Trying (2020) s03e08 Episode Script

The End of the Beginning

"So in conclusion,
I do not believe that Nikki
and Jason are the correct match
for Princess and Tyler."
Well, that was thorough.
Look, it's not that bad. It's
Jase, it was dark when
you started reading it.
- Is she really gonna say that in court?
- Yep.
- Yeah.
- I don't believe this.
- Yeah.
- What does that even mean?
Does that Does that mean
we're gonna lose the kids?
Well, they're not ours to
lose, are they? Not yet.
Let's see what happens
at the hearing today.
Three months ago, I thought
we were gonna get the kids.
I thought we were gonna get married.
I thought we were
gonna live in this flat.
- And now
- Nothing is gonna stop us
from getting married. Okay?
Even if we're homeless.
I actually quite like
outdoor weddings, so
I just really had a vision, you
know? Just of the kids being there.
let's just hope we don't
lose them then. Hey.
It's not a wedding without kids.
You're thinking of Christmas, but okay.
- You want a cup of tea?
- I'd love a cup of tea.
Do you know what?
- Let's do it.
- Do what?
Get married.
Let's get married.
We've already been through
this. I already said yes.
It's not a driver's license.
- You don't need to reapply.
- No, I mean today.
- What are you talking about?
- Let's get married.
Let's get married today while
we've still got the kids.
Why not? I've still got the license
from when I asked you three months ago.
Are you being serious?
Look, we want them to be there. Right?
And this might be the last day
that Forget it. I'm being silly.
Forget it. It's all right.
- Yeah. Let's do it. I wanna do it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah? Okay. Okay. Okay.
- I wanna do it!
But we've got a court hearing at 3:30.
How are we gonna arrange
a wedding before 3:30?
Well, we've got two
little helpers, haven't we?
Oh, absolutely. Yeah, no.
I'm, uh I'm happy to hold.
Wake up! Wake up! Everybody, wake up!
So, guys, are you feeling a bit crazy?
- No.
- No.
- Oh. Oh, okay. Okay.
- Yeah. Okay, understood.
- Yes.
- It's 'cause we wanna get married today!
All right, yeah. Keep that. We'll
take that. Thank you so much.
Brilliant. Listen,
they've got a slot at 1:30
because Emily and Paul have broken up!
- Yes!
- Yes!
So, who's in charge of what?
- Outfits!
- And food!
- Oh!
- Okay then.
So, you're doing outfits.
You're doing food.
What are we waiting for?
Let's go and get married!
Come on, kids. Let's go brush our teeth.
Outfits? I mean, outfits
are the whole thing.
It'll be okay.
Okay. Your dad said he'll meet us.
All right. Great.
Listen, in terms of rings,
don't think we've got the money,
or the time to be able
to get anything that we
No, I don't care about rings.
- That's not important.
- Okay, good.
Here we are!
Oh! Don't tell them it's for a wedding.
They double the price for weddings.
Okay. Come in, you.
- Hiya.
- Hi.
Um sadly, uh, we have
an-an-an unexpected funeral.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, so we need just
some flowers quickly.
- Sure. Yeah.
- I don't suppose you have anything, um,
just like just
like cheery and bright?
- It's what he would have wanted.
- Sure. Yeah.
Uh, Ellie? Can you show this
lady some hellebores, please?
- Thank you.
- Okay.
You okay?
Yeah. Good. Thank you very much.
Yeah, yeah. All good. All good.
It was all quite quick, I hear.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was
about an hour ago now, so
- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
- Was it Was it peaceful, at least?
- Not really. No. The kids were screaming.
To be honest, it's something we've
been thinking about for a while,
so it-it does feel good to finally
pull the trigger. You know?
Now stop talking to her, please.
- These are perfect. Thank you. Yeah, yeah.
- Sure. Sure.
Okay, so, uh, 45 for those ones.
Right. Any Any
discounts for funerals?
Um, I could do them for 40?
Oh, yeah. Great.
Okay, so, flowers are done.
Come on. Bring it in. There you go.
All right, let's get going! Come on!
There he is. Hello!
- Hello!
- Hi.
Thank you, Vic. It's just
much easier if we split up,
so we'll meet you there.
Okay, so these two are in
charge of outfits and food.
- No, food and outfits!
- No! Food and outfits!
I don't know what we're doing, but
I suppose we'll get on and do it.
- Come on.
- Yeah, you two. Okay.
- Bye! Bye, bye, bye!
- All right then. So
Okay, no. Jase, I really shouldn't
be seeing you before we get married.
- It's bad luck.
- What are you talking about?
We've been looking
at each other all day.
No. Actually, I've been blurring
my eyes since about 9:00,
but now I've got a headache,
so we should split up.
I'm gonna go and find something blue,
something borrowed, something
new and something old.
I've never heard it in that
order, but good luck with it.
- Will you make sure you invite everyone?
- Don't worry. I'm on it.
- Ow! Open your eyes.
- I'm so sorry!
- No! No.
- Open your eyes.
I'll meet you back here in an hour.
- Okay?
- Okay. Bye!
The wedding's at 1:30,
and the hearing's at 3:30.
I don't I don't have that long,
so literally anything borrowed is fine.
No, I'll find them.
Knock, knock.
- Mazel tov.
- Oh, thank you.
- I'm in a bit of a rush, Scott.
- I've written you a poem.
Oh, please no. No way. That's amazing.
- Isn't it? Yes.
- Yes.
And I have hung up my quill, so
to speak. So this is my last one.
I want you to have
it. Serving suggestion.
Pair it with Vivaldi and a nice
glass of Cognac. Nothing after 2005.
- Oh.
- Oh, and speaking of toasts.
I don't think there's anything
more satisfying than a toast
from a glass you've blown yourself.
Scott, I did tell you I would work in
that you've been to
a glass-blowing class.
You don't need to do that.
Oh! Oh. I found them.
- What are these?
- My earrings. Something borrowed.
These are mine. You stole these.
- I did not!
- Karen, how long have you had these for?
I can't believe you.
- I have been asking you
- I want you to be godmother.
I know you only did that
to change the subject,
but I really don't care.
Oh, and don't read the poem out loud.
There's, like, five
lines from Keats in there.
Fine. This can be my
something borrowed then.
I just need something new.
Something new.
Yeah, no, I got that.
I hate this. I mean,
they all look the same.
The rings are my favorite
bit. I love a big gesture.
It was the little
gestures I couldn't do.
What, like not having an affair?
If you're happy to spend a bit
more, we do have some 18 karat.
Wow, they're lovely, aren't they? Yeah.
Lovely sort of weight to 'em, you know.
Okay No. That's too much.
Yeah. No, you're right.
Don't even get her a ring.
Just get her a book token and
some bubble bath. She's worth it.
Yeah, she is. She's
worth it. So, would I
would I be able to, um,
pay this in installments?
- If I can make most of it now
- Oh. Sorry.
- and then I pay the rest next month
- I'm afraid not.
Okay. All right.
- Those are the ones, though.
- I haven't got enough, have I?
- I'll stand you the difference.
- What? No.
I've got to pay for them.
That's what three weeks of
surge pricing is all about,
to be able to afford four-fifths
of these rings. I mean
You are buying them yourself.
You're gonna pay me back. Come on.
I can lend my best and only friend
a few hundred quid for a month.
No, I can't do that. I can't do it. No.
Say yes.
- No. No, mate.
- Hey, hey
Say yes.
- Yes.
- Ah!
- Have you got everything?
- Hello.
Pretty much. Did you invite everyone?
Oh, yeah. I sent a group text out, so
It took Karen eight months to do hers.
We've done this in a morning.
And I stopped for coffee.
We should organize the
next Olympics, babe.
I mean, I've got more writing
on my hand than most brides.
- What about this one here?
- Music. Yeah. No, but that's okay.
I mean, we were never gonna
get music in a morning, were we?
No. No
Yeah, sometimes ♪
It's hard to lose control ♪
Oh, this is crazy. My only son,
and this is how you're doing it.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I haven't had a minute to get
ready. I was at bridge club.
Sandra, you look amazing.
Yeah, well, I hate most of my
friends, so I dress up to outdo them.
- Oh.
- Oh, come here, you two. Oh!
Welcome, welcome. Cheerio?
Haribo? Regular. Tangy.
Ooh. Um, I'll have a tangy.
Good choice.
- Hi. Hiya
- Hello, Jen.
- Yeah. Yeah, we can do it.
- Nikki.
- Oh, my God! Jen! Oh!
- Oh!
I'm sorry. I'm quite sweaty.
I came straight from yoga.
- But I can sit on my towel.
- Stop it.
Um Um, I brought
Tinkle. Is that okay?
- Yeah, that's fine.
- And her boyfriend.
- Hey.
- Oh.
He's so nice. We all really get on.
Jen, I just I didn't
think you were gonna come
considering I did
fire you five days ago.
Oh. Yeah, I'd totally forgotten that.
No, it's the best thing
that's ever happened to me.
Tinkle and me have gone
into business together.
- It's called Jinkle.
- Oh, God, that's so cute.
- What's your business?
- It's an on-site delivery service
for construction materials
and roofing supplies.
Oh! Oh, okay! Oh, that's great!
God, I'm so nervous.
Oh, don't be.
I mean, it's definitely challenging
given the lack of inventory data,
but we're outsourcing
recruitment and scaling up slowly
depending on funding streams.
Right. Okay. Well Well,
that-that is reassuring.
Bloody hell, where have you
been? We're on in ten minutes.
What? Well, you let them choose
the outfits. Here's yours.
We should never have let them read
those old books that Mum gave us.
She crossed out all the racism bits
but then left in all
the bloody sexism bits.
It's all right. We're just
on the right side of quirky.
Thank you. What time is it?
Oh, 1:30. We need to get a wiggle on.
Come on, you. Let's do this.
Paul was really into owls.
Unfortunately, Emily wasn't.
Hence the, uh, cancellation.
- Ah.
- Shall we?
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Well, this is a bold choice, isn't it?
- Isn't it?
- Aw.
- Mmm.
- She misunderstood flower girl we think.
- Right.
And we're not quite sure what
the giraffe's about, but, uh
Hey, Dad! Come on!
- Right?
- Yeah.
- Lovely.
- Thank you.
- You okay?
- I'm good.
Oh. These are for you.
I think we might have
just tipped into quirky.
- I'm sorry.
- No.
No, this is exactly how
I'd always imagined it.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we're here today to marry
- Except quickly.
- to quickly marry Emily and Paul.
- Nikki and Jason.
- Sorry.
Uh, Nikki and Jason. Uh,
before their friends and family.
Um, I believe you have some words
you'd like to say to each other.
- I do, actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, you go.
- Nikki.
- Mm-hmm?
- From the moment that we met
- Yeah.
- I knew I would always love your
- Right.
- Okay, smile
- Yep.
your energy, your boundless
joy, kindness, bravery,
empathy, understanding, sense of humor.
Goodness me.
Nikki, do you have words
Dependable, romantic, decent, fun.
Uh, the way you look when you laugh.
Um, face.
- Okay.
- It's fine.
- We know how we feel about each other.
- Yeah.
Jason, will you take Nikki
to be your wedded wife,
to share your life with her,
to love, comfort and support her,
whatever the future may bring?
I will.
And Nikki, will you take
I will, yeah.
It is, um, an ancient tradition for
a bride and groom to exchange rings.
Oh, we're not We're not doing rings.
Look out. Yeah.
- Jason!
- Well done, mate.
There you are.
Are you sure it fits?
It fits.
- I don't know if that one does.
- Okay.
Okay. So, if you'd like to sign
the register, you're married.
No, wait, wait, wait.
Sorry, I want to, um
I want to say something, uh, proper.
Oh, God. I'm not good at
saying the right thing.
Whenever you talk about being happy,
you always sound like a right idiot.
Don't you?
But maybe being happy is
is not caring whether
people think you're an idiot.
So I'm I'm just going to say it.
I am so in love.
And I'm so happy.
Have I ever told you ♪
How good it feels to hold you ♪
It isn't easy to explain ♪
Oh, okay.
You think we should tell
them we're not Emily and Paul?
- No, I want a photo with the owl.
- Okay. Careful.
And though I'm really trying
I think I may start crying ♪
There he is.
My heart can't wait another day ♪
When you kiss me I just gotta ♪
Kiss me I just gotta ♪
Kiss me I just gotta say ♪
Baby, I love you ♪
Baby, I love you ♪
Baby, I love, I love holding you ♪
Give her a kiss.
All right, get a room.
- Congratulations. Fantastic.
- Oh, thank you.
FYI, um, I think I might
have made you a bit of money.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Just, uh, shorted something.
Just a small publishing firm.
But honestly, never felt so alive.
Ooh, lovely. Starving.
- Oh, is that for the wedding?
- No, that's a burger van.
- Come on then, you.
- Oh.
Hey, kids. Oh, we're so pleased
that you could be there to see that.
You're gonna go with John and
Jilly for a little while, okay?
And we're gonna go see the judge. Okay?
We just want you to know that
whatever happens, we love you.
- We love you so much.
- So much.
- So much. Come on!
- Come on.
Guys. Hi. Um, is this a good time?
Because I forgot to give
you your wedding present.
So I'll just I'll
just leave it down here.
Okay, come on. Let's go.
- Mum, can you take these and the muffins?
- Okay, sure.
Nikki. Come on, babe.
Mm, yes. Sorry, sorry.
- What are you doing?
- We're coming with you.
Here you go, mate. And
what can I get you, mate?
Do you have any salmon terrine?
I'm afraid we've just
sold the last one, mate.
Arancini balls?
Scott, what are you doing? Come on!
We okay for time?
You've got this.
I can't see her.
I don't think she's here.
- Maybe she hasn't
- Oh.
Okay. Well, maybe
she's changed her mind.
Hmm. No, I don't get that vibe.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- I don't get it. Why does she hate us?
- Well. Well, we're about to find out.
This is it.
Yeah. Yeah, this is it.
- Come on.
- Okay.
Okay, who do we have?
Jason Ross.
Yes, thank you, Your Honor.
Um, I have been trying
to figure out for a while
how I can best express
what these kids mean to us.
And, uh And how
much they've changed us.
And all I can think to say
is, is that when I was a kid,
my dad used to wear pleated trousers
and a button-down shirt on the beach.
And now, he's stood out there, and
he's dressed as a wizard with a wand
that I know, for a fact, he
went back and bought separately.
They've done that in 12 weeks.
Now, we got married today
because we couldn't imagine
doing it without them.
And to be honest, we don't want to
do anything without them anymore.
And that's all I wanted to say.
Right. Thank you for that. I was
just confirming names, though.
Oh, right.
So, Jason Ross?
Yes, Your Honor. That was me
talking, obviously. Thank you.
- Nikki Newman?
- Yes.
And a Mrs. Beverly Reid.
Okay. So, we are here for Princess
and Tyler. Thank you all for coming.
I believe there's a family statement
by Mrs. Reid. Is that correct?
- Yeah.
- Mrs. Reid.
Bloody hell, she's brought dividers.
They have no flat, they have no money,
and they have a gambling problem.
Sorry, that money was
invested. It wasn't gambled.
It's an addiction, like his drinking.
He He doesn't have
a drinking problem.
If anything, he's the one
that's always telling me to
He doesn't He doesn't
have a drinking problem.
They don't dress Princess warmly
enough. Her coat's always undone.
Objection, Your Honor.
Her jumper's very thick.
Tyler never wears his mittens.
Sorry, no, he won't
wear his mittens outside
because he doesn't
want them to get cold.
He drives erratically. Like an
Italian. Might be the drinking.
- Okay, okay. Sorry
- Oh, sit down.
- This is not a rap battle.
- But we're nice people.
They're too nice!
They're not tough enough.
We are tough. We are
tough! I've got a tattoo.
Sorry, I stood up there without
knowing what I was going to say.
Well, this is going tremendously well.
- I don't want them to have them.
- Why not?
I've already lost my daughter.
I won't lose them too.
Is that what you think that we want?
I think we should take a little
break and go back to our corners.
She doesn't hate us.
She just loves them.
- Hey! Aw, there you go.
- Whoa!
I'm headed to the
toilet, babe, all right?
Now, now. Children!
I know what it's like to
nearly lose these kids.
No one's losing anyone anymore.
They'll never be all ours.
We'd want you there.
Tyler! What did I tell you?
What did I tell you, Tyler?
I mean, you'd still only be
the second scariest grandmother.
It! You're it.
I have to think about what my
daughter would want for them.
And I don't know. I don't
- Nik, we should go back in there, babe.
- Yeah.
I think you should go back in
there, and you say whatever you want.
'Cause you're their grandmother,
and you can do what you like.
Now, now.
What did I tell you? Be quiet.
Okay. I trust we've all taken a breath.
Mrs. Reid says she'd like to continue.
Uh, I think maybe she would want this.
My daughter.
Uh, I think that's why
she called her Princess.
Because, uh, princesses get rescued.
Just look after them.
Ah. We should put our arms down.
It looks like we've had
our convictions quashed.
Come on then!
Oh, you.
Giraffes are heavy!
Look at you!
It was really touch and
go for a while there. Yeah.
- Come meet everyone.
- Oh, I can't do that, darling.
- No, we really want you to.
- No.
Oh, all right. Yeah, all right.
Thank you.
Everyone, this is Bev.
- Hello, Bev!
- Hi, Bev.
- Bev, this is everyone.
- Oh, hello, everyone.
So, this is it.
- The end of the beginning.
- Yeah.
I think that this is what
everything looks like.
I'm sad not to do it all in this place.
- Where we gonna go?
- I don't know.
I don't know, but I will be with
you every step of the way. Okay?
Gotta start packing
things up into boxes.
- Best of luck with it. I'll see you later.
- Oh, fun. You're very fun.
- Jase. This is why you lose your keys.
- They're not my keys.
- Mine are in my pocket.
- They're not my keys.
- Did you get some cut? No?
- No. Just check.
They work.
We can talk about rent
when you've got a moment.
I had some money from the house
sale, and I need a revenue stream.
I mean, I will need you out
by the time Lauren turns 21.
Look, I I have this habit
of only realizing how much I
love people after they leave.
So, I think the best thing is if you
two just stay right where you are.
- Oh.
- Bloody hell, mate.
See? Not an arsehole.
Rental rates have stayed
stagnant for a while,
so you may see an above-inflation rise.
All right, this is getting weird.
Rent's due first of every month, yeah?
I mean
- Mum!
- Mum!
Oh, God.
That's me.
Okay, kids. I'm coming.
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