Will Trent (2023) s03e08 Episode Script
Abigail B.
Previously on Will Trent
I started a part-time gig.
Your money short?
Divorce is freaking expensive.
[AMANDA] Caroline.
Freddy. [CRYING]
[WHISPERS] If you stay quiet,
I'll let you keep your tongue.
[WILL] It's me.
It's okay. Come here. I got you.
Hey, just take it to the APD motor
pool, Ang. They'll do it for free.
Have you ever tried to make that
It's a three month wait.
- Obviously I just do it myself.
It's open!
- Well, Will has always done it for me.
- Oh, got it.
So this is an oil change and
a declaration of independence.
- No, it's just reality.
Not everything has to be a thing.
You cannot leave your front door open.
Hey, is that Faith?
Are you really gonna move in
with Ormewood?
Okay, why are you telling people
about this?
Happy Saturday, Angie.
I didn't know it was a secret.
I am here to evaluate
the questionable idea
of temporarily moving in
with your partner.
[MICHAEL] Oh, come on, it
makes perfect sense for both of us.
Did your condo already sell?
[FAITH] We're in escrow.
And once it is gone, we
shall never speak of it again.
My mom wants me to rent it out, but
I don't wanna be a landlord.
I do. Your room's down that hall.
How's your water pressure?
Wait, wait. Mitchell, did he tell
you who he's doing security for?
God, it's not a big deal.
It's not a big deal.
Ariana Madix.
What? Love Island is my favorite.
Kind of a big deal.
- What's she doing in Atlanta?
- [MICHAEL] I don't know.
She asked for unarmed security
in the penthouse suite
at the "Ruby Towers Midtown."
Easy money.
What are you gonna wear?
He looks good, Ang.
He is putting on ChapStick.
Are you You hoping
for your Bodyguard moment?
I love that movie.
When she's wearing the chrome outfit
and he sweeps her in his arms
and whisks her to safety.
It's iconic.
Okay, well, it's definitely not that.
I'm wasting my weekend in a suit
babysitting a promo party,
or a press tour,
or an announcement
of a really cool new project,
or an elite dinner
with reality TV royalty.
Why do I feel like we
should warn her you're coming?
Please. I know how
to keep it professional.
Uh Yes.
I'm Michael Ormewood,
two tours Afghanistan,
13 years with
the Atlanta Police Department.
What are the rules about keeping
someone here if they try to leave?
Uh The rules are
you get arrested for kidnapping.
What if it's for their own good?
Like a psych hold?
Well, you need a qualified
authority to make that determination,
otherwise everybody
would be kidnapping everybody.
Thought I ordered a cop. [SIGHS]
Well, you got an off-duty one. Uh
You wanna
tell me what kind of party
you're throwing here, Ms. Madix?
- Just a little gathering of concern.
[SINGING] Who's ready to get naked?
What the hell is this?
Mom? Dad?
Ashli, you bitch. You set me up.
[CRYING] Ariana made me.
I'm sorry, girl. I'm sorry.
Wait, is this an intervention?
Oh, hell no.
Oh, Rina, we're all here
because we wanna love you,
and we just wanna see you thrive.
Your mom has written what
I'm sure is a beautiful letter.
- "Dear Rina"
"I've told you many times
that I wished you were a boy,
or at least a doctor."
[RINA SCREAMING] This is what
I think of your stupid intervention!
"Have we, your loving parents"
- What's going on here?
- Ashli, don't think I don't know
what's inside
that Stanley cup of yours!
Okay, okay, okay! Everybody just
sit down and stop throwing things.
"wanting you to be
as successful as your sister.
- It hurts me when I"
- [PANTING] I have to go to the bathroom.
Fine. Just let the security
guard hold your purse.
[CHUCKLES] Why? You want me
to show you what's in my bag?
I mean if you're okay with that,
we could just take a quick peek.
Bitch, I am not okay with it.
Take her purse!
Okay, that's larceny.
[RINA GASPS] No! Girl, no!
Give it back!
[GRUNTS] Don't do that!
[GUEST] Wow. No way.
Don't touch that. That's mine!
I don't think you wanna say that
to a cop, even an off-duty one.
"bringing shame to yourself
and to us because we love you."
[LAUGHING] I I got it!
- [MICHAEL] Pepper spray!
- [ARIANA] My eyes!
- [COUGHING] I just told you I'm the cop!
Poor Nico, so nervous.
They squeezed Betty
the whole ride over.
I thought Betty's eyes might pop out.
So, uh, how'd how'd the exam go?
Almost done. Uh I had a head C
and my hairline fracture's healing up.
I love to hear it.
So, how's Caroline doing?
She's, uh, recovering well.
She'll be back to work in a few weeks.
But I wanna hear more about you.
How are you doing?
I mean, I, um
I think that every shadow
is a homicidal maniac,
I've cried three times today,
and I want my mom.
[SHAKILY] Do you want me
to keep going?
Can we have dinner?
Okay. Yeah.
Okay, great. I'll call you.
Hey, GBI! Stop!
Hey! Stop! GBI!
Hey, stop that man!
[DRIVER] I got you.
- [DRIVER] Hey!
[WILL] Hey!
Stay on the ground.
Stay on the ground!
- [DRIVER] I'll cover you.
- On the ground. Hey!
Where is she?
The little girl. Brown hair,
brown eyes. She was with you.
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
What's your name, sir?
I don't have to tell you that.
I told you my name.
And I already forgot it.
You were with a girl.
What girl?
Now you're pretending
she doesn't exist.
You were with a girl
who didn't belong to you,
and you handed her off.
Then you changed your appearance.
You trafficked her.
What happened was,
I was walking through the park,
and you tackled me.
I I don't know anything
about any girl.
Well, I have a witness,
who saw you run,
trying to, you know, get away.
You mean the man
who saw you assault me?
Yes, I expect to call on him when
I sue you and end your career.
Oh. Well, I am shaking in my boots.
I'm gonna identify you,
and I'm gonna find that girl.
You might wanna consider
cooperating before that.
My attorney has advised me
to refrain from further comment.
Oh. Your attorney.
I'll be acting as my own council,
and you have 24 hours to
either charge or release my client.
And would you please
bring me a coffee?
This has been a very long day.
This day's just
getting started. [SCOFFS]
[ARIANA] She's gone. She ran away.
Well, just let me know
if she calls you, okay?
[SIGHS] Thanks.
You were a waste of money.
And you wonder why she ran away.
You could've stopped her.
She maced me
- and my arm's hanging off my shoulder.
- Oh, come on.
How many times do I have to
explain kidnapping to you, lady?
- [ARIANA] Let me see.
- What?
- What are you doing? No.
- Just
It was subluxated,
but not fully dislocated.
You're gonna have to ice it,
but you'll be fine in a few days.
I'm a certified EMT.
I'm sorry if I was
rude to you earlier.
I'm just really stressed out.
And I know that's
not an excuse, I just
I really needed this to go well,
and if something happens to her
I can help you find her.
I'm a detective. That's my real job.
Help me find my friend, and I'll
double your pay, Perry Mason.
Perry Mason's an attorney,
not a detective.
Just shut up and find
my friend, Matlock.
Also a lawyer.
Okay, look,
if she has no phone, no money
Jude. He's a bartender
at Step Right Inn.
Her intervention's next week.
Okay, boss.
Let's go to Step Right Inn.
Oh. She is farmers market ready.
Fresh eggs can wait.
What do we know so far?
Great, you're here.
We assume this creep flew
into Atlanta with the girl,
brought her to a park and
then handed her to a predator.
Another predator.
Not much to go on.
Amanda, I'm sure.
This girl, she looked at me
she wanted help. And I should've
stopped them, and I didn't.
All right?
This This little girl
is in trouble.
Okay, then.
This piece of trash got a name?
He clammed up, but the girl's
jacket, heavy jacket,
suggests she was taken
from somewhere north.
Okay, I'll reach out
to Commander Livingston
with the Clayton County Sheriffs.
They have airport jurisdiction.
She can get us hooked
into their security footage.
That's great.
I've invoked an Amber Alert
to have local police
help us with the search.
They're gonna start with hotels within
a five-mile radius of the airport.
There's, um
- You know I hate maps.
- I got it. I got it.
There are at least 30 hotels.
Our timeline has the hand off
at roughly 45 minutes ago.
That is enough time to get
to the Alabama state lines.
If whoever got her is going
to Tennessee or the Carolinas,
we've got approximately
two more hours.
We've alerted Florida
in case they're going south.
Mm-hmm. Find anything
in the jacket pockets?
Just tissues, lip balm.
A Zev Bronman brand?
That's a brand
out of the Pacific Northwest.
We'll focus on flights out
of Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
And most importantly,
we know her first name.
"Abigail B."
I'm sorry I let you out
of my sight, girl.
Declaration of independence.
[ANGIE] Hey! Hey, stop!
- [BIKER] Hey, are you gonna pull over?
- Jesus. You okay?
- Okay. Uh
- That is definitely broken.
- Let me call you an ambulance.
Okay, just just
Hey, let me call an ambulance.
[GRUNTS] I'd rather take an Uber.
You'd rather Uber to the hospital?
No, to a kill shelter so someone
can put me out of my misery.
I don't even like biking.
Well, you're in luck.
I think that one is done.
Thank you for helping. I'm Seth.
Uh I'm Angie.
Why don't I actually help
and drive you to the hospital, then.
Oh, that's very kind,
but I don't wanna impose.
No, I'm headed that direction.
You sure? I'm a strange man
who just dropped on your street.
I have a soft spot for broken
people and wounded animals.
I'm not sure which you are.
Yeah. All right.
[FAITH] That's him, right?
[WILL] Definitely. What's the flight?
Uh 803 from Seattle-Tacoma.
We still don't have a name.
Send me that screenshot.
I'll call the head of TSA
at Sea-Tac and get us that name.
I've checked missing child
reports countrywide.
There's nothing in
the Northwest matching
our girl's age range
in the last 72 hours.
Is that her?
[WILL] Yeah. That's her.
Harlan Remy Jenner.
That's you.
You're a resident of Atlanta
and a tax attorney.
Yesterday, you flew to Seattle,
spent less than six hours there total,
just enough time to pick up Abigail,
bring her to Atlanta and sell her.
You're not allowed to question
me once I ask for a lawyer.
Well, as you are your
own counsel, Mr. Jenner,
I am speaking to you in the
capacity of a law enforcement official
to legal representative.
That's clever.
Still, neither of us
has anything to offer you.
Well, that's fine.
Just sit there and listen.
You recognize her?
That's who you were in the park with.
She was on your flight.
TSA has her down as Abigail Fielding.
She was accompanied by Eleanor
Fielding, who presented as her mother,
but since Abigail's a minor,
she didn't have to show ID.
You sat two rows
behind Abigail and Eleanor.
But what I think is interesting
is that you sat next to Eleanor on
your flight from Atlanta to Seattle.
That's a coincidence.
You think a jury's going to buy that?
I don't think a jury's
ever gonna hear it.
Because you haven't shown me
a single photo of me with that girl.
Because there aren't any.
There are thousands of cameras
in the airport
and every single one of them
is going to say the same thing.
What's the profit margin
on an eight-year-old?
- I told you, man
- You get more if they're younger?
Is that how it works?
I never talked to that
woman or the little girl.
I never walked with them.
I don't have any connection to them.
Be careful and think carefully,
Mr. Jenner.
As much as it pains me,
we're prepared to offer you
leniency if you can get us to Abigail.
But if we track down Eleanor Fielding
and we make a deal with her first
you're going to prison
for the rest of your life,
which might not be long once
word gets out what you're in for.
I'm shaking in my boots.
There's another handoff.
We know that Jenner
is working with Fielding,
a woman traveling with a young
girl attracts less attention than a man.
But what if that is just
the tip of the iceberg?
You mean a network?
This could be Dark Passage.
The name we gave a
trafficking ring a few years back.
They trade kids like playing cards,
moving around the country,
so they can't be tracked.
I think Jenner knows exactly
where Abigail is being held,
and exactly what time she's
being moved to her next location.
He kept trying to look at my watch.
We think he knows
we're closing in on him.
He's gonna wanna make a deal,
tell us exactly where she's at.
But he's trying to wait
until after the handoff.
So he gets immunity, and his
scummy network still gets Abigail.
We need two things.
First, more evidence.
Enough to squeeze him into believing
that making a deal is his only option.
And second, we need to trick
him into thinking
that it's safe to make a deal.
That Abigail's already been moved.
How do we do that?
We find a way
to make time move faster.
Oh! These lights are bright.
Do you mind?
How's that food? Hit the spot, I hope?
It was fine.
This is outrageous
what he's doing, by the way.
Yeah, my partner
can be a little hotheaded.
Why's it so warm in here?
Old building. Thermostat's
got a mind of its own.
Do you mind if I have a seat?
These knees are not
what they once were.
Yeah, I do all kinds of stretches.
I use Tiger Balm, soak in
Epsom salts, but it still aches.
[SIGHS] I don't know. He's stubborn.
Maybe this is a waste of time.
Mm-mmm. Faith's better
than the Calm app.
This guy's been awake
at least 32 hours.
Oh, he'll go down.
- So sorry.
You know, last night, I had a dream
that something was chasing me.
And I had to run,
but my legs just wouldn't work.
It was like I was running through
[ECHOING] mud.
No, actually it was
like I was running through
You know, you don't have to stay.
I'd hate for your last
memory of me to be me
struggling to write my name.
- Just let me.
Yeah? Yeah.
Thank you. [SIGHS]
Isn't this all a little weird?
I mean, you literally just picked
me up off the road. [CHUCKLES]
It's my weekend of good deeds.
- Last name?
- Well, you are guaranteed sainthood.
McDale. [CHUCKLES] Okay.
I wonder what you'll be the saint of.
McDale. Wounded animals maybe?
- Uh Saint Dwynwen.
- Oh.
Uh Marital status?
Uh Single. Come over here.
- Okay.
She has the flu. Oh.
Sorry, where were we?
Um Any known STIs?
[CHUCKLES] Will that affect
what kind of cast I get?
I hope not.
But do you None. No. None.
Okay. Good. For the record.
How about Patron Saint
of Wayward Souls?
- Saint Monica.
- Oh.
Uh Are you, or are you
planning on becoming pregnant?
[GROANS] Hold that thought. Ma'am.
Ma'am, are you okay? Can you
hear me? Hey Hold on. Hold on.
- We gotta lay her on her side
- Okay.
on the floor. Okay.
Please. Here you go. Yep, yep, yep.
Thank you. Put this
under her head. Okay.
This woman is having a seizure.
Uh, she needs a stretcher,
O2, and 4 mg of Lorazepam, stat.
Now, please.
- Let's go, Neil.
- Great, you're gonna be okay.
[NEIL] I'm on my way. You got her?
- Come on, Jason. Give her some space.
- [ANGIE] Okay.
So, no. No No pregnancies or kids.
Though I do have a couple
very demanding houseplants.
What was that?
Oh, I'm a doctor.
Doctor Seth McDale?
Nice to meet you.
- And my tips here are very good.
Okay. Look. Sir.
Sir, I'm just gonna pull up
Google Translate, okay?
- If you can just
You speak Mandarin?
Yeah. But that's Cantonese.
- Oh. Sure.
They'll be back in 15 minutes.
So, I guess we wait.
But I'm impressed, Columbo.
Me too. You finally named a detective.
Not your cup of tea?
Actually, there was a bar just like
this off post where I was stationed.
You know, my cousin
was in Afghanistan too.
Did you bring back a souvenir?
Only when I'm awake.
We should dance!
I don't dance.
You will if you wanna get paid.
Come on.
Hey, I got your message.
- Hola, Ms. Betty Marie.
- Thank you for coming.
We're hoping this asshole
will eventually make a deal.
Guy's a pro, huh?
Well, happy to help.
Let's get started.
- [FAITH] Marion, hi.
- Hey.
Great. They found the mother.
Rebecca Brannon. She lives
just outside of Post Falls, Idaho.
The father was a firefighter.
He died on the job.
She was beaten and tied up
in her basement for two days.
Her sister broke into her home
and found her this morning.
Any leads on the attacker?
[FAITH] Yes.
She's got a neighbor
who's a convicted sex offender.
Kidnapping and lewd acts with a minor.
Lennox Riggins. They put an APB out.
We're closing in.
[INSTRUCTOR] All right, y'all.
Great job. Let's take it from the top.
And a left.
Hey. Grapevine right, great.
Nice, left
Shut up. You can totally dance. Kinda.
It's how I met my wife my ex-wife.
- I know all about bad breakups.
- Oh, yeah, you do.
Hashtag TeamAriana.
You're a fan!
All right. I am, okay? [CHUCKLES]
And you did great
on Dancing with the Stars.
- They robbed you, by the way.
- Ah!
That cha-cha you did was
[KISSES] chef's kiss.
- Thank you!
- You're welcome.
Carrie Ann hated me.
- Oh, I could tell.
So, you and Rina.
You've been friends long?
[SCOFFS] She's like my sister.
She basically forced me to move to LA.
She got me a plane ticket
and said I'm not allowed
to come back until I make it.
But then I didn't come back at all,
not even when she needed me.
- So
This isn't your fault.
You know that, right?
All right, everybody. Let's
take it from the top with music.
- You ready? [LAUGHS]
- No, I'm not.
- Don't know what I'm doing.
- Seven, eight!
- Oh, who's this?
- I don't know.
- I don't know this guy.
- [INSTRUCTOR] Shoulder down.
[INSTRUCTOR] Walk around.
- Oh, wait. Hold on, what's this?
- What's that?
[MICHAEL] What is it?
Where do you think she was going, huh?
Was she on her way home from school?
Promised she was old
enough to go by herself.
I'm gonna save you.
I promise.
Hey, I've been looking for you.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm sure.
- Come here, girl.
[KISSES] I should have acted sooner,
I knew something was wrong.
What are you doing down here anyway?
I suppose I'm trying to get
a handle on my feelings
Hmm so I can do my job
instead of beating that man to death.
Is this stirring things up for you?
What do you mean?
I mean that you were in
the Atlanta foster care system
in the '80s and the '90s.
I've seen your scars, Will.
I filled in the blanks.
If I don't find this girl,
I'ma think about it
for the rest of my life.
You will.
we found the kidnapper.
[ARIANA] Jude told you the
guys who took Rina were serious.
He said she owes them money.
- We've gotta get in there.
- I know.
We're gonna help her, okay?
I just need to figure
out a way inside.
- And this isn't it.
Hold this, Sipowicz.
You don't remember my name, do you?
Were you bit by a radioactive spider?
I took bronze in parkour at the
Red Bull Extreme Sports games.
You coming?
- You saved her life, Dr. McDale.
- Oh, great. I'm happy to help.
Are you sure you don't need
anything stronger for the pain?
No, ibuprofen is perfect.
Thank you very much.
Appreciate it.
- Hey.
- Not only does he save lives,
he does it in excruciating pain.
You're the one going
for sainthood, huh?
Uh Sober, 24 years.
Uh Almost three.
This time.
Well, hey. Here's a fun fact about me.
Uh I'm actually a detective.
Homicide, usually.
Oh. Detective Angie Polaski.
Yep. But today, moving violations.
- Hmm.
- We got the guy who hit you.
We tracked him using traffic cameras,
and Atlanta's finest
just rounded him up.
- So that's a win.
- That is a win.
Uh, dinner to celebrate?
- I could eat.
- Great. Bottom's up.
- Rina.
- Rina.
[ARIANA] Rina, are you in here?
Rina? Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry. Rina?
- Rina?
- [MICHAEL] Rina?
- [ARIANA] Can you hear me?
- [ARIANA] Rina?
- Rina!
[ARIANA] Oh, my God!
- [MICHAEL] Rina!
- Are you okay?
Ari, you found me.
I am so sorry!
I know I let you down.
No. I never should have
left you in New York.
Ladies, hey. Let's do this outside.
Girl, it is not your
responsibility to take care of me.
But it is my responsibility
to be your friend.
[SOBBING] I love you so much.
I love you.
I'm still high, but I mean
everything I'm saying.
Okay, I think all fences
are mended. Let's go.
The hell you think you're doing?
She was tied up for a reason!
It's a shame, baby girl.
You were a good client.
But ain't no way you're leaving
here without me getting my five grand.
Back off. I'm APD.
You ain't gonna be
the first cop I put down.
Listen. Hey!
These are worth
a lot more than $5,000.
They seem legit.
Okay, friend of Rina's,
you have a deal.
After Jacoby here knocks
most of her teeth out.
- Black belt in judo.
- Clearly.
Shall we go? Let's go.
- Damn it! I'm stuck. My heel.
I can't walk.
[FAITH] Lennox Riggins, 48.
He spent 15 years in Idaho State
Prison for child kidnapping and assault.
It says here that Idaho
authorities found $30,000 in cash
hidden under a spare tire
in his trunk.
Cash? Did they send photos
of the money?
Well, clear as day. Why?
Read me one of the serial numbers.
Um 2405-5522-C, as in Charlie.
What do you have for us, Counselor?
I do a lot of work
with financial crimes.
I can query the Federal Reserve and
identify where the bills came from
and bingo.
They're from Georgia.
They were put into circulation
only seven days ago.
How much you wanna bet Jenner withdrew
$30,000 in cash in the last week?
This is our smoking gun.
Faith, let's set our watches ahead.
- Three hours?
- Mm-hmm.
- All right.
- [FAITH] Mmm.
- [WILL] Shall we?
- Indeed.
You should be more careful
who you go into business with.
- We can help you, Jenner.
- We caught Abigail's kidnapper.
But you have to tell us
where she is right now.
He had $30,000 in cash on him.
If we do not find her,
we cannot help you.
It will trace back to you.
You can't tie that money to me.
We got a warrant.
Your bank records tell us everything.
- You took out $10,000.
- From three different branches.
- Buckhead. And Peachtree Battle.
- Ansley.
And that cash matches
the money recovered in Idaho.
You're going to jail.
I I got that money
out for something else.
- [FAITH] Mmm.
- [WILL] Mmm.
- I I was robbed.
- Oh. I hate it when that happens.
No, it's true. There was
Shut up! What do you think
we're doing here, asshole, huh?
You're part of a trafficking ring
that imprisoned
and beat up a single mother,
kidnapped her eight-year-old
daughter, forced her onto a plane
after you purchased her
for the price of a used Prius.
We got you, Jenner.
This is your last chance.
Tell us where she is.
Fine. I'll make a deal.
[SERVER] Paris fries for table two.
- Don't laugh.
It's already dead, you know?
- If only that made two of us.
- God.
- Let me do it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Really?
- Yeah, no, I got it.
Oh Is there no limit
to your generosity?
- Well, laundry.
- Oh.
I hate laundry.
You know, I just realized something.
That your medium-rare steak
is actually well-done?
That you were in the
bike lane this morning.
And if you hadn't been,
I might not have gotten hit.
Is that why you've been
helping me all day?
- Guilt?
- Catholic guilt,
how all the best saints are made.
Well, you know
how you can make it up to me.
Finish cutting the steak?
Well, that's already happening.
Let me take you on a proper date,
when I'm not covered in grime
and can use both my hands.
Isn't that in, like, six weeks?
Well, maybe not that long.
If you promise not to ride
your bike to the restaurant.
I know just who to call for a ride.
It ends in 0183.
- That's you?
- That's Yeah, yeah.
This authorizes your
immediate release from custody.
It's signed
by the DA of Fulton County.
This states that the State of Georgia
will not pursue charges against you
for the abduction,
transportation, trafficking,
or any crime related
to the minor Abigail Brannon.
This deal is strictly contingent upon
you directing us to the exact location
of where the girl was taken.
But not her current whereabouts.
You can read it a thousand times.
It ain't gonna get any better than this.
Stop stalling and sign!
What's the location?
The girl was being held at the Lakewood
Arms Hotel in LaGrange. Room 215.
I'll call the tactical team in LaGrange.
They should be there within ten minutes.
- And where do you think you're going?
- Home.
To have a nap. It's been a long day.
Be that as it may, Mr. Jenner.
This is FBI Field Agent Hoxie.
- He'd like to have a word with you.
- Hold on. Hey!
I have your word that
Hey, Mr. Jenner. As a tax lawyer,
I'm sure you are familiar
with various jurisdictions.
As a DA for the city of Atlanta,
I will not pursue charges against you.
Neither will the Georgia
Bureau of Investigation.
Well, then what is he doing?
You traveled across state lines,
many state lines,
that put you directly in the crosshairs
of the FBI for trafficking, kidnapping,
and child exploitation.
I trust you understand what
I'm telling you now, Mr. Jenner.
You're a smart guy.
[WILL] Hi.
I'm Will.
This is Betty.
Would you like to pet her?
And this one is for you.
I saw you.
At the park.
Yes, you did.
And you saw me, didn't you?
I did.
Your mother, she's, um
She'll be here soon.
Did you save me?
A lot of people were looking for you.
You are a very important person.
Hey, you wanna know
a little secret about hospitals?
They will give you anything you want.
You like chocolate pudding?
That looks like a yes.
Can we get our little guest here two
cups of chocolate pudding, please?
Well, so much for dinner.
[CHUCKLES] Another time.
You know, I'm sure I got something
at home I could throw on a pan for us.
[SIGHS] Look, what we
did today was good, right?
It was more than good.
We shut down a notorious
trafficking ring.
We saved Abigail
and many others, I hope.
You were incredible.
Thank you. So were you.
And you deserve to celebrate.
You should.
But I
I don't think I have it in me.
Everything you did today
I asked,
and you were there.
In spite of everything.
I would like to take care of you.
If you wanna talk about
what happened to you,
we can talk.
If you wanna eat popcorn
and watch trashy TV all night,
I'll steal the flat-screen
from Nico's room.
If you wanna curl up under a heavy
blanket and stare at the ceiling
I'll curl up next to you.
Whatever you need.
[KISSES] I suppose I can use
something in a pan right now.
I thought so. Come on.
You didn't have to come
all the way out here.
I could've gone to you.
How'd it go with Rina?
She's all settled in at rehab.
It'll be good for her.
Hey, this place is nice.
You made it sound
like you were suffering.
I am suffering on the inside.
I figured you'd be off
to your next gig by now.
on a flight to Singapore later.
You said you had something for me?
What is this?
Well, it turns out,
it's not good business
to hold a cop and his
friends against their will.
Look, I can't thank you enough.
Yeah. Well,
I suppose I should
thank you too. That was
That was the most fun I've had
in a very long time.
You're a fun date.
Look, I know you're still
getting over your ex,
and speaking from experience
and as the host of a dating show,
sometimes you just gotta
get back out there.
Rip the Band-Aid off.
Yeah. When's a good time to do that?
I have to go.
[SIGHS] Singapore.
Thank you, Detective Michael Ormewood.
You're every girl's
Bodyguard dream come true.
sync & corrections by awaqeded
Previously on Will Trent
I started a part-time gig.
Your money short?
Divorce is freaking expensive.
[AMANDA] Caroline.
Freddy. [CRYING]
[WHISPERS] If you stay quiet,
I'll let you keep your tongue.
[WILL] It's me.
It's okay. Come here. I got you.
Hey, just take it to the APD motor
pool, Ang. They'll do it for free.
Have you ever tried to make that
It's a three month wait.
- Obviously I just do it myself.
It's open!
- Well, Will has always done it for me.
- Oh, got it.
So this is an oil change and
a declaration of independence.
- No, it's just reality.
Not everything has to be a thing.
You cannot leave your front door open.
Hey, is that Faith?
Are you really gonna move in
with Ormewood?
Okay, why are you telling people
about this?
Happy Saturday, Angie.
I didn't know it was a secret.
I am here to evaluate
the questionable idea
of temporarily moving in
with your partner.
[MICHAEL] Oh, come on, it
makes perfect sense for both of us.
Did your condo already sell?
[FAITH] We're in escrow.
And once it is gone, we
shall never speak of it again.
My mom wants me to rent it out, but
I don't wanna be a landlord.
I do. Your room's down that hall.
How's your water pressure?
Wait, wait. Mitchell, did he tell
you who he's doing security for?
God, it's not a big deal.
It's not a big deal.
Ariana Madix.
What? Love Island is my favorite.
Kind of a big deal.
- What's she doing in Atlanta?
- [MICHAEL] I don't know.
She asked for unarmed security
in the penthouse suite
at the "Ruby Towers Midtown."
Easy money.
What are you gonna wear?
He looks good, Ang.
He is putting on ChapStick.
Are you You hoping
for your Bodyguard moment?
I love that movie.
When she's wearing the chrome outfit
and he sweeps her in his arms
and whisks her to safety.
It's iconic.
Okay, well, it's definitely not that.
I'm wasting my weekend in a suit
babysitting a promo party,
or a press tour,
or an announcement
of a really cool new project,
or an elite dinner
with reality TV royalty.
Why do I feel like we
should warn her you're coming?
Please. I know how
to keep it professional.
Uh Yes.
I'm Michael Ormewood,
two tours Afghanistan,
13 years with
the Atlanta Police Department.
What are the rules about keeping
someone here if they try to leave?
Uh The rules are
you get arrested for kidnapping.
What if it's for their own good?
Like a psych hold?
Well, you need a qualified
authority to make that determination,
otherwise everybody
would be kidnapping everybody.
Thought I ordered a cop. [SIGHS]
Well, you got an off-duty one. Uh
You wanna
tell me what kind of party
you're throwing here, Ms. Madix?
- Just a little gathering of concern.
[SINGING] Who's ready to get naked?
What the hell is this?
Mom? Dad?
Ashli, you bitch. You set me up.
[CRYING] Ariana made me.
I'm sorry, girl. I'm sorry.
Wait, is this an intervention?
Oh, hell no.
Oh, Rina, we're all here
because we wanna love you,
and we just wanna see you thrive.
Your mom has written what
I'm sure is a beautiful letter.
- "Dear Rina"
"I've told you many times
that I wished you were a boy,
or at least a doctor."
[RINA SCREAMING] This is what
I think of your stupid intervention!
"Have we, your loving parents"
- What's going on here?
- Ashli, don't think I don't know
what's inside
that Stanley cup of yours!
Okay, okay, okay! Everybody just
sit down and stop throwing things.
"wanting you to be
as successful as your sister.
- It hurts me when I"
- [PANTING] I have to go to the bathroom.
Fine. Just let the security
guard hold your purse.
[CHUCKLES] Why? You want me
to show you what's in my bag?
I mean if you're okay with that,
we could just take a quick peek.
Bitch, I am not okay with it.
Take her purse!
Okay, that's larceny.
[RINA GASPS] No! Girl, no!
Give it back!
[GRUNTS] Don't do that!
[GUEST] Wow. No way.
Don't touch that. That's mine!
I don't think you wanna say that
to a cop, even an off-duty one.
"bringing shame to yourself
and to us because we love you."
[LAUGHING] I I got it!
- [MICHAEL] Pepper spray!
- [ARIANA] My eyes!
- [COUGHING] I just told you I'm the cop!
Poor Nico, so nervous.
They squeezed Betty
the whole ride over.
I thought Betty's eyes might pop out.
So, uh, how'd how'd the exam go?
Almost done. Uh I had a head C
and my hairline fracture's healing up.
I love to hear it.
So, how's Caroline doing?
She's, uh, recovering well.
She'll be back to work in a few weeks.
But I wanna hear more about you.
How are you doing?
I mean, I, um
I think that every shadow
is a homicidal maniac,
I've cried three times today,
and I want my mom.
[SHAKILY] Do you want me
to keep going?
Can we have dinner?
Okay. Yeah.
Okay, great. I'll call you.
Hey, GBI! Stop!
Hey! Stop! GBI!
Hey, stop that man!
[DRIVER] I got you.
- [DRIVER] Hey!
[WILL] Hey!
Stay on the ground.
Stay on the ground!
- [DRIVER] I'll cover you.
- On the ground. Hey!
Where is she?
The little girl. Brown hair,
brown eyes. She was with you.
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
What's your name, sir?
I don't have to tell you that.
I told you my name.
And I already forgot it.
You were with a girl.
What girl?
Now you're pretending
she doesn't exist.
You were with a girl
who didn't belong to you,
and you handed her off.
Then you changed your appearance.
You trafficked her.
What happened was,
I was walking through the park,
and you tackled me.
I I don't know anything
about any girl.
Well, I have a witness,
who saw you run,
trying to, you know, get away.
You mean the man
who saw you assault me?
Yes, I expect to call on him when
I sue you and end your career.
Oh. Well, I am shaking in my boots.
I'm gonna identify you,
and I'm gonna find that girl.
You might wanna consider
cooperating before that.
My attorney has advised me
to refrain from further comment.
Oh. Your attorney.
I'll be acting as my own council,
and you have 24 hours to
either charge or release my client.
And would you please
bring me a coffee?
This has been a very long day.
This day's just
getting started. [SCOFFS]
[ARIANA] She's gone. She ran away.
Well, just let me know
if she calls you, okay?
[SIGHS] Thanks.
You were a waste of money.
And you wonder why she ran away.
You could've stopped her.
She maced me
- and my arm's hanging off my shoulder.
- Oh, come on.
How many times do I have to
explain kidnapping to you, lady?
- [ARIANA] Let me see.
- What?
- What are you doing? No.
- Just
It was subluxated,
but not fully dislocated.
You're gonna have to ice it,
but you'll be fine in a few days.
I'm a certified EMT.
I'm sorry if I was
rude to you earlier.
I'm just really stressed out.
And I know that's
not an excuse, I just
I really needed this to go well,
and if something happens to her
I can help you find her.
I'm a detective. That's my real job.
Help me find my friend, and I'll
double your pay, Perry Mason.
Perry Mason's an attorney,
not a detective.
Just shut up and find
my friend, Matlock.
Also a lawyer.
Okay, look,
if she has no phone, no money
Jude. He's a bartender
at Step Right Inn.
Her intervention's next week.
Okay, boss.
Let's go to Step Right Inn.
Oh. She is farmers market ready.
Fresh eggs can wait.
What do we know so far?
Great, you're here.
We assume this creep flew
into Atlanta with the girl,
brought her to a park and
then handed her to a predator.
Another predator.
Not much to go on.
Amanda, I'm sure.
This girl, she looked at me
she wanted help. And I should've
stopped them, and I didn't.
All right?
This This little girl
is in trouble.
Okay, then.
This piece of trash got a name?
He clammed up, but the girl's
jacket, heavy jacket,
suggests she was taken
from somewhere north.
Okay, I'll reach out
to Commander Livingston
with the Clayton County Sheriffs.
They have airport jurisdiction.
She can get us hooked
into their security footage.
That's great.
I've invoked an Amber Alert
to have local police
help us with the search.
They're gonna start with hotels within
a five-mile radius of the airport.
There's, um
- You know I hate maps.
- I got it. I got it.
There are at least 30 hotels.
Our timeline has the hand off
at roughly 45 minutes ago.
That is enough time to get
to the Alabama state lines.
If whoever got her is going
to Tennessee or the Carolinas,
we've got approximately
two more hours.
We've alerted Florida
in case they're going south.
Mm-hmm. Find anything
in the jacket pockets?
Just tissues, lip balm.
A Zev Bronman brand?
That's a brand
out of the Pacific Northwest.
We'll focus on flights out
of Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
And most importantly,
we know her first name.
"Abigail B."
I'm sorry I let you out
of my sight, girl.
Declaration of independence.
[ANGIE] Hey! Hey, stop!
- [BIKER] Hey, are you gonna pull over?
- Jesus. You okay?
- Okay. Uh
- That is definitely broken.
- Let me call you an ambulance.
Okay, just just
Hey, let me call an ambulance.
[GRUNTS] I'd rather take an Uber.
You'd rather Uber to the hospital?
No, to a kill shelter so someone
can put me out of my misery.
I don't even like biking.
Well, you're in luck.
I think that one is done.
Thank you for helping. I'm Seth.
Uh I'm Angie.
Why don't I actually help
and drive you to the hospital, then.
Oh, that's very kind,
but I don't wanna impose.
No, I'm headed that direction.
You sure? I'm a strange man
who just dropped on your street.
I have a soft spot for broken
people and wounded animals.
I'm not sure which you are.
Yeah. All right.
[FAITH] That's him, right?
[WILL] Definitely. What's the flight?
Uh 803 from Seattle-Tacoma.
We still don't have a name.
Send me that screenshot.
I'll call the head of TSA
at Sea-Tac and get us that name.
I've checked missing child
reports countrywide.
There's nothing in
the Northwest matching
our girl's age range
in the last 72 hours.
Is that her?
[WILL] Yeah. That's her.
Harlan Remy Jenner.
That's you.
You're a resident of Atlanta
and a tax attorney.
Yesterday, you flew to Seattle,
spent less than six hours there total,
just enough time to pick up Abigail,
bring her to Atlanta and sell her.
You're not allowed to question
me once I ask for a lawyer.
Well, as you are your
own counsel, Mr. Jenner,
I am speaking to you in the
capacity of a law enforcement official
to legal representative.
That's clever.
Still, neither of us
has anything to offer you.
Well, that's fine.
Just sit there and listen.
You recognize her?
That's who you were in the park with.
She was on your flight.
TSA has her down as Abigail Fielding.
She was accompanied by Eleanor
Fielding, who presented as her mother,
but since Abigail's a minor,
she didn't have to show ID.
You sat two rows
behind Abigail and Eleanor.
But what I think is interesting
is that you sat next to Eleanor on
your flight from Atlanta to Seattle.
That's a coincidence.
You think a jury's going to buy that?
I don't think a jury's
ever gonna hear it.
Because you haven't shown me
a single photo of me with that girl.
Because there aren't any.
There are thousands of cameras
in the airport
and every single one of them
is going to say the same thing.
What's the profit margin
on an eight-year-old?
- I told you, man
- You get more if they're younger?
Is that how it works?
I never talked to that
woman or the little girl.
I never walked with them.
I don't have any connection to them.
Be careful and think carefully,
Mr. Jenner.
As much as it pains me,
we're prepared to offer you
leniency if you can get us to Abigail.
But if we track down Eleanor Fielding
and we make a deal with her first
you're going to prison
for the rest of your life,
which might not be long once
word gets out what you're in for.
I'm shaking in my boots.
There's another handoff.
We know that Jenner
is working with Fielding,
a woman traveling with a young
girl attracts less attention than a man.
But what if that is just
the tip of the iceberg?
You mean a network?
This could be Dark Passage.
The name we gave a
trafficking ring a few years back.
They trade kids like playing cards,
moving around the country,
so they can't be tracked.
I think Jenner knows exactly
where Abigail is being held,
and exactly what time she's
being moved to her next location.
He kept trying to look at my watch.
We think he knows
we're closing in on him.
He's gonna wanna make a deal,
tell us exactly where she's at.
But he's trying to wait
until after the handoff.
So he gets immunity, and his
scummy network still gets Abigail.
We need two things.
First, more evidence.
Enough to squeeze him into believing
that making a deal is his only option.
And second, we need to trick
him into thinking
that it's safe to make a deal.
That Abigail's already been moved.
How do we do that?
We find a way
to make time move faster.
Oh! These lights are bright.
Do you mind?
How's that food? Hit the spot, I hope?
It was fine.
This is outrageous
what he's doing, by the way.
Yeah, my partner
can be a little hotheaded.
Why's it so warm in here?
Old building. Thermostat's
got a mind of its own.
Do you mind if I have a seat?
These knees are not
what they once were.
Yeah, I do all kinds of stretches.
I use Tiger Balm, soak in
Epsom salts, but it still aches.
[SIGHS] I don't know. He's stubborn.
Maybe this is a waste of time.
Mm-mmm. Faith's better
than the Calm app.
This guy's been awake
at least 32 hours.
Oh, he'll go down.
- So sorry.
You know, last night, I had a dream
that something was chasing me.
And I had to run,
but my legs just wouldn't work.
It was like I was running through
[ECHOING] mud.
No, actually it was
like I was running through
You know, you don't have to stay.
I'd hate for your last
memory of me to be me
struggling to write my name.
- Just let me.
Yeah? Yeah.
Thank you. [SIGHS]
Isn't this all a little weird?
I mean, you literally just picked
me up off the road. [CHUCKLES]
It's my weekend of good deeds.
- Last name?
- Well, you are guaranteed sainthood.
McDale. [CHUCKLES] Okay.
I wonder what you'll be the saint of.
McDale. Wounded animals maybe?
- Uh Saint Dwynwen.
- Oh.
Uh Marital status?
Uh Single. Come over here.
- Okay.
She has the flu. Oh.
Sorry, where were we?
Um Any known STIs?
[CHUCKLES] Will that affect
what kind of cast I get?
I hope not.
But do you None. No. None.
Okay. Good. For the record.
How about Patron Saint
of Wayward Souls?
- Saint Monica.
- Oh.
Uh Are you, or are you
planning on becoming pregnant?
[GROANS] Hold that thought. Ma'am.
Ma'am, are you okay? Can you
hear me? Hey Hold on. Hold on.
- We gotta lay her on her side
- Okay.
on the floor. Okay.
Please. Here you go. Yep, yep, yep.
Thank you. Put this
under her head. Okay.
This woman is having a seizure.
Uh, she needs a stretcher,
O2, and 4 mg of Lorazepam, stat.
Now, please.
- Let's go, Neil.
- Great, you're gonna be okay.
[NEIL] I'm on my way. You got her?
- Come on, Jason. Give her some space.
- [ANGIE] Okay.
So, no. No No pregnancies or kids.
Though I do have a couple
very demanding houseplants.
What was that?
Oh, I'm a doctor.
Doctor Seth McDale?
Nice to meet you.
- And my tips here are very good.
Okay. Look. Sir.
Sir, I'm just gonna pull up
Google Translate, okay?
- If you can just
You speak Mandarin?
Yeah. But that's Cantonese.
- Oh. Sure.
They'll be back in 15 minutes.
So, I guess we wait.
But I'm impressed, Columbo.
Me too. You finally named a detective.
Not your cup of tea?
Actually, there was a bar just like
this off post where I was stationed.
You know, my cousin
was in Afghanistan too.
Did you bring back a souvenir?
Only when I'm awake.
We should dance!
I don't dance.
You will if you wanna get paid.
Come on.
Hey, I got your message.
- Hola, Ms. Betty Marie.
- Thank you for coming.
We're hoping this asshole
will eventually make a deal.
Guy's a pro, huh?
Well, happy to help.
Let's get started.
- [FAITH] Marion, hi.
- Hey.
Great. They found the mother.
Rebecca Brannon. She lives
just outside of Post Falls, Idaho.
The father was a firefighter.
He died on the job.
She was beaten and tied up
in her basement for two days.
Her sister broke into her home
and found her this morning.
Any leads on the attacker?
[FAITH] Yes.
She's got a neighbor
who's a convicted sex offender.
Kidnapping and lewd acts with a minor.
Lennox Riggins. They put an APB out.
We're closing in.
[INSTRUCTOR] All right, y'all.
Great job. Let's take it from the top.
And a left.
Hey. Grapevine right, great.
Nice, left
Shut up. You can totally dance. Kinda.
It's how I met my wife my ex-wife.
- I know all about bad breakups.
- Oh, yeah, you do.
Hashtag TeamAriana.
You're a fan!
All right. I am, okay? [CHUCKLES]
And you did great
on Dancing with the Stars.
- They robbed you, by the way.
- Ah!
That cha-cha you did was
[KISSES] chef's kiss.
- Thank you!
- You're welcome.
Carrie Ann hated me.
- Oh, I could tell.
So, you and Rina.
You've been friends long?
[SCOFFS] She's like my sister.
She basically forced me to move to LA.
She got me a plane ticket
and said I'm not allowed
to come back until I make it.
But then I didn't come back at all,
not even when she needed me.
- So
This isn't your fault.
You know that, right?
All right, everybody. Let's
take it from the top with music.
- You ready? [LAUGHS]
- No, I'm not.
- Don't know what I'm doing.
- Seven, eight!
- Oh, who's this?
- I don't know.
- I don't know this guy.
- [INSTRUCTOR] Shoulder down.
[INSTRUCTOR] Walk around.
- Oh, wait. Hold on, what's this?
- What's that?
[MICHAEL] What is it?
Where do you think she was going, huh?
Was she on her way home from school?
Promised she was old
enough to go by herself.
I'm gonna save you.
I promise.
Hey, I've been looking for you.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm sure.
- Come here, girl.
[KISSES] I should have acted sooner,
I knew something was wrong.
What are you doing down here anyway?
I suppose I'm trying to get
a handle on my feelings
Hmm so I can do my job
instead of beating that man to death.
Is this stirring things up for you?
What do you mean?
I mean that you were in
the Atlanta foster care system
in the '80s and the '90s.
I've seen your scars, Will.
I filled in the blanks.
If I don't find this girl,
I'ma think about it
for the rest of my life.
You will.
we found the kidnapper.
[ARIANA] Jude told you the
guys who took Rina were serious.
He said she owes them money.
- We've gotta get in there.
- I know.
We're gonna help her, okay?
I just need to figure
out a way inside.
- And this isn't it.
Hold this, Sipowicz.
You don't remember my name, do you?
Were you bit by a radioactive spider?
I took bronze in parkour at the
Red Bull Extreme Sports games.
You coming?
- You saved her life, Dr. McDale.
- Oh, great. I'm happy to help.
Are you sure you don't need
anything stronger for the pain?
No, ibuprofen is perfect.
Thank you very much.
Appreciate it.
- Hey.
- Not only does he save lives,
he does it in excruciating pain.
You're the one going
for sainthood, huh?
Uh Sober, 24 years.
Uh Almost three.
This time.
Well, hey. Here's a fun fact about me.
Uh I'm actually a detective.
Homicide, usually.
Oh. Detective Angie Polaski.
Yep. But today, moving violations.
- Hmm.
- We got the guy who hit you.
We tracked him using traffic cameras,
and Atlanta's finest
just rounded him up.
- So that's a win.
- That is a win.
Uh, dinner to celebrate?
- I could eat.
- Great. Bottom's up.
- Rina.
- Rina.
[ARIANA] Rina, are you in here?
Rina? Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry. Rina?
- Rina?
- [MICHAEL] Rina?
- [ARIANA] Can you hear me?
- [ARIANA] Rina?
- Rina!
[ARIANA] Oh, my God!
- [MICHAEL] Rina!
- Are you okay?
Ari, you found me.
I am so sorry!
I know I let you down.
No. I never should have
left you in New York.
Ladies, hey. Let's do this outside.
Girl, it is not your
responsibility to take care of me.
But it is my responsibility
to be your friend.
[SOBBING] I love you so much.
I love you.
I'm still high, but I mean
everything I'm saying.
Okay, I think all fences
are mended. Let's go.
The hell you think you're doing?
She was tied up for a reason!
It's a shame, baby girl.
You were a good client.
But ain't no way you're leaving
here without me getting my five grand.
Back off. I'm APD.
You ain't gonna be
the first cop I put down.
Listen. Hey!
These are worth
a lot more than $5,000.
They seem legit.
Okay, friend of Rina's,
you have a deal.
After Jacoby here knocks
most of her teeth out.
- Black belt in judo.
- Clearly.
Shall we go? Let's go.
- Damn it! I'm stuck. My heel.
I can't walk.
[FAITH] Lennox Riggins, 48.
He spent 15 years in Idaho State
Prison for child kidnapping and assault.
It says here that Idaho
authorities found $30,000 in cash
hidden under a spare tire
in his trunk.
Cash? Did they send photos
of the money?
Well, clear as day. Why?
Read me one of the serial numbers.
Um 2405-5522-C, as in Charlie.
What do you have for us, Counselor?
I do a lot of work
with financial crimes.
I can query the Federal Reserve and
identify where the bills came from
and bingo.
They're from Georgia.
They were put into circulation
only seven days ago.
How much you wanna bet Jenner withdrew
$30,000 in cash in the last week?
This is our smoking gun.
Faith, let's set our watches ahead.
- Three hours?
- Mm-hmm.
- All right.
- [FAITH] Mmm.
- [WILL] Shall we?
- Indeed.
You should be more careful
who you go into business with.
- We can help you, Jenner.
- We caught Abigail's kidnapper.
But you have to tell us
where she is right now.
He had $30,000 in cash on him.
If we do not find her,
we cannot help you.
It will trace back to you.
You can't tie that money to me.
We got a warrant.
Your bank records tell us everything.
- You took out $10,000.
- From three different branches.
- Buckhead. And Peachtree Battle.
- Ansley.
And that cash matches
the money recovered in Idaho.
You're going to jail.
I I got that money
out for something else.
- [FAITH] Mmm.
- [WILL] Mmm.
- I I was robbed.
- Oh. I hate it when that happens.
No, it's true. There was
Shut up! What do you think
we're doing here, asshole, huh?
You're part of a trafficking ring
that imprisoned
and beat up a single mother,
kidnapped her eight-year-old
daughter, forced her onto a plane
after you purchased her
for the price of a used Prius.
We got you, Jenner.
This is your last chance.
Tell us where she is.
Fine. I'll make a deal.
[SERVER] Paris fries for table two.
- Don't laugh.
It's already dead, you know?
- If only that made two of us.
- God.
- Let me do it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Really?
- Yeah, no, I got it.
Oh Is there no limit
to your generosity?
- Well, laundry.
- Oh.
I hate laundry.
You know, I just realized something.
That your medium-rare steak
is actually well-done?
That you were in the
bike lane this morning.
And if you hadn't been,
I might not have gotten hit.
Is that why you've been
helping me all day?
- Guilt?
- Catholic guilt,
how all the best saints are made.
Well, you know
how you can make it up to me.
Finish cutting the steak?
Well, that's already happening.
Let me take you on a proper date,
when I'm not covered in grime
and can use both my hands.
Isn't that in, like, six weeks?
Well, maybe not that long.
If you promise not to ride
your bike to the restaurant.
I know just who to call for a ride.
It ends in 0183.
- That's you?
- That's Yeah, yeah.
This authorizes your
immediate release from custody.
It's signed
by the DA of Fulton County.
This states that the State of Georgia
will not pursue charges against you
for the abduction,
transportation, trafficking,
or any crime related
to the minor Abigail Brannon.
This deal is strictly contingent upon
you directing us to the exact location
of where the girl was taken.
But not her current whereabouts.
You can read it a thousand times.
It ain't gonna get any better than this.
Stop stalling and sign!
What's the location?
The girl was being held at the Lakewood
Arms Hotel in LaGrange. Room 215.
I'll call the tactical team in LaGrange.
They should be there within ten minutes.
- And where do you think you're going?
- Home.
To have a nap. It's been a long day.
Be that as it may, Mr. Jenner.
This is FBI Field Agent Hoxie.
- He'd like to have a word with you.
- Hold on. Hey!
I have your word that
Hey, Mr. Jenner. As a tax lawyer,
I'm sure you are familiar
with various jurisdictions.
As a DA for the city of Atlanta,
I will not pursue charges against you.
Neither will the Georgia
Bureau of Investigation.
Well, then what is he doing?
You traveled across state lines,
many state lines,
that put you directly in the crosshairs
of the FBI for trafficking, kidnapping,
and child exploitation.
I trust you understand what
I'm telling you now, Mr. Jenner.
You're a smart guy.
[WILL] Hi.
I'm Will.
This is Betty.
Would you like to pet her?
And this one is for you.
I saw you.
At the park.
Yes, you did.
And you saw me, didn't you?
I did.
Your mother, she's, um
She'll be here soon.
Did you save me?
A lot of people were looking for you.
You are a very important person.
Hey, you wanna know
a little secret about hospitals?
They will give you anything you want.
You like chocolate pudding?
That looks like a yes.
Can we get our little guest here two
cups of chocolate pudding, please?
Well, so much for dinner.
[CHUCKLES] Another time.
You know, I'm sure I got something
at home I could throw on a pan for us.
[SIGHS] Look, what we
did today was good, right?
It was more than good.
We shut down a notorious
trafficking ring.
We saved Abigail
and many others, I hope.
You were incredible.
Thank you. So were you.
And you deserve to celebrate.
You should.
But I
I don't think I have it in me.
Everything you did today
I asked,
and you were there.
In spite of everything.
I would like to take care of you.
If you wanna talk about
what happened to you,
we can talk.
If you wanna eat popcorn
and watch trashy TV all night,
I'll steal the flat-screen
from Nico's room.
If you wanna curl up under a heavy
blanket and stare at the ceiling
I'll curl up next to you.
Whatever you need.
[KISSES] I suppose I can use
something in a pan right now.
I thought so. Come on.
You didn't have to come
all the way out here.
I could've gone to you.
How'd it go with Rina?
She's all settled in at rehab.
It'll be good for her.
Hey, this place is nice.
You made it sound
like you were suffering.
I am suffering on the inside.
I figured you'd be off
to your next gig by now.
on a flight to Singapore later.
You said you had something for me?
What is this?
Well, it turns out,
it's not good business
to hold a cop and his
friends against their will.
Look, I can't thank you enough.
Yeah. Well,
I suppose I should
thank you too. That was
That was the most fun I've had
in a very long time.
You're a fun date.
Look, I know you're still
getting over your ex,
and speaking from experience
and as the host of a dating show,
sometimes you just gotta
get back out there.
Rip the Band-Aid off.
Yeah. When's a good time to do that?
I have to go.
[SIGHS] Singapore.
Thank you, Detective Michael Ormewood.
You're every girl's
Bodyguard dream come true.
sync & corrections by awaqeded