.
- And now - and now you want me to lie.
- No.
I want you to understand the stakes to which you expose us and the next american in trouble the next granger that we are tasked with getting out.
I tell the truth.
You're a journalist.
That's right.
Ok, tell me, have you ever had to slant a story in order to get to a deeper truth? - No.
- You're a liar.
- You've lost weight.
- You just never saw me in this shirt.
You somehow have gotten uglier.
You want me to shoot him? Give him back his guns.
And these guns made in america.
Long way from home.
I need your help.
And what are you offering me? The butcher's head.
- The butcher can't be found.
- And yet I did it.
I'm half-blind and rolling in money.
I am the enemy of your enemy.
And thus I call you friend.
- And you want your friend to do your dirty work? - No.
- I do your dirty work.
- And what's your plan? A bomb? I need a garage, welding supplies, and a few of your men.
And? When I'm done, x you can drag the butcher through the streets.
Grey's stable, but he's still in a lot of pain.
He's landing at 1700.
When can we see him? - Doc says he'll be out in a week.
- And hector we all know the drill, and I thank you all for your help.
I don't think I'm the best person.
These are the orders.
Hector's family? I gave his parents your address.
They're gonna come by and collect hector's key.
- I'll tell annie.
- How close were they? - He wanted to marry her.
- Did she know what his work was? She was ex-army two tours.
She didn't hear the words, but she knew.
Annie, I I have news about hector bad news.
Annie, he's gone.
Oh, I'm sorry, tiffy.
- You're sorry? - You knew him for years.
He was just a guy I met.
He was in love with you.
Yeah, well, not me.
Never fall in love with a soldier, especially one pretending to be a logistics clerk.
- That was my rule.
- It's a good rule.
- Um, what happened? - They'll never tell us.
And you're ok with that? - I'm getting used to it.
- Yeah, well, not me.
You know what I liked about hector, that he was - he was a straight shooter.
- Right from the heart.
- You want a tequila shot? - Yeah.
That's water, baby.
That's water.
Come on.
Sergeant, I'm the M.
E Captain bowen.
Let's see what we got here.
This is your buddy's chest cavity.
You've got a foreign object right here a bullet.
And you were there when it was fired? Yes, sir.
With your permission, I need to handle the body.
Looks like it came through the neck here, snapping the cerebral cortex he wouldn't have felt anything and then into the chest cavity, where it lodged here.
That's what we figured.
Downward angle, through here.
- I'm going to need the bullet.
- Of course.
- What's the cover story? - Play 16.
I'll issue the death certificate, and we'll prepare the remains for burial.
No traces of beirut on the body.
We'll take care of him, sergeant, with respect and reverence.
I'll stay.
That's not necessary.
Thank you, sir.
I'll stay.
It's not the truth.
Well, what do you want people to hear, the facts? That's right.
The facts.
You held a gun to an american soldier's head.
That's a fact.
You pulled the trigger.
How's that for a creative headline? - The gun wasn't loaded.
- You didn't know that.
You have one of our secrets, and we have one of yours.
You want to trade? Those are his personal bodyguards.
That would indicate that he's in there.
He's inside.
I can get you close to him slowly.
Slowly works, all except the slow part.
There's a lot of men.
There's more inside.
They will die for him.
You turning shy? Revenge is a dangerous thing, my friend.
And I will not send my men to die for another man's anger.
I'll go in first.
You don't like what you see, turn around and go home.
You're serious? This mongrel sold you out to the butcher.
What do you suggest I do to him? He's your problem.
He gave you up.
It's not safe to go.
He'll have more security.
Because of this mongrel, the butcher will now expect you and kill you.
I'm still going.
He's your problem, not mine.
Here's how I solve my problems.
Now he's someone else's problem.
Granger, what are you doing? Gimme that.
What is this? You're a murderer.
You publish these words they just killed people they get me killed, and they get you killed.
- You gave me your word.
- I didn't give you anything.
I don't have anything to give.
Make sense of this! There are people ready to declare you an enemy combatant right now just to shut you up.
Do you want to vanish? - You're threatening me.
- No, I'm not threatening you.
I'm your friend.
I'm the only friend you got.
But I'm losing my patience.
Then I want something.
If I'm going to chuck my journalism degree, I want something.
- What? - The guy who died, your friend be very careful.
Who was he? What was he like? You don't deserve it.
- Something - you're not worthy of knowing his name.
Something, please, to make this real.
White house? Nsc.
It was my mission, the oversight.
So I feel connected to you and your colleague, sergeant williams.
You want water? Ice cubes?Anything? - You caught a bullet, huh? - Yes, sir.
I just wanted to drop by in person to offer our thanks, but I'm not here just as you weren't there.
I need to make sure we're all on the same page.
What page is that again? You were there, and you took the hit.
Your friend took the hit.
We're a team from the top down.
I want to make sure we've got it straight.
Got it straight? That none of it occurred.
You mean my friend, hector williams, who was a good soldier, none of that occurred? Easy enough, right? I'm looking for the senior chaplain.
I'm a chaplain, not the senior one.
Will the senior chaplain be back? There's a war happening.
That's where he is.
Colonel ryan's command issued a request for the chapel for thursday at 1200 hours.
He authorized me to I have the paperwork.
The deceased was with the 303rd logistics? Sergeant hector williams.
- You're related to the deceased? - No.
He worked with my husband.
The body will be sent to his hometown.
Yes, sir.
His family elected to bury him in a family plot.
- He could have been buried at arlington.
- Yes, sir.
And we'd like to do the memorial service for the unit here at the chapel.
We're doing a group memorial in two weeks.
I'm sorry.
Did you say group memorial? It's army policy.
We're short staffed and this is our If you want to look for a later date, that's what's available.
We're authorized for a memorial service.
Colonel ryan can confirm that.
- If you want me to call him - no, ma'am.
The last thing I need to do is bother a colonel.
As far as getting the chapel ready, I'll do what I can.
But we ran out of candles two months ago; I don't even have a budget for windex; I am sorry for your loss, but my staff is me.
Your staff just doubled.
So at this press conference what do you want me to say? What did jesus say to the revlon lady? "Don't talk to me about nails.
" You're a writer.
Think of a daring escape.
Write your ticket.
You're the hero of this story.
That's what you really wanted, isn't it? No.
What I wanted was to show the people the tragedy happening there.
The truth is talk shows, lecture circuits, a million-dollar book deal.
Think about it.
You didn't become a priest, you became a journalist.
A man escapes from a half-dozen armed guards.
People will want to hear that story.
You tell that story, and people will listen to that man, if he wants to talk about lebanon.
I plan to press disciplinary actions.
And you were up there - checking his cover story.
- And why? - To make sure - to make sure that what, he held his water? That's right.
What do you got in your pockets? Empty them out.
- Are you kidding? - No.
Empty them.
- Where's your body bag? - I don't have a body bag.
But each soldier in the unit carries their own body bag.
And until you carry one, you don't deserve to talk to my men about their code.
They signed on to not exist.
For them, there is no legacy.
These men die for each other, not for you or for your boss.
These men are warriors.
You think you need to remind them about their codes of silence? They answer to a higher code, friend.
Let's keep this meeting on point.
Your man attacked me.
A seriously wounded man on his back attacked you? Yes.
Well, he may have dinged your ear, but I'll break your jaw.
Now, get the hell off my base.
Hello, butcher, come on down.
We'll take the butcher and you.
you have understand things change.
You owe me from tripoli.
The butcher's death will even the debt.
Your last act on earth will be to see your enemy die.
He murdered my friend.
Let me have the honor of killing him.
No, he's right.
One last gift.
Imagine how this will play all over the world.
We got a boat to catch.
Got your message.
I just got, you know, these things going on in my head.
Me, too.
I didn't know where else to go but here.
You were with him.
He just kept telling me I'd make it.
And we talked about you.
You know, he was crazy about you.
Me, too about him.
I just needed to say that to somebody.
He knew.
- I need your help.
- Anything.
- Can you help me get out of here? - No way, soldier.
- You were a medic.
- Yeah.
And do no harm to others.
You broke your scapula, and you have internal bleeding.
- Just take these out.
- You're gonna need that for the pain.
Ok, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, look at me.
Where exactly do you think you're going? Hector's parents are here at the apartment.
- For how long? - I don't know.
They're packing up his things.
I need to see them.
I promised him.
- Good morning.
- Mrs.
Your service isn't for two days.
I know.
I bought supplies for your other services flowers, candles, windex.
You bought those? Hey, mrs.
Brown, I held a sunrise service in the woods this morning for 19 wiccans all army.
That's my job serve all faiths.
Why are you doing this? I want it to be a good service for all of them.
Then you're a good woman.
No, I'm not good.
Every time my husband goes on a mission, - I pray.
- That's good.
No, I pray that if someone has to die that it won't be him.
If someone dies, I feel relieved for my baby, for my family, that it wasn't him.
This time, god answered my prayer with one of my husband's friends.
God answered my prayer.
And mrs.
Williams, I'm charles grey.
- You were hector's best friend.
- Yes, sir.
We shared this apartment.
I'm sorry.
We just wanted to get his things.
No, ma'am.
I understand.
Do you want to sit down, son? No, sir.
- You were wounded? - Yes, ma'am.
With my son? Yes, sir.
- They didn't tell us.
- No, ma'am, they wouldn'T.
Look, I wanted to see you personally.
I promised hector I would.
I know he'd have done the same for me.
Thank you.
I made a pot of coffee.
I'd love that.
You were with hector when he died? I I'm not going to lie to you.
There are things that I can't tell you.
And I'm not going to lie to you.
I don't need the details, just the essence.
The essence, sir, is your son saved my life.
We captured the butcher.
Killed? Captured.
It was our mission, just like saving you.
That thing, that didn't happen.
You remember that? That's right.
You ready? The press is just on the other side.
He liked ice in his beer, the man who died, my friend.
He liked ice in his beer.
As his commanding officer, I need you to sign this form, releasing his body.
It's been an honor.
He's awfully pretty.
He always was.
Time to go home, hector.
Detail, attention! Present arms! Order arms! You brought him home.
That is a sacred duty.
Well done.
I knew you'd go back.
You played me.
I know you.
Not going back wasn't an option.
He was like a brother to me, colonel.
Thanks for coming.
Makes a lot of stuff seem unimportant.
Do unit citations go flush or above? Flush on the pocket seam.
And are you going to put his regimental insignia on his uniform? Yes.
And where was his home regiment? "In omnia paratus.
" "In all things prepared.
" No medals, right? Ribbons, yes.
Medals, no.
He has a silver and bronze star.
And a purple heart.
And he'll be getting another purple heart? His parents will.
What are you doing? I'm spit-shining jump boots.
You shouldn't spit.
I need to see myself in them.
When are we going to tell her? Marc, you escaped single-handedly.
You got yourself out of beirut.
How does it feel to be an instant hero? I'm not.
There's talk of a book, maybe even a movie deal.
How does it all make you feel? Lucky, very lucky.
But being a prisoner for so long gave me a lot of time to think - about the political situation in lebanon - that's good enough.
Not yet, it's not.
Came to get my dress uniform.
Um, I moved it.
You being here without an M.
could get you fired.
Guess I'm counting on you not to turn me in.
Tiffy Quiet.
I need you to get this in hector williams' hometown newspaper first class sergeant hector williams was transporting documents across an airfield in turkey, when an unexploded ordnance blew up, rolling his jeep.
He died instantly.
The 303rd logistics unit and the fort griffith command expresses their condolences.
His whole life he's been defending his country, and at the end that's what he's going to get? That's play 16.
Run it.
And what greater love hath any man but to give his life for his brothers? Amen.
Here, sir.
Here, sir.
Here, sir.
Here, sir.
Sergeant williams.
Sergeant first class hector williams, born november 16, 1976, oldest son of george and carole williams, killed in action.

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