Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s03e09 Episode Script

Síndrome del impostor

[Ana] Hey.
Mariana's inside, you're here.
I'm taking off. So welcome to our house.
[whimsical music playing]
So what did you learn on ayahuasca?
- Hey you.
- It was an experience.
It's hard to explain.
[Mariana] Yeah, I bet.
I can't thank you enough
for taking care of Regi while I'm gone.
I was offered an amazing opportunity
at a foster care center.
That's amazing news!
The only problem is it's in Tijuana.
You and Ferrán
are not taking Regina to Tijuana.
I ended things with Ferrán.
It turns out he had a daughter
he never told me about.
It's like I never knew who he was
that whole time.
I'm sorry, Mariana,
but you can't take her away.
We moved heaven and earth
so they wouldn't be separated.
Ana, this is a very important opportunity
for me and for my future.
I know, but
It's a big move,
but we can work out our schedules
to get the girls together for holidays.
- And we can plan regular Facetimes.
- Mariana, no.
I'm sorry,
but I don't know what to tell you.
Can we at least talk about this?
Not everything is about you.
[opening theme music playing]
[baby cooing]
[baby crying]
[bird tweeting]
[baby giggling]
- [jingles]
- [chimes]
We have to do something.
We can't let Mariana
take Regina to Tijuana.
But legally, she can do what she wants.
I mean, I can't force her to stay.
She's being offered the job of her dreams.
No, I know, I know.
That's why I've come up
with the perfect plan to make her stay.
Oh yeah?
I'll tell you, but you have to promise
you'll help me out with it.
[Valentina coos]
[man] Tijuana can be a pretty rough city.
As soon as I started my activism there,
I dealt with systemic violence.
As director of the nurturing
communities project, I'll warn you,
motherhood can be really complex
in this context.
Yeah, I know.
I've actually been doing some research
The most extensive research
can be found in my book.
My thesis in grad school.
You should check it out.
Well, I think that when you're talking
about breastfeeding
and knowing how to change
diapers, I know a lot. [chuckles]
I don't have to be a girl
or know how to change diapers
to know what I'm talking about.
I'm a feminist.
your project in Tijuana is not enough.
We want to present
to our board of directors
a version of this plan
that can be deployed
to the entire northern region.
Excuse me, I thought we agreed
that it was only for Tijuana.
I took into account the needs
of the women in that city specifically.
I don't know, maybe that's why
my work seems insufficient
I'm sorry
but it sounds like an excuse, Mariana.
It's not. I worked real hard on it, but
You're only here
because you were recommended by Raquel.
- The job is nearly yours.
- Nearly?
Once you've adapted your Tijuana proposal
for the entire northern region.
You don't think
that's gonna be a problem, do you?
[Juan Carlos] I'm going crazy here.
I need to experience new things.
- How does this look?
- [Toby whimpers]
Mmm, thanks.
The last time I was on a dating app,
it didn't go too well.
I ended up with the mother
of my ex-wife's ex-girlfriend.
I really miss Fernanda, but I mean,
there's no way I can go back to her.
How about this one?
Toby! Uh
Toby, are you are you listening? Toby!
[Ana] Oh, I don't know. That sounds awful.
But give me one second, I'll ask Alta.
Juan Carlos wants to know
what you fed his dog
because it's been vomiting all day.
Just some dog food is all.
Although, he was chewing
on everything in sight.
Especially those couch cushions.
The only thing he ate was
Oh my God! Oh!
Those are my my estrogen pills.
Hey, send me the address
of the vet you're taking him to.
I think I may have found the culprit.
I'll meet you there.
Oh, goodness.
[groans] Where did I put
your vaccination documents?
Don't tell me that they're
where I think they are.
[line ringing]
[Fernanda] Juan Carlos.
What's going on?
Hey, Fernanda,
I know I'm not supposed to be calling you,
but I have an emergency.
- [Rodrigo] Are you okay?
- [Adriana] No.
My stomach is killing me.
So, what's so urgent
that we have to talk right now?
I'm in love with you.
[whimsical music playing]
- [girls chuckling]
- Hey, sorry.
Did you see a girl run into the bathroom
while you were in there?
She barfed hard.
[all chuckle]
I think she's pregnant.
[bell rings]
[Fernanda] Has he been
throwing up a lot?
All day long.
- That's why I had to give you a call.
- Hmm.
Here you are.
And how have you been?
I still think about you.
And you?
Honestly, me too.
- Is that so?
- Yeah. [chuckles]
[Ana] Oh, hello.
Look, this here is a whole box
of Altagracia's hormone pills.
Alta didn't do a good job watching the dog
while we were out of town.
Hello, doctor.
Do you think he'll make a full recovery?
No, uh, Ana, this isn't the
No, no, Juana Carlos. This is fine.
I'm sorry, but I have no idea
if Toby is gonna survive or not.
That vet isn't very comforting.
Ana, she isn't the veterinarian.
Oh no?
Who is she?
Fer Fer
[Tere] Should I be worried?
With your age, Tere,
the risk of an anomaly increases a bit.
Just to be safe, I think it's a good idea
to do another test.
I thought that you told me
it wouldn't be necessary last time.
Yes, but during our last test,
we caught a possible chromosomal imbalance
that we should look into.
So, what?
Does that mean something bad?
We don't know what that means yet.
The last test I want to do
can put us in the clear.
It's up to you
if you want to do it or not.
[Rodrigo] We need a test to be sure.
We already have rooms
in the house for the baby,
but I don't think Mom
is ready to be a grandma.
- Ro!
- Chill out, chill out!
You're being a bit dramatic.
Maybe she just ate something
that didn't agree with her.
You don't get sick that fast
when you're pregnant.
- Did you use protection?
- I think they were old.
No, Ro. No, condoms don't go bad.
Do they?
[Ana] You have to do something.
What'd you have in mind?
What you said to Fernanda
made her think that you and I
are getting back together.
[sighs] I wish you would've shown me
a picture of her.
Oh, 'cause it's completely normal
to show your ex-wife
pictures of your girlfriend.
No, now you have to call her
and clear things up with her.
No, no, no, no.
If I learned anything on ayahuasca,
it's that I can't force things.
I need to listen
to what the universe is saying to me,
and things with Fernanda
aren't really in the picture.
Well, maybe the universe needs
a little, uh a little push.
No, no, no, no, Ana.
You don't control the universe, remember?
But I don't wanna deal with the karma
of ruining someone else's love story.
Don't do anything.
Just let it go, would you?
You promise?
Don't worry about it.
Because of ayahuasca,
I also learned some important lessons.
- Take care.
- Okay.
- [door opens, shuts]
- [Pablo] What's wrong?
My soon-to-be new boss decided
he wanted to expand my project
from just one city
to the entire northern region.
I can't believe him.
I can't.
[Mariana sighs]
Well, if I were you,
I'd look for something more laid back.
You don't think I can do it?
No, no, it's not that.
Conrado sent me a post
from a contact of his.
They're looking for someone.
Like, to lead a department
that supports women in the workplace.
- Can I see?
- Look.
The pay is really good.
Also, it's in the city,
and it's flexible hours.
You have nothing to lose.
It sounds great.
Thank you, Pablo. I'll think about it.
- Cynthia, I'm sorry, I didn't say hi.
- All good.
Is Regina in your room?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I really hope this works out for you.
No, thank you.
- You want me to text you the post?
- Yeah.
How did you hear about this company?
The company you just lied
to Mariana about.
[Pablo] It's not a lie.
Conrado just told me about it, and
Conrado doesn't know anyone like that.
But I think I know someone who does.
But the CEO happens
to be one of her best friends.
Pablo, what are you up to?
Why are you trying to hold Mariana back?
You know what? We agreed
that we wouldn't talk about Mariana.
Let's just concentrate on you and me
and what apartment we're gonna move into.
Uh, actually, I forgot to tell you
that I found a cool one.
Who's moving in with Cynthia, Pablo?
[Víctor] I don't see the point, Teresa.
We don't need any test here.
You really don't want to know?
Why not?
What if something's wrong with it?
And what if there is?
Well, if there is, then we have to decide.
Well, I decided to have that baby
the moment I found out
I was going to be a father.
I don't need a test
to tell me what I should do.
[tender music playing]
Am I wrong?
No. Not at all.
We're going to love that baby
no matter what happens, right?
Of course we are.
It will be okay, my love.
[Rodrigo] You need to take a test.
I checked the box of condoms,
and it said they were expired, so
Okay. I'll find you later.
[Ceci] He was drooling over her.
Was he?
Yep, and It was clear that Fernanda
was into him just as much.
[Ana] Hmm.
Where does she live? You know?
Mmm, yeah.
I dropped her off at her house once
when I was with Dad.
Do you happen to know
what kind of flowers she likes?
Why? Are you trying to flirt with her?
I just wanna help your dad a little bit.
You really want to help Dad
get back with his ex?
[smacks lips]
- You've changed a lot, Mom.
- [both chuckle]
[Mariana] What's happening in here?
- What are you doing?
- [Lucía] Yes.
I'm helping your mother
clear her head of any doubts.
You didn't tell her?
Tell her.
I saw the gynecologist, and she told me
that she wants to run a test
to see if the baby will be born
with some kind of chromosomal imbalance
or something like that. Who knows.
[tender music playing]
Then Víctor told me
he doesn't want me to take any more tests.
He'll accept the baby however it comes.
But I don't know if I'm willing
to take care of someone
a baby that has disabilities.
I feel like such a bad person saying that.
Mom, you're not a bad person
for feeling that way.
At least you can be honest about it.
My love,
recognizing your limitations
does not make you a bad person.
You have the right to decide
what's best for you and the baby.
You know we'll always support you.
- No matter what you decide.
- Yes.
[Tere] Thank you.
And you? Why are you dressed so nice?
[scoffs] Grandma,
you know I always look nice.
- "Oh, grandma, na, na, na."
- [all chuckle]
Show off.
No, I have a job interview today.
What do you mean?
I thought you got your dream job,
and you're leaving us to go to Tijuana.
Pablo found something.
And it's not like it'll hurt anything
to go to the interview.
I guess not.
[realtor] This is the last room.
What do you think?
It's just the two of us,
so I don't really think it's necessary
to have a four-room apartment.
I'm sure we could use the rooms.
Look, the first one would be just for us,
the second will be for Regina,
and this smaller one
could be a studio for me to work in.
- And this
- For more kiddos.
[all chuckle]
- We don't want children.
- Ah.
But what if we do?
In the future?
[whimsical music playing]
Yeah, I have to get going.
I think we should keep looking
at other apartments.
[whimsical music continues]
- Cyn.
- Yeah?
I really have to go, okay?
[woman] You'd be perfect for the job.
And you don't have to go
all the way to Tijuana.
How do you know
about my job offer in Tijuana?
This is a small industry, Mariana.
Okay, but since you are
a cement design company,
wouldn't you be better off with a project
based around environmental preservation
instead of one based on maternity needs?
I mean, if you really want that more,
we could consider it.
Look, what's important
is that you commit now
because you could be a great addition
to the community for sure.
Well, okay.
It's negative.
You won't be a dad, okay?
So you can leave me alone and celebrate.
How can I celebrate this?
You and I have been through
something very difficult together.
Rodrigo, please.
Why are you acting like we're dating?
It was just a one time thing.
[Víctor] Were you afraid?
Don't lie.
Of course I was afraid.
No need to lie.
I mean, Ana was in her forties.
We took all of the necessary tests
to rule out any potential problems.
I told Tere that I would love that baby
no matter what happens.
But now I'm just doubting myself.
Maybe you should talk to Tere about it,
you know?
In the end, it's gonna be up to you two
to decide what you're gonna do.
[tender music playing]
[Lorena] Don't you think
you should tell Víctor?
But why?
So he can call me selfish
and say I'm a bad mother?
I won't do it. Better like this.
He'll never know,
and I'll find out on my own.
And if the baby's okay, no harm done.
But what if not, though?
- [nurse] Mrs. Teresa Ramírez?
- Yes
Dr. Mejía has your test results
and is ready to see you now.
Thank you.
[Tere sighs]
[Conrado] Cheer up, boys.
We're supposed to be celebrating
our boy tying the knot.
Thanks a lot for this little party,
but I'm not tying the knot.
I'm just looking
for an apartment with Cynthia.
Whenever a man moves in
with a girl, they're
they're considered married.
[whimsical music playing]
Well, then that means I'm losing a friend
and losing a cousin. [sniffles, sobs]
No, man, calm down.
Don't do this. No.
- Man, take it easy. Come here.
- [Chava breathing heavily]
- It's all right. Here, go crazy.
- Yeah, man.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Hey, I'll still visit.
We'll go bowling.
[Ana] Good afternoon.
[man] Good afternoon.
I'm looking for
a Ms. Fernanda Montes in 305.
I have something for her,
but don't announce me.
It's a surprise.
You can leave it with me,
but I'll have to look in the box.
[inhales] Uh, actually,
I need to give it to her personally.
I don't think I can let you do that.
But you can trust me.
- Hmm?
- I'm good.
Okay, then.
[phone chimes]
You're speaking with Víctor.
[doctor] Mr. Aguilar,
we're calling to let you know
that Ms. Herrera's test results are in.
What test results?
What are you talking about?
The chromosomal sample
we took from Mrs. Herrera.
[whimsical music playing]
She's not answering her phone.
You were given as an emergency contact.
Are you able to relay the message to her?
[Ana] Here, Ramón.
We'll have to wait until she gets back.
- Just give it to her?
- Uh-huh.
Are you okay, ma'am?
[Ana sighs]
[Ana sighs]
[Pablo] I hate it.
It's perfect.
It only has two rooms.
I'll be outside if you need me. Excuse me.
Yeah, one room is for us,
and the other one,
a studio in the day, and at night,
it can be a room for the babies'
when they want to come visit.
What else do you want?
What if we want to have a family?
I don't mean today, but maybe later.
If we want to be happy now
- we need to think about the future.
- [Cynthia chuckles]
But much further in the future, right?
We're moving in together,
and we're starting a business.
And I have to be honest.
I froze my eggs
because I don't plan on
getting pregnant anytime soon.
[tender music playing]
[Pablo sighs]
Good idea. Uh
No, I'm just talking crazy.
I already have a kid.
Yeah, and I know
you're scared to death of losing her.
But trying to manipulate Mariana
isn't okay.
Instead, you should encourage her
to follow her dreams.
I'll be downstairs.
- Ma'am?
- [gasps]
[exhales, chuckles]
There was someone looking for you.
A suspicious woman.
For me?
An odd woman.
She had a real suspicious box
she wanted to personally give to you.
Do you know her?
Should we see if we can spot her
on the cameras?
- Yes, yes, come on.
- Okay.
That's her.
It's Ana.
You know her?
My ex's ex.
The ex of big boy?
Oh, well, he wasn't that big of a boy.
He was really nice.
I always thought
you could do better than that.
I mean, just take a look at her.
She looks a bit nutty.
Like she's got a screw loose.
They're exes for a reason.
Be sure to look over your shoulder.
In my profession, believe me,
I've seen some shit. Oof!
Very, very bad.
[doorbell rings]
How could you do this to me?
Pablo, you lied to me.
You recommended a job
that doesn't even exist.
What do you mean?
Don't play dumb.
The internet is full of photos of Ana
with her little business friend.
And it's clear that Irma Lozano
has no interest in building
or has any intention
of being a part of the community.
Sorry, Mariana.
Apparently, Irma owes
a lot of favors to Ana
so she was able to make up that position.
You don't think I'll be able
to handle this job, do you?
No, no, that's not what I
Pablo, I'm so fucking scared
that I won't able to handle
whatever this job throws at me in Tijuana.
It's clear that Ana
doesn't think I could do it either
because I've always
had to depend on you two.
Were you trying
to protect me from failing?
No, just the opposite.
I was scared
that you would forget about me.
I was supposed to create a presentation
so that I could keep the job,
but I'm not gonna do it now.
You got what you wanted.
[tender music playing]
[phone ringing]
- Fer!
- She's stalking me now.
Whoa, what? Come on. Ana?
Yeah, she's right outside of my office,
and she's holding a very suspicious box.
Eh, calm Let me explain.
No, I don't want to hear it.
You need to come get her.
I don't want to see either of you again
because you two are both sick in the head.
[line ends]
[phone ringing]
What is it, Juan Carlos?
You're seriously stalking Fernanda?
Um, no. No, why?
I'm I'm outside her building, but
How does she know I'm here?
I haven't seen her.
Ana, just leave right now.
Go home. Fernanda thinks
you're going to murder her.
What? Kill her? No!
- Oh, Ramón, she's here.
- [Ramón] What?
[Ana] I just saw her.
[Ramón] Wait a minute.
Where are you going?
Let me in. I know she's here.
Ma'am, leave.
You're not supposed to be here.
- Can you just listen to me?
- Ma'am, you need lots of medication.
Ma'am, we better go.
- [Ana gasps]
- No!
- No.
- Let me in right now!
- No, ma'am, no!
- [siren wailing]
[tires screech]
[Ana gasps]
No, no, no, no, it's fine, officers.
We're going. We're gonna go now.
- Sure, we're going. [scoffs]
- Yeah, come on!
- [Ana] Ramón?
- [Ramón] Yes?
[Ana] Get Juan Carlos on the phone.
[engine turns over]
[sirens chime]
[Ana] I was all out of options.
I only went to explain
that it was all a big misunderstanding.
But this has nothing to do with you, Ana.
Everything in the universe
is so clear to me,
and Fernanda and I don't work.
You are not reading the signs correctly.
Because you and Fernanda
are meant to be together.
You need to go to her
and explain to her how you're feeling.
When the stars are aligned,
you have to act on it
because it's not gonna happen on its own.
You don't have a shotgun
in that box, right?
- No.
- [Juan Carlos chuckles]
They're just flowers.
And I hear they're Fernanda's favorite.
Go get her.
Thank you.
[tender music playing]
I thought we agreed
you wouldn't get the test.
I said that
but I need to know
if everything's okay with the baby.
It will affect the rest of our lives.
I don't know about you,
but I'm really scared.
[Víctor sighs]
[tender music playing]
I'm just as scared as you are.
Well, you didn't show it, though.
One of us should be strong
when the other is scared, right?
You see the results?
[Víctor] Mm-mm.
I think that if we're going to open it,
we should do it together.
[Ana] What happened?
Ana, I think we need
to make sure Mariana goes to Tijuana.
The plan we came up with didn't work?
Well, she just found out
that it wasn't a real job.
She thinks we set it up to keep her here
because we don't believe in her.
Now it's all bad.
But none of that is true.
We did it so she wouldn't take Regina.
I think that Mariana is capable
of anything she does.
I do too.
I want Regina to see her mother fulfilled.
She has my support no matter what happens.
I think you should give her yours as well,
even if that means she leaves us both.
[sighs deeply]
[phone clicks]
[Rodrigo] This really sucks.
I'm in love with her,
and she doesn't even care.
How can you love someone so much
when you barely even know her?
And besides, she's a senior.
There's no way she'd ever date
a freshman like you.
Why'd she sleep with me
in the first place?
It's called curiosity.
You just caught feelings,
and you were just the news of the week.
That's it.
You don't know that.
We had something special.
You're going to get over it.
You only have two options.
You either walk away
or you've gotta be straight with her,
but you have to speak from the heart.
I tried that, and it didn't do anything.
Ro, I saw your condoms,
and they're not really expired.
You only made that up
so you had a reason to talk to her again.
- [Darío] Speak from the heart.
- [Ceci] He's right.
She'll definitely appreciate
not being lied to.
And if she doesn't go for it,
at least you know
you tried everything you could.
You think that's it?
That's not gonna be good enough for her.
You guys are totally wrong.
[Juan Carlos] I'm not lying!
Fernanda, I've loved you
from the moment I met you.
So just come down here!
Juan Carlos, I told you to leave me alone.
Sir, you need to get out of here
before I call the police.
[Juan Carlos] No.
- Got it?
- No, listen to me.
It was a misunderstanding
that Ana thought she was doing me a favor.
So why did she come
and try to stalk me from outside?
Ana and I met up again to take ayahuasca.
And she went because she
couldn't get over losing Mariana.
And I couldn't get over losing us.
After that,
I realized how badly I screwed things up.
All I wanted was for you to save me,
and now I know I was being selfish.
Ana's the mother of my kids.
She's gonna be part of my life forever.
But you're the person I want to be with
because I love you.
You don't believe me? Look.
- Shit, get down! He's got a gun!
- No, no, no, no, no. What? No, no, no!
Ana brought these to you
as a peace offering.
But it wasn't her place to do it.
It should've been me the whole time.
Fernanda, I love you.
I've really missed you.
- That was beautiful, man.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- You think so?
Oh yeah.
Sorry, I've just seen some shit Oh.
[gentle music playing]
- [phone vibrates]
- Sorry, sorry, sorry.
[phone unlocks]
- What's wrong?
- Nothing. Toby will be all right.
I have to go get him.
He'll want to see his mother.
[both chuckle]
[all applauding]
[Víctor] Let's do it together.
I want to find out with you.
Are you sure?
Yes. Here.
[Víctor sighs]
No matter what,
I adore you,
and I'll always love our baby.
I don't want our relationship
to only depend
on whether we have this baby or not.
But if it's disabled, I can't do it.
I feel like a terrible person saying that,
and I'm sorry,
but it's important that I'm honest.
I promise you're not terrible, okay?
You're all I ever want.
[Víctor sighs]
I'm ready.
[tender music continues]
[door opens, creaks]
[Ana] Hey.
[Mariana] What are you doing here?
Following the signs.
What are you talking about?
Well, the point is
I want to help you move out to Tijuana.
Even if it means Pablo and I
won't get to see Regina regularly.
Why? What made you change your mind?
You were so against me leaving. [sighs]
You and Pablo don't believe I can do this,
so you made up a fake job for me
with your friend Irma.
No, that's not true.
I think you're one
of the most talented people I know.
And that talent
is going to take you far.
And Pablo is right.
Regina deserves to grow up
seeing her mom happy.
So I wanna give you something
for your journey.
Come here.
I analyzed your profile.
- [tablet unlocks]
- It shows your strengths and weaknesses.
Take a look.
Here are the strengths.
Mariana is very resilient, creative,
an entrepreneur,
she knows what she wants,
she's honest, and fosters teamwork.
But most importantly,
she is the best mother I know.
And through it all,
she has taught me so much.
You think I'm all of those things?
[chuckles] Of course.
Do you remember when you pitched
to Marcela and sold the app?
Yeah, I do.
Or when you kidnapped me
so I wouldn't jeopardize
our relationship with Omar and Felix?
And what do you think are my weaknesses?
I only found one.
Only this.
And what's that?
It's when one doubts
their skills and talents
because they feel like a fraud.
And do you know why it happens
to women most of the time?
Because we weren't taught
to value ourselves.
We were taught to dismiss
our accomplishments and belittle our wins.
And it doesn't help
when the person in charge of us
is an absolute narcissist
who likes to look down on us
like we're ants.
Sounds like me.
Mariana, no one can do
this job better than you.
So, here's the deal.
You march back in there,
stand behind the work you've done,
and you convince everyone around you
that you are totally capable.
- Go now?
- Go now.
thank you.
[door opens, shuts]
Hello, everyone. Sorry for interrupting.
Eduardo, when we met, I felt intimidated.
But, since I'm a woman, and a mom,
I'm actually somewhat
of an expert on the subject.
I can tell you with confidence
that my system has to adapt
to the needs of the women
in each individual center.
If not, it'll be a disservice to everyone.
That said, I brought my presentation.
If you'll permit me.
[gentle music playing]
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, then.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
[Rodrigo] We need to talk.
What is it?
I know that I may be too young for you,
but that doesn't mean I can't love you.
I don't love you and
having sex with you was a mistake.
[Rodrigo sighs]
- But it wasn't all bad.
- [chuckles]
And maybe with some practice,
you'll get better.
But it won't be easy. So
So what does that mean?
Just keep your phone on.
I'm really happy
that you're going to Tijuana.
- Thank you.
- You deserve it.
And if I came to, uh
Tijuana when you're not busy,
I can always come help with Regis.
- That would be amazing.
- [chuckles]
Is Cynthia cool
with you traveling so much?
Uh, well [chuckles nervously]
we're not on best of terms.
What? I thought you
were going to move in together?
Until she told me she froze her eggs
and did not want to have kids with me
for a while.
Pablo, I don't think Cynthia
is being unreasonable.
I hope you don't try to hold Cynthia back
the same way you tried to do with me.
[Pablo] You were right.
I think that I was trying to rush things
when this is just the beginning.
I thought you wanted an apartment
you could fill with babies?
- No, not anymore.
- [Cynthia chuckles]
I can just be happy with you.
Enjoy the present and grow together.
And see what happens in the future.
[Cynthia] Mmm.
Also, I couldn't handle
two babies at once.
[both chuckle]
Also, I might have told Mariana
I'd go to Tijuana to help with Regis.
Are you serious right now?
[Conrado] I thought you
were moving in with Cynthia.
I don't think Cynthia
wants to see me anymore.
- So, here I am.
- [man yells]
I want my room back.
[loud thuds]
[man] Oh man, I love my room.
Guess who just put down
the rent for next year.
I already love this guy. [chuckles]
[man] Okay, so
I mean, if you're still interested,
you can always sleep on the couch.
[Ana] To your new life in Tijuana.
[Mariana sighs]
Ana, you're such a good friend to me.
You just need to be a friend to yourself.
You know you can do anything.
[tender music playing]
I know. I feel ready now.
And I'm very excited
to start this new chapter of my life
and finally be independent.
Regina and you are gonna do really great.
Come here.
And thank you for letting me go.
[Ana sighs]
[tender music continues]
[music fades]
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